Foreign Intelligence. VtA BOSTON. LONDON Sep. 8. We observed in our paper of Saturday, fhat the Cabiuet Minifteri held two very lohg fittings on the preceding days on the fubjefl of a dispatch received from Paris on Thursday morning. It may be thought hazardous to prettnd to any knowledge of the contents of this dispatch, bat we are giVen to understand, by the moll respedUbV authority, that th? terms demanded by the Chief Consul, as a pre liminary tp Jiegociation, were of a nature not to tie complied with, it wi; therefore expefl ed that the intercourse would not proceed any further. His iVlajefly's Ministers, however, with an anxious delireto remove every oblhcle >fonegociatiGis have perfevercd in their endti voqrs to obviate ;tit ftrfl impediment! tli:t hive befeir thrfiu'H ih t>e way ot it , and late on Friday night, a dispatch was sent off to Paris from Lord Orenvillc's office, with the relult of the council held on that day * The public may implicitly rely on this information * This intelligence is confirmed by letters re ceived y'Jlerday from Dj-ver, tu/sich mention that a dispatch for the French Government tuds received at that place on Saturday morning at five o'clock, which nvas'immtdiately forwarded 'to Calais, by a Britijh Flog of Truce. AUGS3OURG, A*g. »6. "Letters from Vienna of the 20th slate that* courier had arrived froai Naples, bringing the intelligence that an infurre&inn had broken out in Scicily, iij cenfequence of which the king was obliged to take reiuge on board the English fqua (Iron. A body of the insurgents had marched to Palermo, and demanded that the king fliould be given Bp to them . It appears, from the Naples Gazette, that the infurrcilion had very much increased both io Naples and in Palermo Since the Fruuch entered Italy, between the 13th *nd 17th, thare w«re above 400 pert ns arretted. BTKABB&UHC, A«( 30. Positive news has b«n r«ceivel here, that he gociatiohs have been begun in Berlin, be'wren citizen flnurnonville, and the Ruffian minister Krudcuir, ami that good hopes arc entertained that a tteaty of peace will be immediately con cluded between these two poweri. FRANKFORT, Aug. i 5. We ytfterday received fever a I letters from Vi enna, dated on. the iSth, which asnr.uoce that the F.mptror has obliged M de Thugut to ri.fign his place of firft minister, which he did with great rcluSante, that the Emperor was resolved upon it, a« thi' people of the capital w»re very much against tfhat mini'ltr ; that he wifficd him to be otit of office before the arrival of the Qjetn of Naples; that Thugut is ging to Venice, to as f»ms th,< office of commiHary for his imperial majesty, and that %C. De Csbentzal is to replace him in former Otuation- The e find in, the Jour nal des Homines Letters : " Pfrmit me,citizen editor, llill to doubt the de.ith of general Kicber, which has been announced almost officially. The remark ■which »»as made 011 this Cubjeft in the Mon iteur "is very lenlible t that th? death us Gen. Eon.iparse aJfo was announced in the fame way. But what gives hopes to the true friends the country >3, the improba bility cf the dates affixed to*the two lettets. That nt' Gen. Metvxi is dated 19th June, and she atifwer ot sir Sidney Smith, is da- ted June 221!. Now, calculating the difl anot .from Cairo, the; place fr.>nv which Gen. Menfu writes, to where Sir, Sidney Smith was, it is to believe that either by lea or land, this space could be travelled in .three days and a half. Ir. the arfwer it is ("aid that a Confutation had been h?ld with the grand Vizier. It could not b* in the fpaie of two hours that fir Sid' ney Smith could speak wilh the Grand Vizi er, enter into details which requiied de liberation, and writs to Gen Menou the aniwer which we have seen. , u It is necefTary in going from Cairn to #Joppa. to traverl'e the l)efeit ; four days at lead are neceflary for this journey, and half q# the road is travelled with difficulty. Make life it'you think proper of my reflex ions, »nd give to the family of this brave General some consolation. '«BAUDILLERS." New-Theatre. For tbe Second time in America. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 29, Will be prefentcd, a favorite COMEDY, (in five ids,) called Management, (Written Hy the author of the Rage, Dranniift, Clt«:*p Livinp.Howr to Grow Rich, Will, &c.— aud now perl swung at the Theatre in Covent Garden, with diflinguifhed applaufc.) CiVitl) miv.scenery and decorations.J An oceafional PROLOGUE, writen by Mr. Mi chad Fortune, to be fpokeu by Mr Berr.ard. Captain Lavidi, Mr. Bernard; Wi s nel! Sir Harvey Soutberland, mr Cooper; Stop gap, mi. Illiffett. Mrs.Dazzle, mrs Shaw; Betty, mrs. Do&or ; Juliana, mr 1. Merry. The EPILOGUE to be fpokeu in charac ter by Mr. Wignell. To ivbicb will be added', A Comic Opera, (not afled tnis ftafoa) in 3 aSls, called Highland Reel- Box, one Dollar. Pit, three quarters of a Dol lar, and Gallery, half a Dollar. The Doors of the Theatre will openat 1 4 pad • s, and the Curtain rife »t 1-4 past 6 o'clock Gentlemen and Ladies are reque«ed to fend their ferva:H» to keep placcsin the boses at a quarter pall five o'clock. Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY KVKHIItfI; OCTOBER 2Q. The frigate New-York, R. V. Moris, Eiq. commander, we understand left the watering place on Monday afternoon to proceed on a cruize. She will touch at Old Kiln rojids for the purpose of ta king under convoy such vefiels as may wifli to join her. The hon. Levi Lincoln, Esq. Federal Representative has received 146 Out of 170 votes, in Worcester, Mas. No other return has been received. On Monday the 12th of October, the election was held in Charleston, S. C. for a Member of the House of Repre sentatives of the United States, and 3 Senator and 15 Reprelentatives in the Legislature of the State. Sen.tor. Gen. C. C. Pinckney 623 Col. Wm. Lee 387 General Pinckney was consequently chosen by a majority of 236. The votes for a Reprefentativcs to Congress and for members of the House of Representatives, have not yet been counted over. Mr. Thomas Lowndes, the candidate for Congress, will without doubt be unanimously elected; and enter as honorably into public life, as ever so young a mail did. There can be no doubt also, of the Federal lift for reprefentativcs having a handsome majority. This day's Mail furnifhes the follow ing return of the Election in Georgia, for Congress : HANCOCK. Jones, 791 Tallifaro, 748 Wallis, 55 RICHMOND. Jones, 334 Tallifaro, 296 Wallis, * 80 WILKES. Jones, Tallifaro, Wallis, The Eleftion for chofing Ele&ors of President and Vice-President of the U nited States, takes place on the firft Monday in November next, throughout the state of North-Carolina. Riotous aflemblages of the people have taken place in various parts ot En gland, in consequence of the high price of bread, corn, &c.—The military were found necessary to quell them, which they diif, with the lols of the life of one person. Buonaparte has required of the Pope that the Catholic Clergy may be per mitted to marry. Extraft of a letter from on board the fri gate Philadelphia. " Our ship fails better than any of those on the windward station, except ing the President, Commodore Trux ton, with which we have not yet had a trial. u On the 6th Sept. we discovered three fail to windward of us, a brigand two ships, we were then cruiling to windward of Antigua—we chafed seve ral hours until night came on, when we loft fight of ttem. We have not since heard what they were. " The crew is in remarkable good health." From a London Paper. A curious aftion was lately tried in the Mbrihalfea Court, to recover com pensation in damages for loosing the use of two fingers, which happened in the following manner :■ —A Mrs. Low ry went into the shop of the defendant, a butcher in Gofswell-ftreet, to buy some meat, and while Ihe was pointing out the place where Ihe would have it cut, the butcher, in his eagerness to serve his customer, whipt off a great slice, but at the fame time wound:d two oi her fingers in such a manner as ever to de prive her of the use of them. —For the defendant it was contended, that the butcher was not responsible, as the aft was not proved to have been done ma liciously or wilfully. The jury, in con deration of the butcher not being in opulent circumstances, contented them lelves with giving damages—thirty pounds. j F*tra Caracca J * 8 « 115 Cochineal Garbled 21$ a 25s Carolina Rice 4la a 135 American Flour 6js per barrel Extact of a letter from d'zcntlemcin in Ver mont to his friend Albany city, dated the 2 ist instant. " Our Legislature, which is now in feflion, has convinced us of its tederalifin by again eletting Mr. Paink to reprefcnt us in the Senate of the United Stfetts. Gen. Brad ley was the demscratit candidate ; Mr. I'aine obtained a majority of 34. Jefferson will not receive a vote in Vertcont at the euiuing eledtion of Prelident." From the Baton Commercial Gazette of tie The Diana, captain Breck, who arrived here on Monday lad, from London, has furmlhed us with papers to the 8:h of Sep tember, SIX DAYS LATER tliall by the pre- Vi6hs arrivals from tllat quarter Thcfe papers, furniOl nq events of great pith arid moxent; their contents, howevet, ] will be found lnterefting to tlie inquiring liintd. Oil th- fubjett of the ditlerencta be tween Denmark and Great Britain, a patiSc 1 and triendly accommodation has taken place.; of the political affairs of France and the nations contending agpinlt her, much con jecture and opinions : neiva, brigs Antelope and Aligator of Boston. Alfn, left there the Bellereux, Briii'h 64, with a convoy, of seven P|ift lodiamcn, and one South Se.imai l , from London, who had taken and carried into Rea Jeneivo, the French fri gate Concord of fifty jruns, and Medusa of for ty, the above French frigates had previously taken the (hip Mentor, Shaplsy, of Portfrnouth, andfehooner Rambler, Barker, of' New York, who had left Reo Jan-ivo a few days before. Murdock, Stevens, of Portsmouth, had arriv ed v River Plate, and failed from thence. Spoke (hip Wilmington, of .Wilmington, Cap tain Blair, from River Plate, for Philadelphia, all welt, the latitude and lungitude not recol leAed Arrived, America, Pike, Charleston ; Junfr, ~ r»« Nickerfon, Edmton ; Pdgrim, Woith, St. " Marys. For the 24 hours proceeding Satur day morning, there were no deaths in Baltimore.—The Board of Health have invited the citizens to return to their homes. HEALTH-OFFICE, 10th mo. 20, 1800. On motion, Resolved, That the re striction of trade be taken off from Pro vidence, Rhode-Island, Baltimore and Fell's Point in Maryland, and Norfolk in Virginia, as fatisfaftory evidence has been received that the danger that called for the reftriftion has subsided. Extract from the Minutes. EDWARD GARRIGUES, President. Attest, P Peter Keyser, Secretary. Health-Officiu 10th mo. 27th, 1800 On motion, Resolved, That after the firlt of next month, all coasting vefiels be permitted to proceed to the city with out coming too at the Lazaretto to be examined by the resident physician. Extract from the Minutes. Ed-ward Garrigues, President. At'teft, Peter Keyser, Sec'ry. Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OP PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED, days Ship Old Tom, Mortdn, St Übes, 38, btlUfl CLEARED, Ship Farmer, Gibfon, Hamburgh tirig Cyrus, Dagget, from hence, has av iyed at Falmouth in thirty-eight days. Ship Chailes, from Bombay to Boston, is wrecked on Nantucket (hoals. Sept. a 7, was spoke the brig Amelia, Cal, from Philadelphia bound to Leghorn, la days out, all wlal. Captain Morton nntket3thof 'fpoke the ftip William Forrefl, captain Curkham, trom Charlellon to 3t. 3e!>afti«ns, all well. On .the I7thiuftant, spoke the (hip Charles, cap tain Halt, from Bombay for Boston, all well. The ship Criterion, captain We.ks, faiW from St. Übe6, on the 13th of September. i-ist of vessels taken by the United States schooner Experiment, lieutenant J. Sha'.v, commander. January 13, American schooner Vi&ory, i guns, 7 men, recaptured.—January 14, Ame rican brig Androfcoggin, 8 men, recaptured— May 5, French Utter of marque Mil on, t-*o guns, 1} men, captured —June 17, privareei La Sign, 4 Runs, 57 men, 13 killed, it wound ed, captured—July 9, privateer L* Eagle, ic guns, 7ortierv, 4 killed, 3 wounded, captured —June 13, privateer La Flambeau, ) 2. guns, 98 men, a-kttkwt, wounded, captured —Au gufl 14, letter of .narque La Pollin, 6 guns, aP men, captured—September 7, letter of marque Guadaloupean, fix gfcris, 33 men, captured September 33, fchoaner Brothers, 7 men, re captured—September 14, brig Algifiira, 8 men, recaptured. BOSTON, Otfober 21. This day arrived, brig Joseph, Noles, S« matra, lißdays; spoke nothing, nor left any vettel thero. Alio, anchored at Quarantine Koad, brig Dove, Lambert, St Bartholomews, eighteen dayi ; Vi&ory, Hlacknan, St. Jag > de Cuba thirty-two days ; schooner B:tfev, Pratt. Sf Andrews, (Spanilh Maine) fifty eight days; (loop ■ > Chacc, from Balti more. Coasting Cra/t, Cleared. Two Brothers, Hawes, Augusta Chatham, Paine, Alexandria Federal George, Arnold, Fil.timore Lucy, Hawes, Philadelphia Paragon, Appleton, . CFiarlefton Lydia, Luce, Philadelphia Mary, Lawrence, do. Minerva, Lombard, do, 1 Friendlhip, Gage, • Richmond BALTIMORE, offin, Liverpool 56 Sh-phcT iris, , Savannah Schr, Two Brothers, Thompson, She!- ' ■ R v. l ' ! So.'l, ■ Viroir..a 4, George Ci ntor,, , New-Orleans CLEARED Ship Franklin, Wickham, Copenhagen rti'r>, ri-!..nircphic, Gurham, Martinique t\i*bec.c.t, , St Clvirtcplicrs Schr. Fair Tracer, Neil fun, Sloop Isabella, Browr x St. Thomas The fbip Commfice, Lnuton, t'rofri Am- VrH 1111, h i : arrivedat NewpoV , tVotn whence lie is expected herj the firll fair wind. CHARLESTON Oa- 10 ARRIVED, dayt >chi. Nancy. D-ianr Nafius/7 Ship South Carolina, Pelor, New-York 15 Schr. Little John, Stinfon, Greaock, 59 Oiinber i'. Ship Montezuma, Liverpool, 70 Schr. Betsey Holland. Webb, Philjd. 11 Poft-Office, Philadelphia, sgth Oft. 1800. £j" LETTERS lor the Bricifh Packet, Prince Ernest, for Faimouth England, will be received at thii office, UDtil Tuesday 4th Nov, at no'clock uoon. N. B. The inland poftageto New Yoik m(iftb»pai«J. To be let; That large and commodious four flory Brick Dwelling- Hcufe, No. 345, HigV-flreet. IT'S fituatisn is peculiarly pleasant and healthy, and it ■•muimut for the accommodation of a family ; a ptjmo in the yarA, Ice Htufe, Stable and Carriage House, &c. &c, Pof fclUon may be had 011 the 15th of next month, sr sooner, with the consent of the present tenant. AIS\ (On very low terms for the enfuii winter and sprig) a large and convenient Brick House and Kitchen, Coach house, Stable and Lot of Groined, pleasantly fituated'in the Northern Libeyties, a little the westward of Fifth and northward ot Callowhill (lreet», and within ten minutes walk from tt e center of the city. Apply to WILLIAM MF'REDITH. Attorney at Law—No. 16, fcuth 4th street o&ob«ri? mwf3w ■•»>•*> V