Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 07, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of the United States.
M*. Waim,
11 appears as if the present was to be an age
of experiment in the science of government.
We had (Irong hopes but a |>ttle while pre
vious to the commencement of the 18th cen
tury, that the American nation bid fair to
set a bright example to the world, of a peo
ple being so enlightened and virtuous, as to
be able to effobhfli and maintain a republican
government, on the pure principles of equal
representation. Tit ■ present pofhire of af
fairs, is however, very difcou raging, and
damps the flattering profpeft.
It is believed, that the leaders of the anti
federal ids " mediate a change in our govern
" ment, and in diflolving the confederacy."
One of the bell patriots, and ablest politici
ans in Virginia (now no more*) gave it asi
his opinion, in a letter of the Bth of Janu
ary. '799> " 'hat this was the fyrtein of the
" leaders of the /Action, in that itate, or o
" therwife they had no fyCetn."
The question arises, to what is this owing ?
It may be answered generally, in a few woids.
It arises principally from tbe pride & ambition
of certain demagogues in the date just men
tioned, who have acquired a dangerous influ
ence over the people ; and to tbe hot bed of
sedition in Pennsylvania, compof-d of her
adopted tons and drludrd citizens. It does
not proceed so much from any clafbingofl
focal or commercial intereds, as from habit |
and temp."r. Unfoi tuiiau lv for tlie ur.nn,
the date we live in, is likjy to aft a cm
fpicuous part in the, whenever it is
attempted. Added to thole ot her own na
tural born citizens, bar importation of fam
ous spirits, ha: probably been greater than
that of all the other dates put together.—
This f.ccotlhts for her bad slate »f society.
In luch a tlate of things, other enquiries
will naturally anfe in the feeling and rrflcft.
ing u>in:J ; luch as what are t'i be the coo
iTeoueTicej, and is there no remedy ? Are the
Hates tor \vh;c 1 the present government is
suitable, and to whom it is agreecble, to be
deprived of its advantages ? It I was alked
why the Democrats would not make good
governors, I wou'M anfwfrr ? It is s im
possible fn* thoTe li en, n ho didike wholefotne
laws and good government, t'j be wife ad
minidmtors ; *« i: is for a man why dllb--
lieves in the fcripturrs, to make a good
Subordinate te.-.clter of chriflianity. Every j
Democrat difl,';-s, and it is not to be
ed in tlw naun-e of things that, a man will ;
readily approve of a law, that is fuffiriently
Orong to curb his own I'centious d'fpof
'-tioli. Another t rait of furh a .pian'r chiira
etta is, that he is nnd always in
favour of novelty and chance. r • , •>-
\ ■ r . , I )ie nreTent riots n JilFereut narts of
A congeniality of temper ami tlifpofition, 1 J ' ~ . 1
c . , ' coui.try pi v Kn? CiT'iiifom notions tlv
unites fnch people together in everv Dart of l , , iicohi notions tne
the world, »«d make, them waee eternal war
againd the fo!-er m.nded part of the comma-
nitv. who think and aft differently. i£ ' * n C
r i i , r ' one »n fiance, dcflrovirit/ the si .ur and bmn
It would he one of the pirated curf-s that the in j„ s , b U lun "
could bet.,ll a virtuous people, toheuovein
ed by men, who are wrong both in tleir
principles and praftice. That man'' politi
cal morality mud be itnfourd, that does, not
feel a common intered in the welfare and i*e-
Lrvation of a goo ! government.
* Patrick Mfniy.
A gentleman has favoured us with
fcvcral late London Papers, received bv
the rec«nt arrivals at this port, extra £h
from which will be found in this day's
Gazette. Several Marine article*, ta
ken from these papers are arranged un
der the Marine Lift.
The President of the United States,
occupies at the city of Walhington, the
spacious building erected for the accom
modation ot our Chief Magistrate.
The legislature of Maryland was to
meet at Annapolis on Monday last.
Extract of a Letter, -dated Paris, lit
TYuftidor, Bth year, from a Conn
fellor of State, to his friend in Phila
"" La Fayette, Adet, La Forct, and
royfelf, were invited by the American
Envoys, on the fourth of July, to ce
rebrate the American Anniverfay of
Independence with them. I trust we
shall ere long be replaced, with regard
to the United States, in that friendly ii
t nation, from which our pirates in the
W eft-Indies, had firrt driven us, and
out of which reciprocal wrongs have
since kept the two governments."
The Elector of Cologne has appoint
ed the Archduke Charles to be his
The Paris Journals reprcfent the pre
parations by Spain as immense. The
Spnniih army, they ftv, is already re.i
- to marc!;, it coniiils of -0,000 In
fantry, and Bcoo c ,vaiy. The Gene- '
nil in Chief is M. d'llraiia. It is 2 (Tort- * WAHY'I.D.
cd that he will be able to commence A "'M.THV nurri "i Woman, »!♦!>» frc.l
hostilities b J t he middle ofOacber , and gig*
rn£ coyrt of Liibon have nothing tc op- ' nau fourthOrnt, t-j
pole to such a formidable annv. MUCH SHOR r.
La[\ Tuffday wfk a brok? ">ut at
Newport H. I. in the liri life of Daniel Du
foms, £.tj. late of B-l'tiinorr, the family
made their escape with difficulty,—one
Ncgroe man was burnt to deuhi
brom th: New 1 'ork Dtuff *ldverti[er'.
Frtttth Commifftonert ti this Country,
It is reported, and we have reason
to believe there is good foundation for
it, that Mr. Otto, and Mr. De la Fo
rest, who were formerly in this country,
in the Diplomatic line, are* appointed
by the French Government to come oiit
to this country as CommillionerS to fet
tle the differences existing between the
two countries.
(The above was handed us yeiterday
from a relpectable source it came by
the Dispatch from St. Seb ifthns.)
from late London Papers.
Ihe two French Conimiflaries who
were condemned to eight years confine
ment in irons, by a council of war,
have escaped from the prison of Mem
mingeiv along with three French fbtdi
crs. They fucceetled in breaking their
fetters and the bars of the prison, bv
the afiiftance of Englilh files.
The Emperor, according to a letter
from Stra(burg, has ratified the treaty
or fublidies with England, 'with a reser
vation of right to conclude peace with
On Monday fe'nnight, being the hun
dred anniversary of the birth of Thomson,
fevcral gentlemen met at Endham, the
place ot his nativity, for the purpose of
Celebrating the memory of their illustri
ous countryman. The day was spent
with a degree of harmony and social
mirth worthy of the occalion, and which,
we trust, will ever characterize a meeting
inffituted for a purpose f6 laudable.
A few days fmce, a Frenchman gain
ed, 1 bet of 50 guinaes, by eating at a
house in Piccadilly, 22 dozen, or 244
of the Q\tjlert, raw from the (hell,
which he !wallowed within an hour,
with two bottles of iherry and 3 pounds
of white bread !
On thi* Theory aud Pra&ica of
will I* conißitDCrd. O-I Saturday, Sti of No
vember, by
NoTe.nber jth, 1800.
To be Sold
THAT Handsome ant healthy COUNTKY
SK.Vf, called L.iUku L net, the late
rrfide-ee of Tlnnni» Kuttcr, £iq. si urte in
P>i:ts Grove, M MRomery County, Unrty-I-*
tT»il«* irom Phiia lelphia, g about loh
J cm, twenty ®f whisu are prirae woodlan.l,
fiJtfion excellent llie r?o&ic
dividH in anble !•*?§. On the are a
large handsome Ur;ck 11- -ui;: a,nl u dj<uaing bu dd
i^ B• rontiioif two ~ a ,lours, a Urg.- dining
romtn, ant! a Hall. iwe!v« feet wide, !>/ f.,rty
Wn-.g, .1 iaige kiiclicti, wath with a pu.cp
of e.xcelle.-.t water in it, fix landlorne chambers,
two ilcrc-roouii,four garret clunkers plailtered
♦r;d a krraiv. room ever rlie adj ining budding,
a double fjiiriiig heufe, with a Itivike vouf« over
lite lame, wiihiufirty yards oh he kitchen—The
faring, in the dritll icalon known to low
er in the IraH, and 110 m which *he meadow 19
watered ; a contiinmn about nr.® acre,
Itockrii * iih tlie moll delicious truiti, fach as
peaches, plum'>», cherries, years, rafieriiet, &c.
fever?! ifp ( i 1 R rea» perfe;t>un. Also,
a bearing appletree orchard, containing
tcveral bundled tress, thelruit tel riled iromdif
frent pirts the Urn ed States, j lj«*|?c conveni
•eut barn with t tfirdhing with commodi
oiis ftdilinj: f r horses and co*s, carriage and
lull fee, j;rain r.» ni, &c. Allit.f.iiidry out tmild
inps, coi,tifht"g of a;;e irtme pnultry-houfe
anil ciriicnb, Ac. Also* a tenant's htvnfe, gar
den and n.di'e, ml a pump us excellent water
helo-pmg t» the fa'iie.
i tic fnuition nfIV:H Grove i? remarkably
heil'hv, Tijularly fi'jjplic-d wi'h J'utfhcr'a meat
jii I p i",'try in r'lM-vi.iueM, to »-e p .rchafed at a
l,»w rate, .vnd the SrhuyikiH sfTnls a plentiful
I'xppiy rf rjicelleit Hfh Two grift mills in the
rear of the town. Perliftpifew country to*ns
in Pci.nly,ia, are more rapidly improving,
or luve inore loiml than Potts
Grove. T"e fevenl plsre» iif public w<»'hip,
the liiubrity of tVe .*ir, pentrcl f, ci-.ty, jr.i]
rh*ip>rei'i ni living, arc am nig ilie tew advan
tage* it poltVfiVs.
A v.v pvf it wifHuifr view the prrijiilrs,
will p|-.ile t ' npply to Mr. Win. POTTS,
•n Hottl>rAvf, md to,- teifjw to the fuhlcrl
ber, i" Pfi.l d^hihU.
Sept. 10 2,iwtf.
Nurse Child
novcmbti 3
Gazette Marine Lift
... . ARRIVED,
Ship America, Swain, London
Dry goed* i Nicklin and Griffith
orljj Globe, Gardner, Batavia jjg
Cofl>f, pepper, &c. J H'lllingfwort h
Liiircly Lais, Shields, Amsterdam
, Bricks, &c. R. Gernori
jihr. Amie. Jfnight, Portland
aniii, St. Andrews
v ._ ; cleared,
Set:-. Union, Lambsrej , Bofleit
Sloop Montgomery, Hew Yew -York
Capt. LilliSridge bfthe fell. AiJrent re, on
th: nit. In Ut n, long. ?6- spoke the
1 wo trier.ds. of Baltimore, from ]i~naica,
to Phiit odt 67 days—jfked if they wanted any
thing answered they had been supplied a few
days before.
Ou the aßrh was boarded by a boat from an
English flnop of war—Examined papers, and
permitted us to pn»ceel, Cape Henry light house
bearing W. N. \V. 4 leagues.
J "e ship Mars, M'Keown, from New York,
hi> arrive* or Fliiblin.
1 he inuw Experiment; Cfurltoß, from hence
has arrived at Lwerpo-il via Warerford.
' he fljip Columbia, Leleu; Irom hence, has
*r rived at Ba'svia-
The brie Delight, captain IJenfhaw, of and
fir New York, from Amlterdam. is feat into
Ttie (hi)i Sail , M'P)»e'/bil, fiom Himhurgh
''»<■ PliilrlflpiiM, was ukrn by :lte Frenrh««nd
s-(cr»ir,l, reckon by the I>r tift, and sent into
Jerf.-y. I
'! he ljrig .<>i\n, C Urr, from to
Plnl.idrlphia •' fed I into Mynjoirh (Hup J
1 he fh;p Ihrrefa, CuGiing, fr<uo henir, kai
jirivcrl it ,>arcel<'n».
Pfafc ship Cen:ra! Wafiiington, crptain Davi«,
II days from New Orleans to L've-pool, was
ipoktn on the of Odlober, off the Matan
sties, ail wells
i'l.e ft p Roebuck, from hence, hi* arrived
at I.oaii >n
The fthocner Ma il, , of and for
Philadelphia, failed in compihy with the Ad
The Srhr. Eutati, E- ais, from hence, has ar
riv.-.'l at Capr l' i aliens.
The Sally. Houfl-n from Port Repub
lican, got up to the Fort thii morning failed
the 9th ult
Arrived at MiKard ) —7h" Po'.ly, Snell
from Oub tiito Pha!» 'elpbia; the -Phoenix. Kckve,
ft op Phi'vJelph.i for Opi.rto, with the Jufs of an
anchor; and tt.e Cjifcfat, Stewart, from Charlcf
ton, I c fr [it OportO.
Ihe Peggy, Lattim-r, has arrvjd at Cork in
za <l»ys frnr. New Yoik.
Tbs Robert, , of and from Baltimore for
Rotterdam, in detuned hychr spitfire {loop of war.
The Klixa, Pery, iron. V r,;inia, *ud the Map
yy, {ram Uotou, arrive jit Deal ivl <cp t; mb?f.
• he Mentor, , Irjin belion ha» arrive.! at
He Vi.flory, Huu>>a, ffcna Virjinii, h»i irri
»t LjvMJ'ol
Vhr lic>»iJcre,K?T<, f>f frutn PhiWrl
phit tu, 1 L{*rrp-ol»i(rim) i| ftfoontb t;thkp>
ttmhcf '
Ship Alknomac, of am!'rom Bilti:*nre, for
Bauvii, !iij !)»cn captureJ by the Fremh in
the Inditn eas
The-I'rehwny Planter, from Virginia, pjf
fed Gravcluid Stpteir.bcr }.
Oy he brig Globe, William Gardner, maf
tcr, fiom Batavia. O.i the 15th rmy lift the
United States frigate F.fltx, iidw«/d Prebble,
CTq conjri.jnder, arnved at liatavia. Captain
pave r.oti»e thai he had come out to convoy
the American trade to the United State*. That
he fhouM fail hy the mid Iff of June, that V.t
■ng about the rime the velT U (then at U-itavia)
woi-I<l ke readf.nrdays afer the arrival of
th? EfTcx in IVita-'ia Ithoad*.Captain P. (with -
ou t■» indulge hiiiile'.l orirrw, afier
so lonj: * pafla^c) laiedona cruize, and on
the oth June rrt*rne | to I'atavia, no French
crui/.ers nemg in ihe flrtijhts.
On the ■ 7th the iiffcx failed from Rjtaria
with *1 fltet of fourteen fail of men-hint men,
viz ships Chitu, Jol'uji ; Domi.Tck ferry,
Fleming j Jv*hrt Huckify; Sto Hey ; Difpntch,
Be.'iner-, and brig Delaware, Dtnjphey, of ai.d
bound to iia. Ships Nmcy. Uohba ;
Smal wu' d, Sint ird'j Hebe, Hay»ird, v»f and
.ornd o '.lalfim<>re. liri -s I.yd;a, Harnard j
Sally, Hall, or and bound foe Billon, Brig
°E.x> hinge, VVebi, Salem Brig Lapwing.
Clap, £iew York. Ship j lino, Smith, Rhode
Ifiand Left at Bira«ii, (hip May 1 r-,h, HMly,
j • 0 fid in a few days or Philadelphia ; (flip Ke
becra cfdo. ,\I lleevpr, lou id to Cbina S'mpi
Mercury, pr Rn|l«n ; Franklin, and Fair A
merican, and a brig, name unkn-wn, ill of
Charl.-llou, lafl from the Kiver Ph-e, dedina
tion ui.kniwn. While beating dmm the
Creighls. iff was received by Cap ain
Pr. hie, t'-at a Pfcließ'privateer narl arrived and
capture 1 on the 15th, in the Hrei/hra, an A
m;r:can (hp oj'led the Alkr,r>ma_k, Captain
Vitkern, of (laliimor.e, bound toHatavu, and
ifiut ihe Ciptain, and 61'ew h.-,d
been landed oil Java among the natives. The
privateer was njmed La Cnnfiance, Comman
ded hy «nc sim', mounting eigfueen nine
j»onnder», two 24 pound cannonades, and
150 men, from the lfie of Trance, and who
came on pnrpofe to intercept the Americans.
The next d y the Frenchman was in fight of
the fleet. The tlfcx immediately chjfed,, but
n g!.t coming o--, an 1 falling ca! ji, the French
man with (he atfiltance of tWep«, escaped the
vigilnice o! Captain Preble, and Captain P
returned t > the protfdli -n of the fleet- Tbe
day foil >wimr, Captain P received inform Jti»
on of the arrival ix the ftreigh's, of another
French lhip of war, fr-m the lfle of France,
mounting thirty fyt > nuns, and exUufive of
fail'rs, had Tjo foldie.'n on board
On 1 he- ijih d hone-red a large ship of war
jpprim Mug ih< fleet, Captain P. immediately
rtiide the ftg'ials . tlie fl;:t to anchor, and
pave c!i:cr, the (hip (which no d"ubt. was
on' of Ihr French trailers)» ma le off as fft as
but ft'li ig calm aru! the aifiltance of
fcer miraMVuil'»eep» cna-bl-rl her <ii>aiii to efrjp*
ikeF.Cfrx, >h*iii|Th while th» brtrr/e lafled the
Efllx nnrhaufsd.hdr lift, no d,:ubt had Cap
tain P. came up w th ci'her or fxilh, he would
have given agno l ac>oLi',t of rh?ir>, his officers
a•!»! men !v imp in M»:h spirits ai.d very aiixous
to fall m with th'; Frenchmen.
On the lit Itilv left 'he llreightii of Sunda|
and on the i:>th Aiieuft the tlcet separated in a
violent gaU ot' wind cfT the Bank t-f as,
and i.n the t sth September, wc arrrived at St
Heleni, where the Ellcx haJ arrived the <?ay
J before, thit lfland having been previsufly ap
pointed by Captain Preble <h, place of rendez
vo« fur !lit Meet in cafe of fepgration, where
he would wait twenty days, left at St- Helena,
fliips Dokninick, terry, Juno, Naacy, and
J arig Lydia, belonging to the fleet, aad the re
minder da.'ly expe<sted, we cant help expreff
mg our grateful acknowledgements to Captain
rrehie tor l»is .great aflidnity to keep the fleet
together and in rendering them all the affift
ancein bis po-yer, and to forward the proerela
of the whole by towing such as were dull fail
ore, .
Captain P vvas verf mriph hurt in being
obliged to abandon the purfuif of the French
men, to return to the protection of the fleet, had
there been another of oor jnen of war, to have
protetfeil them in the abfene'e of the EfTex,
Ihe would have certainly ,overtaken them as Ihe
lids -incnmmonly faft, there i. no. doyht but
tnole pirates will materially injurs our trade in
Mr. Green, supercargo, of the Terry, Mr-
I-itlfl, of the Magins, and Reynolds of
the China died, a number of the crews
of the different lhips, (poke on the Ifth of Oc
tober, in latitude 22, li, N. longitude 41,, W.
the (hip Smallwood,, Stanford, bound to Bilti
m.ire,.all well, on the 3d in(hnt, spoke the
brig James, of New Haven, (off the Capes of
Virginia), Trtitmtn, matter, from Malaga.
b"urid to New York, out t'.irty-fix days, all
NEW YORK, November 6.
ARKIVIiD, days
Ufig F<-.iy and Nancy, Olcott, llavanna to
Anne, Wood, Cape Francois zo
Paragon, Weignwright, Bermutlaf i 3
Sloop si ve, /ohniton, North Careiini 7
Ship D fpatch, Ward, St Sebafliani
Left there the following vefieU
Ship Matilda, Travcrs, of and for New York
Brig Mary, Barcley, for do
Ship Eli /a. Braine, for CbarWtow
I'honfiaa, Higgins, for. do
H«pc, Stevens, for do
Brig Nancy, MSrfliall, for do
Amiable Creole, Fliifi Jge, for Philadelphia
1 aragots, Haff, for do
Abigail, Mathews, of New York had
laied and returned
Minerva, Arch r, of Philadelphia
Nancy, Wation, of dn and a number of
others, n-mes not recolledled.
Sjrrie day, fchooncr Aon, Wood, twenty
days from Cape Francois
1 he {hip Olive, ot this port, belonging to J.
B. Dcfduity, arrived at ire Cape in eleven
Prices of Public Stock,
Philadelphia. Novuhbsr 7.
Par a4ioun
of a Jbjre
"'J"" ,L
F.igV prr cent (lock—lo% a log I-.
S«i per cuit. and •>
Navy ditto J <SS I 4 « "34
Deferred 6 percent, 861-4.1 8 7
Itirce t**rcifnt. 54 1.41 54 t.»
5 11 per co it. >
4 T-2 per cent J none at snaikct
SANK U. States. 137a!-57J p cenr aJ
HernlMvania, 11 loijl >!itto (
N. America 151015* ditto Q 1 il
Infuias,ceC« Ft-iinn'* iiOilli ditto J
Worth America 85 ic
Furnpike - 150 a a6o dolls. 301
Schuylkill Bridge - - - jar ic
Water Loan, 87} dolls. lOe
I.and Warrant# k a 30 dolls. 103 acres
St, Avgujlinc Clurcb Lottery 'Tickets 9 dollars
On London at 60 days a 75
On Amftcrwam, «lo 30 a4O cent' /
[per Florin >
On Hamb*rgh do 36 a 37 cents \
[p?r Mark 3anco^
Rates of Foreign Coins arid Curren
rencies in the United States—per
act of Congres for payment of Du
DoDs. Cts.
Engl ill) pound flerling 4 44 "**
!rilh do do 4 10 /
l )u< ch Plrrin or OuiWer o 40 (
Hamburgh Mark Banco o JjVO
ifZF" The fubliriber buying frequently
h-ard complains of of accuracy in
the price current of public stocl, has conclud
ed tufnrniflt the Gazette of the United States,
occasionally (if called for) with what may in
his opinion heconfidered the Market Prices
ot Stock, and the Rates of Exchange.
Ciesnut street, A r o." 14.3.
Philadelphia, 3d November, ISOO.
AA thare trr 10 fnch roina In the United State*
« KLitHnft ani f<oca, TU trUtri *f
PbiljJJpiU in forarr, intend to bay and fell ail
kindi «f Pu'.l.c S'nck, at to much per eenttia Dof
hr«»n.l Ccnta, which *rtt f'opar coina us tha
United S'a:e>,and not a« bwotf ird, at so noth
per puand. ' And to prevent auy incootxr.ienct
*hk> imy vi'e to tbof* who have Sean bahiis.
•ted to t!t« Mmrttt/, ih: blln«it{ tabic ia psb*
lil%ed, tha fan in Uvilar>asd Cafm, per
Ctot.wluo currWpood with fttllinga a«d pcoca,.
per powod. They Hope the Gaip'icity of cbe m
muttJ, will h# pkafiaf to the cnisenia of the li.
Suttt,aod giT» general fitiifodtoa.
THUtt f;«CENT». I Aint.
P cent. Fer £. J
D Cm. 8. Vr *
ujo falm 10 4 o
51 IS M 6 *
5.1 oo lo ft
j.l *5 io .i 8
51 J® io t 4
53 75 «o 9 o
54 oo . to 9 6
54 •< IS 19 t
J4 5® IO 10 8
54 M io ll 4
55 oo (too
MX rn C»HT».
gi 00. 17 » 4
86 95 if | o
86 50 17 3 ft
#» J$ . *1 -4 \
X 7 &6 ' 'l7 '4 8
>7 »5 *»' '5 4
87 50 17 6 c
OJLD Primer,
£ mall Pica on Pica H'dy,
Enpliflj, Chafes, Oinpotini: fl'u'lis, andav;rca
variety of articles necellary to carry on the Wu>
ing Biifinefi. They .will be -fold cheap tor cash
Apply to the Printer.
D. Cts. S D. "
87 75 17 6 6
88 00 17 7 2
S8 25 17 7 8
88 50 17 8 4
?,i 75 17 9 o
89 00 17 o 6
89 2j '7 10 »
89 50 17 i.-i 8
89 -J 17 11 4
90 03 18 o a
108 CJU«I to 21 7 2
15 if 7 8
J > 1184
is. .;»» 9 0
•W, •■ ■■ 'V» 9.6
»i M IQ »
st> , . 10 8
. IS
tre ,
21 11 4
22 o 0
' - • < • , ,» , • • <*»•!
' ifr A Hated, misting of the American- Pliiiof',
phical Society will be held at tVeir hall at fix o'clock
this evening.
JOSEPH CLAY, Secretary.
Thursday. 7th Nov.
Sale at A.uftiori.
. Jltlel ~ The new Ship
J|||j|| Anna Won; ,
111 tf not fold before Wednesday fhtf
latli in'ttant, at private lata, will thos be fold a:
au&ion, at the Tontine Coffee '-'oufe in New-
Yerk, at 10 o'clock, by MtflVj. HOFFMAN anij
SKTON, for approved notes at' two, foil-, «nj fix
months. lh:i. veflel is tons burthen, was
built nt Warren (*,I ) under the immediate in
fpciftion of the owners,'of the best materials, and
in the nioft (aitliful manner. Her fails and cord*
aiy arc alio of the befl quality—lhe fails remarka-.
t>ly fad, and is in every refpeit a very complete
novembsr 7 at
Gifford's EpitUe to Peter Pindar,
(Price 37 »-» Cents')
Dulton's Poem On the present slate of
(Price [JH Cany} ,
Have jtrfl been received by
A. DCKENs, opposite Christ Church,
nov-mher 7. <j t ,f
A Novel, a poem, a Drama, which reprefcßU
Virtue in lively colours, moiels the reader oa
the various characters. v»ho wiijicut hispcr
cievirig ir; they become intrreftiiig, and the au
thor inculcdtea morality without fctmisig to
mention it." Le Mmciiß,
jujl Pub lifted,
(fucciffurs to the Inrc a. Campbell)—No. 30','
Chcfnut flreet, 1
1 he Girt
And her BenefaElrcfs ;
Author of the Welfti Heireft, Jeverixle fndifcre
tions, Agnes de Courci, and F.lfcn, Ot Untefs oi
Cattle Howell,
In 3 volumes—three dollars
novtmber 7 c*iW
Hamilton's Letters.
r pHP.PuMic m*f now l>e flipped with thi«
X publication, at the reduce! price of 25 Cents,
hy applying at the hookOorfs of J.Ormrod C hefnue
ttrect. and H Sc f. Klce, Sicond-ftreet No. 16,
between JJarlfe: and Chefnut.
Oilcbcr ?o,' «J t f.
J lift come to hand,
and to be sold
No. 22, Market Greet,
A Letter
Generhl Hamilton,
Occsfi jne<! by His Letter to
President Adams.
novi-mbcr 9
For Freight or Charter,
i ::e remarkable fall si 11ng
New schooner
Fair Hiz&,
Burthen eight hundred barrel?.
•Apply to the Captain on board at Wclfh's
\r!:arf, ur to
Joseph Anthony S? Co.
November 6 §
Sale of thefchooner St. Tammany
Will be Fold, at t ie Merchant's Coffee-
H»ufe. cn FRIDAY EVENING, the
7th ifcfUut, at 7 o'clock*
it Mis T - lE NEW schooner
11 *<3 at Say's WW?, above
Street.—Teims of pay
ment will he made known at the time of Tale.
SAMUEL YpRKd, auctioneer.
No-ember 4 * dts
Just Received,
Fourth ftrett, corner of Union ftrcet,
Frefli Cloves
Real Ceylon Cinnamon of the
be/l quaJity.
novrmber 6 tuthfeSt.
To Printers.
The following MATERIALS will he I'jli
renfoaablc if applied for immediately,
1 Press,
■{ Founts Loi'g-Prnwrp (i«rtlv worn)
1 ditto Smill-fica on Picj *"iy,
2 ditto Pita,
1 ditto English,
2 oiitto Brevier,
1 ditto Burgeois,
Several pair of Chafe's, fcteral composing
fttcCt, frames and galleys, some braft rules,
Quotations, &c. &c. &c: «11 of the abo\e
| will be fold very reasonable lor Cafli. B,
r iva
r ; •.