Numbfr 15.17.; 53- The price of thu Ga%*tte Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing ,n the city of Philadelphia. Ail others pay •ne Dollar additional, for enclosing and eft recting ; and unless.some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. %• No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. DeccmSer I 1799* ' almanac tr*m 08d~ *»— t* 4 . aioa vtTii. "■ ■ It SS 0 it 1 * S.f • » 17 * |r*4 k; Wcdsefday Diirfdtf triffof teurday Xeed«7 ' TmrfiUj - SUN Wednesday Thurfilay Friday Saturday Monday TttfJif For London, THE SHIP GEORGE, HAS the grenteft part of hfr engaged—will take Freight if applied tor immediately.' Murgatroyd & Sons. Oa-iher ai. For Sale, the new pilot built fp \ST. TAMMANY, <• '■ -.afcjLYINO at Say'» Wharf, abov fTlarket Strcft, b'jrthen 70 t»n<, luppofed to bi a remarkable fall facing velfcl, *ud may be ..t ted for lea in a lew .lay. Inventory to be leen and terms of fa!e known by applying to tin- iub- " b2obcr 21 _ * I _• . •. ■* Gazfette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser^ BY virtue of a writ to me directed from the honorable Richard Peters, ECquire, Juige of the DiftriA Cotirt of ths United States in aud for t'*e Pennsylvania Diflri&, will be ekpofed to pu*v li" Ja!e, at the Merchants* Coffee Hcufe, in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday the 4th day of November Lext,at 7 o'clock in th? evening, ormed French schooner 4gL la dorade, P E,ze to the United States armed (hip Patapfco, Henry Grddes, Esquire Commander- The fanae having been lately condemned by the laid court as forfeited, dec. JOHN HALL, Marshal. ' • Mrfhhall's Office, * ) Plihdctphia, 08a. 15, 1800$ mwf tS nut i"i Unitbd Statks ? Pennsylvania District. $ Notice is Hereby Given. THAT in pursuance of a writ to ms diredled Item the honor'ble Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the DiflriA Court of ihe United States in and for the Pennsylvania DilJridl, will becitpol'ed to public fa!c, .it the CUSTOM HOUSE in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuefduy the 4A of November next, at to o'clo'k in the forenoon, THE CARGO Of the armed French lchooner La Dorade, prize to the United States ship Petapfco, Henry GeJiies, Efq Commander, confiftingof the Iqliowing ar ticles, viz I calk of Hardware I I cafe Hats and Calico I cafe of Dry Goodi | I ease of Hats 10 Grind-ftoncs I I cafe Shoes and Hard -5 0 Bundles Iron hoops | ware 3 Iron Pots | x small cafe Cutlery 1 cafe printed Cotton | to reams of paper. JOHN HALL, Marshal. O&ober 51 wfcf tf. 6 47 S *3 6 48 5 11 6 49 5 11 - 6 50 5 l° . 6 5 I J 9 6 5 1 .5 1 ti 54 < 6 si tu&th tf SHIP d4t,tu.&f 4w. u« tf PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER i, 1800. MarfhaFs Sales. UNITED STATES } Pennsylvania District, J For Hamburgh, r~i-l the ship ffl&L PENNSYLVANIA, vruMuii Peter Yorke, master. Is now ready to receive her cargo and will fail with all difpatch—fonoe freight wil be taken if applied for immediately. JOHN IvILLHR, Junr. di w o&ober »7 Copper, In Sheet:, Bottoms & Still Patterns, LEaD, Brazier's bolder, Tin iu boxe9, Strci Sheet-iron, Sewing twine, and a large atjort ment ot" Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sauleiy, Brass and Japann'd wares For fa eby . Elisha Fisher & Co. Olflober 17. f-mfsV rm John Cliffton, jun. HAVINC declined his former of fers for sal« all his Itock, confining of the tollowing articlej, vist. Sixteen Anvils, Eighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vices, with »U the other Tools necelTiry'for condafling the Smith's Business. A L 90 j About 5 tons of S tikes, of different lizes, 30001b Sheathing and Draw in>; Nails, a Urge affortnnent of Tackie Hooks and Thimbles, Swivle Hooks, Scrapers, Hin ges and Nails, with every other dcfa iptios of ready made Iron work, suitable tor Hocking a Ship SLi'.h's, or (hip Chandler's Stow. All of which lit willfellon very reasonable terms cafli or »pproved n uej. * Apply at Nu. 80, Swai.fon flreet, South ward. OiHohern. tawim. German Redemptioners. NINETEEN remains tf those, »ho came in the IhipAnna from Hamburgh, ani are willing to fcrvc for t4«sir passage Apply to Jacob Sperry Co. Who have on Hand, Remaining of hte importations, and which are of fered on rcal©nahle term®, and the usual credit, 33 cases Eftopillas, Forming a compleat assortment ot Uni, Riye Mouehes, pUin and colourei ilripes. 33 cases caffcrilloas 5 calcs boccadillos 1 cifes quadruple filefias 1 caf« fuperfii.e dowlas 1 cases coutils and 1 cafe liflados a cases fuperfineElberUld checks 3 cases bed par:het I cafe Fla'idersbed ticks,B 4 10 cases coffee mills, Nos. 03, to No. 6, af fcrted i cases Scythes 5 cases of double flint cut Decanters quart and pint I cafe gill tumblers, and 1 cafe of Travelling cases. I cafe of quills, T cafe of common fealing-waa and 4CO Demijohns. September 17- d6t. nwim. Lost, This morning on the WifTaliickon Road—a Red Morocco POCKET- BOOK, CON TAINING tundrjr papers and letters, of no confequoncs whatever to any one but the owner. Whoever may have found the fame, and will return it to the Printer of this paper, (hall bt handlomely rewarded. N, B.—The owners' name is mentioned on some letters direifled to him. , Oclober 8; An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the VII th and Merry-Andrew Playing Card«, fer lile ch ep for calh —Apply at this Oflice. feptcmbcr 13. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street. Imported, In the (hi® Atlantic, captain Waters, from Calcutta and Madras, And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles/ mostly suitable for exportation, AMONG WHICH Aftfc Blue cloths NeckaDics Soot Rbmals Salem poores Vontapolams Midras Lor.g Cloths Ditto Handhcrchicfi. A 1 SO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, Junr. oilober 10 Just arrived. Pkh tub. Brig Perseverance, CAPTAIN S W AINE, Mr. William* Bell's Wharf. 80 hhds. AnogUaandSt. Kitts Rum and 10 ditto C"fTce F .1 SALE BY, CROOKE STEVEN9ON. No. 4, South IVatcr Sheet. Oftober 8. dtf Landing, From the fob Farmer, «ptain Gibfon,from Ham burg, a lapge assortment of Linsas and other Goods, among whic'i ar« an invoice of 53 bales of real Frer-h Hrieatiniat, 6 and 7 4, which are offered fcr tale on reasonable terms for approved p:\per, or in barter for Weft-Ir»4ia produce Britaunia*, real French, 6 and 7-4 Britannia* F cleft ai Plattilftas Rcy2les Eftopillas of all defcrip tionn Creas a la Morlaix Checks No. a 5c Stripes 609 Bfxes c-f Bohemia White Window Glass, Of tbr frfk quality, 7 by 9, 8 by 10, 9 by 11, 10 by ij and uj,ward». ON HAND, Of Ui«e Importation : Eflopillas, Dcccarlillos, Quadruple ScliSas, Dow las, C utils, I.i'ladoes, Klbcrfci K fiiu Checks, Bed parchct, Flantlers Bed '1 >cks, iaprsof all ritfcriptioni, Cofce Mills, Scythes Decanters, Gill Tumb!«rs, Travelling Caio»ffs, of Ortj'i Iqii, Ef]. Buriici , . at Law. Th* third diIMD, urrtfted, with cwUmUe additions I rem printed and manuscript cases. Et spes et ratio studiorum. Ju?* IN TWO,V )tL"M THE work is now printing, and in confidera- Me forwardness, on a fuperfifle paper, of royal iize, and o&avo form. It will be printed page with the latefl London edition, and no pains will be fparc ! to render the work cor real, and free of typographical errors. It will he neatly bound and lettered in two vo lumes, royal oftavo, and to lubicribcrs will be. put at five dollars and fifty cents per let—t© nonfub- Icribcrs the price will be loniewhat enhanced.— The price of the London edition is seven dollars Those who fuhftribe for eight lets fliall have a ninth gratis. The two volumes will confifl of about nine hundred pages, of which the one annexed to the is a fpecimcn; the work is now publiftling, ai d w ill be computed wuh all conve nient expedition, thofo who wiih t» profit by the subscription, wPlpleafe to fublcribe seasonably. N»b. Gentlemen ho'diag fukifcription papers are requeued to return them to Thomas .»nd Tho maSj the pubiiftiers, by the firft of January next. The booksellers in Piiila Irlphia are refped fully is formed, that they will be fold ei'her bound or gathered in (ho ts, by the ftbfcribert, at their usual low pi ice Th.sfe who wifti to purchife will pi cafe to app'y by letter to the p übtilhers The work will be out ot j res» some time in the winter. THOMAS fcr THOMAS. Walpolc (M M.) Oft. iSoj (28) cots Piano-Forte, singing & GUITJR. R. TAYLOR, MUSIC PROFESSOR, STILL continues teaching Ladies' the above in ] ftrumei.ts, &c. Those who tr.ay wish (or hip inflrudion, th'jr favors will be duly attended to. on application made to him, No 96, Sixth ny«t, when they may depend on hting inftrudled With care and attention, and puudlually waited on N. B. R. Taylor having a good flock of Music, I l oth vocal and instrumental (particularly for the -1 Piano Forte) Songs, Opera's, Oratorios, and Sa cred Music. Any Lady or Gentleman may have Music copied out on praper terms. He has fevera! of Handel's Oratorios, &c. and all his Oritorio Son trs ; many of Dr. Arndt's, Pr. Arnold's, A bcl's, Or. Boyces's, Bach's, Clamentini's, Edel man's, Goirdam's, Haydn's, Nicolai's, Pleyel's. Schobert's works, &c. &c. A very l'weet-toned, f,coed hand Piano-Forte to be fold, andaGuitar. with other Piano-Forte's. Any person wanting a GK.AND PIANO FORTE, may be accommodated with a very excellent iidlrument of that kin. worth their purchase. Songi, &c. composed by R.Taylor, to be had of him, and a-Chalk's Mu ficai Rcpolitor.y, No. 75, North-Third Street, viz Prcfident's Match, for tws> performers on one Pi ano Forte ; the favourite fonjf of Summer, D Tout Mou Caur; En Verite, Rustic lelfivity, Morry Piping Lad, Nobody, Jockey and Jenny, Amynror, &c. &c. R.T beg. the Ladies ar.d Gentlenun who call upon him, (or fend) that their address be left in writing, he cot be at home, which wili much oblige, aad they will be wait d o:<. Oilobcr Jj. Citfaiiw. Loft, [Volume XVIII EPHRAIM CLARK, Clock & Watch MAKE Corner of Market .and Front Jlreets, Phila delphia y Has received by the KingOon and arrivals, CHAMBER ,nnd other Clicks, Clock Move ments, Eight day antl 30 hour cast brass Clock Bel|s, Clock Dials, Cat-gut, Watch Glass and Springs,! aqd gilt Chains, illk firings, ladies' chains gold, gilf., and steel; gold, gilt, and ftcej keys; seals gold, gilt, and steel. On han ! a general of Ciock and Watch Maker's, and Silver Smith's Tools and materials, and Files of all tizes, &c. Pummice, Ro.ten fto&e, Emery, Borax, &c &c. N t B, Watches and Clocks repaired as ufaal. O&wber 18 todtf Philadelphia Academy. gr Mr. Francis GaLiiET, i AN experienced and approved loftru6lor, hat undertaken to teach thc FRENCH LA ts- G&AGE in this Seminary, to such of the Young as may choose to place tbefufslve# un der his care £T Pare ts and Guardian# are rtqsefted lo make immediate application, that all the scholar* may begin at once. , Satnurl Maga.w 1 Directors of James A bi*rc rotable j ihc o£loher It. 3ta-wrl. Dancing Academy. MR. hat the honor to mforsi his pupils and the public in general, that he has opened his a£a Jeiny for danciug, at his ail'emMy room, No. 64, south Fourth ftrect. The atten dance ar# three times a week as ufuni,on Monday, Weduefday and Frka?. The hours for Ladies are from so to I in the morning ; young gentlemen from 4 to 6, and grown gdntkmen from kalf paJi 6t09 in the evening Mr. at No. 50, south Fifth ftrect. oiflobtr 21 aawtf At a County Court of Common Pleas, Held at Union Tswn, for the county of Fayette, the febond Monday of September, in the year ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred, before the Honorable Alexan der Addifon, Esquire, and his allocate Judges of the fane court, the petition of John Bartlett, an Insolvent \J Del-tor, praying the benefit of the adt of Ge veial AffexnWy lor the relief of Insolvent Debtor*, the Uourt appoints the second Monday of Deccm- I Lcr next to htar die petitioner and his creditors, and orders that notice thereof be pub'ifr.ed three! successive weeks in the United States G izette iu Philadelphia, in fame Aally paper ia Bftltimofe—* 111 a Lexington paper, Kentucky, 3nd in the Fay ette Gazette, the lalt publication in each, to be at icaft four weeks before the day of hcari&£. By the Court, EPHR.AI.VI DOUGLASS, Prothonotary. OSober 10. d.-;w. The Porcupine. I TAKE this method of informing the Pecple of the United States, that on the H.-ftdayot No vember next, I propose to relume the publication of Porcup»ce*s Gazette, under the title of I'HE PORCUPINE ; aui to aority (in cafe any gc,;:tin man in America thou Id want ic) that the price of each Number will be frxpene? ilcrling, and that the caih piuft be received by me before the paper can he lupplied.—As to the mode of conveyance, so frequent are the opportunities from London to New York, that files may be Icrwarded to the lat. ter place once a fortnight upon an average—from New-York they can be fpeediiy conveyed to ev ery part of the Union. When tiles can Uc, with out delay, sent to other places diredfc, it ni?.y be done ; when they cannot, they will all bo sent td N T ew-York, unLls otherwise ordered. £/* Porcupine's il'orks, Which have been lomctime i& ?se Press, will be completed in February next, wfcen the copies fubferioed for in America will b*. ior warded to the Subfcribcrs. Any ot my literary friends in America, %vha n\ay be disposed to renew tkeir correspondence with me; will plcafe o n infolvcuc debtur, praying the benefit of the ail of Aflcmhly, parted the fourth day of Ap'il one thousand (even hundred and lniiety-dght/ror the relief of insolvent debtors. The Court appoints the second Mooday of December next te hear the' petitioner and his creditors, and Orders that ic give his creditors notice thereof by a puMica ion, for three fuccefliva weeks in the Fayette Gaz : c, and in the United States Gazette, printed at »->' 1 Udelphia, the-laft of which publications (hall be t least three weeks before the day of hearing. By the Court. EPHRAIM DOUGLASS, Prtlbcr.ri: ■v.