Thomas W other spoon, No. 56, Sou4n Piiot. 1 !" Sweet, Has received by the late arrivals from Lo>v don, Liverpool, Hull and Gkl'gow, a ireneral aflortiiient of DR Y - GOODS ; Suitable for the season—among which are SuPIttiFINE and ftfeend cloths, Do. plain and ribb'd Do. taSiion.\b]e Swanfdowns Coiiting'6 and Bocking Baizes riann»h and Plains Plaid and ribb'd Calimancoes Dnratrts and Joans Spinning's B ; .ck R'filTets and Rorob«z Salempoor?# Ventap»lau:s Madras Long Cloths Ditto HanJksrchiefi. ALSO 2000 bags priijie Sugar, Hyson ftnd Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, Juw. No. tfo, Bock street. JKwf tf October 10 jufl: Received, By tlie G«org«, Amuble aui Alhcr Ute »rri*a' » t AND FOR SALE, On low tcrm«,by ti« pitkige, at No. 48, South Front street, I © Bales Rose Blankets, 1 W < biles uffiil ditto » 15 hgi" Kendal-Cottons z_ 4 bales low priced Broadcloths 4 bales Lon ion fuperfine do. . r? % balfs Plains and Fore ft Cloths r l bait fftfliionablc fine » bales ladiionable I.ionlkin do. J 3- {mall bale* low priced # Swanidowns £ 4 b2le« ifi*gr*iti Yorkcftvire Carpets and 1 . 70 hhd. Sein TwiUff. J An and choice afTortmcnt of DRY GOODS— o&oher I Imported, AND FOB SAL I- B Y £ BENE Z E R* LARGE, 9-8 white Russia Sheeting, DROGHER JUWENS, fine 4 4 In.h Lin ens, Clouting Diapsr, Cotton Velvets, TliickfcHs and Fancy Cord*, Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchief*, Sat tins, Pdonc«, Modes and Perfiaris, Calhmtn cocs, Wiliib >re9 and oonibazeen,Fine and coarfc •Bobbin, Tap:s, Ribbpsa, Ferrets, Scotch Oz naburgs, Threadj No. 7 to 64,|coloured Threads No. 8 to 16, Pirn, 3 l-i, 4, 4 i-» and 5 'h. London Pewter allorted ill catks, T.ii, ar,.' ha> just received by the lata arrivals a general afljrt ment of Woo lens. TO ro 8 Just arrived. Brig Perseverance, ~ CAPTAIN SWAINE, AT Mr. William Bell's Wharf. 80 hhds. Antigua and St. Kitts Rum «nd 10 ditto Coffee CROOKE STEVEN9ON. No. 4, South IVater St cel. Oflober 8. dtf UIINA GOODS. d»ot Landing frn n tbe ship America, IValte. Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND FOR SALE Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH &r Co. Bouea, Congo, So'jchong, ift & and quality, Caper souchong, HyS.n-lkm, ' WEAS, I nkay, iinglo, hyfon, Hyson, Ift & id quality, Imperial, J • Yellow ft white nankeens (.utcftrings, back & color'J (In Boxes Sinlhaws do. f alTorted, Satt'ms do. j Lutestrings, max. blue k dark green j n n' rr j ( !»o.\f' Persian taffetas, dark green ) Tbev bave also on band for sale, received In tbe late arrivals from Europe, isfo. Infmallptck Striprd and choked ginghams i ages affrted, Whit* figured & color'd Muf- | calculated t'oi linefte the Weft-ln White corded dimities dia market ft Color'd (ilk, flriped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3. Bales feme twine /' (Entitled to 10 Cases English China «"aie, in tea setts J 6 Calks mineral black, I do. white, 10 do. colcother, 3 Calks purple brown, , 35 do. nails alTorted, 9 do. London porter in bottles, Engiiih fail canvas, No. 1, * & 3, Kuflia duck, j 17 Boxes white Ha»anna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, so Gans, 6 pcuoders, II do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, kc. iBo,ocolbs. Ceribon coffee, ift } quality (Entitled to jo,ooolbs. black pepper (drawback, ao L«g» ebor.y J May ij. n>&w tf Jim Ten Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY F3OM the fuhfcriber the 16th inft. * servant man, named JAMES, aged *7 y«ar», aiout 5 sett 8 inclus high, of a yellow complexion, and of a bold, (} rightly appearance Had on when he west away, a pair of Fullian trowfert, a veil and failori' jacket of nearly the fame colour ; on the Isrtcr of which were large black buttons ; his hat black and abont half worn. He is accustomed to the Farming bufiucfs; but may perhaps endea voar to enter liimfelf »n boarxl some vertcl that i» fea. Whoever ficures said Run away and delivers him to the fubfcriSer, ihall have the a'nove rcwaicl anrt nil rtalonable charge? paid.— All matters of vclfeUare f. rfiid to receive or har bour laid servant upon their peril. IRA CONDICT. New Brunfwi»k,oa»O ,„y _ her so, 1800. f Of the Bank at the United States, NO. *y>S% to 15963 incluGve, in the came of Thomas Mallstt of were forward ed about the ill of May 1797. fro " New.York, by the (hip Onfiaa for London, \*rfiich was cap tured by the French, and said Certificates 101 l or dedruyi-.d ; therefore application is made at the laid Bank for the rescwal of the £tm«, mwf tf STAGES REMOVED. THE public are hereby informed, that the Bal timore Coavhee will i» future (iatt from the In dian Queen, No. 15, south Forth street, every day txeep buaitUy, at 7 o'clock, and will rrriye at Pec k** Tavern, Baltimore, the ntxt day at 8 o'clock ahd the Stag** to New York, will start every day ?tt and ii o'clock. JOHN H. BARNEY & C >. N. R —A hook is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan dler's Franklin Head, where feaxs may also be ta ken in the above tine at llages. o hotter % LANCASTER STAGES. " TUB Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan cifter line efStagelPlSPATCH,return their grateful tl anks to the.r irumds and the public in general, for the past favors tfcey have received,and inform thom that in addition to the regular Line, th»y are provided with Carrip.gei.fuber and careful drivara, to go through between the City and Bbri ughistwo days. Those who prefer this mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, Cgn of United States Eagle, Market flreet, Philadelphia. .. Slough, Dowttingt Dtinwoodj If Co* Nv*r. It—f Marshal's Sales. UNITED STATES ) Pennsylvania District,) BY virtue dfa writ to nie dire if ed from the honorable RichaH Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Di(>ri6l Court of th. United States in and for tfee Petinfylvania Diflri(sl, will be expofedto puH lie sale, at the Merchants* Coffee House, in tfe city of PWladeftthn, on Tpefday the 4th day of Novemt-fir-ueit. at 7 6'clotk' in theeveuuig, y*T,-l Tb? armed Frerch schooner foMfk LA DORADE, " flle to t^ie Unitea states armed ship Patapfco, Henry Gcddes, Esquire in miii commander— The faixe having been lateiy condemned by the said court as forfeited, &c. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshall's Office, } Philadelphia, OSo. 25, 18003 niwf tS Un 1 ted Statks Pennsylvania Dist ict. $ Notice is Hereby Given. "I"^AT in purfuaiice of a writ to ate dircfled 1- frcm the horor~ble Richard Peters. F.fquire, Judge of the Dill nil Court of the United states in and for the Pennsylvania Difirid, will be exposed to puMic sale, ac the CUSTOM HOUSE in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday the 4th of fJ'.vemlcr n xt,at 10 c-'cl. 'k in the forenoon, THE CARGO Of th« armed Frerch (chooner J_,a Dorade, prize to rhs United States fbip Petaj sco, Henry Gedd»s, Ffq. Coij:manJer. coufiftmg of the following ar ticles, VIZ I calk of Hardware I I cafe Hats and Calico I csf 0/Dry Goods | I caf eof Hats >0 Giind-flones I I cafe Shoes and Hard -50 Buudirslrou hcops | ware ; Iron Pots I I smalt cafe Cutlery I cafe printed Cotton | to reams of paper. JOHN HALL, Marshal. October 15- m w&f tf. _ Loft, I 'HE undermentioned Certificates of Stock of the Bank of the United States, viz. No. 3804, dated iftjuly 1796, for ten shares in the name of Charles Lovegrt ve of New- York. No. —No. d»ted ift July, 1796, for five fliares #ach in the name of Sarah tVedgewood of Etruria. No. 2 )8c8 —No. 19809, dated ift January, 1800. for tjn shares each, in tha name ef Henry Waddington, Merchant, London. *■ Notice is hereby given, Tha' application is intended to be made at the said Bank by the lubferibyri, for a renewal of the fame, of which all perfont concerned are requeued to take notice. WADDING I ON ir HARWOOD Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwl'jm Education FOR TOUMG LsIDIES. COLUMBIA HOUSE, BOARDING cr DAY-SCHOOL, 1£ COMMENCED For the winter i'eafun 011 Monday, Ofloter 6th, Walnut, between Fourth and Fifth-flreets. MRS. GROOMBRIDGE ref P ey my will or ether teftimer.tary instru ment, or for any fliare or part of a parfonal estate, dividrd by force of any ftttute of diftriUut'rotis other than to the wife, children or £rand children of the p?rfon dileafed, the amount whereof shall beabovathe value t,f fifty dollars, and ftjil not exceed the value of one hundred dollars »5 When the amount thereof (hall ex ceed the value of one hundred dol ors, .ind (hall not exceed five hun dred dollars 50 •Intl for every further sum of five hundred dollars, the additional • fuin of 1 Any policy of insurance or inflru ment in nature thereof, when the sum fur which insurance is made shall not exceed five liUEdred dol lars 25 When the sum insured shall exceed five hundred dollars I Any exemplification of what nature l'oever, that shall pass the seal of any court, other than such as it may be the duty of the clerk ( f such court to furnifh for the use of the United"Stites, or some parti cular state jo Any bond, bill single or penal, inland bill of exchange, promiflbry note or other ncteif other than any recognizance, hill, band or other obligation or contrast, made 50 or with the United States, or any state, or for their use respectively ; and any bonds required in any Clf* ' bv the laws of the United States, or of any state, up n legal process, or in anv judicial proceeding, ®r for the faithful performance of any trust or duty) If abeve twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars 10 If above t re hundred and not ex ceeding five hundred dollars 15 If above fiv« hundred and not ex ceeding one thoufmd dollars 50 And if above one thousand dollars 75 Provided, that if ar.y bonds or notes (hall he payable at or within sixty days, such bonds or notes (hill be futije£t to < rrty two filth of the Qu.y aforefaid, viz. If above twenty and not exceeding one htind.ed dollars 4 Ifabove '"He hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundi ed dollars 10 ! If above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one thousand duils, »o' If above one thousand dollars 30 Any foreign bfll of exchange, draft or order for the payment of*noney in any foreign country s 20 The said duty being charge- > able upon eich and every bill of ex p change, without refpefl to the num ber contained in each set. ; Any note or bill of lading or writing or receipt in nature thereof, for goods or merchandize to be ex ported ; , If from one diftriift to another dil- '• s tiiiit of theUnUed States,not being in the fame state 4 1 If from the United States to any fo reign port or place 10 The said duty being chargeable * upon each and every bill of lading , ' without rsfpeft to the number cor- * tained to each set. Any noles iflued by now eftifelilhed'or that may be hereafter established within the United >, States, <.ther than the hues of such of the said banks as shaH a gree to an, annual composition of a one per centum o:> the annual di -1 vide>.de made by such h.inks, to thefr ftockh ldeis refpeflively, ac cording to the following'fcale : On all notes not exceeding fifty dol- ' lars, for each dollar 6 On all notes fifty and not exceeding one hundred dollars 50 On nil notes above one hundred dul h lars and notexceeding five hundred :p dollars t On all notes above five hundred dol lars s DM. C. At, Any protest cr other notarial acl 15 Any letter of attorney, rxr pr f-r an invalid peOfinrf, or to obtain or fell warrants for !r I granted by the United States as bounty tor military fcrviees performed in the lat-f war Any inventory or catalogue of any fur niture. g«®ds or cffedls, made in any cafe required by hw (except in cases of g^edsand chattels 'drained for rent «r taxes,aiid goods t'ken in vir tue of any Ifgal pi eft by any officer 50 Any certificates V>f a flu.-e in any insu rance company, ol a fharein the bank of the Unit E d States, or of any state or other bank ; If above twenty dollars and not exceed ing one hundred dollars 10 If above one hundred dol'ars 15 If under twenty dsllars, at the rate of - i ten cents for one hundred dollars. M That the power of the fupervlfors of the Revenue to m„rk or ft.imp N any vellum, parchment or paper chargeable with duty, will cease and determine from and after fix months from the date hereof, to wit, 01) the last d.ty of February 1801. 111 That, if afiy persons fliall, after tbe last day of Febrtiary iSci, have in their custody or polT.-ffion, any vellum, parchmemt or pa- . per, marked or (lamped by ih? lupeirvtfors of the Revenue, upon which any matter or thing", charged with duty, (hall not have been written or printed, they may at any time 7vitbin tbe space of sixty days after tbe said last day of February 1801, bring or fend suCh vellum, parchment and paper, . unto km-: office of iiifprdliqn, and in lieu J thereof, receive a like quantity or value of vellum, parchment and paper, duly (lamped ■ in ptirluanpe of thjs adt herein before lecited. ■ And in cafe any person (hall negtejlk <. r re- " fufe, within the time i.forefaid, to briffg or caule to be brought llilto ionie officer of in fpeftion, any iuch vellum, parchment: or ca per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will t hereafter be of no other effi*& or use, than if it h d never been marked or (lamped, and that all matters and thing's, which may af tei that tune be written ©r printed any vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be exchanged hi maurer aforeiaid, will be of 110 other effiitl, than i£ they had been written or printed pn paper, parchment or vellum, Hot marked or (tamped. r • IV. And for the convenience of those persons who may be inclined to have their own vel lum, parchment and paper damped or mark ed, it is hereby petlared, that when Miy per fdn Ih II depjifit any vellum, pa-chment or paper at the office .1 a lupervifor, accompa nied with a lift, fpecifying the number and denomination'ot the (lamps or mark?, which are desired to be thereto affixed,/the fame will be transmitted to the General Stpani- Offic'-,and thjjre properly marked or (lamped, and forthwith sent back to the fune fuppr viior, who will thereupon colleil the di.;ies 'and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the order of the person fW;m whpm the fame was received. Given under my Hand, and the Seal (L. S.) of the Tresfnry, ,it Wafliing ton., the day and year abjve men tioned. > ' OLIVER WOI.COTj", Secretary of the Trcafuryi september 29. djm. NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE, No. 1J.V19. dated jft Jan uary 1797, in favou; al Robert Lindfay, of (> harle(len South-Caiv.'ina, for one fharc of the stock of the Bank of tl e Unite-! -nates is loft— a duplicate of wbich »111 be applied for at the fail Institution. ROBERT LENOX. August 7. mSct^m For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Obesnut Strut, Near the corner of Eleventh, at prefent'in the tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Pe' -ffion may ba had the first ol November next, or fooncr if re quired Apply to Edward Shoemaker. 1 September 3 f s) PAR I i\i: RbiiiK 4 A PERSON pofieiTing some capital, a consi derable ihare of indultry, and delirous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative (hifinefs* may hear of a fituatien. All propoialt on thi#. i fnhjevsl to be in writing, sealed and direiSed to W. R. J New York, and left with thq printer of the Gazette of the United States, will be at ' tended to. ! enntain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-ream, fifteen feet by thirty is thexiew well calculated for a store in either the dry or >v»t good liae. The air and *ater are unrivalled, and there are some mo!"! ::t ; ent schools in' tbe. eighborhood,. Kor particulars of the V'r ; »*.. or of M*. POTTER, on the premifei, May 9. dtf f