i Numbfk 15*5.] The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia* AH others pay oit e Dollar additional, for enclosing and St reet ing 1 and unlesstsome person in this, city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. »„• No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December 1 .1799- ALMANAC From OUtbtr 15 —to Ofaber 41. aioa «t7ia> Wedarffcy TharftUy Friday tanrtef Sunday Monday tmu*T - . ' • SUN- Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuefdaf m 1 • Landing At Waln'a wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING Of Surinam Molasses, el an excellent quality, in hogsheads, tierces and barrets, And about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, Fon Sale sr Wharton fc? Lewis, No. 115, Couth Froet (Ireet. otSeber 9 «*> & tf Imported, In tTie ihip Atlantic, captain Waters, from Calcattaaud Madras, And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitabl e for exportation, among which are Blue cloths Neckanses Soot Romals Salem poores Ventapolams Madras Long Cloths Ditto Handkerchiefs. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, Juiir. No. 80, Dock street. oitober 10 mwf Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10, south Fifth street, Manufactures mill, cross cut and pin fiws, equal in quality, appearance and shape to any ever imported; which Ita fells wholesale at the following prices—6 feet mill saws 51-1 dol lar each ; crofs-ctot do. jo cents per foot; pitt do. 60.cents per foot. Wood-Cutters cast steel saws, and every other Had, made to any particular direfiion. _ odober 10 mw ' "" A HANDSOME EDITION OF LINDLEY MURRAY'S English Grammar, AN APPENDIX, Has this Day been publifhecl, by DJCKIsSy opposite Chrifl-Ciiurcli, Philadelphia. [Price One Dollar. ] Oftober 7. Twenty Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY from the Subscriber on Wednes day night the sth instant, a Black Indented servant, named Colin, just arrived from Jamaica in the brig Diligence with his matter. He is a well mads lad of 16— »7 years of age, or thereabout*, has a pleafatit countenance, and a small fear on his left cheek, which yet app.ars white Iron a late fall or blow. He is about 5 feet 5 or fix in ches high, an.t had on when ha went away a com mon blue rttund jacket and trowfers, with a for vants black glazed hat, and had with him white and striped check shirts and pantaloons. He is known to be enticed or away by a negro man named William, a native of Boston, who was Cook of the said brig De licence, and is a ft»ut thick man of 3J or 40 years ot age, and they are supposed to travel together; The fai 1 Colin contrived to get a parcel containing 30 new dol lars of the present yeirsWnage of the U States, never before in circulatijn and a fcw milled dou bloons of full weight out of his mailers keeping, and also took with him a silver table spoon with the cyper A. R. on it, aod a desert knife and fork with white Ivory handles. The above reward will be paid to any person who will bring the said Colen and William to the Subscriber, N... 31 Spruce (Ireet or to VJeffis. Sa and Dugan, Third Street, or lodge them in any goal sr work h u em any of the States so t!sat his matter may have Colin, and it isiequefted the money may befecured, it is fu-ppofed VV illam is in p, ffolTionof it, and rcqaclted he may be detained with Colen, fending information to the said Meflrs. Savage and Dugan, Philadelphia *,* All Captains of vefTels are torwarned not to harl our or employ or carry te sea the said i.egr e. ,s the Uw Will *>e put in orseagainft them. H. ROSE. October 11. Gazette of the United States, & Picas, Held at Union Twin, for the county of Fayette, the second Monday of September, in the /£• O. year of our Lord one thousand eight \_f hundred, before the Honorable Alexan der Addifon, Efquirc, Prcfidant, a'.id his associate Judges of the fame court, ON the petition of John Bartlett, an Insolvent Debtor, praying the benefit ol the aft of Ge neral Assembly tor the relief of Insolvent Debtor?, the Court appoints the second Monday ol Decem ber next to htar the petitioner and hi« creditors, and orders that notice thereof be publit'aed three iucceffive weeks in the United States Gazette in Philadelphia, in fomc daily paper in Baltimore— in a Lexington paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay ette Gazetca, the Utt publication in each, to beat lead four weeks before the day of hearing. H. M. If 51 0 16 t «4 1 4 2 58 3 56 A 59 SITS ■aiStS DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—j T8 WIT ; Be IT REMEMBEREb, That on the aid day of Augufl, in the «.sth year of tha IndepsH dence of the United States of America, William Young, (B»okfeller,) of the said DiflriA, hath depolited in this Office, the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor ; in th« words following, to wit. •' Essav on Political Society." IN CONFOR-MITY to the a<St of the Con - grefs of tfc« United States, intituled '• *n A(S for th« enteuragement of learning [si At.l by fccuri:ig the copies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authors and Propri etors of such copies duting the times «hsrein mentioned " DCALDWELL. Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania. feptember 18 auw4W. - 6 49 S 3i 6 30 5 3c 6 3 a—S 48 - 6 33 5 - 6 34 5 a 6 6 35 5 *5 6 37- —5 *3 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ,8, 1800. At a County Court of Common By the Court, KFHRAIM DOUGLASS, Prothonotary. O&ober 10. djw. District of Pennsylvania to wit : BE it remembered that on tbe Tenth day of July in the twenty fifth year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan der Addilen of the said Diftrift hath deputed in this office tht title of a book the right where of he claims as Author in the words following to wit, " Reports of cal'ea in the County courts of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of Pennsylvania, and charges to Grand Juries of those County Courts. Bv Alexander Addifon, President of the Courta of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State »f Pennlylvania." In conformity to the afl of Congrefsof the Uni ted States istitled " An ad for the encouragement of learning by fccuring the copies of maps charts and book? to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies (iurine die times therein mentioned." r 6 D.CVLDWELL, Clerk 0/ tic DiflriS 1/ Pcuhftlvania. The above he»k 11 now pukliflied. It will be dt livered to lubferibers by Mr. Dobfua Bookfcller. | July *3 WAR DEPARTMENT* August 4to, ißco. THE commanding Officers of corps, de tachment*, posts, garrifona, and recruiting parties, belonging to the military efUblilhment of the United States, are to report to, and receive orders from Brigadier-General Wil kinfon, in the City of Wafhingt»n, and all officers on furlough ate to report themselves to the fame officer with all possible difpatcli. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. All Printers wiihin the United States who have fublilhed invitations for cogtradlsof the 13th of March last are requested to insert the above in their refpedlive papers, ouce a week for tw« months. To be Sold 'pHAT Handsome .and healthy COUNTRY *■ SKAT, called La on SL Lodge, the late refideace of Thomas Rutter, Esq. situate in Potts Grove, Montgomery County, thirty-lix miles from Philadelphia, containg about i»6 acres, twenty of which are piime woodland, fifteen excellent watered meadow, the teWue divided in arable lots. ®n the premises are a large handfnme BrickHoufe and sdjoining build ings, containg two parlours, a large dining rctsm, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by forty long, a large kitchen, wafhhonfr with a pump of excellent water in it, fix handfoifle chambers, two flore-rooms, four garret chambers plaiflered and a grain room over the adj lining building, a double spring hotife, with a l'moke houf* over the fame, wilhinfifty yards of the kitchen—The spring, in the driest season never known to low er in the leatt, and from which the meadow is watered ; a garden containing about one acre, Itocked with the moil delicious fruits, such as peaches, plumbs, cherries, pears, rafherries, &c. several alparagus beds in great perfection. Also, a young bearing appletrce orchard, containing several hundied trees, the fruit felefled from dif frent parts of the United States, a Urge conveni ent barn with a threlhing Boor, with commodi ous (tabling for horles and cows, carriage and houses, grain room, &c. Alfo,fundry out build ' ings, consisting of a large frame poultry-house and corjicrib, Sc. Also, a tenant's house, gar den and flpble, and a pump of excellent water Oelo-ging to the fame. The fituaiion of Potts Grove is remarkably healthy, regularly ftipplied wi'h Butcher's meat and poultry in abundance, to he purchased at a low rate, and the Schuylkill affjrds a plentiful fwppiy of excellent fifh. Two grift mills in the rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns in Pennsylvania, are more rapidly improving, or have more loeal advantages than Potts Grove. The several places of public woribip, the I'ilubrity of the air, genteel society, and cheipnefs of living, are among the few advan tages it poflefles. , Any person wifiling to view the premises, will please to apply to Mr. Win. POTTS, in Pottfgrove, and for terms to the fubferi ber, in Philadelphia. JOHN CLEMENT STOCKER. Sept. 19 aawtf. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South frortt-flreet. Imported, AND rO* SALE EEE N E 7, i. R LARGi, 9-8 white . Russia DROGHEDA LINENS, fine 4 4 IrilhLin ens, Clouting Diapsr, Cotton Velvets, Tbickietts an 4 Fancy Cords, Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Sat tins, Pelongs, Modes and Pcrfians, Calliman coes, Wildb >res and ttrmbazem.Fineatjd coarfc Bobbin. Tap'i, Ribbons, Ferrets} Scotch 02- naburgt, Threada No» 7 to 64,|coloured Threads No. 8 to 16, Pins, 3 M, 4, 4 i-» and 5 lb. London Pewter aborted in calks, Tin, anl has jaft received by the lat# arrivals a general aflbrt ment of Woo,lens. to mo. S J bis Day Fubltsbed, By J. Okmrod, No. 41, Chefnut Street, Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of th» manner of GQian. By Kev. John B.Linn, A.M. Mmifter of the First Presbyterian Congregation Philadelphia. 0" Mr. Chiuiroo's Oration wilLie oubliflied on Monday morning. March 1 <■ d-. Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and c*.ire of Bilious and Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dr. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended with t degree ef fuccefa highly grateful to the inven tor's feelings, in several parts of the Weft-In di«s,and the fnuihern parts of the United State;- pjrticutarly in Baltimore, Peterlburg, Rich, inond, Norfolk, Edcnton, Wilmington,Charlcf toni Savannah, 4cc. The testimony of a num ber of pert'ons in each of the jbove places can be adduced, who have reafnn to believe that a timely us* of th sfalutary remedy, has, under Providence, preierved their lives when in the mofl alarming circmnfUnces. FadU of this conclusive nature speak m'ore in favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous eulogy, founded on mere aflertinn, could do. It is not indeed presumptuously proposed *s I an infallible cure, but the inventor has every passible reason, which can result from extesfive txperience for believing that adofeaftHele pills, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove an infallible preventative ; and further, that in the earlier ftagts of those disease?, their use will very generally fuceeed in restoring heaitk and frequently in cases esteemed desperate a«d bey ond the power of common remedies. The operation of these pills is perfecSlly mild ind may be used with I'atety by persons in every fittiation and of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry off fu perfluous bile and prevent its morbid fecretioti! ; to reflore and amend the appetite ; to produce a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds which are often of fatal consequence. A dole never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft appearance. They are celebrated for removing habitual coftivenefs, sickness as the flsmach and severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all persons on a change of climate. They have been found remarkably efficacious in prev«nting and curing moll disorders attend ant on long voyages, and should be procured and carefully preserved for use by every feamaii. A certain and fafe remedy for all difeafoe of the eye*, whether the cfTuS of natural weikneft, or of accident, ffeedily removing inflammations, de fluxions of rheum, dullncfs, itching, anil films in the eyes, never failing to cure thafe maladies which frequently succeed the small pox, measles and fe vers, and wonderlully (lengthening a weak fight. Hundreds have experienced its exotUent virtues When nearly deprived of fight. Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im mediate and bfling relief in the moll severe in ftauccs. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind »f head-ache, and of piins in the face and neck. Injallible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never failed, in msny thou sand cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure is not performed* v SOLD BY WM. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Sec»nd Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia. Where all* may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm D«(lfoying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, &c. Reflorative Dreps, EATence and Ex tra& of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com plaint, Gowland's and Persian Loti»n, Reflorative Tooth Powder, Damalk Lip Salve, Church's Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills, Bcc. &c. aprilio nl * WHO from principle is a Federal;/! and defpofed to undertake the arduouj talc of editing ol a paperani combating the enemies of America, may heat of an eligible filuation in the interior of Maryland. SOO fublcribers can he counted on be fore he commences,— A Native American will he prefercd Bat it is not tob« understood that well principled perf 'ins though not natives, Are to be excluded. ♦,* Particulars may he learned on application to the Editor of this Gazette, Oilober J. (Price »J Cents) THI Dr. HAHM's Genuine Eye-water. A PRINTER, Just arrived. PER The Brig Perseverance, CAPTAIN SWAINE, ■AT *. jj Mr. William Bell's Wharf. 80 hhds. Antigua and St. Kitts Rum acd 10 ditto Coffee FOR SALE BV, CROOKE STEVENSON. No. 4, South Water Street. Oflober 8. dtf German Redemptioners. NINETEEN remains »f thofc, who came in the ship Anna from Hamburgh, and are willing to serve for their pafiagc Apply to Jacob Speri-y £sf Co. Who bane on Hand, Remaining of late importations, and which are of fered on reafenable terms, and the usual credit, <0 dim. 33 cases Eftopillas, Forming a compleat »(Tbrtm:nc ot Uni, Raye Mouclies, pljin and coloured stripes. 33 cases cafferilloas 5 cases boccadillos * cases quadruple file Gas I cafe fuperfine dowlas t cases coucils and i cafeliftados a cases fuperfine Elberfeid checks 3 cases bed part he t 1 cafe Flanders bed ticks, 8-4 10 cases coffee mills, Nos. 00, to No. 6, as serted 2 cases Scythes 5 cales of double flint cut Decanters quirt and pint I cafe gill tumblers, and 1 cafe of Travelling cases. I cafe of quills, T cafe of csmmon sealing wax an . 400 Demijohns. September 17..'- Marihal's Sales. UNITED STATES ) Pennsylvania District, J PURSUANT te the directions of the Honorable Benjamin StoddarJ, Secretary of the Navy, will be sipofed to public sale, at the mtrchants's coffee houf«,in the city of Philadelphia, on Mon day the 19th d<y of October inflant, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Tie two French schooners called ST - J OHN ANU VICTOIRE, fcsSS'-P'l Now lying at Brown's wharf, TBgerher with all ard lingular their tackle, apparel and appur-».;ances. JOHN HALL, Marrfrt/, Marshall's Office, ) Pbihdelpbia, 080. to, 1800$ mwf tS THE NEW PILOT BUILT BCHOOXEU St. Tammany, ifc^fteri'g'rr.lLY IN Gat Say's WJurf, above Market Street, burthen 70 tor.«, supposed t» be a remarkable faft failing vefTel, aud may befit* ted for feain a few'dayi, Inventory to be seen and termi of sale known by applying to the lub fcribtr. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4, South IVa'er Street. AJ.SO, FOR (ALE, 35 Hbds- Mufcorad'.) Sugtr. White ind brown Hava ■ nah dit'o in boxes. Haft India do. in bags. Weft-India and Country Rum. 100 Hhds MoUfles. Holland Gin French and Spanilh Brandy. Pepper, Ccflee, Bcc. 9. Lost, This morning oh the VViffahickon Road—a Red Morocco POCKET-BOOK, CONTAINING limdry papers and letters, of no ccnfequence whitever to any one but the owner. Whoever inay have found the fame, and will return it to the Printer of this paper, (hall be handl'omely rewarded. N.B,—The owners' name i» mentioned on some letters diredled to him. Ofiober 8- d. Mary Beck, RESPECTFULLY iuformi her Friends and the Public, that (he intends opening her Seleift SCHOOL on the 6rft *f Oaobrr, in Fifth nur Walnut Street, oppo&te the State House Yard, where fte will as usual, teach the branches as po lite and »feful literature, including Geography, Astronomy, Writing, Arithmetic, and every ac compliOiment necefhry to form a complete liberal education. Young Ladies may be accommodated with Board, &c. in the House, which is very airy and healthy. Mi, O. Beck's Drawing and Painting School will commsnceat the fame tir.ie. fsptemb-jr ao Just Received, And will be Said Very Low, if applied for immediately, by the Package only' i Bales Broad-Cloths, r.fl'orted, -j 0 1 Bale Phins an-i Forcft cloths, . *"3 1 Do. fine Coatiags, affoiud, . 1j m »o Do. Kendall Cottons, K-5 * ao Hotffheads Stins Twine, I q 4 Calks London Pewter, J Apuly to WILLIAM FRENCH, No. 48, Suo-h Front ftrcot. S-ptembtr jp. <*« & eodiw. 'd6t. iivim For Sale, fa tu&th.tf. tu th& fa ltn Saddling Business. WILLIAM JONES if EDMUND . . ' KINSEY, HAVING entered into partnerlhip, -and ta ken that long cflablilhed stand at the cor ner of Chefnut and Third Streets, refpeilfully iolicit public patronage, and particularly invite a continuance of the favour* of the former friends and cuftomerj of Haines 4c Jones, and Sharplels & Kiiifey, to whose bulintfs they have fuccceded They oiTer for file a large and general aflbrt ment of elegant Saddle* and Bridles, all kind| common do. Plated and Brass mounted Haineis Saddle-bags, Yalieces, Cart and WaiigooGears, &c. I runks of all kinds, particularly hard lea- 1 ther Portmanteaus. They also minufadlure a!l kiiids of Silver moun ed and Plain WhipsJ having several ex cellent Workmen in that branch. They flatter themfelres from their united ex perience and the arrangements they have made, to be able to fell any of t)ie above articles on as go- d terms as any others in the United States. A liberal allowance will be made to those who pbrchafe by the quantiiy , JONES & KINSEY. Sa.tii.th. 4w Philad. Sept. 17 REPUBLICAN Book - Store, Nortb Stcoud Street, opposite Cirut Church'. JUST PUBLISHED, With lllustrationtami Additions Desultory Reflexions ON THE ► new Political aspects or PUBLIC AFFAIRS In the United States of America, fincc the commencement of the year 1799. lO" R. T« Rawlej cor.fidering that in this country there is a free press, is dete*mi-> ned his Book-Store shall also be free to pub lications ofeveiy denomination, whether po litical or religious. The works of WMgS or Tories ; Republicans, or Monarchies ; Aristocrats or Democrats ; FederalistS or Anti-FederaWb ; Christians, Jews, Hea thens or Turks, are equally free fur file ( and, whatever may be his private opinions, i> resolved, as a Bookfelle!-, and in the true I spirit of his profeflton, " To be open to all parties, and influenced by none. N. B. He has for tile, all the late ft po litical publications, and every article in the Stationary Line. Oftober 1. Jjbiw. GLASS MANUFACTORY.' THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, TTAVING procured a fuffic'unt number of LJL the moil approved European GlafsManu fudlurers, and having on hand a large stock of the bed Materials, ®n which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of assuring the public, that window glafi of a fupeiior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to x 8 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea h, may be had at the ffoorteft notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may also be had, such as for piilures, coach gtalTes, clock (aces/ Bcc. Bottles of ail kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket Rafts, picklingjara, apothecary's ihop or other hollow ware —the whole at leafl pef cent, lower than articles of she fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowince will be made «b sale of Urge quantities. Orders from merchants and others will he punctually attended to on ap» plication to JAMES O'HARA er ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of MeflVs. PRATHER andR.MILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittsburgh, March 4, tuthtf. WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. ""pHli owners of unimproved lmds in Waynft * county, are h»reby nofified, that Taj?s are, fceioroe payable therson for the years 1 >99 and 1803. Those who have not already paid thais taxes, .re hereby required to discharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafurer f laid County at Millcrei, within three months from this date, otherwise proceedings to sale, according to the a6l of Aficaihly in such cafe provided, yvin e had by the Comniiflior.ers for the fnid county. Asa Stenton, ") John Carton, > Commiffionera Johannes Van Etten, J Attofi, E. Kellogg, Clk. July 9, tßoo » d 90t ' &11 Persons, INDEBTED to th<* Estate of Joseph Engle» late of the Northern Liberties, dcceafed, are requeued to make immediate payment, and thole having any demands against the fame, to bring in their accounts to BENJAMIN THAW, Administrator.. Gifloher 3. eoiw. An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vllith Merry-Andrew Playing Card>, ffr sale cli ep for cash—Apply at this Oi'uc-ei september 13. PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work •'--Pamphlets—Hand-Bills, C»rds—Blanks of all kinds, &c. &c» Wil! be printed at the Shortest Notice. | august 23. i \VOLVME XVIII. ✓
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers