Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 20, 1800, Image 3

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    'By this Day's Mail
BOS TON, O&ober 14.
In the Fourth Middle Diftricl, Parker
Cleaveland, Esq. of Rowley, is mentioned as
a candidate, in the fbom of Mr. Bartlett.
He is a worthy man, and will make a good
Representative. More, of this hereafter.
The Eflex frigate, of 3J guns, captain
Preble, from the India seaS maybe expttUd
here in air November.
.The of ii guns, captain Rnffrl,
Ik daily expctlcd.
NEW YORK, Odtofcer 18.
Yesterday the rendezvous for the United
States frigate New York closed j and it is
with pleasure we understand, the crew {hip
fed for that iruly beautiful frigats is entire
ly composed of Americana, and ttone ex
ceeding thirty-five years of age ; who we
hope will diilinguilh themselves, and do
honour to their country on every occaGon.
BALTIMORE, Odober 17.
The following is the return of the votes, in
the sevtral election districts, of Wailing
ton ceunty.for Assembly men,at the close of
■ the polls, on Monday the 6th instant ;
Jolin Cellar IO $8~"| q
Robert Smith 103 J ! S
Ambrose Geoghegan 1033 f »
Richard Cromwell 1002J «
t Alexander Clagett 842
Roht rt Hughes 831
Z:ichanah Clagett 830
Thomas Brent 823
Jacob Schnebly, Eftj. is elected SherifT,
by a large majority.
By the Corpo< m dlim of the city of Annopo 'if,
October 13, i&oo.
A Bye-Law ro rfpeaf the Bye-Laws there -
in inen.ioned arid referred to.
BE it established and ordained by the
mayor, recorder, Mermen, and Common
Council of tie city ef Annapolis, and the
authority of the same, That a bye-law to
prevent the introdu&ion- of the Yellow
F«ver, or any other contagious disorder
into the city of Annapolis, and the fupple
inent, and the additional supplement there
to ; and also a bye-law to prevent persons
from places infected with the prevailing
contagious fever, from coirtfiig to anj re
maining withiH the limits of this city, be,
and each .and every of them, are hereby re
pealed, abrocated and made void. <
Ottober 13, ißeo, read the firft and se
cond time, and unanimously aflented ta.
By order,
A. GOLDEK, Clerk,
Proclaimed' Thns. IVm. Hewitt, Sheriff,
Carver and M'Bride, who were lent from
this town to Norfolk, for robbing Mr War
rock of that Borough, made their escape
from Norfolk jail, on Wtdnefday lall.
On Saturday last, Mr. Thomas Shore, an
old a»d refpcttablc inhabitant of tbia town
and neighbourhood.
On Sunday, Mr. Jonathan RuflTcl, a na
tive of Mafiachufcus, who duaing his resi
dence inth'stown, has uniformly supported
the chara&er of an indullrious, i'ober, dili
gent and upright man.
CHARLESTON, Oflober 6.
On Saturday la 11 a gale of wind came en
• from ihe' South East, which continued to
blow throughout the day with some violence,
and .increased in the evening, (g o'clock)
at high water, when conflderable damage
was done to a number of the wharve3. and
the small craft lying at them 5 twelve or
fourteen of the latter were funk. A schoo
ner commanded by captain Wyman, with
a valuable cargo of dry goods, bnun.i to
Georgetown, was driven against the New
street, formed on East Bay, and was beat to
pieces ; her cargo is entirely loft. The
New street has alTo met with conflderable
injury. On South Bay, the wha»ves are
much torn up.
At twelve o'clock, or a little after, the
gale increased for a few minutes to a species
of tornado, and appears to have been mod
fcvere in the Northwestern part of the town,
and the villages in that as several
houses were blown down and unroofed there.
The house of Mr* Chriftburg, in Cannonf
burg, was amongst the number, and we aro
sorry that we have to add, that Mrs. Christ-
korg was killed in her bed, by the fall of
the house, and himfelf and one of his chil
dren severely b uiCed. A number ofchim
nies were blswn down, as well ai trees and
fences, in other parts if the city.
Appreheniions were entertained through
the night, and yetlerday morning, for the
fafety of the families at Sullivan s Island ;
' but we are happy in dating; that the da
mage there, is very triflng to what might
have been expe&ed. The tide was over
the greatest part ot the island, but only 3
hoiiies were destroyed ; these to
Colenel Morris, Captais Orniont) and Mr.
Hunter : their foundations were w a (lied
away by the tide. Colonel Morris and hi*
family left his house but a few minutes be
fore it fell. We hear of no personal injury
having been fufteined on the iflan .*
The (hipping at the wharv*s and in the
stream, have met n» damage worth detail
In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns,
LF. \D, Brazier's Solder, Tin in boxes, Steel
Sheet-iron, Sewing twine, and a affort
nicnt of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadfciy, Brass
gnd Japapn'd wares For fa eby
Elisha Fisher & Co.
Oflober 17.
Gazette of the United States.
MH. rrjrNE,
TTie following Ffdera! ticket list carried in
Cliefter County, by a Majority ot 150
Joseph Hemphill,
James Hannum,
I liomas Bull,
Rogrr Kirk,
li'suc Wayne,
JVIVfiTv VVeavei,
T.Uuh Righter.
Titus Taylor,
John Martin,
Nathaniel Walker.
The federal Senator haJ 1 majority alio,
tut is loft on account of the Counties of
Montgomery, and Bucks giving a majority
to the Jacobin Candidate.
It is true that the democrats had not a
fingl? vote more, on thi9 eleftinn, than they
had last year, and it is well known that a
siNgle week, has not elapsed this lix months
pft, without their having met to digcll
some plan to insure their fuccels, by pub
lilhing infiamatory libellous prices against
government driving to fill the minds ot the
people with fear, and endeavouring to roule
them to acls of violence ?gainft those that
holds the reins of government in their hands.
It is also well known that 011 the day of
ele&ion that every kennel, that ev-ry fur
ry Hovel, the habitations of those creatures
of filth, was well ransacked, and that vehi
cles was prepared at the place of general
randevous, to convey them to the eleftion,
but federalism in Chester County, will ever
be prevalent, it will ever triumph, asamijo
lity of the people are sober, wife, and de
creet, and are guided by sober reason, and
as long as the administration continues to
be pure, and uncorrupted to long, and no
longer will that County continue to be
one of its props, 011 the day ot the eledVion
the federalifts Were too sure of fuccefs,by that
reason a great number of them (laid at home,
and unfortunately on the fame day, two re
fpeftable federals, one who was in noroi
natioo to fill one of the offices ot the Coun
ty interred, *t whole funeral, a large con
ccurfe of fcderalifls attended, but this ele£l
ion will be a voice of warning to the f' de
ralills, it wil! put them upon their guird,
and induce them to turn out oil another
New-Jersey Eleflion.
We were yesterday favoured with the whole
as the jy.iurns for Gloucifter County in
Thomai Clark, Esq.
Sanii) 1 French 1446 John Collins 7 j«
S.W.Harrifon Aroos Cooper 708
Abel Clement 1415 Jerenrah Wood 688
4 J 9 6
Federal Majority 2145.
Joseph Hufrg, Efc,.
This is o-:ie of the four lower counties
mentioned in that Jacobin paper, the Centi
nel of Freedom, as being united in favor of
a Democratic Representation in our Legis
lature, They have not made a very accu
rate calculation, as the Fedetal Ticket has
completely succeeded in the three other coun
ties, to wit, Salem, Cumberland and Caps
Middlesex, Monmouth* Hunterdon, Bur
lington, Salem and Cumberland, we have had
accounts from ; they each fend Federal mem
bers in toto, Yhefe seven counties insure us
Federal Eleflois ; from the other Gx coun
ties we may rely qn tluee, if not four more,
to join the Aahdartl of order and good gov
erns e:it.
Pennsylvania Eleftion.
From Ibe Aurtra.
Demo. Federal.
John Stewart 1576 | John Edie 629
State Senator.
Demo. Federal.
William Read 1375 | Win. Miller 6^3
majority 511.
Mams County,
John Stewart 6ti | J >hn Edie 857
State Sertiitori
Wm. Read 587 | Wni, Miller 888
AlVembly—Jacob Holteiur, W. Ander
foiT, F. Euhelberger, Michael Kimmell.
CommVfli«ne»—-Col. Hinkel.
There are no accounts from Adams coun
ty refjiefting the Assembly Ticket.
Fron> the above it npj-psars that the De
mocrats have carried their Cong'refs Ticket
by a majority of 5 11, nnd t!ie State Sena
tor by a majority of 441.
The Legifliture of meet on
Tuesday the 28th of this month at Trenton.
The El> Aots mm! be appointed the next or
the day following. Let it be i'uprefltd upon
the mil dj of mentbrrs, to be there the MOll
- b fore ; further arrangements must take
place ; we have not yet done with the Ja
cobins. Let -is be on the. watch.
The meeting of the J tco's, wliici w*s to
have been hrtfa tHis rafutl»Newajkj New-
Jeifey, for thepnrpole of a Gov
ernor, Secretaries, Mtinhers of Congress,
lias bfceu pnilpo- rf »ne die ;
they whispered to each other in the language
of the Indian who was obfei'ved inlojticated
a few days before he was to have joined in
a solemn duty, " IVlaffa Bl J, dat ting,
you and I talkt of torr-r day, want do How.
2 's'
From Brawn ijf Relf's Philadtlphic Gazette
Mhtsks. Briwh (jf Hf if,
Alter my publication on the liinft. in
Mr. Wayne's
that I again appta* in the public prints,:
But so grof» was the irifiiit that I received,
from fbe mao who is the fubjefl of the
following deposition, and so public was
the place were that insult was given, that
nothing less than a (latemeril offa&siri the
most public rhanner, would do jnftice to
my feelings :—in an altercation which took
place between capt. Roger Keari and my
felf on Tuesday lalt on the eli&ion ground,
among other things, he said he could whip
me ; that I was his inferior and that I was
a marine on board the brig Holker. As
to the firft of his assertions; viz That he
could whip me—l have no doubt but he
could, wheu he i< sober—but is the battle
between us happened when he is in his usual
way (I mean drunk) I think that my lame
nts and his daggering gait; would make
us about a dead match. In regard to the
second article, that I am or ever was his in
ferior, I leavtfit to those who know as
both to judge. As to the lad assertion, of
of my being a marine, I refer you gentle
men and the public to the deposition itfelf -
When you come to that p-irtof the deposi
tion which refers to hiu conduct during the
aflion with the Rodney, you may (krewdly
guess that the quantity of Englifli blood
he has spilt is not quite so much as the
French brandy he has drank in his life
I am Gentlemeo,
With rtfped he.
BE IT KNOWN, that on the i 7 th day ;
of Oftober, in tbr year of our Lord one
thoufaud eight hundred, personally appeared
before me. Robeit Wharton, Mayor of the
City of Philadeli hia, Jacob Grace, an inhab
itant of the city aforefaid who being duly
sworn, doth depose and fay—That he, this
depsnenr, was on board the brig Holker,
commanded by captain Matthew Lawler in
the month of July, in th« year of our Lerd
one thousand seven hundred and eighty :
that he well remembers Malcolm M' Don
nald coming on board said brig wb«n (lie lay
in the river Delaware below l.hester, about
the beginning of the month above men.ion
td, who appeared to this deponent to be a
youth about eighteen years of age ; that on
board tM bri-' there were feseral grades and
chara&ers, such as officers seamen, landsmen
and marines, in which of the three (irft
cl ara&ers Mr. M' Donald entered on board
this deponent cannot fay but doth solemn
ly swear that he was not a marine ; for
this deponent well remembers that when
the usual arrangement was made on board
the vessel. previous to her g.>ing*to sea, that
Mr. M' Dona'd was placed at one of the
great guns on the open deck with this de
ponent Mr Porter and John Evais ; that
Mr M'Donald continued in that station till
he was wounded on the 12th day of July,
in an aftion which took place bstween the
the Holker and the brig Rodney, an En
glifli privateer out of New-York ; that du
ring the whole aflion Mr. M'Donald beha
ved with great coolness Snd courage, and
when 'he fell his fate was much lamented by
the whole cr w ; this deponent further faith
that Riger Cain, who was second lieut. was
detested by the whole crr.w, pirticnlarl) as
ter the adion with the Rodney ; that af
ter the (irft lieut- was mortally wounded,
and captain Lawler taken off the deck (be
ing desperately wounded); Cain appeared
to this deponent to take better care of him
f«lf than he did of the vessel ; that this de
ponent verily believes if captain L iwler or
lieutenant Downey had been on deck, in
dead of Cain, the enemy would have been
taken ai d brought into port.
Sworn and fubfcr.bed befo r e mel
the day and year firft above >
written. J
BooktelWs, Printers, and private
Gentlemen, holding fub/cription papers for
the publication of The Fahrago ;,nd Lay
Pkbachkli, will please, on, or before tie
middle of Novembc-r next, to forward them
to Philadelphia, in a cover, open at the ends,
in the manner in which newspapers are
usually tranlmitted. It is reqwefted that
they be addrefled to Aiswnr Dickins,
Bookseller, Philadelphia Gentltmer, in dif
ferent parts of the United States, and in
Brit id) America, whb have not had an op
portunity to (übferibe to both, or either of
the above performances, may address as above
tlr.irl tfteis, PJI paid ; their willies shall b*
complied wnth, and their namesj if sent
fe.ifonably, fliall be.added to the I. ft of fub
crifbers, to be prefixed to the volumes.
October 14.
THE Members of the Society of
tl;e Sons of St. GEORGE, eftabhflud at
Philadelphia, for the advice and assistance
of Engliflimen in diflrefs, are requeued to
attesd a quarterly meeting of the said Soci
ety, at the City Tavern, on Thiirfday the
23d day of Oftobtr, at fix o'clock in the
> * * Several Members are to be balloted
for- GEORGE DAVIS, Sec'ry.
Odtober 16. &23d
Gazette Marine Lift,
Ship Fabiu*v Daly, Rio Janeiro 56
Sugar—J* Crawford.
Brig Maria, Conyngham, South America
Sugar & Coffee—Conyngham
Nefbitt 6c Go
Nancy, Brewfter, Cape Francois 16
Sugar and cotton, to Creffon & Emlen.
Juno, Albert, Bremen 52
Dry Goodsi & Wines—.Harmes and
James Stewa-f, Maxwell, C. Fran's 18
sugars & coffee ; S. W.eft
Schr. Jarre; Williams Bermuda
Nimrod, Twine, Havanna, via Bait.
Sugars—C- & W. Jolly
Pilgrim, Remington, Rhode-Island 13
Sugar & Coffee—J- Anthony
Nancy, Morse,' St. Thomas 12
Sugars—L. D. Carpentier.
Lively, Marvel, Bufton 16
Sloop Dolphin, Folger, Nantucket 7
Eliza, Culman, da. 7
Betsey, Mufely, do| 9
Ship Hannah, Brown, Hamburg
Schr. Carmelite, Wellh, Baltimore
Nancy Wafhingtori, Poor, Norfo k
The (hip Fabius, Daly, failed from Rio
Janeiro the 26th Aug- Iu lat 6, 18, S.
long 30, W. fp ke the (hip Wilmington,
Blair, of and for Philadelphia, from Rio de
la Plata, 5 weeks out all well.
Ship Conne£ticut, Miller, and (hip James,
M©ore, of this port, were to fail from Rio
dt: la Plata the beginning of September ;
brig Mercury, Yard/ley, was ready for sea.
The brig Mally Harding had failed previ
ous to the Wilmington
Brig Nancy, Brewfter, left the Cape
the ift inft. under convoy of the Herald
(loop of war, and in company with the (hip
Neptune, Hacquin, and btig James
Stewart, Maxwell, of and for this port.
Left at the Cape the (hip Devotion, T>e
mells, and fchr. Commodore Barry, Small,
of ani from this port, a few days in, after
a passage of 10 days. Uuited States brig
Norfolk, capt. Culver, has gone into the
Chefapcake from Carthagena.
Ship Benjamin Franklin, Senky, 46 days
from Bordeaux, and (hip Neptune, Hacquio,
from Cape Francois are below.
Captain Morse of schooner Nancy twelve
days from St. Thomas in orms that he left
no Philadelphia vessel* there, nor spoke
any veffcls'on his passage.
The U. S. brig Norfolk, from Cartha
gena, has ariived in the Chesapeake
NEW-YORK, October 18.
Ship Dolphin, Pcterfon, Ahcma 80
Anna, Johnson, Martinique 13
Brig Charlotte, Mursotl§ Madeira 18
Joseph, Spencer Turk Iflai-.d 13
Polly, Stewart, Liverpool 80
Schr. John, Henderfan, Cape Francois 20
Friendlhip, Matroan, N. Carolina
Nancy, Forftcr, Liverpool N. S.
Brig Ammene, Worth, arrived at Bar
celona, fpnke by a British frigate and fuf
fered to piCs ; (he was loaded with Spanish
colonial produce.
'i h« Joseph, Spencer, Sunday morning,
spoke the brig Ceres, from this port to Sa
vanna. 10 leagues from Cape Hatteras.
The brigJPolly, was to fail from Turks Ifl
aud the next day after the Joseph.
The Charlotte, Murdock, A week since,
spoke the ship william Forreft, 12 days
from Chari'cfton, in lat 34 long 65. Four
days since, the ship Cumbeiland, 4 days
from Portla-id f»r Cork.
The Draper, I aylor, arrived at Madeira
the 4th ult from this port.
The (loop Susan, Raymond, and fchr. An
one wod, is fafc arrived at Cape Fran
Yesterday arrived brig Joseph Spencer, 15
days from Tnrkirlfland, with fait.
Snme fchr. John Henderfon, jo days
from Cape Francois, with fttgar, logwood,
&c. to the capt and others Spoke no vcf
felt, but left a number there, names nat re
CHA.RLE /TON, Oaober 6.
On Saturday afternoon the fliips Wa(h
ington, Scott, and Sally, Campbell, both
from Liverpool, came up to town from
five fathom hole, where they had anchored
on Friday—the Ift in forty-nine, and the
last fifty-nine days pafTage.
The Captains of these vefftls informs,
that, on their paflag , they encountered se
veral as severe gales an they ever experien
ced, and met with several vefiels dismasted
and otherwise diftrefled. The heaviest gales
were on the 9th and 18th of September, the
last off the Graud Bank.
The Sally failed inrco. with the (hip Mon
tezuma for this port, and with her
two days before the storm of the 18th Sep
BOSTON, oa. .4.
. This day our harbour exhibited aplesGng
fpe&acle, in the arrival of t'rym 30 to 40
coasters, chiefly laden tfir'i wood and Uimber.
Same clay. Sch'r. Margery, Cole, Li
verpool, N. S. 6 dnys, Paffcnger, /I'jisba
Hopkins, eiq. who irfo'tms of the arrival of
the private armed brig Rovtr, God rey, of
14 gun*, ai>d 43 men, with her prize, a
Spanillt privateer, of 12 gnos and 130 men.
Capt. G. met with her Sept. 10, on the
Spnnifh M-iin, when a severe conflift ensued
lafled three glafles, and terminated in the
caoture of the Sp.inuid, notw ihftandmg
there wei# two gun bouts s {lifting. There
♦ il "'»»»•('«,
were killed on board t'.e, Spimifh priv*.
te.*r, iiicluiing the capt.— nd what is very
remarkable, adds cur informant, not, out
was either killed or wounded on board the
viftorioiis tar. ,
Capt. Rogeis, of the feh'r. Sophia, arri
ved here, left at Cape Francois, brigs Union,
of Newbury-P• rt; William, of Boftou,
both to fail in 10 days ; fell' . Two Bro
thers, of B??fton j iloopSilJy, of Wilmi: g
ton, -\nd br.g Marin, of Charleflon. Cup l ..
Gird'er failed for, Marbl:he*d, Sept io j
Capt. Sprague, fqr Bolton, 19. O ,
1, lat. 31, N. long. 73, 40, W, fpole .
fch'r. InduUry, Miller, 16 d y< from 801t..n,
t..n, for the Havannah..
clearances; -,
Ship Hannah, Wildes, for Leghorn
brigs Betl'y, Whimpeniiy, St. Sebafiians ;
Hulker, Brooks, St. 'lVmisi Peg 47,
Coatfs, St. Johns, N. F. fch'rs. P>;a a,
Pratt,. St. Vincents Ayrora, Smith, Tri
nidad ; Brothers, Fortune, Liverpool, N.S.
Diana, Brobeck, Tobago; John, Davis, C.
Francois ; Hannah, Swift, do ; Hitty, Fe
darb, Grenad u
Arrived at Salem, (hip Rising State, Put
n.m, Lisbon, 47 d ys, Left there-, capts
M'Lean, of .Hartford ; Davidfon, Glocef
ter ; Gross Portland • Spooner, Plymouth ;
Knowles, Glouccfter; wiih several i'outhero
Vefiels f; oke—OS. 2 lat 35, long 74 ship
Argo, Howland, of Bolton, 55 days from
Lo dun for Chailtfton Sept- Iy, lat 40,
long 57, fliip Induliry, of Ne.v-Bcdford,
from New York for Liverpool ?epr. 22,
lat sc, long 67, brig Atlantic, from Tr ni
dad, for BoftoH ; Is the South Channel,
Oft, I, big Mary-Ann, from Bollon, for
Captwcd and cleared ; A brig fr, m N«
York for ' the Havanna, was fant into N,"
Providence Sept 9 and the next day cleared.
The Fair American from and for do. was
also cleared. A Boston brig was cleared
Sept 16- A fliip from the East Indies f<.r
Baltimore, was cleared ; cargo 1 n trial.
THIS Morning,
A Gold Locket & Chain.
THE owner may have them by apjjlyirg at
No. 48, Market Strset, and paying the colt
of lb s adv£rtifement.
Ofti<ber 20.
To Let,
AN agreeable HOUi-'E, very pleasantly situa
ted, it is one of that himdfome row of build
ings lately tre&ed in Walnut between Seventh and
Eighth ftrcets. rkafe apply at No. 11, Ssvcntll
near Walnut •
O&obfT 20
Robert Smith & Co.
A?o. 58, South Front Street,
By the late arrivals from London, Liverpool,
Hull and Glasgow,
A general assortment of
Suitable for the season—among which are
SUPERFINE and second cloth)
Forest cloths and plains
A variety of plain, fibb'd and emhofied cafli
meres of every colour
A variety ol faihionable fwanfdown
Kendal cottons
Bocking- and Colchefler baize of every color
1 4to 11 4 rose blankets
2 1 2 and 3 do
Whit: fergesfuitahle for fadlers
Ribbed and plain calimantoes
Rattinets and lhalioons
Durants joens and bombazeens
Bomkazetts, flciped and plain,
Velvfrets, thickfetts and fancy cords
Check'd and Itriped ginghams
7-8, 4-4 11-3 cotton checks
Bed ticks, Scotch (hirtiog
Brown linens and cotton hageing
Plain and tainbor'd jaconet and book tnufiim
and handkerchiefs
Coloured tambor'd ditto
Olive, lead and blue mullins
Cambricks and lawns
Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs
Black and colored Barcelona ditto
B1 ick love ditto
Worl)«d, yarn and cotton hosiery
White and coloured threads
Tapes, qnlity and (hoc binding
An assortment of ribbons
Sewing fi!k and twiCl
Ivory and horn combs
' Shirt wires and moulds
Plain and fancy buttons
Knives and forks, penknives, fciflors, needles,
pir.s, &c.
They have also on hand,
an assortment of
, viz.
Coloured and black Lutestrings, SencHaws and
Sattins—Garrahs, Coffia, Sanas, Bafta«, Guzsenas;
oßobcr 15
District of I'cnnsyivanta to -wit:
BE it remembered thut on tie Tenth day of
July in the turenty fifth year of the Indepen
dence of the United States of America, Alexan
der AddifoH of the said Diftiidl hath depofitnl
in this office the title of a book the right where
of he claims as Author in the wordi following
[ to wit, " Reports of cases in tie County co'.irrs
of the Fifth Circuit and in the High. Court of
Errors and appeals of the State of fcnnfylvania,
and charges to Gr»r.:l juries of these
Courts. Bv Alejfind«r Addiftn. President of
the Courts of Common l s ieis i>i t c Fi.nh.Cir
cuit of the State of Pennfylv.:- n "
In conformity to the a>st of Cor.grcfsof the tlni
ted States i:ititled " for the encouragement
of learning hy fecuritlp the copies of maps cl- arti
and b 'okt to the Author t'roj i let of lauh
copies the tiniea ih< rein mentioned
* i>. Caldwell,
Clcrt of th Difrid <f Pennfyharia.
The above hook is now published. It v/ili be de
livered to fubferibers by Mr. DobLn Bocuftller
> -j:
5 • X
' dim