Sugars at auction. ON FRIDAY NEXT, The 17th inftant,at 10 o'clock, will be fold, 011 Walnut flvcet wharf, for approved endorsed notes, 75 hagfheads of choice Sugars. SAMUEL YOJIKE, Aua'r. oftober 14 d4t New-Theatre. WEDNESDAY EVENING, October ij. Will be presented, a much admired C(!>ME- DY, called 7 HE Wheel of Fortune, (Written by Richard Cumberland, Efquhe, Author of the Weft-Indian, Jew, Stc.) Governor Tenipcft Mr. Bernard Penruddock Mr. Cooper M rs. Woodvillf, Mrs. Shaw Emily Tempelt. Miss E. Weflray To in hie b will be added, a favorite FARCE, CALLED The Prisoner at Large, Or, The Humours of Kilurnej. Written by OKeet'e, author of the Poor Soldier. Bix. ore dolhr Pit three quarters of a dollar. And Gallery, hal. f a dollar. $5" The doors of the Theatre will open at half past five and the curtain rif« at half past fix o'clock. & Gentlemen and Ladies are requeued to fend their servants to keep places in the boxes at a quarter pad five o'clock. Places in the boxes to be taken at the office in the froat of the Theatre, from 10 till I o'clock, and from 10 till 4 ®n the days of performance. Tickets to be had at H. and P. Rice's book flore, No. 16, South Second Street, and at the office ad joining the Theatre. Just Imported, ASB FOR SALE Rr WILLIAM HUSTLER, iVo. 67, South Fourth Street. "PLATILLAS jL Bretannias Checks and stripcs LiOados Dowlafs Fine Fre>icti Cambricks White Holland Tape, No. 11,13, 1 5- Duteh C'anva<, No. I, », 3, A- O&ober i.v Virginia Tobacco. NOW LANDING, At Jack fen and Morris's Wharf, from the Sloop Liberty, 40 Hogsheads of prime Richmond Tobacco, Far sale by x WALKER V KENNEDY. 1 Who have alsa on band, 16 hogthea-Is of Old Tobacco, fuitabic for tilt manufufturer/, and 40 kegs of Twist Tobacco. Odtober 1.1. m Jt. Charles Wall, GLOVER AND BREECHES MAKF.R, INFORMS his friends and the pubicthat he has removed from No. at, South W?»er Street, to N0.64, Market flrctt, where he continues to car ry on every branch of the above bulinels. He has on hand Gloves, Bretches and Balls (equal to any of the imported patent Halls) Skinj, &c. which he will difpr.fc of either wholesale or retail Ke clean» breechee and makes them look as well as new wlthont leaving any dud on them —He re turns his thanks to thafe gentlemen who have al ready favoured him wi'b their cuftrm.and begs for a continuance thereof,as he is fully prrfoaded they will find them equal in quality t-i any he has yet made —N. B Gentlemen can be waited upon at their houses if riecrffary, at the shortest notice. Several Journeymen wasted to the above busi ness, none reed aj*ply but experienced workmen. Octoter 13. Just Received, And ft r sale at the Office of the Philadel phia Gazette, and at A. Liclins's Book- Store, oppolile Clirift Cluirch, an interest ing aPniphlet, entitled, the Voice of Warning TO CHRISTIANS, ONTHEENSUING ELECTION OF A President of the United States. Blow the Trumpet in Zion—Who i> ou the Lord's ttde? [Prfee 12 -y j Oislober 8. d3t. Fifty Dollars Reward, RAN-AWAY from Gen, Ridgely of Haiti more, on the aoth infl. a light coloured negro tsan, who calls himftlf, '.WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He is about 34 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, neat in hisdrefs, and has a good suit of hair. Had on, when he went away, a good heaver hat, a fliort light green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel low gilt buttons —a light buff caflimer, double breaded waifUxat, a pair (7f dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen (hirt, white ribbed cotton stockings, and a good pair of (hoes with firings- He took with him a dark blue coat, a pair) of olive caflimer pan'a loo:is, and a light carduroy pair of breeches { also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a fleet chain. lie is fond of fpiritous liquors, is info-i ■ ' - i : lent, has a ftupirl'laok, and chews tobacco. — | \ /-){+- <">-1- He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and I V_/l UIUIHI, purchalcd of col. John Thomas by gen. Kidge-j * white Spaniel DOG, mirkid with large liver ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, 2nd le- ' J\ coloured spots, larg* ears and (hort tail, and cures him in any jail to that the owner may a ?.fwcrs to the name et Carlo. Two dollars re gat him again, fcall receive the above reward, ward will be given, if returned to No. 39, north with reafonahle ch.-.rges if brought home, or de- Front l^>or if stolen.Ten Dollars for Thief and livered to Jofhui ft. Bond, Philadelphia. i D g. ' % may 1 dtf j t&aVer 10 djt Tills- "Day is Published, Ev WILLIAM YOUNG, Bookfel'.er anil Stationer, No. J2, south S - cond llreet, PhiV.fdelphu, (Ft'tce I duliar, in boa: els,—v llum, i dol lar and 25 cents,)- Essay on Political Society. Copy right secured agreeably to act of Cengress. O&ober 13 tnthSd'aim. Education FOR TO UN G LADIES. COLUMBIA HOTTSE, BOARDING & DAY-SCHOOL, KE-COMMENCFI) For the winter leaf n, 011 Monday, Oflpber 6th, Walnut, between Fourth and Fift!-'lreets. MRS. GROOMBRIDGE refpetffuUy ae- ' knowledges /he liberal encouragement (he huexp ri need, for more than (even yesrs in i hiiaj=l| hia, and, as the mod reflive proof of gratitude, will be a continuaice of ihe unre mitting attention, already pa d to" hr pupils ; flitters herfelf, it will be the best recommenda tion to future patrt nape. The following branches (or any of them sep arately) nay be engaged for, as most agreeable, the Eng'ifb, French, ami Italian languages grammatical y ; writing. it ithmeic, geogra phy, use of the globes, hiflory, mufie, vocil and instrumental, dancing. Plain work, marking, emhroicery md tam bour in gold, silver or colours, fillagree, artifi cial fl .wtrj. fanoy baskets, netting, hair, print, cloth,and muslin work of every kind. Ot\ IJ. d2W »2Wtf. Houses to Let : ONE large convenient th*ee-ftory Brick Dwelling-House, with four rooms o* a floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, and a rain water cittern in the vard ; situate on the east fide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. ALSO, A convenieut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, Next door, but one, north ot' the above, No. 57. —It has a Pump and Cittern in the yard, &c. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch-Street. August 4- Sep. 16 m&wtf Charles Marfiiall COfWk No. 46, Cbesnut Street, HAVE RECEIVED, Per brig Liberty, capt Henderfon, from Amster dam, and ether arrivals, A quantity of the following article", which they fell for calh, or the usual credit— Antimon crud 01 Anifi : Arsenic alb Juniper Sac faturni Succini Vitriol alb Rhortii Borax Camphor Opium Coccinnelh Annetto Gum B:nzoin Mere Dnlc Arabic Proscip rub Myrrh Corros sub Kino A ISO-ON HAND, 1 Sal G aubcr f Manna flak Rad gentian 1 si 1 Com Flo Sulphur !< j Liquorice bill Sweet oil 1 ort l>cru aT Sem anili I 2 u '> Rhcubarb J"" L And a quantity of Shop furniture, surgeons inOruments, patent medicines, &c.—Medicine chests, and orders from the country, put up on thoderate terms. ftptemberi3 w si To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of Brevier, weighing 460 lbs. or upwsrds. September 1. FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of tire Gazette of the United States- Jiilv l<). To Printers. The following MATERIALS \\*ill be fold reasonable if applied for immediately. 1 Prrii, 3 Founts Long-Primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body, i ditto Pica, 1 ditto Englifti, 2 ditto Brevier, i ditto Burgeois, Several pair of Chafes, several compefing flicLs, frames and galleys, some taafs rules, Ou' titions, &c. Bcc. &c: all of the above will be fold very reasonable for Cafli. September 8. Ukitei) States > Pennsylvania District, $ 'Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening of the ißth inft. a bound Servant GIRL, named Elizabeth Howcfcel, had on and took with her three differ«nt chaoses of garment and money, proud,ty>ld and impadrnt, a noted lyar ; any per son apprehending her entitled to the above reward—no co'Js or charges will be paid. » N: B, She had l years and lomc months to fervr daniel fitz pa-trick. iGofhen Towalhip,Oheft«r County, July J9 f\ 53Wff AND SON, By this Day's Mail. VEHGfiNN.ES, Oilober 2. The following Clocking murder wusxom mitted in Winhenden, Malfachui'etts, by a man of the ot' Robbins, who is Tub* jeiilito temporary fits of infinity ; be'ng at work, threafhingin the bir.r. with a young man by name of Bixby, he fuddehly flung down his flail and declared he would work no more, bwt would kill himfelf, caught'an axe'and ran hastily out of the burn, youn;;' Bixby pursued him to prevent any ail of violence, at the time calling upon a younger br tthfcr to ; fotlow him : as he approached near, Robbies tti ned upon him and with a llroke of the axe leparated an -jrm from h>» body ; bixby fell by the blow, and Robbins with this weapon of deaUi r n toward the younger brother, who was not far behind. The youth attempted his tfi ape but found that Robbins gained •upot) him and would soon reach him ; having ad og be set him upon tjie rsad man, Which impend him so much that he was able to I'.Vc- Tiipi'felf from danger : Robbins finding that the younger bro.ther had got beyond his reach, returned to the wcVim of His rage and with the axe cjut off the head of this rnfortunate young man, as he lay welter ing; in his blood, artd literally hewed the body in pieces. He then fl-d to the woods, but was pursued, taken, and is now lodged in goal. A jury of iaqueft was summoned upon the body, who supposed the 'a&ion to be murder. NEW-YORK, October 14. Capt. James Monerief. late of tbe brig Re becca, arrived here yesterday tn tbe tloop Hopes:ill, from New-Providence, and gives h: tbe following account of the less of tbe brig Rebecca. On t ! ie iStlt of September, in lat. 22 long. 75. the Island of Mero Peroos bear ing E. N. E. diflanee about 3 leagues, running tor Cheftertifld Key, coast of Cuba. At 3 in the morning, found himfelf close upon the breakers—in (landing off, found it impoflible to clear the rocks 011 that tack, tried to go about,' but unfortunately (lie milled (lays—then attempted to ware, but was too near the breakers—therefore let go both anchors, notwithstanding which, we werft on tbe reaf, bilged, and w s totally loft.- The next d;.y was taken off the wreck by a Spanilh licenced (loop from Nepa for New-Providence. Ingoing to the (loop in one of the boats, was swamped, and obliged to swim 20 minutes before they wero re lieved by a boat from the (loop. They ar rivsd at New-Providence on the 23d, and took passage the next day on board the ; Hopeftill, for this place. Captains M infield alid Nichols, of Ne*- York, were waiting at (N. P.) for their trials ; and a brig from Baltimore, pierced for 18 guns, for Havanna, name unknown, was brought in the day the Jlopefliil failed. FOR SALE, The following Real Eflate ; the property of Anthony Francis Haldimand, Et'quire, of London, 582 and an half /Veres Pa tented Land SITUATE on Vin»yard Greek, in the township and c»uety of Huntingdon, in the ftire of Pennfylvani 1, on a public road about 5 mile* frc m the town of Huntingdon, which it situated on a hoataMe river—there are on the premises a watr Grift Mill and Saw Mill— federal Log dwelling Hnufes—one of which is occupied as a Tavern, with a Distillery fnppliedby a powerful spring of excellent water—a coufiderable quantity of Timo. thy Meadow fit for the scythe, and fevcral acres of arabe Land already cleared—l his traf Common Pleas, for the City and County »i Philadelphia, for the benefits ot the several afts of this Common wc >kh, and tl»ey have appointed Monday,t*ie 6thofO& ioo'clock A. M. at the Court H use, to hear me and my Creditors, at which time and place they may at tend if they think.prcper THOMAS DENTON. September 18. OTIC To the Pilots of the Bay and River Delaware. THAT agreeably to Directions of the Board of Health that they " bring the velfels to, which they nv.y have ch, rge of, before the Lazarett >, after the firfl of next month as heretofore, until otk-i wile directed. NATHAN FALCONER. 'Mailer Warden of the Port of Philadelphia Warden's Office, Sept. il, 1800. Gazette ot the United States PHILADELPHIA, WfiDN'BSDAY F.VKNING, OCTOBER I $ Prices of Public Stock, PuILADELmIA , ©CTOBSII 13. 'The par amt of a Jhire, KigV per cent, flock—loß per cent. ,Six per cent aud Navy ditto \ 87 or 1 7 / 4 pr. ic/ Deferred 6 per cent. 85 17/ Three per cent. 53 iqfj 5 1-1 per cent. 85 17/ 4 1-2 per cent. market. BANK United States, 34 p cent advan.~\ Pennfylvania, 30 . f*'f" ( — N America 50 ditto { lafuratice Co. Penns'a »o ditto J North America up. ct. below par Turnpike ... m do. do. Sehuylki 1 Bridge - - par Water J.oan, none at market Kaft-Indiu Co. N. A do Land Warrants do St. Augujl'me Church Lottery Trclets 9 dollars EXCHANGE. On London at 60 & 90 days, 71 <1 71 j On Afnfterdam, do 39 a4O ccott ) [per Florin > On Hamburgh do 36 *37 ceart \ [per Mark Banco-^ Rates of Foreign Coins in the United States. Dolls. Cts. F.Dglifh pound fleiling 4 44 ") Infh do do 4 10 ( Dutch or Guijder ® 39 \ Hamburgh Mark Banco o 33J j The subscriber having frequent!}' heard complaints of the want of accuracy in tbe price current of public Mock, has conclud ed to fnrniHi the Gazette of th- United States, c ccafionally (if called for) with what may in his opinion be cnnfidered the Market Prices of Stock,* and the Raffi of Exchange. M. M'CONNELLy Cbesnut street, No. 143. T« Readers jnd Correspondents. " Extraft from an old sianufcript" we difcem at once is from a refpe&able source. As a refpedtable and ufclul produ&ion we will readily insert it. The author is very accurate in his political second fight and has no resemblance either to Gad*ury or Par tridge. A wholeforrie moral elLy, on the misap plication of talents, (hall appear. It is plea i'ant to hear the foft voice of a Female M<*r tor urging giddy aiid frolic youth and lofty ambition to rejeft maddening draughts, and to quaff the purer " waters of Siloam, which (low foftly." Various communications from New-Jer sey (hall be attended to. Personal and pri vate anecdotes, ancLambiguous danders must be avoided. Some of the Burlington county writers perhaps are only venting pri-vate fplecn in attacking a political adverf.iry— It is requested, in the language of the Br rich, that no one wander from the point and that the gist of the argument be closely in fifed on. Whether their Cent, be a weak or wife Lawyer, whether his Mayoralty be splendid, like that of Whittingtok, or factious like that of Bfckfokd is quite irrelevant to the controversy. We are told from authority which it is believed may be relied upon, that the result of the ele&ions in :he~State of Maryland, is not in fatt, to he enrfidered as the preva lence of anti-federalism ; but an expression of the public sentiment in favour of the e ledion of Electors by the people, and that by Diftri&s. TO YHI Editor of the Gazette of tbt United States. IN your late piper several attempts have been made to ridicule the talents, and a&ions of General Bloomfield, and to injure his pri vate charadler, Any publicataions relative to the political principles, and conduit of this Gentleman, would no' be confidere'd im proper, especially at this time ; hut such as have 110 relation to these fubjedls, ought to be luppretled and discountenanced as having a tendency to create distrust, and diflentions in society, rather than to correft errors in morals, relig on < r politics. The anonymou* publications in your paper of Thurldiy lift, are of such anaure, that General Bloom field will not, and ought not to notice them. Considerations however which impose silence on him, do not prevent his friends from declaring these publications fcandalons, and falfe. The truth of this declaration will appear by the certificates hereto annexed, which you are rcquelled to publish in your next paper. The firll, given by Chief Justice Kinfey proves the General's refpe&a bility, and praftice as a Lawyer. The fe cowd given by men well acquainted with the fafts mentioned in their certificates, proves that he was not concerned either in building the Hall of the City of Burlington, or in making the Inscription in front of it. TRUTH. Burlington \yb Octoler 1800. _ \ I hereby certify that Joseph Bloomfield Efqnire, was twice appointed Attorney Ge neral of N*w-Jrrfey, and l'ervrd i» that oißce from the year 1783 until the year 1792 —when he resigned ami retired from business. I further certify, that at the bar, he was eflcemed refpettable in his prr.ftfiioj], and urtill his rcfignation of tlie office ol Attorney Genera!, poffefled full, extensive and refpe&able pra&ice. JAMES KINSEY. Burlington Neiv Jersey 1 October 1 jfi ißco j We certify that the Hall of the City of Burlington, was built tinder the sole dired\- ion of perfors appoin*td by the corporatio-n, and Townftiip of Hurli (Jton, thll, tint part of-the Infer,ptioti in from of it, whii:h cxpreffc; that it was built " In tlu* Mayo ralty ot Joseph -Bloomficld'' was inscribed by order of the Committee, as a compliment to the Mayor, for the attention he had al ways (hewn to the interefh of the corporation without consulting liim on the fubjed, ant 7 without any expense to him. City of Burlingtsn ~l Micajah Ems October ijfi) 1800. J WM.CoxEjunr. From the NEWARK GAZETTE. Tkc Jlatcment of Tench Coxe, President Adams, refuted. THE subscriber having been applied ta by fcveral refpe&able citizens of New Jerfeyy friendly to the of Prefidsnt A dams, to (late particularly the amount of a conversation -which lately occurred between him and dodtor Benjamin Rujb, refpeftiog * the assertion in a letter from Tench Cox, to the editor of the Aijjp>ra and published in that news paper of th£ fith inlt In confor mity to such requtft, gives the following statement which he would b? willing, if : neceflary, to verify by affidavit : 400 10 3°o 10 " On Thursday morning, the 2d day of O&ober, init. 1 called to fee my brother in-law, doftor Benjamin Rujh, at his house in Pliilad lphia. As I was about to depart, he requested me to stay a few minotes, üb til he tViould (hew me a letter which he had written to Tench Cone. He read the said letter which contained cen/ures 00 said COxc on account of an afiertion which said Coxe was said to have made and published, that the said doftor Rit/h had mentioned, tkat President Adams had spoken favorably of a Kingly Governm nt ; and the said doflor Rujh did expressly ttll me, that said C xt, was uf.erly mijl ien,\r. having attributed such an cjferlion to him The said doftor Rn/h t did expressly tell me, that President dd rns % had never said any thing to him on the lub je£l of Monarchial G vernment either favor* able or unfavorable,and that he knew nothing of the Prefident'B fmtiments on that fuhjeS, except as colle&ed from his public writings, and h£ further requested, that the amoanc of this (hould be made public in New-Jersey. Lucius Ho atio Slochon." O&obt r 11. 1800 from Cadiz. , * i % COPY. To h's Excellency Sir Richard Bickerton Bart. Rear Admiral of th* Blues, and Commander of his Britannic Majefty'i forces before Cadiz. Cadiz, 13 h Ju'y, 1800. SJR, We, the undersigned neutral Consuls re- Cdent in this city, excited by that zeal which we owe to our fellow citizens on the proteftion of their rights of neutrality, do now (in conformity with a resolution ligni- Sed to our refpc&ivc governments) tak& the liberty to represent to your excellency, that, in the blockade of this port, which took place in the year 1797, by his Britannic Ma.* jelly's fleet under the command of the right houorable Earl St Vincent, and latterly re newed by the declaration of his excellency Lord Keith, permillion was freely granted that those veflels with their cargoes, which appeared to be aftually and bona fideneatral property, might fail fronj hence in every fej curity, and we have uniformly furnifhed such. vefTels with certificates under our consular seals which have hitherto served the end of securing them from interruption. We now learn that your excellency has given orders to the commanders of the feve- rs! (hips of your fqnadron to capture and de tain for adjudication all vefTels, without diftindion, that may attempt entering or failing out of the ports of Cadiz and St. Lu car, to the manifeft and ferioua prejudice of the trade and commerce of our refpeftive nations, aftully in peace and amity with Great Britain* wrhidi wfti be telt with ag gravated force in as much as the precited indulgence granted by Lord St. Vincent, might reasonably be supposed to exist, while it was not pointedly rescinded by the decla ration of hie excellency Lord Keith, which ftatej the present blockade to be only con tinuance of that which had taken place id the year 1797- We find, however with infinite regret that in opposition to the system hitherto praclifed, almost all the neutral veflels that failed from this port in the latl momh and present, have been captured and sent into British ports under such circumftano/e of ri gorous procedure as infpircs just motives of anxiety for the fecurty of the several re maining veflcls of our refpeftive nations now in this bay, the Major part of whieh enter ed in ballast, 3c the others with cargoes of of neutral property without meeting any force off this port to obftruft their entry. May we, therefore reqneftofyour exeel ency that on due refle&ions of these citcum ftances which we expose in favor of the vef fcls now in loading here you will be pleased te fay, whether they will be fuffered to pro ceed to their refpe&ive destinies with the cargoes they are now employed in taking on board, which cenfift a&ually of neutral pro perty, the returns for con fignments made hither ; ex luding from any favourable con ctlfion you may make such vefTtls as have 'oeen duly notified not to c'.er these ports ; !or in c;;te vowr excel ency may nit judge it convenient to favor this our pretention, you will be so good as to fay with what degree of fecuritv the veflels in question may pro ceed from hence in ballall with Lit or oih ei wile. With the view of obtaining ycur Excel lency's fentimrnts in reply to these points, we dispatch the bearer of the present, under I