LONDON Septemto-i- Extraft of a letter From Sir Sidney Smith to General Menon, Coroaiander in Chief of the French* army in Egypt, dated foppa, lid • June, ißco. "GEN mat-, " I received this evening the letter dated the soth June, which you have done me the ho nor to write me—At .the moment at which I expefled to fee General Kleber under the most fortunate favorable aufpicies, ! learn with highest chagrin, ami with the greatest grftf, his tragical tath. (The letter will appear in full to-morrow.) Ssptember ». MafTena and Brune, are about to repair to Paris, where it appears thit the in Chief of all the armies it' the kep jb ic have atTembled, a circumrtance which is et itlejf fuf ficient to remove all idea of the refumpthn of "hoitilities. If : there were not other left oltenfi ble rtral'ons for this, it is erroneoofly luppofed t>y fonie, that the trifling tali in the Frsuch Funds was an antt paciiic lymptom. It is the natural consequence of the delay which the new turn that the negotiations have taken has pro ' duced, in their expeiteU iflue. We (hall in a few days fee the hopes of the public rife more ripidly than they hive fallen. Setembcr .3 The following is the price of the French Funds during the three firll days of the present month : tiers Confolidc Rente Provifoirc Sept. 1, 3J, 88 16 13 », 31 88 17 13 3*» 31 50 17 8 The French Journalifti are, it Teems, very angry, because the Ruffian Arabafladoi at Ber lin ha 9 given c splendid lupper to Lord Cary»- fort—Bat thcfe men should not be so much vex ed at this repilt, Gnce it has afiordtd them a Bone to Pick. ft is rather unlucky for the French Consul, that a« soon as i.e hat determined to tati sty the will of tkc French People, by giving tbem a Navy the woods ot Fr.nce fhuuld be det.rey «dbv fire. But tie French Consul may, how ever, console himfe'f with th« idea that his na tion is laved the exprnce of ftiip building, and the conlequent surrender of Ins navy to Bri •tiih valor, or in facrifice by Briti(h thunder. General Menon, if report may be trnlled t has ailually contributed to the death of Kieber, whose tate he affeiSls to deplore ; h»: a« Menon is now a MbfTilman, he perhaps considered if a religious dwty to destroy a Christian, though from thecrnduA of the French in Egyp , he had no reason to belive that any of them caald be entitled tn such an appella ion. among the prizes given hy Buonaparte for the encouragement of t< ene9 tvlro aim at the hull will £nd emp'oyment for them. September 6. Yesterday alvices were received from Mi norca. JJy these we learn, that the 35th regiment, which is ig'O strong, lia» b«.cn sent to Malta.. The force; under Gerieral Abercrombie, confiding of about 9DO men, have failed to the Ealtward, supposed to be deflined for Egypt ; and the general had left orders that the 4000 men which were lan drd on the iflind of Houat, but were after wards rc-enib.irked for the Mediterranean, should fallow him. Among tbel'e are seve ral hundred cavalry. A council of the Cabinet Miniflers wa« ye sterday held at Livd Grenrille's Office, on the advices received from the Continent. His G r aee the Duke of Portland, Earls of Chatham ind Campden ; Lord Greuville, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer atten ded the meeting. Three of Truce arrived on Wed nesday at Dover from Calais, with dif patchet. In the last came over fomc paf fengert. It is reported thit Major General Knox is appointed to be Gpvenor General of Ja maica ; and that he is immediately tfc let out to the Wefl-Indits. The Duke of Wirtemberg. with the He reditary Prince, and Miniflers, Count and Baron Not man, is now at Vienna, and lui had several audiences of tin F.irperor. A Jetter from Denmark, de permitted to fail without a paflport firft obtained from the commanding p.fficer in the Me litercanean. .* September 9. / Tt was on the ii)th ultimo, that Lord Whit 'worth finned the Convention with Count Bern dorff, the Dan.ih Minister. she fallowing is A copy of a note written by his Lordftiip to one ■®f ®ur ministers abroad 0:1 the ft;bjetSl, and is more explanJtory than .iny thing that has been publiflied on the ftihjeil: .»' COPENHAGEN, Aug. 30, 1800. " 1 have the fatisfa&ion to ac quaint yo.u, that 1 yesterday signed a Convention with the Danilh Mi nister, on terms fatisfa&ory to his Majesty, and such as will, I think, strengthen the bonds of friendfliip and alliance between the two coun tries. (Signed) " WHiTWORTH.'* The fallowiitg are the principle ait cles of Ibe Convention: — " The Dar.ifh fripate iud Convoy, carried into Deal, (hall be repaired at the expense of Great Bri.ain, and then released. «' The dtfrulfion rrfpe&ing the averted right of the F.uglifh to visit Convoys (hall be ajournrd to a Further Negociation in London. m Untill this point is decided, Danish lliips Hull only fail ur.dir cenvoy in the Mediterranean Seft, to protest them from the Algerine criziers. The Djnirti fiiips fh;tll be liubiie to be fe.irc.hed as bereto foie. "The Corirentiort shall be ratified by the two Courts within 3 weeks. Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVKNING,OCTOBER 11. Prices 6f Public Stock, Philadelphia, October ao. Par amoun. a Jh*re Eight ftr cnt ftecV—»TOs ~>er cent. Sir per cent. s\id } - „ .1 11 Navy ditto J 87 .-tort7/6p.»0/ Deferred 6 per cent. 86 1-4 17/3 Three percent. 53 i-» 10/"8 5 1-1 per cent. 85 llf 4 [-» per cent. none at market BANK United States, 35 p. cent advan.~) Pennsylvania, u ditto ( N.America 51 di:to f * co Insurance Co. Feims'a 10 ditto J I North America 1» als per ceftt.") helow par—nominal J 10 Turnpike - 150 a 160 Jolls. 300 Schuylkill Bridge - - • par ic Wat.-r Loan, 87$ 090 dolls. 100 Land Warrant? 25 dolls, too acres nom. St Atjjru/iine Cburcb Lottery Tickets. Q dollar* EXCHANGE. On London at 60 nay» 71 On Hambwrgh do 36 a 37 cents \ [per Mark Ba- cs^ Rates of Foreign Coins and Curren fencies in the United States—per act of Congres for payment of Du ties DU'ti. Cts. ] Hrig'iih pound sterling 4 44 Irilh do do 4 10 ( Uu ch Fl rin cr Ouilier o 40 f Hjjnhurgh Mirk Banco o 33 t3 J ICr* The fgbfiriber having frequently heard comply nts of the want of accuracy in tbe price current of public stock, has conclud ed wfnrnifli the Gazette of the occasionally (if called for) with what miiy in his opinion be con Pi dr red the Market Prices of Stock, and tie Rates of Rxchange. M. M'CONNELL, Cittnut street, Ho. 1 • The Editor of the paper it con fpicuons for his felicity in the art of pun ning, a mode of exciting merriment, whieh, though sometimes derided by the lofty fafti dioufnefs of attic wit will be continued, while men remember that Cicero and Swift, did not disdain to play with words. We find the following Jue de inot in the Far mer's Mufeun). In a London paper, the marriage of a Mils Fish to a Mr. Hook, is mentioned. The young lady had a for tune of £ and married her pafamour without S penny, by a neat scriptural allu sion, the London Editor remark that'the draft may well be called miraculous. But, adds, the Walpole Editor, we suppose t,he lady, biting at unbaited bo»k f mud be an odd Jisb indeed. Sun From the return! publiflied in the Eaffon Paper, it appears probable that the Demo crats will carry their ticket in Rucks Coun ty, the returns, howe»e{, from Newton and Hriltolin that county bad not been received, and no returns has yet been received from Wayne countv. For the 14 hours preceding Saturday morning, fun-rife, there wtrc 12 deaths-in Baltimore and its vicinity. Congrcfs are to hold their firft lefllon at the city of Wafliington on the third Monday in next month. The President is expected in town on his way thither this day or to-u,iorrow. The frigate President, captain Trnxton, has recaptured an En glish merchantmen, with a valuable car go, and sent her into St. Kitts. The Governor of South Carolina has iflued his proclamation, offering a re ward of one hundred dollars, for appre hending Joseph John Martin, who was lately charged with palling counterfeited Bank Biils, and thereon was committed to the gaol of Kerfhaw diftrift, at Cam den, from whence he escaped in the night of the twenty-ninth of September last. Ic,ooo Barrels of Flour arrrived lately at Havanna in one week, in con sequence of which no sales could be ef fedtcd without considerable loss. A proeefiion, in honour of the meet ing of Congress, is proposed in the Georgetown papers. GORMANDIZING. Yesterday afternoon a- countryman from Morris's River, contracted with an oyfterman to pay him fifty cents, if he would open as many oysters for him as he could eat —The oyfterman had opened nearly one hundred oysters, which the countryman devoured, when he willitd the countryman to give up the bargain ; but the countryman perlifted until he had eaten upwards of Three Hundred, ;to die great astonishment of the bye : fta;iders, arid the mortification of the ! poor oyftermati Who sincerely repented ' his bargain—The oyfterman then beg- I ged him to desist, hut the countryman persisted, laying he had not enough } , and he would 1110 ft probably have eaten the whole in the barrow,; but by the soli citations of the bye-danders, he let the oyfterman off and paid him the 50 cents. During this voracious meal, the coun tryman drank seven large glalTes of brandy and water and eat twelve large biscuits. - SUMM AR Y From the Neno-TCtrl Gazette: We find nothing in the papers con cerning our Envoys. But a pafiengcr in the Friends informs,that just before they failed, news from Paris had been re ceived that they were about departing for America. 4GO The Duke of Kent has arrived at London from Halifax, and received with great affe&ion. The English mail for America was made up on the 3d ult. for the Mary Packet. Gene;ral Klcber, it appears, was afTaf finated by an Egyptian in disguise. The Grand Vizier- is determined to decide the fate of Egypt sword }n hand ; he was reinforcing his 100,000 men. Every thing threatened an immediate war withV THE NEW POLITICAL ASPECTS OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS In the United States of Amsrica, (ince the commenccment,pf the year 1799- |C7* R. T. Rawle, considering that in this country there is a fr e prel's, is determi ned his Book-Store'lhall also be free to pub lications of evety denomination, whether po litical or religious. The works of Whigs or Tories ; Republicans, or Mon*rchi(H 1 Anftocrats cr Democrats ; Fcdtralills or Anti-Federatif\s ; .Chrillians, Jews, Hea thens or Turks, are equally free for l'.ile j and, whatever may be his private opinions, i; resolved, *s a Bookseller, and in the true spirit of his profelfion, 41 To be open to all parties, and influenced by none. N. B. He for falc, all the latest po litical publications, and every article in the Stationary Line. Oftober i. ' 3»waw. William Fr.encfi; No. 48, ~ South I^ONX-STREET* HAS JUST RECEIVED, By the Pennl'ylyjnia, captiia York, from LOUDON, An extensive and elegant assortment of r,, tONPQN .SUPERFINE Broadcloths and Caflimeresi otfteber 21 rt4'.'u.&f.4w. 'that large and commodious , c H o USE; t .... At the cornel of Arch Ninth ftreeti. To be Let, THE bouse, ftafcle;caachrhouf?and Jots, lately : Majof BufJrr t fitnate as ahove. For terms apply to j B. Wallace, No. »8, north Fifth oitober it Danciiig Academy. < r • ; • ! I >. I ■ MR. his the honor to inform hit pupils and the public in general, that he haj op«ned his academy for dancing, at his affemUy rooni, No. 64, south Fou-th street. The atres danqear* three timet a week asufual,on Monday, and Friday. The hours, for Ladies art from 10 to I ia fhc morning ; yi>ung gentlemen from 4 to 6, and grown gentlemen from half past 6 to 9 in, the evening Mr. Q_refidei at No 50, south Fifth street. otflober »f aawff Philadelphia Academy. gf Mr. Francis Gal&et, AN experienced and. approved li ftrufler, lias , undertaken to teach the FR&NCH LAN GUAGE in this Seminary, to fach of the Young Gentleman as may chooife to place themselves un der his care Oflolier it Wanted Immediately, AN ACTIVE, HONEST MAN —to carry the of the Uivited States. He mull be well ac quainted witii the City. Oflober 11. -• • New-Theatre. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 22. Will be pref nt«d, (for the firft time this season) a celebrated Tragedy in 5 i&s, called Pizarro ; Or, THE SPANIARDS /.V PERU. Pizarro,Mr. Warren —Alonzo, Mr. Cain—Rolls, Mr. Cooper—Ataliba, Mr. Wood. Elvira, Mrt. Mcrry-*Cora, M»f» E. Wcßray. "> As er the Tragedy, Minuet Da La Coua, and a new Cavotto, by Matter Harris, (pupil to Mr. Francis) and Mils Arnold. To which will be Added, -A Farce, (in one a£t) called the Hbrse and Widow, Chara&crs as Before. K A NEW COMEDY is in Rrhear fal, and will be speedily pr .duced, with new Scenery, &c. *,* Books of th< Songs in Pfzarrc, to toe had at the Theatre. Box, one Dollar. Pit, three quarters of a Dol lar, and Gallery, half a Dohar. The Door» of the Theatre will open at i 4 past 5, and the Curtain rife it 1-4 past 6 o'clock Gentlemen and La.liei are requeued to fend their fcrvants to keep places in the boxes at a quarter past five oMock. << Loft yesterday, AHED Morocco POCKET BOOK, containing one hundred id twenty dollars in Bank U. ■States' notes; also, a Permit for Ben Harrifon to land articles from on board the schooner Nancy, captain Morle. Whoever has found the fame and! wirt deliver it at the office of the Gazette of the United States, will be liberally rewarded. o&olx-r »i 31 FOUND, In M ar ket-Hreet, {foe 13th inllanc, A BANK NOTE. 03" Enquire of the Primer. OA. 18. diw To Let, AN agreeable HOUSE, very pleafantfy faul ted, it is one of that hamdfome row of build ings lately treSei in Walnut between Seventh and Eighth streets. Please apply at No. »i,Seventh near Walnut ftrect, to CHARLES P. HEATH o&ober ao d6t Found, ' THIS MOB si SG, A Gold Locket fs* Chain. THE owner may have them by applying at No. 48, Market Street, and paying the cost of this advertisement. O&ober 20. A HANDSOME EDITION or LINDLEY MURRAY'S English Grammar, "WITH AN APPENDIX, Has this Day been publiflied, by Ar.aunr DICKINS, opposite Chrilt-Churclii Philadelphia. [Price Ons Dollar'"} Oftober 7. I law tf tnwtt.