Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 17, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of the United States.
Among the ingenious tricks, fra&icrd by
the J .cobins, the following deierves parti
cular mention. It will lerve to the
roeannefs as well as vice of the French
party in this country. Among the Aurora
gang some wretch is found, who can spell
corredtly, and write a good hand. He i>
employed • a mike up packets of vibaldiy,
blasphemy, or feditioit. The name of some
refpe&abie chuafter at a di(Vance' is then
rnferibed 011 the cover, and the perfoil to
■whom the letter is addreiTei is requested to
diflemiuate the articles, which it contains.
Through hurry and n •gligence, jt foin«tiroes
happens that this is actually the cafe ; and
Auroras, compounded of fali hood and folly,
and penny pamphlets, and libellous ballads
have been current through a whole County.
At :>ny rate, the person to whom this tr Hi
is thus communicated, often has to pay the
mofl vexatious of ,ill taxes, —the pollage for
nonfenle and treason. Letters of this com
plexion have been.left in the box in Con
gaefs Hall, and and Federal
Members have been desired to f irwarJ them
to their constituents. Packets have litewife
been made up, addreffed to re
fpeftable Clergymeil, particularly to those of
tlje gravest chauffer, and of the efUblilhed
Church. Sometimes thefc letters are thrown
into houses by a Jacobin eaves dropper, and
„ sometimes tliey coinelthrough the Poll Office.
Qa opening thefn, they have h;en 'fjund to
contain Savagk's oblcene and injurious
Poem, called " The progrels of a Divine, '*
and a scoundrel ballad, belching out Yjuifes
against arittocracy and Esml'Nd Burke,
against religion and morality. A vagrant
fcribbfer. a fort of Pere Duchefii# of his
party, and who is notoriously as mad as a
March hare, is fuppofetPto be the mifefable
tool of " the Arch .Jugglers behind the cur
tain" The depravity and profligate objects
of this last fchefrie afe eliough to fill any sober
inind with horror. Such is Jacobin reform,
jacobin decency, and salutary reforrrtati >n.
Contempt of civil and eccleliaftiral authori
ty, obscenity, deifui, !ind blasphemy are
avowed, and propjgated by the skulking
igents of tTis party, The worthy,and fedeial
ecclesiastics, who have i-cn thus insulted,
look lharp to a&nally the lunttic
runner, who throws his Jacobin filth into
their doors, and windows. A Vol! in the
lennel, or a Negro with a Ti'arfcwliij), will
requite thffe virtuous labours.
A correfpontfent obfervea in a late Ga
zette fo:ne symptoms of the Editor's beipg
in love. She therefore bega he will S'ccept
bf this receipt to cure the poison her expe
rience vouches for the infallibility of it.
You mud open the Vein bf Confederation,
'and let out the blood of immoderate affefti
bn, then make use of the following d;re£li
i)na —Take tl>c blossoms of found judge
ment, one handful, five handful) of patience :
Wie handful of the root ot undemanding,
twelve ounces of resolution. prudence and
diftinftion, two ounces of diflikc and re
fenttnent. them simmer together in
your brains 48 hours, then sweeten the d'ife
of the former remembrance with the sugar
"ftfgood behaviour and pour ft through the
funnel of contentment irtto the heart ai'd flop
jt wiih the cotk us indifference.
N. 8., Th* ingredient? are to be lad at
the house of Res lution, next door to Reaf
bn, in Content the town of Faith,
and province of I ruth>
For the GiiX-ttc of the United States.
Lo! in the East ! appsar'd the auspicious flar,
Whose blifsful dawn the nations hail'd afar ;
By AngeU wafted through the midst of Meiv«t:,
Glad tidings to th« joyful world Wcr? given,
* Through boundlefn space, the million
To endLfs :mle, proclaimed the glorious morn'
Devotion fired the peaceful Shepherd!* bread,
And ancient Sccrs, the world's red imertilell,
Proftrata, to Judah'n King,, their gilts prefer
Of orient " gold, and fratitinccnfe and Myrlih "
At the commencement of an important
sera, referred to, in thole fcriptuial pafTages,
which 1 have taken the liberty to paraphrafc,
the lunnn:iui path of chriftianiiy wasdifcern
ed by wise men front tbe East ; who believed
in, and were guided by those prophetic de
clarations, to which the ftivine fijjnet w**
affixed : And when the d.iy-fkr arose, im
mediate efFetts -were produced. The Gos
pel history il I nil rates their prompt obedience
to facrcd requjfition ; and not fttisfted with
1 presenting gifts of gold, »ra franktii-.
cense" they " proflrated themfclvcs and
worshipped.'' Rays of divinity were tranf
fufed to various clades in society ; Sliep
htrds as we'J hs Sser«> evinced their faith, in
that perfeA covenant which was ordained in
the hand of Mediator ! and in the ener
getic languajr* ofinfpiratinn, they wertdef
cribed praising and glorifying Gad. And,
lhall tre, who are the children of promile ;
descended from believing parents, lliail me t
who are enjoin'd to walk worthy of the fame
high vocation, relufe the dtfaicatiop of our
lives to him who hath called'ui to p;k>ry and
to virtue ? As the privilege of though: and
ot speech was granted by that charter, which
precedes human iuflitutions.tliofeineflimable
rights have been secured by the laws of the
land, and guarded by rational reilraiiit,
which is the boundary line between liberty
and licentiousness. Enjoying this freedom,
in common with the citizens of my country,
I have occ*£oltftl!y wandered from retire
ment to the haunts of society, exercilins;
those charities, which are the fpnngs of men
tal life ; and with a view of
?hoie pursuits and pleafares, from whence
| t!ie char; £t.v tifindividualt and of nations
|is (. 'wiv. AfCl as the f-n fstit eventful pe
, nod is calculated :o excite tte higtieft ener
]-&*} °f the human mihd, it is natural to en
quire it the pure spirit of cluiflianity is main
tained by modern wise men, who Hre iiiffrufl
*''■ the hilar of tti?. G<>f|iel *• and whether
.thole do&iines, which the primitive church
is i,j nobly i\i[Vp:)rted, have tx.'Conie the rule
aji'd guide ps thfir lives ? To tlnsdiftinguifh
ect ctsii the tre-iifurrt oi wil'don; are unlnck'd ;
and from the' ii flue nee qF that principle,
which •:> tM: only true feature of greatnels,
til rTnnreffive and-poweiful, example is due.
Yet (tow rarely are the pursuits tif men di
rcftrd to u.feluJ ohjetls ; or their talents oc
cupied in an appropriate sphere ! Whan tile
" tribute was flaewn to the Divine
Authvv of (InrilHanity, fubjetYs to human
flowers were eiij.uned to " rend;r tribute
where it wat due 4!' and is there not an high
er obligation upon; thole who are formed in
the divine similitude apd (lamped with the
itriage of perfection, to dedicate their talents
to that Omnipotent Being, wJiofe image :.nd
luperfcrijitio 1 they bear ? But.alas ! how sre
th<-fe energies directed by \lnoh genius gains
celebrity ? Are.they not 14 wafted in strenu
ous idleut-is ?" And infiead of difFuling vir
tue by the salutary influence of example, do
not schemes ofpleafur», pursuits of ambition,
dissipation in youth, and avarice in age, d
irionftratr to the world this melancholy truth,
that our lullre is vaning, "/if gold changed,
and the Jinegold become dim."
Eederalifm of Gloucefler
Jemmy Sloan, done over—-or, Amos is up—
•whfil's Jerry ?
MK. WjtYlIK,
Out Kleftion 'clof«d laQ night; -jrr took
voles tit this toWnflrlip—-they Rood as
followa; • l .•
Abel Clemens zij
Samuel French 222
Samuel W. Harrifon 221
Democrat. j
John C 'lllilis T J J
Amos Cooper lio
Jerimiah Wood 104
Mr. Collins is reputed a Feacralift, he was
aken up by the Jacobins, againfl his «rt(h
:o run with them, to divine the in
rereft. We have nine other townfliips in
this county, from each of which, except
Gloiicetter toWnship, you may expeft decid
ed majorities; Woolwich will give (l ■>
dend votes, so that you may coui.t with cer
tainty, that the Federal Ticket will fuccetd
ft r codiury, 16 Oftober'.
Burlington Cntnty.
J.'Cooin Federal
$9 4< 2
40 444
5 6 159
18 60
Burlington Township
iwn Township
Glouceile'r Townfliip
Federal Majority,
Pcnnfylvania Elections.
A letter from Lancaster, received yelter
day evening, states, that the Gtßtlrmert
whose names are mentioned in the following
Ticket, were elefted by a majority of about
foilr hundred and seventy rotes
Thomas Bonde
Matthias Barton
John Hopkins
Richard Keys
Alexander Scott
Jacob Stricklfcr
Daniel Buckley
Jeremiah Brown.
Commiffiontr r
Amos Slaymalcer.
DirtSoU of the Poor House.
Georg* Muffer
James Morrifon.
Michael Rhine
Emanuel Reigart.
Jereraiah Mo(her.
Colonel Pre/ley Neville, was the Candi
date at (he late Eledh'on against Gallatin in
the diftriftfrom which G. formerly came
if the Federalist's have united there can be
no doubt of Colonel Neville's eledion.
Several valuable saw mills, valued at 6000
pounds sterling. has been destroyed by fire
in Charleston Neck, (South Carolina.)
From Norfo'k we leatn, that the fever has
so far subsided as to render the publication
of the deaths unneceflary.
Well authenticated accounts from Suffolk,
authorise a belief, that an infurreftion was
intended to have commenced in that neigh
bourhood about the time the dil'covery was
made at Richmond. It is well ascertained,
that on the 6th and 7th of September, there
were 150 blacks afTembled near whitlock's
Mill, for the purpose of afting in concert
with those of Richmond ; Among them were
20 from Norfolk; Thele never left the
neighbourhood until after it was known
that the Richmond plan had failed. Some
are committed to jail, but the evidence is
supposed to be infufficicnt
£Peterfburg pap.
For the 4S hours preceding; Weduefday
morning, there were 18 deaths itvßiltiinore.
Total numb r in the hcfpital fiok
with the pievaiiing t! l'.ife, 28
Convalefcer.ts. jj
Difoharg'ed cured, 9
Of (he Capture of Curaccoa, and
Miff acre of Americans, by the
, A gentleman; from Kingston, ar
rived this morning,- informs that or
the 7th of Sept. about 80 Ameri
cans'were massacred at Curracoa by
•the French, along with a number of
the Dutch inhabitants; the reft of
.the Americans and Dutch were.lhut
up in the fort. Captain Hampton',
■of this porti was'at Curracoa, and
had flipt out in a small boat, with a
,request from. the Governor to the
commander of the ■ British frigate
Nariad, then' cruising off the har
bour, requesting succour. The Capt.
of the N. sent him all the marines
he could spare, with whom Capt. H.
returned., The Governor had also
sent to Jamaica for assistance, and oil
the 20th ult. 3 frigates with 700
troops, left Kingston for Curracoa.
The French have about 1400 men,
and have poffeffipn of the town and
country-r-the fort commands the
harbour—Gen. Klgaud is there.
Mr. Jof pb IV if man:
Sii. ,
The Intendent-General ef this city some
days ago issued an order, by which he de
mandi a certificate ef the Spanish Consul
from all American veflels of that port w'aiqh
they may have cleared out from, and in ordsr
to get admitted. Thefloop Ranger, which
arrived at this port the 16th of August,
having a certificate, I was under the neces
sity of entering bonds, so as to have her
unladen. You will be so good'as to fend
me a certificate for her. In the mean time,
1 am, &c-,
HAVANNA, Sapr. 3.
P. S. The captain's name of the [loop
Ranger above mentioned is Joseph Smith,
and his owner Bernard Smith, of Bristol.
On the 27th of Augnft came iu the (loop
Somerset, Capt. Lewi* Thomas, and not
having a certificate, I have to request you
to fend me one.
To the Spanifb Vice Coi'ful for )
Rhode IJland, (jfc. &c. j
Frrn the Lancaster Journal.
Tench Coxe tells us, that he Neither gui
ded nor tfcotted the British army into
Philadelphia. Tench is goqd at fubter
fuge. Can he deny that he belonged
to the Americah army ? Can he deny that
he basely deserted from that army and
joined the Bn'tifh ? and that he entered the
city of Philadelphia with them ? Can he de
ny that he solicited a pardon and obtained it
thro* the influence of Federalists, who re
fpeded his connexions, and pitied himftlf ?
Can be deny that certain Federalists expect,
ing that he had turaed faom his fins and
was a friend to America, honored him with
several appointments, and among 'he reft,
that of commissioner of the Revenue ? Can
he deny that like the serpent who bit those
who foflered him, he basely abused his
friede in the adminiflration, and was defer-
Vtdly turned out of office ? Can he deny
that from that period he became a flaming
democrat and consequently ha 3 ever since abu
feci the adminiflration of the American Go
vernment ? Can he deny that by doing so,
he has gaiued an office under the patriot M'
Kean ? Can he deny, that he is row only
driving to delude and deceive the people so
that he may get a better office under JefFer
fon !
213 1065
, 2 '3
85 >
On the fashionable mode of Ladies wearing
their Watches in tltir Bosoms.
Ainongft our taQiionable Belles
>fo wonder now that Time (hauld linger ;
Allowed to lay his'two rude hands
Where no one else dare place his finger.
Gazette Marine Lift,
Schr. Rose Bud, Davy, Plymouth 3
Wines -Jc/tph Anthony
Polly, Rumber, Ballon
F:fh and.oil—to Captain
ScU'r Hannali, Bradford, Boston, 16
Fill), Hops, &c." tn Ciptaiu
S!oop Patience, Montgomery, N. York, 10
Sundries, to Captain.
Sloop Betsey, Norton, New Bedford 5
Mackarel and oil —to
Arrived, flu'p Voltair, capt* Bnwen, 45
days from Hamburg. Cfpt- Bowen, brings
no verbal intelligence. His papers are to
the 1 ft September ; but do not, a* we under
ft nd, contain any new* of consequence.
Capt. B - is of opinion, that a general peace
will not verv f';on take place iti Europe.
At Hamburg it was little expe&ed.
C»pt. B. is also of opinion that the dif
pvite between England and Denmark will be
amicabiy adjusted.
t . ...
Capt. 3 informs, th'it tlie flu'p Sally
M'Pherfoii, of aud for Philadelphia, failed
'He 2cth Au». and thetTiip General Lincoln,
of Norwich, failed for Norfolk the 25th Au
gust, from Hamburg.
Ship Peanfylvania, York, in 46 days
from the Downs, is' below.
Left at Hamburg, tuh r. 16; Voka'ir Jailed,
Brig Sally,. IVi'Call, of this, to fail in 10
day 9.
Hetty, Sands, of New-York, to fail in
2 dafs.
Lavinia, Jones, of Newburyport, to
.ftil in 10 day, for 3ofton.
®n - spoke the brig
Giles, o ( !F Fair Island, from Boston bound to
Brdfmcn. Sept 29, lat 42, 16, long 60,
spoke fuip Riling States, Putnam, of and
for.Sihem,'26 days fi;om Lifcon, all well
Oft. 22 off Sandy Hook, spoke (hip Atlas
from New York to Madeira.
Schr Nancy, Morfc, from'hence has ar
rived at St; Thortias,' after experiencing fed
eral severe gales of wind. '
A lan»e Hamburg (hip, said to be the
Three Btorhfrrs, failed from Hamburg the
day the Voltaire arrived there, bound for
Philadelphia" '
Ship Adtive, M-Dougal for Philadelphia!
was to fail from London 14 days after the
SchoonerSttccefs, Johnson, from Phila
delphia to St. Croix, was spoke, out li
Brig Ceres of Philadelphia, his put into
Charleston in distress, having been 3 1 days
out, t» St. Kitts'
Letter Bogs up at the Cejfa-Hcufe
The ship Hannah, Brown for Hamburg,
to be taken away on Saturday the J Bth
inlt.-'- '
The (hip Phabe Ann, Gardner, for
Cowes ditto.
'1 he (hip Adriana, Fletch:r, for London,
NEW-YORK, O(Sober 16.
Arrived. Days.
Ship Semiramis, Smith, Havannah^via
Newport 19
Ship American Aero, Jenkins, London
Brig Experiment, Leving, Malaga
Sclir* Neptiine, Bcrgb, Halifax
Sarah, Smith, Spanish Main
Volunteei, Coates, Surrinam
Sloop Sally, Magray, Yarmouth
Ytfterdey airivrd ship Robert, Perrin, 49
days, Liverpool ; failed in co. with the ship
Sparrow for Halifax. Lat. 42, 00, lon£.
34, 12,/fpoke fJiip Lydia, Treadwejl, from
New-York to Liverpool out 15 days. Lit.
41, 14, long. 55, 15. spoke Ih.p Mermaid,
14 days ot\t from St. U'oes to Bofloh.
Sime day fchr, Haripony, Baine, 11 days/'
Windsor, N. !5.
Same day, fchr. Sea Flower, Fisher, 19
days, Turk's-Ifland.
San'e day, sloop Minerva, Williams, Ja
maica, jodtys.
Arrived, fchhoner Polly, Gray, 18 days,
Sailed ill co- with the fchr.
Sra-flower, Fitch, Tor this port, at>d the brig
Fortune, Ardenton, for New-London ; (loop
Three Sifters, Decher, for Wilmington,
N. C. Left there the fchr. Concord, Bains,
for New-London. Odtober 12, spoke the
fchr. -Succtfi, Johnfoli, frorrt Philadelphia,
lor St. Croix. Sept. 21, in lat. 36, 10,
lung. 74, co, was c?ptured by an Englilh
,flixp cf war the fchr. Cliance of Rhode-Is
land from the coast of Guinea bouud to Ha
vannah, with 120 fluves on board, William
Brown, niafter, and sent to Jamaica.
The Eliza and Mary from New-Orleans
to New-York, is carried into Halifax.
The English brig Minerva, Debbinfon,
Irom Montego-Bay.
Halifax papers to the id inft. were receiv
ed at the office of the Daily Advertifcr
lafl evening by the fchr. Jenny in 14 days
from thence. The only articles worth re
publilliing, follows :
HALIFAX, September 33.
Yesterday morning failed for England his
Majelty's fliip Asia, captain Murray, having
under coilvoy the transports with th« 24th
and 26th regiments.
Sunday evening arrival the fliip Howard,
capt. Frame from Amfterdain bound to N.
York, cargr k dry goods, See. lent in by
the Earl ot Dublin.
The ftiip parted >vi;h the Earl of Dublin
in a gale 011 Wednelday Utl,
Last Friday arrived l-cre John Wentworth
Esq. Attorney-General at. Piincc Edwari
iiland ; and K. G. Crooki;, Eiq. Nephew t6
Lord RoHniore of Ireland.
The Chief Justice of Prince Edward If
lund has reHgned in favour of the Nephtw
of Sir John Wentwonh and retires on a
September 24*
Wednesday, the wind blowing hard, di
rcftly from the land, a ship was dii'coveicd
in the offing, apparently in diltrcl», having
loft her inain-roaft by the board. As night
began to approach ihe anchored in the Bay,
and the following morning (he was reported
( so be a ihip from Norfolk in Virginia, be
longing to Gueinftfy, out 26 days, having
loft raoft of her ciew lince her departure, sup
posed by the Yellow Fever or fstine other ma
lignant disorder. 1 lie wind coming fair,
Ihe came up the harbour un«l anchored with
in piftoi lliot of the town, with a yelluw
rag at her mizeu top melt, indicative of ■«
difcaled llnp ; and yrfterday morwiiig, i'oir.e
boats were lint Iron* lis Majrlty,* skips,
which towed her into the miidie. oithe har
bour, wtre iiie now lies.
:o<ft ibtr 2.
Friday hft his Exctlkiuy Sir John Went
worth, tailed tor Sydney, in his Majesty's
armed brig ol
Michael Wallace, and Lawrence Har l 'herne,
Stj ndy airivrd the ship Matilda, capU
Ellis i,; jo d.'.ys from Liverpool,. He
Lwddß daftffait only to Augult 23.
BOSTON, Oftoher 12.
T hit day aarived, (hip America, F-rrett
Irom New York.
Arrived, brig Unj.on , Kills, Cape Fran
coss > 35 days - Sailed under convoy of the
U S sloop of war, Herald, Chailes R'.ifLll,
commander- Left at Cape Francois*
2d "epp Union, Adams Newburyport ;
Debby, C oa fi» e s ; .Spragiie, Bolton ;
Fish Ha"wk, Cook, Salem; Fy, Lamfon,
do j Lucy, Bazweett, Providence ; Em
ma,, Gurdler , Marblehead ; Sally, Smith,
Beverly. '
Same day, flr;op Juno, Staples, Port Re
publican; 28 days Left there eaut. Baconj
for Boston- ~
• CHARLESTON 5 , Oabber 3.
Ship Shepherds, Gjrey, New-York
Sclu. Fox, Pierce,. . St. Mary's
Sloop Racht;?, Brown, ~ Charleflon
Schr. Virginia, Watson, do-
Arrived fl. op Lively, Hippius, Haranna,
2i days ; fchboper Sally, Clare, Savanna-la-
Mar, 31 deys.
Brig Republican, Hodgkihs, Softon
Camelion, Barker, London
Sc'nr. Swift, Brio, Martinique
Sloop Frieiidlhip, Hillary* Su'nbury
Independence, Duffil, Philadelphia
September 25.
Arrived brig CoKimerce, Bowers, St.
Bartholomew's, 18 days; ftiip F/ix,' Kim
bell, Hamburg, 58 dajs; rtoop
Skidmore, Alexandria, 16 days ; (hip
Achilles,. Parfyns, Honduras, out 7$ dayjj
to London.
Left there the ship Farmer, Gibfon, to
f iil in three days.
Sept. 18, in I*t. 33 31 long 73, spoke
thefchr. Ad'.enture, Liiibiidge, of Phila
delphia, bound to the Havannah, out three
September 26.
Arrived the Schr. P r >l!y, Vincent, H.i-*
vanna, 21 days j .ship Indians, Gayer, Su
Thomas's, 19 days.
September 29.
Arrived Brig Friendship, Rider, Madeira,
39 days ; fchr. Two Brothers, Siinkins,
St. Augustine, 3 days.
Arrived the sloop Martha, Norris, Hi
vanna, 9 days ; fchr. flibetvia, Rbbinfon,
Havanna, 21 days*
Ship Dj-.iphin, Thomas Wallace, Matter,
left London. July 17. On the zzi arriv
ed at Deal ; fpokr with the ship Clnirniont,
capt. Brown, fr/im Savannah, off Dover,
all well.
August 19, one of the Conctrtd's [Britiif*
Frigate] wade guns butft, and killed wrd
wounded twenty-one men, 9 killed 5 ntor»
tally wounded.
September 6j lat, 36 £0 long $7 26,
fp</ke a (hip from Arorterdani, to Baltimore,
36 daysjout, Brown, roalter.
Yellerday arrived the Brig Diligence,
Lawfon, St. Kitt's, 27 days ; Ihip Dau*
phin, Wallace, London, 63 days ; brig
South Carolina, Andrews, "Hanifttirg, 60
|tC?* Bookl'el.lers, Printers, and private
Gentlemen, holding fubfeription papers for
the publication of The Fakrago am! Lay
Pheacheu, will please, on, or before the
middle of November next, to forward them
to Philadelphia, in a cover, open at the ends,
ill the manner ira which newspapers are
they be addrefTed to Asb«ry Dickins»
Bookseller, Philadelphia'. Gentlemen, in dif
ferent parts of the United States, and in
Britifli America, who have not had an op
portunity to sub fori be to both, or either of
the above performances, may address as above
their letters, PJi paid ; their wiflies Thall be
complied with, and their names, it sent
seasonably, dial I be added to the lift of fus
crifbers, to be prefixed to '.he volumes.
October 14.
In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns,
LE a D, Brazier's Solder, Tin in boxes, Steel
Sheet*iron, Sewing tv.ihe, and a large assort
ment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sa-iletv, Krafi
and Japann'd wart-* For fa eby
Elisha Fisher ,'c Co.
f .'vtJ'w. Im
ifldher 17,
October 16.
Will be frefcnted, (net a<3?d the<c j years) a fa-
Vorice Trajetly, called
Isabella ;
OR, the fatal marrigae.
Biron (being hi* fir£c appearance in chat
charadler) Vr. Coapet —llabella,
Mrs. Merry.
To which will be added a Comic Opera iri
two a£ts, called
Lingo. Mr. Bernard—Cowslip, Miss E.
Bo*, one Dollar. Pit j three quarters of a Dol
lar, and Gallery, half a Dollar.
The Doors of the Theatre will open at half part
5, and the Curtain rife at half pjift 6 o'ekek-
Gentlemen.and Lidlci are rcqaefted to ftnd their
frrvants to keep places in the boxes at a quarter pall
five o't lock.
■JC7* THE Members of the Socitty of
the Sons-os St. GRORGt, eftabliflicd at
Philadelphia, for the advice and ;iffiftaifce
of Eng'iiflimen in distress, ar*; requeued to
attend a qijarterly ttieeting of the said Soci
ety, at the City Tavern, on Thursday the
23d day of Odtobrr, at fix o'clock in the
evening. •
Several Members are to be balloted
for- GEORGE DAVI , SeCry. r
I OSob;r 16. dU3d (->'
• M
> I»,