Thomas Wotherspoon, No. 56, Souj h Fjiost Srrttitr, received by the late arrival* from Lon. don, Liverpool, Hull and Gtafgow, « gcnrial afTiirtment of DRY - GOODSJ Suitable tor the season—among which are Superfine and fecend cloths, Do. plain and ribb'd Cafliwsr? Do. failiionabje Swanidowns Coatings aud B.icking Baizes Flannels and Plains Plaid and ribb'd C ilimaTicoes Durants and Joans Spinnings Black Rll dels and Bombazetts Plain and striped Wildbores Cloak Cambletts Velvets, Thickletts and Fancy Cords Check'd and striped Ginghams White brown Platillas Checks and Bed-ticks Purple and Chintz Shawls , Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs Black and col'd Barcelona do. White and col'd Satins, Pcelongs and Persians. I willed black Sittirc Florentines Wide rith flrijie do. QtWen's Grey Luteflrings Stitching Threads and Scarf Twist Dimities and Marfellois Quilt ings Black and white Thread Laces and Edgings Rich.wide patent Law Veils An aflortment of Ribbons C,.rpet» and Carpeting Tapes, quality and (hoe Bindings Slnrt Weires and Moulds Plain and Fancy Buttons Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton Baftdannoes. 1 able-clnths and cotton Counterpanes J bread, Leaders, Ferretts and Galloons Britilh Muslins ofevery description Ounce Thread in boxes Coloured do. in do, A L S 0, Suitable for the Well-India Market, A few b xes ef MadrxTs Handkerchie.s, a few do. Fancy Muilius, a few do. Ginghams, entitled to drawback. Oc\;'r: 16 Robert Smith & Co. No. 58, South Front Street, HAVE RECEIVED, By the late arrivals from London, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, A general aflortment of GOODS, Suitable for the (e*fon—among which are SUPERFINE and second cloths Forcft cloths and plains A variety of plain, ribb'd and cmhoficd cafli mere* oi every colour A variety of fashionable fwanfdown Kendal cottons Bucking and Colchester baize of every color 74t0 11 4 rose blankets a 1-1 and 3 do Whit.: fcrges fuitaWe for fadlert Riiihed and plain calimancoes Rattrneti and (balloons Durantt joins and botnbazicus Bomliazetts, (Iriped and plain, Witdbores Velverets, thickfetts and faurfy cords Clieck'd and griped ginghams 7-8, 4-4. 11-SS c-.tton checks Bed tick", Scotch (hirtiog Brown linens and cotton bag»ins» Plain and tambcr'd jacoQM and book muslins mid handkerchiefs Coloured tambor'd ditto Olive, lead a erf blue mullini Cambricks and lawns Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs Blaik and colored Barcelona ditto ■ Black love WortUd, yarn and eotton hosiery Wljjteand e loured threads Tapes, quality and Iho; binding ' An aff.irtment oi ribbon) sewing lilk and twut Ivory and horn combs Shirt wiresandmou!d» Plain and fancy b»ttons Knives and forks, penknives, fcifTors, needlei, pios, ftc. They have also on hand, an assortment of CHINA 6? INDIA GOODS, viz. Coloured and black Lutcftrings, Senchaws and Sattins—Gatrahs, Caflas,Sanas, Baftas, Guzteim; Jcc. oSober rj " ,m Landing, Prom th: {hit» Farmer, capuin Gibfon, from Ham burg, a laiige sffortniciit of Limns and other G30.11, apioiig -which ar« ap i- voice of ? bales or real French Britannia, u and 7 4, which ar offered for file on reasonable term# for approved paper, or io barter for Well-India produce. Britannia;, real French, Boccaf'iilos 6 and 7-a BieUfeldLinens ■ Britinriias Selrfias Siimofc a^aces. r'httillia* Royales Tapes ol fevcral kinds Ertopiilas ol all dcfcrip- Decanters tlons Quirt and pint tumblers Creas a la Mcrlaix Travelling Cases Checks No. a & Stripes Olafs Beads, violin3.and 609 Boxes of Bohemia White Window Glass, or the firft quality, ; by 9, 8 by 10, 9 by 11, by »» aou upwards. ON HAND, Of late Importation : Eftopillas, Brccadillos, Quadruple Selifias, Dow las, Coutils, Liliadocs, b.lberfeldl fine Checks, Bed parchet, Flaaflers Bed Ticks, Tapes of all drfcriptions, CoOee Mills, Scythes, Decanters, Gill Tumblers. Travelling Cases, Sealing Wax, Qui',ls and Demijohns.—A Iy to JACOB SPERUY is * Co. O&obtr 6 «tiQC Thomas Grr, No. 52, South Front Stiiest, (lAS fecclved by the tat-ft arrivals from Lon don, ,-1 well chosen aflbrtment of the tol- CALICOES and Chitrtzei, (a great variety) Furniture do. d«. Corded Dimities for garirenti and furniture Durants, Joans and Calimancoo Pombazetts and Bombazcens Printed and Cstton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered d». jaconet and 3o k Muslin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, agreat variety Do Cim'l'sHair Hosiery, WorHe.i and Cotton of all sizes Do China White and Wick Silk Table Cbths, from 5 4, to toby 16-4 with and Napkins Thread, Gauze, Lawns and Cambrh k» Jaconet *nd Lapet- Muilins, coloured and plain White an?) Back Lace, LaceVens, Cloaks any Handkerctiiefs B'ack Mode, Peelonps and Satins White and printed Marleilles for veils Swanfdowu, (Iriped and plaid. Cotton Checks (five) 7-8, 4-a. 11-8, md 6«i ftbek and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs India Hanoanna do of superior quality White, Red and Yellow Fannels Gucrniey Wor/led Frocks A few d. z:u belt elastic Suspenders. Just Received, a well alTorted Invoice o 1 India Muslins, CONSISTING OF Derbhoom Gurrahs Patna Baftas Alahabad Emerties Do. Guirahs Company (Juzzapora Janna Mamoodies. CofTas. By the Bale cr Piece Ofl her 18. di^.iawtt. Just arrived. Per vhe Brig Perf^verance, CAPTAIN SfVAINE, Mr. William Bell's Wharf. 80 hhds. Antigua and St. Kitts Rum and 10 ditto Coffee FOI SALI BY, CROOKE STEVENSON. No. 4, South IVater Sheet. Oflober 8. dtf Imported, In the fhis> Atlantic, captain Waters, from C'alco'ta lod M*Jra«, djot And for sale by the subscriber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, AMONG WHICH ARB Blue cloths Neckarwes Soot Roma Is Salem pofcrcs Ventapoiama Madras Cloths Ditfo Handkerchiefs. Also 2000 bags prime Sugar, liyfon and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, J.inr. No. Ho, Dock street. oilohfr 10 mwf tf Copper, In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns, LK 'D, Brazier's Sslder, Tia 111 boxes, Rtctl Sheet.iron, Sewing twine, and a Urge aftsrt rnejit <>f Ironmongery, Cutlery, iadlery, Brass and Japann'd wares. For fa eby Elisha Fisher & Co. Oilober ij. f.mts'w tm. A Young Man, PERFECTLY in Mercantile accounts, ar:" 1 brought up in one of the ?.rlt coanting in fhi: -ity, wi(h-;s employment as Clerk. Hr is »t pr lent übfent from Philadelphia, but a line lei'. :t the Office of ihe Gazette <.f the Uni ted States he will receive, and it fliall be imme la lor London, araa cap tured t>y flic French, and said Cartificatra InQ r.r r niati. jYcs. 4;! & 436 of 4 Sham end ; isrt 3 co. if S- 11 >6, 1117, 1 d->. Application is made at fail Baik by the fubferi ber lor a renewal of the fame, o: which all perls,ns concerned aredefired to take notice. oil 17 J HE tifidermrnt'ofced Certificates of Steck « lit' the Ba'.k of the fTi.ited States, viz. No. 38041 di'ed tit July 1716, for ten (hares in the name < 1 C'haries of New- York. No. itjai —No. isjzi, da'.ed ift Ju'y, 179'), fur five Blares each in the same of Sarah tVed,jew*oJ of Etruria. No. 17808 —No. 19809, dated ift January, tBo~. fort-n (lures eich, intha name ef Henry WaiW.ington, Merchant, f.ondon. Notice is hereby given, That ampliation is intended to he made at the fiid hank !»y the lu'-lcrib«r«, for a renewal of the fi'Bic, c-f which all pcrfoni concerned ue refliicfled to take notice. WADDING I'ON ir HARWOOD Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. rawfjra lowing article* He has Also TVelve Sh»re» Loft, JdHN MIIJjRK, Jonr. Loft, William French, No. 48, Sajrn FnoNT-sruEEr. HAS JUST RECEIVED, By the Peiufylvania, York, LONDOJI, An extentfae and elegant assortment of LONDON SUPERFINE . Broadcloths and Caffimeres. eitaher 11 d4t.tu.Stf 4W. Piopoials Forpublifbittg, by Subfcriptioli; A DIGEST 0( the Liw of Afti'.ns and Trials at NISI PRIUS. il f Kiit 'ffpiniffe, at Gruy'i Inn, ECj. Barrifter/j at I.aW: The third e lition, with considerable ad'.'iti.ini (rom printed and manuscript cases. Et spes et ratio studio rum. Juv. IN TWO VOLUMFS. THE work is now printing, and in confidera hle forwardness, on a fuperfine paper, of royal size, and oflavo form. It will be printed page for page with the latefl London edition, and no pains will be spare to render the work cor ■ e£l,and free of typographical errors. It will lie neatly 1 bound and lettered in two vo lumes,royal vCi ,70, and to fubicribers will be put at 6ve dollars and fifty cents per set—l» nonfub- Irribers the price will bo foniewhat enhanced.— I he price of thr London edi'ioa is feveh dollars TJiofe who fuhferibe for eight sets ihall have a ninth gratis. The two volumes will confifl of about nine hundred pages, of which the one annexed to the prop»(als is a specimen: As the work is now puilifhing, and will be complete 1 With all conve nient expedition, thole who wish t» profit by the fuhfeription. will please to f'ublcrihe feafonahly. N. B. Gentlemen holding fukfcription papers are requsftcd t.i return them to r homasand l'ho mas, the puMtfhirs. l-y thefirU of January-next. S-AThe noukfcllcrsiu Ps arc rjfpefl fully i ■•formed, that they wil kv fold either boum! «r gatlured in she tsj by the f»!>fcribers, at their usual low pore. Thcfe who wi(h to purchase wil: fri,-afc to \rply by letter to tha publishers The w, it will be out of [ reft some time iu the winter. THOM \S iT THOMAS. Walpole (N. ft.) O.'.t. >8o? [18) <«;f ♦ ftUSSELL's Modern Em-ope. Second Volume of MODERN EUROPE, » Qow dtliveriSgto c «bffribeTs,and may b« had of W. Y. Birch, No 17, JSouth Sccoad Street. O&ober jj. Horses to Winter^ HOUSES will taken to winter at Prafpcil Hill, st the 11 mile ftfne. or the Bristol road, where they will have i on I Timothy and Clover Hay, re well tiken care of, and have a field to run in when the weather is good ; enquire ol William> Bell, Philadelphia; or, ol Ji,feph Bunting, oc the p"vinifes. i Til?j engige to return them in good order in the* spring or clfcrgc nothing for k- eping them, and wi l l ot I e anfwcrab'e lor accidents ar efcapr, but will fake every precaution to prevent either, rijloiier f mwf tf STAGES REMOVED. TH6 public are hereby informed, that the Bal timore Coarhec will in fuiuru start from th« In dian Queen, No. >5, south Forth street, every day rxccpt Sunday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at Peck's T avert, Baltimore, the nrxt day at 8 o'clock t*i accommodated at tke Stage Office, f'gn of tmitcil States Eagle, Market street, i'hiladtlj.'Ma. < \ Slirugb, Downing, Dmvoodj U* Co. Nrm. tn. f lt—j FOR SALE, The following Real Ellnte ; rlie proprty of Anthony Francis Hrtldimand, Esquire, of London, 582 and an half \cres Patented Land SITUATE on Vin»y»rd Cr-ck, ia thetownfhip and county of Hmi-logJorj, is the fUte of Pfunfjlwiui, on a public ro*i! about f milctfircm the town of Huntingdon, whkh ia fittucrd on a h">itaM» river—4hrre «»e on fhs prrtnifca a water Orill Mill anil .I|« Mill—ftt«r»l Los dwelliog Honf,-»—one of which i« o'ta|kd a« a Tavern, with a Distillery fnppliedby a power nil ffring »( excelli nt water—a cojfl fcr«Ne quantity of Tifie thy Mradow si: for the Iqrthe, and fnvtral arret of aral- e Land already cic*red—lhiatriA wilt admit of belr.g divided iate throe farm*, with a doe prrportioi. of mradow and arable lend in each. At pri/cnt in of Adam Hall, Esq. John Hicb.'and other*. 187 i d a* hnlf acres on Trough Creek, io Union to>vn(hi[<,;i floJrifliiug fcttlenunt, firft rate land, wirh a small improvement. 173 arid 3 quarters acrc« a Ijrining the above and th.e fame quality—a« those lat) mentioned trails arc adjoining furvcys they would make one valuable farm In Bedford county, 3*4 *cres fittiare on Dunning* Creek, firlt rate land, on a public roa.l to Bedford. 364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above, and of the fame quality. 388 acres called the Springs, fame quality as above 198 and j qnartera acre* on hats way run, a twd iaeniiaieni *ud now in tenure ol Jacob Mofrt. Terms of sale, as follows viz—One fourth part of the confiscation money nauil be paid in hand, and the residue divided i r »to four or five annual in ftalmenrs,a* may luit the pt-rchafers—to he fc«n red by mortgage. Apply to John Efq. CounfeHor at Law, in the town of Huntingdon, or to the fub fcribersin the city of Philadelphia. Willings Francis. O&oker ;4 i»wßw TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Washington, September \JI, 1800. Public Notice is hereby Given, In pur/nance of an aS of Congreft, puffed on the 23 d day of April, one thousand eight hundred, en titled " An ad to ejlabli/h a General Slump- OJjiet,'' 1 HAI a General Stamp Office Is now eftabltfhed at the feat of government, in tne city of Washington, from whence'there will ilTuc, from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, under whose management the colleftion of the stamp duties is placed) any quantities of paper, paechm&nt and veilum, marked or damped, arid duly coutner-ftamp ed, with the following rates of duty which arc demandableby law : For every fliia or piece of vellum or parchment,or (heet or piece of paper, upon which (hall be written or prinred any or either of the inftru- ments or writings following, to wit, A Doll,. C M. NY certificate r,f naturalization 5 Any licence to praftice,or certificate of the adruifiion, enrollment or re giflry of any counlellor. Solicitor Advocate attorney, or proiftor, in any court of the United Stales 10 Provided, that a certificate id any one of the codYts tof he Ui'ited States, tor any one of the said cfficea, (hall so far as relates to the payment of the duty aforefaid, be a fuflkient admif lion hi all the courts of the United States, for each and every of the said offices. Any grant or letters patent,under the seal or authority ef the United States (except for lands granted for military fervi.«« J 4 Any exemplification or certified copy of any such grant or letters patent f except for lands granted for mili tary iervices)- * Any charter-party, bottomry or re fpundentia bor.d 1 Any receipt or discharge for or on ac count of any lepacy left by sny will or other teitimer.tary instru ment, or for any ihare or part of a parfonal eflate, divided by force of any statute of diftriSsutions other than to the wife, children or grand children of the pcrLn diseased, the amount whereof fhai be above the value <;f fifty dollars, and (hall not exceed the value of one hundred dollars jj When the amount thereof stall ex ceed the value of one hundred dol lars, and shall not exceed five hun dred dollars 50 And for every furth'er fnm of five hundred dollars, the additional fur* of 1 Afcy policy of infiirance or inflru treru in nature thereof, when the sum for which inl'urance is made (hall not exceed five hundred dol lars ls When the sum in&ircd (lull exacei five hundred dollars I Any exemplification of what nature soever, that fhill pass the seal of any court, other than such as it may be the duty of the clerk ef such court to fiirnifh for the use of the United "tites, or some parti culsr state jo Any bond, bil! fine'e or penal, inhnd bill of exchange, promillury note or other nets (other fhatiany recognizance, 'bill, band or other obligation or co'tradl, m: 't to or with the Uiiited States, or any state, or fortliejr nfe refptilively ; and any bnnd3 required in any cjft by the laws of the United States, or of any fiate, upon legal process, or in anv judicial proceeding, or for the faithful performance of any truftor duty) IS above twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars lo If above one hundred and not ex ceeding five hundred dollars 35 If above fiv# hundred awl not ex ceeding one thousand dollars 50 And if above one tin ufand dollars 75 Provided, that if any b >nds or notes fhsll be payable at or \»i-rhin sixty days, such bonds or notes shall be fubjeft to roly two fifth pacts of the amy aforeliid, viz. It above twenty and not exceeding one hundred dollars 4 If above one hundred dollars ahd not exceeding five hundred dollars 10 If above five I,s.n lre.l dollars and not exceeding one thousand dolls. so I< above one thou land dollars 30 Any foieign bill of exchange, draft or order for tlie payment of money in ar.y foreign csuntry jo The said dvty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change without refpeil to the num ber con'.a.ned in each lit. Any note or bid of lading or writing or receipt in nature thereof, for goods or merchandize to be ex ported j If from one diftrifl to another dif triil of theUniied Statas.not being in tLe fama state t 4 If from the United States to any fo reign port or place 10 Thefaid duty being chargeable upon each and every bill of la-'in? without rsl'pe»m!reil dollar* $0 On ill nete» »bov# one hundred br> and notexceeding five buodrH dollar* ' * .1 On ill notctthore (l»e hundred do!- In* * * Dolls. C. llt. Any prot.-ft or other notarial afl 2J Any letter of attorney, except tor an invalid pension, or to obtain or fell warrants for land granted by the United States as bounty for military fervieta performed in the late war a . Any inventory or catalftjtoe of any fur niture,g»»d« or eft-its, made in any cal'e required by law (except in cases of g»ads and chattels difirained for rent »r tares, and good* taken in vir tue of any legal process by any officer jo Any certificates of a lhare in any insu rance company, of a share in the bank of the United States, or of any state or other bank ; If above twenty dollars and not exceed" ing one hundred dollars I 0 If above one hundred dollars If under twenty d»llars, at the rate of ten cent# for one hundred dollar.. II That the power of tJi« lupervilprs of the Revenue to mark or stamp any vellum, parchment or paper chargca-ble with duty# will cease and determine from and after fix months from, the date hereof, to wit, on the last day of February ISOI. That, if any persons fliall, after the last day of Febrnary 1801, have in their cullody or poffcffion, any vellum, parchmeot or pa per, marked or fbunped by the fupe.rpiforsof the Revenue, upon which any matter or thing, charged with duty, (hall -not h*ve iiecii written or printed, they may at any time within the space of sixty days after the saitl last day of February 1801, bring or fend such vellum, parchment and paper, unto lome office of infpe&ion, and in lieu thereof, receive a like quantity or value ot" vellum, parchment and paper, duly Aainped in purfuanc-e of the adi herein before recited. And in cafe any jjerfon fliall negleft or re tuie, within the time :>foiefaid, to bring or cfluU* to be brought unto lome officer of ir» fpertton, any such vellum, parchment or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will thereafter be of no other effeft or use, than if it hf b A PERSON OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercantile hijfinefs, would willingly en gage as CLERK tt> u merchant err public of fi e, or tie concerned wiih any person as part ner, as he his an ißtereflof abriu prie thoufsrut pounds in real eitite in the city. to ap ply to the Printer ; cr 1 line left at the office for B, Y. will be attended to immediately. M'vtq d, t m4tt j, tf FOR sale; " A Valuable and singularly Eligible estate, CONSISTING ..f two handsome dwelling' bouses, with excellent flibling for seven horses, double coach-houfc mod completely fitted up; a - beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled with choice fruit, surrounded with high board fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully iJtaatod near the middle of fur rounded wi s h rich profp*ss of the adjacent' country ; an orchard of about two acres, wish z han ifome lawn at tht back of the house. One house has been recently built oa an appro vert pi.i.; the other has been comjfietely rapaired, painted and papered) and contain t«n rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix The new house is well calculated for a (lore in either the dry or »vpt good line. The air acd water are unrivalled, and there are fon:e mod excellent schools in the neighborhood. For particular? enquire of the Printer, or ef Mr. POTTER, on Cfcv premise? > May 9 . dtf