Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 20, 1800, Image 1
NUMSFU 2516.^ c 3" The following Duties ate such as atife on Importations in American VelTels. An Additional Duty of Ten per Cent, is imposed on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize Imported in Foreign Bottoms, ■» ~ vVhoieWie From" lo nuTIES . , VynulcUic tiom to DlITII!S ~ Whokfale ~ from lo Whulefale" 1 From i'o " " CURRENT PRICE 7j D. Ci D. C: CURHKNT PHICK. IS D. C. D. £ CURRENT PRICE. D. C. D. C. | PRICE. J"? D. C. D. C. DUT I«S. ALLUM C 9 Free Martin Ik 50 "] Shingles, 3 ft. drefl M2B j Soanifl , 7 ~Ti Almonds ib 22 15 prctad V Grey Fox 47 2 feet R 8 Rum, Jamaio. " ,33 r 37 Anchors U I 2* ditto. , Red Fox 1 18 inches 5 Antfrm ,12 1,1 8 13,l 3 , '^ Allies pot none Racoon 33 53 Lime, bll StCrob 1,0 3 !"J BACON Ib .OH j F,flier 50 , Lard.hogs lb i; i 6 .. Windwaro ~o - 3 Beef, mess B '4 Bear 150 3 [\/|" VCE 6 650 15 prct ad v New-Englaru' 14 prime 12 13 , Wildcat 40 50 ! IYI Madder 26 28 ") Gin, Hollano 115 120»to 2 ™r rr cargo 9 southern 2; Mahogany, Bay F V- Free. Apple Brandy <0 57 S Beer 6 1 Deer in hair, fail Ib. I 6 *7 St. Domingo 40 J Rye ' 51, 60 Bread, (hip C 4 [ Ditto red 25 J Molafles, W. India G 50 60 5 cts per gal Staves, wt.Oak pi™ M 69 33 pilo* 8 9 j Fufltf r Sugar house 73 78 Hhd. 40 Braziletto T6O 1 INGER,RaceC 10 market. 15 prct ad \ Mull. Fl. in Bottles dz 120 15 pctad v Heading 40 Bricks M 650 V_X do. Jam. grd. lb 12 14 do T\T AILS, 3d lb Red Oak 50 Stock 26 27 Ginfang 1 i j Leosran 26 67 Br-imflone, roll C 4 4S° I Glass, Wiud. Bbylobx 11 11 JO IJ pet ad v 6d 16 1? |•- u Ban r el 26 Butter in kegs lb >5 16 I 7 9 d ° 8d ,5 / ™ Steel, German b ,6 ") CANDLESdipt 16 17 Glue lb 15 io j "3(2 I£ £ Z English bWfered fa iif 4 L lO ° c «nt3 mod-' 20 jSram, Wheat bu 160 180 l2 d i 3 J % J> ° « Crowley's Ti 7 S c 18 j per C. Spermaceti 5° Rye 67 73 2 cd j 2 | American 1 4 0 .44 Cards, wool Indian corn 74 77 Cut do. 3d 13 Starch Ib io ir (5 prct ad Cnffia 75 8c Isprctadv Oats 43 46 4d 13 14 Sugar, Haran.white 15 50 16 3 cts per lb Cheese, Englifli 33 7 tents. Grain, Barley bu 67 1 6d i 2 | Browi 1,4 ,2 do American 'l bed (helled lb 6 11 . | India; ifl qualit) bx 13 14. 2 do Chocolate, Bollon 26 Gunpowder Eng. kg 10 12 iod IC 4 Muscovado <: , j 2 <]„ Pliilad. 27 do Ainer. 8 50 i 2 d ,0 Lump .fe 26 6£ do Cinnafnen none T T AMS, Pork Ib 14 15 2od lo Loaf, single res. 28 9 do Cloves 1 3° « <s° 15 prct ad. v XJ. Hair-powder 15 pet ad % Nankeens, long p 1 p ct ad v N. C. B 250 3 Clover feed, red lb 20 da Hemp, Ruffm T 280 300 100 cts p C (liort I do J_ jersey 125 white 20 Hides, La Guira Ib 10 "J Nutmegs Ib 6 65015Pct ad % Tallow, Rulfia ,b 14 12 per cent. Timothy bu 4 St.Domingo 10 >- Fr.e ; ILFlor. j c fla. 12 7 Diuo Americar 14 Herd grit fs 1 5° Green 3I J Cocoa C 24 26 2 cts pr lb Hoops,Hhds. (hav»ti M Oil. com. Whale G 45 jo Young Hyfor !, 2 (32 cents Coffee it) 2 5 27 5 cents Hogs-lard lb 16 Spermacetti. 60 70 Hyson 120 J IKr lb Goal, foreign bu 5 cents bufliel Honey, country ga none at market Tanners B ij Hyson Skin 80 83 20 do Virginia 3° 33 Havannah dj 80 86 Lintfeed G 86 90 Souchong 18 ds Cotton St. Domingo lb 3 3 47 ?. cents pr lb ' SOnions, bt. Boliea j7 12 do Surrinam 5° 5 Barrel poles 100 ropes 6 7 Tin in plates l ix 18 Free Georgia sea ifl. 45 TNDIGO, !b T)EAS 4.0 4° lobacco C upland 29 3° A St.Domingo I 125 1 L Pepper black lb 37 42 Richmond old 6 Cordage, American C '4 I lie of France 125 25 cts plb Pimento, Jam. "13 6 cts per lb do nc* 6 Ruflia, tar,« :1 11 5° ißocentsprC. New-Orleans I 7 112 J Pitch B 4 cents Peterfburgli 5 Copper, pot, flieets, lb 60 1 ) Carolina _ 60 1 Plainer, Paris T 10 10 50 Frederickfburg s Bottoms 4o I Fre« Iron Callings T 74 67 80 Pork Burlington, B 18 19 Maryland Pat. (heath. j P'g 34 Carolina 1 Georgia 4 7S / Copperas C 35° 4 do Country Bar 11-5 33 ic6 67 Porter, Lond. draft Jctspg&io: Carolina 4 75 5 Corks 4s 33 43 Rwlfia B.;r ioo ) 12-{-p ct 2jo 3 on bot. ad v [' w ine, Seine ''b 400 cts Currants, Zant Sweden 110 120 ?" u d va ) Philadelphia bot. 110 120 do Sewing 46 $ per cwt. DUCK, Ravenop 11 75 12 ") I2 I oerrt Sheet 226 6 7 240 J Peail, Penn. patent 8 9 Turpentine B 2 50 Ruflia fall '4 '7 5° > i,d val L Hoops 133 33 138 67 T> AISINS. bed kg 9 10 15 pctad v 1 fpiritsv ?a +e Holland scarce J ' ' Nail-rods 121 33 122 67 [XV Bloom & mufl< bx 4S® 5 ! Varnifl "33 i S FEATHERS Ib 45 5° T EAD, Bar r IJO I6i centpll) Redwood, ground lb 20 30 I TT INEGAR, .fa yiilnCoddry qu 45° 5 -Li Sheet J i<ice, C 5 j y Wint 50 do. pickled Lead white,gr. in oil 14 50 ij 15 pctad v R 0 f II1( B I Cydei 18 20 Salmon do. B 9 10 Leather, foal 'b 20 ,do P ALT, Allum bu 80 85 Varnidj 23 25 do. fmoaked Lemons, Lisbon. bx 7 g J Cadiz 80 . j ee note » Verdigreafe 80 Shad B 75° " Malaga, 10 Lisbon 80 8j Vermillion 2 MackVel 6 850 Cadiz 5 , Liverpool fine 52 X TXT AX, Bees !b 30 Herrings 4 425 Lime flone H 525 _ <o St. Ub s 80 85 Free. ( yy Whalebone Flax lb 13 scarce 1 Lignumvita: T65 Salt petre refined ' b 27 30 l 2» P ct a d v Wines, Madeira P 160 200 40 to 50 eg Flaxfeed H 850 Logwood 50 do S iil cloth En. No. 1 >'d Bell Lond. partic. ,240 UotojS do Flour, fupsrfine B 9 9 2 S Lumber Segars, Spanish 8 10 Sberry ? a 112 125 40 cents common BJJ Bjo u Boards, Cedar \f 25 America 2 12-r per cent Lisbon P 160 17 3° do Burr middlings 650 7 | White Pine 19 33 Sheeting, Ruflia 17 75 1 cent per lb Teneriffe '3 85 93 28 do, Rye meal 45° 5 | Ditto Pannel 27 28 Shot 75° 8 Malaga 80 8.5 do Indian meal 450 5 Inch fc qr. do. 53 33 Snuff, in Bladdars lb 33 Fayal 68 70 28 do Ship fluff C 213 233 Heart Pine 28 Bottles r 'z g p ort none at market 3° do Furs, Otter fk 333 .160 ~J Sap 14 Rappee 694 2 cents per lb Claret, fupw Bourd'x Beaver lb 1 2 Oak Scantling 18 Soap, Caflile Ib 20 22 calks 60 gals. 40 45 40 pr ct ad T Sral >Free Hemlock Io 12 Brown 9 10 Old fuperfiuecargo 60 do ' Mink fk 33 Red Cedar Ft 50 White 13 ?P" g a 'l°n Mufkrat, 33 j Spirits, G i 33 139 5 P 2 5 c Brandy, French i 1 50 I 1 ♦ , , • , » I * I \ • * Note. Salt weighing more than 56 lb. per bushel, pays 20 cents per 56 fbs. per bulhel or less, 20 eents per bushel, in American veflels ; if in foreign veflWs 22 cents.—".From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond 20 per cent is added to the cost of all goods paying an advalorem duty." f The aforementioned rate of duties upon Teas refpett tholVimported dire&ly from India—lf from Europe, bohea tea pays i4< souchong 21, imperial and hyson 40 cents per lb. If from any other place, bohea pays 17, souchong 27, imperial and hyson 50 cts per lb. in American bottoms. In Foreign bottoms from Eu-ope, 17 1-5,27,50 cents per lb. From any other place, 18, 7-10, 29 7-10, 55 cents per lb. All dutied articles, imported into the United States, not having bien landed more than one year, are allowed a drawback of the duties fuhjedl to a dedudtion of one per cent except spirits, which is one half ce<ilt per gallon, | Of thole articles that hate 110 price affixed to them, their is either none at market, or such price cannot b» ascertained as to depei.d Upon it. Landing, From the Ihio Farmer, captain Gibfon, from Ham burg, a large affurtmcnt of Linens and otl er Goods, among whicU ar« an invoice of 53 bales Of real French Britannias, 6 and 7 4. which are offered for file on reasonable terms for approved paper, or in barter for W ell-India produce. Britannia#, real French, Bocca^iHos 6 and 7-4. Bielefeld Linens Britannias Selefias Siamoifo j,aces plattillias Royales Tapes ol fev.ral kinds Ellopillas of all defcrip- Decanters t ; on9 QMirt and pint tumblers Crsas a la Morhix Trav=Mu(j Cases Checks No. fc Striken Glass Beads, violins and 609 B»xes of Bohemia White Window Glass, of the firft quality, 7 by 9. 8 by is, 9 by 11, 10 by ii and upwards. ON HAND, Of late Importation : Eftopi'.las, Bt ccadillot, Quadruple Sclifias, Dow las, Coutils, Liftadbes, blberleldt fine Chtcks, Bed parchet, Flinders Bed "1 tcks, 1 apes ot all descriptions, Cd*ce Mills, Scythes, Decanters, •Gil Tumblers, Travelling Cases, Sea.uig Wax, Quills and Demijohn v —Apply to JACOB SPEKRS W Co. O(Sober 6 d<ot w& ~ FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica B«Kly, Englifc. Chiles, Composing Sticks, and ajrrea varifty of articles necetTiry to carry on the kTtn i»ir B ftnefs. They will be fold cheap tar cafii Apply to the Printer. Gazette of the United States & Daily Advertiser. PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, IN DOLL/.RS AND Cents, Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, e No. 10, south Fifth street, TANUFACTURES mill, cross cut ami pitt i.VJ. saws, equal in qualify, appearance and ftape to any ever imported; which be fell# wholesale at the following price*—6 feet mill fa».'» 5I -1 dol lar each ; cross-cut do 50 cents per foot; pitt do. 60.cents per foot. Wood-Cutters curt steel saws, and every other ;s ItinJ, male to any particular direction. o<9ober to mul Im Stop Thief! '» THIRTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN-4WAV from the Snbfcriber, or Sunday igrh inft. late in the evening, an indented Mulatto Boy,aged 17 years, engaged by the name ■- t f Joseph Brown, faying himfslf to he In m Lan -5l carter or that neighborhood ; he is fliff set, has a ll round face, fhort'bair, large ni'.uth, failing coun s, tenance, dull fpc#ch, big tan-is and feet and he c j has no beard. He- may dp fs frmfelf with a gen. teetcoat of light drab colour, wHte buttons, and blick cape, He wears a good round black hat. He hasflolcn Irom the fubferibsr upwards of xco - dollars in cash and value of other objects. Wh< e ver will apprch. nd and secure him with as much value abuutuim « ill rec ivc the ahove reward, ar.>4 10 dollars if the young villain can only be 1- brought to coud'gr. LuniftFnent. FFLIX PASCAI.IS, |i No. 70 Sonth Street. Sept. 19. eojip By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, S.outhFront-flreet. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, 'OCTOBER aO , 1800. For Sale, JT THE NEW PII.OT BUII.T kCHOONBR gME# ST. TAMMANY, at Say's Wharf, above Market Street, burthen 70 fins, luppoled to be a remarkable fall failing veflel, ai.d may befit ted for lea in a few (lays, Inventory to be leen and terms of file known by applying to the sub scriber. CROOKE STEVENSON. No. 4, Soulh Wa'cr Sired. ALSO, FOB SALE, llhds- Mtifcovadj, Sugar. White and brown Havavftah difo in boxes. East India do, in bags. We/t India an<l Cmntry Rum. 100 Hhds. Molalfes. Holland Gin French and Spanish Brandy. Pepper, Ct flfee, &c. Aiivuftq. fatu& Just Received, And will be Sold Very Low, if applied for immediately, by the Package only' S Bales Broad-CUxhs, affortej, Q I Bale Plains an 1 Forefi clothi, I Do. fine Coatings, affoited, • _3.c ao Do. Kendall Cottons, 5 * ao Hogsheads Seina Twine, I rj 4 Calks London Pewter, J Apply to WILLIAM FRENCH, No. 48, Sciith Front flrcct. September 30. Dat 3c eodiw. Landing• At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING OF ; Surinam Molasses, - ■ Of an e*eclle»t quality, in hogsheads, tierces and ) barrels, And about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, For Sale bt Wharton £s? Lewis, No. irjjfcuth Front Ilreet. oitaber 9 tu th fa tf Marshal's Sales. UNITED STATES > Pennsylvania District, $ PURSU ANT te the diredlions of the Honorak le Benjamin StoildarJ, Secretary Of the Navy, will be exposed to public sale, at the merchants's coffee houfe,in the city of Philadelphia, on Mon day the 20th d*y of October inftartt, at 7 o'clock in the evening, Tbc two French schooners ca'.'.cd ST - J OHN ANI) VICTOIRE, Now lying at Brown's wharf, wW I Hi. Together with all and Angular their taskle, apparel and appurtenances. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marfliall's Office, ? ' Philadelphia, Oslo. 10, 13ooS mwt tS 3^ ■October 20, 1800. c ' Mary Beck, RESPECTFULLY intorms her Friends and the Public, that she intends opening her Seledl SCHOOL on the firll of Oiloher, in Fifth near Walnut Street, opposite the State House Yard, * where ftie will a.- usual, teach the branches 9f po- I lite and *feful literature, including Geography, Astronomy, Writing, Arithmetic, and every ac complishment neceflary (o form a complete liberal education. Young Ladies may be accommodated with Board, &c. in the House, which is very airy and healthy. Mr. G. Beck's Drawing and Painting School will commence at the fame time. feptember »o tu thic fa im Virginia Tobacco. NOW LANDING, At Jackson and Morris's Wharf, from the Sloop Liberty, 40 Hog the ads of prime Richmond Tobacco, 'For sale by WALKER & KENNEDY. Who have also on band, 16 liogfliea-ls of Old Tobacco, luitable for the rnanufatturerF, and 40 kegs of Twist Tobacco. Oitolier 13. 3f. 'of v *- \VOLUME XVill,