Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 27, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of the United States.
H>l ■
Prices of Public Stock,
Philadelphia* Octobir 17
fcight per cent, flock—loß per cent.
Deferred 6 pyr cent 86 c-4 Iyj
Three per cunt. 53 i-a icft)
■5 i-» per cent. 85 1?/
4 i-i per cent njno at market
BANK U. States, 3.5336 p. cent advan.~)
Pennfj lvanij, u ditto (
N. America 51 ditto f
InfuraaceC» Feims'a to ditto J
. Americi 1i u 15 per cent 7
below par—nominal j
Turnpike - 15© a 160 dolls. 300
Schuylkill Bridge - par ic
Water Loan, 87$ a9O dolls. 100
tin 1 Warrants dolls. 100 acres nom. |
Si. Aagujline Church Lottery Tickets, 9 dollars
On London at 60 days a 75
On Amtlerdam, do 30 a4O cent* )
[per Florin >
36 a 37 cents \
fcer Vlark Bai.cs
Rates of Foreign Coiiis and Curren
reticles in tie XJntted States—ptr
cct of Congrcs for payment of Du- 1
On Hambkrgh do
finglilh pound (leiling 4 44
IHlh do dc 4 10 I
Butch F 1 Tin or Ouil'er o 40 {
Hamburgh M<rk Banco o 33 I-3J
tyZr" 'l'he fubferiber having frequently
heard complaints o; the want of accuracy in
the price current'of public st:ci f has conclud
ed tufnrnifh tfie Gazette of :h- United Mates,
occalionally (if called for) with what mnv in
his opinion be confutc-red the Market Puces
of Stock, and the Rates of Exchange.
Chesnut stree-t, Nq, 143,
The Prelklent ot the United States ar"
rived in town on Saturday evening. We
undcrlland he was ptnfne his journey, to
the City of yVathmgtoiT, this morning.
At the lat- tJ;-ftion the two hightfl can
did ites for the Sheriff's oiTice ef Lancaster
County, wen- Mr. Reijart and Mr. liine,
both Federalists—His Excellency was now
*t a stand, as h- d"t not wilh either; but
one of the two must be conimiffior.ed : to
gratify a paltry pajjion, lie fixednn the latter
gentleman, although the former had the
greatest number of vote?.
For the it. hours preceding Friday
morning at fun-rife, thrre were is deaths
in Baltimore and its vicinity.
Total officii in the hof()itaLwith
the prerailing difeale, S
Convalescents. 3
Discharged cjjred, 6
A letter from Charleston mentions that
there were 376 deaths in that City from
the firft ■of July to the firft of September,
the principle part cf which were children
and blacks.
On Sunday tjie 19th Ml ft. the (loop Two
fitters, a regular packet betw*vn New-port
and New-Yprk, was end away aniougtl the
rocks at Sachem's Head, fottr miles from
Guilford in GouiiecY.cnl. She was liden
with t!* and* Mollies, three fourths of the
former and the whr.le of the latter, will be
preserved without injury—The paflengett
(confiding of Mr. 'Eyre of Cntrlefton, cap
tiin Coj.<ge(li all, and Mel'". Brown-, Stanf
tury, and Slocum of Ne .v York) escaped in a
boat ; no lives were loft and the vellel itfelf,
it is supposed, will be got off though with
caiifiderable damagf.
We were favoured 011 iaft Friday etening,
Vith the " Tragedy of Hamlet" and the
Farce of lb: Village Lawyer," for the firft
time this season. Mrs. Mctry ir. " Ojibe.'ia"
«a* very pleasing ; after ttie derangement
*»f her mental faculties, occalioi.ed by the
untimely death her father met with, from,
the miftAe of Hamlet, " who took bim for
lis I l/ert" the fantaflic appearance of her
dress, the simplicity of her look, and the
jnijocejitiy wild manner in which Ihe conver
ts, mull i itercft every beholder in the per-,
fcrmance of so g. est an act' ess.
The part of the •' Queen" has very little
in it to claim the attention of the audience
—tlie fce»e with Hamlet is the only one
where the character appears to any advan
tage ; and we-thinV Mrs. Sbaiu r. fully in T
titled to t 1 e praile of having performed it
with great judgment.
Mr Cooper, in " Hamlet," difplaytd hil
abilities to great advantage—but after him
whole bones, alas ! now lay hears'd in
in earth"—the dear remembrance of whose
■worth, '-is a friend and as an aft or, " Jha'il
live within the boork and vohtnie" of every
fcrre:ift who have known him in either cha
rafler— Great indeed mult he- their abilities
to hecome a good copvill.
Mr. Warren's performance of tlw " King"
was very dull and inanimate.
Mr. Coin's " Laertes'' g-ive fatsfaftiort,
was his countenance more cxpreffive, he
would appear in many characters to more
As we cannot prai r e Mr. Wood's Hora
tio, we will not condemn it : .if be had not
required so much prompting it would have
been better.
We with to fee Mr. Morris play Polo
'« nius" when Hamlet is next brought for
ward. Mr,, Bernard's abilities ill accord
with such characters, therefore we did not.
expect to fee it well performed.
Mr. Battel's 11 w.if ..dmiralily
done ; but-thii y'oung- nun it l"> carckli, he
pro(l:tiucs itui; abilities ot which nature hai
been !■» Willi ; ;md ir he can but t jct thro'
h'i pin—ll# iniitff how—it* ill one to
BltlLt—" that it hit w.iy.'"
M*. Wayne,
1 am furry to fee in your paper of l'riday
iaft, a Criticifiii on the A£tors refpe&ing the
performance of Pizarro—the Person who did
it is certainly no fudge of his fubjeft—as
much as I admire Mrs. Merry ; Ihe was un
doubtly nox in Character in Evira—in CoVa
Ihe would have been hcrsef. I fhoutd not
have troubled you, did I not conceive Mr.
Cain required every indulgence from the
Public—he is a native American,
an amiable charaftrr, and a considerable
lliareofVi'idelly-—and has tmdbubtedly much
improved : and though from his youth and
inexperience,lie did not come up to the ch.i
racier of Afmfo ; he 15a ve general fatiafadt
ion, except so the illiberal Critic.
a Jfare
Mr. Wjynf,
HAVING frequently noticed the name
oFF. W Ffquir*, afficiateii with (hat of Dr.
Lieb, as lea-!ers in certain democratic meetings
in the Northern Liberies of Philadelphia, cu
riosity has more than once excited me to in
q lire, whether a drunken fellow, of tht fame
name, whom I have often seen fravelting thro'
Welt Jerfcy, in a (habby chair, could he the
fame perfun Want of lei ure has hitherto pre
vented me f>om using means to have my curio
lity gratified- But as the above-mentioned F.
W- F/quire has been recently appointed to of
fiee, I am stimulated anew to make >he inquiry.
Through tli£ medium of your Gazette, there
fore, I rcqueft some of y Mr correspondents to
give me the desired information.
The drunken fellow I allude to, and whom I
have feverai iimea seen so much ii»ti>xicated, aa
to be totally iafenfible to what parted around
him, is fiid to be a butcher, is fometiines
ci'.ltd Major, whether from ridicule, or because
he really has that rai>k In the militia, 1 know
not. H<; is a little brown man, apparently about
Gfty years of age> round (hou'dered, and ha*
a much grea.ei proportion of legs than body
His face is small, round and red j with a pair
of very prominent eyes, which seem ready to
start their sockets, and are not fair remov
ed from a Hate of iriflamition. I have .noticed
no <ither-plrticularity in his dreft, than that he
wears a hat, with a very low cro <n, and a :e
---markabb broad brim As I can fcarte'.y enter
tain an idea, that any part 'of the of
Pennsylvania are so !oft t i decency and leif-ref
pedl, so lunjt in J-c: bmiftn, aa to be led by ths
nose, by a man who dil'graces himfelf in -the
eyes ot the very rabble ; I hope lo hear thit
the citizen W. to whom I refer, and the owe
lately appointed by the Couir, agtntof e'e Ji
«n for the Northern Liberties, are different
Jk /li. Cu.
IC7* They are not different persons, CatO\
it is tbe identical Notbern Liberty, Majjr,
Esquire Lp"c.
Extract of a letter from tbe supercargo of
tbe brig Betsey, l'/bite, of tint port, dated
Barctiona, Au%. 17, 18.
'• We have ben twice attacked by the
gun boats about fdrtv or fiftv miles to t,be
northward of Cadiz, five of them came on
us, when the'* wasfcarcrly any wind, with
whom we exchanged a few (hot ; (liortly
after a Sight breeze springing up, we soon
left them, without our having leceived any
damage. On the 3d inft. attempting to beat
through the Gut, we wwe chafed by Eve
l'.ore, four of which were French and one
Spantlh, thiy appeared to be pretty heavy
fellows, and playing away*their lliot at us
very briikly, which you may d-pend we
were Hot cowardly in returning, and that
in a warm manner, their (hot (lying in every
direction 011 our decks, but luckily we all
escaped unhurt ; some of our rigging got
cut, and a few holes in our fails ; as there
was but little wind they had the# advan
tage of us, owing to their sweeps ;in c.on
ftquence the hrgeft having crime up, we
feiit 011 hoard him some of our langrage,
which happened to cut,away some of his
tore rigging where hi* colours were hoi fled,
which soon brought them down, together
with his fore-fail, in consequence of which
he fell astern, and a breeze springing up,
we law 110 mors df them."
Gafparel Thierri, colonel of the 9th regi
m.nt of French hufiars, was reconnoitring
with his regiment, and placing some troops
in ambufcace in a hollow way, he propdfed (
drawing the enemy into it, hy provoking
them to aflion, and afteiwards flying before
them. He ordered his hulTirs to insult the
enemy in every possible manner. They ac
cordingly advanced pretty'near the Auftri
ans, calling them the (laves of defoots, and
giving them such other names. The abuse
was returned by the enemy, who reproached
them with being compelled to take paper for
food, with killing their Kin-', and melting
down their Church bells. They, meanwhile,
l'ufpe&ed the snare, and could temp
ted to move.
For the Gazette f tit United States.
From ike N<t»-T,rk Daitf Advertised
One of the French huffirs, at length lo-
Gnp *ll patience, galloped up and killed an
Austrian trrio^iei 4 with a pistol shot ; hut his
comrades, inflead of being drawn to seek re
venue for this insult, cried out bravo ! men
tion honourable 1 insertion au bulletin !
bravo! honourable mention 1 insertion in
the bulletin.
See Davit's btsttirv,of Pieifgrue's eaM
paig ns. '
A Letter/rom Alexander Hamilton
concerning the
Public Conduct and CbaraSer of
PreGdent of the United St»ttffe,
I* junt r.'ceived from New York, and will hp rea
dy fur file this afternoon at the Book Stores of
Mefir«. Dobfonand Rice, Second flreet, andCcn
r:,i and Oo Clufnut fcrsct
octuber j 7'p'i'f Oct. 6. ,io'*o. :
Tj Jz7.v WonAXCJ. Prijldent cj tii
Council if P rjiideiKC.
WE received thy leuterof the 30th Sep
tember, and we are hippy to observe, that the
distress in Providence by the fever has been
less, that we had reason to expeft, and the
general icaUmty does not appear to be so
great as we apprehended ; although the fuf
ferings of tsiany individuals among you has
been,very ftvere, and claims our attention.
We have cause to be tli inkful to the Au
thor of all our mercies, who has stayed the
deOrover, and granted his all-fuffkient pro
tection to our city from its ravages, through
the whoie ot this healthy season.
Admiring the wil'dom of your law which
secures in a time of exigence a ready fuppTy
of money for the poor, we iincereljt will* to
fee it adopted in every part of the Union.
We feel the necessity of it remembering
our own lituat:on, when the haggard eye of
famine was fixed Upon 113, and (tared us in
the iace in the midll of all our abounding ;
hundreds of our citizens (furroUniJed with
plenty) might have then perished for want of
the common neeelTnies of life, if the bttnoft
cner vies of the human mind had not been im
naedi<tety exerted by our friends in this and
in other dates to relieve us.
A time so critcal and full of dafiger you
have never ice n, we most fervently wilh
you never may ; but inasmuch as you have
hid a visitation of uncommon sickness, we
have been thoughtful about you on the occa
sion ; and we apprehended a heavy tax will
follow *our. long suspension of bulinefs, and
increase the burthen of many ofjyour diftref.
fed atid incluflrious inhabitants, the citizens
of Philadelphia and thedi(\ri£U thereof, con
sider it proper to allifl you to lighten it, tfjit
be b'jjt a little. They do therefore rcqueft
through us, their committee, that the Town
Council of Providence will accept of two
thoufind dollars for the use of the peinr of the
(aid town ai d its ditHcts who have fuffered
by the fever.
Wilhiog you all con folation which the
sympathy arid afilftance of your friends and
fellow citizens can afford you,
We remain your friends,
In behalf of the Committee of Correspon
P. S. The re'mwtauC: is in the inclosed
draft of George Mmpfon. for two thoufaud
dollars, on the bank of Ballon.
At * Town Council, bo'.den in Prtniirace,
on tbe \ytl> doj cf October, 1803.
WITH emotions of grateful fennbili
ty we acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of the 6th of O&ober inrt. inclosing a draft
on Boston Bink for Two Thousand Dol
lars.—This very liberal donation from the
inhabitants of Philadelphia to the poor of
this town, who have foffVrcd in couf quence
of the late alarming ficknels, demands our
warmed acknowlcd yenientß-and (hall be duly
and faithfully applied to the benevolent pur
poses intended by the donors.
It affords us the £*re.itr(| fatisfadlion to
be able to announce that it has pleifed a
gracious Providence to (Uy the progtefs of
the calamity with which this town was
afflicted, and again to redore to its in
habitants health, and its attendant blellings.
May that being who difpe nfeth nitrcy as
well as judgement, Ibield in future our ci
ties and towns from a return of those cala
mities with which they have been visited ;
and while we congratul ite y>u 011 account
of the health that at present pervades your
city, to the inhabitants ot which we wish
every blessing ; permit us also to reiterate
our bell willies for your individual welfare.
We are, with femiments of refpt-cV and
efleem, your friends :
Signed by order, and in behalf, of said
town coun il.
C. Clerk.
To Samup.l Coates, Esq. (
Chairman of ti - e committee
of correspondence •with
Baltimore, Norfolk, and
From the Pittsburgh Gazette.
" Why Ihou'id Man fortftill kit «Ute of grief i"
IT is the great and ineftimaWe happiness of
Americans, that they have free liberty of
thoughtanu speech upon all occalions ; and
on any fiibjeft which they think worthy oi
notice may communicate to the public
through the medium of a free press -
Ona afternoon in the lalt week' having
fiiiiftiied hoeing ray corn, and finding myfelf
unusually tired, I walked home to my little
cottage ; I had not been featcd long, before
my wife began by faying, John, what can
the matter be, you are not nigh so cheerful
in your countenance or convention as you
used to be ; Ist me make yon a drink of
grog, a:;d th-11 you c.iri Iraoke your pipe ?
Oil, Betsey, fays I, the jiipes are so dear,
that I o*ly purchJced a fmajl cirtty when
lalt in Pittsburgh ; times are got so hard,
that wc poor farmers, as the faying is, mult
cut the garment according to the cloth j
to fopport our families decently it re
qu;res the flr dfcft osconomy ; you know,
Betsey, that there are some of our neighbours
gettng forward in the world, who do »ot
work half so hard as I do, but it istjid
they are party men, and are paid for making |
a noise about liberty and equality, which I
aip doubtful tbey do not underftaiid ; al
though I am of no party, yet I trust I have
as honest a heart for my country's welfare
and the public good, and will maintain its
government in preference to the government
of any other county upon the fa«e of G)d
Almighty's earth—but, fays Betsey, if you
would become a party man, you might be
appointed an Officrr in the militia, or a
jullice of the peace, this would afli't us to
get credit, and make us mor>- rsfpeft tble a
ainong cur neighbours. No, Betsey laid 1
if the Governor would mike me a Brigadier
General, I should cut a pitiful figure tc g >
to a floie keeper in Pitt/burgh, and proiii
'te to make him my Major of Brigade ii' he
would credit me for a i'uit of regimentals,
and afterwards wallow about the streets in
them as drunk as David's sow.
Nor should I like to execute the officcof
magistrate, and the constable folemnlv re
lufe to pay any money into my hands, fear
ing I would appropriate it to other purpo
ses—neither would it red,oui}d to my honor,
to ""trap any of my neighbours in fiues,
merely because I should get a dol'iarcoft.
Indeed, John,. I would not wiHi to fee
you behave fu dirtily, nor can I fuppole the
Governor would give commiiTions to such
ehjra&ers ; if h£ did, would he not be cen
sured by all good citizens ? for such offi
cers as these would disgrace the French go
vernment. But, remember Betfry, that al
though such as have the gift of offices are
in some decree accountable for the Qualifica
tion of men they commission, yet they
sometimes are deceived with the falfe gloss
of charadter, and a compleat and perfect
knowledge cannot easily be obtained ; the
preluming and intruding are always the most
forward in grasping at offices they cannot
(ill with any eclat to theirfelves, honor to
their employer, or benefit to society, and
like some of old, they are Crying put me
inte a priest's office that I may get a piele
of bread. *•
1 perceive, fjid Betsey, that there are vari
oss means made use of to get into offic«, but
if it is as you represent, John, we had better be
Content with our preferit circumflances ; we are
like to have abundance of corn, and a good
crop of potatoes, and I intend soon to weave
(•loth for cloathing for the children, and let us
make ourselves happy lj the days are long.
By this time, I began to get into 2 better
humour, I drank my grig and Ijmoked my cut
ty, and am dete: mined when any new fubjeft
is fiarted in conversation betwsen me and Bet
sey, you ftiall hear fram the
On the 12th inft. thirty-seven recruits,
under the command of Capt. Bliffel, of the
2d Regiment of United States Infantry, ar
rived herefrom Weftminfler, (Ver.) and on
the i3th', tfere joined oy 30 more, (from
the rendezvous in this plate, under Capt.
Lyman) and proceeded on their way to join
the western army.
o| - Gazette Marine Lift,
Boflon i 8
Fi(h—to Captain
Sea I'lower, Frankford, Kdenton,N.C. 6
TobacOO —to
Sloop Amity, Wood ward, Portsmouth, N.H. 13
Flit, oil, &c —lO
Precilla, Tunnel, Norfolk 18
Schr. Nautilas, Lane,
Ship Adriana, Fletcher, London
bri£ Mary, Tarns, St. Croix
Scht. Weymouth, Chainoct, Jamaica
Victory, Uplines, New iork
Hero, Savannah
Sloop Sally, Dcujke, Alexandria
Harmony, M'Nearn, do.
Delight, Curtis, Baltimore
Brig £iiza, Sherrnao, from hence, has arrived
at Leghorn.
ling lletley, White, from hence, has ar
rived at Lcglio. n, alter beating oil leveral gun.
The lhip reported below proves to be the
Wilmington, ttlair. from River La Piafa.
Snow George, bound tor Hamburg, luring
two thirds <A fier cargo on board, funk at the
wharf yesterday moruing.
Tlie report of the Ihips Cleopatra and China,
being below, remains unconfirmed. A (hip
having 101 l her rullder, was fecti in the river on
Friday ; but her name is not yet known •
;>hip Old l om,M;rton, liom Dublin isoclow.
Ship Louisa, Captaiu Thomas Hojga.d, on
her palfage from hence, to Leghorn, on the
acth August, in fight of Gibraltar, was attack
ed by a trench privateer of two twenty-tour's,
8 nines, several lwivels, and full of men, as
filled by a ilrong gun-boat. After a fev'cre son
fliA for several hours, and many defpcrjte
attempts to boird, they finally ibeereJ off,
with t!<e iofs of their fiilt Lieut#r.ant and
thirteen incn killed, and tlie.r Cjptjin and
foortten woun led molt dar.geroully. ihe
fails and rigging of the Louiia were shot to p e
ces, and C-iptam Hoggaid l'evcrely wouudtd in
tt»e fhouldcr t>y a five ounce ball —No other
peilno hurt on boarjl the Louisa. Three Amei
ican brigs el'caped during the aifion, being un
armed they mull have been t-keu, hut for the
gallant defence made by Ca;.tain li. One of
them was the Hunter of New York. The Lou
ila went iato Gidralter alter the a&i ri, where
every attention was (hown to toe officers and
crew an.l every afliltance offered that they or
the vessel could Hand in heed .f. Captain H'».
letter is dated 17th Augult, and mentions his
expcilations of proceeding on h s voyage in 4
weeks, fhc mounts twelve fixes and thirty men.
BOSTON, Oilober 18.
Arrived, brig Hannah and Mary, Captain
M-nn, Teutriffe 44 days. Left there Captiin
Nickels, of New York, to fail in about ten
davs. Oflober i, in latitude 11, 46. longitude
51, (poke the Triton Captain Ha ry, from Nor
folk sot L md< n, it days out. Sam: day,
fp ke bcljt Paramaribo, Captain iihepard from
New York for Madrira, twenty days Sep
tember »o, wa= b; ardßd by the liritifh frigate
Triton, and trea ed politely.
Oftober 19, arrived this day, brig Ranger,
Bremen, 46 days.
Same day, ship Sarah, Biker, Gottenburgh,
47 days.
The brig Maryland, C.iptain Tyfon, from
Baltimore, arrived at Fa,mouth,' (England)
Ayguft 30> thirty fix day»
NEW I.OND3N. Oflobw 19.
Rain,high wind at S E—arrived fliop of war
Ccnnefticut, captain Tryen, in 18 days frwu St
' hotnasV, convoyed a fleet of 17 fail; which fef
parate-i in lat 35. Qn coming to anchor fce fired
a federal {Vute.
Ship Wafbiqgtpn, J J. Coffin, from Liverpool
J9 days, belonging to New York, also arrived.
NEW YORK, Oilober 25. .
Sehr. Appllfi, Ven»Wes, W ilmington, N. C. 5
Sioop Aurora, Bifcop, . Richmond
Ship South Carolina has arrived at Charleiion
from thifcport. >
Ship Wafhirgton from Liverpool for this
port, has arrived at New London.
Sloop Prosperity, Pin'.ard, afliore on Rock
away beach.
The United States (hip of war Conneiiicut,
fcas arrived at New London, frcm St. Thomas
after a twelve moths cruise, having only 3
men diiring her cruise. She has captured three
enemy's vefieW, recaptured five Americans, and
in company recaptured three Ameiicans. Her
foremaft and bowsprit are fprutjg.
The GonneiSicut Gazette fays, the Packet
Two Sifters, Earl, of Newport, tor New York,
was cad away near Sichem's Head ; cargo part
y saved.
B ALTIMORE, October *4.
Arrived ship Union, Hooper, of Bolton, from
H"jl, 7S days—spoke 20 days fines, brig Weft
Indian, Chifholm from Charleston to London, 14
days out, all well.
TO prevent mifrcprefentation the Sub
scribers state the property (hipt by them on,
board the Snow George, Captain Wake, at the
time she funk yeft.'rday morni g, rnd which is
since landed although with considerable da
9j HopfheasU sugars, in vilije 11,505 djls.
fhipt for Hambrro account,
14 T-lopfneada sugars, in value 1,620 dais,
for (h ppers accosnt,
THE fnfjrarce for the above tw6 parcels be
ing ordered in Europe, and the orders have
b-en forwarded by three several veflels, two of
which hive "failed, coifequenily no material
loss, (if any) will bi felt by
Oflober 27. dit
And for file ty THOMAS DOBSON;
No. 4i. Soutlj Second Street.
Pi i t Half a Dollar.
A Letter
Ccncerninsr the public cinduet isf character oj
P.iji.lent of the United Stale?.
Oftober 27. .* d6t.
MR. QJTE3NET rffptiVfuiJy informs the
Ladies and Gentlemen rhathis fccond Bill
will be held on ThLrfJ.iy the 30th instant, at
the afiembly room South Fourth Street.' Ladies
who wiij pleal'e to honour him with their at- .
tendance, are r< quelled to apply for tickets, at
the or at No. jo, South
Fifth Street. Mr. Quefner continues to take
Ofloberjg. d^t
Broker's Office.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the
public, that fee has again commenced the
bufine s of a
Stock y Exchange Broker,
at his office, No. 59, north Fcurth ftrcet—Where
he buys and frlU Stock of the United States,
Bank Hock, Infur&nce and F.aft India stock, Bil'i
of Exchange, Negoc'atet notes, Bil!s and Bonds,
procures money on intcreft, aad on depofir, asd
tranfa&s every branch of bufio?fs as a broker.-
His experi and information in tke w 11
infurc to !*is emj layers accuracy, dispatch and
Philadelphia, October 27,1800. d7t
IN Uie (hip gton, cap'ain K:rr, in the year
1794, having been captured tsy the French on
her voyage from hence to Amfter am, the follow
ing certificates of stick of the Bank o' the I -v ited
States, standing in th: name of Benjamin Chap
Afos. 432 'C? 436 of 4 SI arts each;
153 3 CO.
12 15, 111 6, I 2} 7 . I Jo-
Application is made at f -ii Sank by the fubferi.
her for a renewal of the f<i4ic, of which all perftns
concerned are dc&red to take notice.
JOHN Mil LER, Ju-r.
0f1.17. djin.
For Hamburgh,
• :iAv, Peter Ycrke, nuiFt.-r.
Is now ready to receive her cargo,
nd will lail with a'l difpatch—l'omc freight will
ie taken it applied for immediately.
October 27 Iw
Horses to Winter,
HORSES will be taken to winter at Profpeft
Hill, at the 11 mile done on the BriCtol road,
where they will too l Timothy aid Clover
I-lay, '' field
in when V
Bell, v
i:c wcl 1 taken care of, and have k co ru!i
ien the weather is good ; enquire o< William
Phil adelphia ; or, of
- , engage to return tfeeoo in good order in
l'pring or charge nothing for k< eping them, and
not he anfwvTab'.e for accidents or dorps* but
akc every prevent ei Jicr.
* mwf tf
' TT'R.OM out of the fuUftnber's h. use, whicfc wr«
f hrik> ofcu on , c arirday night Uft, a fingl«
-afe silver watch, having the face hrcke near- the
• hole, and no cryMal; also a fuf'su: an') a red
.ir.Ba hairik rchicf Wf.tch I..akertand others
rcqucScd to Hop fait! watch if offered fjr faie,
for the fake ot civil order, i; ishojed at', good
ns will let fiip no opportunity o : ;-pr,hcnd
the thief or thieves, that, thev trray he fcrought
- I to juflice.
oil b r »7 31
thi "
will u.
'ta*. .....
V b
} •' \» {
Jb* , k-*
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