Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 16, 1800, Image 2

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By this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, October 15.
to ibe Editor f the SUN", a paper printed
at Pittsjuld, Massachusetts.
As the Million of Governor JA Y t >
BttliAlji has G.JJii made the source of
much calumny and mifreprelentation, you
are requeued to puSlifh the enclosed let
ter, that your readers i>ny fee bow gross
ly of that Million have, bren
exaggerated, and how unm-ritedly t|\e
envWy himfelf has bteW, and continues to
be, flartdrred. A friend tolruib.
■» ■», October Ist, ti}oo.
Dear Sir,
MR. BEERS, in eomplisiice with your
rftqued has delivered to rtie 'an extratl fm.rn
the Albany Register, of the 15th «f last
month, which contains the following erro
neous statement of the expenees incurred by
the United States, for rtegociatiug the Treaty
with Great Britain !
"Mr. Jay,for his Dols* Qs.
the Treaty, - » i8,«oo «o
Tor his paflage to Europe, 3,7*8 51
To pay incidental expenees, to,o»o 06
To do. in negociating the tn-aty s,o<Sj6 bo
To get papers of Captures," 16,01*2 83
¥ — l
S*»7»> 34
This fhtrment is not a new or.e, it ap
peared in Gre»nleaf's paper in March '97.
It is calculated, and was doubtless defigneel,
to impress an opinion that the adn-.iniftratieji
of Pfdident-WASHINGTON, was too prodi
gal of the public money, in the negotiation
■vVit(i Great.Britain, and that I defivedextra
vagant emoluments from it..
Calumny, in)' dear Sir, has been nn en
gine of party, in all countries, and pirticular
~ly in EUctisc Gpv.ernmentlt is an evil
which, originating in the corruption of hu
man nature, is without reined*, and conse
quently is to be borne patiently. The es
teem of the wife and good is valuable, and
to acquire and preserve it, is all that ambi
tion ought to aim at.
As to the Itatement question, you are
desirous to* know ex'ttly how far it deviates
from the truth ; and to gratify this desire, I
will give you a concise and aecurate (late of
the faclt.
Being at Philadelphia on official business,
in May, 1794. Prelident Washington desired
me to go as ' Envoy, to Great Britain. I
earrefHy endeavoured to fix his attention
elsewhere ; but he persevered, and I found
jt impoljiblc to reconcile it with my. duty to
persist ift declining*th'e"appointment. Cir
<um{lareed as I was, and aware of the na
ture of-the business, of Hhe tempsr of the
times, and of t,K«iuni»n of Certain interests a
gainst any amicable settlement with GreaN
JJritcyn, personal considerations opposed my
■undertaking the talk. When I finally yield
ed to the President's request, I told him, that
I declined any compenfotioii for my services
—that my neceflary and attual expencct only
ftould be paid, but that my flatrd salary as
Chief Justice wufl be continued.
A veflel in ballad was chartered to carry
me to England, for you that
*n Embargo was then in operation, but in
eontrafting or paying for thi* vessel I had no
The Secretary of State gave me a Bill for
18,#00 dollars towards the expences of the
mission, and for which, I was to account.
All my exptPices of every kind as Envoy
to ftreat-Britain, including the salary of my
Secretary, the expense of my paflage home,
and shttj'tireepounds iterhng paid in coun
sel fees, refpetting capture-cases, amounted
to the fuin of 12 000 dollars and 36 cents,
which beiog drduSid from the before-men
_ tioned 18,000 dollars, left in my hinds a
eonfiderabfe balance due to the l/oited Stutet.
This balance I accounted for and fettlod with
the Treasury in the following manner, vi*.
By cash advanced to an Ameri
can gentleman in the service of
the United States, and whose ac»
count with the public was charg
ed with it by the Treasury,
By amount of my order on the
Banker,in favor of Mr, Pinckney
wha wis the American Minister
at London, tr wards a fund for
fcxptnees refpefting capture safes
to be accounted for by him to the
By cash paid fcy uie to the treas.
'My ekprmrt, ya*.o— 36
.. t s '
Tkefe fac'i are »<;nNcd by„ Vrtafury"
■RrporV-of the account between the 'United ■
and mei marked No. -7373, by the
Report, marked No. )]j«, 00
VhkK it inioHrd the Con»ptrofler"j ctrtifr
- title, and hy tlw Regiflrr'i certificate of the
£na) : letilertteut ps the accmint.
With bntitfienta of cftttm and Mgard,
-1 am, he. .
BOSTON Odtober 8.
Virmanl—There has not been a choice ot
... Federal Reprcfentative; in the d'iftrift ia
Ytrtntnt, now t eprefented by the Hon. X.:
R. Morris, Esq. The candidates are near
ly a dozen in Number* The chief object
ion Mr. Morris ia hia having been second in
in the Chamfl'm and Bayard duet. A federal
editor concludes fame remarks on the fub-'
jest, by faying :—"The real federalift of
Ferment is a Chritli n—a moral man—:
friend to man, to our conftijttioo, to the
to Vhe govtf nmant, and t&- <Jie law (among
ail other's which forbids dueling.'' Should
Gen. Morrij fa 1 of a re-cl £iou, we arc con
fident a Federal man will be ehofen.
ColvToufard has vifitcd and infpefted
Fwrt Pickering at Shteo 1. 'rhe Colonel
101 l an arm in Rhode IJland, in an acliou
during onr revolutionary wir-.
The Rev. Dr-. Dwight. Prefldent of Tale
Colegt, is naW on a fifit to this tow -J
following inimitable Portrait of
that great and good man whose loss our
country dill deplores, is drawn by a cele
brated European, wH« k<iew our fainted
Countryman o ly Ijy hisfublime virtues
and glorious deeds. [_BoJi. Eekt.
By Mallet THi Fak.
.... , j , k .
111 the lame month (Drcembcr 17^9)
and nearLyof the fame age, died three rten*
Very unlike in talents, character, public
qualities and reputation } but who in their
difiimilar career, have exoited the admiration
or elided the attention «f Enropt. Two
of them were vidtims of the French Revo
lution ; and the third went Id also have fallen
a factificc to it, had not his profound wis
dom. the energy of the rational fart <?6 hit
eou.itrymen, and !»>cal causes, furported him
againlt the intrigues, libels, and mkchina
tions of the Republic of Paris. 1
" These words will immediately present
to the feader's mind the oame of Gen, IV Jb.
ins;ten. On the ijth lieccmber the United
States cf America loft this great and virtuou-.
Citizen, who di«d in the 68th year of his
age at .hi« house in Virginia, in c»nfequeijce
of a sudden disorder, which carfried him off
In twenty-fottr hotfts
" What rank will history assign to this
character among the coternporaries whole
names have borne the gre-tell laftre ? It
may be made a qucflion whether Washington.
as a General and State Oman. equalled n ge
nius Prince iugent, Frederick II or Chat
ham ? But how is it poflifcle with p:opr ety
to compare irie.n who are placed in situations
do wife analagubs ?
" Were wc allowed to venture an opin
ion bn this fubjedt we would observe, that
if H'a/hington was inferior to some other il
lustrious men in extant and boldnefa of mind,
lie furpafTed them by the union of qualifies
and talents ;he molt rarely found together,
and by a character almoll faultlefs.
" C< nftitution, foul, afld intelleft, were
in him inconstant harmony, and perfeflly
adapted to his public career. It mi?ht be
said 1 hat Providence had created him for the
part he ha*. fudained, for the people he govern
ed. and £u.r the circumttaucea in which his
country (food. At Athens, his lot would
have been that of Ariftides or Phoeim ; in a
Republic well conflituted and long titabliih
ed, hia ferviccs would not have beeu called
forth | in a corrupt republic he would have
chofea pri 1 ate Itation ai thi pot tf htn
•• In his military and political ife, wis
dom was the prominent feature of his char
ter. It iigiv-n to few men to poflrfs hat
admirable moral temprraturt which marked
all the a&ioni of Waflsmgta* Hil courage
and his talent: for war woald have been
infu£cieii' t and perhaps hurtlul, without th«
patience, coolness, and equality of spirits
which l.e displayed iu bad at well aigpod
" At the head of ti « Republic, heprtfervefi
the lame uprightntft and tho fame spirit of
eondiic* by which he had been guided in
battle. He was- indebted to the excellence
of his judgment, as well as to the afena
dency of his public and private virtues, for
the permanence of the reputation he enjoy,
ed. Nisfpceches, letters, anions, were al
ways marked with the fame real'on, and that
ftion'g good sense whith is the highest gifi
of nature to a public man, and his highefV
merit ; that good feufe which alone
the agitations of the foul, and corre&s the
wandrnngi of the understanding.
" The habitml moderation of Wasbing-
Ich, his firmnefs which was ever calm and
well-timed, his prudence, which neither
difficulty nor pfciHnn, neither hop* nor fear
i could shake, his superiority to all artifice
and intrigue, and his ait Ms politics, dicta
ted by a just rliiniation ot times, men, and
things, have never degenerated for a ipo r
mrnt. Placed >1 the head of an infant Re
public, he acquired all the dignity . usually
billowed on high offices by the force of cui
ftom and of age } and'he preserved it as if
he had ruled America for a century : his
administration was better fuppnrted '•/ re
fpe&t and confidence than by laws or armies^
"He has not been charged with a vjti
h or a weakness. No one has railed a
doubt of his integrity or his difintereftrd
nefs. Free from ambition, he never would
h:ive fought fnperier rank, or have been
anxious «o make a figure: he was led to
them by his services, the general eftrem he
atfatfrd, and bycircumftantes. In him su
periority was pardoned ; the jealouly #f his
equals vanilhed before the. admirable fimpli
ility of his manners, the purity of his morals,
and the re&itude of his condadt-—ln short
neither a vain love of glory, nor the desire
of diftiuAion, nor any prrfoaal view, ever
gave a bias to his patriotism, which was the
principle of all his thoughts, and the spring
of all his aflions.
*33 33
s<*7® **
*9 S 9
" If the title, so much abufrd, tf a great
man, ought t« be reierved for one whof*
i'uccefs never injured juttice or honour, and
in whom greu virtues united with great
talents, who shall refufe it to Washington ?
" IS any can add to his glory and
deferp, it is the insolent temerity of fonie
buffoons of liberty, who, in our Jays, boast
* fVasbingten, Le Stcigucr,and Marmun-
F om the Briti/l life cury
to Jijvc made tiiill tiieir mAt, and who
douln not ttrcy lave for; affed him.
" Yes, to tfc'difgiice of the aj;e, and of
Prance in'partculai, we have fesn demo
cratic fchor.l-tovs, Revolutionary noort.ons,
and Hectorsof Oonft'tation, compounded «>t', iico.ifilVncirs, and the molt contemp
tible weikncfffli, letting themt'elves up for
the rivals of W.:tbington. Even at this
moment do vr fee a fwagg-erer, known by
some f irtiumt; buttles, and by invasions
fcfleft'ed in fqir-and-twenty hours, purcbafed
at the price «f ajl that modesty, integrity,
huiinniiy, anl even policy require to be re
'fpr&rcU'caufiig himfirlf to he proclaimed by
newfpape'r.wliters "and tub orators a Hero,
such as nevir whs before, and never wML be
aj;ain 0 I mur-rtr bo-n't num. mentes ! And
do theie Republican strutter- really think,
that a wry i.eck is 1 'ffifficieiit to dub them.
/jlexcnti' rs ?
" General Washington has carried with
him tothe tomb the general clleem of Europe.
His condtfft had compelled even his enemies
to rtfpe& him l It was tcferved for the
Erench Republicans alone to differ from the
re los the world, and to infuli, as basely
as gfofsly, the President ef the United
Statts. tt h trtae, that he had very wifely
forefern, and so early as the the
horrible caritr of a Revolution, Which set
out with-overthrowing all public. order,-
which forming crime lata thfcory made pat
riotism io coVlift in afTaffioation- and liberty
in the impunity ofevery outage again ft the
free«ortl «f cititens*
Tee national gratitiide as /ttneried has
hdn jirtd the memory of Wajbihgton by
public teflirrioniet of grief, ar.d by solemni
zing the funeral of her illullrioua ehirf in
the most dilVngiiifbed manniV.
u Wajhiniton has quitted life without the
flighted diminution of his glory tranquillity
and happinei't—He died on field* cultivated
bjr himfelf, in the bosom of kit country, of
his fatiily, of his friends, and the venera
tion of~Ajn»rica accompanied him to the
grave. • - « ■ t
" Such bUflings as theft have not fallen
to the lot-rjf another Republican Magistrate,
whof-deflioy, though less brillant than Wajh
irtglon's, had how ver for some years pad
engaged thlc"p«blic attention."
BALTIMORE, Oftob-r 14.
In talcing the census, conformable to an
aft of Congreft pafled at the last feflion, the
bor-ugh of Winchester i* found t* contain
Free whte males, - - 916
Free wtile females, - - *
Free negroes and multftoet, » 22
Slaves, - - - 347
Lawrence Brengle it (lieriff for
Frederick County.
Died, on board the United States (hip
Maryland on h{r hnmewaed bound passage,.
Mr. Jafepn Neale lieutenant of marines in
the 27th year .of his age ; a young, promi
fiag and well deserving officer ; much es
teemed by all who had the pleasure »f hit
acquaintance, and greatly regretted by hit
brother of&cerf ajdmen.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
I) AN-AW.YY from Gen, Ridgely of Balti.
Lv more, on the »oth inll a light coloured
negro nan, who call* himftlf WILLIAM
Mc. DONALD ; He i« about >4 years of age,
about 5 fed 8 mcb'es high, neat in hisdrefs, and
ha* a good suit of hAlt. Had on, whea he
went away, a good beaver hat, a Ihort light
f;re«ti cloth coat, tdgeJ with yellow, and yel
ow gilt- buttons —a light buff caflimer, double
breaded wailtcoat, a pair of dark olive colour
ed thickfctt pantaloons—a white linen shirt,
white ribhed cotton stockings, and a good pair
of ihsefc. firings* He took with him a
dark blue\cdat, a pair|of olive caltmer panta
loons, ajid a light corduroy pair of breeche* ;
also a goM'or pinchbeck watch, with aft eel
chain. HeU fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso
lent, has 2 ittipid l«»k, and chtws tobacco.—
He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and
pQrchated of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and le
cures in any jail so that the owner may
gat hint again, (hall receive, tbe above reward,
with rcafonable charges if Wrought .home, or de
li", eredta jofhut B. Bond, Philadelphia.
> mayi dtf
0" The Editor wifhej td central
for a <orrftant supply of Super-Royal
wanted annually will be about one thousand
rehms. Any person difpol'ed to contratt,
by calling at the office will learn further
September 3.
And to be Sold by
No.-l*6,'fouth fide Market Street,
Reports of Cases
Argued and determined in the
. comwanced with
u s- j*»
I »*IJ
The Right Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT,
Mubctlmji hrm 1798.
By Charles Kdbinfon, LL. I). Advocate.
V#LUMK 1 4 —Part I.
Thcfe Report will he continued regularly;
The fiend Par! which concludes this Volume is
*QW in the prefn, and win be published with all
the expedition possible,
•rtuguft *.j.
A good second hand
Riding Chair,
and an excellent family
FOR SALE, Cheap—'Enquire of the Prihter.
-September 1 tawf%w
For ' .
The Arncr.ican Philadclphu, Ce
/VJikwf-. darand Live-Oak built
Oamel C Tellingtiaft, matter;
to fail early in Novem
ber, and to return in early spring
(hip to Philadelphia , will he ready to take in
shortly at Terotr's wharf—For Freight or Paffige,
apply to the captain on hoard, or to
Those Gentlemen who have Goods op board
the Amiable, art requested to fetid their permit*
onboard at Gerard's Wharf,above Market street,
where the- (hip is ready t« discharge.
Jeremiah Warder,
: j. Has for Sale,
Liverpool high lVord fine Salt Cffll of the
firlt quality ; London refined Salt Petrej Lou
don Wfei e Lead drc and ground in oil { Red
| L'ead ; London-Tin Plates in boxes j Roman
I-Tea Caiiftert in cases ; .Irish L ineni afTorted,
[4 & A lib iCanno« Woolwich proof,and jh 9 jib
[,shpt-, " •
o<ft«ber r<; 3taw*w.
John Clifton, junr.
HAVING declined hit former bulinefs, offers
for sale all hi* (lack, confiding of the follow
ing articles viz. fixtcen anvils, eighteen pair of
bellows'•, five vices, with' all the other tools ne
cefTery for csndu Aing the Souths BufineD. ,
Ab'otii five tons of spikes, different Gzes, jo»o lb.
flteathing and drawing nails, i large afiortment of
hooks and thimbles fwivlo hooks, scrapers,
hinges andnails, witk every other description of
ready male iron work, suitable for (locking a
fitip smith's or ihip chandler's (tore.
AW sf which he will fell on ■ very, reafanable
terms for cafli or approved notes.
*** Apply at No. So, Swanfon Street, South
0-aober. ls. 3tawim
Robert Smith & Co.
Nb, $1) Seuth Front Strett.
By the late arviv It from London, Liverpool,
HulUfidGtafgoW, , , . :
• A general alTortment of
Suitable for the Seafoti—among which are
Superfine and second cloths
Forest coths and plaint
A variety of plain, fibb'd and embofTed eaffi
meres of every colour
A variety of falhionable fwanfddwn
Kendal cottons
Backing and Colchester biize of evefy coldi*
7 4 to 11-4 rose brankett '
«i x and 3 1 'do . : ' > ' i
White serges, suitable for.fadlerj
RiShed and plain calimancoes >
Rattinets and (halleoas ,
Dur juts, joans ind bombazeent
Bombazctts, ftripod and plain,
Wildbores •
Yelvcrets, thickfett« and faJicy cords
Cheek'd and striped ginghams
J-8.4 4, It-8 cbttan checks
Bed ticks, Scotch (hirtir.g
Brown linens and cotton bagging
Plain and tamhor'd jaconet and book muflios
•and h*ndker<hi'fs
Coloured tamhor'd ditto
Olive, lead'and blue mucins
Cambricksind lawn*
Lawn, and printed handkerchief?
, Black and colored Barcelona ditto ~ .
Black love * ditto
Worded, yarn and cotton hosiery
White and colored threads
Tapes. quality and (hoe binding
An affortraent of ribbons {
Se"» inj (Ilk and twist
, Ivory and horn comb*
Shirt wire* and mould.
Plain and lancy buttom
Knifes and forks, penknives, scissors, needles
pins, *e. >
They have also on hand,
an assortment of
Coleured and black Lutestring*, Senehaws and
and Sattins—Currahs, Coffas, Sanas, Baftaes, 8»-
xeenas ftc. •
OBober IC . , d\m
■ Opposite Cbrist-Cbnreb, Philadelphia,
The Claims of Thomas Jefferfon
To Mr PjttsibtHcr.
Examined at the Baf .of Religion.
By a Layman.
Price 35 Cent*.
oßober 1$
James Chew,
ON getting out of the New-York stag* yester
day, took some articles out of a frail I bag and
put theJa in a handkerchief; in* hurry he left the
bag on the pavement; it Contained fiindry papers,
one »t which was a feamanVprorcdion for James
Chew- Among the other things in the hag there
was a caul which was over the face ofthefsid
Chew when born, wd on it the name of S. Chew
was marked. Any person having fonnd the above
and will return it to Mr. Paul Freno, No. 131,
earner of Spruce Und Water greets,ihall be hand
fouiely rewarded.
til ler 15 toy
Loft or Stolen,
A white Spaniel DOG, marked with large liver
coloured fpoti, large ear» and short tail, and
aafweri to the name el Carlo. Two dollars re
ward given, if returned to No. 39, north
Front ltre*t, or U fiolea, Ten Dollars for Thief and
O&ober to djt
Three Cents Reward.
RON away from the Subscriber on the evening
of the 18th inft. a bound Servant GIRL.
Rimed Elizabeth Howchcl, had on and took with
her three dHTertat changes of garment and money,
proud,bold and noted lyar ; any p#r
fon apprehending her fhiTlne entitled to the above
rewar4—no costs or charges will be paid.
N: B, She had * years ami ioroe months t<? serve
OolheaTowalbjp,Chefter County, Jaly »9
tuguft i 3*Wtf
Siigars at auftion;
The 17th irtftant, at to o'clock, will be fold, on
Walnut flrcet wharf, for approved endorsed
75 hogsheads of choice Sugars.
SAMUEL YORKE, sluct'r.
otflobcr 14 d4t
This Day is Published,
Bookkllw and Stationer', No. ji, l'outh Sf.
, cori llccet, Pliilndclpliia, g
(Price I 'dollar, in boa ds—v llum, 1 dol
lar and 25 cents, J
EiFay on Political Society.
Copy right secured agreeably to act of
Oftober l j
Just Received,
And for sale *t the Office of the' Philade
lphia Gazette, and at A. t-Jict iris's Book-
Store. opposite Ghrift Church, an interest
ing aF'mphlet, entitled, the
Voice of Warning
President of the United. States.
Blow the Trumpet in Zion—Who is on thfc
Lord's fide ?
f . [Price nj CeirtKj
October 8. djt.
Houses to Let:
ONE Urge convenient thsee-ftory Brick
Dwelling-Honfe, with four rooms oh a
floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump
of Water, and a rain water cistern in the
yard ; situate on the east Tide of Fourth*
Street, one deut above Race-Street, lately
occupied fe f Solomon. Moroche.-
A convenieut Three Story
Next door, but one, north of tht ahove,
No. 57.— It liafk a Pump and Cistern in
the'yard, See. For terms apply.,at No. 116
Adguft 4. Sep. 16 m&wtf
Charles Marffiall
No. 46', Cbesnut Street,
Per brig Liberty, tapt Henderfon, from Amfler
dam, and ether arrivals,
A <jna'ntit)r of the following arti£lc«, which thejr
fell for caflv, or the tt£ual credit—
Antimon cfud ' OLAnfti
Arsenic alb , Juniper
Sac laturni . Succini
Vitriol alb f Rho4ii
■ N Boratf
, Opium.
Annetto •
Coim lab
+ «
I ' ti«
ALSO ON HAfol),'
Sat G'auher" "1 ('Mamftflak
Rad gentian | j Com
Flo Sulphur !< j Liquorice ball
Sweet oil rO j Core Peru slav
. Bem anifi j35 j Rub'
Rheubarb J~ L
And a quantity of
Shop furniture, ftlrgeon? inftrumtnts, patent
medicines, Ac.—Medicine chests, and orders fron
the country, put up on moderate terms.
feptember 13 w fa 3W
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Office of the Gazette o|
the United States. ,
. July if).
.A Runaway.
, - .r* ~. ;
ON Saturday the 43d August, ran away from
the fubferiber, living in Harrifourgh, ait
apprentice to the printing business, named Benja
min Morrifon, a lad of about 16 years of age,
small of stature and very aiUve, lhort hair and of
a smiling countenance—Had on and took with
him a oalico coatee, a pair of trowfers »f nearly
the fame, a pair of eommon nankeen ditto, and a
hamefpon lye caloureM ilriped ditto, and a lhort
jecketof the fame, with a new hat—All persons
are forfcld harboaring said apprentice at their
peril. Reasonable charges will b« paid for secu
ring the boy, so that his master may get b'm
Harrifburgh.Sept. I _______
Notice to Creditors.
£5" TAKE Nntice that I ha»e applied to the
Judges of tkc Court of Common Pleat, lor the City
and County of Philadelphia, for the benefits of the
several a&s of this Commonwealth, and the jr have
appointed Monday,the 6thof ©dtober,at loo'clock
A. M. at the Court House, to hear »s and my
Creditors, at which time and place they may at-,
tend if they think proper.
journey men
WANTED Immediately three or four Jsurney
men PRESSMEN ; those who can bring
indifputablc recommendations of their beisg good
workmen, steady and honest, may Bad eonftant
employment at the Printing office of
Isaiah Thomas, jr.
Worreftfr, september 17, »Bco (ll)
To the Pilots of the Bay and
River Delaware.
THAT agreeably to Dire&ions of the,
Board of Health that they " brngthe w-JHl*
to, which they may hive charge of, before
the L- zaretto, after the firft of neyt month
as heretofore, lintil otherwiTe dire&ed.
Matter Warden of the of Ehil* delphif
. Warden's Office t Sept. 21, 180 a.
i - o»tfty«rir,
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