Gazette of the United States PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVKNtMG, OCTOBER 14 Prices of Public Stock, Piiii.ADiLPtiia , October 13. The par amt. of a Jbare• Itgh'. per cent, flock—loß per cet.t. 'Six per cent and') o Navy ditto £ 8 7 or. 7 y4pr.i:/ Deferred 6 per cent. 85 17/ Three par cent. J? 1 ofy 5 I-x per cent. 85 IJf 4 l-l per cent. none at market. BANK United States, 34 p cent advm."S —— —— N America 50 ditto ( Isfurance Co. Pi-nns'a 20 ditto _) Morth America 11 p. ct- below pjr Turnpike ... r».J do. do. Sehuylki I Bridge - • par Loan, none at market East In'iia Co. N. A do Land Warrant" do St. Auvujline Church Lottery 'Tickets 9 dollars EXCHANGE. On London at 60 & 90 days, 71 a 7*2- Ou Amflcrdam, do 39 a4c ceou ) [p r t'l 'ru! > On Hamburgh do 36037 cents \ [per Mark Bates of Foreign Coins in the United Sltitet. Dlllf. Cts. Eoglifli pound sterling 4 44 lrifh do do 4 10 ( Dutch Florin or Guilder o 39 ( Hamburgh Mark Basco o 334 J ATTENTION ! FEDERALISTS TO YOUR POSTS. Your enemies are this moment on the E leftion Ground, flrivlfirg hard, and using ev ery means to ruin you ; DELAY NO LONGER. It' you have not voted, go inltantly—the. hour is bi£ with your FATE. This day decidn, whethrr Virtue, Liberty and Independence (hill prevail, or whether Jacobinic tyranny Hull lord it o'er COLUMBIA. As you love fly lo your posts. FEDERALISTS Vote and return to your homes; let your enemies, clamour avd hindering at the election, regard not theirjthreats or their frowns—do your uuty and I In: DAY IS OUR OWN, N*xv-Y»%k, uifeber 7, ISOO. THk malignant villain who conducts the Aurmra, aware of the truth of .in ancient re mark, (ingratum si Jixerir, omnia (Hxcris) has dragged me into Ins (laughter-houic of character lor the pretended l;n ot ING RA TJ l UDE towards Mr. John Adams, Pre sident of the United States, whom he deno minates my patron, tte potion oj vij set* viily, &c. it will be FulTicient, with the mind of ev ery gentleman, to annul th.: iinprelu in of this Cfdumny, that I all'eit its utter lallhood, declare, that I nevur received, nbr did departed father, nor any ot Ins tamtly ever receive even the molt inconsiderable pa tronage at the hands of Mr. Adams. There lore, if it can be imagined that thele {lander* t>. the raoft amotions arid execrable liueller that ever polluted the can have madr any imprelfion oil the lTiincis of this portion of the community, thofc impveflions aie now annihilated. For the relt, I have ho con cern. I am told that the honourable person, •whole name has beenabufed in this imtaiiee, along with that of To humble a citizen as mylelf, has exprelled his deep chagrin at thsi'e reiterated iaOliopds, and has done me the jullice to proclaim the truth. The (lory at' my life declares, that I have been little in the habit of fuirendering up ray opinions to the great, and of becoming the n,outh-piecc of any man or of any party. — In the little intertourfe with the pcrfonagc above alluded, with which I was honored, 1 do not recoiled ever palling an hour at his house but by request ; so that 1 Certainly rourltd not patronage in the instance : Ihe fame atlertion, 1 repeat in regard to my late Father. Or. the evening of that day on which the lad nomination oi Mmiflers to 1 ranee took place, I recolleft, on being asked by Mr. A. what I observed to he the impreflion of the tneafure, 1 replied, that " hiv friends were <-» cry where in dilrway, and his enemies in exultation." Since that hour, 1 never saw hiin. My opinions, my predictions on that fub jr£t, time has entirely eltablilhed. 1 lut 1 owed mo accountability for those opinions, 1 ;ruft 1 have m ide clearly to appear j and thus the other face cf the charge of ingra titude, is effi dually nul'qued. In England, no elevation is held to be exempt from ceiifure, just and unjuU. But, especially in cases of deviation from confijl ency and principle, th-if ts never any heiita tion to fay, Be Kent unmanneily, when Lear is mad. In regard to the turgid ribaldry of that Jbruul libeller, Tend; Liquire, that wretched llave <".f the most abject frrvant of servants, as well as the general (landers, con veyed thro' the very apt ir.ediun. i f lis lucu bration, whether 1 cunlider those peiional so n.yfelf, or my two young brotheis, ('n,r fhiii.een, the other fifteen years ot ~<e) I have ojily in brief to exprelV that degree of jn'di'fference, which every decent per fan will indeed imiie e.ilily conceive. The latter, perhaps, merit tq be torched on, as the legitimate emanations of that in fernal Ipiri' of jatubinifni, which i'pares nei ther age nor lex. It i? Carrier redivivus, JOHN WARD FENtfO. MK Waynf.( I find by the Auro'-a of yrftetday , that the Editor wiijits to know where I was at the time of the declaration of Independence ? it it is any i.itisfidtion to him, he niav be informed that 1 was fitting on the sfardei. fence, ot that house in Arch -ftfrrt, which is new occupied ny Mr. Anibr. fe Y-tfse ; when 1 hearu the roaring of the pinriou, that were firc-d in the Su te House Yutd, at the moment tlut States were declared to he Free acd Indepcniicnt.'jy tfc Pretidrht of Cfngrefs. I: lie is deliroi 3 to know where I w.iS from, tint period to the end of the war', I can with propriety, fay of my?-!!", whit he has said of his Cituiid.ue for a (Vat 'in Congrels, that is, tint I was active in the Tea f-rvice, till one if my limbs was ta ken off'jy a cannon b.-.11, wlj.le in the nil oi fighting enei: i»of f y country. Now lii, th it I hive answered Mr. I)uaiu *> tjuef tion. I hope to his fatitfaiVon, I ex)« £l he will be f,i c:\il, as to tell n<e where HK was, *t tlie )»er <id of tiiAe above alluded to, fhon 1d he refufe to reciprocate mv civilitv, I lltall take tt for -granted that he was in I one of the Irish Jails, doing pennaiue for his (ins. 430 IO MALCOLM M'DOMNALD. Oct'ier 14, 1800. For tie Gmemt of the Umr'so Srxv'es. " Should, I the Governor ofa pow'rful l!ate " For idle torn.i and Ceremonies wait." Mr Wavnk ALTHOUGH I do not rank my .felf among the Pillars of the Prefbyteriati Church, nor am Very striA in my attend ance 011 any, yet when 1 do visit the Church, Igf erally remain till divine service is con cluded. I went !ad Smday morning to the Prclby terlan Church in Market, a Church, if on no other account remarkable, yet has acquired some celebrity by having the Go vernor of the State, at least at a nominal member. The day was appropriated to the celebration of the Lord s Supper. Af ter the Rev. Ewing had delivered a sermon adapted to the occasion a young di vine, whom I understand to have been the Rev* Mr. Linn, addrefled the congregation, and requested that the folem i fctne in which the congregation were abut trfbe engaged, should not be di(lurbed,_ by any of the audience retiring during its celebra tion. This rtqucfl was l'ufficunt for those who paid any regard to decency, or experi enced a reverence for their God—ln short for those who thought it a matter of importance whether there were •' twenty Gods or no God." It was generally attended to ; but an aged person, on whoie counte nance was a frown, which (hewed that be feared, neither God nor man, in all the ma jority of defiance, with the iiifolence of a Jacobin, and the pomp of a Governor, rose fioro his feat, and (Irutted down the Aide. I marked him as he p.-.(Ted me by, and f<id to myfelf," this man is a Jacobin" But fearful of judging radily, I enquired of a friend, the name of the perfen who thus chose to (igiulizr hi (n't If by Indecency. ** Tbat is the Governor of tlie State of Penßlylvani>," (aid he—Poor Pennsylvania, Ctid I, (as I marked a number of the D - mocruic horde following the example of The lit Gid,) •• Poor Pennsylvania, what will be the effeift of a Deist being eleitcd President. If this inflated bladder dare thus by his eximple induce People to dis regard their God, how much mor- exten- Gvely will the example of Jeferfon be fol lowed—who will go to Church under his administration. James Sloan's Dying-Speech, Oil Jacobin Lit detictfd. Tt his fel/oio citizens of the County of Glou cester and elfeivhere —Greeting : WHEREAS, the enemies of your tru e intereiU, liberty, and happiness, have char ged nje with introducing F/tncb princi ples, faying that the citizens of the Uni ted States would never enjoy true liberty until twenty thousand Frenchmen landed and taught them, &c. I hereby declare, and call to witness, that gracious G<>d of justice, mercy, and truth, in whose blefled work of abolishing tyranny and restoring liberty to mnnkind, I am earnestly e.igaged, all such charges to be absolutely falfe—for the truth whereof, I appeal to you my bre thero engaged in the fame cause. Did I ever exprels such a sentiment to any ot you ? are not similar charges Drought againll our worthy fellow citizen Thomas Jefferfon, and all the real friends to tl e constitutional li berty of thv United States ? The anfwerto those queries, I trust, will refute the afore - said charges, and erase from ihe bread of every candid citizen any unfavourable im prefGon thereby (if any) refpe&ing their sincere friend, JAMES SLOAN. JOHN BR.ANSON, being one of the people commonly called Quakers, upon his solemn affirmation doth fay, That James Sloan, of the county of Gloucefler, told this affirmant, that lie citizens ot the United Stales never would enjoy true liberty and a free government, till au army of ten thous and Frenchmen landed fft this country, arid taught them the true principles of liberty ; and further said, that the hand of G"d was with French nation, that they would all heture them, and that it was in vain to oppesfe them .•—This affirmant further faith, that a short time after the rati: of the treaty between the United States "nd Great Britain, the said Jame3 Sloan told this affirmant, that Timothy Matlacky of the state of Pennfy'vania, had informed him, the laid Jamct Sloan, that the Democrats hundjed and that as soon as tn,cir.ji umber. arnornci J to fi?e thousand, they w ulj take ofl the head of General Wafliing-ton. Jpf}\' Bit v; SON, Affirmed before mt, the fufcriber, oni* of the Judges of ih* I.• fori i Coui t of C m r mon Picas, for the county of Gloucefttr, October the 131b 18*0. JAMES HOPKINS. Cj"Thii is the fame J; Tloan who'faid that G. Wsfhington on his r-turn home from the American army was allu-d by one f his mofl faithful (laves for his freedom (as the Americans had ob ainc-d theirs) the Gen eral itplied. wait a moment you (hall have ir, stepped into a room took a pi'tol and de libe att\y blew his brain out. N.B. The original affidavit is in poflVffion of Mr. Lawrence. >l'Woodbury the note at the bottom can be proved. JO 'IN'LAWRENCE. jas. e. Cooler. In pu fuance of the 3 fcftion of the aft to regulate the gcnaral elrftion within tbi» commonwealth, —the Judges of the court of Common Plea*, at their late feffiaws appointed the following pevfons agents of Eledlion for the Uvcral eieftion diflrifts of the city and County of Philadelphia. Frederick Wolpert & Pettr Browne, Efqrs. Fo~ South-uiarl. Moyamatfing end Pajfyunl' Jjfeph Bird and l.benezer Fergufon, t-.fqrs* For Cermantown Roxl'O'Ough and Btiflol. John Hulton and Isaac Franks, Efqrs. For Bjbe ry,, Low r Dublin, Mo e'ani and Ox/o 11 Derrick Peterfon and Jonathan Schoifield, Efqts. The fever has entirely disappeared at Providence R. I. For the 24 hour": preceding Saturday morning, there were 8 deaths in Baltimore. Total number in the hofpitd sick with the prevailing disease, 34 C®nv*lefcents, 16 Discharged cured, 6 HAVING at a former eleftio* met with conliderable encourag ment, it induces me again to offer myfeit ai> County Commi/fion er at the next ele&ion in the room of Jacob Souder. whose time then txpireS ; (hould I through your fulfrages '.btain said office, it will be my endeavour to perform the duties thereto aunexed tor the public advantage. JOHN KEE\\ Green Street, Northern Liberties October 9. 31 tin. fr. Ss" fatr. On a 'ormer occifi>r> I experienced a tcfr timony of v u r confidence and friendfhip bv your votes for the Office of heriff— Now in a more advanced llage of life, and encouraged bv a numerous body of refpedi able cii.ize's and firm friends, I again apply for your rotes and interest at the nest elec tion— Relting my chara&er through life, a security for a faithful performance of the duties of Office—Should I he fnccefsful or not in my application to your frietilfhip, on the ocnafion, 1 (hall remember with grititude your patronage. Wji, ROBINSON. OAober 7. dtE. NO JACOBIN. MARTMNSBURGH, Odober 1. At * meeting of a refpe£table inhabitants of Shepherd's Town aud its vici nity in the County of Berkeley and Sme of Virginia, on the occasion of M.ijor Gene ral Charles Cnteswortb Pmckrty's departure from said town, where he haa relitled near twelve months lall past. Rcsvlved unanimously, that it be commu nicated to General Pi! ckoey as the leofe of this meeting, that we duly appreciate, and have a grateful sense of the important ser vice which he has rendered to these United States, both in the Cabinet and in the Field. That we rerer can forget the intrepidity and wifdoni displayed by him in his million to France, wherein he Maintained the digni ty of an A merit all Ambafiador under cir cumllances the most and perilous ; and baffled all the intrigues of the French Government. That hi* whole df; ortment during his residence here, b'-th as Majdr General of the army, and as a private Gentleman, has met with our entire approbation. That the promptitude and fidelity with which he has executed the various high trulls that have been committed to him, are fufficient pledges to us, that in the hour of danger which tries Men's Souls, our Pinck ney will be anting Mie firlt to afiiftand de fend the l ights of his Country. That our best wishes attend him both here uid here after, and that we bid him an afTe&ionate farewell. Ordered, That John Baker, Thomas B. Evans and Henry Piercy, Gentlemen, be a Committee to wait 01! General Ptntkney with a copy of thefc refpluttons. For the City of Philadelphia. Jacob Baker and William Jones, Efqrs- Far the Northern Liberties TO THE ELECTORS Of the City and County of Philadelphia, Gentlemen, TO THE ELt CTOHS Of the C ty ai'd County of Philadelphia Gentlemen, By this Day's Mail. Attert, JOHN KEARSI.EY, See'rj. Se[ temper 25, 18.0. ' 34. H T , „ ; <"■■■ .-f r - In |- T[ | l | ■ n *- ... . I return vou my most (in 00 lc th* U>r n... Ilat! in, nhd <:"■ 3 acsrov/ c-<!g.?mcfits for the ...<4,. .... .. • ■ t . .-4 iur •. i-. . L 1 """° »*• "»** <\<.»r J,-. m,to j-epatr* • •««>»& • * ■' ■ .K:p-'3l:>* you have lo si V,, . ; -i . .T , . r / ■' •/. , 11 •■ nL ul the .rtgJte ; and oil tllx i it tti.v n me during my refii ,«« ,« place, fc|l in with her £>&*W 7, JRwJ" ? tl 'r VJl ' H" the brig Ma-y from Liverpool for Nor ■'■up a .. 1 ic apj. batum <?t his ! foil;." s thehgheft Feward a citizen \ Cipt. Story informs, that the C . a " & r '! s to fcrve . Sett, did not .fail,,ill %he a . 6 :b of Augart. • '»»*• y" "repe •'.'J to I hi: k . Arrived at Bait more, the ship George we.J of my att-mptstj? difchar ,e my duty ; Washington Sampson, from Liverpool, t . 'he piiohc in the offices,and truftswith j. By fcaptai, Tyler from Tobago we ate V"- !l . ' " av < Ij ■' . -onouied, IS highly ; i f..„ued, that the news of the taking of; to my feelings, , I Curracoa had reached that pla« before he J ihah ever with .he greatest fatisfaftiein i failed. relied on the friendi. i,te.courfe aqd'.cor- The brig Rainbow, Captain Tyler, arrlv dial harmony that fuhfilfed between the ed here yejlerday in eighteen days from Citizens and Military during the time part Tobago ; co. wi.h the brig Little of the late army were cantoned near Har- John Butler, Graham, for Neiy York, ai.d per 6 Ferry, and your good offices and kind- the brig Lydia. Lord, for Portfrcoulh', N tKh to us all are deeply imprinted on my H —Left there the brig Otion> of Boston, memory, and on tha: of my late comrades, brig Cherub of Portfmotuh, to fail in a few 1 ermit me. Gentlemen, to reciprocate days j and the brig General Warren, of rour kmc. withes, and ea -neftly to pray' Savannah. . hit each individual of you, may be fucefs YefleHajr arrived here, in thirty days from ul ana happy- Montego Bay, ihe (hip Favorite, Biack'ks Colcfworth Pmdnep house- September 29, in the GuJph, spoke the. Juno fiigate, in co with the me lampus; informed that (he had, on the 3d, spoke the btig 1 wins, Scott, fight days from Jamaica for New York, then in the Gulph of Mexico, nil well. .; Parted from the (hip L'x'd Duncan, 23 days since, off Cape Antonia. . The following genth men came pijjengers in the ■ . Favorite- • Robert Wilton, Robert Bt 11, John Kitch' en, A«lam Steel, and Edmund N'agle. Vtfterday arrived in fiits.en days from Ha vanna, the fehyoner. Venelia, £aptain Pier onnet ; she failed the day after the Con llellation's corivy . . v Oil the morning of the Vcnelia's failing, hi embargo was laid on all vessels, and feve al ia the art of heaving their anchors were supped. 1c was supposed some vessels vere to fail for Spain with money. C>ufti(3ieu, Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED, Days Ship Galen, Smith, Havannah 18 !■ ugars—A. Humphries Amiable, Tiiluighrtft, Liverpool 65 [Oiy Goods ; J. W rder Dispatch, Wrod, Kirgitop, Jam. 33 [Sugars, coffee, See. Tai W Smith CLEARED Brig Fritndlhip, Mcorn Montego Bay Scli'r President, Veacock Havannah Brig Boilon,, Wil iams from hence to Cape Francois, is captured and lent for Guadaloupe A Schr, name unknown, 28 days from Jamaica, U below. Captain Tillinghaft, of the (hip Amiable. failed from Liverpool, the 10th «f Aug on iL» 13th Au spoke the Ship Perfe»er ance, Cocterill, for New York ; 23d fpt ke in lat. 46 24 N long 23, 10 W- fhi > ■ca, Hufsey, of and for Baflon ; Capt. H. in lat 49 00, N. long. 10, 00, W Ipoke (hip America, Swain of asd from Philadel phia for London. On 17th S pt. in lat 40. 58 N- long 58, 00 W. spoke (hip Ad venture Swain. 13 days out from New- York bound to Liverpool. Exuaft of a 'etter from the fupercrrgo of the (hip Domin ck Ter-.v d.ted Bauvia, Bth May, (received via Boston.) 14 I am just Wormed that the ihip John Bulklev, the (hip Ann of Baltimore, and two other vessels. names unknown, are in thr Straits : very probably one of them may be the Dispatch." Ship China, capt. Jofiah, ■was at Batavia on the Bth M y, taking in her cargo for this and may be hourlv cxpeftrd. Lett r Hags up at the Coffee houfc. The ship Hannah, Brown, for Hamburg to be taken away on Saturday the 18th inft. The ship PhcebeAi>n, Gardner, for Cowes ditto ditto The (hip Adriana Fletcher, for London die to ditto BOSTON, Oftober 8. Ar ivecl, days Ship America. Huflcy, Liverpool 60 Captain H. spoke August 15, latitude 47i longitude 22, ship America Hoyt, 37 days from Philadelphia, latitude 49, 25, longitude 9, 29, W. spoke \ViIIJ-im and Henry, from Noifolk for Falm uih, 36 days out- O&ober 2, lengitude 63, 39, spoke barque Columbia, Rich, three days from Botlon, for London, in co. with the fliip Polly, for London. Performing quarantine. Arrived since our last, ship Perseverance, Cross Nevis 35 days ; fchr. Ariel, Nafh. Port-au-Prince, 21 days. B ALTIMORE, O&ober 11. Arr'ved Schooner Eliiabeth, Swafey, 16 days Havannah. The ship Diana, Cooke ; barque John and Jane ; brig Hope, Haynes j Three Brothers, King—and schooner Nymph, Hancy, for Baltimore, failed with her, un der convoy of the frtgate Conftellaiion. Schooner Margaret, Gould, 16 days Havanna - Ship Truxton Bryden, 16 dayi Havan na* The fliips Olive, Stafford from Bremen ; Robert, Hurfton, from Liverpool, and Hazaid, of Wilmington, from Hu 1, are in the river, and the brig Three Brothers in the bay. NEW YORK, Oftober ,0. Arrived. ID.js Schr. Ampliitrite, Gui, Baltimore 3 Resource, , PctcWburg Cleared. Brig Sir J. Wentworth, Jei.ks, Halifax F.iir American, Spakling, H-vanna Schr. Maria, Fernandez, Porto R:co From the Log-Book of the fchr. Fout Sifters, captain Story, !rom J ima/ca. " The"Sh |> l.'.uifa. captain ['.rooks, from C.ipe-Fruicois, afd the Ichr. II bel!:, Sr.i:tll, from, are 1 f. - anived at F.ilnioutl -y Gape Antonia, S. S. E. ic leagues, Sep 1 , 20, (poke the floflp Minerva, Williams, 15 days from Anetto by to New-Y' rk. 2 1 ft, Cape Antonis, S. 16 leagues, so .e the flup Sympathy, capt. Ball, 9 days from Ktoglfon to Norfolk. 26th, Havannn, S. 8 leagues, spoke fchrs. Cat?, of Charleston and Corne lia of New-York, from Hmnna for New* Sugars at audlion. ON FRIDAY NEXT, The » 7 h uifUm,at io o'clock, will be Ibid, on Walnut Itreet wharf, for en dor led 75 hogsheads of choice Sugars. iAMU£L YOUKE, s*uct'r. od.bcr 14 d4t New-Theatre. WE DN E 5 DAY EVENING, October i 5. Will be pvefented, a much adniitd COME-- DY, tailed 7H£ Wheel of Fortune, (Written by Richard Cumberland, Efquire r Author of the Weft-Indian, Jew, Sic.) Governor Tempest Mr. Bernard Penruddoek Mr. Cooper Mi''. Wocdville, Mrs Shaw Eriiily fe.Tipelt, Mil's E. We ft ray To -.vbicb -will be added, a favor ite FARCE* C AI.LKD The Prisoner at Large, Or, The Humours of Ki larney, (Written by O'Keete, author of the Poor Soldier. gj* Box, ore dollar. Pit three quarters of a dolhr. And Gallery, hal f a dollar. The doors of the Theatre will open at half past five and the curtail} rif<i at half pad fix o'clock. £jT Gentlemen and Ladies are requeued to sea,*. their servant* to keep places ii> the boxes at a quarter past five o'clock. Places in the fcoies to be. taken at the office in the froßt of the Theatre, from ro till 1 o'clock, and from 10 till 4 ®m the days of performance. Tickets to he had at H. and P. Rice's book store, No. 16, Soiuh Second Street, and at the office ad joining tlv Theatre. FOR SALE, 1 he following Riml Ell.ite j the prrp?rty of Anthony Francis Haldimand, Eitjuire, of London, 582 and an half /Veres Paten ted Land SITUATE on Yinsyard Greek, in the townfliip and cmiity of Huniir.gJon, is the slate of Per.nfyjvamon a public road about 5 miles frcin the town of Huntingdon, which it situated on a boata! le river—there are on the premii'e* a water Grift Mill and Saw Mill— federal Log dwelling Honfes—ore of which is occupied as a Tavern, with a Diftillety fnpplied by a powerful spring of excellent water—acoufi lerable quantity of Timo thy Meadow fit lor the scythe, and several acre* of Land aire?dy cleared—This tradt wiil admit of being divided into three farms, with a due proportion of meadow and arable land in each. At present in tenure of Adam Hail, Esq. John Hicks, and others 187 ai.d an half icres on Trough Creek, in Union township.a floarilhmg fettlemtnt, firft rate land, with a small improvem-nt. 173 and 3 quarters acre* adjoining the above and the fame quality—is thole lait mentiomd trails are adjoining futveysthey would make one Valuable farm In Bedford county t 374 acres situate ou Dunnings Creek, firfl rate land, on a public road to Bedford. £* 364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above, and of the fame quslity. 388 acres called the Springs, fame quality as above 198 and 3 q«arters =!cres on half way run, a good improvement and cowia tenure ol Jacob Moles. Terms of {ale, as follows vir -One fourth part of the confider*tion money mult lie raid in hand, and the refiriue divided into f'-nr or annual in may suit the p rtrwli- s—'o lie feeu red by mortgage. App J to John Caifwall .der, Efcj Counsellor at Law, iw the town of rlu .tiimJor, o,- to tke fub fcribersin the city of P' il "'e!p' u Willings £r Francis. Ofluber 14 Anvilivr /V 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers