Gazette of the United States. €»■ PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY KVKNING, OCTO BF. H Prices of Public Stock, Philadelphia, Octobm &:• Par amoun a Jbare Eight per cent, (lock—loß per cent. Si* per cent, and „ Navy ditto j 87 l-» Deferred 6 per cent 861-4 17/? Three percent. 53 j.j 1 q/"8 S l-t per cent. 85 17/ 4 I-i per cent. none at market BANK United States, 35 p. cent advan. "\ Pcnnfylvania, j 1 ditto / ——N.America 51 ditto f 4 e o InfuranceCa North America 11 als per cent. 7 , below par—nominal j 10 • Turnpike • 15® a »6o dolls. 100 1 Schuylkill Bridge - - - par 10 ' Water Loan, dolls. 100 Land Warrants dolls. 100 acres nom. 1 St. Augujlinc Church Lottery TicLeti, 9 Julian \ EXCHANGE. On London at 60 days 71 a 7%h OnAmfterdam, do 39 a4O cetit-0 [per Florin > On Hamburgh do 36 a 37 cents \ [per Mark Bancs"^ Rates of Foreign Coins and Curren rencies in tbe United States—per act of Congres for payment of Du ties. Englifli pound sterling 4 44 lri(h do do 4 10 / Dutch F1 rin or GuiU'er o 40 ( Hamburgh Mark Banco a 33 I 3_) |C?* The fubfcribei-' having frequently lieard complaints of the want of accuracy in tbe price current of public sloci, has conclud ed to furnifh the Gazette of the United States, occasionally (if called for) with what may in his opinion be corjfidered the Market Prices of Stock, and the Rates of Exchange. M. M'CONNELL, Cbesnut street, jVo. 143. COMMUNICATION. The Tragedy of " Pizarrt" with " The Horse and tbe IVidowV was performed to a very crouded audience, on lafl Wednesday Evening. Mrs. Merry in Elvira, fully displayed those abilities of which she is so completely miftrels. In the scene where she enters, ex pefting to find Piaarro (lain by the hand of Holla, and he is presented to her afloniflied eyes, alive ! dildaining to (hrink frotn the fate which awaits her, in what language does flie reproach tbe tyrant tor seducing her from the abode of innocence and peace. They must be devoid of le-rrfihilrty, who could lis ten to her tale, unmoved. • Miss E IVfstraj's performance of Cora, gave general fatisfaflion ; feut some of the fcenej require greater energy of voice, thitn this lady is pa fie fled of, particularly where /he demands hei husband, after the return from battle. Great n»oft liis power? bf who would at tempt to vie with Mr. Co'per in the charac ter of «« Rolla." In such chr.radters hit un demanding rs ft> coriefl, he " suits the ac tion to the word ; and the word to the ac tion." We were sorry to fee Mr. Tt'arren lo de ficient in fecnes whrreall his abilities /hould have been called into adVion, particularly where Elvira reproaches him as ;he feducet of her innocence. He (lands and liftcns as he would do to a qommon conversation, quite unmoved. His next performance bf Pizairo, we hope will be far superior. What could induce Mr. Wignell to give the part of Ataliba to Mr. Wood ; not to be better performed we are certain. Such as bim " who for the inoft pari aie capable of nothing hut inexplicable dumb ftn>w, and roife,*" should never have c.'iarad>ers like Ataliba committed to their care. We (h-ill be happy to fee Mr. Wignell rcfume it, the next time Pizarro is performed. As to Mr. Coin's Alonzc, let him " re lerm it altogether." , WASHINGTON. From tit London Morning Chronicle, Aug. 9. The following extrafl of an unpublilked letter of Gen. Wafbinton, to his nephew at Mount Vernon, while he hirnfelf was with the army, places, the character of that excel lent roah in a very amiable point of view : Ntvember 26, *775. " I.ET the hospitality of the house, with refpett to the poor, be kept up. Let no one go hungry sway. If any of this kind of people fliould be in want of corn, supply their neceflities, prov/ided it does not en courage them in idlencfs. I have 110 ob jeflion to your giving my money in' chari ty, when ytiu think it welt beQowed* What I mean by having no objeflion is, that it is my desire that it (hnuld be done. Y. 289 John Bull Bonny 'ss° TO MERCHANTS. Bourdeaux. Aujufl 2, ISOO. You wil! plral'c to r.bferve that in future all bills of exchange drawn 011 this country, will lose nearly 2 percent, if fptrcified in lit res tournois ; they nuift be dwwn in francs, instead of livrcs, On Wednesday evening I»ft,a deputation of the Conftaliles ot tlie City of Philadelphia waited upon Robert Wharton, Esquire, and prefcjiu'il an addr-fs, of which the fol lowing is a coppy. WV feel a pleasure in communicating-to our readers this addition al evidence of the worth of our hte May or. To ROBERT WHARTON, Esquire, Late Mayok of the City of Philadelphia. SHI, ROBERT WHARTON. lytpiT/iTI V *• Of Constancy holy, Impends tell The fofteft fifier qrthe ceH, None fif»i to h-av'tn so fw.eet a cry,. Or roli'd at VTafs so bright an eye. No wanton taint her .bofym knew, Iler hour.* in heavenly vision flew, ► Her knees were worn with midnight pfayei'fj And thus flie breath'd divlneft airsi Air. In hallow'd walks and awful cells, Secluded from the light and vainj The chafle eyed Maid wirti virtue dwells,' And folitnde and fileoce reign. The waaton's voice is he'ar*.d_uot here, To heaven the facr?d pile belongs j Each wall returns the whifper'd prayer, And echoes but to holy songs. Rfcitativr. Alas ! that pamper'd Monks should dare Intrude where fai.ited veflals are ! Ah, Francis, Francis, well I weet, Those holy looks are all deceit, With shame the muse proloDga her tale, The Priest wis young—the Nun was frail, Devotion faulter'd on her tongue, Love tun'd her voice, and thus (he sung. Air. Alas, how deluded was I, To fancy delights as I did. With maidens at midnight to figb And love, the fweef paflion, forbid ! O, father, my follies forgive, And still to ahfolve me be rvigh ; Your lellons have taught me to liv«, Come teach me, O, teach me to die. To her arms in a rapture, he sprung, Herbol'om, half naked, met his i Transported in Silence flie hung, Am) melted away at each kiss. Oh, lather, expiring (he cry'd, With rapture I yield up my breath j Ah, daughter, he fondly reply'd, The righteous find comfort in Death. THE COQUETTE'S JOURNAL. Leflured by Ha and Ma o'er nigkt, Monday at ten quiet vex'd and jeadous, Refolv'd infuttjje to be right, , And never li(le,n to the fellows ; Stitch'd half a wrist band, read the text, Recciv'd a note from Mrs. Racket ; I hate the gypfey, (he fat next All church time to sweet Captain Clackit. 7ucfday get scolded, did not cart, The toast was cold 'twas part eleven ; I dreamt the Captain through the air On Cupid's winjfs bore me to heayen ; Pouted and dined, dressed, looked di»iae, Masle an excuse got Ma to back it; Went to the play, what jay was mine! Talk'd loud, and laugh'd with Captain Clackit. I'/idntfday came down, no lark so gay, The girl's quite alter'd, quoth my mother, Cried Dad, I recollect the day, When, dearest, tb(\u wert filch another, Danced, drew a landscape, fkmmed a play Fn the paper, read that widow Flacket To Gretna Green had run away TJie forward minx with Captaiu CUcket. Thurflav fell sick ; poor foul, fte'll die ; Five d<>slor« came with len -thened facts ; Each felt my puife; ah me, cried I, Are these my piMrnifed loves and graces, Friday grew worse ; cried Ma, in pain, Our day was fair, h;aven do uot black it ; Where's your complaint, Love? Inmy brain, What (hall I give yon ?—Captain CWtket. Early next morn, a noflrum came Worth all tlieir cordials, balms and fpicet; A letter—lhadbeeuto blame; , The Captain's truth brought oil a crifi-, Sunday, for fear of m ire delays OF a few cloaths I made a packet Ana Mondayniorn ftept in a chaift*, And tun away with Ciptain Clicket. do. On a beautifulyouth, Jlruck blind by light- ntng. Imitated from the Spanish. Sure it was by providence defign'd Rather in pity than in hate That he (honld be like Cupid blind To five him lrom NarcifTus' fate. Original F.pitapb on a profJfor, noted for bis skill tn science of mathematics and numbers. In jtuadrilatural bo* here lies Poor W i 's torpid clay ; By calculation sure to r>fe At the great Reckoning day. MARRIED] —Lad evening, by the Rev. Mr. Janeway Mr. JohnThoMson, to Miss Elizabeth Willdey, both of this City. CENSUS, of Northampton, 2 188 ; increase in 10 years, 562. Ha field, 810 j increase c.j, Wefl hanipt6n, 756 ; increaTr, 73. Cheflerfield, 1327 ; increase, 144. To the Members of the Legiilature of New-Jersey. ELECTORS in y >ur State, are chcfen by you in joiiit-ineecing. By another aft, paf fcd, 31ft of Ottuber '96, it is expressly de clared, that they, (the Electors) " shall be appointed on the thirty fourth day, pre ceding the firft Wednefdjy in December"— that day, will be the 30th of this month. You are to meet, by your Constitution, the 28th. Your friends have been uncom monly active—no trouble, no expence have they avoided, to secure your eledtion. Let them hear, tbatytu are not inattentive, to an all important duty. Be at Trenton, the Monday before. Besides choosing your Speaker and other officers, you have to effedt, what they, for fix months pad, have been so anxiously labaring for, to wit, the choice of ele£tors f for New- Jersey, who will vote for John and Charles Cotofworth Pinckney. Tot»l 6794 October 2 1 st. Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth street, to No. 18 South Third street. An Office for those flakes is also kept at tar Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Poll Office, April 18. THE NUN,-A C/.XTAU. M'OVE ON. I WINCHESTER, (Virg.) Oiloher u j Yelterday morning upwards of one liun j dred recruits for the. 3d U. S. Regiment of 1 infantry, marched from their encampment i near this town for Pittfburg, under the com- I mand of Major Cafs. . A, company of artillery from Harper's Ferry, which arrived here Sunday, and ' I whith, it was said,, were to march yvith the troops commanded by Major Cafs, received cuunier orders .on M.onday morning, and on Tuesday marched back to their cantonment at the Ferry. , UNION, (Penn.) Oftober 17. Arrived in this place,on Wednesday hft, a detachment of about 140 Federal Troops, from Winchefler, tinder the commanfl of ma jor Cafs- They are encamped in the Grove out of town, fram whence they will march to Pittiburgh. Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED, days Brig Mary, Burk, St. Übes 59 Salt—J. H. Brown Schr. Mary, Bryant, Norfolk 7 Rum, fait, &c. —J. Leamy Swiftfuae, Sharer, Gonaires 18 Cotton & Coffee. Polly and Nancy, Gray, N.Carolina 16 Wheat—to Captain Washington, Flower, do. 16 Ditto and Staves Hunter, Geram, Halifax u Filh—to Sloop Sally, Winott, Norfolk 4 Lumber Nancy, Johnson, do. j do. Nancy, Wodlom, do. 3 do. Freedona, Story. do. 3 do. Friendship, Brown, New Orleans 45 Tobacco—J. B. Evans Left it New Orleans the following vessels, viz. Ship Waftington, Davis, of Philadelphia Fame, Guthridge, of Mew York Aflive, , of Baltimore Brig Sophia, Arnold, of Philadelphia Sthr. Montezuma, , of Baltimore Peggy, Coffin, of Philadelphia Captain Brown, fpokein the river Mifliffippj the following vessels bound to N. Orleans : ' Ship Peggy, Fregir, of New York Terrific, Brown, of Philadelphia out thrty-twodays Sloop Dependence, Churnfides, of Philadelphia From the Havamia Ship Cleopatra, Nayior, from Mocha, is be low. Ship Philadelphia, Parsons, of this port, has arrived at Leghorn, from Pahrmo, and was 10 fail (torn hence about the »oth September. Ship Adlive, M'Dougal, of and for thi? port, was to leave the Thames about aodi Septem ber. Sloop Friendship, Captain Brown, failed from New Orletns in company with the brig Samuel, Edwards, of Philadelphia, bound to. the Huranna. Left at New Orleans, (loop William, Bird fall, from llavanna to Philadelphia, has put ia and a Mr. Tliomfon, of Georgetown, we are sorry to add penthed. The crew, compofod of ne groes, were saved. Arrived the ship Minerva, Elford, Lon don, 62 days ; ftiip Northean Liberties. Mc Call, New-York, 12 days ; schooner Thom as & Sally, Cortlett, Mantazies 14 d iys. Extr.ift from the bg book of he ftlip Sally, captain Campbell from Liverpool Parted company with the flilp Montezu ma, capt, Thomas Morgan, off the Banksi of Newfoundland, on the 6:h of Septem ber- O" the 9th had a very beavy gale of wind—and on the 17th, in lat 40, 34, had a very severe gale of wind from tbes. s. Tv and w. w w. Sept. 4. In lat 43 30, long 48, spoke the ship Fliz-t,capt. Perry, from Norfolk, in company with the Cumberland and Triton Planter, out 21 ddyj. Arrived Sclir Sally, Tuttle, Havanna, 12 days ; brig- Peggy, Drum-ond, Machias, Massachusetts, 14 days ; fchr, Miners, Hughes 9 d.ys j brig Penman, Lemon, NafTiUi, 12 d.iys ; flonp Lydla, Johid'on, Havanna, ai days. §C7** An adjourned meeting of the Jour neymen Printers ot" Philadelphia, will be held at the Schqol-Houfe, corner Chefnut and fe.T*nth.(t'reets, to-morrow evening at fix o'clock precisely. General attendance is re queued. October 24tb 1800. For Sale, •%. By JOHN CLIFFTON, Junr. No. 80, Szvanson street, Soutliujri, ,T! e following India Goods, viz. »oo pieces Goldhcad Mdmooriiss 100 do Bonnahead do 500 do Jaialpoer Sawns 95 do Chandefconna Nanfook 75 do do Haw^hsrchiefa •pi do Burbhoon Gurrahs odlobcr « 4 tuthfaim To Creditors. AT a county court of common plea«, held at Uriin town, for the county of Fayette, the fe» cond Monday of September, in the year of cur Lord one thousand eight hnndred, before the honorable Alexander Addifon, Efq Prtlident of the fame court. ON the petition of Thomas Pew, an insolvent debtor, prayiDg the benffit of the a