Thomas Wotherspoon, No. 56, Sou fir Fuotir Street, Has received'hy the late arrivals from Lon don, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, a general afiortment of DRY - GOODS; Suitable for the season-—among which are Superfine and fe«.nd cloths, ' Do. plain and ribb'd Caflimers Da. t'aftiio-nable Swani'downs Coatings and Bocking Baizes Flannsls and Plains Plaid and ribb'd Calimancoes Duvants and Joans Spinnings Black RufTels and Bombazetts Plain and (biped Wildbores Cloak Cambletts Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords Check'd and (Iriped Ginghams White and bKown Platillas Checks and Bed-ticks Purple and Chintz Shawls Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs Black and col'd Barcelona do. White and col'd jSatins, Peelongs and Perlians. Twilled black Sattin Florentines Wide rich stripe do. Queen's Grey Lutestrings Stitching Threads and Scarf Twill Dimities and Marfellois Quiltings Blick and white Thread Laces and Edgings , Rich wide patent Law Veils An jiflortment of Ribbons Carpets and Carpeting Tapes, quality and shoe Bindings Shirt Weires and Moulds Plain and Fancy Buttons Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton Baiidannoes. Table-cUths and cotton Counterpanes Thread, Leaders, Ferretts and Galloons Bi itifh Muslins of every defcripuon Ounce Thread in boxes Coloured do. in do. ALSO, Suitable far the Weft-India Market, A few boxes ef Madrafs Handkerchie.s, a few do. Fancy Muflius, a few do. Ginghams, £n titled to drawback. Oft >ber 16 Robert Smith & Co. No. jB, South Front Street, HAVE RECEIVED, By the late arrivals from London, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, A general aflortment of GOODS, Suitable for the fe&fon—among which are SUPERFINE and feeond cloths Forest cloths and plains A variety of plain, ribb'd and emhofled cafli. mere, of ev ry colour A variety of fafhionablc fwanfdown Kendal cottons Bockiog aqd Colchcfter baize of every color f 4to 11 4 rose blankets 2 i i an; &c. eßober 15 Copper, In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns, LEAD, Brazier's Solder, Tin ill boxes, Steal Sheet-iron, Sewing twine, and a large affort raent of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlexy, Brass and Japson'd wares Forfaleby Elisha Fisher & Co. f.mts' OAfbcr 17, Imported, In the ship Atlantic, captain Waters, from Calcutta and Madras, And for Tale by the subscriber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, among which ark B£ub cloths Nechan«cs Soot Romals Salem poorcs Ventapolams Madra» Long Cloths Ditto Handkerchiel'i. also # 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, " JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. 80, Dock street. mwf tf •itober 10 Just Received, By the George, Amiable an! ether late arrivals, AND FOR SALE, On low terms, by the package, at No. 48, South Front street, 10 Bales Rose Blankets; 1 5 bales ditto 15 bales Kendal Cottons 4 bales low priced Broadcloths 4 bales London fuperfine dd. t baWs Plains and Forefl Cloths 1 bait falhionable fiuc Coatings 1 bales fafhionable Liot.lkin do. 3 (mall bales low priced Swanldowns 4 biles fngrain Yorkvfliire Carpets and 20 hhd. Sein Twiue. An extensive and choice aflortment'of DRY GOODS— oAflSer i Imported, AND F*R SALE BY E BEN E ZER LARGE, 9-8 white Russia Sheeting, DROGHEDA LINENS, fine 4 4 Lin ens, Clouting Diap«r, Cotton Velvets, Thickset's an?*. Fancy Cords, Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Sat tins, Pelongs, Modes and Persians, Calliman cocs, Wildbores and llombazeen.Fine and coarfc Bobbin, T.-prs, Ribbons, Ferrety Scotch Oz nahuig«, Threads No. 7 to 64,|coloured Threads No 8 to. Pits, 3 i-», 4, 4 r-a and 5 lb. London Pewter afl'orted in calks, Tin, and has just received by the lata arrivals a general aflort ment ot Woo.lens. to mo 8 W dtm. Just arrived. Per The Brig Perfevtrance, CAPTAIN SIVAINE, Mr. William Bell's Wharf. 80 hhdj. Antigua and St. Kites Rum and to ditto Coffee FIR SALE BY, CROOKE STEVE N3ON. No. 4, South IVater Street. Oftober 8. dtf CHIN A. GOODS. dlot Landing from the skip America, Walte. Sims, Commander, from Canton, jtND FOR SALE BY NICKLIN, GRIFFITH & Co. Bohea, Congo, Souchong, tft k and quality, Caper souchong, TwnkVy 1, ' n ' TEAS, Single, Young hyson, Hyftkil, ift &id quality, Imperial, Yellow It white nankcena "J Luteftringa, black & color'd ( In Boxca Sinlhawa do. C afTorted, Sattias do. J Luteftriugs, tuaz. blue Jc dark green } . Sinfhawa do f toxea. Persian laflfetas, dark green _> They have also on hand for sale, received by the late arrivals from Europe, isfa. "| Infmallpack apea aflorted, calculated for the Weft-In dia market & entitled to drawback, Striped and checked gingtlams White figured ic color'd Muf- linei ts White corded dimities Color'd fllk, striped Nankeens (4 Trunks printed Calicoes* 5 do. do. 3 Bales seine twine io Cases Englilh China ware, in tea I'etts 6 Calks mineral black, i do. white* 10 do. colcother, 3 Calks purple brown, 35 do. nails aflbrtcd, t 9 do. London porter in bottles, Englilh fail canvas, No. I, a & 3, Kufiia duck, »7 Boxes wliite Hayanni sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpnwd«r, Empty wine bottles, a® Guns, 6 puunderi, n do. 9 do. t8 do. 9 do. with carriages, Stc. ißo,coolbs. Ceribon coffee, ift quality ( Entitled to so,ooolbs. black pepper f drawback, ao L«gs ebony J May aj. m&w tf dim Ten Dollars Reward. RAN- AW AY FROM the subscriber the 16th in ft. a servant man, named JAMES, aged iy y«ars, about j feet 8 inchtshigh, of a yellow complexion, and of a bold, sprightly appearance Had on when he went away, a pair of Fullian trowfen, a vefl »nd sailors' jacket of nearly the fame colour; on the latter of which were large black buttons ; his hat black and about half worn. He isaccuftomed to the Farming buliuefs; but may perhaps endea vour to entet himfelf en board some vessel that is going to sea* Whoc*er ftciires fuid Run-away and delivers him to the subscriber, fcall have the above reward and all reasonable charges paid.— All mailers of vessels are fnrbid to receivs or har bour said servant upon their peril. IRA CONDICT. New Brunfwick,OA--> (#f) ber ao, 1800; J v J Of the Bank of the United States, NO. aj9s» to »596s incluGve, in the name of Thomas Mullen of London were forward ed about the Ift of May 1797, from New-York, by the (hip Oneida for London, «4iich was cap tured by the French, and said Certificates loft or destroyed ; therefore application is made at the said Bank for the renewal of the sam«, of which all'perfons concerned are desired to take notice. Clement BiddU. fhUad: Septenher J, 1800 d)m ALSQ } O P E K. WILLIAM FRENCH. d4ttu.&f. 4 w. ( Entitfed to (drawback, 'welve Shares STAGES REMOVED. THE public are hereby informed, that the Bal timore Coachee will in future dart from the In dian Queen, No. 1 J, four!) Forth street, every day except ,-unday, at 7 o'clock, apd will arrive at Peck', Tavern, Baltimore, the nctt dayat 8 o'clock aRd the Stages to New York, will flart every day it 8 and 11 o'clock. JOHN H. BARNEY is" Oa. N. B—a book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan dler'a Franklin Head, where feats may alio be ta ken in the above line of fiages. ofloher i § LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan caster line ef Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to thoir friends and the public m general, for the pall favors they have received, and -.form them that in addition to the regular Line, thuy are proyided with Carriages,fober and careful (Tfiv*s, to go through between the City and fjorcngh in two days. Those who prefer this mode of travailing can be accommodated at tKc Stage Office, fig.j of United State* Eagle, Market street, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dur.ivoody 15" Co. A r ov. 30. 5[ 21—§ « „ r a. I s Marshal's Sales. UNITED STATES ) Pennsylvania District, } BV virtue of a writ to me dire&cd from the honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Diftriit Court of tha United States in and for tte Pennsylvania Di(tri<3, will be ezpofed to pub lic sale, at the Merchants' Coffee House, in the city of PMladelphia, on Tuesday the 4th day of November next, at 7 o'clock in the evening, <"3-. 7'he armed French schooner gggL LA DORADE, Prize to the United States armed (hip Patapfco, Henry G.-ddes, Esquire WrnSimSSit commander— The fame having been lately csndemned by the said court as forfeited, &c. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marlhall's Office, ) Philadelphia, 08a. 15, 18005 mwf tS UtUTKD STATH.S ?j. Pfnnsjtlianid District. Notice is Hereby Given. THAT in pursuance of a writ to ma diredled from the honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Juilj-e of the DiflriA Court of the United States in and for the Pennsylvania Diftritft. will becxpofed to public falc, sr. tha CUSTOM HOUSE in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday the 4th of November next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, THE CARGO Of the armed FVench (choone r La Dorade, prize to'the United States fbip Petapfco, Henry Geddes, Esq. Commander, confining of the following ar ticles, viz I ca(k of Hardware I I cafe Hats and Calico I cafe of Dry Goods | I cafe of Hats ic Grind-Hones I I cafe Shoes and Hard -50 Bundles Iron hoops | ware 3 Iron Pots | I frnall c ife Cutlery I safe printed Cotton | 10 reams of paper. JOHN HALL, Marshal. m w&f tf. OAober %S- On Wednesday Next, at 7 o'clock in the evening, at the Mer chant's Coff.e-Hout-, will be fold, friendship. XS&kiiSL BURTHKN 700 barrel*, fail* well ;>nJ may he sent to sea at » small expencc— her inventory may be seen at the Coffee-Houfe on the da 7 previous to the sale. SAMUEL YORKE, Audlioneer. OftoSer 15. d4t. Loft, I"HE underraentiosed Certificates of Stock of the Bank of the United States, viz. No. 3804, dated tft July 1796, for ten shares. in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New- York. No. *J3»i —No. *5311, d»ted ift July, 1796, for five (hares each in the name ef Sarah IVedgewood of Etruria. No. 19808 —No. 19809, dared iftJanuary, 1800. for t»n lhares each, in tha name »f Henry Wadd-ington, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to he made at the fiid Bank by the fubfcribars, for a renewal of the fame, of which all persons concerned are requeued to take notice. WADDING TON & HARWOOD Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwl'3m Education FOR TOEING LADIES. COLUMBIA HOTTSE, BOARDING tsf DAY-SCHOOL, EE COMMENCED For the winter season, on Monday, o&oj>er 6th, Walnut, between Fourth and Fifth-llreets. MRS. GROOMBRIDGE refpeafully ac knowledges the liberal encouragement she has experienced, for more than seven years in Philadelphia, and, as the most expreflive proof of gratitude, will be a continuance of the unre mitting attention, already pa'd to her pupils ; flatters herfelf, it will be the best recommenda tion to future patronage. The following branches for any of them sep arately) may be engaged for, as most agreeable, the Englilh, French, and Italian languages grammatically ; writing, arithmetic, geogra phy, use of the globes, history, music, voc*l and itiftrumental, drawing and dancitig. Plain work, marking, embroidery and tam bour in gold, silver or colours, fillagree, artifi cial flowers, fancy balkets, netting, hair, print-, cloth, and muslin work of every kind. v O& 13. diw nwtf. A Young Man, PERFRCTLY versed in Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the firft connting h»ufe» in this sity, withes employment as Clerk. He is at present ibfent from Philadelphia, but a line left at the Office of the Oazette of thie Uni ted States he will receive, and it (hall be imme diately attended to. Salary a secondary objedl— Employment his motive. auesfl if dtf An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Hurry the Vlllth anJ Merry-Andrew Playing Card», ferfa!e cheep far cash—Apply at this Ofiic»> feptembei 13. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Wajhingtan, September \JI, 1800. Public Notice is hereby Given, In purfuancc of an ad of Congress, pajfed on the dny of Sipril, one thousand eight hundred, entitled " An aS to ejlablifh a General Stamp Ojfict,'' THAT a General Stamp-Office is now eftablrfhed at the feat of government, in trie city of Walhington, from whence there will ifiue, from and after the date hereof, (upnn the application of the Supervifots of the Revenue, under whose management the colleftion of the (lamp duties is placed) any quantities of paper, parchment and vellum, marked or ttamped, and duly couoter-ftamp ed, with the following rates of duty which arc demandable by law : For every (kin or piece of vellum or parchment, or (heet or piece of paper, upon which {hall be written or printed any or either of the inflru ments or writings following, to wit, A Dolls. C- M. NY certificate of naturalization 5 Any licence to pradfice, or certificate of the adrnifilon, enrollment or re giflry of any counsellor, Solicitor Advocate attorney, or p roil or, in any court of the United States 10 Provided, that a certificate in any one of the courts tof he United States, for any one of the said offices, lhall so far a3 relates to the payment of the duty aforefaid, be a fuflicient admis sion m all the courts of the United States, for each and every of the said offices. Any grant or letters patent,under the seal or authority of the United States (except for lands for military services) 4 Any exemplification or certified copy of any such grant or letters patent (except for lands granted for mili tary services) » Any charter party, bottomry or re fpondentia bond I Aey receipt or discharge for or on ac count of any legacy left by any will or other teftimentary instru ment, or for any (hare or past of a persona) eflate, divided by force of any statute of diffriiuttons other than to the wife, children or grand children of the person dififal'ed. the amount whereof shall be above the value of fifty dollars, and (hall not exceed the value of one hundred dollars 25 When the amount thereof shall ex ceed the value of one hundred dol lars, and Hull not exceed five hun dred dollars 50 And for every further sum of five hundred dollars, tke additional film of 1 Any policy of infarance or instru ment in nature thereof, when the sum for which insurance is made shall not exceed five hundred dol lars 25 When the sum insured (hall exeeed five hundred dollars I Any exemplification of wliat nature soever, that shall pass the seal of any court, o:her than such as it rmy be the duty of the clerk of such court to furnith for the use of the United States, or some parti cular slate 50 Any bond, bill single or penal, inland bill of exchange, promissory note or other naje (other than any recognizance, bill, bsnd or other obligation or contrail, made to or with the United Slates, any slate, or for their use refpen legal process, or in anv judicial proceeding, or for rhe faithful performance of any trull or duty) If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars 10 If above one hundred and not ex ceeding five hundred dollars a; If above five hundred and not ex ceeding one thoufind dollars 50 And if above one thousand dollars 75 Provided, that ecn written or printed, they may at any time within tbe space of sixty days after the smd last day of February 1801, bring or fend such vellum, parchment and paper, unto lome office of iulpcftion, and in lieu thereof, receive a like quantity or value of vellum, parchment and paper, duly stamped in pursuance of the aft herein before recited. And in cafe any person shall negleft or re fufe, within the time aforefaid, to bring or cause to be brought unto some officer of in lpeftion, any lurh vellum, parchment or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will thereafter be of no other efTeft or use, than if it had never been marked or stamped, and that all matters and things, which may af ter that time be written ar printed upon any vellul 4 parchment or paper, authorized to'bef exchanged in manner aforefaid, will be of no other effift, than if they had been written or printed on paper, parchment or vellum, not marked or stamped. IV. And for the convenience of t'idfe persons who may be inclined to have tbeir own vel lum, parchment and paper stamped or mark ed, it is hereby peclarcd, that when any per lon ftiall deposit any vellum, parchment or paper at the office of a fupe'rvifor, accompa nied with a lift, fpecifying the number and denomination of the ft amps or marks, which are desired to be thereto affixed, the fame will be tranfinitted to the General Stpam- Office, and there properly marked or stamped, and forthwith sent back to the fame super visor, who will thereupon cot led tie, do ties Jhd deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the order of the person from whom the fame was received. Given under my Hand, and the Seal (L. S.) of the l'reafnry, at Wadiing ton, the day and year above men tioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, ♦ Secretary of the Treasury. feptember 29. djm. NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE, No. t5.5»9. dated jft Jan uary 1797, in favour of Robert Lindfay, of CbarlcflonSoith-Carolina, for one share of the ftocfc of the Bank of'the United States is loft— a duplicate of which will b< applied for at the said lufHtution. ROBERT LENOX. August 7. mSct3m For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Cbesnut Street, Near the corner of Eleventh street, at prefetrt in the tenure of Mr. A. M'Cal!—tV-ffcfiion may be had the first of November next, or sooner if re quired Appiy to Edward Shoemaker. September 3 f A FARTNiiRSHIP. A PERSON poflefiinj» some capital, a confi derible lhare of industry, and desirous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative bufineft, may hear of a situation. All proposals on thi« fubjefl to be in waiting, sealed and direiled to W. k. J New Vork, and left with the printer of the Gazette of the United States, will be at tended to. fp»ists of the adjacent country ; an orchard of about two acres, witib a han.Home lawn at the back of the house. One house ha« been recently built ow an appro ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty tii The new house. is well calculated for a Core in either the dry or w&t good line. The air and water are unrivalled, and there are some mofl cxtrlient schools in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the P.-'nter, or of Mk. POTTER, on the premises dtf Vtjf, ' 1