Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 08, 1800, Image 2

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    Foreign Intelligence.
Received by ths Ihips A&ive, and Ameaica ffom
LONDON, Sept. 24*
Extract of a ie'.im- from Lisbon dated
Scfit. <).
" Tile ailivity of Government is undi
minilhed, and several new corps are forming,
particularly one riflemen, which is to be
placed under the command ps British Officers.
A considerable quantity of ammunition and
military (lores of various kinds, have been
collected ; but, from the great scarcity of
corn, See. &c. Government has found it ve
ry difficult to obtain a proper Fupply of prii
vifions. New cloathing has been ordered
for all the troops ; and, though the alarm
produced by the feais of an invaCon is by no
means equal to what it was on the firftlliock,
the Prince Regent is not less vieilent in
providing for the fafety of the kingdom.
Several Giand Councils of State have befen
lately held, and the Prince assisted them
all: Difpjtckes were received from Madrid
last Friday ; but their contents have not
yet transpired, and every thing upon the
fubjeft is reduced to conjecture. The army
is still in a very undilciplined state ; but
much more numerous than it was fix weeks
ago. Government could easily bring jo,ooo
men into-the field ; to do the juflice to the
spirit of the people, I observe with pleasure, j
that they are not much terrified at any at
tack which may be made by the Spaniards.
1 hey are, however, Wiotifly alarmed at the
idea of a French army.
Another letter dated Sept. u.
"We are now all peace, and every ap»
prehenlion of the Spaniards invading us iif
given up ; the Ministry are in high spirits ;
the peaceable di("patches arrived here just after
the attempt of the Englitli fleet ypon Fer
The yellow fever has got to Cadiz, and
■we are all frightened about it ; above 4000
people have di<°d there of it ; the tity is de
serted, and, I am firry to fay, this dreadful
malady has extended itfelf to Seville, Xeres,
and all the furr'oimding country.''
Such is the care, attention, and even ref
peft, thit ire paid to the Andalufian horses
which the K>ug of Spain has sent as a pre
sent to Bonaparte, tint they are every where
received with nearly the fame marks of
honour as if thei* were inverted with the
charatter of Ainbafiadors. According to
letters from Bounleaux, these twelve beauti
ful Heads hive arrived at Bayonne, whither
an officer of ;be Coufular guard is gone to
receive them. They are expe£\ed at
Bourdeaux ; quarters are prepared for them
all along the road to Paris ; but they
joarney on very ilowly, on account of the
extreme tendevnefs they reqniie. Q ne of
His Spanish Majesty's equeries accompanies
them who i? to prelent them to the Cheif
Consul. They are alfa attended and taken
car* of by fifteen ostlers, or grooms. Gen
eral Dufour, of the nth military division,
has received and trapfrnitted orders to Ihow
every attention and regard to the whole re
tinue, that are justly due to an efleemed ally.
Thi Spanjdi horses are efcortecf from the
frontiers, and from port to pod, by a detach
ment of fourteen Grend irmci.
His Majefly has been pleased to grant
his Royal letters Patent to Thomas Gill, of
Birmingham, Esq. for his invention of a
new and improved method of rifling the bores
or callibres of cannon, and inufquet, car
bine, gun and pistol barrtls.
The following Proclamation has been sent
by the Grand Vizier, to the Frenih army
in Egypt.
0n the person of your Commander in
Chiet -h horrid alTafiination has been com
mitted :By an horible falfhood, the guilt of
this crime has been attempted to be lain on
the Ottoman Porte ; and that the murderer
was a Mil (Tel 111 a 11, or a Janillary. But,
what interest could we have in this horrid
act ? Wha't benefit could we receive by
Kleber's death ?—Another General [Me
nou, of whole alTaffianation however orticial
accounts have not been received] fucceed3
him ( and he will be fucccedcd by a third.
The life of oue man more or less can be of
small weight in the fate ef Egypt. But
Kleber had enemies, and was envied in
France, as well as in Egypt. He had given
Jlil reasons in oppofitioii ta the' expedition
befort it was undertaken :—The majority
bf the welWifpofed ot his troops coincided
with him in opinion. Those who favoured
the expediti6n envied him his situation of
commander of the army. They feared his
return to France ; and the account he would
give of their proceedings. They, thought
it would be more to their advantage to put
him out of the way ; and I4y the guilt on
the Ottoman Por^'.
French men,
Do not be milled by frt«h "an impudent
and unreasonable calumny. Amongst your
own tountrymen, you have to look for the !
instigator and murderer of your General ;
and on him you have to revenge his death.
The General in cheif Augereau to the In
habitants of the Countries of the Empire*
at War with the French Republic.
Head-quarterj at H<ecbst, 22d Fructidor
Sept, 9.
The French gov*rn't has done every thiu£
to restore to peace your unhappy countries ;
England has scattered its gold to rekindle
tie war, and your Princes have once more
traded in yourblood. War is relolved upon
—with sword in one hand we mud obtain
the olive of peace. Peaceable men, .itis not
without pain that the 'French loldiers, and
tlioi'e of the allied Republic, fee iheml'elves
conftram»d 4o het'prinkle it with your tears.j
Return to yfiur five-fides, retain to culti
vate your fields, and to repose i« peace Un
der your paternal roof. Lay down the
inflrumerits of death, fatal to you alone.
Shake off the hands you towards
the precipice opening under the feet of the
enemies of the Republic, Shwt your eats
to the lying, calumniating voice of her ene
mies. Huaianity refutes them: ftie has
Ipntf ago (lamped upon their front the leal of
her reprobation. The execration of every
age awaits them. They aceule us of every
crime, because they are familiar with every
crime.—France contends for her indepen
dence, for her liberty, tor hec glory. Her
cauTe is jult before God and man, file yill
The will of the Republic is, that the ar
mies relped\ the laws, the customs,* the
religion of the people, againfl whom they
make war. I'/iofe who tell you the contra
ry belie their conscience and deceive you.
Come into our ranks, and you will fee with
what care every diiorder is avoided which
renders the scourge of war so deftrudlive, so
oppressive, so terrible to all nations.
Art. 1. All the inbahitints of the levy of the
Electorate of Mayence, «f M'urtikoorg, of FuU
da, lit. are'invited to lif down their arm, and
return to their home*.
I 11. They (hall be specially protected hy the
1 French army j m.d their tranquility (hall not
be difturhed under any pretext whatever.
111. All those inhabitants above-mentioned,
who (hall return with iheir arras, (hall deposit
them in ths hands of the Franch troops. They
(hill have a receipt forthtm. on (hewing which
they (hall be paid twelve livres for each pun in
condition, with a bayonet, and five livres
foe every sabre. Horses (lull be paid for accord
to their value.
r \f' For the execution of the preceding order,
the chief of the ftaff (hall mark out officers of ar
tillery and cavalry to appreciate the arms, and
make ellimares of the horses ; apd the I'ums
lhill be paid by the treal'uier of the extraordi
nary funis of the anpy, conformable to the de
cision made upon them.
V. All the Generals and r. ilitary command
ers of the limy (hall provide that order, difci
pliue, refpeft for property, liberty of worlhip,
and the fccurity of the peaceable pcrfons,bc in
violably preserved.
VI. The present decrees (hall be tranllated
into German, printed in two languages, and
pubh'fhfd and posted where neeelTary.
(Signed) AUGEREAU.
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method of informing the People of
the United States, that on the firfldayof No
vember next, I propose to rtfumc the publication
ot Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of THE
PGfcCUFINE ; and to notify (in cafe any gentle
man in America should want it} that the price of
each Number will be sixpence ftcrlihg, and that
the ca(h mud be received hy me before the paper
can be iupp'.ieJ. —As to the mode of conveyince,
so frequent are the opportunities from London to
New-York, thai files may be forwarded to the lat.
ter place once a fortnight upon an average—fro n
New-York they can be Ipcedily conveyed to ev
ery part of the Union. When files can he, with
out delay, feat to otuci places dired, it may be
done j when they cannot, tlKy will all bet-sent te
New-York, unless oiherwife ordered.
%j" Porcupine's IVarks,
Which have been lometime in the Pr*fs, will
he completed in February next, when the copies,
fubferined for in America will be forwarded to
the Subfcribcrs.
Any of my literary friends in America, who
may be disposed to renew their correfpondenfe
with me; will please to direct to me at my print
ing office, No. j. Southampton flreet, Strand, or
it my Boohl'ellcr'i fliop, No. 78, Pall "vTal].
London, September 6, 1800.
Saw Manufactory.
No. 10, south Fifth Qre«t,
Manufactures mill, crosscut and pftt
laws, equal in quality, appearance and (tape
to any ever imported; which hi fells wholcfale
at the foUowingjajtei—6 (cet mill laws 5 I-» dol
lar each ; croft-cut do 50 cents per Ibot; plft'do.
60 cents per foot.
Wowl-Cutters cjft steel and every other
kind, made to any particular »lire<Sliun.
n&oher 10 mwf tm
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficNint number of
the moll approved European Glal'sManu
fu-lurers, and having on hand a large (lock of
the best Materials, oil which their workmen are
now employed, have the plealute of a.soring
the public, that window glaf» of a fupei ior qua
lity and of any size, froia 7 by 9, to 18 by 14
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
too feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice.
Glaf» of larger (izes for crhtrr purposes, may
atfn be ha.', fiick as for piiSures, coach glades,
clock faces, See. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity ftiay also be had, together with pocket
lla!k9,picklingjar», apothecary's Shop furniture,
ur other hellow ware—the whole at lead 35 per
cent, lower than artieles of the fame quality
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made en
I'ale of iarge quantities. Orders from merchants
arvl others will be punctually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'nARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Storeof MefTrs. PRATHER
and SMI LIE, in Market-Street, Pittlburgh.
March 4, tutbrf.
HAVING parted with Margaret Brooks by
mutual content, I do hereby forwam ail
per funs from credit ng heron my accouttt, as I
will not pay any debts of her crntrafling.
law jt
OAoher jo
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT ol Long Primer, weighing
or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fountjof
Brevier, weighing 400 lbs. or upwards.
September 2.
By tlis Day's Mail
PROVIDENCE, November n x
Yefterdayi perfot) had "the unparalleled
effrontery tobriug into the LegiflatHPe »f
this Stutej saw fitting here, a large bundle of
jacobinical papers, edited at
Newport, by Oliver Farnswortb, " Printer
tu the _St»tc '."—for the purpose of influ
encing rnr.uiiierx in their 1 nneaiurts rela
tive to the election ot' Prelident and Vicc-
President of the United States, While
ihefe wrre di'Hributmg to the members
in tLcir seats, the circulation was flopped by
the Speaker': No mtaftf'res have yet been
taken to vindicate the dignity of the
but it is probable fomethirig will be do'ne.
"1 he writers have gone one step further than
thole who denied the authenticity of the
letter to Maz2ei—tbey have justified it !
N EW-YORK, November 7.
Capt. Truenian, of the James from Mal
aga informs, that he law a letter from Mr.
Shaw, in Cadiz, which stated that the
lie knefs there had decreased so much that n»
more than 18 or 20 died of a day and that
in conlequence, the (lores were opened, and
bulinefs resumed.
ALEXANDRIA, November 4.
It behoves every friend to virtue to con
tribute his influence, to the complete furpief
fion of gaming. The confequenccs attend
ant ou this vile prattice every now and then
(hock the ear of humanity. A quarrel at
a gaining table often ends in a duel, and
sometimes in murder. A melancholy in
flance of the letter happened in this town on
Saturday night (aft.
A man by the name of John Longden(a
cooper) fat to play curds in company
wish several others. The whole company
loon became inflamed with liquor ; a quarrel
infued, which, "after some time, terminated
in Longden's receiving a wound from a knife
whiuli has since ended liis exiflejice. The
knife penetrated tlie abdomen, about two
inches below, and on the right fide of the
umbilicus. The itueftinal canal was perfo
rated in three places and flighily wounded
in two. A conflderabl ptrtion of the inteft
inei prStruded through tlie external wound ;
in it only one wound fcovt rable ; this
was (ecreted ; but diflVc\ion after death ex
posed the latent mi fell iff. The blood-vef
feU of the intclfines which were divided,
poured out a great quantity of blood. As
the man sank under the loss of blood in the
space of twenty hours, not a doubt remains,
but that hisrleatV» wa« the efF.-tt of the inju
ry fiiflaiu d by the wound.
Look at this ye practitioner; of vice, and
bluflv for the consequences i A Jury of
inquest found ;i veudict of WIL
'Hie perpetraror, of the crime is in Jail,
and will no doubt receive a" proper reward
frpm the hand of Justice.
Landing fro.n tie ship America, Waite.
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
BO'liiA, 1
Congo, I
Souchong, if) & and quality, I
Caper souchong, |
Hyton-ikm, I TEAS,
tonkay, <
Young hyson,
llyfon, i !t & id quality,
Imperial, J
Yellow * white nankeens •
Lucftrings, back & color'd ( In Boxes
Sinlhaws do. y aflbrted,
Satt'ms do. J
Lutestrings, maz. blue M.dark green •
Su.(haws do. > ,
Persian wflrtas, darV green J
Tbey lave also on band for sale, received bv
the late arrivals from Europe, Wc.
1 Infmaiipick-
Striped and checked ginghams i ages allotted,
White iignrtd & cclor'd Mill- | calculated for
linetts ]>the Weft-In-
Whitc >orded dimities j dia market &
Color'd ("ilk, flftped Nanlieens j entitled to
J drawback,
■ 4 Trunks printed Calicoes,
5 do. do. ">
; Bak « feiae twine ( Entitled to
o Cases Englifl; China voair- Cdnwback,
ill tea I'.tts
j Calks inincral black,
i do. white,
o do. colcotlier,
j Ca<ks purple brown,
5 do. nail* afi'orted, ,
9 do. London porter in bottles
}nc!ilh fail canvas, No, i, i & J,
vuiTii duel:,
17 Boxes white Hpriimi Cugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wine, S&k
Empty wine bottles, '■ VS.
a® plunder?,
ji do. 9 do.
18 do. 9 do. with carriages, &C.
ißu,ccclbs. Cerihou colfee,
quality tc
iO,ooolb«. black pepptr f drawback.
»o L'gs tliot.y )
May 13. m&w tf
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette of the United Statas.
Cards—Blanks of all kinds,
&c. Sec.
Will- be printed at the
Shortest Notice.
august 23.
Sale at \u£HdfL
jfllri 'the new Ship
§g||j Anna Won,
If not fold before Wednesday the
nth instant, at private sal«, will ths* be fold at
auition, at the Tontine Coffoe House in New-
York, at 10 o'clock, by Meflrs. HOFFMAN and
SETON, for approved notes at two, four, »nd fix
months. This velfel is 395 tons "burthen, was
built at Warren under the immediate in
fpedion of the owners, of the best materials, and
in the mod faithful manner. Her fails and cord
age arc also of the bell quality—(ha fails remarka
bly fall, and is in every relped a very complete
velT 1
novembar 7 »t
For Freight or Charter,
Tne remarkable fall failing
$Hi» Fair Eliza,
Burthert eight hundred barrels.
Apply to the Captain on board at Wellh's
wharf, or to
Joseph Anthony & Co.
November 6 §
Hamilton's Letters.
'"p'HE Public may now be supplied with this
X publication, at the reduced price of 15 Cent 9,
by applying at the bookftoresof J.Ormrod Chefnut
street, and H & K Rice, Second-ftreit No. 16,
between Market and Chefnut.
Odlober 30, dtf.
Just Received,
• Foutth street, corn«r of Union street,
Frefti Cloves
Real Ceylon Cinnamon of the
befl: quality.
novrmber 6 tu th fa Bt.
Pi a no-Forte,
r. taVlor,
STILA. continue# teaching Ladies' the above in
ftmments, &c. Thofc who may wish for his
iuftruction, th'ir favors will be duly attended to,
011 application made to him, No. 96, North Sixth
(Ircot, when they may depend on being inftruded
with care and attention, and punctually waited on.
N. B. R. Taylor haviug a good (lock of iViufic,
both vocal and inflrumental (particularly for the
Piano Forte) Songs, Opera's, Oratorios, awl Sa
cred Music. Any Lady or Geutleman may have
Music copied out on prsper terms. He ha* several
of Handel's, Oratorios, Ac. and all his Oratorio
Sones ; many of Dr. Arndt's, Dr. Arnold's, A
bd's, Or. Bach's, Clamentini's, Edel
man's, Goird l tn's, Haydn's, Nicolai's, Pleyal's,"
Schobert's works, &c. &c. A very sweet-toned,
frcond-haiad Piano-Forte to be fold, and a Guitar,
with other Picno-Forte's. Any person wanting a
OR.AND PIANO FORTE, may ba accommodated
with a very excellent inflrument of that kind
worth their purchase. Songs, &c. composed by
R.Taylor, to be had of him, and at Chalk's Mu
sical Rcpofitory, No. 75, North-Third Street, viz.
President's March, for tw« performers on one Pi
ano Forte ; t!»e favourite song of Suthmer, De
Tout Mou Ca:ur; En Verite, Rustic Festivity,
Morry Piping Lad, Nobody, Jockey and Jenny,
Amyntor, itc. flee.
R. T. begi the Ladies and Gentleman who call
upon him, (or fend) that their address te left in
writing, IV.ould he cot be at home, which will
much oblige, and they wiH be waited o*.
Prober ij. th-Stfasiw.
Dancing Acacfemy.
MR. QTJESNET has the honor to inform his
pupils and the public in general, that hr has
optned his academy for dancing, at his aflembly
rooai, No. 64, south Fourth street. The atteß
dance am three times a week as usual.on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. The hours for Ladiss are
from io to I in the morning ; young gentlemen
from 4 to 6, and grown gentlemen from kalf
pad 6 to 9 in the evening
Mr. re fides at No. 50, south Fifth flreet.
otflober »i mthfa tf
Philadelphia Academy.
£*■ Mr. Francis GajlltEt,
AN experienced and approved lo(lru<9.or, has
undertaken to teach the FRS.NCH LAN*
GWAOE in this Seminary, to such of the Young
Gentlemen as may choose to place themfslves un
der his care
£jT Parents and Guardians are rsqxefted to
make imnwdiatc application, that all the fchoWra
may begm at once.'
Samuel Magaw "I Directors of
James Abercrombie J tbc Academy.
O&ober #l. 3tawtf.
To be let,
That large and commodious four story
Brick Dwejling-Houfe,
No. 343, High-Greet.
IT'S fituatUn is peculiarly pleasant and healthy,
and it has svcry convenience requiGte for the
accommodation of a family ; a pump in the yard,
lot Heufe, Stable and Carriage Houfe y &C. &c, Pof
feflion may be had on the 15th of next month, «r
foonct. with the confeat of the present tenant.
(On very low term* for the ensuing winter aijil
spring) a large and convenient »
Brick House and Kitchen,
Coach hnije, Stable and Lot of Ground, pleasantly
fituatcd in the Nor hern Liberties, a li'tle to the
westward of Fifth and northward oi Callowhill
(Ircrts, and within ten initiates walk from the
centsr of the city.
Apply to
Attorney at Law —No. l6,fouth 4th flrest
e&cbgra9 mwfjw 1
James Mulgrave,
No. 44, South Second Street,
Frofa London and is now ojenmg an extent
sive and e-egant assortment of
Plated Goods
Of th« Ijtcft falhions and warranted of the very
firft quality manufa&uredia England, viz.
TEA. and Cnffee Plated andjappaned
Bread Balkets of various patterns round
and oval
Callors, with plated aßd silver tops, 5, 7 and
8 bottles from is te 3j dolls, amonglt which
are a number of extraordinary worfcmanfliip
with rich cut glass
High caadlefticks, patent Aide ditto
Low dittoagreat quantity, sconces andbranches
Coffeepots, tea ditto and cadies iafetts or lei
paiate with silver borders and fhieltls richly
engraved, a variety of patterns.
Sauce tureens, faits, toast racks, sugar and
cream basons, &c patent spring fcoe buckles
lilver and plated, some very rich and others
In the jewellery line amongfta variety of other
articles, an afTortment of elegant ear-rings o£
the latsft falhioa
Pearl, enamelled and plain finger rings
Ladies and gentlemen's watch chains, seals and.
Corals fnd bells, and coral beads for children
with lockets or without.
Stone knee buckles, a number of rich pattern?,
&c. &c.
J. MUSGRAVE h»« workmen continually
employed in the silver and jewellery line and
makes every article in these branches upon the
must moderate terms i—Hair work in lockets
and rings, and tninatures sett in the belt man
ner.—He has on hand a large aflortment of £M
ver ware, such as cuffee and tea pots, fugap
howjs,_mi!k, pots and flop bowls in iiettsor le
par ate, fluted and plain. Soup and milk ladles,
table, tea, fait and mustard lpoons, sugar tong»
aßd every article in the silver line.
N. B. Stftts of plate of any patter H; if order
ed will be executed at the Ihorteft ' notice,—
eld silver and gold taJten in exchange.
October 30. eod3w.
Prevention better than Cure,
For the prevention and cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH hare been attended with a degree
ef fuccels highly grateful to the inven
tor's feelings, in several parts of the Weft-In
dies,and the louthern parts of the United States
particuiarly in Baltimore, Petersburg, Rich,
mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charlef
toilf- Savannah. &c. The testimony of a num
ber of perfonuin each of the above places can be
adduced, who reafon to believe that a
timely us» of th s salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, prelerved their lives when in the
mod alarming circttmftauces.
Fafls of this cooclufive nature speak more in
favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere aflertion, could do.
It'is »"t indeed presumptuously proposed as
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
poflible reason, which can result from extensive
experience for believing that a dofeef these pills,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove-an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier stages of those diseases, their use will
very generally fucc'eed in restoring health and
frequently in cases efiSemed desperate and bey
ond the power of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfeitly mild
ind may be used with fafety by perfous in ever
situation and of every age.
They ire excellently adapted to cafry afFfu
per9uou« bile and prevent its morbid feeretions ;
to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perspiration and thereby prevent cold*
which are ilften of fatal con!eqiieiice. A dose
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft
appearance. Thev are celebrated for removing*
habitual coHivenefs," sickness of the fteiaach and
severe head-ache, and ought to be t&ken by all
perfcus on a change of climate,
i They have been found remarkably efficacious
4 n prevanting and curing most disorders attend
. a nt on long voyages, ar.d Ihould be procured
nd carefully prefirved for use by every feamari.
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafc remedy for all difeafae of tho
eyes, whether the cff«2 of natural weakneft, or of
accident, fpcedily removing inflammations, de
fluxions of rheum, dullness, itching, and films iu
the eyes, never failing to cure thoft maladies which
frequently succeed the small pox, measles and fe
vers, and wonderfully (Irengthening a weak fight.*-
have experienced its excellent virtue*
when nearly deprived of fight.-
Tooth-ache Drops.
Th« only remedy yet tlifcovered whichgivesim
medutc and lading relief in the mod fevcre in
fiauces. »
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind ef headache, and of
pains in the face and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicine has never failed, in many thou
fandcafe| not one in a hundred has hod occasion co
take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if tke cure
is not performed.
No. 17, South Secsrnl Street)
And no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may he had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
Daftroying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for
coujjhs, See. Reiterative Drops, Essence and Ex
tra& of Mustard. Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's iafalliMe German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal'com
plaint, Gowlard's and Persian Lotian, Rertorativs
Teoth Powder, Damalk Lip Salve, Church'
Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills, &c. &c.
April 19 m
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