Foreign Intelligence, BOSTON, OAcb-r 30. [ Xbe Evelina, apt. Jones,arrival here ,cs yterday from Kamf'ur.r. Through the po liteness of agentlekian ivbo__came passen- ger, we were furnished witib papers of that city, to the \ \tb of Sept. from which * tile have obtained the annexed tra.-isla ■tions : HAMBURGH, Sept. i«. This day arrived feveril dispatches from .Vienna, with iit-tellisfeiice, that the recent pr®pofalsf<>'r peace, madel>y the French to the Germart Rrri>pre, were not accepted, and tint boftilities would immediately reconnnence. VIENNA, S«|»t. ,6. The coiTtinuatice of war is certain ; the proposals of the French, for peace, being as extravagant, as humiliating to our Court. The Emperor will bimfdf depart fur the army this d.iy and likewise the Arch-Duke Charles, from I'rty to join the army of which hi will be inverted wiith the com mand of tlje troops, and who is adored by them. Gen will take the command of the army in Italy, in lieu of Melas. En- gUnd has undertaken tn aflift in the nmfl forciLle manner in the war. Every exertion is tftid- to reinforce our armies in Italy and Germany, and in cafe of neceflity, the Hungarians are to. rife in YnaflV. letters frrm Canltaiuinople of Aug. 10, state, th it the fucceflor of Klpber, Imd alio been affjifinated ; he wag hot be loved by the troops , be"injy opposed to the evacuation of Egypt. AMSTERDAM, Sept. 9. The conclulion of a Peace is very dubiour, on account of the prejaofals made by the French to the Imperial Court, which we think cannnot be accepted, viz. ift. The Emprror is to .keep whit was granted him by the peace »f C.isipo Formio ; Mantua, however to be dismantled. 2d. Saltzburgh, and Pol fau Hlould be giyen*jp to the Emperor, 3d. The Emperor Ihouid not interfere in the aflairt of Sardinia, Rome and Naples. 4th. The eountrirs from the right bank of the Dtnulie, and the left of the Iller, op to tlie f ore* of the Dahube, to make part of'the Helvetic republic, in future. sth. Germany to adopt a new and intire Conrtituiion. . 6th. The Ecclesiastical States to be re formed. "Tlirfe progolals were rejefted \Sy tlrt? Haul' of Auilrit ; and hopes of peace have cLfjppeared. VKRONA. Ati|r«f> 27* The Atillrians work with the greatefl afli duity in fortifying Mantua. The garrison is to be fuppiied with provisions for fevtnl year*, and every means employed to render it uticonqueifcile. The fame is to be done with the citadcl'of Ferrara. BERNE, Sept. 2. By virtue of an order froin the Direftory, one man, from fiery too native citizens, is to beJevied, completely equipped, at their cxpence 5 and really for the field at the end of Oclaber. HELSIN.GUER, Sept. 9. The diy before yetterday, Adm. Dexoi), a fleet of good merchantmen, departed tr ni hence, tie I'al.uted Cronenburg with 17 ni" ls ' ' s fa'd he is to proceed on an other exped'tion, in tonjunftion with a fleet, which had been seen in the^Tiund. To be Sold "t«HAT Ha'ndfcme and healthy QOWNTRY * SKAT, calledLauksi. Lnnde, the late residence of .Thomas Kutter, Esq. situate in Potts Grove, Montgomery County, thirty-lix rnilas from Philadelphia, containg about te>6 acres, twenty of which ale prime woodland, fifteen cxrellent watered ineacow, the reCdue divided in arable l< ts. Oil the premWes are a large haiidfome BrickUoufr and adj<iinii g build ing?, containp two -parlours, a large dining roi'in, and a Mall, twelve feet wide, by forty long, a large kuchen, vvithapu/np of excellent water in it, fix handsome chambers, two ttore-rooms, four garret chambers plaiflered and a grain room over the adj- ining buddir.g, a double tyring house, *ith a imoke"'ouf« over the fame, within 15ft v yards of the kitchen—The spring, in the driest l'eafon never known to low er in the least, andirom which the meadow is watered i a garden containing about or.e acne, ftockcd with the moll delicious fruits, such a; peaches, plumb., cherries, pears, rafberries, &c. fevcral ifpjragu.- bedsin great perfection. Alio, a young bearing appletree orchard, containing fevera! hundred trees, the truit felefled from lretvt parts of the Uniitd States, a large conveni-" ent barn with a threftiing ffoor, with commodi ous (tabling for horses and cows, carriage and hiouCes, grain room, &c. Alfotfundry oiy build ings, coniifting of a large frame poultry-houfc and corncrib, &c- Also, a [enant's house, gar den and stable, arKl a ptimp of excellent water belonging to the fame. The situation #f Potts Grove is remarkably 'healthy, regularly supplied with Butehtr's meat and poultry in abundance, to he purclwfed at a low rate, and the Schuylkill affords a plentiful fiapply of excellent fifh. Two grift mills in the rear of the tow n. Perhaps few country towns in Pennsylvania, arc more rapidly improving , or have more loeal advantages than Potts Grove. The places <SF public wftilhip, the friubrity of the .v'r, fociety, and cheapness of living, are among the few advan tages it polFefles. Any person williiiig.ti view the premises, •will please to apply to Mr. Wm. POTTS, in Pottfgrove, and for terms to the fubferi ber, in Phil (delphia. JOHN CLEMENT STOCKER. Sept. 19 2avvtf. MarAial's Sales. i < _ UNITED STATE!* j PBimsri.rAVi/tDj 7Ktor. J BY virtue of a writ tome direiled ffotfi th' Honorable KichaVd Peters, Esq. Judge o r the Diftrifl Court of the United States for the Pennfylvariia Diflrifl, will be txpofc''. fo.pnbl c (ale at the Merchants CoT-e Houfein the City of Philadelphia on SA.TURO.iY tho Fifteenth day os-November iultant, at 7 o'clock in the evenitifj FRENCH VESSEL gfel D I 'A N. A, \ 1.1 the United States ichooner Charles Stewart, El'q Com/Offl'V.f) tne fame having been lately aondeimied by tlie fahl Court as forfeited, Ac. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Mirfluls Otlice,' ) November UNITED STATES,: ? (T Pr.vN&rLvAMA District, S Notice is hereby given. That in purfHinCe of a writ to me from tt<e Honorable Uichard Peters, Efq<". Judge of the D'ftric£l Court of the United Stat»s in and <«r the diflridl of Pennsylvania, will be expofc,dtf\- public file at 'No. 7, Dock street. in tke city oi'. Philadelphia, on SiTURD.VY, the Day of Nov.-tnber iriftau, at 10 o'clock in<he forenoon, The Cargo °f the arm»c] French veflcl fliAna, prize to tbe United Stales fehooner Experiment, Clurlei S-fwart, Efqr. conlilting of the following artr'es: 25 Hogsheads ' :• 28 1 ierces £ SUGAR. 55 Barrels ) •' f 15 Bales of COTTON, ;| 3 Ilogflieads 9 Tierces 26 Barrels 12 Bags 4. Barrel 1 Trunk Tbi icbolc is cv.t : t'.ed to drawback. JOHN HALL, Ma Jkal. bljrftjl't ' Offic, "J * Njvemt.c^.-h, 1800.3 UNITED STATES, ) Ptsu^rtVAH'a District, \ BY viwje of a writ to me diretSled, from the Honourable Richard Peters, Etqr ot the Diflric} Court of the United State* in and for the Pennfylvatiia DiHiifl, wil! b- exposed to Public Sale, at tfie Merchant's Coffee Hn-if.*, in the City f Philadelphia, on MONDAY', the Day of November oext» at 7 o'clwck jit-Hie-evening, r C~fc\ 7 f c.rmtd French Lugger,catted IM GUADELOUPE AN., ZpV&Sj Frizij to the United States aimed f1 o itr Kxperiirent, John Miaw, Etqr; cm mjn icr—tjie fane having I>ee:i lately condemn ed laid Cou't as forfeited, Set-. JOHN HALL, MarOi.l. Oi\ober3i. • mw&f. UNIEED STATES, ) Pi HN'SY! VANTA DI*TIMCT.S NOTICE IS HEHFBY GIVEN, That* purfui'ire of a Writ tn me <li. e<£lcd I'roirvi the Honourable Ritbard Peteri, Efqr. Judge of the Court of the Urflted Stir*« in ai.d for the Pennsylvania Diftriff, will be exp 'fird to Pub! c Sale at No! jj ~ ChfiV.nt fhcei. in the City of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, die Kth Dry > f KovcmoJr at 10 o'clock, in it; forem-on, < The Cargo of tli« armctl Frehch lugger C?na(!ilmipran, prize to tte United Stitev armed fthnnm-r I'm t.rrnriie, J J'.n Shaw, Elqr. c.'miuan.ier—con- | Hitln? of 60 Barrels 1 64 hogsheads V SUGAR. 12 Tierces j 3 Barrels ) CO FFEE. 2 Bags 3 7. i" vjiUe entitled to Drawback. JOHN HALL, Mar/baJ. ' Officii October. 3 i. j To ?be let, That large and eommodioai bn( (lory Brick Dwelling- House, N». j45 P Hl^kHrcet. IT'S 6fnatl«n i* peculiarly pteafaat inl,f.r*t»hy« Vitf tt hat ifrrj em»eoicnce .rnqnitte fprehe if commodat'im nf a (aOiity ; » pani|i in tk«'yarii, ; U Hnft, iutU m 4 C^rri n t Hnft, SCt.Ac. Pof (i fTmn mty be had on rite cf licit niocith, or T sooner. with the eonfeat of the pftftnt tea ail t. '(On very low !erma epfping winter aad sprig) a large and convenient '• Brick House and Kitchen, Cotch kmrfr, Stable and Lot oS fitnared io the Nt,r hern Libtrtiet, a little to-alie wefl ward of ¥ if' h and northward ol Callow hill Onru, iW' 1 wiihia tea rttiutftet walk from the center of the ci-y. Afply to 1 'v.. WILLIAM MTRED.IfH, Attwifyat—No. t£, fvtath 41)1 dteot mwfsw •' Nurse Child WANTED. AHEAI.THY 'niartitd Woman, with a frefh Bre>i!l o Milk,WuuW tak? a child.for a few BMlhi, to - uric 1 . \}fly on the south fide of iiou<h, near Fourth fttret, to , a«Tc(n ,^r".i AN APPRENTICE wanted, At the Offi»* oi the Gazette cf the Sum*. Ibe Brigii"t'<ne .|f§L ENTERPRISE, d:)W ia y* n K at Wsi '"' s wharf, Burthen ,64 tons, Or aW>ut 150? barrels, 5 year? eld, builf of the best (tafoueJ while oak, andfaltedon the fleck). Inventory to Ik; feeil at the aufiion room, rr at 'he flcrc of Wharton and Lewis, No. 115, fr<uth front Jheet. Terms—approved £ndoi-fed nOteß at 60 and 90days.' JOHN CONNELLY* A«aio»eer. November I dtT Safe of thefebooner St. \Tammany AT AUCTION. * Will DE Sold, at the Merchant's Coffee- Honfev m FKIOAY EVENING, the 7th instant, at 7 o'clock. ' **T ™ E NEW SCHOONER- J§E% ST. TAMMANY, LYING .it Say', Wharf, above' Street. —Terms of pay. JTitnt will be npdeVnnwn at the time of sale. Sri AI'JUL YO RKE, auctioneer. Navemher 4 dts For Sale, Freight or Charter, To tie Weft-Indies or elsewhere, The la t failing ijfchr CH OHER Jrafe Rover, n ninety tons or Oven hundred fikty b<x-rcis. ,?hir lo r:fair, an 4 wi'l be ready to re cii/e.'a tArgpl on ibort notic®. Ap;.ly to ' yofcpb Anthony & Co. Or to the Captain on bovd, at Chefnut (Ircet whirs. DivrrnVr 3 § 1 • • ij. -*i COFFEE,, • 100 barrels of BEEF fuitr.ble for East-India Voyages. 100 do. of Store do. 50 boxes, containing e/.ch dozen best London MUSTARD. FOK SAI.K UY Samuel Rhoads, No. 1, Penn street. 4 311 wtf. Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received, By the late —a Urg»* general r;)cr,t of Hardware, Cutlery Sadlery, VVhifch he offers for file, f r caCh or il»e ' < usual cred-t MMwitreii* i; S. : : Russia Sheeting, DROGHEOA LINENS, fine 44 Lin en y, Clouting Diapor. Cotton Velvets, Thii klct.s ani ran y Ccrd», Printed Li len and Cott'n Handkerchief, Silk Man 'krrchiefs, Sat tinli, Pclonps Modes an I Perlians, Callimvi enrv WiMb -res and 1 and eotj-fe Bernini T:j»rt. Uibhons, l->rrrt», Scotch ;:z -nabwrpt, ThrenJa No. 7 to 64,|c<}loured I bread* No. Sto 16. Pi -j, .1 1-a, 4, 4 .'-a mi SW. t>ndon Ptweraflorted in cases', T n, apd !«, received by re lati arrivals a genera! afljft- Jfcent of Woo .'ens. '* 10 mo. 8. *[ d.m. "^Piano-Forte, '{'.SlrfGlNG & GUITJR. R. TAYLOR, MUSIC PROFESSOR, * STILL Continue* teaching Ladies* the above in f)rumei»t% &c. Those who may wiflvfor his iuftraeUon, their favor* will be duly attended to, ,pji.tfpac*ticn made to htm, No 96, North Sixth when they may depend on being inflru«sled with care aud attention, and pu.i&ually waited of), B. R. Taylor, having a ct Music, both vocal and xnftr'«mcnf»l (particularly To# the Piano IWte) Songs, Opera's, Oratorio?, an-' Sa cred Music. Any Lady or Gentleman may have Mtafic coped out on proper 'trm*. He ha* f'everai 6f'Waoi&Ts Oratorios, &c* and all his Oratorio -Nonoj \ many ot Dr. Armk\ l)r. Arnold's, I\- beKs,- Or. Bovces's. Bach's, 'Cfaitientirii's. D3t%ta, Goifri sin's Kayc'n\, Nicolai's, Plcyd's, Suhoben's works, &c. &c. A very fweet-tnned, f»owd -ha;ad Piano-Forte to be fold, and a Guitar, with othtr Pi-ifco-Fcrte's. Any person wanting a GRAND PIANO FORTE, may-b# accommodated with a excellent inftnunent of that kind t wor'h their pnrchale' Song*,-4cc. ccmpofed by R.Tiylor, to he hid of him, and at Chalk's Mu ficai Repository, No. 75, North-Third Street, viz. President'* March, for tw« performers on one Pi- : ano Forte ; the favourite ifong of Summer, De ■ Tout Mow Cceur; En ycrtte, Rustic Feflivity, Lad, Nobody, Jockey and Jenny, / myntor, &c. $c n R. T begs the Ladies atd Gentleman who call upon hi*», (or feml) that their address be left in writing, (VouUi he rot he. at home, which will ruttyb oblige, and they will be waned os. Oiloher 13/ th'& PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—Pamphlets—Hand-Bills, Cuds—Blanks of all kinds, See. Sec. Wil! be printed at th« Shortest Notice.' august 23. - HUUH PHORT. <}<t Public Auction. TO BE SOLD,. 0J TiKfday evening, at 7 o'clock the Mrr '.Wants' Coffee-hpVe, (if not previously soW at private sale) Imported, AK 1> ¥O H SAL! B V ' £ RJ.Nb iZIiR LARGE, 9.8 white Gazette <jf the United States. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY KVENIKG, KOVfMSEH., j. To Readers and Correspondents. "An American'' is a scnii'ole and perspicuSus writer, we wil l to-morrow, give currency to his Opinions'. " Civis" shall appear- Literary articles wait for their turn. The arrangements of- a paper, are like the etiquette of a Barbers' (hop. " First come, lirfl: #u'v'd, Sir.? Cj" THE Federaiifts of the City of Philadelphia, are requelted to meet at Dunwoody's Tavern, this evening, at fix o'clock on business of importance. Nov. 5, 1800. From the multitude of hints arid threats and allusions thrown out in the Aurora refpeftirtg our ft ate senate, it is easily seen that the Jacobins are ex tremely rellltfs on the fubjedt of appoint ing ele&ors of President. Their doc trine is not less laughable than absurd ; for they think the majority of the-fenate ought to yield their opinions and princi ples to the minority, because, both houses taken collectively, there would be a great majority of Jefferfonians- —This logic won't do—the senate, as a diftinft and independent branch of the govern ment, has a right and it is their duty to insist at every hazard, upon an equal lhare and authority in the making of laws, and they would be guilty of treachery to their conltituents, fliould they fuffer themfclves to bi cajoled out of their pro portion of the power, which would reiult from their consenting to a joint vote fbr the choice of ele&ors. It is to be hoped that a mutual spirit of ac commodation may take'place on the fub jcfl, and that a liberal and rational al lowance will be made for what is now looked upon as the minority in this state. But if an .headstrong, insolent and over bearing policy should discover itfelf on this occaGon, on the part of* the Demo crats ; I hojfc and trust .in God, that there will yet be found in the senate of our state a bulwark against such a law less invafiqn 6f their constitutional rights and privileges. They will not be de serted for doing their duty. This is the all -important day, for the mating of the Aflembly, The fenatc is understood to have a majority of two , pn the Federal fide—-But the Jacobins 1 pretend that on the great question of . chufing eleftors ; two or three of the fenajors will desert their colors. The names of Meilrs. M'Clellan, Johnson , and Potts are particularized in the Au rora, as fit candidates for political apof ; tacy ; thele gentlemen are no doubt much indebted to the Aurora-man for the opinion he entertains of their honor and integrity, and there can be no doubt but their condudt will confirm the goad opinion of every friend to confiftency— except Billy Duane. ♦ I' • ' . ' The Legislature of this state, in pur suance of the Governor's proclamation, was to convene at Lancaster this day. It is mentioned in a Boston paper, that Judge Lincoln is elected member of Congrois for If he fourth we ft em dift rift. / Gen. Sumpter is re-elefted a member ■of Congress for the state of South Ca rolina, by a large majority. 1 Captain James Bafron, is appointed" to command the United States lliip Warren. • 1 - Congress, by their aft pafied and ap proved the firft day of March, 1792, | did enact, that Electors shall be appoint- I ed in each state, for the election of a President and Vice-President of the li nked States of America, within 34 days preceding the firft Wednesday in De cember, 1792, and within 34 days pre* ceding the ift Wednesday in December, in every fourth year of fu<j.ceedingthe last election: And, that the said Electors (hall meet, and give their vcrtes, on the said firft Wednesday in December, at such place in each state as shall be direct ed by the Legislature thereof. Jacobinic Logic.—President Ajirris and Gen. Hamilton have fallen out.— Ergo—-the electors must vote in favor of the frieniSs of Mr. JefFcrfon !—Excel lent Logicians.—'" Reader, didjl thou ever catr'a a gull ?" (Col. Cent.) James Jones, Esq. r.nd Benjamii Talliafaro, Efq: are elefted Reprefenta tivcs to Congress from the state of Georgia. The President of the United States* arrived at Washington on Friday even ing last, by the way of Lancaster and York. A number oFgentlemen at Cincinnati} North W.eftern Territory, have formal themselves into an aflociation under the appellation of " The Commercial Com pany," for the purpose of encouraging fliip building, and have appointed a committee of five to receive subscriptions for carrying their objeft into execution. The hon. the Council of Appoint ment of Albany, met in that city the 28th of September.—Members of the Council: His Excellency John Jay, President. Hon. Samuel Haight, of Weftchefterj Robert Sands, of Dutchefs, James Gor don, of Saratoga, and Thomas R. Gold, of Onieda. Extract of a letter from 'New Haven j Connecticut, dated October 31, 1800. The Electors for Prciident and Vice- Preiident have been chosen this day by our Legislature—'l hey are as follows : His Excellency Gov. Trumbull, Hon. John Treadwell, Lt. Governor, Jeflee Root, 1 Jonathan Sturaes, j T . . , S. M. Mitchell, tM^ofthe Jonathan Ingerfoll, j u P enorcoult Tapping Reeve, J Matthew Grifw'old, Esq. Jonathan O. Mofcly, Esq. j The above gentlemen are all decided federal, and it is expettcd will vote for 1 Adams and Pinckney. • j From a Lanccijltr Paper. Counterfeit Dollars. , t j The public are -"cautioned against re ,f ceivitig Counterfeit Dollars, k great num. . ber being in circulation in the borough s 1 and vicinity of Lancaster. We are told ! that upwards of twenty were offered at ; the Treasury in the course of last week, j The few of these counterfeits that we | have seen, are intended to imitate the ' emiCion of 1798. They are merely pi a* 3 ; ted copper, roughly executed, 2nd the s ! Din DEI nearly touches the forehead on. f: the dexter fide. * e e In his paper of the 28th of October, i : the.Editor of the Aurora has ft cited him ! felf to have been profecutcd, forpublifh • i ing the letter written by Mr. Adams to h Tench Coxe. This is believed to be a direst and I* positive untruth. If the Editor would t refcuc himfetf from the imputation, of j attempting in this, as in other instances to deceive the people, by afiertions known to himfelf to be untrue, he -will publi/Jj an extrati from the indiftment, and . mention the court in -which it -was filed, , [Wast. Fed. Letters from Petersburg inserted ia , the Hamburgh papers, mention g very : fihgular report, which they coniider, • however, as authentic. By a late ukate of the Emperor Paul, it is ordeded that an abridgment should be publifiied of the French Campaigns all over Europe, but more particularly of those in Italy for the last ten years. His Imperial Ma jesty further observes, that this work fliould be studied as an elementary one for military education ; and that no per foß can be admitted to the rank of a sub altern, who has not learnt it by heart. Baltimore, Nov. 3. The electors of the Mayor and of the Members of the second branch of the City Council, met this day agreeable to the charter of incorporation, and unani moufiy re-eledtcd sam Calhoun, Esq. Mayor, for the enluing two years ■, and elected Henry Stouffer, Nicholas Ro gers, John Mcrrvma'n, William M'Crec- .. ry, Robert Gilmor, William Copeland Goldsmith, Edward Johnson and Jacob . Smith, Efqrs. Members of the feccnd branch of the City Council. I'L*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers