Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 16, 1800, Image 1

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    a®,". S
N\jmt.PK 2513.1
T6e />ri'ce of Gazette ts Eight
[Collars per annual to Subsetibers residing
is tbe city of Philadelphia. All others fay
oie Doliai additional, for enclosing, and tli
recting ; and unless*some person in this city
mill become answerable for tbe subscription,
It must.bepaid Six Months in Advance.
*«* A'o Subscription will be received for
a darter term than six months.
December I 1799*
' - ' * 1 *
Tfm (M*» 11-r* o*+* *'•
At Wain's wharf,
The Cargo of the brigEnterprize,
g Surinam Molafles,
0f an el telle kit quality, in hoglheads, tierces and
And about 49 quarter casks
( For Sale br
Wharton Es? Lewis,
No. 4 !s,fouth Fiont flreet.
. oftober 9 tu th fa tf
In the (hip Atlantic, captain Waters, from
Calcutta and Madras,
And for sale by the subscriber,
A great variety of articles mostly suitabl'
for exportation,
among which AIIE
Blue cloths
Soot Romals
Salem poores
Madras Long Cloths
Ditto Handkerchief*.
aooo bags prime Sugar,
Hyson and Souchong Tea,
No. 80, Dock street.
mwf tf
oilober 10
Saw Manufactory.
No. TO, south Fifth ftrret,
Manufactures mill, cr«fs cut and pit*
fiws, equal isa quality, appearance and fljap?
to any ever jmportcd; which jells wholefalc
at tfe fgHawiag pricqs-6 fee *»«" 5 ' -» dol
lar each ; crofa-<ruf do. j|o cents j. er foot; pitt do.
60 cents per'foot.
Wood-Cutters cast steel faw S and every other
kind, made to any particular diredion.
o<9ober to m-wf «m
a iJaniSsome
English Grammar,
Has tti'is Day been publilhed, by A\fi[frr
Dickins, opposite Christ-Church,
[Price One Bol'ar.']
Qflp'ocr 7- j
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RUN AWAY from theSubfcriber on Wednef
day night the sth instant, a Black Inintci
fervairt, YiaWd Cf.lin, jull arrived from Jamaica
in , ht) brig Diligence with his rafter. Hcisawell
mailt! lad of 16—17 y«»» ° f age,, or thereabouts,
has a pleasant countenance, and a fmill fear on
his icft cheek, which yet appears white trom a
late fall or blow He .is abpu.t 5 feet Jor fix in<
•(cltesjiigh, und bad 011 when, he went away acom
.inog hyp rMindjack'et a-.d trowl'crs, with a fif
vants black glaz : bat, and bad with him wfiite
aliti ftnpei check (hirt« and pantaloons.
He is known to be enticedor env ig'.od away Ify
■ a man. named Wnium, a vatjve cl B'.-ifon,
who was Cook of'tbefaidtrig Deli,fence, and i,a
ft#ut thick mat. of 3.5 .or 43 "year* 01 ige, and they
are fappofed to tray=l togctbflr; The fai-! CV.iti
-'••contrived t»g« a parcel containing dol
fare of the years co : nage ot the U States,
never before in circu : ati)ii a>.d a few milled dou
bloons of full weight uut'ot his mailers k«ping,
and also toojcwitfcthitn a liiver table spoon with
the cyper A." K - or. it, aid a desert knife and fork
with white Ivory handles."
The above rewariVwiS bc_ p>.id perfon
who will bring (heTalff Cdlen a<)d Wiliiain t» the
Subscriber, No. 31 Spruce tireet or tolWeffrs. Sa
vage and Dugan, Third Street, or ! odge them in,
any goal er work b u'e in ally of the States so t'
his master may have Colin, aud it is.eouetled the
money may befecttted, it is luppofed Wiliam J- |r,
poifcllion of it, andreqiieftcd he may be detained
with Colen, gliding iutortnuion to.tfie laid
Messrs. Sav»ge andDogan, t hi'ade!pb;a
* * All Captains of vessels are tcrwarned ret
harbobr or emp'o/or carry trfea the laid t.egr e
s the law will be put in trfce aj/tuuff thtm.
s H. ROSE.
•aober Els
Gazette •/ Oe United States, & Daily Advertiser.
1 .*
H. «
11 ji
0 »6
1 *4
» 4
% j8
4 19
* T+
6 19 5 31
6 t.O 5 3c
6 si 5 «8
- 6 33 5 47
- 6 34 5 46
6 3 f 5 45
o 37 5 43
J ' k' -
1 »
At a County Court of Common
HelJ at Union T»wn, for the Comity of Favctte,
th* ftconil Monda -qf September, in the
(IjfDs ye» r of our Lord one thousand eight
iuudred, helorc the 'Honorable AlerjUl
der iddifon, Efijuire, and
his affeciate Judges of the fame court,
ON the petition of John Bart!«tt, an Uifolvent
Debtor, praying th; Denefit of the aift of Ge
neral Affemfcly lor the relief of Infalveut Debtor*,
, the Cturt appoints the fccoHd Monday or Deeem
icrncxt to hear the petitioner and Jris creditors,
afid orders that novice thereof be poblithed three
fuccefiive weeks ia the United Statrs Gazette in
Philadelphia, in .Come daily paper ia Baltimore—
in a Lexington paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay
ette Gazetto, tl.e lift publication in each, to be ac
lead four weeks before the day of hearing.
By the Court,
OSober 10. djw.
BE IT REMEMBERED, That mi the iad day
of August, in the * ?th year cf thfl ludepeß
dente of the United States ot America, William
Young, (B»okfeJlcr,) of the said Di.lritft, hath
depoGted in this Office, the title of a Book, the
right whereof he claims as proprietor ; in the wards
following, to wit.
. *' Essay ok"folilictft Society.''
IN CONFORMITY to of tj>e Con
grefstf the United States,lntituled " An
A& fpr the encouragement of learning
[si At..] by &curing the copies o( Maps, Cham
ana Books to the Authors and Propri
etors W such copies during the times
therein mentioned "
Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania.
feptemher 18 »aw4w
District of Pennsylvania to ivit :
BE it remembered thit on (he Tenth day of
July in the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen
dence of the United States of America, Alexan
der AddifoH of the said Diftri<£t hath deputed
in this office the title of i book the right where
of he claims ai Author in the words following
to wit, " Reports <rf cafea in the County courts
of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of
Errors and appeals ofthe State of Pennf'ylvania,
and charges to Grind Juries of those Ctmuty
Courts. By A!exand»r Addifon, Prtfident of
the Courts of Common Pleas, of rite Fifth Cir
cuit of the State ef Pennlylranu "
In conformity to the a£l of Congress of the Wni
ted States iitticlrd " An a A for the encouragement
of learning by fccuring the copies of maps chart
and books to the Authors and Proprietors of such
copies during the timcb therein mentioned."
Clerk of tie Difirifl of Pennfytvania.'''
The above book is now ptikhtbed. It will be de
livered to lubferihers by Mr.Dobfcn Booklellcr.
August 4to, ii>co. |
commanding Officers of corps, de-
I. tachments.pofls, garrifms, and reeruitinp'
parties, belonging to the military establishment
of the United Stater,' are to report t6, and
receive orders from Bripirfier-General Wil
kinfon, in the City of Wafhingun, and all
officers on furiougn are to report, themselves to
the fame officer with all possible nifpatch.
S AMU FX Iv-.\ IE!:,
Secretary of War.
i All Printers within the United States
who have publifii»d invitations for cotytra&s of
thnjthof March lift are rcquefted to infer!
the above in their refpeflive papers, once a
week for tw» months.
-To be Sold
-pHAT HantJfome and healthy COUNTRY
* SEAT, called,Laukcl Lodgs, the late
refidense ef Thomaj Rutter, Esq. fimate in
Potts Grcive, M intgbmery County, thirty-li*
miloi from Philadelphia, containg about 106
acres, twenty *f which are ptime woodland,
fifteen excellent watered meadow, the residue
divided in arable l"ts. ©n the premil'es are a
large handfomeßrickHoufeand adjuiningbuild
ings, containg two parlours, a large dining
ro m, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by forty
long, a large kitchen, wash hoi.fe with a pump
of excellent water in it, fix handsome chambers,
two ftore-roonn, four garret chamfers plaiflered
and a grain room Jter the adj lining building,
a,double fprinjj lioufe, with a l'moke house over
the fame, within G r tv yards of the kitchen —The
fpriAg, in the driell season never known to low
er in the iea;t» and from which the meadow is
watered ; a garden containing about or.» acre,
itockrd with the most delicious fruits, such as
peaches, plumbs, cherries, pears, rafbecries, &c.
leveral afparagun beds iu great perfection. Alio,
j yo»rt>>; bearing appletree orchard, containing
fevera! bundled trees; the Iruit feledted from dif
fretnt parts of the United States, a large conveni
ent barn with i threshing floor, with commodi
ous (tabling I r horl'es and cows, carriage and
h«»»fe«, grain room, &c. Alfo,fundry out build
ings, confining of t large frame pnultry-houfe
and ecuT.crib, &i - Also, <a tenant's house, gar
den and liable, ind a pump of excellent water
t.elo- ping to the fame.
The fttuatioh of Potti Grove is remarkably
beal'.hy, reglilarly fil'p;ilied wi'h Butchsr's meat
jhd poultry in abundance, to be purchased at a
low rate, and the Schuylkill affords a plentiful
fttpply of excellent fifh. Two grift ;miils irt
rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns
in Peanfylvania, are more,rapidly improving,
or have more lo«al advantages, than Potts
Grpvf . The several places of public u'oHhip,
the filuiirity of the genteel foeiety, and
,ch.?spneTs ol living, arc among the few advan
tage** pofltfles. __
Any person Viflwjf to view the prcmife's,
will pltwte to a:-;il,y,-,ttf..Mr. Wm. POT-T|,
in Ponferove, siwwJWteniri to the l'ubfcrt
be/,"in"' Philadelphia'.
Sept. 19 aawtf.
> :
B,y C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-'flrcet.
E BENE ZE R L'A R G l. r
9-8 white
Russia Sheeting,
DROGHEDA LINENS, firn 4 4 Infh Lin
ens, Clouting Diap»r, Cotton Velvets,
• hickfets an*l F»»tcy Corda, Printed linen and
Cotton Handkerchiefs,■t>ilk Haiidkerchief», Sat
tins, Pelongs, Mndes and Perfianj, Calliman
coes, VVildb ires and l3''inbazeen,Fiiiean<l coarse
Bobbin, Taprs, Ribbons, Ferrets, Scotch Oz.
Threads Nc. 7 to 64,|co!oured Threads
No 8 to j6, Piss,, 3 t-2, 4, 4 i-i and J lb.
London Pewter alTortea in calks, Tin, and lias
just received by tbe lite arrivals a general a (Tort
ment of Woo lens.
">'> 8. *1 drm.
By J. Gumrod, No. 41, Chefnut Sticet,
(Price 45 Cent«)
Death of General Wajkington.
In imitation of manner of Gflian.
By Uev. John B. Linn, A. M.
Minister of the First Prefbyterun Congrcgition
gj" Mr. Chaudron'i Oration will be publHhed
on Monday morning.
M.reh 15. J..
Prevention better thaa Cure.
For the prevention and cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recomtiended.
Dr. HAHN's
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH hare been attended with a degree
of success highly grateful to the inven
tor's feelings, in feveral.p*rts of the Weft-In
dies,and the lbuthern parts of the United States
particuhrly in Bnltimbre, Ptterfhurg, Rich,
mond, Korfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charlef
ton, Savannah, tec. The teiiimony of a riiim
ber of perlom in each of the above places can be
adduced, who have reason to believe that a
timely us« <jf falutary remedy, has, under
Proyidemce, prefeived their lives when in the
rnell farming circn*mflances.
Fifls of thi» conclusive nature fprak more in
fiviidr bf a medicine, than columns of pompous
eutbpy, founded on mere aflcrti'n, could do.
It is n<>t indeed presumptuously proposed 4s
an infallible cure, but the ir.vcntor has etery
poffib'.e realbn, which can iciult from exteafive
experience for believing that a dofeofthefe pills,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of t>ur annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier ftagts of those difeafee, their ufe.wifl
very generally succeed in reftoong health and
frequently in cases e(le<: mcd -.lel;>crate and Ley- i
oiid the, power of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is pi-rfeflly mild
ind maybeufed with falety by perfoaain every
situation and of every age.
They are excellently adapted to cirry rff fu
peifluouj bile and prevent its morbid secretions ;
to, pedore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perfpirat'en and thereby prevent colds
.which are,often of fatal conlequencc. A dole
never fails to regiove a cold if taken on its firft
appeiranee. They are celebrated fer removing
habitual couiventfs, sickness of the ftora ach and
severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
perf ins on a change of climate.
They have been fqund remarkably efficacious
in pi;ev*ntihg and curing most disorder's attend
ant on long voyages, and fli.jula be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every seaman.
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafe remedy for all difeafas of the
eyes, whether the cffe& of natural weakneft, or of
accident, speedily removing inflammation** de
fluxions of rheum, dullness, itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing to cure thofc maladies which
frequently fuccced the small pox, measles and fe
vers, and vronderlully strengthening a weak fight.
Hundred* have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly .deprived of fights
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im
mediate and lifting relief in the most severe in
The .Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind ofhcad-aclie,and of
pains in the face and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicine has never failed, in many thou
sand cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to
take mere than one bottle, and numbers not hall
a bottle. The money will be returned if tfee cure
is not performed^
No. 17, South Second Street,
And no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where alf« may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
Dtfftuoying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, See. Reftoraiive Drops, Eflence and Ex
tract of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahri's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com
plaint, Gowland's and Persian Lotian, Restorative
Tooth Darualk Lip Salve, Church's
Cough Drops, Anderson's Pills, &c. Bcc,
april: 0 , * m tf
to undertime i>* #'rorwn|
» ptWr igl'ioml&tiili <k clrttoolfc% 111 AAUikf ,
may b««r of th* iattoor jf
prefartd fc.»f msltx* to* th»t w4)
:jy. T
MltM*t*r«f tblvO«wtM>, 1 I t
WW*rj. .. ~ ...,■■■ • *■. |
7 bis Day Published,
■ U» * W T
]ui\ arrived.
„ run
Brig Perseverance,
Mr. William Bell's Wharf.
80 hhds Antigua aad St. Kitts Rum ard
ics ditto Coffee
ro* SALE IT,
No. 4, South Water St eel.
O&rtber 8. <i t f
German Redemptioner9.
M'NETEEN remains *f those, *ho came in the
i. 1 InipAfina from Hamburgh, and are wittier
to lerve for their pallege
Apply to
Jacob Sperry £s? Co.
Who have on Hand,
Remaining of late importations, and which are of
fered on reasonable terms, and the usual credit,
33 cases Eftopillas,
Forming a compleat affortrnent ot Uni, Raye
Mouches, pi ,in and coloured stripes.
ii cases cafferilloss
5 cases boccadillos
1 cases «iuadruple<nefias
I cafit fuperfine dowla»
* cases coutils and i cafe liftados
a cases fuperfine Elberfeld checks
3 cafei bed parchet
I cafe Flanders bed ticks, 8 4
10 cases coffea mills, Nos. co, to No. 6, as
» cases Scythes
5 cases of double flint cut Decanters quart and
I cafe gill tumblers, and I cafe of Travelling
I cafe of quills, I cafe of eammon sealing-wax
and 4GO Demijohns.
September 27. ,!6t lawim.
Marlhal's Sales.
Pennsylvania District, \ '
PURSUANT to the directions of the Hoaorakle
Benjamin Stoddard, Secretary of the Navy,
will be exposed to public sale, at the merchants'*
coffee houf«, in the city of .Philadelphia, on Mon
day the 19th d;y ol Oilober instant, at 7 o'clock
in (he evening,
«T JLri The two French schooners called
fegfe;"?"J Now lying at Brown's wharf,
.11 it Togethcr with all and fmgular their
taickle, apparel and appurtenances.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Marrtiall's Office,
Philadelphia, 080. to, I 800. j mwf tS
t£S@BoiLYING at Say's Wharf, above j
Market Street, burthen 70 t >ns, fuppoftd t* he .
a remarkable faft failing veflel, and may tie ft- (
ted for sea in a few days, Inventory to be fe»n
and terms of file know.-, by applying to the lub- J
No. 4, Smth Wa'er Street. ,
35 Hhds. M'.fcovad 1 Sugar.
White andbrown Hava-. mh Jit oin boxes. I
East India do. in bags.
WelMndia and Conntryßum.
100 Hhds. Mobiles.
Holland Gin
French and Spani(h Brandy.
Pepper, Coffee, &c.
Aupuft9. fatu&
This morning on the WifTabickon Road—a.
Red Morocco
CONTAINING lunilry papers and letters,
of ko confequencc whatever to any onebtit
the owner. Whoever may have foiind the
fame, and will return it to the Printer of this
paptr, (hall be handsomely rewarded;
N.B.—The owners' name it mentioned on
some lette.s direfled to him.
O&ober 8 d.
Mary Beck,
RESPECTFULLY F'rie'rtds and the
Public, that (he intends optning her Sll. c}
SCHOOL on the firll «f Oitoiier, in Fifth nn:.r t
Walnut Street, opposite the State House Yard,
where ftve will as usual, teach the tranches »f pj- |
Jitc arid .ttfeful literature, inciting Geography
AtJ rororh«■, Writipe, Arithmetfc arid every ?-c'
compliftiment neceffiry to form a cdfttplete liberal .
Voting Ladies may he accempindated with
Board', &c. in the House, which i> vary airy and
T4k. G. Beck's Drawing and Painting School
willcocmtienfeat the fame time.
ftptcmber 10 tuth&faisn
Just Received,
And will br Sold Very Low., if applied for
immediately, by the Psckngf only' -
5 Bales Firoad-Cloths, pffortejl, -J - Q
■ 1 Btle.Wainsian-! F.Tsf! -okvJi", I
I D«f fine Coatinps,
so Dp K.;:iJall. Coiton.s f - g "
ao Hogftitads Scum I''wine, ! uj O
a Calks London Pewte*. J
Apply to WILL! AVI FRENCH, j
No. 4?, sooth Front flrcet. j
September 50. dit 3s eodiw.
!,W, *
& ' M
i -
KINSKV, . - •• .
LT AVJNG entered into partnerftiip, ta
—- ken that lonj.: eftablrfhed flaod at the cor
tier of CTefiwr and Third Streets', 'refyefl'fulijr
i' licit pwbiic patronage, and particularly invite
a continuaßcc of the fjrour* of tlie 'former
friend, { * j-. Rci(> ,„a
onatpltls hiufeyj to wJiolc bufitjefs they have
Tucc?eded.' . : ;
1 hey offer for Tale a large ahd geneF&! affprt
mer.t of elfganr Saddles and Bridles, all ki-nds
common do. P!ated ap.d Brass mounted Harness*
Saddle-bags,, Cart and Waggon Gears,
&(•. Trunks of all kinds, particularly hard lea
ther Portmanteaus.
They also matuifa<Rure all kinrtoof Silver
moun ed and Piain Whips, having several ex- j
cellfht \Voikr,.cn in ihat branch. -
They flatter theftifelves from their utiited ex
perience and the arrangements they have rnvle,
to be able to fell any of the above articles on as
good terms as any Others in the United States:
A liberal allowance will be made to thnfe who
purchase by the quantity
P'i'lad. Sept -7 Ba.tll.tll. 4 w
Book- Store,
North Secoud Street, opposite Christ Ch .rch,
In the United States of America, since the
commencement of the year 1799..
icy R. T. Rawle, considering that in
this Country there is a fr e press, is detcrmi-,
ned hip Book-Store (hall also be free tr> pub
lications of every dtpomtnation, whether po
litical o.r religious. The wojkjf.of Whigs
or Tories ; Republicans, or Monarchies ;
Arrftdc/atf or Democrats ; Federalists or
Anti-Federalists ; Chni'inns, Jews, Hea
thens or Turks, are equally free far sale j
and, vfliatefer may be his private opinions,
is rtfolved, a's a Bookieller, and in the true
Tpiric of his profeffion, " To be open to all
pirties, anil iiifliKiiced by none.
N. B. He hSfor f.ile, all thclatefl po*
.... 1
lineal publications, and every article in the
Stationary Line.
OAober I.
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fnfficknt number of
the moJl approved Europeaß GlalsiVanu
fu'dlurers, and having on hand a large dock of
the heft Materials, «>h which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window glass of a fupeiior qua
lity and of any size, from by 9, to 18 by 14
inch's, carefully packed in boxes inir.jj
ico feet ca h,.inay be had at the (boweS nptice.
Ghfs of larger lizes for other purposes, may
also be has!, such 2s for pidlures, coach gtaflfes,
cl6t'k faces, &c. liottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
fia(k9,picklitigjars, apothecary's (hop furniture,
or other hnllov.' ware—the whole at least 25 per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any of the fca ports of the United
States A liberal allowance will be made en
sale of large quantities Orders from merchants
• and others will ke punctually attended toon ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA *r ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Metes PRATIIER
andSM.ILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittlburgh,
• 4, tuthtf.
■"pHE owners ot unimproved Huds in Wayne
* cohnty, are fe.reby notified, that T.ixes are
become payable therson fer the years 1'99 and
.86"). Thole who' have not already paid' their
t3xes, re hcrtliy required to tiifchargc the Tame
to JOHN BRINK, Inquire, Xrcafurer of f.iid
County at Milford, within three nmtithn from
this date .otherwise to fait, according
to the ail of Alfem'bly'in fuch'cafe provided, will
e had by the Conimiflioners for the said county.
Asa Stenton")
Carson, >■ Cornmiffioners
Johannes Van Etten, J
E. Kellogg, Clk.
July 9,1800 d 9<st
&11 Persons,
INDEBTED to the Estate of Joseph Engle,
late'of the Northern l,ihert ies, dcceafed.are
requeued to make immediate payment, and
thoie having any dtmarfds agiinft the larpe, to
bring their accounts to
3. tojw,
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vllith
and Merry-Andrew IPlaying Cards, for sale cheep
for cash—Apply at this Office.
feptember 13. .
Neatly vwruted at the-Office.of the
Gazette ot the United States.
Book-W6rk .--Pamphlet's-—Hand-Bills,
Cards'—Blanks of all kinds,
Sec. See.
Will be printed at the
Shortest Notice.
august 23. j {J
■ ■ '.h/
f VotUMK XV 111.
Saddling Business-
With Illustrations and Additions
Desultory Refle&ions