Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 29, 1800, Image 1

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    Nuju>vx 2514.'',
Tit prict tf iki* (Jiiziiit ti Eicht
f*cr jttttmm t<> Sds:r;:-irs
tn the eHf c/ PbihtUtylrM- AH ethers f ,ty
me JJullar' aJJ-ticndi, fur cnckttr.g snJ X
testing ; and unUtf*<m< per it. /'« tl'it city
~>ill frrrotHe'imivcnble frr tbe ./'(on,
it btpsuA ■■'l* M*h>- ■■>■ »'*■■ .
• # » ffa su:ise~ijttor. b* n:i-v <!/.•*
a urn tb>in
iv«tfiVrT nff. ~ r
* ' FHrn OBthr tQ—tO N—mirr 4. .
aioa w*T|h. H. M
Wtdixf.Uf - * 11 s l
Tturfdij . - " 0 ■
Friday - - * 1 10
sMvTd»r ' 1 s i
onn4if - * 31 '
Monday - . * »«
T«efc»r "
v ■■«»««» »«T»
Wediiefliy ' - - ® 5 13
Thm-rdiy - - 6 * 11
rn»>T • f 49 5
B«.r*r - ■ 6 S ° J '
(ni>r • * ' S s> —K \
Mondkr - - y { '
Turfiif - 6 J* *_ *
For London,
iris SHIP
G E O R G E,
Captain UICE,
HAS N the greatest part of her
en^a^ed —will take I'rcightit applied
■for immediately. - ~ ~~~
Tiomas Murgatrojd <J" S,m<.
For Sale,
j&Hk sciioover r
L-... .--2:4 ST. TAMMANY,
Say'. Wharf, ahove
Market Street, burthen 70 tons, luppoledt« be
a remarkable fall failing vessel, and may be fit
ted. far lea in a few day». Inventory to be lean
and terms of sale kuown by applying to the lub
No. 4, South Wa'cr Sireet.
3 5 Uhds. Mufco*idJ Sugar.
Whiu- and brown Hava-- nah ifito m boxes,
|, . v ilf. in I-'g'-
Wpft' I ilia anil C nrttry Runv
Holland Gin
French a*id Brandy*
Peeper, CMT e, &c.
An *n(l i
For Liverpool,
The American Philadelphia, cedar and live
oat lu'dt
Daniel C. TeUinghafi, majler,
Intended to fail eat ly in November, and to return
all early fpiio^ftip t" Philadelphia—will'>« reacjy
to take in shortly at Pcrotts wharf—For freight
or paflaee, apply to the on V .rd »r to
Jeremiah Warder.
Those gentlemen who have g . vis on board the
Amiable, are requcfted to fendr their permit- on
board at Gerard's whar'. above market street,
where the fcip is ready to Jifoharge.
Has for Sale,
Livrpooi high Itored fine
Of the firfV quality ; London refined fait »etre ;
London white lead, dry and ground in oil; red
lead ; London tin plates in boxes; Soman tea can
ifler in cases; Iriih linens alTirted, 4 and 6 lb.
cann-m. Woolwich proof, and 3 and 9 lb ftot.
Oaobcr ty 3 aw 3 w
For Sale,
No. 80,
Swanson street. Sjutbivark,
The following *
India Goods,
■. •v . • . V»*« • '
KO pircff OftlAcid («Bibttdlc»
100 4» Bbfliulxtd 4*
. ,'tgo do JiUlfoft S»**o»
M ettf»<itr®oa»# N*nfo«k
IS - do do HikJkirchicH
. l jjf ;do &ortkb*o9 Gorrab* ,
r ,4 * to thfa tm
William French, .
No. 48,
Br the Pecnfylvania, captain York, from
An extensive and elegant assortment of
Broadcloths and Caflimeres.
o&sber a I rtaf.m.&f 4w.
That large and commodious
At the cornet of Arch and Ninth flreets.
To be Let,
THE house, stable. coach-house and lots, hre!y
occupied by Major Butler, situate a» ahqve
For terms apply to J B. Wallace, No. 28, north
fifth street.
oftober at law
Gazette of the United
Thomas Qrr, ig?" Landings
| No. 52, |Trom tieifcip Fair, obtain Gififfoa,frinHam
-1 c tr 1 korg, 3 Jaric anortMi-nt of divtus iai ot.t*cr
' OOUTH r HON T bTREIT , 1 . T■¥
1 i.w ' anvng v.mJ! an an mvcicf of/.; hates
?A9 frce'.v«¥by the Jateft Arrivals X6i»" I of Ual French Britannia* 6 and 14, tfhich arc
doUi a x v."ll CiV.fcri »(Tortmeiit of the 101- offered ir,r f*l-.on rrafouaMa ten "f<* lonrovu.l
i .k'c • 1 P£3?*» '" V:.- ft— WalifMl pt%(Sa»+j
1 Hatha* Ci-i.Mzes,f3 r.ita: v-ic- ) ( "* r iwaoia S ' r "
V_a P»"■•• si». —i .* »-4 I BnitfeldLinens
C'-i:U<T!simitif« for and furniture Sdefiw. | Siatncfe *,ace». '
fw* ■nfc t• , r mri t'" i- .- ,• a PJatti has RoyaU* lapeiol several kinds
B mbazefts an' 1 Borti&*z*ens ECopiinttof all defcrip- D carters
Wed Lirten and'couoa-HanilkWcMefc and awi • and pint tumblers
t, j, J jj 0 '-rsas a 13. Morla»x Travelling C*fes
, ' % si, , ,1 1 r Checks No. a & Stripe* Glafa Heads, violins and
jaconet ana Ma. k ft'nuio nar.ukercnicrs - 1
Shawl.*, Cotton and Chintz, a great variety /*°? of Bohemia
Do. Can»fi"s Mair Window Glass,
Hofrery, Wafted and Cotton all sizes Of tie firii quality, 7by9, Bby is, 9by 11,
Do China White and BUck Si k _ 10 by. ia and upwards,
.'t> t O' i.' .IV .pi 54. to 10! y 16-4 with and
without Nipkins
Thre-.d, Ga'.ze,. La«| s and Cimbncks
J-icgnct and Lauett M'jQins, coloured and plain
•Vhire and Black Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and
B'ack Mode, PeHongs an<i Satins
'Abite and printed MjrfeitV*s forvefts
Swanfdown, flriped and plikl.
Cotton Checks (fivii) jB. 4 a > ti-8, ir| d 6-4
Black and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs
India Bandanna do <4 luperior quality
White, Red and Yellow Funnels
Gu.-rnfeyAVorflqd Frocks
A few heft elastic Snfpendcrs.
Hi lias A!fo
ust Received, a well nftbrtpd InvdtCe of
India Muslins,
Berhhonm (1 urrahs «sfi*-flo ' n .
AUtubad Emertie* Do. Gurrahs
Com- any Guzzapora Janea Mamood.(»■
Ci'lfas. By the Bale or Piece,
OiW>er i$- d w ,^awtf.
John Cliffton, jun.
HAVINC declined his f7rmer business, of
fers for fait all hit stock, ronfifting of the
following articles, viz.
Sixteen Anvils,
Eighteen pair of lklliw'a, five Vices, with all
the Tools neceff-ry for condafling the
Smith's Business.
About 5 tons of Spikes,
of different fizei, joroib Sheath :Hg and Draw
ing Nails, a large aflbrtment of i'ackle Honks
and Thimbles, Svivle Hooks, Srapers, Hin
ges and Nails, with evciy other defciipti >n of
ready mids Iron worir, fuitabl" for (lucking a
Ship SLith'i, or (hip Chandier'a tore.
Ail of which he will fell on very rtafonable
terras for cash or ipproved noiej.
* , * Apply at No. 80, Swacfon ftrcet, South
wai k.
(i<Slober t ;. ttjwim.
fa (uftth tf.
The Cargo of the brigEnterprize,
Surinam MolafTes,
Of ao ttfcUcit fttlitr, in tierce* jTi !
ofl«ber 0
German Redemptioners.
NINETEEN remain* those, vho came in the
iuip Anna from Hamburgh, anj arc willing
to fervefor tiicir pafTage
Apply to
Jacob Sperry y Co.
Who have on Hand,
Remaining of late importations, which are of
fered on reafoaable terms, and the tifu-l credit,
3 3 cases Eftppiljas,
Fortuity; a compleat allurement ol Uni, Raye
.Moarfies, pl»in aud coloured (tripes.
33 cafe» cafferilloss
5 cases fioccadillos
c cases quadruple fileClaj
1 c: f» fuperfine dowlas
t cases coutils and 1 cafe lillados
a calcs fuperfine Elbcrteld check*
3 Cifes bed parch it
1 cafe Flai.ders bed ticVs,B 4
10 cases coffee mills, Nos. 00, to No. 6, af
2 cafci Scythes
5 caics of double flint cut Decanters quart and
I cafe gill tumblers, and 1 cafe of Travelling
I cafe of quills, T cast of common feiling-wax
and 4.0 Demijohns.
September 17. <!6t. aawrm.
This morningtm the WtlTAliick.,n Read—a
Red IVlcfroFCo
CONTAINING l'nndry psperj and letters,
of !io cor.fequsnc- «.vh»:eier to my on« but
the owner. Whoever riny have found ;lie
fame, and will return it to the Printer of this
pqper, (hall be han.iiomely rewarded.
N.B.—The 1 wntrs' name is mentioned on
some letters direfled to l«m.
October 8. d.
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Lcrg Primer, weighing £
or 7oe> 'h. or upwards, ind a fount oft
Brevier, weighing 4Co!bs. or upwards.
September 1.
At Waln'i wjiarf,
ylni about 4c quarter c^fks
Wharton Sf Lewis,
No. 1 ij,fonth Front Oreei
t« <h fa ff
By C. P. Wayne, Kg. 65, South'frontr-ftreet.
Of late Importation :
Eflo-iil'-ii, Bi ccadillos, Qatdruple Selifias, Dow
las, C.utils, I.itjadoci, h:bcrfe!Ji fine Check*,
Be:] pnrchet, Fiinder» Tkkn, Tspesof all
defcriptiobs, CoCec Mill*, Scythes, Decanters,
G 11 I'uniblors, Travelling Cases, Sealkg Wax,
QjilU and Dcniijohru,— Apply to
Oil'h'r si dioi i*n.
so» rußf. isfi/vc ar sutsctjptny,
The Works ■»
lion. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D
L.zf* Wr of j.utrca nr T tr
Sue rem* Gs*:t .J tic tSC-.T*. A a'tej I
Professor at Law i<i the Cjllcgc jnd
Acadc .ny of Philadelphia.
From the original <turnfcript, in tbepoffeSos of
' J IViltpn, Esq.
I~befe worki fliall he prMtd ia two
■»olume« oflsvo, and dclincraJ ;o fuUtcrii>tr« at
Owe <lrll«r». .
ri-ty (k.U be pat to pre£» »• fnorxat ihc fuM'erip
(iou* will jufiify the eipeocc of f«Micatloh,
Subscriptions mill be reciiytdby
The publilher, opposite Chrifl-Ctiurcfe, Ptila
dolpbia; and bj the priDci->al boohfcllers throog'n
out the United State*.
•»* A t'rofpf>.'l us cf- the wort may be seen at
the place ol fubfeription.
forternVr r ; $
WHO from pt'.ncipu is a Federal';l a»id defpofed
to tmdertalf'.- rhc arduous talk of editing of.
a paper an ) com!«l/ing the criemitej? America,
may hear of a !igfhlfe flttfiation m the interior of
Maryland 500 fubi'criherj can lie counted on he
f ?re he crmme'.xes,—-A Active American viU be
»3u« it It nop rn !».. weM
pc'mcij c'.i potions though uot natives, are to lie
excluded. v 1
•,* PirrlMWri-miy ha l««nct N ipptimio*
to the Ewwr of.tbu oasfl<« r. . ■, _ j> ,
OfloWi. . •., J
Clock St W atcu M ak&r,
To No. 46, Market Strekt,
Wjiwt he has for S.tie,
Spring and other Clocks ; gold and filve
WutcKes: Tools, Filfcsai.d Mtte'ristls'} (lee
i'l pilt Chains, Seals and Key's ; Springs,
Sit. ii-c. • J*
Jutic 3
Of the Pittsburgh Glass H r orhs,
£7AVINO procured 1 fafficif'.t number of
1- -t the moll approved European Glal's Mav.u
fuAli'fers', and having on hand a large llock of
the bell Materials, «n which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleifure of alluring
rhe public, that window glalt of a superior qua.-
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24
mchfs, carefiilly packed in boxes containing
roc- 1 et ea h, may be had at the ihortert notice.
GVafs of larger lizes fcr other purpqfes, may
alfii be ha>i,' such is for piflures, coach g'.aircs,
clock faces, Sec. Battles of ill kinds and of any
quantity may also b,e had, together with pocket
flafks, pit klingjars, apothecary's (hop furniture,
or other hallow ware—the whole at least if per
cent, lower than articles of thtf Came quality
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be inade en
file of large quantifies. Orders from merchants
ind others will be pun&ually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, 0-at the Store of MefTrs PRATMER
arvd SMILJE, in Maiket Strec-t, Pittlburgli.
March », tuthlf.
To Printers.
The following MA I'I£RIAI<S will be fold
veirffm'abJt if applied for immediately.
1 Pre ft,
3 Founts Long-Pritwer (p.nrtK'worn)
2 ditto Small-PVca on Pica fcody,
z ditto Picay •
1 ditto Engltfl),
2 tlitta Brevier,
i ditto ,Bi}ig©oi®,
Sever.-! pair of CUsses, kvernl coinpolinfe
(licLs. frames and galbyfl, some hra'fs riiles,
Quotations, &c. &c. See: :<ll ot the above
wilt be fold very reasonable for Call).
September 8.
OLD Long Prime,
JiiaaU on Fica B-idy,
CI af;s, i;ioCng Sticks, and agrea
va! Itty of articles nece.Tary to carry on the Prin
itig Bafinefs. They will lie fold i heap tor cast
Apply to the Printer.
cos D IT loss.
Repaired at uf'ual.
} * • .to ,
IN pursuance of B an a& of the Ckeneral
Assembly, entitled •' An aft to raise
[and colicfl County Rates and Levies, pai
fed 11 tli April, i 799.
ituv' "fubicr.acis, C6a.tbifSbV.ers of
TT;iritingdan '. lou nty,Bv v Ciye No
tice to ail perions who are holders of urifet
tled land, in the County of Huntingdon,
that it appears to us by the returns made
by the colleftors of taxes of'the different
townships, within the said county ; that the
following trafts are unoccupied, and with
out effedt« thereon ; from which the pay
ment of the taxes now due may be procu
Therefore in consequence of said returns
will beexpofed to fcle according to the di
rections of the abi)ve mentioned sft of as
l'embly.—The follow i#jj described trails of
hnd of such part of each as may prove fuffi
cient to discharge all the taxfs, now due
and the nectflary charges. Provided the
ownrrs or their agents,' do not pay such
taxes and charges, on or before the Third
Monday in November next. •
Given under our hands this nrntli day of
August, 1800.
- JTWic C•*
AA-. Snw&el IlOi.i.i iy 3 o
104 Peter Prwuglt 2 76
200 Joshua Collins 2 59
200 Jeffe Newwurk 5 65
380 Thomas Newark 95
389 William King 7 46
150 James Welch, part
of Alexander Miller _ 38
243 Robert Miller, W»
ftranch ot Sofqueh-tnriah 2 g6
435 William' Coles 7 8
Samuel Irwin $ 54
433 Thomas Hewfton j 62
282 Schuyler Bradford 3 66
Ijo Geo., Guthrie, part
of Sofannah Haynes 3 82
225 Dr Allffon, right of
Alsxandfv M'Cathland 4 11 I
411 Alexander RarcHjr 4 22
3 1 r Chirles Gough 3 2( '
22<> John Kelfo 2 41
200 J..iws Tiionpfon 3 7
174. D iniel Cryter, part
of Jam&i T'vmi| Ton '-34
314 Richard Brownfton . 2 '7
470 John stumim, lert.
J-CO j ' Hwi:> 1
20a v v ":!ii.n« F. wing 2 3
103 Robert Campbell,
;>.r: U* John K.i O P3
20j Huvh Hocbe 1 66
14 1 W li'.Hni Pi 1 kcr 2 95
I<o Alex. Tvl'H ,tto» 2 63
269 Archibald M'NVely 6 "c
2co Fred-rick Hanger 3 54
344. 1-2 David Loaf 7 97
324 J aim Moore 8 JO
229 ReV. Geo. Duflleld, 3 5
373 Do. do. do 4 28
1 o Rtcr Titus 1 5 1
377 Charles Gobbili 2 49
433 J«cqH smith 2 81
422 Phillip Bower 2 74
410 Isaac Richard fen 2 66
4to' Jonathan Walker 2 7 1
Jofi li Haiiis. 2 7^.
431 Benjamin Young 2 83
483 J nes ? 95
437 G-orge Hofs • 3^7
4 5 Do. do 2)2
433 Thomas Martin - 2 ' 1
433 James i,"ofs 2 81
433 Jacob Martin 281
433 Daniel Levi 2 81
4? 3 Philip Gloni/iger 2 ft I
433 Martin Slaugh 2 81
433 Philip Thoma6 2 81
433 Adam Bign'art 2 81
433 J°hn Trifler 2 81
433 John Stine 2 81
433 Robert Martin 2 81
433 Alexander Hunter 2 81
433 *Samuel Scott 2 81
433 Robert Fleming 2 81
433 Abraham Scott 281
433 John Gnndicker 2 81
410 John Brady 2 78
433 Richard Martia 2 81
433 Jacob lough 3 81
433 John Hambright 2 81
43S J°hn Burk 281
433 John Fry 2 81
433 John Driller 2 81
433 Jofiah Ewing 2 8i
433 John Kook 2. 81
433 Martin Mayer 2 11
433 John Fording 2 81
| 433 Wittiam ICoofc 2 81
433 Frederick Dorth 2 8
433 John Miller 2 8'
433 John Triflor 2 8j
433 Melc! ar Hudife'l 2 81
433 George M. Smith 2 81
433 Adam 2 81
433 David Trifler 2 81
433 George Slough 2 8'
433 William V\ ilfin 2 81
433 Chr flian Nsfe 2 8'
433 Levi Tabot 2 hi
433 Thomas Hamilton 2 8'
433 William Gray 28'
ercs. Perches. _ JJl'j ~ts, >i
' IT * '
399 1 4 Jo' n Witmer 471 >
39914 Henry Witmer 4 71
399 1 4 Hernj.m Witmer 4 -4
'97 Thosiss Billiujiton 2 16 h
*97 Michael Cryder 4 39
•Ku »j/A..JS A-r.-Vv • Ti , 4 ?„ : v.
7 ;; Wff. Phcrfonj' /76
439 9 Walter Stewart 2.84
431 5 Gorge Hughs ' 2 79——1^3
437 137 Mat. Houiton 2 93
414 23 N >:bro Frazier 2 69
411 41 Debora Stewart 2 66
438 52 Franei* V\ eft 2 82
4 s2. John Taylor 2 85
438 52 Michael Ragor 285
438 52 Andrew Bayard 2 85* '
52 M.Ann Stewart 2 8j
414 28 John Lawrence 2 69
438 52 Job. Bryfcn 2 85
438 52 John Barclay 2 72
438 52 Mich.M. Oarien 2 85
438 52 David Lenox 2 15
414 28 Francis J Imilon 2 69
404 6 Aaron Levi 213
■433 do - 2 b 9
405 do. 1 49
423 61 William Sttwajt 2 74
4iB 1 Ann Stewart > 2qi
423 61 Hemy Stewart 2 71
52 William Bill 1 99
438 52 G. M'Clcnae>han 2 8j
458 52 William Hall ' 2 85
4-8 52 John Weft 2» 85
W;u. Buia-inm. x ' ?* is. _
4 " 52 J. Uvuiriaßllori ~
438 52 A- J, Dallas 2 8j
43® S 2 J 'hn NichoM'on 2 8j
438 52 D.j-Cutmingh m 2 85
438 52 GeoigeMeid 2,8j
438 52 Pearl'on Hunt 2 85
448 52 Jnmes Milligan 2 85
438 52 Moylan 2 85
438 s 2 Wm. H. Weft 2 85
438 52 Patrick Moore 2 85
3,8 -52 J onathanNeib'tt 2 85
438 52 I' Francis 2 85
438 Chris. C awford 2 85
, 438 52 Clwrles/Pettit 2 85
438 52 J afeph Ball / 2 85
438 f'• h I'-\vin 2 85
438 52 Walter 2 85
438 52 George Bartrim 2 85
438 52 James Cra ford 2 8j
52 John Houston 2 85
52 Wil.iam Jacki'on 2 85
: 438 52 V'aDl CQX 2 85
52 Geo Harrifon 2 85
I- 433 '53 Smith 2 85
+33 153 J°' ln P'-' r - 28 >
) 433 153 Alexander "piA 2 84.
433 '53 Orhniel ft I fop 2 S~4
) 406 00 Luke M'Guire o 93
350- 00 John S urom 1 75
; 36c 00 '<Jhn Palmer 6 73
j 433 00 Paul Z ntzinger ' 1 73
; 191 00 Peter Railey 1 >2
j 150 00 Thomas I?ecd ® 88
5 4,3' 00 David Brown 3 25
|. 313 00 Robert Moreow 4 60
1 189 00 Eliza. Harrifon I 37
3 200 00 Heni*y Orwick 1 43
; 200 01 do. dor 1 43
I 433 o- 1 Daniel Smith 2 27
t 433 c ° Willi m Bready 2 27
J 433 00 M. Witbrrngton 2 27
1 433 00 Peter Horse I 2 .27
433 00 John Brenemer 2 2 7
6 396 Robert G-iibraith S 9^
1 433 Willijyn Stewart 2 27
K 423 Samuel Mills v 227 •
3 433 do. 1 55
5 433 Jot'eph Sir.ions 2 27
■j 433 Barnard Graitz 2 27
2 427 Joseph 2 24
433 John Mu!Lr 2 20
433 Thomas Giant 2 20
405 . do. lit
William Morris 2 74
433 Michael Grai z 1 19
433 J icob Wlntzei 1 19
427 Jacob King 2 19
4"7 Charles smith \ 4 9 l
410 George M >ore 2 18
4~© Clu-Hies Hall -- 2 I 7 '
433 David Hall 2 27
433 William D. Calven 2 7
4:3 Paul Whit/el 2 27
433 Robert "haw 2 27
433 Andrew Douglafs 2 27
433 J ic °b Morgan 227
433 J"' U1 Morgan 2 27
433 John Nice 2 27
453 J°hn 2 27
433 Blair M'Cianahan 227
j 433 Gliriftian Beaker 2 27
IJ3 Calpcr Hm n s 1 2 27
4 4 William Lucas 2
401 John V a ugh in 2 9
404 John Berry 2 12
405 ' Charles Stewart _£ 2 12
133 Thomas Munis 2 3 1 I
4-Is, -JlArjSa ' 227 |
433 William D sirvin —a—is ' J
4.13 David Bevirige 2 27
435 John Taylor 2 2 7
4J2 John H-.illon 2 27-
433 M-.ller 2 2 7
433 George Ctynifr 2 '9 j
Thorns Pnitzfiraoni 2 27
433 George Campbell 227
! 436 Timothy Packdon 2 29
436 D ijii'el Oiby / . , 2 2 9
405 Paul Gobin v 212
427 Ci fper shafi. er 3 21
, 433 do do 3 4
S- • i
■" r. JfcVlk..