Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 23, 1800, Image 1

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CJ* Tkc price of this Gazette is Eight
Dollabs per anmtm to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
ene Dollar od"..' \'Kcl, fur enclosing and di
recting ; and w ssome person ill this ci'tj
will become ansivt-r utile for the subscription,
it must be paid fix Ah itbs in Advance.
*«* No Subset -'/,;<>/> will be received for
<i smarter term than six months.
December i 1799.
PrtmC&Utrit—'it OOthr *B.
■lea *MIK H. M.
*> 3
1 S
8 j
9 °
9 J*
10 >8
xi n
Iflanday •
- 6 4»—J it
- , • 6 4 J S 17
6 44" S >4
6 45 f' IJ
For Sale,
g||§lp ST. TAMMANY,
■HBhILYING at Say'» Wharf, above
Market Street, burthen 7<J.t.>nj, fuppol'sd t» be
a remarkable faft failing Tt'flcl, ai.d may he ft
ted for sea in a few daya. Inventory to fc«n
and terms of sale known by applying to the fub
No. 4, South Wccer Sired.
3j Ilhds- Mufcorad i Sugar.
White and brown Hava-snah diro in boxei.
East India do. in bags.
Weft-India and C .nr.try Kum.
100 Hhd«. Mo'afiej.
Holland Gin
French and Spanish Brandy,
Pepper, Col Tee, &c.
Anfuft q. \
For Liverpool,
Toe American Philadelphia) cedar and live
oak Luilt
*•*=. SHIP
Daniel C. TeUinghaft% m after.
Intended to fail early in November, and to return
an early spring ihip t;> Philadelphia—will fc« ready
to take in (hortly at Perofts wharf—For freight
or pailage,ipply to *he captain on Hoard, ©r to
Jeremiah Warder.
Tiiofe gentlemen who have gdbds on hoar! the
Amiable ars requested to fend their permits or
board at*Gerard's whar.', above market ftrect,
where the (hip is ready to discharge.
H..s for SVV,
I.iv rpool high tlored fii'e
Of the flrft ! ty ; London reti ,ed fs!t fetre ;
London white kad, dry and /round in oit; fed
lead; Lou.inn tini>late» in Soxe> ; Rnman ten in
illeri in caf-s; Irifli linens aIT »rted, 4 Jnd 6 lb.
cannon, Woolvrieh proof, and 3 and 9 lb font.
Oftober 1C 3 aw 3 v *
John Clifton, jun.
ITATINC1 TATINC telioed bi* former b>.fir.efa» of
-11 ferafor fai« all bit dock, roofiltiag of the
aitlelei, via.
Sixteen Anvils,
Fighteen pair of Bellow's, fiv: Vices, with jll
the other Tool* ticcefljry for conii-.fling tin
Smith's Business.
About 5 tons of Spikes,
of different .joooib. Sheath up and Draw
ipp Nails, a large ifi'ir'ment of fekle Ho iks
and Thimbles, Swivle H >oks, S.-rapers, Hin
ges and Nads, with cyery other defct ipt i<in of
ready made Iron work, luitall tor (locking a
Ship SLith's, or.lhip Chandler's 'tore
All of which he will fell on very rcafonable
terms for ra(h or improved noies.
*** a PP'T 11 No. ftrcet, South
o<£\oher 15. nawim
German Redemptibners.
NINETEEN remains -fthofc, who cantc in the
ship Anna from Hamburgh, ani are willing
to serve for tiicir p'ffcgc
Apply to
Jacob Sperry cs? Co.
Who have on Hand,
Remaining of late importations, and which are of
fered on reaforaMe term ß , ari l the '.dual credit,
33 cases liftopiiias,
Forming a compleat aflorcment oi Uiti, Riye and coloured stripes.
33 csfes
5 caCes boccadillos
% c;les quadruple
I cafr fuperfme dowlas
* cases c out il* and i cafeliflados
% cases fuper£nt? Klberleld checks
3 cases bed parches
I cafe Flanders bed tick*,B 4
10 cases coffee mills, Nos. o">, to No. 6, as
% cases Scythes
5 caies of double flint cut Decanters quart and
I cafe gill tumblers, and 1 cafe ot ; ravelling
I cafe of quilts, 1 of common Ceiling wax
and 4CO Demijohns.
September 27. . d6t. aawim.
Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser.
- Thomas Orr,
receirti) ty the Utrft jmnli irjirt Lon
don, a wcil chnfen ifljrtinc&t of the !cl
losing irticiet:
C\LJCOKS ai d Cn.;nu.c.i, {* great variety)
Furniture do. <io.
Corded Dimities for garment! and furniture
Durarns, Joans and Uaiimanco«s
Boinbazetta and Bombsicens
Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs «nd
Lawn bordeKtd d».
Jaconet anfl 3ok Muslin handkerclvefs
Shawls, Cotton Chintz, a,great rariety
Do. Camel's Hair
Ho/lery, Worlted and Cotton of all fizcs
Do. China White and Black Siik
Table Cloths, froin 54, tP Joky i6 "4 with and
without Napkins
Thread, Gauze, Lawns and Cambricks
Jaconet and Lapett Muslin', coloured and plain
White and Back Lace, Lace Veils, Cioaks and
6 38 5
6 ,39 5 M
6 40 s 30
Black Mode, Veelones and Satins
White and printed MarfeUlrs for veils
Swjnfdown, flriped and plaid-
Cotton Checks (five) 7-8. 4 'i n-8, ind, 6-4
Black and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs
India Bandanna do of superior quality
White, Red and Yellow Flannels
Gmjrnfey Worlted Frocks
A. f*w dcz-nTsett elastic Suspenders.
Jyst liectiv d, a well assorted Invoice of
Berbhoom Gurrahs Paini B'.ftai
Alahabad Emerties Do. Gmrahs
Cotnpanv Guzzapora Janua Mamoodics.
CofTas. By the Bale or Piece,
o£lobeflß. d t w jawtf.
Thomas Wotherspoon,
No. 56,
SOUTH Fkosv St user,
Has received by the late arrivals from Lon
don, Liverpool, Hull and Glst'gow, a
general affortnierrt of
DR Y - G OO D S;
fa tu&
Suitable for the season—among which aie
SuPERFINE and fecend cloths,
Do. plain and ribb'd Caifimcrs
Suitable for the Wefl-liidia Market,
A few br.xes of
M .id raft .Ujndte.rclne s, a few do. Fancy
a frv» do. Gingtumij entitled
in drawback,
O&ibtr 16 itot -
From the fhii> farmer, captain Gibfon, from Ham
burg, a aS'ortmcnt ot Linsns and otfcer
Goods, among which are an invoice 0! 53 bales
of real French Britannia*, 6 and 7 4. which are
offered f< r fa!e on reasonable terms for approved
paper, or in barter for Weft-India produce.
Britannia#, real French, Boccadillos
6 and 7-4 Bielefeld Linens
ftrit&r.fcias beleAas Siamo.fe *., aces.
Plati 1 ilia*floyales Tapes o! feviral kinds
Hftopilla# of all defcrip- D. canters
ticyis Qu*rt an i pint tumblers
Cr</as a la Morlaix 1 ravelling Cases
Checks No. a & Stripe* Glass Beads, violins aud
Of the firft quality, 7 by 9, 8 by i&, 9 by xi,
10 by iz and upwards. %
EQopiMaa, Brccilillotj Qjadruj>)etMiGa«,Dow.
lit, C utilt, l.iftatloea, MbtrM'll fine Cb«k»,
Ueil parebet, Flamtni Bnl Tkki, i'tpn <>f Ait
'cfcriptionD. Coi'ec Mtlli, Scythea,
O H Traii'm Travelling Cth', Seahpjf *Afax,
Qi'iili aud D<mifOhni,— 10
; OfljW.-r C ' dtot w&£a.n>.
No. 52,
Souih Front Street,
Heha« AKo
Do. faiiionable Swanfdowns
Coatings and Bocking Baizes
Flannels and Plains
Plaid and nbb'd Galimancoes
Durants and Joans SpiniJings
Black Ruflels and B ombazetts
Plain and llriped Wildbores
Cloak Cambletts
Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords <
,Check'd and flriped Ginghams
White and brown Platillus
Checks Mi l Bed-ticks
Purple and C intz Shawls
Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs
Black and col'd Barcelona do.
White and coi'd Satins, Peelongs and
Perlia:-s. I
Twilled bl.tck Sucih Florentines
Wide rich Wri • do.
cn'; Grev L.uceflrings
Stitr.hii .V Tlnead. and Scarf Twist
D nr.ties and' Mvrlelluis Quiltings
■Black and white Thread Laces and
R:ch wide patent Law Veils
An iffurtnient ol Ribbons
C.irjiets and Cirpct'n.J
Tapes, qtialr.y and llioe Bindings
Shirt VVeircJ and Moulds
Plain and F.mcy Butt his
Plain and rihh Cotton Stqckinps
Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton
"B indannoes.
Table-cluths'ind cotton Counterpanes
Thread, Leaders, Ferretts and G.illoo.:is
Britilli Mutiny of every d.fcription
Ounce Thread in boxes
Coloured do. in do.
609 B®x"s of Bohemia
White Window Glass,
Of late Importation :
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet.
Robert Smith & Co.
No. 58, South Front Street,
By the late arrivals from London, Liverpool,
Hull and Glafgoiv,
A general iiiTortmtm of
Suitable for th£ tea ion—among which are
SUPERFINE am! second cloths
Forest cloths and plains
A variety of ptato, ribbM and emVolTed cafiu
meres of every colour
A variety ot fafhionable fvranfdown
Kendal cottons
Bocking and Colchester baize of every color
7 4 to n 4 role blankets
2 1 z and 3 do
White fergeafuitable for fcdlers
Ribbed and plain caliinancocs
Rattinets and ihalloons
1 Durantv joans and boinbaztrens
Bombazetts, striped aad plain,
Velvcrets, tkickfut* and fancy ccrds I
Check'd and ifcricieci gingharns
7*B, xj-4, 11-8 cotton checks
ticks, Scotch {birring
Brown haens arid totcon bagg'ng
Piain arnd tambor'd jaconat and book muslins
and hancllccrcKiefs
Coloured tamborM ditto
Olive, lead and blue muslins
f Cambricks and lawns
Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs
Black and colored Barcelona ditto
Bhck love ditctf
Worded, yarn and cotton hoftery
colour id chreads
Taj es. quality an«i ho • blading
An adornment el ri!>botis
Sewing Oik and twis
Ivory and horu combs
bhirt w ires and mrufds
Plsin and fancy hwttnns
Knives and forks, penknives, fciflors, needles,
They have also on hand*
an assortment of
Coloured and black Lutestrings, Senchaws and
Sattins—Garrabs, Caffai, Sanas, liaftas, Guzsenas;
& c.
oQobcr i J
Landing fro.n the ship America, Walte.
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
jno for sai.e Br
So'icJiong, 1 ft Jt and quality,
Caper souchong,
Young hyf
Hyson, ill & id quality,
Yellow h white nankeens
I.utcflrings, back & color'd £ln Boxes
Sinlhaws do. C affurted,
Sattins do. J
Lj'eftrings, maz. bluest dirk
Sii.fhaws do > 0 .
Pcrfian »aff.-tas, darlc green j
Tbcy have a/so on band for sale, received bv
the late arrivals from Euro/ie,
") Tnfma'!pac»-
Striped and checked ginghams 1 ages air.rted,
White l gure.l & cclop'd hlul- | calculated for
linctt» VVeft-Jn-
White corded dimities 1 dia market &
Color'd (ilk, flriped Nankecna | entitled to
J drawback,
14 Trurbs printed Calicoes,
5 do. do.
3 Bales seine twine 1 Entitled so
to Cases LngUh China ware, ■
in tea I'etis J
6 Calks mineral black,
1 do. white,
3 Caikc purple brown,
35 do. nails affined,
9 do. London porter in bottles,
Ene'ilh fail canvas, No. I, a St 3,
Kuffia durk,
17 Boxes white IJarsnna fugtr,
13 Pipes old Madeira wine,
Gunp iwder,
Empty wine bottles,
ao Guns, 6 ppunders, i
t a do. 9 do.
18 do. 9 do. with carriages, tic,
aßo,ccolbCeribon coffee, Jft")
qmliiy (Entitled to
io.oco'.bs. black pepper f drawback,
ao L»g« ebo-y J
M--V m&w tf
Of the P;tt'sh'urgb Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fulficitnt number of
the moll approved European Glais Manu
fu.<Wers, and havißg on hand a large Ilock of
the heft Materials, an which llieir wmkmenarc
now employed, have the pleasure of aflliring
the public, that window glass of a fupeiiur qua
lity and of any size, from by 9, to 18 by 24
inches, carefully packed in boxen containing
100 *eet ea h, may be had at the ftvortefl notice.
Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may
aifo be ha.ii, fucli as for piilures, coach glafTea,
c'ir>ck faces, See. Bottles of aii jcinds and of any
quantity may alio be had, together with pocket
ilafks, pii klingjars, apothecary's (hop-turn iture,
or other hwllow ware —'.he whole at leafl 1$ per
cent. lower than articles of I+lC lame quaiity
brought from anv »f the sea ports of the United
States. A liVeral allowance will be made en
faie of large quantities. Orders from merchants
met others will he punctually attended to on ap
plication t0 JAMES O'HARA it ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Storeof Mtfl'rs PRATIIER
and SMILIE, in Maiket-Stcert, Plttfbnrgh.
March * tuihif.
* -*
At Wain's wharf,
The Cargo of the brigE nterprize,
Surinam Molafles,
Of an ei«*Ueat <f*ality, in bagCkewb, dcrcuaod
And about 40 quarter casks
FOR Sjlb Br
Wharton £•? Ivewisj
No. 115,,1'i.uth Front flreet.
oflsber 9 tu t h f a t f
Saddling Business.
HAVING entered into partnerfbip, and ty
ken thit l<".njr eftablilhed Hand at the cor
ner of Chefunt arid Third Streets, refpeflfuUy
solicit public patronage, and particularly invite
a continuance of the favour# of the former
friends as l cuilomers of Haines i JoHes, and
SharJ>lefs A Kinfey, to whole business they have
fuccccded , •
They offer for sale a large and general affart
merd of elegant S iddles and Bridles, all kmds
common do. Plated and Brass mounted Harness.
Saddle-bags, Va'ieces, Cart and Wasgon Gears,
&t. Trunks »t all kinds, particularly hard lea
th*r Portmanteaus.
Thf; ( a!.". iT.ji.ufiiiure ll'. k:n<!» «f Silver
jtwmjiii and Plain Wbips, br.vlng f«ver;l ex
eellcr,. Wo k.'"rr. : r thar bran^'i.
They flatter themfelvcs from their united ex
perience and the arrangements they have made,
to be able to fell any of the above articles on as
go-'d terms as any others in the United States.
A liberal allowance will be made to those who
pfcrchafe by the quantity
Philad. Sept. 17 4w-
Saw Manufactory.
No. 10, south Fifth street,
Manufactures mill, cross cut an£ pitt
saws, equal in quality, ajpsarance and 0 ape
toany«ver imported; which li« fells wholclale
it the follcwing pricus—6 feet mill saws jll dol
lars each ; cross-cut do 50 cents jer foot; pitt do.
60 cents per font.
Wood-Cutter9 oft steel saws, and every other
kind, made to any particular direction.
ofloherio mwf im
At a County Court of Common
, Pleas,
Held at Union T«w ii for the county of Fayette,
the f-cntid Monday of September, in 'he
,'o ""7. year of our Lord one chouland eight
liundtcd, before the Honorable
der Addifon, Efqulre, Prtfidunt, aiid
his .i(Toc;a:e Ju Igtsoi the fame court,
ON the petition of Jehn Bartlctt, an Insolvent
Debtor, prayit.g the benefit of the aft of Ge
neral AfleroMy tor the relief of Insolvent Debtor*,
the Court appoints the second Monday of Decem nfcxt to near ihe petiti iner and hi? creditors, :
and or lers that no-.iet. thereof be publifteJ three i
[:uccliiv: weeks in the United States Gizette in !
Philadelphia, in fomc daily paper in Baltimore— i
in a Lexington paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay- '
ette Gaz.'t;o, the lafl publication in each, to beat
lead lour weeks before the day of hearing.
By the C"urt,
BPHB A! VI DOUGLASS, Erothonotary.
O&ober 10. djw.
To be Sold
-yHA-T Handsome and healthy COUNTRY
*• SRA'f, called LaDin Lodge, the late
refidencr of Thomn Riitter, Elq. situate in
Potts Grove, M ntgomery County, thirty-fix
milsi from Philadelphia, contair.g about 106
acres, twenty »f winch are prime woodland,
fiftren .excellent watered meadow, the reOdue
divided in arable lots. On the premiles are a
large handsome Brick House and adj-.inir g budd
ings, contaii f two parlours, a large dining
rocm, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, h.y forty
long, a large kitchen, wilh honfe with a pomp
of excellent water in it, lix handsome chambers,
i wn store-rooms, four garret chambers plaiftered
■ind a grain room over the adj ining buitdii.g,
a double spring homfe, withv firmke houi« over
the fame, wiihi'.ifi 'ty yards of the kitchen—The
| spring, in the driefl season ne»er known to low
>er in the lead, and from wk.ich the meadow is
watered; a garden contain\ng about-or.e acre,
(locked with the most delicious fruits, such as
peaches, plumbs, cherries, years, rafherries, &e.
several afp.tragus'beds in great perfection. Also,
a young bearing appletree orchard, containing
several hundred trees, the fruit feledled from dif
frent parts of the United States, a iarge conveni
ent barn with a threlhing floor, with commodi
ous flabling for horses and cows, carriage and
houses, grain racm, &c. Also.sundry out build
ings, conlifting of a large frame pmltry-lioufe
and corncrib, kC- Also, a tenant's house, gar
den and flable, and a pump of excellent water
belonging to the fame, '
The fit u.ition of Potts Grove is remarkably
healthy, regularly ftrpplied with Vutchtr's meat
and poultry in abundance to be purchal'ed at a
low rate, and the Sckuyikill affords ,a plentiful
fwpply of excellent fiih Two grill mills in the
rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns
in Pcnnlylv3«iia,, are more rapidly improvir.j,
or have more Ictal advantage* than Totts
Grove. The several places of public v i r.hip,
the filubrity of tie a>r, genteel foci-ty. aud
cheipnefs ol living, are among the few advan
tages it poflefles.
Any pert>n wifhjng to view the premises,
wilt pleuie si apply to Mr. Wm. POTTS,
in Pottfgrovr, and' for terms to the iubferi
l>cr, in Philadelphia.
Sept. 19 iawtf.
TX7"HO froniprinciple is a FeJcr thji and defpafe»S
V V to undertake the arduous task of cdifi £ot
a paperani combiring .he enemies' cf America,
may hear cf an ejighle fruition in the interior of
Maryland . 500 fulxcriWrv cir. !>»• C"iir-Lod on !e
---furc he •commerce*,- A Native American vH) ' e
prcfcrcd ; —Put it is not tab* tmdcrfioixl that weil
priircipied persons though not natives, are to Ve
*.* t)«1e»re#l«« ipeHeeiiS
r T'HK owners ol uoimproved lands in Wayna
x county, are h-reby\ notified, that Taxes are
become jayabl; therion lar the years I'jj and
ißod., fliore who have not already paid their
taxes, re ]>er,hy r quired to discharge the far e
to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafurer»»• f fsiid
County at within three months irom
this date .otSfrwlit' proceedings to fate, according
to the a*sl of AlTembly in iuch <afe provided, wiH
e had f-y the Comniiflior.ers lor the fsid cue.nty.
A sa Stentqn, "1
J''bn Cars n, ( > CommitTioners
Johannes Van Etten, J
E. Keli.OGG, Clk.
Tuly <), i8"o
August 4tfl, ißco.
"THE commanding Officers of corps, de
tachmeTrtj,polls, garril'iins, and recruiting
parties, belongingt«> the military eftablifhraept
of the United States, are to report to, and
receive orders from Brigadier-General Wil
kin/un, in the City of Walhingt»>n, and ail
Sctrs on furlough ar: so report themfH .es to
si le officcy with all ' ofli'le ■.'.fpitcli.
STtIVtUEL D'EX i l'.K,
Secretary of War,
£5" All Printers witlim the United States
who have publithed ir.viutionS for contrails of
the 13th of March lift are requested to insert
the above in their refpetfuve papers, once i
week syr two months.
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention and aire of Biliovs end
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
, Dit. HAHN's
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH have been attended with a degree
of fwcefs highly grateful to the inven
tor's fcelir gs, in feveril parts of the Weft-In
dies, and the fsouthern parts of tfte United State:-
particularly in Baltimore, Pcterlburg, Rich,
mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington, Charlef
totr; Savannah. &c. The teftimpny of a nain
ber of persons in each of the above places can be
adduced who ha»e reifon to believe thar a
tii*elv us« of th s salutary remedy, has, unc!er
Providence, preltrved fheir. lives when in the
mod alarming circvmftances.
Faifs of thi- concln'ive rarOre speak more in
fav lU'- ola medicine. :bun columns of pompous
eulogy, sot nded on mere aflerti.'n, coulil do
Ik is n<it indee.l ptef' rnptUGully piopofed as
an infallible cure, hut the inventor has every
pef&u. - * rcaf i|>, wi-ikh-can r-afult r ,„jti
experience i dose of'theJe pills,
taken once every two weeks during tb; preva
lence of our annual Mlipuo fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that
earlier (iages of tbofe difeaSt., their ui'e «iU
very generally succeed in refturing health and
frequently in cases eftermed defperat'e and bej
ond the power of common remedie*
The operation of these pills is'pjrie.flly mild
snd may beefed with fal'ety by perfouj in every
fituatinn and of every ag^
They arf excellently adapted to carry off fu 1
pei (luouj bi;e and prevent its morbid secretions ;
to rellore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perfpiratjor, and thereby" prevent colds
which arc often of fatal con'.equence. A dole
never fails to remove a cold if tiken on its firft
appearance. They are celebrated fcr removing
hjhitnal collivenefs, sickness of the ftpmach and
severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
peffoiis on a change of climate.
They have been found renaaikahly efficacious
in preventing and curing meft disorders attend
ant on long voyages, and (hould be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every feamaii.
■( Genuine Eye-water.
A certain ana fafc remedy for all difeafasof the
eyes, whether the efftjifi of natural weakness, or of
accident, f; eedijv removing iaflammatiatw, de
tlttxions of rheum, dullncfi,, itching, and films in
the eyea, never failing to cure rhofc maladies which
frequently fucced the fnjall pox, mcafles and fe
vers, and wonder ully a wr.ih fight.
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprivad of fight, /
I *
Toothrache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgivesim
mediate and tailing relief in the mod ftvere iu
7hi Anodyne Elixir %
For the cure of every kind »f head-ache, and of
pairts in the and
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
Tliis medicine has never faited, in man)' thoa
fandcafes not one in a hundred has haj occaflon co
take niore than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottie. The money will be returned if the cura
isnot performed.
No. 17, South Secsu'l Street,
And no inhere else, in Philadelphia.
Where alfe may bchad, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
D«ftroying Dozcngehis Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, &c. Reftorstive Dreys, f ir«nce and Ex
trail of Mufiard, Ointment lor the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific lor the Vener=aJ com
plaint, Gowland's and Perjiap Lotion, Reparative
J Tooth Powder, D'miafk fc,ip Salve, Church's
Cough Pills, &c. &c.
I aprilij si tf
V *• , -*5
< r»
4 fM< .