I to 'By this Days Mail -* BOSTON, Oftpbcr 14, The President of the United States is. on a journey from Quincy, to the city of Wash ington. PRO PEC r OF NEWS. I .aft Thorfday night, the ship Cornelia, Captain Prince arrived at Portland from Li verpool, which she left September 3. No news by her has yet been received in town. The mail for Portland is due this evening. NEW-BEDFORD, Oftofeer 14. LOSS OF SHIP HOPE. Last evening arrived in town, Elihu Doty, late mailer of the (hip Hope, of thi.-. port, by whom we learn the lol» of that fl ip— the following particulars of which diftrefTirig event, arc hastily c Heft d from his protest, made at Poitfm'outh. She failed from Wilmington, N C on the 19th Aug. for jimaica, laden with lumber and corn—on the 6th Sept, in lat 26 00 N long 69 30 W. met with a fe vcre gale of wind—on the Bth, the gale in creased, and the ship leaked .0 much that liotwithftanding the deck-load wa« thrown over, and every xertion made at the pumps, at 11 o'clock P. M. ihe water came over the cabin floor ; the wind at this time blow ing so excefiively as to bring fait wa ter over the vcffel, f > as to endanger smoth ering a nan on deck, in addition to the rain which we supposed had be n incessant & very hard for 24 hours, as it had b en almost as dark at noon as at night, but the rain could not be distinguished from the drift of the sea, which flew over the mast heads ; it was now found eceffary to cut away all three of she mads to prevent the ship from upfeting ; at 12 o'clock at night the ship was entirely filled with water, aud a high sea beating over he ; John Bolter, a seaman, was waftied overboard and drow- ; net* : the reft of t c people, 7 in number ' fecared themselves by lafhiwgs ,at 4 'cl ck A. M. on the 9th, the gale, which for 30 hours had seemed continually to increale, abated a little, when it was found that three wax candles, were every eatable thing that could bt obtained, and no frsfh water ; found a drowned rat, and laid it afi 'e. The diftreffts of the people from this time till the 17th, are hardly to be described on the 10th, they eat pm of the rat, also found a pi ce of pork ; the 12th, obtained more meat, but their throats were too much parched to swallow ; very hot weather for ' several days pad, and wind light : from a shower in the evening caught a little water great temptation drank so much as to have very pr judicial effefts : 15th, high sea, deck 1 began to rip up ; 16th, good weather ; 17 th, were takju off by ship Mercury, Capi. JacotrTrcdwell. of Portsmouth. and arrived at that port on the 2d Oft—The next day, Mark l amb, one of the seamen, who bad been si k from the 21ft Sept died-* Ro bert Collet, the ad mate, had died previous 'to the gale. NE W.LONDON, Oftobcr 14. On,the- Bth of October itiflant.at a fpect al Diftrift Court, held at this place, on the trial of the schooner Vengeance, late ly captured and brought imo this port, by the United States (hip Trumbull, David Jewett, Esq. (ominaiid«r; when tbe the laid schooner being an armed «e(Tel, mount ing 10 guns, and manned with a large number of the adherents of General Rigand, was condemned, with her cargo, confiding ot' specie, bullion. &c. which they had eol lefled and were attempting to flee with from Jeremie in the island of St Domingo to Cuba but being intercepted by the vigilance of the Trumbull, have loft their plunder, which perhaps was not acquired in the mod honorable way. The Vengeance and her cargo are by said decree ordered to be diftribued to the Unit d States and the Officers and Crew of the Trumbull, in pursuance of the law of the United States in fu«.h a cafe made and provided. At the fame time came on the trial of the schooner Tuliie, taken by the fame (hip, which was by decree of this court acquitted, it appearing that fhc was not an armed v&flel, and that the only objeft Charles Seys, ECq. the claimant could have in view was to escape with his wife aud children from the Vengeance of General Tomflant, who bad conquered that part of Hifpaniola, which had been in thepofTeffion of Rigaud. The property of the schooner Tuillie was instantly returned by Capt. Jewett. to said j Charles Seys, the claimant. John Clifton, jun. HAVINC declined his formet business, of fers for lilt ali his flock, confining of the following articles, via. Sixteen Anvils, Eighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vices, with all the other Tools neceiT.ry for condudling the Saith's Business. ALSO, About 5 toils of Spikes, of different size?, jocoib. Sheathing and Draw ing Nails, a large afftrl merit of Tekle Honks and Thimbles, Swivle Hooks, Scraper 9, Hin ges and Nails, with every other defcriptiop of ready made Iron work, suitable for (locking a Ship SLith's, or (h : p Chandler's Store. All of which he will fell on very rtafonable terms for cash or approvtd nojes. Apply at No. 80, Swar.fanfttcet, South *ark. Ofloher ij• AN APP-RENTICE WAWfED, At ike Office of the Gazette of the United July, ,6 IN purfnance of an aft of the General Aflembly, entitled " An aft to raise and colleft County RateS and Levies, pas sed 1 ith April, 1799. We, the subscribers, Commifiioners of Hnntingdon Gounty, Do He-ebt Give No* lice to all persons who are holders of unset tled land, in the County of Huntingdon, that it appears to us by the retnrns made by thfe cotleftors of taxks of the different townships, within said county •, that the following trafts are unoccupied, and with out effects thereon ; from which the pay ment of the taxes now due may be procu red. Therefore in confetjuence of said returns will be exposed to (ale acfcordmg to the di rections of the above mentioned aft of as le.nbly.—The following described trafts of hnd of such part of each as may prove fuffi cient to dilcharge all the taxes, now due and the necessary charges. Provided the owners or their agents, do not pay such taxes and charges, on or before the Third Ms»day in November nexti Given under our hands this ninth day of Augufl, iSoa. HUGH MORRISON ")=>3 JOHN STEEL f. § 3 yOUN CADWALLADER. J3 I* Aileghany-Townfhip. Ie Jtrn. Dolls. Cts. Ie 300 Simuel Holliday 3 O 104. Peter Proagh 2 79 at 103 3®fliu» Collins * 3 59 1t 200 JefTe Newwark 5 65 380 Thomas Newark 95 id 389 William King 7 4.4 r, 'i° Janies Welch, part r _ of Alexander Miller ' 38 r 243 Robert MilL-r, W. k V.anch of Sufquehannah 296 O 4 35 William Coles 7 8 42* Samuel Irwin § :e 43S Thomas Hewflon 5 62 lt 282 Schuyler Brndl'o/d 3 66 .150 Geo. Guthrie, part of susannah HayneS 3 82 is 2I S Allifon, right of Alrxander M'Cafliland 4 n 0 ' 4 11 Alexander Barclay 422 j 3 11 Charles Gough 316 229 John Kelfo 2 41 ! 200 J imes Thompfen 3 7 174 Daniel Cryder, part r I J amas.Th'unpfon 8 34 | 3'4 Richard Brownllon ' 2 17 470 John sturruni, fen. 2 Co k ' 200 John Ewing 1 60 200 William Ewing 2 33 ' \iO-> Robert Campbell, j | part of John Ewing 083 200' Hugh Hodee 1 66 j '4' William Parker 2 95 1 1,0 Alex. M'Hatton 2 63 269 Archibald M'Aeely 6 7# 2co Frederick Hanger 3 -4 ' 3+i 1-2 DaviJ Loaf 7 97 324 John Moore 3 , 0 2-'9 Geo. Duflield, 3 5 373 Do. do. do 4 28 100 P.-ter Titus 1 jj 377 Charles Gobbin 2 49 1 433 Jacob smith 2 81 422 Phillip Bower 2 74 410 Jl'aac Riehardfon 2 66 \ 412 Jonathan Walker 2 71 43° Jofiah Hains. , 2 78 ' ' 431 Benjamin Young 283 ' 483 J«hn Jones 2 437 George Rofs 3 27 | 4 5 Do. do jl2 ' 433 Thoma* Martin 2 81 ' ' 433 James Tiofs 281 433 Jacob Martin 2 81 433 Daniel Levi 2 g, 433 Philip Gloninger 2 81 ' 433 Martin Slaugh 2 81 , 433 Philip Thomas 2 g, 433 Adam Bignarc 3 g, _ 433 John Trifler 2 81 , 433 John Stine j 81 , 433 Robert MartiV 2 g { i 433 Alexander Hunter 2 81 433 ' amuel Scott 2 g, , 433 Robert Fleming 2 g, / 433 Abraham Scott 2 81 , 433 John Gundicker 2 g, , 410 John Brady 2 78 .4 433 Richard Martin 2 g, 4 433 Jacob lough 2 81 4 433 J°hn Hambright t 2 8t 4 433 J°hn Burk 281 4 433 John Fry 281 4 433 John Driller 2 8, 4 433 J'.ifiah Ewing 2 g, 4 433 John Kook 2 8, 4 433 Martin Mayer 2 81 4 433 J 0 ' 1 " Fordiag 281 4 433 William Kook 2 81 4 433 Frederick Dor(h 2 8i 4 433 John Miller 2 8t 3 433 John Triflor 2 81 2 433 Melci'ar Rudifell 2 81 3 433 George M. Smith 2 8,1 2 433 Adam Rightart, 2 g'i 2l 433 David Trifler 2 81 2 433 George Slough 2814, 433 William Wilson 2 gi 433 Christian Nafe 28' ii 433 Levi Tabat 3 81 4 433 Thomas Hamilton- 2 81 >2} 433 William Gray a 81 2< 399 1 4 J°n Witmer 4 ?I 2l 09914 Henry Witmer 4 71 4 " 399 14 Hermon Witmer 4 71 197 Thutnas Billing ton 2 14 297 Mklael Cryder 4 36 w Acres. 3tawim. States. Advertisement. stent. Pe chct: DllsCts. 439 157 A. M'clcnaian zB4 427 s 7 Wm. Pherfon, 2 76 437 17 P. M'clenahan 2 84 439 9 Walter Stewart 284 431 5 Gorge Hughs 279 437 137 Mat. Houston 9 <)» 414 23 Nebro Frazier 2 69 411 41 Debora Stewart 2 66 1 438 52 Francis Weft 2 82 438 52 John Taylor 2 85 438 j2 Michael Ragor 2 85 438 5a Andrew Bayard 2 85 448 52 M.AnnStewarc 2 85 ; 414.' J'lhfi Lawrence 2 69 438 >53 John Bryrdn 2 85 i 438 52 John Barclay 2 72 438 52 Mich.M. Oorien 2 85 1 438 52 David Lenox 2 15 t 414 28 Francis JohnUon 2 69 404 6 Aaron Levi 213 do. ■ 2 tig 405 do. 1 49 423 6t William Stewart 2 74 448 1 Ann Stewart 291. 423 61 Henry Stewart i 71 438 52 WillUm Bill 1 99 438 52 G. M'Clenaghan 2 438 52 William Hall 2 «5 438 52 John Weft 2 85 I 43S 52 Wm. Bingham 2 85 J 438 52 J. Donnaldfon 2 85 ' 438 52 A; J. Dallas * 85 j 438 £2 John Nicholfon 2 85 438 52 Uj-Gunningh m 2 85 438 J 2 Geoige Mead 2 8j 438 52 Pearfon Hunt 2 85 i 448 52 James Milligari 2 85 f 438 Ji'fper Moylan 2 54 ! 438 j2 Wm. H. Weft 2 85 438 52 Patrick Moore 2 85 338 52 JonatlmnNcfljitC 2 85 438 5 2 Tench Francis 28$ 438 £2 Chris. Crawford 2 85 | I 431 52 Charles Pettit 2 85 438 S* J"'^' 1 2 ®5 9 4>B 52 John Irwin 2 8j S 438 52 Walter Stewart 2 85 5 438 52 George Bartrim 2 8j 438 $2 James Crawford 2 85 438 52 John Hoafton 2 85 * 438 52 Wil.iam Jackson 2 85 . 438 52 Paul Cox 2 85 | 438 52 Geo Harrifon 2 85 433 '53 J ameB Smith 2 85 433 153 John Spier 2 8j 433 153 Alexander Spier 2 84 ' 433 tSJ Othniel Alfop 2 84 400 00 Luke M'Guire O 93 35 o 00 John Sturom 175 3CB 00 John Palmer 6 73 433 OO PaulZ ntzinger 1 7J 191 00 Peter Railey 1 12 ■5O 00 Thoraai Re«.d o 88 433 OO David Brown 3 25 313 00 Robert Moreovr 460 189 00 Eliza. Harrifon I 37 200 00 Henry Orwick I 43 200 40 do. do: 1 43 ; 433 Daniel Smith 2 27 433 cO Willi .ro Bready 2 27 433 00 M Wiihrington 2 27 433 *3 Peter Horse 2 27 433 J 0 !" 1 Brenemer 2 27 396 Rabert Gaibraith 5 y8 433 William Stewart 2 27 423 Samuel Mills 2 27 410 do. r 55 433 Joseph Simons 2 27 433 Barnard Graitz 2 27 j 427 Joseph Haiut 2 24 432 John MuTcr 2 29 433 Thomas Gront 2 20 405 do. 1 11 433 William Morris 2 74 433 Michael Graitz 1 19 | 433 Jacob Wliitzel 1 19 ; 427 Jacob King 2 19 417 Charles»smith 4 91 42a George M.iore 2 18 42* Charles Hall 2 17 433 David Hall 2 27 ) 433 William D. Calven 2 27 433 Paul Whitzel 2 27 433 Robert shaw 3 27 1433 Andrew Douglafs a 27 433 Jacob Morgan 2 27 433 John Morgan 2 27 433 JoktvNico 2 27 453 John sWarwick \ 2 27 433 Blair M Clanahat) 2 2 7 Cliriftian Beaker 2 27 *33 C.%r Hayn-s 2 *7 4 4 William Lucas 2 33 4 01 Johs Vaughan 3 9 I 4°4 John Berry 2 12 I 4°S Charles Stewart 1 2 12 1 1 433 Thomas Morris 2 3 1 433 Cathriue Morris 2 27 433 William D sirvin 2 27 453 David Bevirige 2 27 433 John Taylor 2 27 433 John Huflon 2 27 433 Agnes M Her 2 ' 433 George Clymer 2 '9 ' 433 Thomas Phitz mons 2 27 ! 433 George Campbell 2 27 J 1 imothy P.ickllon , 2 29 436 Dir.ielOrby 2 29 t 4°J P.iul Gobin 21 2 k 4 2 7 Casper shadier 3 21 433 do tto 3-46 390 John Brown 3 75 295 si'as Wilent 427 3oi ItTabella Jordaa 4 2- 2 4 James Duncan 4 27 262 Benjamin Jordo-a 4 27 247 Thomas Reid 4 27 408 John Ewart 4 27 399 Jacob iJeek 4 27 165 John Nieholfon 4 26 436 Joseph Price 4 26 267 james Mills 4 26 262 Ann Jordan 4 26 254 John Nxholfon 4 26 £ 433 William Pihark i 6'i TSe remainder of this advertisement will be pub is bed on Monday, Indian Queen. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Public that he hits taken that well-known Ir.n, the INDIAN QUEEN, lately kept by Mr, James Thompson, deccafed, and solicits their patronage as well as the pat ronage ot thole Gentleman who were ac cuttomed to give it their support, alluring them that it fliall be conduAed on the fame liberal plan which charafteiifed it when under the fuperintendance ot his predeceflor. The house has undergone a thorough repair, and it would be needless to observe to those who know them, that the stables are, in spa ciousness and convenience, unequalled in Philadelphia, and the belt prevonder and at tendance are always provided for horses, by the Public's obedient servant. JAMES COYLES. Odlober f. Jufb Received, By the late arrivals here, and at New-Tor k, AND FOR SALE BY L«rain & Son, No. 5, North Third Street. An elegant assortment of Chintzes and Calicoes, English atins, Preatongs, Modes, Sarfnets, and Lutestrings ; Dimities, Bobbins, Coatings, Flan nels, Booking Baozies, Broad-Cloths, Swandowns, Double-mill'd Drabs; —Worfted Yam and Cotton ! Hosiery ; Plain Forelt Cloths CARPETS & CARPETING. Also on Hand, Low-priced and fine India muslins, Irifli and quadruple linens, German Dowlas, ribbons, India fatiH»,lutftrings, and fonfhanws, mill'd yarn glove*, ivory and horn combs, fadlery, and a variety ®f Ironmongery, and seasonable. DRY GOODS. Aise, To be or Bartered, For DRY GOODS, a Handlome Three Story BRICK HOUSE. With Piazza and Kitchen adjoining, situate in Vj le near Fourth creet, built in modern style with excellent materials, and well calculated to ac commodate a large family. ept. it. dtf. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spanish Ambfcffador, will be let tut to an approved person or family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-house and (tables Conformable. Enquire at No. 100, Spruce fireet. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arcb Street, N». 94. July 23. eodtf. For Sale, BY PUBLIC AUCTION—IN THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE following property belonging totheTruf tee« of the Agg.egate Fund, provided for the 1 payment of certain creditors of Edward Fax I and James Oreenlcaf. PAST of the property of said fund, in the City of Wafiiington, that now is rendered clear of i every incumbrance, will be expofcd at Public ! Au&ion at TanKiclifl Tavern, amongst which arc the following valuable situation, viz. 11 Lots in I square No. 973, 2 lots in square 974, 15 lots in ! jquaro N» 995, 2 lots in fquarefouth of fquari 1019, 19 lots in square 1030,1 lot in square lose 1 lot in square ioxi, 7 lots in square 10*3, 4 lot in square IOE4, 3 lots in square 1045, 3 lo 1 in square *046, 9 lots in square 1047, ia lots in I square 1048, with sundry others, advantageouQy I (ituated in various parts of the city. Also the 2 ' (lory Iramc house i.ow occupied by Mr Deblois, beautifully situated (with an extensive view of fev i eral miles down the Potomac) on the south east ; corrter of fquare973, fronting 4s feet on 11 street call, nd 41 feet on south G ftrcet: a commodious Kitchen with an oven, &c. adjoining the south front. A large frame fiable, carriage house and hay loft jo feet by 2j, and a pump of excellent water near the back door of the kitchen, the lot extending9i °n H street, and 139 feett inch in G flreet, comprizing lots Nos. 1, 2,3, and part of »», in the registered division of the square. Thefaleswitl commence at the said tavern at ten o'clock in the forenoon. The termsone fourth calh, one fourth in fix months, when a deed will be given, the remain ing moiety in two years, payment to be secured by bond and mortgage. But the creditors in the above fund, may in lieu of mortgage fee«re pay ment of their bonds by deposit of certificates «f the trufleei at the rate of five shillings in the pound, to the amount fecursd and ftiould a dividend take place before the expiratiou. of the two years, it will be set off th« bond, and the'certifi cates returned in the fame proportion. Henry Pratt Thomas W. Francis John Miller, juo. John Afhley Jacob Baker. THOMAS TIN Augult 4. ! SS" The following work may perhaps appear from its Title as only necessary to the Gentle I men of the Bar—The