THE LATEST Foreign Intelligence. new-York, oaober 2 ©. London papers to September 9. Inchifive, were received at the office of the Duly Adverciler yeOerday, by the Two Friends, opt. Gardner, 39 days from London. They contain Various indi gence of cotlfiderible interest, which we win continue in lucceedings papers. LONDON. September 6 All the intelligence leceived from, the continent, either from the Paris papers or tne Hamburg miil, hat much more tlic; ap- pearance of war than the preceding. The opinion of the belt' informed persons, howe ▼er, is favorable to pe-ice, at lead so far as regards the continent ; and it mufl be con - felted, that the 'eafnn'mg on which _that opinion is founded ferns to be much stran ger than tlje impression made by the foreign news is in favor of war. On the fide of France, the cimfular government hasfolemn ly promifeil peace, as the price of that revo lution by whi'Ji it has been eftablilhed on the ruins of the dire&orial government. Peace is the general wilh of the French, and the hope of it their sole support in the midst of the calamities they fuffer. The .firft Qo;>ftll k - >w«-perfeflly well, that his 'rivals and his enemies find more materials (o fatisfy their jealousy and their hatred in the cbiifinuation of the war, than they could after the .conclusion of a peace. The nroft brilliant triumphs will not be fuffi. cient to calm the discontents which must re fill* from the continuance of the war, un- Jess those triumphs (hall lead immediately to the refioration of tranquillity. On the fide of Austria, every thing seems in lrke manner to trend towards peace, not witbftamiing the present appearances of war. VVe have seen daring this caiupaign, that a liiifunderftanding prevails among the Gene rals, dilcourag-irtent among the infc'jpr officers, and among the soldiers a dilcon tent approaching to infurre&ion 'in fame parts of the armv. The presence of the | Archduke it the head of tlie armies would indeed remove the greater part of the dif- j orders ; but the prevailing party at the Court of Vienna opposes his return, or at least refufes to cons-nt to it on the terms which that Prince requires, in order to free himfetf from the (hackles by which he was lift year fettered ; and, besides, whatever courrge or eniyUti'-n his presence might 1 communicrte to the troops, he could not make tlieiti in nunnber* to those of the eifeiny. and enable then) 14 make head to the formidable and well conne£k"d front which the French present from Mentz to the Mediterranean fra. The German pa pers hav* indeed told us, that the army of the Danube has received reinforcements, but without faying to what amount ; that of the Tyrol becomes more cunfiderable Very chy j and that the army of Italy tas been augmented by 27,000 men. But these ac counts are less pofjtive than those which pre sent to our view the effe&ive march of the reinforcements that are repairing to the ar mies of the enemy. The trftops of Kray, d fcouriged by their repeated difconifitures and continual retreats, ate unfit to refill those of MoreaU. It is igainft the army of Tyrol, that the firfl effoits of the Fre«ch will be m;.de ; and when we fee a geperal, like Baron StaaHer, opposed in that quar ter to such a man as Lrcourbe, the bets connot he in favour of the fucccfs of the former. Whatever reinforcements may be sent to Italy, we much doubt whether they will be able to fill up the v</>id made in the army of Melas by his frequent defeats, and the de sertion of the It alians, WTio compose the ma jor part of it. To which it may be addecf, that these reinforcement?, formed of new levies, cannot be compared with those of the French, who, for ten years, have heard only the din ot arms, the fhoiits of liberty, the recitals, true or- f.ilfe, of their multiplied viftoriej, and declamations against the pow ers of wishing to difnuember their country, and bring them again under the yoke of llavery. Thus, is it they fanaticize their troops, and give to their conscripts and re tjnifitionifls an entUuGafm which lupplies the want of experience. When we refleft, therefore on the interest which the fiift consul has to make peace, and on the extreme difficulty which the Emperor liiuft find to carry on the war, we are incli ned to believe, that ill formidable prepara tions which seem to banish all hope of the form r, and render the latter immediately inevitable, may terminate in a manner less terrible than these hostile appearances seem to indicate. Whether the Court of Vienna wi flies to have the feniblance of being forced to extricate rtfe'f from the engagements it has contra(Sed with Great Britrin, or whe ther it has really a repugnance to the condi tions offered by the firft consul, we are apt to think that either hostilities will not be renewed, or that they will be made a mere pretence, and that confcquetitly a peace of some kind will take place on the Continent ■which will la ft as long as it may be main tainable. This pacification would be much more fatisfafiory to the wi flies of the pub lic, if it should have for peon o ers and guar antees the two great powers Russia and Pruf , . , As to the negociation, or r tut* tl e prop osition made by .the firft consul to our Gov ernment to enter into a aegociation, we vellerday dated on u-baf it turned, and we lerfjlt in believing that all negociation wi!l be for the piefent reje£\«d, bec.iufe it U not lets the interest ef the Crft consul to irfift W \ iVti*nf>c»n of »i ins it ' ui» pei%»ni-lun'y *•» r«l'»fc» - September' 9* General Massem and Anger edu have ar rtv.d at Paris* Lieutenant General Mom dey ittill have the provisional common.l of the army of Italy, till the arrival of Gen, Jlrunc. An immense park of artillery, accompanied cy. severcl Neopolitan' and Roman <ffi:e>t, driven from their counrty r has teacheil Mi la i, from which city they writr, that t'oru and Ravenna have been again occupied by the Republican Beaten ber 3 Yesterday we rtceived Paris Journals to the 2(jlh. Large re in I orcein ems are m jfjll ing'to the armies, and great preparations arr making for war. One of the papers by its comments (hews the public fear that liaftil itirs will be renew d'; and that this feeling prevails, ws.pfrceive by the (late of the f iiirk. The Tieis Confilide have fallen to ji-j. tlie price at which they were left. The Paris Journals give no information refpefting the Negociat 011s. fn London, vhe public hopes appear to be more fiAguirte than in P.<ris. The funds 011 Saturday rose considerably, and surprized thole who saw no reason for Inch a change. Manv circumftanccs were reported to have occ«Goi ed tlie rife,; all of them relating to a negociation for peace. The frequent ar-.' riv-il and departure of veflVls between Calais ind Dov»r lift x»i-eic naturally produced eou jedluVes that the two governments were commanicating, and the Hate of the funds' (hewed that the inference drawn was of a fa vourable kind. We cannot (late th« nature of the difpatcliei conveyed in thole velTels : hut it is certain that an intercourse has taken place, which h is the opening of a negociati- I o,: for its ObjedV. That abject will, proba bly soon be attained. We believe the rife of 1 {hp funds.'on Saturday,' the effeft of the drtennination of the Cabinet Council on Fri day. The quellion of treating with France in conjunction with Austria wa;, it is said fully and favourably fet'.l d in the Cabinet Council on Tuefdiy ; the re sult of that (Council was sent to tie kinfj for approbation ; his Majelly"? opin ion was received, aud another C bluet Council held 011 Friday, finally to deter mine the course to be ptirfued. That Council we suppose, refiKed to neg"ociatt> and the knowledge of this taft raised the funds 011 Saturday. Whether the offer to treat will be mide through Otto, in aufwer to the overtures he gave in a wesk ago, or whteher it will be sent Paris through Vi enna is uncfrt 'in. But a negociation will probably commence soon ; and we expeft Mr. Thomas Grenvijle *ill be appointed to carry it 111. The late dispatches trotn Lord Whitworth we have reafm tu believe, were less fatisfac tory "Government expected. The Da nifli Miniller, we are told, afTumed a lo ty tone, declaring,-that although bis D.ini(h Majtfty (lioul i bo unaided by Kuffia or Swe den, of nations, and oppose, to the extent ot his power;, the growing tyranny of the Britilh Flag. Government liave received nccounti of in-, ireafed exertions to prepare the Bred Fleet for feai—that considerable bodies of troops had been ordered thither from the Interior ; and that Buonaparte was about to repair to Brefl to acrelerate and animate the medita ted enterprifr. The Court of Vienna 011 ratifying the Treaty with this country 011 the 12th ult. ifiued a Declaration to all the Courts of En mpe, announcing the determination of his Imperial Majesty not to treat with France, except in conjunction with England and his other -allies. September 3. The French Council of Piizei on the 2sth of July lad pronounced sentence refpeftina; the (hip Statira, c»pt. Seaward, taken under American colours, ordering the (hip and ev ery thinp belonging to her to he restored, and condemning the cargo as a good prize. Ally, the of Franklin, and the Counfeilor of Turg'ot, died lately at Paris, at the age of eighty-five. Emir ait of a letter from Elsjnfur, Aug 23 " Admiral Dick foil's fleet, except the Tender and Sulpher bomb-veflels, which have been obliged to put into Warberg, are an chored here in the found, above the Castle. -The ■■ Rumb-veffels are gone farther up to wards Copenhagen. This certainly has a very serious appearance, but we (hall have little d6ubt that the difpme will be adjusted without proceeding to extremities. "J"he lift convoy, which was rather numerous, failed two days ago under convoy of the Martin (loop of war. All the veflels that arrive frem the Baltic are ordered to proceed through to about a leacrue below the Ciftle, wtiere the Wackzambeid is in waiting to takethaige of Ext rail of * primcH'tittti-fram dt{i ttd jlngvtf 7. « "It is now fa id that in the prnpcfitimis inaile to Portugal b* France, no' moniy is demanded. The ter.n>s are, an Offtnfive ancV De fen five Alliance ; that the privileges T,f the Frrlich shall 1-e equal .to those of the most favoured nations ; that 6 Slips ol each of the Bt Higereut Powers may be received in the Tagus, and no more \ and lastly, that Goa (hall be ceded -tp France, for which Ike offers to give to 'Portugal a traft ef land contiguous to t'e Brazils. '• 1 he answer of thi« G vernirent is said to be, that Portugal certainly wiflus for peace,apd is ready to treat -with France, provided the terms offered be not liVtoniifient wirh her trea ties with England, who has l, ctn her ally for so long a period, and with whom Oie is deter mined to prtferve her friendfhip. It it added,* 1 that iomtxif the propoStkfc* m*tl< areltvi dentlv of a nature that cannot be complied 1 with" The most positive orders are fivss to all of ficers tmployed on the sea coatt, to b- very watchful in regard to Aliens, and to arrrft such at any he found without the limits pWcrlbed by the ail of parliament. FROM. T«E OF SEPT. 3. We extra 6tth« following article from the Courier de.Londres of last night. Extrafl of a letter from Paris, dated Aug. 26. " 1 hive learned through a certain chan nel tha,t, ,'irithe conferences which' Duroc has had with general Kray, the latter Jias for mally declared, that until a Monarchy be e flablilhed in France, neither Europe nor France can calculate on peace. Buonaparte 'has two lines of conduit to pursue, either to make a King, or to become one himfelf. The army of Italy appears to be in these intention!. Immediately after the battle of Marengo, it was-in agitation to declare Buonaparte King. Thcarmy of Germany, it is said, is inclined towards a pripce of the House of Bourbon. Moreau h'ai had very frequent communica tions, not Ohty with general Kray, but even with the Court of Vienna. The Court has proposed simply to re-eftabli(h Louis XVIII. Moreau has transmitted this proposition to Buonaparte. I cannot fay what the Chief Consul may have in his head, but it is certain that he plans frefh changes. Before long you may expeft a new and a great Revolu -1 lion." On this letter the Editor of the Courier de Londres makes the following remarks: '' These details reached U/s too late on Friday 1 aft to be inserted in Our paper. Seve ral Englilh papers-have attacked the Postscript in which we. announced them. We declare in the firft place, that whether peace or war take place, we buoy ourfelvcs up with no hopes. In the present arrangements, France and Europe appear to us equally ruined We have no doubt that a revolution will soon be i made in France ; but we can foretell that j this re»oluti6n will be similar to those which have preceded it; that it will resolve no dif ficulty, and that the public and private cala mities willonly be augmented by it. ' FRANCE. ACT OF THE GOVERNMENT. Decree of the JirJl September. The Consuls of the Republic, on the report of the Minister of Marine and the Colonies, having heard the Council of State, decree : Art. I. All foreign fea-faring men resident in the territories of the Republic, who have married French women, apd failed on board merchant veflels, are liable to serve in the vcflels belonging-to the State. 11. The laid fea-faring men are bound to present themselves in the committee of mara time infeription, of the quarter where they reticle, to inferibe themselves there. 111. After their infeription they (hall be as French sailors, and (hall enjoy as fiicfii promotions, increase of pay, (hare of prizes, and pensions, granted by the laws to the sailors of the Republic. IV. The Prefers shall make known by the ftib-prefefls mayors, and all other dipo- Ctories of the registers of the civil estate, the account of marriages contracted with French women lince 1792, by foreign sailors, actu ally-resident in the territory of the Republic. They .shall fend these statements in the month subsequent to the publication of the present arrete, to the officers of the administration, and cause them to be placed on the maritime infeription of each quarter. V. In future the aforefaid mayors, and their colleagues, shall cause to be transmitted, at the commencement of each month, to the administrators charged with the maritime in feription, a like statement of marriages con tracted in the preceding month. VT. The said administrators (hall produce on the registers of the maritime infeription of their quarter, the names of the aforefaid foreign sailors, whose eftabliftiment in France (hall be verified by the conditions above ex prefted, and they shall likewise contain the number of months service fixed by the law of the »otb of October, year four, concerning maritime infeription. Vll The Minister ef the Marine and the Colonies is charged with the execution of the present arrets, which (hall be inserted in the bulletin of the laws. The First Consul, (Signed) Buonaparte. The Secretary of State, (Signed) H B. Marit. GRAVESEND, September 7. Pa(Ted by the Maria, Inglit, »nd Eliza, Rea, for Chatlcfton. PLYMOUTH, September 6. Cafrie in yesterday the schooner Polly, ef Newburyport, Captain David Hoyt, from Ten eriffr, bound to Hamburgh, laden with wine, : detained by the Plymouth lugger, of eighteen guivs. Lieutenant Elhort Sailed frrm Cawfand Bay to join the Chan nel Fleet off Br eft, the Royal Sovereign, of no Vice Admiral Harvey, ; Princess Royal, of. 98 guns, Captain Ruflc.l ; Bell,ma, of 74 puns, Captain Sir J. K. Thompson ; Priiice George, of 98 guns. Rear Admiral Cotton; Lurydice, of 14 »:uns> Captain T*ttx*. It-is rsported that the Brest fleet are in the outer road, and that all the (hips have been or dered away from this port in consequence : the only ship that remains here now is'he Man ! tague. of 74 guns, which arrived yefierday. Can e in the Danish veflel Hukamfnibe, of and for Altona, Captain P. Groot, from Bonr deaux, laden with wine and branny, detained bv the Excellent, of 74 guns, Captain Stopford, offUfhart, last Monday. PORTSMOUTH, September 6. < t . Pnrfuant to an order from the Lords Com miffif>ners of the Admiralty, a Court Martial was held on board the Gladiator, in this har bour, yesterday, on Mr. George Hudson, Bur- £ioh of his Majesty's ship Beaver, for ft r iking ttietr carriges and baggage, if furniflied with and using reproachful language to Lieutenant paflports from rhe Aul Irian commanders. of the fa.d ftp. Whenever dle general chief of the MBMBhRS OF THE COURT. Imperial army (hall with to fend troops to /Html/vl Holhway, Prefidentt, Tufcany, to relieve those stationed there, Cipt- E.Harvey Capt. Piikmore the general in chief bf the French army will liac'naS ~~ L<nW the 4 m . P^P 0 " 8 for a freC P affa S e •Xarcom ? Mandating' th.ther and back aga.m Poyntz Pr nfe - VII. The inhabitants of the diltnfts occu- M. Grectham, Esq. Juige Advocatei pied by one army wishing to go to those coun- The charge having been proved againfl the tr ' es aecu P' e( l by the other, may do so, by said Mr. G. Hurifon, and as the'oliemc falls tin- ! rouse 3 which W»ll be pointed out to them, if kier ihe lid artic'e of war, the Gouct.did thej-e i they have the necefiary paflports. lore adjudge turn to fuffer death »n board juch ; VIII. The generals in chief of both ar fhip nf his Majesty, at Spithekd, or in Ports. mies.will speedily give orders for putting the mouth harbour ; and at such time as the Gom- ,^ e f ent convention into execution, millioners tor exccutm? the office of Lord Hiirb r . r .u- r> j Admiral of Great K.itain and Ireland, &c. "or duplicates of this executed any three of them for the time, being, -Ihopjd,, at Verona, the 3 lit of July, 1800, 12 Ther direft. But it appearing thdt the offence pro- midor, yearß. ceeded from an error in judgement of the faid'V [From the 4th artifcle of this Convention George Hudson ; and the Court fcijg fully it appears, smong -'other things, that while convince 1 thereof, by the contrition,.he repeat- the armistice exists, the French will not ur« edly exhibited as soon as ne was aware of the dmake an expedition again st the King of lame and by his very earnest cefire to make "m J "l atonement tor the offence —the CoUit did in the \ P mod eirneft and impreflive manner, recom mend the said George Iludfon for mercy. O* Tuesday next a Court Martial is to be held on Lirutenant Pacey, of the Beaver, for drunkcnnefs and negledl of duty. September 7. This forenqqn failed the Villede Paris, Cap tain Gray, fori,ord St. Vincent's fleet. FALMOUTH, September 5. Arrived, the American brig Ranger, Wa' tersin thirty days from Baltimore ; and the Re covery, Waters, trom Gpnrto. The last men tioned ve fiel parted from the fleet yesterday, off the Lizard, under convoy of a frigate. Arrived, aIC>, the Speedwell Cutter, Hop fbn, with difpatthes from the Expedition un der the command of Sir James Puiteney. It i> reported that the .troops have failed in an at tack made on I'errol. FRANKFORT Aug, i;. Letter*from Vienna, which may be con lid; red as authentic, contain the following l detail* ; " The Englilh amba(T»dor, Lord Mint#, mcrves heaven and earth to prevent the Errr peror from concludeing a feperate peace with France, an event which is considered here as certain and immediate. This am bassador has jiift made some new offrrs to our court, which would have beeu advan tageous three months ago, but which are not so now. They are as follows : K The Euel fh minister engages, if the Emperor will coutinuf the war, to keep up it> It.rly an army of <5 030 chosen English troops under the emman'd of General Aber cr >mbie, who (ball continue there till a General Peace.. > ' - 1. To Ice iff* :vtt»ck On the Ifla'nd of Zealand witlv if pOWt'fful forC", to proclaim the Stndtholder; and after the cdnqueft of t'iem. to keep up a force- theie to menace Holland and Belgium, thus compelling ttje French Governrfvent tri maintain a confider able'force in tbefe countries. '3* 'To pay to 'the hoWe of Austria a neW uniJ very fubfriy, 'under thr title of a Loin, and'uponjvery favour rable term*. ■ In a word, fcefidrt this; Eng land fhautd have in anny of 50,0:* Auft riar.s,to be maintained and paid by. her dur ing ay. ar. The fame, letter s• which fur ni(h lis thele details. (late that a Ruffian General had arrived here as a courier, with difpatch'es from his court, .which are ft id to be of the hv<heft importance and it is now certain tlar the bed undemanding pre vails between the two c mrts. VERONA, August 10. The following has just been pub'lifiied here:. Convention concerning thc.line of demarcation in Italy, concluded letwcen the general in, chief of the army of his Imperial Majefly, and tlx general in chief of the French army in Italy, by their Plenipotentiaries, the Ad jutant general Citizen Reille, and Count Nugent, Major of the Imperial Jlaff. Article I. The posts of the French ar mies (hall extend along the Po, to where it receives the Panaro. goes to the left bank of the point where the canal begins, Bondero, and empties itfelf into di Ferara; on the right, it goes to St. Maria Magdalena, and extends through the canal Angelina Pa lora di Reno, up to its falling into the Po Primavera, and thence into the sea. The line of the Atiftrian advanced posts before Ferara, goes through the Blafio and Ofpe dale, Serena, Mizana, Forfaunovo, on the left banks of the Po Voleno as far as the Sea. 11. The track of country between the ad vanced ports of both armies between the Po Voleno and the Po Primaro, (hall not be oc cupied by troops, but it (hall be left to the difpolition of the French, to draw provisions 'outt>f it. 111. The navigation of the Po fliall be en tirely free, provided the (hips have the necef- j INUNDATION IN CHINA, fary paiTports from the refpeftive commanders. _ Refpeding the fait that might be obtained The ht f e overland a.fpHteh brought itcen from Mefok, no exportation duty can bede- ; account, trom f anton, that an manded of it. The free navigation of that c 9 ramon WE## of ram had laid entm part of Po fcparating the two armies, (hall d'ftr.As ... China under water. Ihe grra, not, however, extend to armed velTels, or to "ver Hoaraho had Wn fwoln to ftch .xceft such as have troops on board. » t0 " '>• t0 " '? T Y IV. The line of demarkation between the \ hr v ' »«f s ™ h,ch " iornt ' d them „ ln l d ' " ,u "' two armies, in the south of Italy, commences adjacent country Such of t« near the sea between Pefaro and Fano,through ,nh , ab,t " nt : " V,^:,T ' o, • the territory of the Republic of St. Marino, and thence to the frontiers of Tufcany, along t0 t "" 11 the frontiers of the Dutchy of Ui bipo. The i i ,( " beautiful and level plains, wnic-i territory of the Republic of St. Marino remains ,li'ely exhibited all the rich variety ot cults neutral. This line (hall on no pretence what- v.ition. were at the d,iu- < f these account.-;, ever, be passed by the troops of the two ar- covered with h->*ti in rhies, 'dtifing the whole time of the-duration j the wreck of- lie country floating an the of the'armiftice. waters. V. The couriers and offieers of the impe- LONIfON, September 3. ral army going from the army to Ancona, nf Storks, and from Ancona to the army, (hall go from Ferrara through Ravenna, and thence by the Three percent. 65 3-; —R:d. for O£lober, road of Macftra. They m"a'y take with them 66 for noney 63 1-4. « 1 PARIS, Angud 29, The chief cont'ul has appointed Citizen Lefcallier, counsellor of state,- rrrtiratime preftft of L'Orient; By a decree of the 7th Fruttidor, Aug. 3£, a former decree of thfc diredlory, eftab lilhing a duty of 5 percent 011 the produce of all captures by privateers or national ves sels, for the nytntcnancenf French prii'eneri of war; is continued in'force. The duties on plays, balls} (hews, &c. &c.' are to be levied as Ufl year. Letters from Hamburgh, of the lßtli Ausjull, state that the magi ft rate 5 of that city have fined the printers of the. Genfo<V the otie an lOindred criiwws, the other 20C« The editors M. M Berlin and Mermont, have been condemned to three months dole imprifunment, alter which tl.ey are to taki an oath n,ot to re-appear within the jurisdic tion of Hamburg. M.-de Kapp, the minider from CtfTel en«. truftrd, it is I'aid, with a particular million to the Srft consul, has arrived at Paris. VIENNA, August 16. As soon as the Adjutant of Buonapirte, Ci tizen Duroc, had arrived at Alti-Octtingeit or more p r operly„ Brauuiau, in Bavaria, and from thence had lent a Conner on to this Count Frhrbach, or, according to oth ers Co Lint Ui.Ctriclifleu), was lent off to Bran nau, art nied only by u Secreuvy.—r The report that Citizen Durnc was toga on to Vienna, and that lie only waited at Biiuniu trll he obtained paffcs, is intirely fall's. It is now known that it wjs agreed' on at "Paris, between the Chief Cwilful and Count 'St.> Julien, that a conference and the necetfary diplbrnatic proceedings flioirld take place between Duroc and an. Auft.ilui Plen ipotentiary at Brawnao, on the - 3 ivnriau the prel'miinarUs >of peace were signed, or according to fowie the ratifications of the preliminaries exchanged.' Cuizelv Duroc •et oilt 'immediately for Paris, To that theie is no longer a dotibl- of >* peace oetweert France and Austria. The Eu ; : iifh ejrbaffa ;dor, I\ord 'Minto, has lent , off a. Conner to his • Court 1 with' an account of what has pas sed, Some - affirm that the convention vith England is ratified, hut under i'jch flipula tions that it is no obftade.tO'the Treaty of Peace with Frtnce. General St. Julien, betides the Ratifioa tion of the Convention concluded after the Battle of Marengo,' brought the Rat ification of two other conventions. AU&SBURGH, August tS. Gen. DcfT ie* ycfterJav made it no fecrety ; that Adjutant-Gejie'-aJ l>nroc was carrying ! back to Paris the Preliminaries of Peace j tigned by the Emperor. The Modifications ! which the Court of Vienna has fujrgeftrd to he made in the Propofiti-ns »f the Chief Consul, are of that kind, that a Definitive Treaty mry fooil be exw&ed to take place, I)uroc did not go to Vie.ina, but Count Dietrichflien, who was appointed to meet i him at Alti-Oeltingen, 'conduced the Ne -1 pociations with him. The principle Head- Qinrters still here, bnt are expe£ted to be removed. | A Congress for Peace will probably soon be opened, which will not be of lotvj du ration. FALMOUTH, August 30. On Thursday last arrived here the Ame rican brig Maryland, cjpt. Tyfon, in 36 days from Baltimore : partid on Tuesday la/1 the homeward bound Jamaica fleet, con-, fiflintf gfahout 7J fail, under convoy of his Majesty's fliip Hannibal, LONDON, Sept f. * • *• »•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers