NUMBUI 53- The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. Ail others pay me Dollar additional, for enclosing ami ea rthing ; and unle!s>some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it mast, bepn'J tt* itTonibs in Advance. *,* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December 1 1799* ALMANAC Frtrn October »9 —to Nuvtmbir 4. HIC.U WATII. H. M II 55 0 18 1 \o I 53 * 37 J »4 4 «* Wednsfday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday M#»day Tnefday SUN fcISR S B*T« - , 6 47 5 13 6 48 5 '* 6 49 5 11 . 6 50 5 10 - 6 51 5 9 6 s?r- —5 7 6 54 5 6 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday T ucfday For London, THK SHIP GEORGE, Captain Hick, Jw&p '] # HAS the gfrateft part of htr Cargo engaged—will take Freight if applied for immediately. Tiomst Murge'royd. & Sons. Oftoher n, For Sale, r jDaT* - TIIE MEW PII.O+ BUILT Vb'&'hbx. SCHOONER St. Tammany, C-!Vi&!!s»LYING at Bay'« Wharf, above Market Street, burthen 70 tuna, luppofed to he a remarkable fall failing velTel, and may befit ted £nr fca in a few day .. Inventory to be seen and terms of sale known by applying to the fub fcribtr. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4, South IVu'er Street. ALSO. FOR SAIF., 3 5 Hhds- Mufco»adi Sugar. White and bro .vn Hava'-.iah -fibrin boxes. Ealt India Philadelphia—will be ready to take in shortly at Pcrotts wharf—For freight or pafTage,apply to the captain on b->ard, nr to Jeremiah Warder. Those gentlemen who have goods on board the Amiable, are requested to fend their permits oh board at Gerard's wharf, above markot street, where the (hip is ready to difoharge. JEREMIAH WARDER Has for Safe, Liverpool high ifored fine SALT and COAL, Of the fird quality ; London refined fait petre ; London white lead, dry and ground in oil; red tead; London tin plates in hoxe-; Roman tea can liters in cases; Irilh linens assorted, 4 and 6 lb. cannon, Woolwich proof, and 3 and 9 lb fkot. Oftober 15 3 aw 3 w For Sale, By JOHN CLIFFTON, Junr. No. 80, Swanson street, Soulbwarh t The following India Goods, VIZ. 100 pieces Goldhead Mamoodics 100 do Bonnahead do 500 do Jalalpoer Sawns 95 do Chandnrconna Nanfook 7.5 do do Handkerchiefs jot do Burbhoon Gurrahs Aftober 14 ru th fa 1 m William French, No. 48, Sovru Fkost-sTi/eet. HAS JUST RECEIVED, By the PenufyWania, captain York, from LONDON, An extensive and elegant assortment of LONDON SUPERFINE Broadcloths and Caffimeres. oftsber as Pkihdclpbia, OQo. 1800 mwf tS United Statks > „ Pennsylvania District. s * Notice is Hereby Given. r_ !~ I HAT in puri'uauce of a writ to mo directed frcm the honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Ju'fye of the Diflriil Court oi the United States in and tor the Pennfvlvania Di;}riet, will be cxpofed topuWic sale, at the CUSTOM HOUSE in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday the 4th of November nt*t,at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, THE CARGO Of th"« armed French lthooner La Doradc, prize to tht Ucited States fcip Petapfco, Hcury Oeddes, Esq. Commander, confuting of the tollywing ar ticks, vii 1 calk of Hardware I 1 cafe Hafs and Calico I cafe ol Dry Goods | I cafe of Hats 10 Grind-stones I 1 cafe Shoes and Hard -50 Bundles Iron hoops | ware 3 Iron Pots I 1 fsiall cafe Cutlery I cafe printed Cotton | to reams of paper. JOHN HALL, Marshal. 03ober Ij- m wftf tf. For Hamburgh, the ship MIL PENNSYLVANIA, Peter Yorke, master. —vy Is bow ready to receive Iser cargo and will fail with aM d;fpatch—fome freight wil be taken if applied for immediately. JOHN MILLER, Junr. o&ober 17 diw Copper, In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns, LE \D, Brazier's Sold Tin in boxes, Steel Sheck-irou, itfV'ng twine, and a large sffort ment cf Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadleiy, Brass and Japann*d wart*. For fa.e by Elisha Fisher & Co. Otflober 17. f rntffw im John Cliffton, jun. HAVINC declined his former bulihtfs, of fer * for fait all his ilock, confiiling of flic following article?, viz. fa tii&t'i tf Sixteen Anvils, Eighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vices, with all the other Tools necessary for cond: Imported, In the fliij. Atlantic, captain Waters, from And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articUL Mostly suitable for exportation, AMONG WHICH ABE Blue clothe Neckantes Soot KnmaU Salem poores Ventapolams Madras Lony Cloths Ditto Handkerchief*. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, ' Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, Juur. No. 80, Dock street. oflobcr 10 mwf tf Per the Brig Perseverance, captain sivaine, Mr. William Bell's Wharf. 80 hhd». Antigua and St. Kitts Rum and 10 ditto Cjffee F r, SALE BY, CkOOKE STEVENSON. No. 4, South Water Sheet. O&ober and a Fount of bravier, weiching 400 lbs. or upwards. September 2. Calcui t* and iJ adraa. Just arrived. ias, 6 and 7 4, which are inable terms for approved r Well-India produce. Boccadillos Bielefeld Linens Siamoife i-aces. Tapes ol several kinds Decanters Quirt and pint tumblers 1 Travelling Cases I Glass Beads, violins and Landing And about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, * I'CR Sale BT Wharton fc? Lewis, No. rij.fcuth Front flreet. tu th fa tf The Works conditions. RUSSELL'S Modern Europe. Second Volume of MODERN EUROPE is now delivcrmgto "uhfcribers.and may be ha i of : , W. T. Birch, No. 17, South Second Street, Certificates Loft. October LOST, THE undermentioned certificates of (lock ot Bank of the Uniud States yiz No. 978, date 1 llt January, 179?, for five fliatcs in the name of Bourdicu, Chollett and Bourdiuu No 27.366, daccj ift of January. 1798, foi five ihare», in the name of the Right hqn. lord John TownfhcnJ. Notice is hereby given, That-applicatioii is intended to be made at the fail! Bank by the fubfci :'er, for a renewal of the fame, of which ail perfanjconcerned are requt-fted to take notice. JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, 10 mo. 28, 18 :0 tuthfajm LOST, The following certificrtes of eight per cent, (lock in the nataie of William Bell, j-f Handing to his credit on the book* *i the United Dtito L«ag Office of Pennsylvania, viz. No j»j, a Crrtific-ite dated 30th January, 1800, for one dollars. No ioj, a Certificate dited 36th fcnuary, ißco, for one thnvfaod ijoUirs. dtf Notice is hereby given, that application is in tended to be made for a renewal of the which all persons concerned are requeued to take notice. JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, jo mo. 18, 1800. 3'avv6w IN the Clip Kjijfington, captain Kerr, in the year 1794, having been captured by the French on her voyage £roro hence to Amfter !am, the follow ing certif,cites tl stock ol the Bank o' the United States, standing ih the name of Benjamin Chap man. Nos. 432 tjt 436 0/ 4 Stares each; 158 3 do. 1215, 1116, 1217. I do. Application is made at said Bank by the fubferi fcer lor a renewal ol theUme, of which all pirfens concerned are itefircd to take notice. ofl. 17 Pi opofals Forpublijhing, by Subfeription, A DIGEST Of the L.iw' of Anions and Trials at Nil PRIUS. By Haa< HfpfoafTe, w!Cray*. Ifao, Ef will be spare to render the work cor ie&, and free of typographical errors. It will be neatly bound and lettered in two vo lumes, royal oil.ivo, and to fubicrihers will be puC at five dollars and fifty cents per fet—te nonfub- Icribcrs the price will be fonwwhat enhanced.— The price of the London edition is seven dollars Thofc who fubferibe for eight sets lhall have a ninth gratis. The two volumes will conGft of about nine huudi ed pages, 6f which the one annexed to the proposals is a specimen: As the work is now f üblifhing, and will be completed with all conve nient expedition, those who with t» profit by the fubfeription. will please to fublcribc feafonahly. N. B. Gentlemen holding fu'hfcription papers arc requsfted to return them to T homas and Tho mas, the pub!ifher>, by the firft of January n*xt. gj* The hookfrllers in Philadelphia are refpcA fuliy iltformed, that they will bafold either bound or gathered in fbetts, by the fabfcrilxrs, at their nfual low price. Those who wilh to purchafa will please to apply by letter to th« pub;ifhcrs.— The work will be out of press some time in the winter. THOM \S er THOMAS. Walpole fN. H.) Q eotf Piano-Forte, SINGINGGUITAR. R. TAYLOR, MUbIC PROFESSOR, STILL continues teaching Ladies' the above in- Aruments, &c. Those who may wilh for his intimation, their favors will be duly attended to, on application made to him, No. 96, North Sixth flreet, when they may depend on being in(lrui9ed with care and attention, and punctually waited on. N. B. R. Taylor having a good (lock of Music, both vocal and instrumental (particularly for the Piano Forte) Songs, Opera's, Oratorios, and Sa cred Music. Any Lady or Gentleman may have Music copied out on proper forms. He has several of Handel's Oratcrios, &c- and all his Oratorio Songs ; many of Dr. Arndt's, Dr. Arnold's, A- \ bcl's. Dr. Boyces's, Bach's, Clamentini's, Edel man's, Goirdam'.', Haydn's, Nicolai's, Pleyel's, Sehobert's works, Bcc. &c. A very fwcet-tonCd, fecond-"har*i Piano-Forte to be fold, and a Guitar, J with other Piano-Forte's. Any person wanting a GRAND PIANO FORTE, may bu accommodated with a very excellent instrument of that kind worth their purchase. Songs, ice. composed by R.Taylor, to be had of him, and at Chalk's Mu fic&i Repository, No. 75, North-Third Street,viz President's March, for twin performers on one Pi ano Forte ; tbe favourite song of Summer, De Tout Mou Coeur; En Verite, Rustic Festivity, Morry Piping Lad, Nobody, Jockey and Jenny, Amyntor, &c. &c. R.T. begs the Ladies ar.d Gentleman who call upon him, (or fend) that their addrefi be left in writing, ihouLd he not be at home, which will much oblige, and they will be waited on. oaober 13. th-&fa;aw. Loft, JOHN MII.LER, Juor, djin. EPHR AIM CLARK, Clock 6t Watch M A K E R, Cgrn:'\ of Market am Front -Jlrcets, Pbilc- Has received by the Kington and other amvnls, CHAMBER, .ncjrother Clocks, Clock Move* meats, Right c?ay ami 30 hour cast hraft, Clock Brlls, Clock Lhal.-j, Cat-£i»t, Watch Glass and fted and gilt Chains, filk,firings, ladies' chains goM, gilt, ana steel; go'd, gilt, and steel keys*; fr-lsgold, gilt, and ftcel. On Irani a geae. ai fupaly of Clock and Watch Maker's, and Silver irhiith's Tools and materials, and File# of all lizes, &c. > Pumniic2, Ro:ten Oonu t Emery, Borax, See Scc. N 4 Watc!.e» and Clocks repaired as ufua'l. G&tob-r 18 to^tf Philadelphia Academy. £>■ Mr. Francis Gallet, AN experienced and approved Inftru&or, has undertaken to teach the FRENCH LAN* GI&AGE in this Semiwary, to such of the Young GcntTem?n as may choose to place themselves un der his care Parents and Guardians ar*? reqacfted to make immediate application, that all jhe fchoi&rt may begin at once. Samuel Mag aw 1 Directors*of James Abcrefojnibie J :be -Academy• O&oher ai. Dancing Academy. MR. QHESNET has the honor to inferm Ms pupils and the public in general, that he has op«t.ed his academy fur dancing, at his aflemMy room, No. 64, south Fourth llreet. The attea darceare three times a week asufuM.on Monday, Wedaefday and Friday. The hours for Ladies are from io to I in the morning ; young gentlemen from 4 to 6, and grown gentlemen from ialf past 6 to 9 in the evening Mr. Q_rcjidc» at No. SQ, south Fifth flreet. o aflociate Judges of the fame court, ihs petition of ]ehn Bartl*:t, an IrlWvcnt Debtor, prayit g the oenefit el the - * netal Aflembly tor the relief ol irifolvetit Debtors, the Court appoints the second Monday of Dcm- I cr next to hear the petitioner anfl hi" cr i!it:>rs, and oroers that no-:ice thereof be publrtjiei three fucceflive \vetks in the United Stat.»G zetfc in Philadelphia, in some »'all_y in -.Lcxi|igtoa paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay ctte'GjZjt 'e the poMicatioi. i i each, to be at t kaft four weeks before thd day of hearing. By the Court, JIFHRAIM DOUGLASS, Prothonocary. Goober 10. djw. The Porcupine. ITAKH this method o! informing the People of the United States, that on the tirli day of No vember next, r pr ripofe to r fume the publication of Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of THE PORCUt'INE ; and to notify (in cafe any gentle man in America ftiould want it) that the price of each Number will be sixpence iterlirg, and that the cafli mutt be receivsd by me before the paper can be (uppli«d.—As to the mode of conveyißce, so frequent are the opportunities from London to New York, that filet may be forwarder) to thelat. rer place once a fortnight upon an average—from New-York.they can be fpcedily conveyed to ev ery part of the Union. When files can be, with out delay, sent t • otuer piacei dirtdl, it may be done.; when they cannot, they will all bo sent ca New-York, unless otherwise ordered. £/■ Porcupine's Harks, Which have been Lmetimc in *'ne P-«f», will he completed in February next, wfeil the copies fubferi'ed for in America will be forwarded to the Subfcribcrs. , Any of my literary friends in America, who may be disposed to renew their correspondence with me; will plcafe to dire JV to nie at my print ing olfice, No. 3, Siuth-mpfn ftr;et Strand, or at my Boohl'eller's ihoD, N". iS.Pali 4ali. WILLIAM COBBETT. London, September 6, t? o. Saw Manufactory. J FRANCIS MASON, No. xo, foutfi Fifth flreet, Manufactures mill, crosscut and pitt favvs, equal in quality, Epnearancr and f.,spe to any ever imported; which fce fells wholesale it the following prices—6 feet mill saws 5 1-1 dol lar each ; crofs-cutdo 50 cents per foot j pitt do. 60-cetiti per faot. Wood-Cutters cafl steel saws, and every other kind, made to any particular direSion. c Sober 10 mwf rm To Creditors. AT a county court o! common pleas, held at Union town, lor the county of Fayette, the fe conJ Monday of September, in the year of cur Lord one thousand eight hnndred, before th< honorable Alexander Addil'on, Esq. Prefidrot ol the fame court. ON petition of Thomas Pew, an insolvent debtar, pruyiog the benefit of the ad; of Affenibly. passe.i the fourth clay of April one thouiand fevtn hundred and n;n.-ry.eij>'nt, for the relief ofiufolvent debtors ihe Court appoint* , the Ocond Monday of i/ecem'.er ;:cxt te hear the petitioner arid hl9 creditors, and orders that he give his creditors notice thereol by a puMiia'ion for three fuccrHivs in the Fayette Gaz -re, and in the United StatcsG; zette, printed at Phi ladelphia, the last of which publication* shall be at least three weeks before the day of hearing, By the Court. EPHRAIM DOUGLASS, Protbmotary, I*7 fa [Volume XVIII. ** \fc. ♦