Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 15, 1800, Image 3

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    the of the captain general of Marine
of this denai tment, by whom you may d-.wt}
them to us in every iecurity.
We have the honour to be, See.
?V 4* i
His Britannic Majesty's Ihip S viftfure, off
Cadii, the 22d of July, 1800.
I have this moment received vour letter
of the 13th inli. and in reply, I bejj leave to
refer you to Keith's letter of the sth
of December, 1799, '» which you mil rib-;
serve, that the Co.ifuls of all the nations in
amity with Great-Brltaia, have beefi duly
informed of the blockade ot Cadiz, and that;
any vessel attempting- to enter, or to fail
frorp'that port, would be detained and pro
ceeded igainft according to law. I .am di--
re£led as tar as poflihle, to enforce the bloc
kade, and I eannot allow any laden vrflthto
depart from Cadiz, iinjefs Ihe has a pass from
the commander in chief of his Britannic ma
jesty's fleet in the Mediterranean , but niu
tral vetTelg without cargo will not be nio
lefted, the Pjvplper, American (hip excepted,
which entered Cadiz alter being warned not
to do so, and wat r.lear d out for A brier?
It is very probable that several vefTils may
have efcaped,our cruise's, and got into C.i
diz, but some of his Majesty's fliips have al
ways been off the port.
Vessels departing from C.;diz in ballast,
are to endeavour to lpeak any Britifli men of
war they imt/ Tall in within the neighbour
I have the honor to be, Sec.
To the refpeftive Neutral Consuls, resident
in Cadiz.
From late London paper.
The young King of Sweden is about S
feet 11 irches high. He is well limbed,
and muscular- H i fore) ead arched and
prominent; his eyes penetrating. He in
general *ralk> quick, but on parade is state-
Jy and warlike ; his afprA is open and his
manners si anks* 7he mod favored am :>ng
the authors he usually reads is L vy, of
whose relation of battles and speeches he
has been known t0 express a romantic ad
miration but it was the remark of his pri
vate tutor, that always af'er reading the
life of his ancestor Charles XII. he roamed
about several days in search of some grand
adventure. •• But, obfervts a German Jour
nalist, " this young King pnfieffes little of
the enthusiasm of the rival of Peter the
Great." ,
Belle- Ifie, (to which it is supposed the
Expedition is direfted) is an Island of
France, 115 miles off the coall of the de
partment of Morbihan. It is ij tnies
long 5 broad, and diverfified with craggy
mountains, salt-works and fertile plains It
was taken by us during 1 the 7 yea:s war,
in 1761, and reflored at the peace of 1763.
The following singular occurrence was
lately communicated by the Prefect of the
Department of the Var (county of Nice)
to the French minister ot the interior :
The mountain of Fondndes forms part of
the chain of the I ower Alps, which runs
along the right bank of the Var- It is
abut 300 metres above the level of the
Mediterranean ; its fouthe n base is wafhtd
by the Var. In the course of last June
there was observed that cn the foothern
declivity of this mountain frme parts had
funk. The ground opened in the clefts
and sensibly fell in. The upper part soon
felt tVe effe&s of this, and, by the parallel
linking of the ground the mountain appeared
like an amphitheatre. At last the weather
calm and the (fcv firene, the top of the
mountain fuddently gaveaway, with a noise
like thunder- The ground shaken to pieces
by the (hock rolled down the declivity
like a torrent of lava, and flopped only by
a hilock at the foot of the mountain. The
quantity of ground displaced is estimated at
20 millions of cubical metres. It lilled up
a whole valley, buried several country houses
and covered the tops of the highest trees
over the furface of a quarter of a fyuare
leagues. Notwithstanding this enormous
(hock, the ground dill continncs to fink,
Hr.d we dread a f cond perhaps as diaftrous
as the firft.
The Danish ship Norway, Captain OfTon,
arrived at Diamond harbour from Batavia
on th- 12th January. By this ftiip we
learn the loss of the American ship CereS,
last from the Isle of France, which was
wrecked in the month of Oftwber, uponthe
Island Anguna. Part of the crew arrived
at Basvia in the jolly boat belonging to the
Ceres, with about four or five thoufatid
dollars part of the trcafure with which the
■vefTcl had been freighted. By the accounts
of these people, as soon as the Ceres had
struck, the Captain and ftiips company
fought the shore in boats, carrying the trea
sure with them 5 upon their landing, the
natives cam.e down upon them, and the Cap
tain in order to conciliate their good will,
advanced towards them with t' e supercar
go, and one or two pafTengers. making
signs of fubmiflion : the attempt was vain,
for the savages immediately put them to
death; the reft witnefied this brbarity,
betook themselves to flight, and found re
fuse in the woods. The party who sur
vived to relate the above, vilited the shore at
dusk, and found the jolly boat lying there
with the tteafure, but Hove. I hey howe-
ver contrived to repair the damages by the
application of their jackets to to the leak,
and prosecuted the perilous way to Batavia.
I > our last we Hated the convidtion of two
more of the Hermione's crew. Ihe hand
of providence has evidently (hewn itfelf in
American Prn-Cor.fol.
Sweden do.
Danilh do.
tne pumfument of these afrbtious wrefcFies,
the (hatne of England and humanity. They
had ali made their escape and were fafe in
an enemy s country ; yet by various ways
and unaccountable means, Divine Venge
ance has pursued and delivered them up to
the arm of their offended country ! We |
trull this strong and memorable document!
wi:i not be loft.
I he following rtturni are -<ll we have been
able to obtain ; we believe them to be ac
curate :
Francis Gurney
Caps Wm. Jones 1698
Majority foi Jones, 14
Ft deral.
Nathaniel Nrwlin ' ir-6
J c bin.
John P;aiTon 149<;
Mijoiity fnr Newlin 41
Joseph Cowperthwait 1656
Ifrad Ifratrl
Majority for C.
F'fcrah Jacilin.
God rry H'tg» 1691 Sam. Wetherel 1663
illiarn Hall 1690 John Barker
\\ . Filher 1676 Robert Porter, i6ji
J, Ble.ikley '<sßs Hugh Henry 164.8
H.K.Helmuih 1952 Benj. Morgan 16^7
Henry Pratt 1676 Jas. Shurl wood 16 ,3
Wrri. Poynttll 1687 Robt.Patterfon 1642
1 homns Parker 677 P.S*Duponceau 1639
And. Bnari 1686 Guy Bryan 1639
W. Diwfon 169# Stephen Girard 1647
Robert Ralfton 1699
James Milnor 1698
Daniel Smith 16^4
John Carrrll 169;
John Morrc'.l 1691
Kearney Wharton 1690
Isaac Snuwden, jun.
Timothy Paxfon ISB9
George Dougherty 16H7
Williain \*oung 1687
Lawrence Herbert 1687
Alexander Henry 1687
Charles W. Hare 1685
Jonathan W Condy 16 4
P Ccal Hollinfrfworth 16J4
Jacob L warfwylcr 1683
Jacob Crefsler i6Bj
l'hom; s P. Cope 1681
Georg, Krebs '679
Malcom M'Donald 1678
Dr. Casper W ftcr '699
Andrew Kennedy '67?
Moses iiartram 1675
Maihew Carey '675
Abraham Shoemaker '675
Chandler Price 1674
John Dougl.-fs 1670
Mahlon Dickerfon 1670
Na;han Bnys 1669
Willi.uii Su vcnfon 1669
Hugh Fergufon 1669
William Rush 16SS
D.tniel Boehm 1668
Alexander J. Dillas 1667
Philip Odenheimer 1666
Jof.-|>h Hertzhog 1666
Jimt-s Thackara 1665
Michael Bnght 1(64.
M.charl Kitts 1664
John Hufline 16^6
N. Liberties 1188 311
Southwark 551 137
Moyamenting lot 15
Paflyunk 54 6
Blockley 85 j8
Kingfeffing 60 1 j
Roxbury 107
Germantown 304 112
Buftletotvn 262 142
2801 843 2707 886
JiCMin. Feu'
Ld;'i. Lardner.
1158 290
248 133
107 29
3-0 109
48 24
Northern Liberties
Brift 1
• Aurmhfy.
I.i n ird
Hon lion
* 161 'J'ltEfrmary
1158 Djffield
-1 '59 J™'»
ioga Warner
i's9 Holines
1159 J 0 h ]-. fTi
Court Co»-.nission,-r.
Carver 805 Keen
■ 684.
•• September 5, fell in wi h the British
Beliona privateer, who informed me, that a
new regulation had been ellabliflied in the
Briiifh navy; that was, to fend in for ,dju
dicauon, all neutrals who behave unctvo/fy !
[lt migLt be recommended ta American
Captains, ti> go to France to learn polite
ness—it would be preferable to the role d'
equipage ]
'• September 6, f»ll in with the N. Pro
vidence privateer. Lion s Revenge, Capt.
Pcatty\ who exhibited a Mack lift, as he
called it, containing the names of about
thirty persons who are said to be in the ha
bit of exporting contraband goods. Among
these I observed the names of Lewis Clapi
er > Sanchez, William and James Har-
I v «y- John M'Adams, George Barnewall,
| and Foley,"
I The brig Friends, Reply, has arrived at
Port Royal, from this port-
Yesterday arrived floopHopeftil, Duplex,
sixteen days from New , Providcnse, where!
she had been taken into by the British sri- j
gate Andromeda, and vefTel and cargo con- '
demned. She has been purchased in by i
the orders of her owner J H. Hurtin, and
brings fourteen tons of fultick.
iame day, brig Little John Butler, Gra
j ham 25 days from Tobago- Spoke Sep
; tember 29. latitude 24, 39, longitude 68,
! 33, brig Fan;.y, Evertfun, twelve days out
from Baltimore bound to Hifpaniota, Sail
ed in co. wit!» feveial vessels, and parted co.
with the brig Hitty, Lord, bound to Ports
mouth (N. H.) on the 7th September, lat
itude 21, 3j, longitude 68, 39.
In th« Hopeftil, Duplex, from New
Providence, came passengers, Captain Mon
cru-ffe, and cr w of the bri< Rebecca, of
this ;.ort belonging to Mtflrs. Scott and
Seaman, of this city, which was call away
2qß on 'Bth J;pttmber on Cape Verd Key,
2',8 an " tota ''yloft. They wre picked up by
2, 8 a Spanish Hoop and carried into
lyy New Providence.
298 Letter bags up at the Tqntine.
3'Q The ship Qoyne, Browu, for, London,
to fail this day ; ihip American Hero, for |
35 2 do. to fa 1 soon ; fliip Juliana, for d«>. to j
I I I- -?
i ,2 5 384
545 '29
97 15
94 6
84 54
59 '5
106 25
300 igß
49 9
258 143
It appears from whole returns, tlvit
the following arc t'e fiiccefsfal Cii#Sl«fetesl
William Jones— Michael L?ib:
J.'hn Pearfon.
Israel Israel.
In the AlTemhly, SeleiSl and Common
Council. the Federal Ticket has carried*
Arrived, brig Louisa, from South A"
merica, failed from thence on the igch Sep
tember, in co. with the brig Maria under
convoy of the United States brig Norfplk.
Off Point Morant, Jamaica, fell in with the
Cruilh frigate Coweftofle, whose comman
der informed Captain Calvert, tjf the cap
ture of ( urracoa by the Englifli, and that
General Rigaud wa3 at Jamai.a. On the
3d instant, in the nigbt 101 l the convoy.
On the 10th in latitude 34, N. longitude
74' S°> W. spoke the sloop Ranger, from
New York, bound to New Providence out
eight days all well.
For the 48 hour? preceding- Monday
morning, there were 28 deaths in Baltimore.
Total numbrr in the hospital sick
with the; prevailing disease, 35
Canvalefc- nts,
Discharged cured, g
Gazette Marine Lift,
Schr. Sea Flower. Summers, N. York c
Plaifter Paris - G Plankinghorn
The Delaware Hoop of war Captain
Spotfwood, left New Caft'e yellerday.
Two inward bonnd schooners are below,
fiippofed to be from PafTamaquody.
l he brig Hannah, of Philadelphia, capt#
Boggs, 28 day* from Tenerifte, w t spoke
in lat 34, 51, long 59, and was supplied
with provilions, whicli ihe stood in need of,
A ship from Amfterd.ini bound to Balti-
out 36 davs, Robert Brown, inafter,
■was spoke September 6, in. lat. 36,31, long
■5 7,26.
BOSTON, Oftober 7-
Arrived, (loop 1 wo lifters, Quarenbez
St. Crpix
1 Same day, fchooncr Bradford,
N. S. thrte days.
Two brigs and Jeveral other veflels enter
ed Quarantine Road yelterday. It it said a
brijr tom Baavia for Bollon was at the
Vineyard a few days fiirce.
NEW YORK, Oftober 14*
Anived, days
Brig Ceres, Picket, Norfolk 4
Sloop Hopeftii, Duplex, N.Providence 16
Ship Chesapeake, Tombs, Amflerdam
Schr. Commerce. Robinfou, St. Barths.
Ship She, h rdefs, arrived at Savannah,
ship Au gull a do.
Schr- Chance, Little, from New Haven,
is arrived at Dominico.
Ship Pomona Myers, has arrived in
Long Island Sound* from Lisbon. with a
cargo of Dt.
\ ■ hiie *n board the fcl.ooner Venelia on
Sunday lallin looking ovrr Captain Pition
net's journal, we observed the following
minutes, made on his outward bound pas
fail 20th l'nftant ; (hip Juflina, Bnnce for '
Liverpool, to fail 15th ; Liverpool Pack
et for do to fail 18th ; Bo"avr nture, A 1
len, for Hamburg to fail i6rb ; brig Re
covery, Campbell, for Glasgow, to fail the
John Clifton, junr.
HAVIMG declined his former business, offers
for sale all his flock, confining of the follow
ing articles vz sixteen anvils, eighteen pair of
brllows's, five vices, with all the other tools ne
cefTtrry for conducing the Smiths BuGnef'.
About five tons offpikes, different fi ze j, 3 oeo lb
Ineathtng and drawing nails, a large assortment of
tekle hooks and thimbles fwivle hooks, Icrapers,
hinges and nails, with every other defcript>on of
ready ma le iron w»rk, suitable for ftockinr a
Blip smith s or ihip chandler's (lore.
All of which he will fell on very reaf#nab!e
terms for calh or approved notes.
*,* Apply at No. 80, Swanfon Street, South
October r 5. jtawim
Robert Smith & Co,
As. 58, South Front Street.
have received,
By the late arriv Is from London, Liverpool,
Hull atvi Glasgow,
A general aflortment of
Suitable for the Season—among which are
Superfine and ftcond clothj
Forest coths and plains
A variety of plain, ribb'd and embossed caffi.
meres of evjry colour
A variety of falhionable fwanfdown
Kendal cdttons
locking and Colchefler baize of every col«r
74 s o 11-4 rose brank.ts
1 t J and 3 do
White fcrges, fuitahle for fadlers
Ribbed and plain calimancoes
Rattinets and shalloons
Durants, joans ind bombaaeens
BomV.azetU, flriped and ptein
Velvrrets, thickfetts and fancy cords
Check'd anil striped ginghams
7-8. 4 4, n-8 cot'or. check#
B«d ticks, Scotch fliirtir.g
Brown linens and cotton bagging
Plain a-id ram' orVt jaconet and book muslins
and handkrrchi fs
Coloured tam'or'd ditto
lead an.{ blue muslins
Mtanibricks and hwns
Lawn, and printed litien handkerchiefs
Black an-! coloreJ Baiceloaa ditto
Black love ditto
Worfie !,yarn and cotton hosiery
Wh'teand cAl' red threa J s
Tapes, quality and (hoe binding
An aflortment of ribbons
Pe*ving ft'k and twifl
Ivnry and horn comfs
Shirt wires avd moulds
Plai'! and lancy buttons
Knives and forks, penknives, fciflofs, needles
pins, See.
They have alio on hand,
en assortment of
Celrored »n<l Mark LuuAfinf*, S#nchxv« Md
■od —Carttht, Coffu, 81c41, Battici, Gk
tnoK Jte.
OOoitr tf
Opposite Ch-ist-Cbn-cb, PiiladtlpLla,
The Claims of Thomas JefFerfon
7o thf. Prf.sid, xcr.
ExnminH at the Bar of Heligion.
By a Layman
Price 25 Cents.
cflobcr 15
James Chew,
ON gstrinp out of the New York flag; yeflcr*
1*37, took some articles ut of a small and
putthe.n ins Handkerchief; in a harry he left the
b*K on the pavement; it contained sundry papers,
one »f which was a feamin's prnr«3ion f >r James
Chew. Am npthe other things in the hag there TTT'iT PTTRT TCT-ITTT*
was a caul which was over the face of the fil J Ulsi. J loiril J U )
Chew when born, and on it the name of S- Chew And to be Sold by
was marked. Any perton having fnnnd the above ' JAMES BUMPHRETS
and will return it to Mr. Pr u! Fr.-no. No i 3 t, No. je6, south fide Market street,
orrcr of .Sprue- and Water flreets.ilal! be ha: d 1) f i"»
fomely rewarded. KeDOltS 01 CaieS
oa ber 15 €] eoxt *■
11 0 Argued and determined in the
The American Philadelphia, Ce
dar and Live-Oak huilt
mDaniel C Tellinghafi, mailer;
>)Z&§El£jiEei€&i' intended to fail early in
bcr.and to return an early spring
(hip to P.hi'adelphia , will he ready to take in
flwrtly at Perotr's wharf—For Fraight or Paflage,
»pply to the captaiu on board, or to
Those Gentlemen who have Goads on board
the Amiabfr, ar; requelled to fend their permit*
on board at Gerard's Wharf, above Marhet flreet,
where the Ihip is ready to discharge.
"Jeremiah Warder,
•Has for Sale,
Liverpool high (lord fine Salt a id Coal of the
firfl qual.ty ; Loudon refined Salt Petre ; Lon
don Whre Lead dm- and ground in oil ; Red
Lead; London I'in Piates in boxes; Roman
Tea Canifteri in cafrs ; Irtfh Linens afl">rted,
4. & 6lb Cannon Woolwich proof, and 3 A 9 lb
Oflnberls - stiwVw.
of an cxcell:>.tif qoaltry,
Per brie Amity, from Briltol,
and for Sale,
By John Allen,'
No. 122, Spruce street,
Who has also on'harvd,
Bristol Patent Sail Cl»th,
No. i (o 8.
feptembrr 2 2
'•*- v .
~ For Sale,
r city ov Washingt n
THE following property belonging to the Truf
-8 cgate Futid, provided for the
payment of certain crcditsrs of Edward Fox
and Jane* Green'raf ■
T)Att.r of the property rtf fair! fund, in the City
X of tt aftiiagton, that m w is rendered clear of
= very l-.cumbrai ce, will e expoftd at Public
Auction at ran<.iclifl Tavern, amongfl which arc
:he following valuable fituarim., viz. n lots in
"quare No. 973, j lots in 9-4. , 5 lots in
iquaro N« 59?, 1 lots in fqnare fcnth offquari
1019 19 lots in square 1010,1 lot in square lote
1 lot in squire ioil, 7 lots in square 1013 4 lot
n square 1034, 3 lota in square rc4s, 310 •
quare 1046, 9 lot- ih square 1047, 11 lots (a
quare 1048. with fun.!ry others, advantageously
ituated in various parts of the city. 4lfo the «
lory frame houle now occupied hy Mr. Deblois,
>eaatilully fi'uated (with an extensive view of fev
jral mi!e< down the Potomac) on the fotith east
:nrner ot square 973, fronting 42 feet on 11 llrect
:aft, and 4 j for on south G street: a commodious
Citchen with an oven, &c. adjoining the south
rant. A large frame liable, carriage house and
lay loft 50 feat by 25, and a -'imp of excellent
vater near the back door of the kitchen, the lot
•"ending 91 fm on «j street, and 139 feet; inch
n G street, comprizing lots Nos, f, », 3, and part
>1 11, 111 the refillcred .'.ivifion of the square.
1 he falcswil! commence at the said tavern at ten
j'clork in the forenoon.
The termsone fourth calh, one fourth in fii
months, when a deed will be given, the'remain
ing moiety in two years, payment to be feeured
by f'on-l and reortgige. But the creditors in the
above fund, may in fi-u of mortgage secure pay
ment of their bonds by dep&Gt of certilicates ®f
the trustees at the rate of si ve ihillings in the pound,
to the amount fecurr-d ani (braid a dividend take
place l efore the tipiratiou of the tw
will nefetoff agatnft th« bond, and the r< tifi
catesreturned in the fame proportion.
Henry Pratt ")
Thomas W. Francis I
John Miller, juu. Trujlces.
John A(h' -y |
Jacob Baker. J
August 4. 3iaw ts
Robbery. ,
300 Dollars Rsward.
T AST Saturday night my (hop in Water
' street was openel by t aife key, and iuu
dry -articles of JtwtLLEnV, to the amount of
! tfn or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off.
I .ImoNg were,
rwo marrow spoors murked u Worrock
of Mr James Koburtfon asd wife, of
I * ctt'rlbiKg one iio. of a Mr. King one do.
>f Mr J Jjn i rimlile, late of rhi,* town, the
ba k set wish a large blue glaf- and a frualter
I in the entre, ur.der which .vag a plait of hair
hid with J. T. in a cypher wofked in
pearl. I oj>cihrr. with a n«m rof . ticy pie„
cet, painted by Sully, which Marmot now be
rtcolieiWd ; 5 Boatlwaiu'® Calls fcarnped
| 4 Warrutk.'
The following Watches :
1 Gold watch, maker's nanuc iwovau, Paris
1 filverdo. iVmus Green, Liverpool, 77™
I do do. George Bifiel,!, X.oncon, 13,500
1 gold do. name
1 do. do. John Ryland, London, 2331
1 silver do. French, 1,0 name
1 do. do. Jonn Hull, London, 744
t gold do. rtodirt, , ari«
i silver da. Jofepfc Kenr er Shaw
1 do. do. J_. Dartmgton, London
1 do. do. No. 9341
1 gilt do. 0. |Vf. Metcalf, Lond. n, 4196
i filvtr do. Geaige llai'wood, Loncoii, 2906
1 do. do. J <jmith, London, 212
1 doobie cafe gilt watch, R. Ofb r.i, R! r h.
fn >nd, 8764
tco Dollars wiii be given for tlie restoration
of the jewellery, or 200 dollars if the thief or
thieves arc .
Mr. Bcnjani.n Morr the owner of the
Watches wr.ich were taiicn at the fame time,
will alio give ioo dollars for them.
July 49
0- The Printers at Peterfburp, Richmond,
Alexindiia—Baltimore—Char efton—ai.d o*
thers, arerequefted to insert the above for a
ew times.
(great-bui t a in)
commenced with
The Right Honorable WILLI AM SCOTT,
JMicbaelmai Term 1798.
By Charles liobinfon, LL. D. Advocate.
Voluhk I.—PART I.
There Repcrt will be continued regularly:
The/cccnd Part which concludes this Volume is
now in the press, an.! will be publiflied with all
the expedition possible,
Augu.t »J,
gj" The Editor wiflies to contra#
for a conllant supply of Super-Royal
wanted annually xvill be about one thousand
reams. Any pcrfon diTpcfed to comratt,
by calling at the office will learn further
September 3.
The public are refpeflfully informed that,
First Volume ot'tlie above Woik is printed and
will be itnmedurly delivered t • the flih ■«.
1 Thole Ger.rhmen wh< have cxrrrfle * a v'.fa
fee the manner ii, which it is executed before
tbey*h«°nie subs. rihers, are requdled to call at
W. Y.SIRGTIS No. 17,fcutfc fwcond-flreet.
It isprefomsd that on coroptrifori it wtli'tat
found fuperjer t» the London copy.
Aup- »* «•§» 1 ({I
\ *
V ef
'■< f V
•» P
"l •;