Thomas Wotherspoon, No. 56, South Front Street", Has received by the late arrivals from Lon don, Liverpool, Hull and Glal'gow, a general airortnient of DR Y - G OO D S; Suitable for the feafou—among which are StJPEItFIME-and cloths, Do. plain and ribb'd Caffimers Do. fathionable Swanfdowns Coatings and Rocking Baizes Flantwls and Plains Plaid and ribb'd CalLmancoes Duratits and Joans Black HufE'ls and Bombazetts Plain and striped Wildbores Cloak Cambletts Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords Check'd and llriped Ginghams White and brown Platillas Checks auJ Bed-ticks i'urple and Chintz Shawls Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs Black and col'd Barcelona do. White and col'd Sstinr, Peelongs and Persians. Twilled black Sittiw Florentines Wide rich (Iripe «!o. Queen's Grey Luteflrings Stitching ThrcatU and Scarf Twist Dimities and M irlt-llois Quiltings Black and white Thread Liccs and Edgings 0 Rich wide patent Law Veils An aflortnitfnt of Ribbons Carpets and Carpeting Tapes, quality and (hoe Bindings Shirt Weires and Moulds Plain a«d Fancy Buttons Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton Bandannoes. Tarble-clntlis and cotton Countrrpanes Thread, Leaders, Ferretts and Galloons British Muslin? of every deftription Ounce Thread in boxri Coloured do. in do. ALSO, Suitable for the Weft-India Market, A tew boxes »f Madrafs Handkerchie.s, a few do. Fancy Muflius, a frw do. Ginghams, entitled to drawback. October 16 Robert Smith & Co. No. jB, Soutb Front Street, HAVE RECEIVED, By the lite arrivals lrom London, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, A general aflortment of GOODS, Suitable for the season—among which are SUPERFINE and second clottu Forest cloth* and plains A variety of plain, ribb'd and eniloflcd caffi iSfc res of every c.jluur A variety of fifhionabl* fwanfdown Kendal cottons Bocking and Colchester baize of every color 74t0 11 4 role blankets 2 it and j do White fergf fui'ahle for fadlers Ribbed and plain calimancoes Rattinets and (halloons Dnrants joans and bombazicns Bonibazetts, flriped aid plain, Wildbdres Velverets, thickf;tt> and fancy cords Check'd and striped ginghams 7-8, 4-4, i l-K citton checks Bed >ick», Scotch Qiirtiog Brown linens and cotton bagging Plain *nd tambor'd jaconat and book mulling and handkerchiefs Coloured tambor'd ditto Olive, lend and blue muslins Cambricks and lawn' Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs Black and colored Barcelona ditto Black love ditto Worfltd, yarn and eotton hofitry White and coloured thread* Tapes, quality and (hoe binding An assortment ot ribbons , Sewing silk aid twist hrory and horn combs Shirt wires and mruldt Plain and fancy buttons KnivA acd forks, penknives, feiflors, needles, pins. &c. They have also on hand, an assortment of CHINA V INDIA GOODS, viz. Coloured and black l.uteftringi, Senchaws and Sattins—Gurah«,ColTa»,S.nas, Baftas, Guz«na-; &c. cSobcr 15 Landing, From the fliip Firmer, captain Gibfon, from Ham burg, a taiye assortment of Linens and other Goods, among which ar« an invoice of J,? bales of real French 3ritanaia«, 6 and 7 4, which are offered for sale on rcaf'onablc terms for approved paper, or in barter for WefMndia produce. Britanniat, real French, 6 and 7-4 Britanniaa Selefias Flattilliai Royalas Eftopillas ef all defcrip tiom Crean a la MorUix Checks No. a & Stripei 609 Bores of Bohemia White Window Glass, Of the £rft quality, 7 by 9, 8 by 10, 9 by 11, by 1* and upwardi. ON HAND, Of late Importation : Eftopillas, Boccadillos, Quadruple 9elifiai, Sow las, Coutils, LiSadoes, Klberfeldc fine Checks. Bed parchet, Flanders Bed Ticks, Tapes of all descriptions Coflee Mills, Scythes, Dec ant its, OiU Tumblers. Travelling Cases, Sealing Wax, Quills and Demijohns,—Apply to JACOB SPERKY is* Co. ttdobcr 6 diet w& i CALICOES and Chintzes, (a great variety) Furniture do. do. Corded Dimities for garment! and furniture Duratits, Joans and Calimancoss Rrnibazett! and Bombazcens Printed Linen and Cattou Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered do. lac. net and So- k Mtiflin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, a great variety Do. C nai l's llsir Hosiery, Worfie J . aivd Cotton of all sizes Do China White and Black Si'k Table Clithsi fr<»m 5 4, to 10 by 16-4 with and without NapXin-s Thread, Ga'.ze, Lawns and CamHri. Ws Jaconet and M*flin», coloured and p'ain White and S'ack Lace, Lace Veils, Cloak* and Hsndkiirchicf» Black Mode, Peclonps an 1 Satins White and printed Marfeilirs t'T vrftt Swinfdown, flriped ituV pTiid. Cotton Checks (five) 78, 4"" 1 ? "*'• Black and coloured Barei'ona handkerchiefs fr.dij Bandanna do «f superior quality White, Ked and Yeliow F anneU Gtierrifey Worlled Frocks A few dcz-n belt elastic Sufyendsts. He has Also dlot dim Peccadillos Bielefeld Linens Siamcil'e spaces. Tapes ot feviral kinds Decanters Quart and pint tumblers Travelling Cases I Glass Beads, violins and Thomas Orr, No. 52, South Fuoxr Stiiest, lAS received by the latrft arrival* from Lon don, a » ell chosen air.>rrmer.t of the !ol lowing articles: Just Received, a well allotted Invoice of India. Muslins, c»x*isTiNa or Berlho>*m Gurnba t Patoa Bafta* EmHtKi I Do Gu Atlantic, captam Waters, from Calcutta a fid Madras, And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, AfiOVG WHICH AII E BLUK CLOVH3 Neckanaes Soot ttomali Salempoores Ventapolann Madras Lorig Cloths Ditto Handkerchief*. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, Jnnr. No. Ho, Dock street. oftoher to" mwf tf Copper, In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns. LE •D, Braiier's Soldrr, Tin in boxes, Stc«l Sheet-iron, Sewing twine, ind a large assort merit of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadleiy, Brifs and Japann'd ware. For fa'e by Elisha Fisher &: Co. Oilober t?. f.mlsV im. A Young Man, PERFECTLY v-rfed in Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the fuft counting h»u(ek in thin »i!y, wilhes employment as Clerk. He is at present »bfent from Philadelphia, but a line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni ted States he will receive, and it (hall be imme diately attended to. Salaiy a fccond*ry ohjedl Employment his mative. augiift it dtf Tw«l»c Shim Of the Bank of the United States, NO. *J9 That application is intended to he made at »he fjid Bank by the fiikfcribm, fur a renewal of the fame, of which all persons concerned are/Teqiiefted to t?Vr notice. WADDING TON to HARWOOD Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwfjrn William French, No. 48, Suura f'nosr-srREF.T. HAS JUST RECEIVED, By the l'coalyWania, captain York, fr.:m 10-jdom, ■An extensive and elegant assortment of LONDON SUPERFINE Broadcloths and Caffimeres. odlaber ii d4t.Mi.Jtf 4«r, Piopoials Forpublifhing, by Subfcription y " A DIGEST Of tllC Llw of Atti. >lls and Trials at NISI PRIUS. By Isaac 'Eipin.'ffc, of Gray'» Inn, Esq. Barrifler at Law The edition, corrtitci, with considerable md 'uinm 'rom printed and manuscript cases. Et spes el ratio studijrum. Juir, IN TWO VOLUMKs. work ii uow printing, and in considera ble !• rwardnrla, 011 a fuperfine paper, cf royal Czc, and oitavo fcrm. It will be yrinted page for jwigc with.rhe hte!l London edition, itiJ no pain? will be spare to render the work cor real, and free of typogt aphical eirors. It will h; neatly bound and le-tercd in two vo !«,r?ya! o&ivo, and to fubicrihers will be put at five dollar# and fifty cents per fct—tu nonfub- Irribers the price will be fomewhat,enhanced The price ot th» Lmi !on ediioii i» seven dollars Tiiofe who subscribe for tight lets shall have a ninth grit.# - the two vaiumes will conCft of about nine hundred pages, of which the one ann.-xed to the j-ropofals is a fpecimett. As the work is no w puMilhinp, and will be completed with alt conve nient erudition, those who wi3i ta profit by the iubferiptien, will pltafe to fublcrihe feafona'.dy. N. B. Gentlemen holding luifcription pnjicrs are requfllcit tii return them to rhoi»as*nd fho tna», the puWilhcr*, by the iirll of January next. sp? The hODkielleri in Philadelphia are r»'pcA tully informed, that they will %* fold either bound or gstherej in fiicts, by the f«bfcri'o«rs at their Hfual low price. Thsife who wish to purckalV will plrafc to apply by letter to the put>!i"-cn ife». ' Th»y eng-ig- to returu the'T in good on'er in the fprir.g or charge nothi.ig for k-cping ;hero, and will nnt te anfw Table fcr -CC:di'Ot» dt eicape, but wi : l take every precaution to either, cflotyr 1 - niwf tf STAGES REMOVED. THE public are hereby informed, that the Bal timore Coackee will m tu:ur» start from the In dian Qui ai, No. 15, south Forth Urcet, every day except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, a'.d will arrive at Peck's Tavern, Baltimore, the nexc day at 8 o'alock a«d the Stages to New Yurk, will ttart every day at 8 and 11 o'clock. JOHN H. BARNEY V O. N. IS—A book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan dler's Frank'.in Head, where feats may alio be ta ken in the above line of stages. oilober 1 LANCASTER STAGES. '"P'Hll Proprietors of the Philadelphia and JL caster line »f Stages DISPATCH, return their grate'ul shanks to their Irirnds and the public in!, fcr the part firors tVey have received,and inform tKem that in addition to the regular Line, thay »r« provi-t«-l with Carriages,fober and careful drttfrs, to g «if!; in two days. Tt.ofe who preferthis mode ot travsilir.g cIK be accommodated at the Stage Office, Cgn of United Statu Eagle, Market street, Philadelphia. SLugb, Downing, Dunwoody i? Co. Nov. to. f jt—f FOR SALE, The Real Estate ; Hie property of Anthony Francis Haldirnand, Esquire, of London, 582 and an half /Veres Patented Land SITUATE on Vinnyard trrrek, in thetownlhip an.l county of Huntingdon, ia the state of Pennfylvani i, on a public roadabcut ; miles from the town of Huntingdon, whkh is Gtuated on a boatablc river—there are on the premise» a wattr Grift. Mill and Saw Mill—several Log dwelling Houfrs—one of which is occupied as aTavern, with a Distillery fuppliedhy a powerful fprirg of excellent wattr—a coufiderable quantity of Timo thy Mellow fit for the scythe, and several acres of ara'- e Land already cleared—ThistracS will admit of being divided into throe farms, with a dwe proportion of meadow and arable land in each At preffnt in tenure of Adam Hall, Esq. John Hicks, anil others. 187 ai d an half acres en Trough Creek, ir. Union townfiiip.a floorifhing fettlemcnt, firft rate land, with a fniatl improvement. 173 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above and the fame quality—sa those lift mentioned traits are adjoining futveys they would make one valuable farm. In Bedford county, 3*>4 acres situate on Dunnings Creek, firft rate land, on a puMic road to Bedford. 364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining tfte above, and of the fame quality. 388 acres called' the Springs, fame qnality as above a? 8 and 3 quarter* auap 09 half way mo, a goad imptovamtnt And now in teaara ol Jacob Mofet." Terms of fala, as follows viz—One fourth part of the conlHeration money mud be paid in hand, and the retinue divided into four or five annual in stalments, as may f»it the ptirchafers—to be feat red by mortgage. Apply to John Cadwallidrr, Efq.Counfellor at Law. in the town of Huntingdon, or to the sub scribers in the -city of PHI tdelpbia Williogs & Francis. O&ober 14 , ,awJw TREASURY DEPARTMENT, IVafh'mgtnn September \JI, 1800. Public Notice is hereby Given, In pursuance cf an aQ of Congress, passed on the 2sd day of April, one tboufand eight hundred, entitled " An a3 to eJIMljh a General Stamp Office'" I. THAT a General Stamp Office is now eftablkhed at the feat of government, in trie city of Walhington, from whence there will iflue, from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, under whole management the colleflion of the ttamp duties is placed) any quantities of paper, parchment and vellum, marked or stamped, and duly counter-ttamp ed, with the following rates of duty which arc demandable by law : For every ikin or piece of vellum or parchment,or fbeet or piece of papsr, upon which (hall be written or printed any or either of the iuftru rnents or writings following, to wit, A Doth. C. M. NY certificate of naturalization j Any licence to pradlice,c,r certificate of the idiTiifliou, encoilmerit or re- giftiy of any coiintellor, Solicitor Advocate attorney, or pro&or, in any court of the Unite J State, 10 Provided, that a certificate in any one of the courts tof he United States, lor any one of the said offices, (hill fofir as relates to the payment of the duty aforefaid, L>e a fnlfiknt admif lion iji all the courts of the United States, for each and every of the said offices. Any grarv or letters patent,under the leal or authority ef the United States (except for Luds granted for military fervic«s) 4 Any exemplification or certified copy of any Inch grant or letters patent (except tor lands granted for mili tary fci vices) 1 Any charter party, bottomry or re fpoudentia bond 1 Axy receipt ar discharge for or on ac count .»»' any legacy left by iny will or otner tfftimentaiy inftru tnent, or vor any (Jure or part of a ptrfonal eflate, divided by force ot any ftatuteof distributions other than to the wife, children or grand children of the perfou diseased, 'he amount wbtreof (hatt be above the value f fifty dollar*, and fljall not exceed the value of one hundred d.'l'arj 35 When the amount thereof shall ex ceed the value of one hunJred dol lars, »nd (hall not exceed Cvs hun dred d..lla'« _ jo Anil for every further sum of five hundred dollars, tke aJd.tioiiil fur* of I Any policy of insurance or inAru n.ent in nature thereof, when the stun for which insurance is made shall not exceed five hundred dol lars When the sum inured shall exseed five hundred dollars f Any exemplification of what nature soever, that pafs the feat of any couit, o.ner than such as it may be the duty of the clerk ef such court to furnilb for the use of the United Sutcs, or some parti cular date jo Any bond, bill fing'e or penal, inland bill of exchange, promilTory note or other note (other "(ban any recognizance, bill, band or other obligation or contrast, made to or with the United States, or any slate, Or for their use refpeflively ; and any bonds required in any pis« by the laws us the United States, or flate, up in lepal proeefs, or in anv judicial proceeding, er frr ihe faithful performance of any trull or duty) If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one kundrod <\> liars 10 If above one hundred ani not ex ceeding five hundred dollars 15 If above fiv» hundred and not ex, ceedingone thoufjrid doHars 50 And if above one dollars 75 Provided, that if any bonds or notes fhsll be payable at or w'rthin sixty days, such bonds or notes shall be fubjetfl to only parts of the duty aforefaid, viz. If above twenty and not exceeding one hundred dollars 4 If above one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundied dollars 10 If above five htn Ired dollars and not exceeding one thousand dolls 10 (f above one thousand dollars 30 Any foreign bill of exchange, draft or order for the payment of money in «ny foreign country 30 The said daty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change, without refpeil to the num ber contained in each fct. Any note or bill ofladingor wriiing or receipt in nature thereof, for goods or merchandize to be ex- , ported J If from one dillrilt to another dif tiifl of theUniied States,not being in the fame state 4 If from the United States to any fo reign port or place 10 The said duty being chargeable upon each and every bill of lading without rsfprA to the number con tained to each set. Any notes iflued by the banks now efttblilhed or that may he hereafter eftabliihed within the United States, «ther than the notes of such of the said banks as foall a gree to an annual composition of one per centum on the annual di vidends made by such banks, t<» theft- ftockh Iders refpefttvely, ac cording to tke following scale ; On all notes not exceeding fifty dol lars, for each dollar On all notes at>>ve fifty dolhrs and not axceeding one hundred dollars 50 On aH notes above one hundred dol lars and notexcteding five hundred dollars t On all notes above five hundred dol lars * Any prottft of other ioH'ul 3 A Any letter of attorney, exc. pt t< r an invalid pfnfion, or to ol> ain or fell warrants for land grant! d by the United Statas a» bounty ft.,; : military ferview performed in the late war Any inventory or catalogue of any fur niture, g»ads or rffjils. made in any cafe rt quired fcy law (except in cases of g.edaand tiatttls diftraioed for rent er taxes, slid good« taken in vir tue of any legal procef* by any officer Any certificates of a (hare in any insu rance company, of a share in the bank of the United States, or of any date or other bank ; If above twenty dollars and not exceed ing one buf.drad dollars If above one hundred dollars if under twenty dollars, at the, ?