Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 24, 1800, Image 4

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In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns.
LE D, Brazier » Solder, Tin in boxes, 3ti«l
Sheet-iron, and a large assort
ment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlety, Bras
and Japann'd wart . For fa'e by
Elisha Fisher & Co.
f.mJs'w. im
Oflober 17
In th3*olif> Atlantic, captnin Waters, from
Calcutta and Madras,
And for sale by the fubferiber,
A great variety of articles mostly suitabl e
for exportation,
Blue cloths
Soot komaln
Salem poores
Madra« Long Cloths
Ditto Handkerchiefs.
2000 bags prime Sugar,
Hyson and Souchong Tea,.
No. 80, Do r -J* street.
mwf tf
oilober iq
9-8 white
Russia Sheeting,
DROGHEDA LINENS, fine 4 4 ImhLin
en*, Clonting Diaper, Cotton Velvets,
Thickfrfs anH Fancy Cords, Printed Linen and
Cotton Handkerchiafs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Sat
tins, Pe!on;»«, Modes and Persians, Callimtn
cors, WiMb'ires »nd t^mbazten,Fine and coarf;
Bobbin, Ribbons, Ferrrts, Scotch Oz
naburgs, Threads No. 7 to 64,|coloured Threads
No. 8 to 16. Pibs, j 1-1, 4, 4 i-a and 5 lb.
London Pewter aflortea in casks, Tin, and has
just received by the lata arrivals 1 general aflort
ment ot Woo lens.
lorn R
Ju ft arrived.
Brig Perseverance,
Mr. William Bell's Wharf.
80 hhd« Antigua and St. Kitts Rum and
JO ditto Coffee
No. 4, South IValer St eet.
Oftobcr 8.
No.»og, North Fronf Strrrt,
fronmoi>gerv,»Sadlery, Cutlery, Brafa and}
Japan'd Warps, 5
6 J 8d lod I j J and aod flat point nails,
German Shccl,
Hats aflnrted in caf<-«,
Piflols, guns and flints, kc.ltc.
September 11
Charles Wall,
INFORMS hi. friends and the public that he hat
removed from N®. it, South Water Street, to
X 0.64, Market street, where he continue! to car
ry on every branch of the a?"ive business. He
has an ban,'. Gloves, Breaches and Dalit (equal to
any of the imported patent Sails) Skins, &c.
which he*?i!l dispose of either wholefjle or retail
Me clean* breeches and makes tbem look as well at
new wlthont leaving any dutl on them.—He re
turns his thanks to those gentlemen who have al
ready favoured him wrh their cuftotn, and brgs
for a continuance thereof, as he it fully pcrfuidud
they will find them equal in quality t-> any he has
yet made—N. B Oe.'.tlemtn can be waited upon
at their houses if mtceffiry, at the fharteft notice.
Sevsral Journeymen wantel to tht above busi
ness. non» net: appfy but experienced workmen.
OAoher 13.
George Davis,
319, Hi^b-Street,
Per Adriana from London,
A few Trunks and Cases of 4 4, 7.8 5c 3-4
Irifli Linens,
Gentlemen's, Youths, and Boys, Fine
WhicOTie will fell on moderate terms, at
a realonable credit.
feptember 24 njwfjw.
No I to 8,
Ebenezcr Large,
200 boxes fliort pipes
fmtable for the Spanilh Market.
0 mo. 13th. i߮o {mw&fe yw
For Sale, or to Let,
* In Cbesnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in
th« tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Poffeflion may be
had the first of November next, or sooner if re
quired——Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 j
OLD Lonp Primer,
Smill Pica on Pica B<*dy,
Englift, Chiles, Composing Sticks, and aprea
variety of articles neceflary to carry on the Prill
ing Jhfinels. They will be fold cheap tar cash
Apply to the Printer.
JVaJbingten, September \JI, 1800.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In pursuance of an aS of Congress, pnjfed on
ihe 2 3*/ day of April, one thousand eight
hundred, entitled " An ad to ejlabh/lj a
General Stamp-Office,"
THAT a General Stamp Office is now
eftabliflied at the feat of government, in trie
city of Washington, from whence there will
iflue, from and after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose management the
collection of the (lamp duties is placed) any
quantities of paper, parchment and vellum,
marked or (lamped, and duly counter-damp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
are demandnble by law : ,
For every flcin or piece of vellum or parchment,or
fteet or piece o! paper, upoo which fhaU lie
written or printed any or either of the inftru
merits or writings following, to wit.
' <
A Dolh. C M.
NY certificate of naturalization 5
Any licence-to practice, or certificate,
ol the adniifTion,onrollmer.t or re
piflry of any counlellur, Solicitor
Advocate attorney* or pro<stor, in
any court of the United Stae« To
Provtdtd, that a certificate in a- y
one of the courts y.f f,e United States,
tor any one of the (aid < ffiee», (hill
fofar aa re'ates to the payment of the
dutjr aforefiid, be a fulficient adrnil-
(ion xu ill tiie cotiria of the United
State*, for ejeh and every of tlie laid
Any grant or letters patent,under the
seal or authority e f the United
I States (except for lands granted
♦or military fervic«s) 4
Any exemplification or certified copy
of any such grant or letters patent
(except/or lands granted for mili
tary lerv ; ces) ,
' Any charter party, bottomry or re
fpondentia bo"d x
A» y receipt or discharge for or on ac
count i-.f any legacy left by iny
will or other teflimentary instru
ment, or for any (hare or part of
a p»rfonal eflate, divided by force
4 of any statute of other
than to the wife, children or jrand "
children of the person dil'eafed, the
amount whereof (hall be above the
value f fifty dollars, and (hall not
exceed the value of one hundred
When the amount thereof shall ex
ceed the value of one hun Jred dol
lar?, and fball not exceed fiv« hun
dred della-s
And for every further sum of five
hundred dollars, the additional
sum of 1
Any policy of infitranee or inflru
ment in nature thereof, when the
sum for which insurance is made
(hall not exceed five hundred dol-
J»Vs 2S
When the sum insured (hall exceed
five hundred dollars I
Any exemplification of what nature
soever, that (hall pass the seal of
any court, o>her than such as it
may be the duty of the clerk »f
such court to f»rni(b for the nfe of
the Uiiitcd Stites, or some parti
cular (late < 0
Any bond, bill single or penal, inbnd
bill of exchitig.-, proitiiflory
note or other note (other Than any
recognizance, bill, b«nd or other
obligation or contrail, made to or „
with the United States, or any
state, or for their use refpeftiVely ;
and any bonds required in any cafis
by the laws of the United States,
or of any state, upon legal procefi, 1
or in anv judicial proceeding, or
for :he faithful performance of any
trust or duty)
If above twenty dollars and not '
exceeding one fcundr»d dollars 10 '
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars »5
If above fiv« hundred and not ex
ceeding one thoufmd dollars 50
And if above one th< ufand dollars 75
Provided, that if any bonds or
notes (h.ill be payable at or w'<rhin
fixrv days, such bonds or notes (hill
be fubjefk to nnly two-fiith parts of
(he duty aforefaid, viz. '
If above twenty and not «xceeding
one hundred dolhrs " 4 j.
If above one hundred dollars and not
exceeding live hund ed dollars 10 v
If a'.ove live hundred dsllars and • I [
nit exceeding one thon'and dolls. ao
If above one thousand dollars jo
Any foreign hill of exchange, draft
or order for the payment eif money
in any foreign ceuntry S9 H
The said duty being charge
able upon eich and every bill of ex
change, without refped to the num
ber contained in each set. (
Any note or bill of lading or writing tl
or receipt in nature thereof, for fa
goods or merchandize to be ex- p
ported ;
If from one diflridl to another dif- fc
tti£l of thcUnited States,not being
in the fame state 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place IO
4 d'm
The fail) duty being chargeable
•ip«n each and every bill oflaling
without r»fpe«sl to- the number con
tained to each set.
Any notes iflued by the banks now
el*. .Hifhed or that may be hereafter
eflablifhed within the United
States, .ther than the noies of
such of the said banks as (hall a
gree to an annual composition of
one per centum onthe annual di
vidends made by such bihfca, t#
thefr liockh Ideis rel'pedlive'y, ac
cording to the following scale :
On all notes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, sot each dollar
On all notes ab>ve fifty dollars and
not exceeding one hundred dollars 59
On ill notes above one hundred dol
lars andnotexcecding five hundred
On all notes above five hundred dol
bolts. C. M.
Any prol>fl or other notarial adl 15
Any letter of attorney, except tor
an invalid pension, or to obtain or
fell warrants for land granted by
the Unit*d Statas as bounty tor
military ferviees performed in the
law war 15
Any invrntory or catalogue of any fur
niture, g»«<)» or ffF'fts, made in any
cafe required by law (except in cases
ot chattels fiiflraioed for
rent «r taxes, and goods taken in vir
tue of any legal pr 'Cefn by my officer JO
Any certificates of a (We in any inlu-
ranee company, of a share in the hank
of the United Stat?a»s>r ot any (late
or other hank ;
If above cv-uty dollars and not exceed-
ing one hundred dollars
If above one hundred dollars
If under twenty dmllars, at the ra'e of
ten cents for one hundred dollars.
That the power of the supervisors of the
Revenue to mark or {lamp any vellum,
parchment or paper chargeable with duty,
will cease and determine'! Yam and after fix
months from the date hereof, to wit, on the
lalt day ot February ISOI.
1 hat, if any persons fliall, after the lift
day oi l-ebrnary ifict, h*ve in their cullody
or pols ffion, nny vellum, parchmeait or pa
per, marked or flamped by the fuporeiforsof
the Revenue, upon whitsh any matter or
thing, charged with duty, fliall not have
Jfcecn written-or printed, they may at any
time within the space of sixty days after
the said last day of February 1801, bring
or fei.d (uch vellum, parchment and paper,
unto I m- office of infpedlion, and in lieu
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and paper, duly flamped
in putluanee ot the adt hereinbefore recited.
And in cafe any pcrfon fliall negleft or re
tuie, within the time nforelaid, to bring or
caufc to bp brou/fhj nnto some officer of in-
Ipeflion, any ftirh vi Hum, parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
"hereafter he of no other eiTeil or use, than
if it had never been marked or damped, and
tha* all matters and thing's, which may af
ter that time be written or printed upon any
vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in manner atoiefaid, will be of 110
other effeft, than if they had been written
or printed on piper, parchment or vellum,
not marlcrd or (tamped.
And for the convenience of those persons
who m<iy be inclined yj have their own vel
lum, parchment and piper stamped or mark
ed, it is hereby peclarcd, that when any per
lon lhall deposit any vellum, pa-chment or
paper at the office of a supervisor, accompa
nied with a lift, the number and
denomination ot the (lamps or jnarlfe, which
aie defirrd to be thereto affixed, the fame
will be tranfinitted to the General Stparn-
Office, and there properly marked or damped,
and forthwith lent back to tlte f„me fuper
viior, who w;ll thereupon cbllett the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order et the peifon from whom the
fame was received.
Given under my Hand, and the Seal
(L. S.) nf the Treasury, at
ton, the and year above men
tion' il.
Secretary of the Treasury.
feptembfr 20.
THE public are hereby informed, that the Bal
timore Coacbee will id future start from tht In
dian Queen, No. 15, fourh Forth Ilreet, every Hay
except junday, at 7 o'clock, arid will arrive at
Peck'i Tavern, Baltimore, the next day at 8 o'»lnck
a»d the Stages to New Yurk, will start every day
at 8 and ti o'clock.
N. R—A book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan
dler's Franklin Head, where feats may also be ta
ken in the above line of flages.
o(Sober a S
Just Imported,
.IVO. 67, South Fjurtb Sheet.
Checks and Stripes
Fin* French Cambrick*
White Holland Tape, No. 11,13, 15.
Dutch Canva«, No. I, a, 3, 4.'
Odtoberiv eoiw
This morning on t(ie Wiflahickon Road—a
CONTAINING lur.dry papers and letters,
of »o confequ»nce Whatever to any one but
the owner. Whoever may have found the
fame, and will return it to the Printer of (his
paper, lhall he handl'omely rewarded.
N.B—The owners' name is mentioned on
some letters diredied to him.
O&ober 8. d
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling
houses, with excel]r-nt ftihling for seven horses,
double Coach-honff molt completely fitted up; a
beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled
with choice fruit, fu?rounded with high hoard
fence, aleioll new. The premises are beautifully
ficnated near the rftiddle of Oermantown, sur
rounded with rich profp»<sls of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
handsome la-wn at the back of the house.
One house has been recently built on an appro
ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a (lore in
either the dry or w« good line.
The air and water are unrivillfd, and there are
some mod excellent schools in the iieighborhood.
For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of
on the premises.
May 9: dtf
Red Morocco
X KF, undermentioned. Certificates of Stock
of the Bank of the Ur.ited States, viz.
No. 3804, dated <ft July 1796, for ten (hares
in the name of Charles "Lovegrcve of New-
No. 15311—N0. 15311, dtted ift Julv,
I79<S f"r five fibres each in the name of
Sarah of Etruria.
No. 19808 —No. 19809, dated ift January,
1800, for tsn (hares each, in tha name ef Henry
Waddington, Merchant, London.
Notice is hereby given,
That application is intended to he made at
the said Bank by the fnkfcribers. for a renewal
of the fame, of which all persons concerned
are requctted to take notice.
Philadelphia, July 30, 1800.. mw! jm
Twelve Shares
Of the Bank of the United States,
NO. 159*1 to 15965 inclutive, in the name ot
Thomas Mult-tt of London, were forward
ed about the id of May 1797, from New-York,
by the thip Oseida lor London, which was cap
tured by the French, and said Certificates loft i r
destroyed ; therefore application is made at the
said Bank for the recewal of the fame, of wbich
all persons concerned are desired to t;ke notice.
Clement Diddle.
The Works
Hon. James Wilson, Esq. L. L. .D
Late one of the Associate Justices of the
Supreme Court of the United States and
Projessor at law in the College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original manuscript, in the poffdfion of
liird IVilson, Esq.
cos'n rT roffs.
Thcfe works (hall be elegantly printed in two
volumes oilavo, and dcliveredjo fublcribtrj at
five dollars.
They (hall be put to press as soon as the fuhferip
tions will juftify the cxpence of publication,
Suiscri/itions will be received by
asb;try DICKINS,
The publifhcr, opposite Christ-Church, Phila
delphia ; and bj the principal bookfclltrs through
out the United States.
*,* A f rofpeftus of the work may be seen at
the place of fubferiptioa.
feptfmhetl* 5
A PERSON poflefiing some capital, a confi
dent# (hare of industry, and desirous of
engaging as a partner in a lucrative business,
may hear of a situation. All propolals in this
fi'bjcil to be in writing, sealed ami directed to
W. R. J. New York, snd left with the printer
of the Gazette of the United States, will be at
tended to.
(PT A Printer would 6nd it to ms arivsntage
Jnn»s» irf
OF abilities, integritr and experience in
mercantile bufinef-, wonld willingly en
gage as CLERK to a merchant or public of
h e, or lie concerned with any person as pait
rer, as ht has an intereflof about one llioufand
pounds in real estate in the city. Pleal'e to ap
ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office
for B. Y. will be attended to immediately.
Msvio ditm&thtf
A CERTIFICATE, No. da'ed ift Jan.
uary 1-97, ia favour ef Robert I.indfay, of
< 'harleftnn South-Carolina, for one Iharc of th
stock of the Hank of the United States is loft—
a duplicate of which will be applied for at the said
August 7. m&t.^m
•A Young Man,
PERFECTLY versed in Mercantile accounts,
end brought up in one of the firft cownting
heufek in this oity. wishes employment as Clerk.
He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a
line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni
ted States he will receive, and it (hall be imme
diately attended to. Salary a fecondiry objedt—
Employment his motive,
aucuft it dtf
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RUN AW AY i'rom the iuhferiber on Wednef.
Hay night the sth instant, a Black Indented
servant, nimed Colin, just arrived from Jamaica
in the brig Diligence with his matter. He is a well
made lad of 16— 17 years of age, or th-reahouts,
has a pleasant countenance, and a fnnll Car on
his left cheek, which yet appears white from a
late fall or blow He is about 5 feet sor fn in
ches high, and had on when he went away a com
mon blue rnund jacket and rrowfers, with a far
vants black glaze* hat, and had with him white
and ftripel check shirts and pantaloons.
He is known to be enticed or env igled awny by
a negro man Earned William, a r/ative of Boston,
who was Cook of the said brig Defence, and is a
fteut thick man of 35 or 40 years ot age, and they
are supposed to travel together; The faii Colin
contrived to get a parcel containing 30 new dol
larsof the present years co : nageof the U. States,
never before in circulation a*d a few milled dou
bloons of full weight out ot his matters keeping,
and also took with him .1 silver table spoon with
the cyper A. R. on it, and a desert knife and fork
with white Ivory handles.
The above reward will be paid to any person
who will bring the said Colen and William t» the
Subscriber, N". 31 Spruce (Ireet or to Meffts Sa
vage and Dugan, Third Street, or lodge them in
any goal tr work k u'ein any of the States so t'-at
his matter may have Colin, and it istequefted the
money may befecured it is supposed Willam is in
poffelfion of it, and reqtiefled he may be detained
with Colen, fending information to the said
MeflVs. Savage and Dugan, Philadelphia
V All Captains of veffds are ftrwarned nit to
hartouror employ orc.irry to sea the (aid negr e
as the law will be put in orce fgainft them.
H Ros£.
October ir.
To Printers.
WANTED— in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6
or lb. or upwards, and a Fount of
Brsvier, weighing 400 lbs. or upwards.
September 2.
For the winter season, on Monday, Oftober
6th, Walnut, between Fourth and
TV/TRS. GROOMBHIDGE refpeafully ac-
XVX knowledges the liberal encouragement
(he has experienced, for more than fevrn years
ini I hiladelphia, and, as the molt expreflive proof
or gratitude, will be a continuance of the unre
mitting attention, already paid ta her pupils :
flatters herfelf, it will be the belt reccmmenda
tion to future patronage.
T he following branches (or any of them fep
aratelj-) may be engaged for,as mofl agreeable,
e H ng ifh, French, and Italian languages
grammatically ; writing, arithmetic, peocra
phy, u,e of the globes, history, music, vocal
and lJiltrumental, drawing and dancitig.
ain work, marking, embroidery and 'sm
bnur m gold, silver or colour., fillagree, artifi
cial flower., fancy baflcets, netting, ha.r, print,
cloth, and muslin work of every kind.
Oct xj. ■ (j zw 12wt f_
FOR SALE; r? —
The following- Real ElUte | the property of
Anthony Francis Haldimand, Efq u ire,
of London,
582 and an half
Axres Patented Land
QITUAT E on Vineyard Creek, in the township
O and county of Huntingdon, in the fSate of
Pennfylvami, on a public roadabout 5 mil,-,from
® e r town of Huntingdon, which is fnuated on a
bonaMe river—there are on the premises a w iter
Grid Mill and Saw Mill—several Log dwelling
HouPs—one of which is occupied as a Tavern
with a DifUllery fuppliedby a powerful fpriri K of
excellent watcr_a coofi Jerable quantity of Timo.
thy Meadow fit tor the fey the, and several acres
of e Land already cleared—l histr*ft will
admit of being divided into three farms with a
dee proportion of meadow and arable land in each
At present in tenure of Adam Hal!, Esq. John
Hicks, and others
187 and an half .cres on Trough Creek, in
Union townftip, a floorifhing fettleimnl, firft rate
iand, with a fmalj improvement.
173 and 3 quarters acrds r.'j ining the above
and the fame quality-as those last mentioned
trail, are adjoining furvcys ,hcy would make one
valuable farm.
In Bedford county,
3*4 acres firuate Creel, firft rate
land, on a puMic road 'o Bedford
364 nnl 3 quarters acres adjoining tbc above,
and of the fame quality.
above* aCre " Ca " C<l tlle ? P r, ' n 2*> fame quality as
298 and 3 quarters Xras on half way run, a
good improvement and now in tenure of lacob
Moses. J
I erms of sale, as follows viz—One fourth part
of the confi.'eration money rnuiV be paid in hand,
and rhe refidoe divided into four or five annual in
ualments, as may suit the pjrehafers— to be fcoa
red by mortgage.
Apply to John Cat'.wallader, Efq Connfellor at
Law, i:i the town of Huntingdon, or to the fub
fcribcrs in the city of Phil idelpbia.
O&ober 14
Clock b; Watch Makbm,
To No. 36, Mahket Street,'
Where he kas-for Saie,
Spring and <,((*.,. Clocks ; gold and filve
W«tcbr*.j Tools, Files ind fire
i 4 OT'lt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs,
Sec. &c.
Proprietor, of the Philadelphia and I on
caftfr lire a'"Stages DISPATCH, rsturn 'heir
grateful thcrks to th.-ir frirnds and the pabiit in
general, for the pall favor, tkey have received.and
inform them that in addition to the regular Line
:h"V aro p'ovi led with Currint;e»,(<)hcr and can-.fuj*
drivers, to g» thrcnjrh !,vtn,-en the City and
Borough it? two days. Tliof. whoprtf-rthis mode
•" tr-svsllir.g cm I.- ■-.xht-.-i at t?e Stage
Offcc, of Upittd States Eagle, Market flreet
Philadelphia. >
Sloughy pawning, Dunnroody {J 1 Co. f 2t _f
o Printers.
The following MATERIALS will fee'fold
reafowable if applied for inriK-diatelv.
i Pr fs,
3 Founts I;ong-Priiner (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pici on Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
1 ditto English,
2 ditto Brevier,
i ditto Burgeois,
Several pair of Chafes, fereral compofiny
ITicLs, frames and galleys, some brass rules,
(Quotations, &c. &c. &r: all 0 f the above
will be fold very reasonable for Call).
September 8.
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth
and Merry-Andrew Playing Cardi, fer file cheep
for cash—Apply at this Offic-e.
feptember ij.
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette of the United States.
C<rds—Blank? of all kinds,
Stc. See.
Will be printed at the
Shortest Notice, y
august 23.
rUI Persons,
TNDry.TRD to tlieKflafe rf Jo r eph Encle
i la'eof-he > -i-them Lifcr'is.-, dcrcafed.'are
requeued to mike immedar> piyrne- and
those havi' t: any demands ajrairifi the fame, to
brinp in their accounts to
3ENJAM" THAW ' " •
o<fto!'er 3.
, t
Willings £<? Francis.
\ ■ "*
'V, Ad