Uamtfek %y- The price of this (Jazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional) for enclosing and tfi-' reeling ; and unlesS'Some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *«* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December 1 1759- ALMANAC Fnm Newmttr i —to Htvcmitr tt. ■tow w*T«t. W«dnsfday Thorfday Friday Saturday Sunday M*nday THefiay » SUN- Wednesday Tburfday Friday Saturday Snnday Monday Tuesday For Sale, By JOHN CLIFFTON, Junr. No. 80, Srvanson street, S mtbwark, the following India Goods, V I z. 100 pieces Goldhead Mamoodic* 100 do Ponnaae-'l do cbo Ho Jaialpocr Hk 9f do Chan Urconna Manf-»ok Ha * 'k r chiefs 30 C m» liiurvo Yofkifliift C»rpe«» a;>4 to hhj. ieta T wive. yir.%o, An atri choice afTnrtwcnt of DRY GOODS— O P Ml, WILLIAM FRENCH. J*t t«,llf/4W. John C^iff ton > j un * HAVJNC ''evliucd tli* fvarr ot fer» f»»r fj;« «!• K : « !tixk, ronCftia* of the (ellewiag iMirlrs ri* Sixteen Anvils, oitAtr I Eighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vices» with all the otter Tnpb neceiTary tor cnnilsiling the South'* BuGnefs. ALIO, About 5 tons of Si-ikes. «f different lizes, joic; 1 ). Sheathing ari l Draw ins jftiils, a laffre aflbrnnent of Tackle Ho.'ks in J Thimbles, Swivle H >pks, Soapem, Hm- Mjanil Nails erery other defctipti-m of realy made frort -A'nrk, (nitat-lf f*»r Hocking a Ship SLith'j, or (hip Chandler's .-to-e All of" which he will fell on very r« Jm.aV.e ■term* for rash ir jprovrd ui'iet. * m * Apply at No. 80, Swaufun Urcet, South- OiloKer t t German Kedcmpcioners. NINETEEN remains tft)v>fc, who came in the ;hip Anna from Hamburgh, anU ar>s willing krve for t-'-.jir pJlTage Appty to Jacob Sperry fe? Co. IVho have on Hand, Hctr.aiahiK of lite importations, and which are of fered on reafnnalile ccfm«, and rhc 33 cases Eftopillas, f.ifmny 4 %(T»rttnmt ••* Ur»i, R*fr »i -i -- »'- j - • 1 ' MourffVpl in ">4 «t»lo«rc» Or J off* boCo liltrti % curt fifefm j lif" I jjvtfi .f Howl;.* * cits,4 t OUfi'i* Ml*l | * eift* (ufftfrir UiVnt!*! chvck* j tll'-rl Ni'iJ paf.hct I cife r* l, C'l ti- ' ,:6 ' A PRINIER, WHO fronl friitifit l« 1 Ftitrd'fl «Vf\X>fal to Uijei'iitc c(ir *rJooo« t.-.flc pi «4itir>g ol t -sptf »o-1 Ci>rakl'iii'' r?»«r tßenntf "1 Aoxticj, rn.y si. ifi iLc of jro piMfftbcr* c«< ti. tnwito! Sr. f..« he c*niA Mrt;w Atntrnm «iil he nt-Utii Nat it iinot •ol'. uodtrilnod t.w wel. trtucij-lcJ 7r:(«v» n*» o»«iv*», »frt v> *« lictadel. • •,« Virtif*'. ir« »»7 !«ornc the United tstates fcl. ».ntf Ex;Tri ment, Charles Stewart, Elq Commander, th~ fatne having been lately eondemned hy the fat ! Court as forfeited, &c. H. M. .1 * .< S3 (> *5 * 9 9 9 55 • 1T» s ■litu 'l M J JOHN HALL, Marshal. Mrfrfhais Oliitf, ) November 6 5" J 4 6 57 J 3 - 6 58 j i - 6 59 S « 7 I 4 59 UNITED STATES, ? IT PtiNNXY LV AN IA DtSIHCV, *) Notice is hehemy given, Thitin purfnanee of a writ to hie cJivciled Irum the Honorable Richard Peieis, Efq • Judge of the DiCridl Court of the Unit.d States in and for the d ftritfl of FennfyKinu; wilt he exp.ifed t.i P'jblic ft!e at No. 7, D*k H res, fa the city of Philadelphia, on SATURDAY, the Fiftetn'h Day of November infla. t, at io o'clock in the foienoon, The Cargo of the armed Fren h veflVl Diana, prize to the United Sutct schooner Experiment. Charles Stewart, El'qr. cnmmaijdtr, conCUing oi the following art'r'es: 2 5 Hogsheads } aB lierces > SUGAR. 55 Barrels J , 5 Bales of COTTON, 3 Hogllieads 9 Tierces 2 6 Barrels 12 Bags 4. Barrel 1 Trunk J 7'/>c it cnt tkd tt drawback. ■JOHN HALL, Me JbiL MurffiaTs | November 4 T 'v 1800. j Tv fV. ( a • m UNITED STATES, ? PENKsri.F.m:.i Drirxrcr, \ BY virtue of a writ t.j mc direiSlrd, from the Honourable Richard ''tiers, Kqr Jud;;e of tlirDiftrifl Court ot rte United Statin and for the Pernfylvanii Dift wi'l •>' rxpoftd to Public Sale, it tl e Merchant'! Coff.*e Ho'jf', in the City f Phi idelyihia, on MONDAY, the Tenth Diyof Norembtr next, at 7 o clock in the evtnir.jj, y~ i - 7be French Lugger, ciil'ea SfgH guadaloupien, jj>(fcsj33 At Jk H Wa'n'i wharf, Pi»7.e o the U ■ it'd St'itrs armed fch oner Entrrprze, John >h»w. lit'qr. com mander —the fame tiavirtt b'er, IjttU coitdemn el by the laid Cou tas tori'eite & • JOHN HALL, .M.iHinl. Oilobcr 31 UNIKF.I>ST.M'KS, 7 l' WKSTI.VAIMA D> *TBICT, $ N OHCK 13 lIF.UEBY GIVEN, That is purfuvre of a Wt ; : to me '!i tiled troni the H™»o urahle Rfcltard Peters, F.fqr Judge of the DillriA Court of toe United Sti'es in a:d ■for the Fennfyjvai.ia Diflri.s>, will hrrxp fed to Hubl.c Sale »t No 15.', Cliff ut ft -,et, in tl»- City of Philadelphia, on MOND -.V. ihc i«-th D y.f Kovember next, at 10 o'clock, in ih; ft.rcnk.ou, nwtm. The Cargo of th» armed French lugger G prize to t e United States armed fihnoner En trrpl-ize, John Shaw, Efiir. commander —con- fifiinjr ( f 60 Barrels 1 6,J- hogfheadfe >- SUGAR. 12 Tierces J PHILADE LPH lA, FRIDAY EVEN-IXCi, NOVEMBER 7 , i^pc, Marshal's Sales. 3 Barrels CO FFEE. 2 Bags > r*S.obdir infill J to n+cnvbncl JOHN HALL, Mar (ha!. 1 Orln.'itr ,1. j nv« &tS ,l I mported, and >'UH S M.F bv EDE N E Z!■ R LAR GE, 9-8 white Russia Sheeting, DROGIIBOA LINENS, fine* 4 ImJiLin rnx, Cl'ickf iu.: frtfuru, G>lliin»n -'.Vii.!I»TC» artrf ''omluKcH.fincandcuarir I'ohliii, T:p:«. iWch O* mhurjrf. TJire*J* No. 7 t-i Thre*d» No «10 i&- .< 1 4> 4' » in'l 3 lb. n rtu»*T»fi ; rt*iMiicjlk«. Tur. and Km .uft rrrfivcd hy t'.f Uu arrivili 4 gtnml ifiort n»r>it nt W<*o ; saii 1 G £ O ROE, Captain Kick, HAS the griateft part of hfr Chjju riigutjed—will take Freight if applied for immediately. Tium s Mi rgalroyd er,«nd to return »n eifly (j i totiVc ia lh'rfily it t-IQUt wharf—For frrijjht or *rr'Y to CJpnin on #r Co Jeremiah Warder. Thoft jtn»len»«n wb« h»»c goo ii ready to difcfitrgs. COFFEE, Of the firll cuiiity ; l-ondin Jrfinrd fult yetre ; London white l ad. <*iy and ground in oil; red lend; l.on.'un tin platejin Volt* j Rranan tea can i!tor* in cale<; Irilh linen* aflorted, 4 and 6 lb. carn/vi Woo>7ich protif, and 3 and 9 lb foot. Oftobtr 15 jawyv To be Sold by public sale, On Second-day, tbe r? h .f tbi Instant^ The Real Eitate of r ire mas nun it. Esq. Late of I umhtrton, in the county of Burlington, (late of New-Jersey. deceased, viz id TN the Village of Lambert n, bet ween 80 JL and 90 acresof land, fituatc on the main fouih branch of Rancocus Cre*k, about 40 acres of which may be made Rood meadow, is part im p'«v.*d rnd within hat It; the remain er is uplajirj divided in'o convenient lets, principally enjnfcd wiih good co ' r fence. There are no the laid premil'n., a large, eo'-jirclodi u1 and pleafiar.t situ Ted two Pory Frame Dwtliinj K'ufc, O-y »oodi. S'crs under the fame roof, a Brick ICi'che.i a'join ing, wirh a tjnod cellar under the vvhr.'e div.dctl into (evcral apartm'Cf ; a large aid convenient (lone tore House near tLe wharf, divided into feperare *par mei ts for the ol a t kinds o( c"u .:ry produce; SiaHic<, and Waggon- Itoufe— vlf», twp other Dwelling lloufei one of which is a uoad new two fiery House, and a Uiacrffmith'* Shop. Theahove property being Vonided for a conO derable dinner on th«- abovr. rreet, which is we.l known for the rxcel'ency of its t.avtgition, and affords the befl of landings wher* v;-(Te!s n«ea fur'Utf between ?o and 4o tons burthen condantly pais to arid from Philadelphia and ojhei }crts of th-United Statrs. rfomm-11 !s it as a place prefe rable to almost any other in the llaie for carrying 00 a very eiteofive trad ad A Dwelling House and Lot of Land in the vi lage ol Viaten'-ti»wn. Immediate pcff.lSoo will le given, and a dcr titie executed to'he purchaser. fhc terms will be rjade hnown on the day pi file, by DANIEL HEWHOLD:} [OK lOMFS, and > Execute,rr. rfEN'KY IiUKK, Jun ) New 4, tßoo tf&tjt fok punLisHiNc nr sußscfurrrox, The Works CH '.T B F. Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D Late one of the Associate Justices of the SuUreme Court of the Uni'eil S'at;s aiul Professor at lan in t!>c College and Academv of Philadelphia. From the original manHlcrip:, in rhe poffelßon as Hi'd WiLion, Esq. coxr) irrcss. Thcf/«orV« fhtli !-e frintci in two volume* q..e put to prtfn i« f«en »• the fuWcrlp tu,n> wiii ju&ly the a pence of puhlicitivD, Suistriftions will be rrrtivtdly ASBtfUY DICKINS, Th« J.uhjifter, oppt'Bt® CKfifc Chnrik, Pbll* ; »'Mlhj tlit priocipil buukfcllcra ihroogh ont ifcc StiieS •■ • • rrefpeilut of tSe w«rk miy be f«n at the place olfttbfcrifiloo. frptpm'< •• -r; Subscription Balls. Mr . Francis BEGS lejve to acquaint his scholars, and tlxofe gent emen, who may wilb to honor his S»b lcripfion Hall with their presence, that fuhferip tion tickets, are ready lor delivery. Days of tuition, at the Academy, Harmony- Cotut, Monday? and Fridays (at 3 o'clock in the aft rnoon, for y»ung° ladie- outy)—Tuefday a and ■Saturdays, (4 o'clock, for young gentlemen) —and r.t 6 o'clock on the i'uefday and Saturday forthofe of a more advanced ajjc F<-r particulars app,y to Mr. F. No. 70, north Eighth ilreet. £jp I'Ke firfl Bill which wa» to have been on the 6th November, ispoftp med 'till further notice otflo.Vr dt6N Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received, By the late arrivals—a aoo 11* 1w This Day is Pubhjhed ) Ana to be fold BY ASBURY DICKINS, Second Greet, oppoljte Clirilt Church, An Essay ON THE Eleventh Cl Jptcr of the Revelation of St. In which !» (hewn that the words " And hi the fame Hour was 'here a grear l : anh Francs, &c &c. eft hr r 3 ■ WAR DEPARTMENT, /litgust 4tl>, iSco. JHE cr>mman<2 : .np <■ fficcrs if crps, dr- i t tathrncnispolls g»rr.if«iu, ar.d rtcriMing par months. At a County Court of Common Pleas, Held at Uoiuo Ttwo fur the eaanty rf f»y<*tc, thefrceait Ugh l */ of J-ejuamber. fn »ht year ol our LorA aoc ihouJaa'l vi, t«»dre4, belore »h: HdtipraVj Alcim v (Ur ; dilifiMV, Efqu rc, P.-cfiO'«t t. nV- his afiuciate Judijes'ot the c. urt, ON the petition of Jnha Bart'ett, an ttiliiUvni Debtor, prayl. g th.- ncntfit of the- " c»e netal Affcm! ly lor the rclifJ'n! hit: i»etu JV-ror-, the L'wirt appotn'i the lie nJ .vloml :yM iieccni tcr nest to hear the pc itiuner and ht< creditors, and ori'ers that notice thereof hr published three fiiccefliv-' weeks in the "Ji ited Sat*sGtzcttc in Philadelphia itiftaw •tdy piper in BaitiwK in »i.exingto" lapcr. K--nuicky. -a'.'-i in the Fay ette Gazettu the Uft publication i.i each, to beat icaft Jour weiks bi-fore the day <1 hcarißg. Ry the Our:, F-PRKAIM DOUGLAS*, Prothonotary Oiloler to. djw. Health-Office, 4th November 1800. 1 HE Pilots of tlie River Delaware ar4 (lt-I'ued, t» takt' notice that after the 14th jnft. all veflt-h from foreign ports are permit ted to proceed to the city without corning too at the Lr.zuretto, to be examined by the Resident Phylician. WILLIAM ALLEN, Health-officer. Nov. 4 d2w Post Office, < Philadelphia* Nov, i, ißco, PHE Mails far the Post Offices on the Main I. Line, between Philadelphia and New York, will in future be cjofed every day, (Sunday except ed) at 8 o'clock 3 A.M. and the Mails for Post Offices hfanfkfcj# sam them will V dofcd on the ulual days, at 8 c'clock in morning. , Tbe Moil for New York, an J the Post Offices eastward ot it, will continue t® be closed at th<* ufua! hour, 12 oarlock, daw EPHR AIM CLARK, Clock & Watch MAKER, t /.\ Corner of Market rtnd Front Jii eets, Pi'ria deipbia, Iks received by the KiogCin and other arrivals, CHAMBER, and other Clccis, Clock Move ments, Eight day an.l 30 hour cast Kraft, Clock Bells, Clock fials, Cat-gut, Watr> Glass ai.d, Ueel gilt Chains, silk firings, ladies' chain* gold, giit, ar.d steel; gold, gilt, and fteej keys; fi-als go|d, giit, and (t;,el. On hail I a general fupMy of Ciock and Watch Maker's, and Silver Smith's Tools and materials, and Files qf all lizes, &c. Pummice, Rotten Hone, E(/iery< Borax, See &e. N, B Wa'chesand Clocks repairad is usual. October >8 codtf * BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock iy" Watch Maker, Has kEmoved To No. Mahkbt Strket, Where he has lor Sa!&, Spring and other Clocks { gold and filve Watches: Tools, Files and Materials ; (lee nd gilt Qiiiins, Sr»ls and Keys ; Springs, &tc. S&r. CLOCKS ANP WA TCHES Repaired as tifual. til StftF JilHt % Certificates Loft. •A. <' ■*. '' LOST, THE undermentioned c rtificards of flock Of th« Bank of the United *tatriz No. 978, ks of the United State* Loan Office of Pennfj lvjnia, v,z No (».j, aGrrtiflcte dated joth Jar.iiary, 1800, !or one thoofand dollars. No JCS, a Cer ificate dated 30th January, 18 CO, for one rhoufand doll rs Notice is hereby g ve:i f that applicMbn is in tended »■> be made for a renewal of the fame—of which ali pcrfons concerned are requeued to take notice. JOHN WARDF.fe. Philadelphia. 10 mo ?8, 1800. 3taw(&r That large and commodious HOUSE, At the cornet of arch and Ninth flr;et!. To be Let, THE house, (lahle, eoath houfi and lots, lately occupied hy .* tajor Butler, situate as above For terras apply to J B. Wallace, No. 18, north Fifth itreet. [jjlrch. I - . Ten Dollars Reward, RAN - AW AY FROM the fubfcriher the 16th infl. a fetvant roan, named JAMES, aged if y.ars, aliout 5 feet 8 "fa yellow complexion, and of a bold, Cpiightly appearance Had on when he wi!"t ow*y, « pair of Fuiiian trowfers, avert and sailor*' jacket of nearly the fame colour j oil the latter of which were large black buttons; his hat black and alioac half worn. He is accuftoir.ed :o the Fanning Itufiuefs ; but may perhaps etidea vosr to enter iimfrlf en board forne vessel that it gdingtoTca. Whoever ftcures fai l Hun away and delivers Kim 10 the fubfcriher, S.a'l have the above rewaid and >ll chnrges pai (ll) ia4«r. ber eo, 180-"'. > An Invoice of Playing Cards* SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vl'ltH and Merry- Andrew W«yi«>gr Card?, fir fee :U*f for cash—Apply it 'his Office. fgptemkcr ij. > ; \VoLtTMK XVIII. T- law if % iJV