T Numrpr J52©.? qj~ The price of this Gazette is Era hi* Dz rjus per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Phi.aiLltthia. AH others pay one Dollar additional, fir enclosing and di recting f and unhss-ione person in this CtKy will become ansioerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *,* No Subscription will be received for o shorter term than six months. December 1 1799. ALMANAC i>n«l COtUr ->4 —1» 03titr »8. HIGH WA-Tia. VoMhf ' - Tfcarfday Fridxr Sdtviay touaixj Mauday Tecttay - • SUN 1 . 'Hit' »i» - 6ji —yi *» 6 .19—*J *r . 6 40 ■ ■ 1 »o ■*._ - 6 4* J »# - 6 4t— —S .17 • 44 SM6 b 45 ll V'ednefday Thnrfday Friday Saturday Kanday Monday Tutfday For Sale* JLd&BtbT TIIE NEW PILOT BCILT ST. TAMMANY, WO it Say's Wharf, above Market Strert, burthen 7° tons, fuppoled te be a remarkable faft failing vellci, and may he fit ted for sea in a few days. Inventory to be fe«n and terms of sale known by applying to the fub feribtr. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4, South IVa'er Street. ALSO, FOR SALE, 35 Hhds Muscovado Sugar. White md brown dim in boxe», East India do. in b}g». Weft-India and Conntryßum. 100 Hhds- MwUffei. Holland Gin French an 4 Spanifti Brandy. Pepper, Coffee, &c. Aupuft 9. fa tu&tb.tf. For Liverpool, The Ameri:an Philadelphia, cedar and live- oak l uilt I? Amiable, Daniil Or. TeMnghaJiy majtcr, Toten<fc«3 to fail e«rly in Wo»*mKer, anH to rtturn an early spring ship to Philadelphia—will b« ready to take in ftiortly at Perot ts wharf—For freight or pafTage,apply to the captain on «r so Jeremiah Warder. Those grotlemen who have goods on board the Amiable, are requeued to fena their permits on board ft Gerard's whar', above market ftrett, where the ship is ready to discharge. JEREMIAH WARDER Has for Sa'e, Llv rpool high (tored fine SALT and COAL, Of the Grft quality ; London refined fait petre ; London white lead, dry and ground in oil; red lead; London tin plates in bcxes ; Roman tea can isters in cases; Irish linens aflurted, 4 and 6 lb. cannon, Woolwich proof, and 3 and 9 lb ftot. Oftober 15 jawjw John Clifton, jun. HAVINC declined his former hufiiefs, of fers for fait all his stock, confiding of the following articles, viz. Sixteen Anvils, Fighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vices, with all the other Tools necefTary for condafling the Smith's Bufiaefs. » «tio, About 5 tons of Spikes, of different sizes, 3anoib. Sheathing and Draw ing Nails, a large jflortment of Ttkle Hooks jtnd Thimbles, Swivle Hooks, Scrapers, Hin ges and Nails, with every other defciipti..n of ready made Iron work, suitable for flocking a Ship SLith's, or (hip Chandler's Store. Ail of which he willfellon very reasonable terms for cash or noiei. *** Apply at No. 80, Swar.fon street, South ward. OcloV.t ic. itawtm. German Redemptioners. NINETEEN remains »f tliofe, who came in the ship Ar.na from Hamburgh, and are willing to serve fo/tVir passage Apply to Jacob Sperry & Co. Who have on Hand, Rema : ning of late importations, and which are of fered on reafenable terms, and the ufnal credit, 33 cases Eftopillas, Forming a compleat afl\irtm~nt 01 Uni. Riye Mouches, pi in and coloured (lripas. • 33 csfes cafferillcws 5 cases hoccadillos 1 cifes quadruple file&is I cafe funerfine dowlas * cases coutils and i cafe li^ados 0 cases fuperfine El!>erlela checks 3 cases bed parchct 1 cafe Flanders bed ticks, 8 4 10 cases coffee mills, Nos, en, to N'o. 6, as sorted v. » cases Scythes S cases of double flint c\»t Decanters quart and 1 pint I cafe gill tumbkrs, and 1 cafe of Trave li <g cases. I cafe of quills, T cafe of common feiiingwax and 400 Demijohns. September ty. d6t. sawim. Gazette of the United States, '* m HAS wrttd by rfie'litfft trrttik fr.injLo*. don, a wall rhofro afTorrmtat of ihe >ol lowing article! 1 CALICOES and Chintzes, (a great variety) Furniture do. dn. Cordad Dimities for garments and furmtu.% Dura'its, Jofns and Calimancots n«mbaztrts and B imboV-gnt Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs and H. M, ® 3 Lawn bordered d®. face and 3t> k Mt.flin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cott'_>n and Chintz, a great variety 00. Camel's liair Hosiery, Worsted and Cotton of all fizej Do. China White and Ulaclc Silk Table Chths, from 5 4, to 1.0 by 16-4 with and without Napkin* Thread. Gauze, Lawn« and Cacibricks Jacnttet and Lapett Muslins, colotir-dand plain VVhire arrt B'ack Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and 7 S I 5 9 « 9 Si 10 38 11 it Handkerchiefs Black Mode,'Heelontrs and Satins VVliite and printed Marfeill'S forvefts Swinfdown, flripedand p'aid. Cotton Checks (five) j-8, a s, ii-8, and 6-4 Black and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs India Bandanna do t»f superior quility White, Red and Ytllow Flannels Ournifty Worfled A few drz*n faeft elastic Snfprnders. He has Also Just Received, a well aflorted Invoice o CONSISTING OF Berbhoom Gurrahs Patna Bafta« Alahabad Emerties Do. Gurrahs Company Guzzipora Janna Mjmoodifs. Coflas. By the Bale or Piece Oflober iB. Thomas Wotherspoon, Has received by the late arrivals from Lon don, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, a gerieral assortment of DR Y- GOOD S; Suitable for the season—among which are Superfine apd fec«nd cloths, Do. plain and ribb'd Ca(Timers Do. taftiionable Swanfdowns Coatings and B>cking Baizes Flannxls and Plains Plaid and ribb'd Catimancoes Durauts and Joans Spinnings Black Ruflcls and Bombazetts Plain ani (Iripcd Wildbores Cloak Cambletts Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords Cht;ck'd and striped Ginghams White and brown Piatilias Checks and Bed-ticks Purple and Chintz Shawls Primed Pocket Handkerchiefs Black and col'd Barcelona do. White and col'd Sntins, Peelongs and Perlians. 1 willed black Sattin Florentines Wide rich (trip* do. Queen's Grey Luteflringj Stitching Threads and Scarf Twist Dimities and Marfellois Black and white Thread Laces and Edgings Rirh wide patent Lajv Veils An assortment of Ribbons Carpets and Carpeting Tapes, quality and (hoe Bindings Shirt Weires and Moulds Plain and Fancy Buttons Plain and ribb Cotton Stockitirs Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton Bandannoes. Table-cloths'and cotton Counterpmes Thread, Leaders, Ferretts and Galloons Rritifli Mufhns of every description Ounce Thread in boxes Coloured do. in do. AI.SO, Suitable for the Weft-India Market, A few b xes of SHIP Madrafa Handkerchieis, a few do. Fincy Mufliui, a frw do. entitled to drawhack. O&ober 16 d*3t Landing, From the (lib Firmer, captain Gitifon, from Ham ■ burg, a large affortmcnt of J,in«ns aud other Goods, among which ar« an invoice of 53 bales of real French Britannias, 6 and 7 4, which are offered fcr fair on rrafonable terms for approved paper, or in barter for Weft-India produce. Britannias, real French, Boccidillos 6 and 7-/1 Bielefeld Linens Britannia* Selrfias Siamoife j^aces. Plattillias Royales Tapes ot feviral kinds Eftopillasof all defcrip- D..canters tiom and pint tumblers Cr<a« a la Morlaix I ravelling Cases Checks No. a3c Stripes Glass Beads, violins and 609 Boxes of Bohemia White Window Glass, Of the firft quality, 7 by 9, 8 by is, 9 by u 10 by i» and upwards. ON BAND, Of late Importation : Eftop'Has. Quadruple Selifias, Dow las, Courils, Li'JaHoes, hlberfel.lt fine Checks, Bed parchet, Flinders Bed Ticks, Tapes if all Itfcrtptions, Co"ee Mills, Scythes, L>ecant-rs H il II Tumbiors, Tra«fc!liug Cases, Sealing Wax, Quills and Demijohns,—Apply to JACOB S.PERHY is* Co. C& b - r 6 diot w&fa.m. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 24t 1800 . Thomas Orr, No. 52, South Front .Street, India Muslins, No. 56, South Front Srassr, By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street. - &. Co. iVfl, 5!?, r.outb Fro. Strtet, have received, By the late arrivals from London, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, A general affortinent of goods, Suitable for tlie ftafon—-ani }ng which are STJPRRFINE and second cloths Foriift cloths and plains A variety of plain, ribb'd anj embossed caffi meres of every colour A variety of fuihionable fwanfdown Kendal cottons Bocking and Colchelter baize of tvery color 7 4to><4 rof* blankets 4 1 2 and 3 do White serges suitable for fadler'i Ribbed and plain csliraancoes Rattiiiets and shalloons Durants joans and bombazeem Bombazetts, Hripcd and plain, Wildbores VelverctJ, thickfrtti and fancy cords Chcck'd an.l striped gingham. 7-8, 4-4, 11-8 o tton checks Bed tick', Scotch shirting Brown linens and cotton bags rig Plain »tid tamb.ir'J jacon»t u 4 book muslins and handkerchiefs Coloured tamber'd ditto r Olive, lead and bine Rroflior Cambricks and la.vns Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs Black and colored Barcelona ditto Black love ditto Worft#d, yarn and cotton hosiery White and c- loured threads Tapes, quality and (hoe binding An aflortment of ribbons Sewing silk and twist Ivory and horn combs Shirt wires and moulds Plain and fancy buttons Knives and forirt, penknives, fciflors, needles, pins, it c. They have also on hand, an assortment of CHINA fc? INDIA GOODS, diw jawtf. riz. Coloured and black Luteftringt, Senchawi and Sattius— Garrabs, ColTas, Sinas, Baftaj, Guzcenas; eSobtr 15 Landing fron the ship America, Waltc. Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND Fog SALB BS NICKLIN, GRIFFITH <s- Co. Bohea, Congo, Souchong, ift St ind quality, Caper souchong, HyTori-fltin, Tonkay, c *EAS, Singlo, Young hyson, Myfon, lft & id quality, Imperial, Yellow lc white nankceni Lutcftrings, back & color'd (In Boxes Sinfhawa Ho. f aflbrted, 3atti*> do. j Lutestrings, maz. blue A dark green') T Siufhaws do. > , Persian talT-tas, dart green J Tpey bane also on band for sale, received bv (be late arrivals from Europe, isfe. 1 Infmallpick- Striped and checked ginghimi i ages ifl" rted, White figured & cclor'd Muf- | calculated for l:nette «>the Weft-In- White corded dimities I dia market & Color'd silk, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback* if Trunksprinted Calicoes, J do. do. 3 fcice t*ine (En titled to lo Cafis Enplifh China ware, f drawback, in tea setts j 6 Caflta mineral black, i do. white, 10 do. colcc>ther, 3 Calks purple hrown, ,1j do. nails aff>rted, 9 do. London porter in bottles, Rng'ilh fail canvas, No. t, i & j, UiifTia dud:, »7 Boxes white Ilaranna fugsr, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottlrs, 10 Guns, 6 pounders, t» do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, Jto, ißo,ccolbs. Ceribou coffee, jft quality (Entitled to iO,ooo!bs blark pepper C drawback. 10 L-»gs ebony J May 3.5- GLASS MANUFACTORY. Of the Pittsburgh Glass Worts, HAVING procured a fufficicnt number of the mod approved EuropearGlali Manu facturers, and having on hand a large flock of the best Materials, en which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window glass of a fupei ior qua lity and of any size, frotn br 9, to r8 by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxet containing 100 feet ea h, may be had at the Iborteft notice. Glafa of larger fizri for other purposes, may also be has!, such as for pi<ilures, coach glaflcs, clock faces, Sic. Battles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be h»d, together with pocket flaiks, picklmgjars, apothecary's Chop furniture, or other hollow ware—the whole at least 25 per cent, lower than articles of,the fame quality brought from any ef the lea ports of the United States. A literal allowance will be made en lale of large quantities. Orders from merchants ind others will S*e punctually attended to on ap plication t8 JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CK A(G, or at the Storeof MefTrs PRATHER vhd SMILIE, in Maiket-Strect, Pittfbiupji, March 4, tuwtf. CHINA GOODS. THE PROPRIETORS Landing At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING OP Surinam Molasses, Of an excellent quality, in hegflieads, tierces and barrels, And about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, For Sale bt Wharton £s? Lewis, No. Ilj,fuuth Front ftrect. olslßber 9 tu th fa tf Saddling Business. WILLIAM JONES V EDMUND KINSEY, TTAVFNG entered into partnership, and ta fks,n t " at l° n g cftablilhed stand at the cor nerof Chefnut and Third Streets, refpe&fully loltcit public patronage, and particularly invite a continuance of the favours of the former friends cuftomers of Haines * Jones, and Sharplels St Kinfey, to whose bufintfs they have They offer for sale a large and genrral affjrt ment of elegant Saddle, and Bridles, all kinds common do. Plated and Bral's mounted Harness, Saddle-bags, Valieces, Cart and WaggonGeafs, &<.. Trunks of all kinds, particularly hard lei ther Portmanteaus. They alfe manufa&ure all kinds of Silver mounted and Plain Whips, having f.veral ex cellent Workmen in that branch. They flatter themselves from the'tr united ex perience and the arrangements they have made, to be able to fell any of the aho>ie articles on as &o»d terms as any others in the United States. A liberal allowance will be made to thofc who purchase by the quantity JONES y KINSEY. Philad. Sept. 17. Sa.tu.th.4w Saw Manufa&ory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10, south Fifth street, dim ANUFACTURES mill, cross cut ani pitt J-*-*- f»w«, equal in quality, appsat-ance and shape to any ever imported; which to Ulls wholesale at the following price*—6 feet mill saws 5 r-»dol la-s each ; crofs-cutdo jo cents per foot; pitt do. 6o ccatt per foot. I t ood-Cutters c*ft steel saws, and every other kind, made to any particular dire«slion. ofioberio At a County Court of Common Pleas, Held at Union T«wn, for the county of Fayette, the fccond Monday of September, in the (Seal) ycar ol o,lr ,j ° rd ODC thousand eight 1 v- i-uudred, before the Honorable Alexan der 'Jddifon, F.fquire, Prefidsnt, a-lid his affjciate Judges of the fa'iie court, ON the petition of Jnhn Bartlttt, an Insolvent Debtor, prayii.g thr benefit of the a& of Ge neral AfTemMy lor the relief of Inf.-lvent Debtors, the Court appoints the fecoud Monday of Decem ber next to heir the petitioner and his creditors, and orders that notice thereof b$ published three fucceflivL- weeks in the United States Gazette in Philadelphia, in fowe daily paper in Baltimore— in a Lexington paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay ette Gazetta, the last publication in each, u> beat lead four weeks before the day of hearing. By the Court, EPHRAIM DOUGLASS, Prothonotary. OSober to. d3w. To be Sold 'pHAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY SEAT, called Lauit fl Lodge, the late residence of Thomas Rutter, Esq. fnuate in Potts Grove, Montgomery County, thirty-lix niiUs from Philadelphia, containg about 106 acres, twenty ef which are prime, woodland, fifteen excellent watered meadow, the residue divided in arable lots. On the premises are a large handsome Brick House and adjoining build ings, containg two parlours, i largr dining roam, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by forty long, a large kitchen, wash hoiife with a pump of excellent water ir, it, fix handsome chambers, two flore-rooms, four garrei chamber? plailiered and a pram room over the adj lining building, a double spring house, with a IVn'.ke houf»®ver the fame, within fifty yards of the kitchen—The fprtng, in tlic driest season never k'lown tt» low !er in th« leatt, and from which the meadow is watered j a garden containing about one acre, Itocked wish the moll delicious fruits, such as peaches, plumbs, cherries, pears, rafherries, &c. several asparagus beds it great pcrfe&ion. Also, a young bearing appletree orchard, containing several hundred trees, the fruit felcfled fai dif frent parts of the United State?, a large conveni ent barn with a threlhing ffjtfr, with commodi ous flabling for herfes and cows, carriage and houses, grain racm, &c. Alfo,fundry out build ings, confuting of a Urge frame p»ultry-houfe and corncrib, &c. Also, a tenant's house, gar den and liable, and a pump of excellent water belonging to the fame. The situation of Potts is remarkably healthy, regularly wiih Putcher's meat jnd poultry in abundance, to he purchafedat a low rate, and the Schuylkill ass rds a plentiful fapply of excellent fifh. Two grift mills in the rear of the town* Perhaps fes« country ioads in Penivfylvania, are more rapidly improving, or have more losal ad antages than Potts Grove. The several places of public wirhip, the laluhrity of the air, gent»el focUty, and chejpref« of" living, aj-e am-ring the few advan tages it polfffies. m&w tf Any person wishing to view the premises, will plrafe to app'y to Mr. Win. POTTS, in and for terms to the fubferi ber, in Philadelphia. JOHN CLEMENT STOCKER. Sept. 19 . 2awtf. A PRINTER, TTTHO from principle is a Federal# and defpofed * t0 undertake the arduous taflc of editing of a paper and combating the enemies of America, may hear of an eligible situation in the interior of Maryland. 500 fub(criber« can be counted on be fore he commences,—A Native American will l»e prefered ; But it is not to bs underitood that well principled perfonj though not natives, are to Ve excluded. .* J lr '- Ic u!ar. may be learned on application to the Editor of this Gazette. OdloVr 3. WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. owners of unimproved l»pds in Wayne county, are fc«reby notified, that Taxes are become payable thereon for the years I ?og and 1800. Those who have not already paid their taxes, vre hereby required to discharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Treasurer *f fa-id Couhty at M«lford, within three month, from this date , otherwise proceedings to sale, according to the aa of Aflemtly in such cafe provided, will e hid bjr the Commiflioners for the said coHnty. Asa Stenton, ■) *John ,Carton, C Commiflioners JoLanr.es Van Etten, 1 Attest, E. Kellogg, ClJc. July 9,1800 WAR DEPARTMENT, '» August 4HI, ißco. ~THE commanding Officers of corps, de- J- tachments ports. garrifon3, and recruiting P? rt '«> J*>?ngiig t-> the military establishment of ine Lnited States, are to report to, and recejTe orders from Brigadier General VVil ffi r' he City " f Waftiingti»H, and all omcers on furlough are to report themselves to the fimt officer with all possible difpatcli. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. CTAII Printers within the United Slate* who have publiflied invitations for cOntr>4t« of the 13th of March last are requested to inf-rt the above in their refpedlive papers, onfe & week for tw* months. Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure of Bilio\s and Malignant fevers, is recommended, Dr. HAHN's Anti-bilious Pills, TTTHFCH have been attended with a degree v v of fuccefi highly grateful to the inven tor s feelings, in fever-il parts of the' Weft In dies,and the southern parts of the United States particularly in Bskimore, Petei fburg, Hieh, mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmingt- njCharlcf ton# Savannah. &c. The reftiimny of a num. ber of ptrfons in each of the above placevcan be adduced, who have reafun to believe that a timeft uft of th t falutarv remedy, has, under Providence, preserved their lives when in the most alarming circkfmftancej. of this conclusive nature (peak more in favour of a medicine, than column* of pompou# eulogy, founded on mere aflerti n, could do. \ It is not indeed presumptuously propored as an infallible cure, but the inventor has every poffib'.e reason. which can result from extemfive experience for believing that a dofc of these pilh, taken once every twj weeks during the'preva lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove an infallible prevemaiive ; and further, tint in the earlier stages of those diseases, their use will very generally succeed in restoring health and frequently in cases eftermed desperate and bey ond the power of common remedies mwffm The operation of these piljs is perfeiftly mild ind may be used with I'atety by persons in every fituatiog and of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry offfu perfluousbile and prevent its morbid secretions ; to reflore and amend the appetite ; to produce a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds which are often of fatal coniequence. A dole never fails to remove a cold if taken on its Crft appearance. _ They are celebrated for removing habitual coftivenefs, sickness of the ftemach and severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all perf his on a change of climate. They have+een found remarkably efficacious in preventing and curing moll disorders attend ant on long voyages, and should be procured and carefully preserved for use by every fejmari. Genuine Eye-water. A certain and fafe remedy for all diseases of the eyes, whether the ess.- i of natural wcaknefi, or of accident, ff-e:-di!y removing inflammations, de flaxions of rheum, Jullnel-, itching, snd films in the eyes, never failing to cure th«fe.mala<iie» which frequently fucceeiK tU' small pox, meailss and fe vers, and wonder ully lengthening a weak fight. Hundred* have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly deprived of fight. Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered im mediate and lading relief in the most fcvcre in stances. The Anodyne 'Elixir. For the cure of every kind afhead-iche.and of pains in the fa-ce and neck. Injalhble Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never failed, in many thou sand cases Hot one in a hundred has had occasion to take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure is not performed. SOLD BY wT. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. ly, South SecsnH Street, And no where else, in Pbita&ipbia. Where also may bciad, Dr. Hamiffion's Worm D«ftroying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir soy coughs, &c. Reiterative Drops, Essence and Ex tract of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaiflrr, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com plaint, Gotland's and Persian Lotion, Ref'oratire Tooth Powder, Damalk Lip Salve, Church'» Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills, Sec. &c. •prill 9 mtf /,: f VoLUMR XVIII Dlt. HAHN's t .„•» t \lTkftyfg d 901
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers