Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 28, 1800, Image 1

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    NuMt.fß 2523
Cs* The price of this Gazette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
retting ; and unless-*ome person in this ciiv
mill become ansvercßh for the sut/sfribtion,
it must be paid Six in Advance.
*«* No Subscription tviil be received for
a shorter term than six months.
December t 1799.
Fr>m Oliober 19 —to A'number 4.
II 55
1 ia
1 J.?
a 37
i *4
4 12
T meCiaj
Mon day
For' London,
«r»HAS the greatest part of her
Cargo engaged—will take Freight if applied
for immediately.
Tiomat Murgatroyd W Sons.
Oftoher ii.
For Sale,
IMSm St. Tammany,
eiiSliiiaaaiLYlNG at Say'. Wharf, above
Market Streets burthen 70 tons, supposed to be
a remarkable fad failing velTel, and may h«fit
ted for sea in a few day-s. Inventory t,o be seen
and terms of sale known by applying to the sub
No. 4, South IVa'er Street.
3? Hhdi. Mufcorad.) Sugar.
White and brown Hava-.nah cfit'o m boxes,
F.aft India dn. in bigs.
Wefi-liidia and Conntry Hum.
too Hhd«. Molafiej.
Holland Gin
French and Spanilh Brandy.
Pepper, OfToe, &c.
Aniruft 9
For Liverpool,
Tbt Amt'ica* Pbi/arielfiio, cedar and //•*-
oak ! uilt
~ C. Tcllinghafl, majler,
Intended to fail early in November, »rd to return
«n early spring (hip to Philadelphia—will b« ready
to take at Perotts wharf —For freight
or palfage.apply to the captain on hnsrd, »r to
Jeremiah Warder.
Those gentlemen who have goods oifhoard the
Amiable, are rcquelled to find their permit* on
feoard at Gerard's wharf, above market ftrect,
where the (hip is ready to difoharge.
} H:s for Sale,
Liverpool high stored fine
«*F the firft quality ; London refined fait »etre ;
London white lead, dry and ground in oil; red
lead; London tin platrt in Sexes; Roman tea em
itters in cases; Irish linens aflbrted, 4 and 6 lb.
cannon, Woolwich proof, and 3 and 9 lb fliot.
Oftober 15 3aw3w
For Sale,
No. 80,
Swanson street, S ■ulbwarh,
The following
India Goods,
VI z.
100 pieces Goldhead Mamoodies
100 do Bonnahead do
JOO do Jalalpoer Sawns
95 do Chand*rconna Nanfook
75 do do Ha«dk«rchief»
3-il do Bur'olioon Gurriihs
oft fiber s 4
William French,
No. 48,
SOUTH FsoNr.srKF.ET, ■
By the Pennsylvania, captain York, from
An extensive and elegant assortment ef
Broadcloths and Caffimeres.
«(st«ber oi 4W.
That large and commodious
At the cornet of Arch and Ninth flreets.
To be Let,
THE house, (lable, coach-house and lots, lately
occupied by Major Butler, fitnate as above
For terms apply to J B. Wallace, No, aB, north
Fifth street.
oflobcr ai law tf
Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser*
'■isit , »ar«
6 47 S 13
6 48 J "
6 49 S I'
- 6 50 J 10
- 6 51 5 9
6 J* 5 7
6- 54 .< 6
Black Mode, Perlones and Satins
White and printed Marl'eillts forvefts
Swanfdown, flriped and plsid.
Cotton Checks (five) 78, 4 4, ir-8, and 6-4
Black and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs
India Bandanna do ps superior quality
White, Red and Yellow Flannels
Gurrnfey Worsted Frocks
A few doz:n belt elastic Sufper.^ers.
.( He has Also
Just Received, a well altorted Invoice of
Berbhoom Gurrahs Patna Biftas
Alahabad Emerties Do. Gutrahs
Company Guzzapora Janpa Mamoodifs.
Codas. By the Bale or Piece
Oilolier 18. d'wjawtf.
John Cliffton, jun.
HAVINC declined his former business, of
fers for fa!* all his flock, ronfifting of the
following articles, viz.
Eighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vices, with all
the otfeer Tools necelTiry for condsAing the
Smith's Business.
of differeßt, sizes, Sheathing and Draw
ing Nails, i large afTortment of Tackle Hooks
and Thimbles, Swivle Hooka, Scrapers, Hin
ges and Nails, with every other defciiption of
ready nwdr Iron work, fuitalile for flocking a
Ship SJ.„;'.i's, or (hip Chandler's ' : tore.
All of which he will fell on very rcafonable
terms for cash or approved r.oies.
* Apply at No. 80, Swanfon street, South
, wark.
fa til&th tf. | OiSoher ij. itiwim.
At Waln't wharf,
The Cargo of the brigEnterprize,
Surinam MolafTes,
Of an extcllent quality, in hogsheads, tierces and
barrels, ° ,
And about 40 quarter casks
For Sale or
Wharton fcf Lewis,
No. llJ,Couth Front llreet.
oflsber 9 ( tu rh fa tf
NINE I'EEN rems-ns »f thole, who came in the
ship Anna from Hamburgh, and arc willing
to serve for their palfigc
Apply to
Jacob Spcrry Co.
Who have on Hand.,
Remaining of latt importations, and which are of
fered bn reasonable term*, and the usual credit,
33 cases Eftopillas,
Forming a compleat aflortment ol Uni, Raye
Mouches, pliin and coloured stripes.
33 cifes calTcrillovs
5 cases boccadillos
% cues quadruple (ilrfas
I csf« fuperfinc dowlas
» cases coutils and-1 cafe liftados
» cases fuperfine Elberield chicks •
3 cases bed parchct
I cafe Flanders bed ti<ks, 8 4
io cases coffee mills, Nos. 00, to No. 6, as
a cases Scythes
5 cales ot double flint cut Decanters quart and
I cafe gill tumblers, and i cafe of Travelling
I cafe of quills, t cafe of common fealing-wa*
and Demijohns.
September 17;
tu th fa I m
This morning on the Wiflahickoii Road—a
CONTAINING lundry papers and letters,
of no confequunce whatever to any one v but
the owner. Whoever may have found the
fame, aqd will return it to the Printer of this
paper, (hall be handlomeiy rewarded.
N. B.—The owners'name it mentioned on
some letters diredled to him.
Oilober 8. d
» To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Long Primer,
or 70c It), or upwards, and a Fount of
Brevier, weighing 400 lbs. or upwards.
• September j.
Thorn as ~ OlT»
No. 52,
HAS (tceirtd Sy the laf-ft arriralt from f.on
doo, » )*clt vhnfcn affirMhcnr of the lol«
«tt<9g «fticle>:
CALICOES and Chintzes, fa great variety)
Furniture » do. do.
Corded Dimities for garments and furniture
Ourarus, Joans and Calimar.coes
Bojnbazrtt» and Bombazeens
Printed Linen >.nd Cotton Handkerchiefs and
Lawn bordered d«.
faconet and 3o k Mi.flin handkerchiefs
Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, a great variety
.Do. Camel's Hair
Hosiery, Worsted and Cotton nf all sizes
Do. China White and Black Silk
Table Chths, from 5 4, to 10 by 16-4 with and
without Napkins
ThVead, Gauze, Lawns and Cambricks
Jaconet and Lipet» Muslins, coloured and p'ain
White and Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and
India Muslins,
Sixteen Anvils,
About 5 tons of Spikes,
German Redemptioners.
Red Morocco
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street.
From the (hip Farmer, ciptiin Gibfon, from Ham
burg-, a lartre aflortment of Liner.■> and other
Goods, iai'mg which are ail invoice of 53 bales
of real French Britannias, 6 anf' 7 4, which ar?
offered for sale on rrafonahle tej t'or approved
paper, or in barter for p. Juuce.
BritJtniiaf, real French, Boccadillos
"6 and 7-4 Bielefeld Linens
Britannias SeleCas Siamoife.^aces.
Plattillias Royales Tape*/)( fevcral kinds
Eftopillas of all defcrip- D ecanters
t ' on ' i Quart and pint tumblers
Creas a la Morlaii Travelling Cases
Checks No. a fit Stripe# Glass Beads, violins and
609 B»xes of Bohemia
White Window Glass,
or the firfl quality, 7 by 9, 8 by ia, 9 by 11,
Of late Importation :
Eftopillas, Boccadi'los, Quadruple Selifias, Dow
las, C mils, Liftadoes, KlberfcldC fine Checks,
Bed parchet, Flanders Bed Ticks, Tape# of all
dtferiptions, CoHee Mills, Scythes, Decanters,
Oil Tumblers, Travelling Cases, Sealing Wax,
Quills and Demijohns,— Apply to
O&ihfr 6 di3t
The Works
Hon. Janies Wilson, Esq. L. L. .D
Late one of the Associate Jisticjs of tie
SupreMe Court of the United States and
Prajfssor at I a-,u in the College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original manuscript, in the pofieflion of
Bird Wilson, Esq.
These worki fhili be elegantly printed in two
volumrs oitavo, and delivered jo fubferibm at
five dollars.
They shall be put to pref» as loan as the fubferip
tions will juftify the eipence of publication,
Subscriptions will be received by
The I .lifter, opposite Christ-Church, Phila
delphia ; and by the principal bookfc llcrs through
out the United States.
*•* A. frofpeflus of the werk may be seen at
the place of fubfeription.
fept«;m'eri; *
WHO from principle i« a Federal')} and defpofed
to undertake thi arduoiji taflc of editing of
a paper and combating the enemies of America,
may hear of an eligible fitiation in the interior of
Maryland. 500 fubtcrihers can be counted on be
fore he commence*,— A Nat ive American will be
prcfered But it is not to bu understood that well
principled pcrf jns though not natives, are to be
*+* Particular* may he learned on appUcat-ioc
to the Editor of this Gazette.
O&oSrr 3.
Clock Is 1 Watch Maker,
To No. 36, Makket Street,
Where he hat for Sale,
Spring and other Clocks ; gold and filve
V\ atthes ; Tools, Files and Materials; flee
nd gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs,
&C. &c.
Repaired as usual.
y«ne% tuStftf
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fu(Tici«nt numljer of
themoft approved European Glass Manu
facturers, and having on hand a krgi stock of
the!>eft Materials, on which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of assuring
the public, that window Rial's of a ftperior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14
I inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
too feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice.
Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may
also be had, such as for pictures, coach gladis,
clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flaflcrspickliugjars, apothecary's shop furniture,
or other hellow ware—the whole at least aj per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any ef the sea ports of the United
States. A literal allowance will be made bH
sale of Isrga quantities. Orders from merchants
and others will be punctually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CR.IIG, or at the Store of MeiTrs. PRATIIER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittsburgh,
March 4, tuthtf.
d6t. iiwim.
The following MATERIALS will be fold
reafouable if applied for immediately.
1 Press,
3 Founts Long-Priwer (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pic* oil body,
2 ditto Pica,
1 ditto Englifli,
2 ditto Brevier,
i ditto Burgeois,
Several pair of Chafes, several composing
IlicUs, frames and galkys, feme brals rules,
Quotations, Etc. &c. Sec:., all of the above
will be fold very reasonable for Galli.
September 8.
OLD Long Primer,
Pica on Pica B«dy,
Englift, Chafes, Composing Sticks,.and agrea
varitty o£y:icles neceflary to carry on the Prin
ing Bafiriefs. They will be fold i heap ter csfh
Apply to the Printer.
To Printers.
'TO3ER 28, 1800.
m - ,
\™ TN purfuanceof an afl of the Genera
, 1. Assembly, entitled '« An aft to raifi
collfeft County Rates Sod Levies, pas
fed 11 tli April, 17^9.
We, the subscriber, Commiflioners ol
Huntingdon County, Do Jfcebv Give Mb
tice to all perfon3 who are holders of unset
tled land, in the County of Huntingdon,
Ti that it appears to us by the returns made
by the colleftors of taxes of the different
id townlhips, within the said county •,.{hat she
following trafts are unoccupied, and with
out effefts thereon ; from which the pay
ment of the taxes now due may be procu
1 herefore in confluence qf said returns
will be exposed to file according to thedi
reftions of the above mentioned of as
'■ lembly—The following described trafts of
s, land of fucb part of each as may prove ftiffi-
cient to discharge all the taxes, now due
an d tbt neceflary charges. Provided the
owners or their agents, do not pay such
taxes and charges; on or before the Third
Monday in November next.
Given under our hands this ninth day of
Augufl, tBoo.
Alleghany-T ownfliip.
' Acres. Dells. Cts.
I 3CO Siinuel Holliday 3 O
104 Peter Prough 2 76
200 Joshua Collins" 2 59
200 JrfTe Newwark 5 65
380 Tliomas Newark 95
389 William King 7
150 James Welch, part
of Alexander Miller 38
243 Robert Miller, W.
Sranch of Sufquehannah a 96
435 William Coles 7 8
42K Samuel Irwin £ 54
433 Thomas Hewfton j 62
282 Schuyler Bradford 3 66
150 Geo. Guthrie, part
of Susannah Haynes 3 82
2:5 Dr Allifon, right of
Alexander M'Calhland 411
411 Alexander Barclay 4 22
311 Charles Gough 3 26
229 John Kelli) 2 41
200 J ones Tliompfon 3 7
174 Daniel Cryder, part
of Jamas Tliompfon 1 34
314 Richard Brownllon 2 17
470 John siurrum, fen. 2 60
800 J >hn Ewing 1 60
200 _ William Ewing 2 33
100 Robeit Campbell,
part of John Ewing O 83
200 Hugh Hodge 1 66
141 William Parker 2 95
130 Alex. M'Hitto* 2 63
269 Archibald M'Neely 6 7»
2co Frederick Hanger 3 54
344 1-2 David Loaf 7 97
324 John Monro 8 to
229 Rev. Geo. Dufficld, 3 5
373 Do. do. do 4 28
100 Peter Titus I JI
377 Chatles Gobbin 2 49
433 Jacob smith '2 81
422 Phillip Bower 2 74
410 Isaac Richardson 2 66
419 Jonathan Walker 2 71
430 Jofiah Hains. 2 78
431 Benjamin Young 283
483 John Jones 2 95
437 George liofs 3 27
4 r 's D>. do 2 I 2
433 Thomas Martin 2 81
433 James Rofs 2 81
433 Jacob Martin. 2 81
433 Daniel Levi 2 81
413 Phiiip Gloninger 2 81
433 Martin Slaugh 2 81
433 Philip Thomas 2 81
433 Adam B'gnart 281
433 J°hn Tiifier 2 81
433 John Stine 2 81
433 Robert Martin 2 8t <
433 „Alexander Hunter 2 81
433 Samuel Scott 2 81 •
433 Roburt Fleming 281
433 Abraham Scott 281 ■
433 John Gundicker 281 ■
410 John Brady 2 78 '
433 Richard Martin 2 81 '
433 Jacob -lough 281 '
433 John Hambright 2 8t 1
433 J°hn Burk 281 •
433 John Fry 2 81
433 John Driller 2 81 '
433 Jofiah Ewing 281 '
433 John Kook 28! '
433 Martin Mayer 2 81 '
433 John Fording t 281 '
433 William Kook 2 81 '
433 Frederick Dorlh 28' '
433 John Miller 281 '
433 John Triflor 2 81 1
433 Melchar Rudifell 281 '
433 George M. Smith 2 &i 1
433 Adam Rightart, 281 '
433 David Trifler 281 1
433 George Slough 281 1
433 William Wilson 28'
433 Cbriftian Nafe 2 8'
433 Levi Tabot 281
433 Thomas Hamilton 2 8 1
433 William Gray 38 1 i
stem. Perches. DUt Ctt.
399 1 4 j°'i Witmer . 7r
ral 399 ' 4 Henry Witmer . J L
ife 399 i 4 Herman Witmer 4 74 .
if- j 97 ' h-»maB Billington 2 16
2 97 Michael Cryder . , r ,
of +39 '57 A. M'clenahan ' 2 84
0- 4*; 27 Win PUerfoo, 2 -6
+37 17 P- M'clenahan a 8*
n, 439 9 Walter Stewart 2 84
le 431 5 Gorge Kug!i9 2 70
it +3 7 137 Mat. Houston 2 $o
le 4U 23 N.ilbro Frazier 2 69
1- 4>i 41 Debora Stewart 266 '•
438 52 Franeis Well 2 82
1- 438 52 John Taylor 2 8?
438 52 Michael Ragor 2 85
is 43 8 52 Andrew Bayard 2 85
- 438 J2 M.AnoStewart 2 85
4'4 2§ J )hn Lawrence 2 69
f 4jB 52 Jabn Brylou J 85
- 438 52 John Biirclay 2 72
e 438 52 M1511.M. Oorien • 2 85
e 438 52 David Lenox* 2
-[ 414 28 FrancisJcrhnilori 2 69
I 404 6 Aaron Levi 213
433, do. » 269
f 4oj dpi I^s
423 61 William "Stewart 2 74
Ann Stewart 2 Qt
423 61 Henry Stewart 2 71
. 4.>8 52 William Bill 1 95
438 52 G. M'Clenaghan 2 85
438 52 Wiljjam Hall 2 8;
4jB S 2 John Weft* 2 85
• 5 2 Win. Bingham 2 85
) 4jB 52 J, Dontialdfon 2 85
1 438 52 A. J. DjiFIIS *8- >
• 438 52 John Nicholfon 2
52 D.j •Gunningh. m 2
4iB 52 Geoige Mead 2 8j
' 438 52 Pea:fun Hunt 28j
448 52 James Milligan 2 85
458 52 J aiper Moylan 2 85
438 52 Wm'. H. Weft 2 85
43 8 52 Patrick Mbore 285
338 52 JonathanNefbitt 2 85
438 52 Tench Francis , 2 85
438 52 Chris. Ciawford 2 85
438 52 Clnrles Pettit 2 85
438 52 Joseph Ball 2 85
438 52 John Irwin 2 85
438 52 Walter Stewaft 2 85
43® 52 George Bartrim 2 85
438 52 James Crawford 2 85
438 , 52, John Houston 2 85
438 52 William Jackson 2 85
43 8 J2 Paul Cox 285
438 52 Geo Harrifnn 2 8£
+33 '53 James Smith 2 85
433 '53 J°hn Spier 2 85
433 'S3 Alexander Spier - 2 84
433 153 Othniel Alfop , 2 84
400 00 Luke M'Guire o 93
3JO o© John S'.urom 1 75
300 00 John Palmer 6 73
433 00 Paul Zintzinger 1 73
19 1 00 Peter Railey 1 12
15° 00 '1 homas Reed o 88
433 00 David Brown 3 25
3'3 00 Robert Moreow 4 60
189 00 Eliza. Harrifon 1 37
200 00 Henry Orwick 1 43
200 o3 do. do: x 43
433 00 Daniel Smith 2 27
433 co Willi,m Bready 2 27
433 M. Withrington 2 27
433 00 Peter Hotfe 2 27
433 00 John Brrnemef 2 27
396 Hubert Gaibraith , 5 98
433 William Stewart 2 27
423 Samuel Mills 2 27
4 3 3 do. 1 55
4-33 Joseph Simons 227
433 Barnard Graitz 2 27
427 Joseph Hains 2 24
433 j°hn Muffer 2 20
433 Thomas Grant £ 20
405 So. W- 11
433 Willijm Morris 2 74
433 Michael Graitr 119
433 Jacob Whitzel I 19
427 Jacob King 2 19
4 J 7 Charles , smith 4 91
420 George Moore 2 18
41® Charles Hall ■f 17
433 David Hall 2 27
433 William D. Calven \27
433 Paul Whitjel 227
433 Robert shaw 2 27
433 Andrew Douglafs 227
433 Jacob Morgan 2 27
433 John Morgan 2 27
433 J ohn Nice _ 327
433 John swanvick 2 27
433 Blair M'Clanahan 2 27
433 Christian Beaker 2 27
433 Casper Hayn?s • 2 27
4.14 William Lucas 2 33
401 John Vaughan 2 9
404 John Berry 2 12
405 Charles Stewart 2 12
433 Thomas Morris 2 31
433 Cathrine Morris 2 27
433 William D sirvin 2 27
David Bevirige 2 27
433 John Taylor 2 27
433 J olin Huften 2 27
433 Agnes Miller 2 27
433 George Cymer 2 19
433 Thomis Pliitzfimonj 2 27
433 George Campbell 227
436 Timothy Packfton 229
436 Daniel Orby ' 2 29
405 Paul Gobin 212
427 Csfper
433 do do 346
1 r'O
2 81
2 81
fFotumt XVHI. -