Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 20, 1800, Image 4

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In the ship Atlantic, captain Waters, from
Calcutta and Madras,
And for sale by the fubferiber,
A great variety of articles mostly suitabl e
fo r exp >rtat:on,
Blue cloths
Soot Ronul*
Salem poorn
Majra« Cloth*
Ditto Handkerchief*.
2000 bags prime Sugar,
Ilyfon and Souchong Tea,
No. 80, Dock street.
oilober 10
9-8 white
Russia Sheeting,
DROGiIEDA LINENS, fine 4 4 Irilh l in
ens, Clommg Diapsr, Cotton Velve's,
Thickfctts an-! Fancy Cords, Printed Linen and
Cotton Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Mar
tins, Pelones, Modes and Persians, Cailiman
coes, Wildb ires and Wombazeen,Fine arid co:rft
Bobbin, T.-p s, Ribbons, Ferrets, Scotch Oz
naburgs, Threads No. 7 to 64,|co!oured Threads
No. 8 to t6. Piss, 3 1 1, 4, 4 1-2 and 5 lb.
London Pewter aflVirtea in ca(ks, Tin, and has
just received by t 1 e lat# arrivals a general assort
ment of Woo ler.s.
10 mo 8 <[ dim
just arrived.
Pan the
Brig Perfevcrance,
Mr. William Bell's Wharf.
80 hhds. Antigua and St. Kitts Rum and
10 ditto Coffee
No. 4, South IVater Sheet.
October 8. » dtf
i AND Co.
No. 3q, North Front Street,
Itnnmongrrr, &idicry t Cutlery, Brafi isd ?
J»pirv'd W»rr«, ;
6d Btl lod i >4 inJ tod Bat point
Qermvt Steel,
Him iffurtcd iu cifn,
PiAnU, guniand ftintt,
Septrmher n.
Charles Wall,
INFORMS hii friends and the pub ic that he hat
removed from No. si, South Water Street, to
N0.64. Marhit Qreet, wherx he continues to car
ry on every brunch of the above bulincfs. He
ha* on ha"rt Glovts, Breaches and Ualls (cqial <0
any of the imported patent >'a:ls) Skins, See.
which he wi',l dispose of either wholesale or retail
He cleans breeches an J makes tbem look as will as
new vlthont leaving any c'ull on them —He r«-
turns hi* thanks to thTe gentlemen who have al
ready favoured him wi'h their cuftrm, and begs
for a continuance thereof, as he i» fully pcrfuidoii
they will fin J them equal in quality t« any he has
yetmade—N. B Gentlemen c*an be waited upon
at their houses if nro ffiry, at the fhortcft notice.
Several J< nrHej men w ante I to tie above bufi
refs. ncn» need apply but experiencud workmen.
Odloher 13.
Saulnier & Wilson,
No. 63, North fide Market-fireet,
HAVE a general affirtment of bed London
fuperfiue Broad Cloths and Calfimeres, (of
the newest fafhion) filkftripe and lecond quality
Cloths, fafhiona'.li waiftcoating, lilk stripe and
twill'd Nankeens, Jean, Fullian, CJingham, Dimi
ty, Thickfer, fancy Cord, V.lvets,Hcarlet, yellow
and white Flannels, Flanders, lri(h and brown
Linens, Dowlas, mens' and womens' liik and
eottnn Hosiery, coat aniveft pearl, ft'el, gilt and
plated Buttons, different eel .era Silk Velvets, tam
boured and Cambrit Muslins, Chßcocs, Cabman -
coet, Sh .wis, liockct Handkerchiefs, " Gloves
Checks, 3cc &c.
N. B. Taylor#' best quality Trimmings all
which they will fell very iow.
July 18.
George Davis,
As. %\q, High-Street,
Per Adrians from London,
A few Trunks and Cases of 4 4, 7-8 8c 3-4
Irifli Linens,
Gentlemen'?, Youths, and Boys, Fine
Which he will fell 011 moderate terms, at
a reasonable credit.
September 24 mwfyw.
No I to 8,
Ebcnezer Large,
200 boxes fliort pipes
fairable frf the Spaaifti Market.
ptwo. t.ith. 1 800 iw
For Sale, or to Let,
In Cbcsnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in
th« tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—PolTeffion may be
had the first If November next, or sooner if re
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 J
Washington September \JI, 1800.
Pliblic Notice is hereby Given,
In pursuance of an act of Cong'-efs, pajfed cn
the 23 d day of April, one thoufantl eight
hundred, ewilled " An ad to ejlablifh a
General S tamp-Office,"
THAT a General Stamp Office is now
eftablifhcd at the feat of government, in tne
city of Wsftlington, from whence there will
iflue, from and after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose management the
collection of the ftarrp duties is placed) any
quantities of paptfr, parchment and vellum,
marked or (lamped, and duly coutiter-ilamp
ed, with the following rales of duty which
arc demandable by law :
For every flviu or piece of vellum or parchment,or
flieet or piece of paper, upon which (hi I hs
written or printed any or either of the inftru
meats or writings following, to wit,
A Dolt,. C M.
1 tNY certificate of naturalizaii .n 5
Any licence to pra<£)ice,or certificate
ot the adn.iiTjon, enrollment or re
gi'liy ot any coiinf'cllir, Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or, in
any Court of the United Sta'et 10
Provided, that a certificate jn a;.y
one of the court* tefl e Uoited itatts,
tor any one of the said ificce, /hall
fnlaras relates to payment of the
duty aforefaid, tie a fulltcient adtrif
fion hi all the courts of the United
Stateb, for each and every of the said
Any grant or letters patent,tinder the
leal or authority ef the United
States (except for lands granted
tor military fervic«s) 4
Any exemplification or certified copy
of any such grar:t or letters patent
(except for lands granted for mili
tary ferv'cts) 1
Any charter party, bottomry or re
fpondrntia boad 1
Asy receipt or discharge for or on ac
count of any legacy left liy iny
will or other te'limeiitaiy instru
ment, or for any ihare or part of
a divided by force
of any dilute of diftriVutrons other
than tothe wife, children
children of the perfin diseased, the
amount whereof (hall he above the
value < f fifty dollars, and (hall not
exceed the value of one hundred
d- liars 35
When the amount thereof fiiall ex
ceed the value of one hundred dol
lars, >nd (hall not exceed five hun
dred d'.lla s 50
And tor every further sum of five
hundred dollars, tko additional
sum of 1
A*y policy of inforance or inftru
inent in nature thereof, when the
sum for which inlurante is made
(hall not exceed five hundred dol
lars 25
When the sum insured (hall exceed
mwf tf
five hundred dollars I
Any exemplifies'iun of what nature
luever, that (hall piss the teal of
any court, o hrr thin Inch as it
may be the the clerk «f
lu. h court to fiirnitti for the use of
the United Stiles, or some parti
cular slate 50
Any bond, bill firig'e or penal, inlind
bill of excSiirg.', promiflory .
note or other nete {• thcr than any
recognizance, bill, h-i d or other
obligation or contrail, made to or
with the United States, or any
Hate, or for theif use rtfpeilively ;
and any bond- required in Iny cafe
by the laws of the United Mates,
or of any fljte, np-n legal process,
or in anv jtfdic al proceeding, or
for 'he faithful performance of any
trull or duty)
If above twenty dollars and not
eXeee ling one hundred dollar* 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars 15
If above fiv« hundred and not ex
ceeding one thoufind dol'.ais 50
And if above one tin ufand dollars 7,5
Provided, that if »Ky bonds or
notes (hall be parable at or wi'hin
sixty days, such bunds or notes (hjII
be fubjett to 1 rrly two fi'th parts of
the duty aforefaid, viz.
If above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
Ifabove i>ne hundred dollarsand not
exceeding five hundred dollars 10
If above five hundred dollar* and
not exceeding one thou s and dolls. 10
It above on; thousand dollars 30
Any foreign bill of exchange, draft
or order for the payment of money
in any lorei ;n country ao
The said dxty being charge
able upon each and every bill of ex
changr, without refpe<3 to the num
ber ccnl&ined in each set.
Any note or bill of lading or wri'ing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
goods or merchandize to be ex
ported ;
If from one diUrifl to another dif
triil of the United States,oot being
in the fame date 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place 10
The said duty being chargeable
upon each and every bill of lading
without r -fp-iTI to the number con
tained to each set.
Any notes ifiued bv the banks now
efti'-lilhed or that may be hereafter
ellablifhed within the United
States, »ther than the noies of
such of the said banks as (hall 1-
gree to an annual composition of
one per centum or. the annual di
vidend" made by such banks, to
thefr llcckh lde:s refpewlively, ac
cording to the following scale :
On all notes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, for each dollar
On all notes ab ;ve fifty dollars and
not sxceeding one hundred dollars 50
On ill nmes above one hundred dol
lar- andcotexcceding five hundred
dollars I
On all rotes above five hundred dol
lars %
J),111. C. AT.
Any pro!Ml or other notarial »<st 15
Any letter of attorney, except for
an invalil pension, or to obtain or
fell warrants for land granted by
tie Ui.ied Siatss as bounty for
military ferviccs performed iu the
lat-e war 25
Any iiiTeniory or catalogue of any fur
niture, g.gis or '.IT-ils, made in any
c»fe required V.y Is* (except in cases
of g.adsar.d chattels diftrain-ed for
rent ®r ttxes, und good* taken in vir
tue of any legal process by any officer JO
Any certificate* cf a fh->re in any iniu-
ranee cotipany, of a share in the bank
of the Uait.d States, or ol any (late
or other bank ;
If above tw-ney dollars and'not exceed
ing one Mndred dollars 4 10
if above one hunrir'd dollars 15
*1 under twenty dollars, at the ra'e of
ten cents lor one hundred dollars.
That the poiver of the supervisors of the
Revenue to ro*rk or (lamp any vellum,
parchment or (>;p°r chargea-ble with duty,
will cease and dt-tgrfriine from and after fix
months from the ante hereof, to wit, 011 the
I.4ft day of Februajy ißor.
Tim, if ar.y periods Oiall, after the la ft
day of February iSci., hive in thtir custody
or pofr iTiqn, any vellum, parchment or pa
per, narked or (lamped by the supervisors of
the Revenue, upon which any matter or
thing, charged with duty, (liall not have
been written or printed, they may at any
time within the space, of sixty days after
the said last day of February 1801, bring
or fei d suit) vellum, parchment and paper,
unto I. nje office of iiifpedtioii, and in
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and paper, duly damped
in purfuanie of the adt herein before recited.
And in cafe any pcrfon flinfl negleft or re
fule, within the time «forefaid, to bring or
cause to f.e brought unto some officer cf in-
Ipeclitjd, uTiy'fiVh veliurh, parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
thereafter be of ro other effeft or use, than
if >t li d never bten marked or (lamped, and
that all matters and things, which may af
ter that time be written ar printed upon any
vrllul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged iu manner a fore laid, will be of no
other eir.-ft, than if thry had been written
or printrd on paper, parchment or vellum,
not marktd or (lamped.
And for the Convenience of tliofe perfus
who may be inclined to have their own vel
lum, parchment and piper damped or mark
ed, it is hereby peclired, tlwt when any per
son (hall deposit any vellum, pa-chment or
paper at the office of a supervisor, accompa
nied with a lift, Qjfclfying the number and
denomination of die flamps or marks, which
art- desired to be thereto affixed, the fame
vv '• 11 be trmifmitttd to the General Stpam-
Office, und tbeie proptrly marked or flamped,
uid forthwith icnt b'.fck to tlie fame fupcr
vilor, who will thereupon colleft the duties
and deliver the paper, p trchment or vellum,
to the order of the jierfon from whom the
fame was received.
Or vcn under my Hand, and the Stal
(L. S.) of the Treafuty, at Walkings
ton, the day and year abuve men
Secretary of the Treal'ury.
frpteinhrr 2<). d^ro.
THE public are hereby inf»rm:d, that the Bal
timore Coachee will .r fu:ur« ftari from tha In
dian Que<n, N« 15, south Forth street, every Hay
<xcept runday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at
Peck's Tavern, Baltimore, the ntxc day at 8 o'clock
and the Stagei so New York, will (latt every day
at 8 and la o'clock.
N. B—A book is kept open at Mr Ely Chan
dler's Franklin Head, where feats may alio be ta
ken in the above line of Oages.
OiSobrr 2 §
Just Impoited,
to* iALtt tr
iVo. 67, South Fourth Sired.
Checks and siripes
Fin# Fre*,ch Cambrickt
White Holland Tape, No. 11,13, V-
Dutch Canvas, No. I, a, 3, 4.
Oflobcri3- eo»w
» Lost,
This morning or the WilTahickon Read—a
Red Morocco
CONTAINING t'undry papers and letters,
of no confequ»nce whatever to any one but
the owner. Whoever may have found the
fame, and will return it to the Printer of this
paptr, ihall be handfumely rewarded.
N.B.—The owners' name is mentioned on
some lctte"s diredled to him.
OiJloher 8. d
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two handfotne dwelling
houses, with excellent stabling for seven horfei,
double caach-houfc most completely fitted up; a
beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled
with-choice fruit, surrounded with high board
fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully
fitsatc-d near the middle of Oermantown, sur
rounded wirh rich profps&s of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
hanJfome lawn at ,the back of the house.
Ouc house hat been recently built on an appro
ved plan ; the other ha 9 been completely .repaired,
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms \rlth
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a (lore in
either the dry or wm good line.
The air and water are unrivallsd, and there are
some most excellent schools in the neighborhood.
For particular* enquire of the Printer, or of
on the premise?.
May 9; dtf
IHE undermentioned Certificates of Stock
of the Bank of the Untied Slates, viz.
No. 3804, da'ed Itt July 1796, for ten shares
in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New-
No. »53ji—No. 45311, dated ift Juty,
for five shares each in the name of
Sarah lYedjjewood of Etruria.
No. 13808—No. 19809, dated iftJanuary,
1800, for ten shares each, in tha name of Henry
Waddington, Merchant, London.
Notice is hereby given,
That application is intended to be made at
the said Bank hy the ful-fcribers, for a renewal
of the fame, of which all perfpns concerned
are reqnefled to take notice.
Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. raws im
Twelve Shares
Of the Bank of the United States,
NO. 15951 to 15963 inclusive, in the name ot
Thorn.u Mallrtt of London. w*re forward
ed about th« ifl of May 1797, from New-York,
by the (hip o«eida lor London, which was cap
tured by the French, and said Certificates loft ' r
detlroyed ; therefore application is made at the
said Rank for the rcEewal of the famij, of which
all persons concerned are defircd to take notice.
Clement Biddle.
Philad : September j, 1800 d3m
The Works
Hon. Jaraes Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D
Late one of the Associate Justices of the
Supreme Court of the United States and
Prcjessur at law in tie College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original manuscript, in the pofleffion of
Bird IVilson, Esq.
Thffe works (hall be elegantly printed in two
volumes odlavo, and delivered/o fubfcribsrs at
five dellafs.
fhey {hall be put to prefn at soon as the subscrip
tions will juttify the eipence of publication,
Subscriptions mill be received by
The publisher, opposite Chritt-Church, P\iila
dc'.f hia ; and bj the principal bookfcllcrs through
out the United States.
*,* A L v rofpeislu9 of the work may be seen at
the place of fubfeription.
September n %
A PERSON pofli-lTing loms capital, a coßli
der»ble lhare of industry, and desirous of
engaging as a partner in a lucrative buiinefs,
may hear .)i" a fitualioß. All prnpoiais on this
fubje.fl to he in writing, sealed and directed to
W. R. J New York, and ieft with the printer
of the Gazstte of rhe United States, will be at
tended to.
(? A Printer would find It to ai> advintage
June f d-f
OF abilities, integrit • and expedience in
mercantile business, would willingly en
gige at CLERK to a merchant or public <>f
e, or be concerned wilh ary perfou as pait
tier, as he has an intercft ot about one thouiand
pounds in real estate in the city. Pleale to ap
ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office
for B Y. will be attended to immediately.
MayTO m&th tf
A CERTIFICATE, No. 15519. da'ed jft Jan
uary 1797, in favour ot Robert Lindfay, of
Charleflen South-Carolina, for one shire of th,*
(lock of the Bant of the United States is loft—
a duplicate of which will be applied for at the said
August 7. m&tgm
A Young Man,
PERFECTLY versed in Merc.-ntile accounts,
and brought up in one of tha firfl cotsnting
h«ufe» in this «ity, wifties employment as Clerk.
He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a
line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uoi
ted States he will receive, and it (hall be imme
diately attended to. Salary a secondary objefl
Employment his metive.
augaft 11 dtf
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RUN AW aY from the Subscriber on Wedncf
day night the sth inflant, a Black Indented
servant, named Colin, just arrived from Jamaica
in the brig Diligence with his mafler. He is a well
made lad of 16—17 years of age, or thereabouts,
has a pleasant countenance, and a small fear on
his left cheek, which yet app:ars white lrom a
late fall or blow. He is about 5 fret 5 or fix in
ches high, and had on when he went away a com
mon blue rsund jacket and trowfers, with a for
vants black glaze,', hat, and had with him white
and striped check shirts and pantaloons.
He is known to be enticed or env igled away by
a negro man named William, a native of Bolton,
who was Cook of the said brig Deligcncc, and is a
fteuc thick man of 35 or 40 years ot age, and they
aTe supposed to travel together" The said Colin
contrived to get a parcel containing 30 new dol
lars of the present years co : nage of the U. States,
never before in circulation and a few milled dou
hjoons of full weight out of his matters keeping,
and a!fo took with him a silver table spoon with
the cyper A. R. 011 it, and a deftrt knife and fork
with white Ivory handles.
The above reward will be paid to any person
who Will bring the said Colen and William ta the
Subscriber, No. 31 Spruce Itreet or to Mess's. Sa
vage and Dugan, Third Street, or lodge them in
any goal er work h u'e in any of the States so
his mailer may have Colin, and it istcquefled the
money may befecured, it is supposed V illam is in
pcficliion of it, and requefled he mjy be detained
with Colen, fending information to the said
Messrs. Savage and Dugan, 1 hiladelphia
*,* All Captains of veflels ire tcrwarned net to
harbour or employ or carry to fca the (aid
as the law will be put in orce agaiuft th-m.
October n.
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Long Prim«r,
or 700 !b. or upwards, and a l''ount of
Brevier, weighing 4COlbs. or upwards.
Sqitembcr a.
For the winter season, on Monday, Oaober
6th, Walnut, between Fourth and
Fifth-dree ts.
TV/TRS. GROOMBRIDGE refpeflfully ac
-I'- knowledges ihe liberal encouragement
Ihe has experienced, for more than seven years
in i hiladelphia, and, as the mofl expreflive proof
of gratitude, will be a continuance of the unre
mitting attention, alieady pa d to her pupils 5
fl uters herfelf, it Will be the best recommenda
tion to future patronage. "■
The following branches (or any of them fep
"a«ely> n .' a y be engaged for, as riiofl agreeable,
t c Eng.ifh, French, and Italian languages
grammatically ; writing, arithmetic, geogra
phy, use of the globes, history, music, vocil
and itiftrumental, drawing and dancir.g.
t lain work, marking, embroidery and tam
bour in gold, silver or colours, fillagree, artifi
cial fl .wers, fancy baikets, netting, hair, print,
cloth, and muslin work of every kind
Oft t.3* diw 22wtf.
The following Real Eflate ; the property of
Anthony Francis Haldimand, Esquire,
of London,
582 and an half
/Veres Pa tented Land
SITUATE on Vineyard greek, in thetownfhip
and county of Hunting Jo?', ia the flare of
Per.nfylvanu, on a public road about 5 miles from
the town of Huntingdon, which is situated on a
bontahle river—there are on the premiles a water
Grift Mill and Saw Mill—fereral Log dwelling
Houfts—one of which is occupied as a
with a Distillery fuppfiedby a powerful spring of
excellent water—a coufiderable quantity of Timo
thy Meadow fit for the scythe, and several acre#
of arable I.and already cleared—l his traii will
admit of being divided into three farms, with a
doe proportion of meadow and arable land in each.
At pvefent in tenure of Adam Hall, Esq. John
Hicks, and others
187 aid an half iicres en Trough Creek, in
Union town(hip,a flourilhing fettlenunt, firfl rate
land, with a small improvement.
'7.1 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above
and die fame quality—as those lift mentioned
trails are adjoining (utveys they would make one
valuable farm.
In Bedford county,
3"4 acres situate 0:1 Dunnings Creek, firfl rate
land, on a public roa I to Bedford.
364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above,
and nf the fame duality.
388 acres called the Springs, fame quality as
298 and 3 quarters acres on half way run, a
good improvement and now in tenure of Jacob
] trms oi alc,aß follows, viz—One fourth part
of the consideration money mull he paid in hand 9
and the rafii'ji divider} into T ur or five annual in
ftalmen* s, a* may suit the pr chafers—to be feca
red hy mortgage.
Applf to John O'walhder, Efq Councilor aC
Law. ia the town i or to tke fub
fcriberain the city of V v i' >lp' id
Willings £s? Francis.
Ofl»ter 14 *
Clock isf IVatch Maker,
has removed
To No. 36. Market Strhkt,
Where he has for Sale,
Spring and other Clocks ; gold and Give
Watches; Tools, Files and Materials; flee
nd gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ;
&c. &c.
Repaired as usual.
■7»»g 3 tu&ftf
npHK Proprietors of the I-'hilad: Iphia and . ,aq-
X line «f Stages J HBPATCH return their
vrntiiul thmiks to their friends and the public in
general, for the past favor? tfcry hive received,-<rid
irfia tfcer-. .-hit irs addition to the regular Liuc,
t!'«T arc j>rovi.'«-'. with Carria.; ->, sober .•>ad careful
drivers, to g-> through between the City and
Boroagh in two days. Thofa who prefer this mode
of traveling can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, sign of United States Hagle, Market street
Slough, Doivtti Co.
Nov, 30.
To Printers.
The following MATERIALS will be folii
reasonable if applied for immediately.
1 Press,
3 Founts Long-priiser (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pica oh Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
1 ditto Englifli,
2 slitto Brevier,
I ditto Burgeois,
Several pair of Chafes, several cowipofing 1
flicks, frame? and galkye, some brass ruses,
Ouotations, &c. &c. See: all of the above
will be fold very reasonable for Cash.
September 8.
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlflth
and Merry-Andrew Flaying Cards, fer sale cheep,
for cash—Apply at this Office,
september 13.
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette ot the United States.
Cards—Blanks of all Hut's,
&c. &c.
Wil! be printed at tie
Shortest Notice..
anguft 23.
Ml Persons,
I" NDEBTF.D to the F.ftate ir Jolcph Enfrte,,
i late of the Northern Liberties, dcceafed.are
req letted to make immediate payment, an 4
thole having any dejjnan<'s against the fame, to
bring in their accounts to
3ENJAMIN THAW', Adiainiflratnr.
Cftober 3.
(02 W*
ig, Dun-woody
't* ■■ -.4