Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 03, 1800, Image 3

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Gazette of the United States.
Prices of Public Stock,
Philadelphia, Novembfr 3.
Par (tmou>
Eight per sent. flock—loß a 10S 1-4
Six per ctnt. and ") fi o
Navy ditto j K
Deferred 6 per cant 86 r-4
Three per cant. 54 t-4
j I-» per cent. 85 * ;
4 1-2 per cent. n nie at market j
3ANK U. Siates, 3'ai7 p cent advan.~\
Pcfitif/lvanh, jiajj iitto / 1
11 . .N. America 51 ditto ( * so «i
JnTuraMCeCo Fenns'* aoaii ditto J
■1 North America 12 <1 15 per cent 7
below par—nominal j ro
Turnpike - 25© a 260 >lol!s. 3°°li
Schuylkill bridge - - - par ic.|!
Land Warrants 2? dolls, too acrci nom.
Si. Aug'ijlinc Church Lottery 'Tickets, 9 dollarl
On London at 6o days
Oq Anifterdam, do
30 <j 40 ce it j J
[per Florin >
On Hamburgh do 36 a 37 ceiiO \
[per Vlark Bar
Rates of Foreign Coins and Curren
rencies in the United St.ites—per
act of Ccngres for payment of Du
English pound sterling 4 44 ")
Iriin d> do 4 10 f
Dutch Florin cr Ouilier o 40 f
Hamburgh Mark Banco a J.l 1-3.)
grlT* The fiibftriber laving frequently
heard complaints o the want ot accuracy in
the price currcut of public stock, has conclud
ed »s»fnrnifli the G'.eette of the UnitedStaces,
ocoafionally (iTcalled for) with what may in
tlis opinion br considered the Market Prices
Ot Stock, and the U*tes of Exchange.
Cbesnut street, No. 143.
In publishing the number of votes
given in the Legiflaturc of New-Jersey,
for Electors of President and Vice-Presi
dent, we erroneously stated that 30
were given for Richard Stockton, Elq.
of Somerfet —that gentleman had 36.
We observe in the very respectable
paper, publifhedby Mr. Scull, at Pitts
burgh, an elaborate and elegant extra<ft
from the masterly " Charge, delivered
to the Grand Jury of Crawford county,
at the October fellions, by Alexander
Addison, Prelident of that court." We
hope soon to publish extradts from a
law paper, replete with such found prin
ciples, and such excellent doftrine —
The dignified law officer, who has again
so ably advocated the best and eternal
interests of this country, has frequently,
on fimilaJ 1 occaflons, employed the pow
ers of his correct mind, to corroborate
the energies of salutary government and
" to Jlill the mndnefs of the' ptople''
|t is with extreme regret (lays the
Editor of the New \ ork Gazette) we
have to mention the illness of Commo
dore Truxton. Capt. Loring, of the
schooner Nantafkct, arrived hereyefter
day in 20 days from St. Thomas, informs
that he was at St. Kitts 4 days, after the
Commodore arrived there, and was told
by Mr. Clarkfon, the American Navy
Agent, who visited the Commodore
daily, that he was so much indisposed
that he was unable to come on fliore.
The Commodore being fubjeft to turns
of the gout or rhsumatifm, it is not im
probable that his indisposition is occa
lioned by one of these disorders.
The President of the United States,
pafied through Lancaster on Wednesday
last, on his way to the Federal City.
Doftor Spalding, of Portsmouth,
New-Hamp(hire, has undertaken to In
oculate for the Kine Pox He has
twenty persons in different stages of the
disease, upon two it has had its usual
course, which has been so flight as not
to prevent their usual occupations, nor
cause a Angle complaint of indifpofitron:
These leadirg facts, fays the Doctor, are
well established, to wit —that the Kine
Pox is an effectual preventative of the
Small Pox —that jt is much lighter than
the Small Pox, seldom attended with
any indifpofition —that it is not contagi
ous, and cannot be communicated but
by inoculation •, one of a family may
fafely have the Kine Pox without any
fear of insetting the others.
From a Papn August 30.
There is now in the river an aftonifh
ir>g large hairy wild man, caught 400
miles from the Cape of Good Hope,
brought over in the Rambler, South-
Sea-whaler —He is of aftonilhing mus
cular strength, a specimen of which had
nearly proved fatal to one of the custom
house officers, who inadvertantly went
too near him ; lie seized hold of the
niah, twirled him about two or three
times with the greater! velocity, and
then threw him over the fide. Luckily
the man escaped with a horrid fright and
found ducking.
"f a feart
The Election in Virginia for Elect-,
ors of President and Vicc-Prefident,- will
take place this day, throughout that
[lna coiAiunication from a politician
of distinguished rank abroad, it was fug- J
gefled that many points of resemblance
could be found betSveen the characters of
Buonaparte and Hannibal, as the
latter is described by the historian, Livy.
On consulting that author, the following
translation was made. The claflical read
er who wiihes to be feafted with Latin
luxury, Will turn to the fourth section
\ '
of the twenty-firft book of Livy, in the
Elzevir edition. The. passages in ques
tion begins " Ali/fus /lumbal in His
paniam primoJiatim adver.tu omnein exer
citum in fe converl 'lt."J
No sooner had Hannibal arrived up
on his million to Spain, than the whole
[ army became attached to him—The
veteran soldiers believed that Amilcar
himfelf was resuscitated. They beheld
the fame vigor of countenance, the fame
fire in his eye ; the very lines and fea
tures of his face. He shortly fupercedes
by his own merit the necefiity of a re
commendation from the love they bore
for his father. Never was the sam
ability discovered in one person for a di
versity of pursuits : he was fitted alike j
for obedience and command ; so that it
was difficult to discern, to wh'ich he
he was most dear, the commander or the
army. Asdrubal would have fele£ted
no one sooner, for the execution of any
bold or arduous enterprize ; nor was the
confidence or the courage of the soldi
ers greater under any other chieftain.
In " enterprizes of great pith and mo
-1 mtjnt," he mingled much audacity with
much caution. His body was as inca
pable of being fatigued by labor, as his
mind of being overcome by it. Of heat
and of cold he was equally prrtient. His
appetite was latisfied with what is neces
sary for, instead of luxuries.
His waking and sleeping hours knew no
discrimination of time into day and
night—what portion not devoted
to aftive labors, was given to repose;
not indeed on beds of down, nor in the
silence of retirement. Many have often
seen him, covered with a soldier's cloak,
lying on the bare ground among the
guards and soldiers' ports. His attire
did not excell that of his equals in
rank ; in arms and equipage he furpaf
*ed them. He was alike pre-eminent
in the ranks of infantry as in the fqua
ilrons of cavalry—foremoft in advancing
to the field of battle, and lail to leave-it
when the battle was over.
ZMi. a,.
So many manly virtues were counter
balanced by a correspondent number of
flagitious vices. He was a monster of
eruelty; his perfidy worse than Punic ;
actuated by no regard to truth or sanc
tity—" the fear of God was not in
him," nor had he any respect for his
oath, or his re)igion. Thus endowed
with virtues and vices, he served three
years under the commander Afdrubal.
Votes in tie fourth Western District.
Upham. Lincoln. Scat.
Ton! 73 1 ' 968 165
Becalm, my foul, these thunders liarmlefs play'
Thy God commands, thy G;;d dire&s t_heir way
Tho' tunpelU howl, tho' liquid lightning flies,
Yet still he calm, these reach not to the flues :
There fix thy portion, it flul! reil I'ecure ;
AhJ to eternal ages lha 1 endure.
Tho' earthly joys do purifh and decay,
These isM wiil bloom, n >r ever fadeaway.
Arise, my foul, on of faith and love,
And view the mansions of the blelt above,
Adore the boundless mercies cf thy God,
Who left the glorious place of his abode,
Qtmi hisliigh lealins, where ir.gels homage pay,
And took tor thee a tenement sf clay
F. r thee, my foul, and all the finful race
Of Wretched mortals, he has purchased grace—
Kow great tbe ranfooi. he his blood did give,
The Prince of life was (lain, that we might live—
Oh, wondrous love, to mankind freely given ;
He floop'd to earth, to ra.fe us up to heaven.
Then dcubt not of his power or will to fsve j
His power created all, love laid him in thegaave.
Philadelpfia, ?gthOft, 1800.
gy LET ITERS for the Britiflj packet, Prince
Eri.eft, for' Falmouth England, will be received
at this office, until Tuesday 4th Nov. at n o'clock
rood N. B. The inland poflage to New-York
msft be paid.
[The fo'lowing is a very droll (pecirnen
os- Yankee .wit. It hiu .a tin ally appeared
in a Providence, pfper, and if the Grocenc*
of this Rhode-Iflatid jcfterbf as Jiigji flavor
ed :is Ills humor he dei'erves a daily crowd
To be Sold by • *
At his Refectory, W.cft*End the Bridge,
, , ; Providence. •
» '
Bread, flutter, Cheese, Hum, Eggs, Salmon,
iftats-Tonrue, Oysters, (jft. ready cooked.
Cyder, Vine far, Salt, pickles, Sweet-Oil, tsfc
Peppe'saucn, Mustard, black Pepper, Cay
enne', Isfc. ' 1 -
Wine, Brandy, Gin, Spirits,hitters, Por
ter, tSic. > •
Snuff, Tobacco, and Sugars
N. B. Any of the above articles to be
exchanged for , <
French Crowns, Spanish Dollars. Pistareens
Cents, Mills, or Hank Bills.
Credit give.ii fok
30, 60 and 90 Seconds, or as long as a man
can hold his breath.
RUDIMENTS, Grans, viz.
Those indebted for. Arguments,
Must not be 1 Agitated,
Nor think it a Grievance,
Iftbey sbou'.d meet Piinifliuierit,
For calling for sucb Superfluities,
And supposing it not Nejfflary,
To make immedijte Payment.
From the Boston Mercury,
Late from RuJJia.
On Saturday Oct. 25 arrived at Newbury
port fliip EtTex, capt. Jenkins j Through an
obliging friviid, we have been favoured with
the following inform ition drawn up by capt.
•• Sept. 6, several Englifli Iliips failed from
Cronftadt, early in the morning, but
becajmed in fight of the Guard Ship, were
frnt after and brought b.«ck, an Embargo
laid 011 all Englidi (hips, and they placed
by thcmfelves «n the western fide of the
Mole. All Englifli property was arretted
both in St. Peter (burg and Oonfladt, in
cluding all the property brought oj- (hipped
by Engliflimen, (it bring immaterial for
whole account) and all go. ds bought of En
glifli men, it lhipped by themi—Thry were
!'oibidden to pay or receive money, ana or
dered to give in a (Utement of all they ow
ed ar.d to whom, and of what was due to
them, aj fail,of the lipe and 10 frigates
were ordered to be get ready for lea imme
diately from Croirßact, betides tHof- fr«m
Revel and Archangel,. N" JSnglj/h Officers
were to go out in these fliips. Although
many of th'.fr vi ffel» were belore cl il ma tit ltd,
by working upon them day and night, the
greater pmt bad their Tails bent, and were
nearly ready for tea, when I failed, (Sept.
Sept 9, the English fa*T)rfs were t ikeii on
(hore, leaving the Captains, Mates. Carpen
ters and Buys on boaid to take caie of the
vellels All the F.uglifh itfident at Cron-
Itadt were put '>{ l their parole. All the other
merchants in St. Peirifturg were direflpd
on. that d >y to K* vt - (lavement ot what
they owed the and what the En
ghjll owed ihem. It whs momently expec
ted that a general embargo would take place,
and rei*at« till the fleet baa Uiled, and war
was declared Theft severe nitwfures were
fud to ue taken in conlequence of lhedilpute
between Gieat Britain and Denmark ; and
the reports, that the F.ngliflv had taken El
fineur, and were boptardirg Copenhagen,
Ecc* It is inipofltble, however, to fay pre
cisely whatefFedt the*news ot the accom
modation between those two powers will
Sept. 22, I arrived at Ellin"lir. Every
thing there was quiet. Two fleets ot mea;-
ch .nt (hips froyi Eoglaud bad pal Ted up the
Bajtic ; but in consequence of the new,
from Rufik, a (loop ®f war was difpatehed
to order fnch back as were bound loi that
The following address was prefei'ted to the
■the Society of friends in I.onelon, on bis
escape from the late attempt upon his
May it please the King.
Amidll the general fatisfaftion which thy
late efctpe from an attempt on thy lite hath
occafioi.ed, permit thy faithful and affection
ate fobirfts, the religious society of F.irnd?,
( usually called thus publicly to
manifeft their tbsmkfulivefs for thv prelerva
tion. We have received too many benefits
during thy reign—too many marks of thy
princely favor, not to fee! greatly interested
in thy. personal lafety ; and we earncllly de
sire, that this thy provi iential deliverance
may more and more incline thy heart to
itek for the dire&icn of Divine. \Yifdom in
all thy steps ; for what greater blessing can
we implore tor a prince whom we honor and
love, thai) that he may continually com
mend himfelf, and the people over whom he
reignr, to the approbation ot the KING OF
1o nvb'.cb the Km,? returned the following
I thank you for this dutiful and loyal ad
dress, and for your affe£\iouate congra'ula
tions on the merciful favour and proteftion.
which the Divine Providence has vouchfa
fed to me.
The repeated demonstrations of loyalty
and attachment to my person and govern
ment, which I have received upon the pre-
sent occasion, are highly acceptable to me ;
ar<d you in.:y rely 011 the cjiiti u nice ofruy
unremuring exertions to promote the w-'l
farr arid happiness of all defcripiions of my
ftibjeils, and to preserve inviolate their civil
and religious privilege s : A
Gazette Marine Lift,
1 . )
'■ •• ' ARRIVED, days
Schr. Betsey, Yotinp,' Newport, (R. 1.)
Franklin, Tinker, Portland
Brig Mentor, Ekraan, ~ Lisbon 59
Salt and wine—D- Cabghan ,
Schr. Minerva, Hughes, Cliarleilon
Cott»n—L. D Carpentier
William, Ehrnfl, Lunenberg, N. S.' 8
Rov*r, Hiown, Rhode Illond 4
Brig Nancy, CilTin, . Cape Francois
The outward bound fleet got under wty from
Reedy I flood at midhighr on the ift inft. and ia all
probability west to sea early yesterday morning.
The United Slates frigate George VVafl)inton>
of thirty-two guns, Captain Bainbridge, was
spoke September 3, by the ship Franklin, Tuck
er, arrived at Portland lrom St. Übes, out 26
days, all well.
Captain Ekman, of the brig Mentor, from,
Lilbon, informs, that he spoke in latitude s
34, N- longitude 68, W. the Ihip Sally_
Breeder, fmro Boston for Jamaica ; and in lat
itude 39, N. longitude 70, 50, W.the fthoo"
ner Clara", from New York for Demarara, out
36 hours.
Schr. Betsey Hollon, Webb, was to fail from
Charleston on or about the 15th ultimo, for
Letter bags at the Coffee House.
Ship Pen-'fylvania, York, for Hamburgh
Amaiblr, Tillinghaft, Liverpool
George, Rice, London
Thomas Wilson, Gwinn, Annfterdam
Miffburi, Lark, Liverpool
Amity, M'Levan, do.
Snow George, White, Hanaburgh
Brig Juna, Jason, Mreman
Amiable Adeel, Patten, Liverpool
NEW YORK, November 1.
Sh'p Howard, Fram, Halifax 4
Brig Apollo, Lee, do. 4
Schr. Lark, Woodward, St Johns - -
Quaker, Sorerfea, Annapolis 4
Wright, do. 4
Nantalket, , St. Thomas
Slaop Rebecca, Fimh, St. Johns 4
T!>e (hip Phtcnfx, Bray, has arrived at Ma
Schooner Pol y, Tanner, has arrived at do.
Ycfterday arrived, fchoonir James, Auflin,
thirty-fur days from Malaga. Sailed in co.
with brig James, of and for New Haven, brig
Hutiterefs, of and fcr New York, and
Fife Hawk, for Gloucester, MafTachufetts.
Left ;hcre the following velTels :
Ship Rvfua, Holland, fur N York
Phm'iix, Uray, da.
Brig Mentor, Morriffen, do.
Schr-Polly, Turner, do.
Ship Favorire, Ellery, Boflon
Schr. Nancy, Atkinj, do. > Tofail soon.
Daptir.e, Mason, N. Y J
Commerre, (older, Fofl .n
Veteran, M her, do.
Ship Hora, Herflcell, Cape Ann
Schr. Samuel, William*, B ifton
Brig Fame, Mifftoor., Charleston
To fail for Hamburgh .
Ship Ruby, Laford, of Charleston
Brig Bcllun, Selford, from do.
Hannah, Delley, of do. from London
Angel, Hall, of Philadelphia
Left a ship and fefcooner from New York,
and a schooner from Eoflon, names not reool
leilted, riding quarantine.
Lift of American vctflN captured andinow lying
at Halifax, September 18, 1800.
Received by the brig Apolto, Captain Leet
in four doys ft&m Halilax :
Brig Appollo, Lue, from Curracoa to New-
York, the veflel rcftored.
Brig Barcklcy, Snow, from Amflerdam to
Boston, csudeumed veflel ai d cargo
Ship Mary, Ladd, from Curraco t ) New
Yoik, condemned veflel anJ cargo.
Sloop Louisa, Millwoad, from Charleston to
St. Sebaltians, condemned velT I and cargo.
Barque Lydia, Kenniftm, from Charleston
to the Havanna, condemned vessel and aargo.
Schooner Sukey, K.nfman, from Havarfha
to Salem, relloredon paying charges
Sloop Brothers, M'Kene, from Charleston
to Havanna, condemned vrffel and cargo.
Britr Columbia, Lawfon, from O.arlclton to
ihe Havanna, condemned vessel ai.d r.a go.
Schr. Halmer, Richard*, from Philadelphia
to Havinoa, reftOrcd
Ship Malei-Grid, from Philadelphia to Am
flerdam, condemned, &c.
Sloop Little Charlott, Cornwall, from R.
JQand to Leghorn, condemned vessel and car^o.
Brig Sally, Dawfon, from Batavia to Phila
delphia, condemned vessel and cargo.
v Ship lJtutU", Botherford, from Newburyport
to Havanna, condemned vessel and cargo
Schooner Delight, Spinna, frum Martinique
toFortfmoKth, N. H. condemned vessel and
A ftiull sloop laden with n.'ils, from Phila
dtlphia to Havanna, condemned vessel jndcarjro.
Schooner Diana, Cozen?, fro/n Who le lfl
and to Havanna, libelled, released vessel anl
Brig Eliza and Mary, Reed, from New Or
leans to New York, libelled, having money in
bars and coin
t<rig Kuth and Mary, Sileby, from Havan
na tr> Philadelphia, libelled.
Ship Howard, ('rami-, From Amfterdatn to
New York, libelled Thi« ship Captain Blark,
from New York, came and claimed, ar.J (he
was given up without trial.
The (hip Brutus, fold at public auflion for
3,J3 ) dollars.
I.',rig Sil'y, do. 4,910 dollars.
The ft ip Mary, failed from Cm raco on the
»ad June, 1800, put into Jacon.el o t the 19th
do. failed trom Jacomel ijth Julv; taken 2 :ft
Aapuft ; arrived in Halifax id September; li
belled the jdofdo and cond mued on the 3d
of ; papers eompleate.i, the appeal,
&c. ttefaid ship was fold on t&e 13d Oilobc ;
for 9,900 dollars, and the fuflic lor 141. js., r
ton, the fait at 93. per barrel.
sail4d-tn'Co with fliip Howard, Frame, of
and for New York.
, _ BOSTON, Qilober 35.
Arrived, (hip Hannah, Nichols, Gibralter,
forty days. 'I he Engiilh have afforded every
poffiSle relief and aiTillance to Captain Hoggard
of Philadelphia, who waj fcverely wounlediu
beating off a very uperior French force which
attacke 1 his veflVl
Uiig ViAocJr, BUckmore, Si. Jigo;' brifj
Rofanna, Preaft, Hayanna; schooner Bettey,
Pratt. Spaniih Maine
•Vliip Wintiirop and Mary, Calcutta,
114 days. % ; f " -
S'oop St -rk. Poller, Russia, 54 days.
Fchooner A'Uofler Lass, M'Lean, Mount i
fer:at; Abigail, Hastings, St. Thomas; bng
Dove, Lambert, St Barta j schooner Adven
ture, Freemas, Derairara ; Olive Branch, Tay
lor, Havanna ; Orion, Holme*, Tobago.
Arrived, the Urti'cd States (loop of war He
rald, Lieutenant RuiTVI!, commander, and fired
a fa lute.
Ship Financier, Clark, St. Peterfturg, forty
nine days.' ,
Ship General Wash ngton, Roberts, Rotter
dam, forty-e'pht days. Left there schooner
Vandy. k, Crufr, for Bnfion, to fail in five d2ys.
Schooner Nancy, Williams, Fayal3itlßy»
Ship Criterion, Chaee, Amfierdam, fifty
days. On the lanks, spoke schooner Dove,
of Beverly, with 170 quintals silK ; a'.fo, spoke
brig Nancy, thirty-seven days from Bilboa for
Brig Hannah, Helms, Martinique Sailed
O&ober 4, from St. Pierre. Left there, twig
Pallas, Town, Kenhebunk, to fail in thre^rf
days; schooner , Stone, Jo. At Port
Royal, the , Pops, from Trir.adad, with
sugars sent in by the linglilh under trial. Oc
tober 8, left at St. K.tts, brig Belifsrios, Ken
nedy, ofWifcaffet; Captain Smith, of Dama
rifcotta, who had been shipwrecked ; Captain
Blunt, of Pert mouth, whofe'vtflel had been
dismasted. Oilober 2., latitude 40, longitude
jo, fpok» ' rig Polly and Rc'.fi-y, Jiills, fiv*
dayj from New London, had loft'her deck
ljad offtork. Capta.n H hear i that five A
raerican veifels had been towed into Antigua.
An American convoy was ts l'ail from Sf
Kitrs, October 15.
ICP'i' HE subscribers to the City Danc
ing Airembly are informed, that the firfl As
sembly will be held a: the C'ty Tavern on
Thursday Ejvening next.
November •<.
For Sale,
Freight or Charter,
To the Weft-Indies or elie where,
The lal 1 ailing
Surthrn ninety tons or seven hundred
" and fifty barrels. :(
She is in good repair, an 4 will he ready to re
cc.vr a c on iV.ort notice.
ApjJy to
yofeph Anthony & Co.
Or to the Captain on board, at Chefnut street
Dovembsr 3
Nurse Child
A HEALTHY marri'd Woman, wit! l a frefli
Brealt o Milk, would taks a chiii, for a ftw
month», tofucklc. Apply on tne south fide of
South, near Fourth flreet, to
novem'ocr 3
Post Office,;
Philadelphia. Nov. i, 1800.
r Mails for the PoftOffices on [he Main
JL l.ine, betwetn Philadelphia and New York,
will in future be closed erery daw, (Sunday except
ed) at 8 o'clock, /V. M. and the Mails ,:or Polt
Offices branching fr u them wlil b. clofud on the
ulu-il days, at 8 o'clock in ue morfcing.
The Mail for New York, an ! the Post Officci
e;ftward ot it, will continue to be cl fud at tha
nfual h ur, 11 o'clock, noon, 5 d»w
9-8 white
Russia Sheeting,
DROGIIEDA LINENS, line 4 4 Iris.i Lin
ens, Clouting Diap*r, Cotton Velvets,
rhickfcttiand fancy Cords, Printed Linen and
Cotton Uinc!i»er. hiti's, Silk Han'kcrfhiefs, Sat
tinf; P;!o»i'«, . * u-s an Mam, C:.ilim»n
cofs, WiMb res and Honibazeen,Fine and coarft
Bobbin, T.-.p-s. Ribbons, F.rrts. Scotch Oz
naburgt, Threada No. 7 to 64,|co;oured Thriads
No. 8 to 16, Pins, 1 !■!, 4, 4 i-2 and 5 lb.
London PcwterafTirten in calks Tin, an has
su(t received by t!,c lata arrivals a general affort
nient or Woo iens.
10 mo 8. 5[ dim.
To be let, and :io~ ranr firry
Brick DweHing-Houfe,
Wo. 34j, Higfc-Ilree't,
IT'S fitir.ti'--n is • eculiarly p!e ,iant an i l.calthjr,
and it has every convenience requidte for the
accommodation of a family ; a pump in the yard,
Ice Heufe, Stable and Carriage House, &c. &C, Pof
feflion miy be had 011 the 15th of next month, sr
sooner, with the consent of the prcfent tenant.
(On very low terms for the ensuing winter and
spring) a large and convenient
Brick House and Kitchen,
Coach house. Stable and Lot of Ground, pleafantjjr
situated iu the N*ir:mm Liberties, a !i tie f■■ the
wp(lw<. f d u if' t-orih"'st 1 ?■" w}i:ll
ftr:et?, ard withi r : ten riiinu: s wnlk. from the
center of the city.
Apply to
william 'Mr ii EDITH.
Attorney at l.a*—No. fb, fcuth <th flrest
o>ftoberi9 n;Wi3 w
an apprentice
At the Cffic* of the Gm'te of the Uii;«d
Sfatss. I%\