Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 20, 1800, Image 2

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    Thomas Orr,
No. 52,
Souih Fbont Street,
HAS received by she latrft arrivals from Lon
don, a well chosen aflortment of the fol
lowing articles:
CALICOES and Chintzes, (a great variety)
Furniture do. do.
Corded Dimities for garments and furniture
Kurants, Joans and Calimancoss
Bombazetts and Bombazeens
Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs and
Lawn bordered dn.
Jaconet and 3o: k Muslin handkerchiefs
Shawls, Gott"n and Chintz, a great variety
Do. Camrl's Hair
Hoficry, Worited and Cotton of all sizes'
Do China White and Black Silk
Table Cloths, from ? 4, to 10 by 16-4 with and
without Napkins
Thread, Giu.ze, Lawn» and Cambricks
Jaonet and Lapet* Muslins, coloured and plain
Whi'e and Black Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and
Black Mode, Peetongsand Satins
White and printed MarSVill<*s for vests
Swanfdown, striped and plaid.
Cotton Checks (five) 7-8. 4" A > 11-8, ind 6-4
Black and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs
India Baiulamia do ■sf fuper-.or quality
White, Red and Yellow Funnels
Guernsey Willed Frocks
A few dozen belt elastic Suspenders.
He has Also
Just Rcc ivfd, a welj Invoice ot
India Muslins,
Berbh&om tJurnhs Paina Baftas
Alaliabad F.merties Do Gurrahs
Company Guzzaporj Janna Marooodies.
Coflas. By the Bale or Piece.
Oilober 18.
In Market-Oreet, the 13'h inllant,
Enquire of the Printer.
OSt. ,18. <Jiw
Thomas Wotherspoon,
No. 56,
Has received by the late arrivals from Lon
don, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, a
general aflortment of
Suitable for the season—among which are
Superfine and second cloths,
Do. plain and ribb.'sl Cafiimers
Do. taftiionnble Swanfdowns
Coatings and Rocking Baizes
FUnimls and Plains
Plaid and ribb'd Calimancoes
Durants and Joans Spinnings
Black ItulTels and Bombazetts
Plain and striped Wildbores
Cloak Cambletts
Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords
Check'd and striped GingVams
White and brown Platillas
Checks and Bed-ticks
Purple and Chintz Shawls
Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs
Black and col'd Barcelona do.
White and col'd Satins, Peelongs and
Twilled black Sattitn Florentines
Wide rich stripe do.
Queen's Grey Luteflruigs
Stitching" Threads and Scarf Twifl
Dimities and Marfellois/Quiltings
Black and white Thread Laces and
Rich wide patent Law Wilt
An assortment of Ribbons
Carpets and CStfeting
Tapes, quality and shoe Bindings
Shirt Weires and Moulds
Plain and Fancy Buttons
Plain and ribb Cotton Stocking 1
Fancy Handkerchiefs and Gotten
Tahle-clisths and cotton Counterpanes
Thre id, Leaders, Ferretts and Galloons
British Muslins of every dcfcription
Ounce Thread in boxes
Coloured do. in do. .
Suitable for the Weft-India Markrt,
A few boxes »f
Madrafs Handkerchie s, a few do. Fancy
Mullins, a few do. Ginghams, entitled
to drawback.
OftoVicr 16
For Liverpool,
The American Philadelphia, cedar and live-
oat luilt
jdlilL Amiable,
SZS&flSSfeaSr Dar.iel C. TellinghaJl, majler,
Intended to fail early in November, and to return
an early spring ibip to Philadelphia—will b« ready
to take in (hottly at Pefotts wharf—For freight
or psffage, apply to the captain on board, er to
Jeremiah Warder.
Those gentleman who have goods on board the
Amiable, are reqviefted to fend their permits on
board at Gerard's wharf, above market street,
where the (hip is ready tg^difcharge.
Has fo r SaU %
Liverpool high stored fine
l»f the firft quality ; London refined fait yetre ;
London white lead, dry and ground ir oil; red
lead ; London tin plates iu fcj *e« ; Roman tea can
jf(pr - in cases; Irish linens allotted, 4 and 6 lb.
cannon, Woolwich proof, and 3 9lb foot.
Oftober >5 r 3 aw 3 w
Will be presented,. (not adcd thefc 3 years) a fa
vorite Comedy, called
Howard, Mr.. Cooper.
Albina MandevilL-, Miss Weftray,
(Her fafi appearance on this Jlage )
To which will be added a Comedy, in two
afts, called
Or, A Tragedy Rehear fed.
To concede with a grand attack on
TILBURY FORT ; and Deftru& : on of
The Armada.
CJ- On Wednesday, tbe favorite Tragedy
of Pizarro ; or the Spaniard, in Peru, with
A New Comedy, is n Rehearfa. and
will be speedily produced w;th new fcen^ry.
Box, one Dollar. Pit, three quarter, of a Dol
lar, and Gallery, half a Dollar.
1 he Door, of the Theatre will open at 1-4 past
5, and the Curtain rife at 14 pall 6 o clock.
Gentlemen and Ladie. arerequelled to lend tlieir
servant* to ke<;p places in the boxes at a quarter pall
fi»3 oMock
Landing from the ship America, IV.i/te,
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
Souchong, ift & and quality,
Captf fnuchong,
Young hyf n,
Hyson, ift & id quality,
Ytllow ft white nankeens 'S
Lutcftrings, 4i color'd (In Boxes
Sinihaws do. f afTorted,
Satt'iMt do. J
Lutestrings, niaz. blue & dark green j n
Siwfhaws do > boxes.
Persian ußctas, dark green J
Tbey have also on band for sale, received by
the late arrivals from Europe, Lfr.
") Infmallpack-
Striped and checked ginghams | ages aIT rted,
White lignred & cclor'd Muf- | calculated for
linens jfthc Weft-In-
White corded dimities I dia market &.
Color'J (ilk, llripci! Nankeens | entitled to
diw jtwtf.
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed Calicoes,
5 d 6. do.
3 Bales seine twine (Entitled to
io Cases Engl.fh Chini Mie,
in tea setts J
6 Ca<ks mineral Mark,
1 do. white,
io do. colcother,
3 Casks purple >irown,
35 do. nails afT rted,
9 do. Londim porter in bottles,
Eng'ifh fail canvrt, No. I, » & 3,
Kufiia duclc,
»7 Woxes white Havanna sugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wine,
Empty wine bottles,
10 Guns, 6 peunder?,
la do. 9 do.
18 do 9 do. with carriages, Ac.
ißo,occlbs. Cerihon coffee,
quality (Entitled to
jo,ooolbs- black pepper f drawback,
ao L«g» ebony J
May m&w tf
John Clifton, jun.
HAVINC declined his former bnfinefs, of
fers for sal* all his Dock, consisting of the
following viz.
Sixteen Anvils,
Fighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vices, with all
the other Tools neceflary for conducing the
Scaith's Business.
of different sizes, Sheathing and Draw
ing Nails, a large aflbrtrnept of Tekle Hooks
and Thimbles, Swivle Hooks, Scrapers, Hin
ges 2nd Naih, with every other description of
ready made Iron v/ork, suitable for flocking a
Ship SLith's, or (hip Chandler'* Store.
All of which he will fell on very reasonable
terms for rash or ipproved noier.
* # * Apply at No 80, Swar.fon street, South
war k.
Oflohrr 1?. nawim.
Held at Union T«wn, for the county of Fayette,
the second Monday of September, in the
-T- year of our Lord one thousand eight
[oeal) hundred, before the Honorable Alexan
der Addifon, Esquire, Prefid»nt, acd
his affeciate Judges of the fame court,
ON the petition of John BartUtt, an Insolvent
Debtor, prayiig the benefit of the adt ofGe
neral Afismbly tor the relief of Insolvent Debtors
the Court appoints the second Monday of Decem
ber next to hear the petitioner and his creditors,
and orders that n«iee thereof be publifoed three
fuccefiive weeks in the United Slates Gazette in
Philadelphia, in some daily paper in Baltimore —
in a Lexington paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay
ette Gazette, the hit publication in each, to beat
lead four weeks before the day of hearing.
By the Court,,
EPHRAIVt DOUGLASS, Prothonotary.
03ober to. ' djw.
Ibis Day Published,
By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut Street,
(Price »5 Cents)
Death of General Wajhington.
la ifaitation of the manner of OfEan.
•By Rev. John B. Linn, A.M.
yiniftcr of the First Prelbyterian Congregation
0- Mr. Chaudrou's Oratien will be publiflied
on MOl d:y morning.
N!krch 15, d-i
October io.
About 5 tons of Spikes,
At a County Court of Common
Gazette of the United States.
Eigh' percent (lock —ioS per cent.
Sixpcrccit. and Tg or| ,« 10/
Navy ditt» J
Deferred t per cent 86 1-4 17/5
Three per wnt. 5i I" 1 ,0 /8
5 l-t per cent. 85 llf
41-1 per cent none it market
BANK United ScMes, 35 p. cent advan. ~\
fcnnfylvatfia, 3 I ditto (
N. A merit a .51 ' ditto f
Insurance C». Ffiins'a lo ditto J
■ Sorth America 11a 15 per cent.")
below pal—uominal J
Turnpike - 15© « a6o dolls. 300
Schuylkill Bridge - par 10
Loan, 87.5 a9O dolls. 100
Land Wariants 15 do'ds. 100 acrc« 110 m. ■
St Augujiint CLur.J Lottery TiMts, 9 Jollari
On London at 60 <!«>-» 71 «
On Amftcrdaru, do 39 "4 J cent" )
[per Floral >
On Hamh*rgh do 36 a3 7 cents \
[per Mark Bancs'^
Rates of Foreign Coins and Curren
rencies in tbe United States—per
act of Congres for payment of Du
Dolts. Cts. I
Erigiifli pound sterling 4 44 '
Iriifi ito do 4 10 (
Du'ch "1-(ih or OuiUer 040 (
Hamburgh Mirk Banco o 33 I 3 J
The fubiVriber having frequently
heard complaints o 1 the want of accuracy in
the price.current of public stock, has conclud
ed to fit r«i !li the "O alette of the Unitod States,
occafioiially (if called fur) with what may* in
his opinion be enfidrred the Market Prices
of Stock, and tie Rates of Exchange.
Cbesnut street, No. 143.
The ufeful reading of the Editor of the
Walpole paper has furniltied him with the
following fenlible extraft, which we will in
sert together with t>is sensible commentary
" In the lite of Akenside, Johnson has
given a faithful and correft delineation of a
modern democrat—" He certainly retained
an unnecessary and outrageous zeal for
what he called, and thought Liberty ; a zea!,
which sometimes disguises fiom the world,
and not rarely fiom the mind, which it pos
sesses, an envious delire ofplundering wealth
or degrading greatness ; and of which the
immediate tendency is innovation and an
archy, an impetuous eagtrnefs to subvert
and confound wich very little care wiiat
fhatl be ellablifhtd—a more perfefl portrait
of a Jacobin diforganizer of the present day,
can not poflibly be drjwn than is contained
in the above Ikatchof the character of A
kenfide. v - (
It it a fad that the unprincipled Char i es
Foi, whom the filly dolts of American De
mocracy are so much in the habit of admi
ring did, when in power and colleague
with Lord North, declare that ' the Peop e
had no wife, except within the walls of St
Stephen's Chapel. ' From venal and French
motives he is now a bcllower for re
form and the misguided people, now be
lieve and call him their fritnd ! I Truly,
he is a good Patriot, clof. ly refemMing
rogues of the fame patriotic dcfcriptiou
that we are cursed with in America.
But surely John Hancock and Sam Adams
are not of the number.
On Saturday last, at four o'clock in the
afternoon, the Corner Stone of the perma
nent Bridge on Sjhuykill was laid with the
usual formalities, in the pref.-nce of the
President and Directors of the bridge com
pany the Mayor, Aldermen, end Mem
bers of the Selefl and Common Councils ps
the city of Philadelphia, and a number of
other Citizen? ; after which the company
partook of a cold collation which had been
prepared tor the occafi >n. On the founda
tion ftorie the initials of the following Words
are inscribed :
" The first Stone of tbe Sctuyltill per
manent Bridge was laid October 18 9 1800,
by John Lewis, Mason."
The tremendous gale which blew yefler
day, we apprehend has done conliderable
The bridge at Nefliiimmany, and those
acrofc the Schuylkill, it is said, have been
carried away.
Gereral C. C. Pincknry is proposed in
the Charleston papers, as a Senator of the
United States.
A Wilmington Editor fays, we have re
ceived return", which we believe to b= cor
reft, from all the counties in Maryland ex
cept Alleghany- . The Members of the State
Legislature Stand thus—Federal, 32 —Re
public m, 44-
Mrjor Thomas Pi'nckney declines being a
candidate to rep efent the diftrift of Char
leston in the next Congress of the United
The moderate fiim expended on Mr. Jay's
Miifiofl to England would form a striking
contrast «ithjtbofc of the two Miflbrs to
France, exclusive of Monroe's.—But France
is a dear filler Republic, and « that attounh
for if,"
For ihe J4 hours preceding Wednesday
morning, fun-rife, there wire 6 deaths in
Baltimore and its vicinity.
Prices of Public Stock,
Philadelphia, October ao.
Par amount
of a Jbare
A correspondent wifhts t6 be informed
whether, when Sloan of Gloucester
County attended the Slab-town meeting, in
Burlington County, his objedl was to soli
cit the military Hero (Chairman of the said
Slab-town meeting) to take command of
the twenty thaufand Frenchmen, whose
bayonets only, he fays, can open our eyes
to f«e what true liberty is.
A friend to the General•
No news has been received by the veffeJ
arrived at Portland, from Li»eipJol» in a
short palfage.
Captain Wakefirld, arrived at Norfolk
the 9th inft. from Havanna in 19 days, in
forms, that an EMBARGO wa< laid 011 at
the Havanna, in confcquenci; of the intended
failing of fomc line of battle (hips with mo
ney for Spajn. The schooner Hannah,
captain Peck, has pst into Havanna, in dd
trel's, wliilll on her patTacre from Jamaica to
From Captain Daly of the (hip Fabius,
from liio Janeiro, we learn that the two
French fr g'ltes which failed from La Plata,
had captured a lliip from Portsmouth, N.H.
and a schooner from Boflon, both with va
luable cargoes, and bound to La Plata ; that
they afterwards fell in with a Britifli 64,
having several outward bound Indiamen un
der her convoy, and were both captured and
brought into Rio Janeiro, previous t» the
Fabius' leaving that port. They had a con
(iderable futn in specie on board.
Captain Fryer,
From St. Kitts. arrived at Norfolk, in
forms, that the day before he arrived at St.
Kilt's, a veffrl came up from Curracoa, hav
ing two gentlemen on board with a petiti
on to Commodore Decatur, of the Philadel
phia frigate ; the purport of which was to
claim afiillance and protection for Ameri
can property in that island ; not finding the
Commodore there, they consulted the agent
and Captains of the United States ships of
war there ; and two frigates failed Tom
Old Roads, on the 15th September for that
purpose: and the schooner that brought
the petition failed in search of the Commo
dore. The gentlemen from Curracoa, in
formed that fifteen or sixteen fail of priva
teers, with between 800 and 1000 soldiers
had gone down that .the
troops had been landed on the south fide of
Curracoa, and obtained possession of a small
The schooner Razor, Johnfton, was at
St. Thomas s.
The brig Two Brothers, Griffiths, was
at Nevis.
Directions for Mariners.
Mr. Wm. Lord of Stonington-point, has
eretted an Iron Spear about 13-fert long,
with a white vane on the top, upon thr
rock of Lattimer, in Kilhers Tfland Sound.
The deepefl channel is to the northward of
the This gentleman has it in con
templation if fnitablt encouragement Should
be given 6y gentlemen from the e ftward,
and weH>vaid, who arc owners cf navigation,
and arc conQantly puffing the found, to
er ft a spear upon what is called tlie
of Watch-hill-reef ; another npoii Katum
fcat rock, upon the lame reef; one upqn
lillis's reef which lies off Ranis-Illind and
is ilinoft in the middle of the fouiid. Thrfe
rocks are seldom any of them out of water,
and much in the way of confers up and
down the found, who are unacquainted -
Ext'aS *f a letter Jrom a grnt'eman in St.
Thomas's to his jriend in Norfolk, received
by, captain* Fryer.
«« Since my departure ftom Guadaloup-,
I was drove in o St Martins, a French port,
by an Englilh frigate. I was from St.
Bartholomews, in aSweedilh schooner bound
to this place. I was there treated very
politely, and saw there Geo. Rigtud from
St Domingo. A can el was . waiting far
for him from G*adaloupe from which place
he was to embark in a fchoener for France."
DlED]—on Saturday evening last, in j
the 86thyearof his age, PETER KEEVE,
tUe oldelt Sea Captain belonging to the
Port of Philadelphia. He was a native of
Whitby in Great Britain, mid carne to this
city in the year 1720, from which he failed
many years. In his more advanced ag< he
retired from this attive fee 11c of life, and de
voted his time to the service of several ufeful ,
and public institutions, in which he acquit
ted himfelf to the great fttisfattion of his
fellow citizens who preferred him to tliele
appointments. His attachment to good or
der in govern merit was obvious to all his ac
! quaintance, and his zeal to support it was
ruanifefted, by his conflant attendance at our
annual ele&ions, at which he is known to
j have voted fifty-five times
,on the 16th inflant at Baltimore,
Marylai d. in his 28thyeir, Philip Edwards,
Esq. Lieutenant of Marines, and late Editor
and Proprietor of the Maryland Journal.
From « Baflatore Paper received ly capt
Fryer, Arrived at Norfolk
BASSETERUE, Sept. 9, iSco. I
This day was brought in here by ths
Jnited States fch oner Entcrprize, JcUn
Shaw, esq. commauder, the French li'sger
letter of marque Guadatoupean, from Point
a Pitre for Bourdeanx, with a rich cargo of
Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Cotton, on board
of her are four sailors, supposed to have run
away with the Diana of Nevis it is hoped
some one will recognize them that thsy may
be brought tojuftice and receive the reward
justly due thrm.
Also was fentin the (hip Seahorse, recap
tured by the U- S. frigate John Adama,
George Cro'9, Esq. commander, with a
cargo of fiih, lumber, beef, &c.
/U' ■ '■"< >X' V-'. jt -*>
A Proclamation.
vania, «. J
And by the authority of the Commonwealth
Of the said Commoeiveahb,
WHEREAS !t is declared by
the Constitution of the-U
---nited States, that, for the purpose of:
elefting a President and Vice-Presi
dent, " Each state (hall appoint, in
such manner as the Legislature there
of may direst, a number ofEleftors,
equal to the whole number of Sena
tors and Representatives, to which the
state may be entitled in Congress
—And -whereas the Legislature of
Penniylvania hais omitted todire&the
manner in which this state (hall ap
point the Eleftors of a President and
Vice-President; to be chosen at the
next ensuing ele&ion for that pur
pose to be holden : and the ordinary
period prescribed by the Constitution
of this Commonwealth, for the an
nual session of the General AfTembly
will not arrive until the said next en-'
filing election of a President and Vice
President has been holden and com
pleted, conformably to the Constitu
tion and Laws of the United States:
And whereas it is incumjbent on the
Executive Magistrate of this Com
monwealth, as far as his power and
jurifdi&ion extend, to take care thac
the Laws be faithfully executed : and
more especially, that the Constituti
on of the United States, as well as
of the state, (the supreme laws of the
land) be preserved entire and opera-"
tive in all the provisions thereof :
NOW\ a&uated by motives of official
duty, imprefled with a just sense of
the importance of the objeft, and de
sirous to avoid, on my part, every
cause of reproach and responsibility,
I have deemed it expedient to con
vene the General AlTembly, to the in
tent, that, on this extraordinary occa
sion, the Legislature *iay poflefs an
opportunity of fulfilling its Federal
obligations, the state may enjoy its
legitimate influence in the Councils of
the Union, and the National Gov
ernment may derive energy and lia
bility from a regular organization
of its departments.
1 HEREFuRE, and by virtue of
the authority to me in such cafe giv
en, in and by the Constitution of
the Commonwealth, I have iflited
this Proclamation, hereby convening
the General Afiembly, to hold afef
fion on Wednesday the Fifth Day of
November next, at the Court House
in the borough of Lancaiter : And,
of whiph time and place of convening,
all persons therein concerned are re- *
quired to take notice.
Given under my hand, and the
Great eal of the State, at
Lancaster, the eighteenth day
of Oftober, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight
hundred, and of the Com
monwealth the twenty-fifth:
A. J. Dallas, Secretary of the
Semouslt alarming !
Extraft of a letter from Montgomery Coun-
ty, Pennfyivania, Oftober 18.
"We arc very much alarmed for our eti
fuing crop of wheat, from the Heffiau Fly
having appeared to a most extraordinary de
gree amongst what has been early sown.
One of my neighbours is ploughing up
what he had put in. as it was too much
damaged to produce any thing, and means,
to sow it over again. The dread of thia
evil induced me to sow so late that I cannot
y»t tell the fate of mine ; a quant ty having
sprung up early in my stubble field, I have
j carefully examined it, and find almost eve
rv (talk infefted with the Fly- I with my
brother farmers would immediately examine
their wheat, as it is not yet too late to fnw
it atsew. if what they have already sown
appears to be deltroyed. One of the bell
crops I ever had was sown in November I
have sown a strip of rye round my field and
a flrip acrofsit, which some persons think
will prevent the mildew, to which the late
sowing* are exposed ; I tlii• k the experi
ment worth tryin , and that there is a pro
bability of its being f»ccrf»(ul. It may be
of ute to give this notice immediate and
gener3l circulation."
AN apprentice
At the Office of the Gazelle of the United,
July 6