Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 14, 1800, Image 1

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    Numbui ljii.'i
(dF* The price of this Ij&zette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscriber? resiling
rn the city of Philadelphia* Ail others pay
«ne Dollar additional, fur enclosing and Ji
recftng ; and unless-some person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
«Y* No Subscription will be received for
e shorter term then six months.
December I J 7 $9-
From OSlnhtr 15 —to Oftjber 11.
At Wain's wharf.
The Cargo of the brigEnterprizc,
Surinam Molafies,
Of an ex;*llest quality, in hogiheads, tierces and
And about 40 quarter casks
For Sale nr
Wharton fc? Lewis,
No. 1 1 j,iuuth Front firect
tu th fa tf
oSober 9
In the ship. Atlantic, c?piaia Waters, from
Calcutta and ivtadras
And for sale by, the fubferiber,
A great variety of artic'ts mostly suitabl e
Blue cloths
Soot RoauU
Madras Lone Cloths
Ditto HandWehin's.
aooo bags prime Sugar,
Hyson and Souchong Tea,
No. 80, Dock street.
ITwf rf
ofiilwr 10
Saw Manufa&ory-
No. 10, south Filth street,
MANUFACTURES mill, cress cut and pitt
fnws, equal in quality, appearr.rce and ftape
t>any ever imported; which > ■ fells wholesale
at the following prices—6 feet mill U'#s 5 1-a dol
la- each ; cross-cut do S° ce "" i " f° ot : P iu do
&o.cent« per foot.
Wood Cutters east »e-l saw», and every other
kinrt, ma e to any par-icular dirc&ion,
oftohir to
English Grammar,
Has this Diy been pttbliflied, by A wur.r
Dickins, opposite Chrilt-CI urcli,
[Price One Dolhr.~\
Oftnher 7.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
"I) UN AWAY from thefuVeriher on Wcdnrf
day night the sth indent, a Black InJcnted
fervint, mn.ed Colin, just arrived from Jamiica
■in the brig Diligence with his matter. He is a well
made lad of 16 —l7 years of age, or thereabout,
has a pleasant countenance, and a (mill fear 011
his left cheek which yet app ars wfite irom a
late fall or blow. He i< about t feet t or fii in
ches high, and had on whui he wentaw-.y ac~m
r.ion blue r«und jicket »:.d trowl'crs, with a i>r
vant« b)ack glaz; hat, and had v.ith hmi white
and ftfae 1 check shirts and paii.ilooni.
He 49 known to he enticed or tnv away hy
a negro man naneil William, a , a'ive of Button,
who was Cook of the fiid brig Deli.;enc<, and is a
,ft«ur. thick man of xi or 4° years ot age, and they
are supposed to travel together; l'hc fai * Coli-i
.contrived to get a parcel containing 30 new dol
ilarsof the prelent years co : nage"»f the U Stites,
.never before in circu'ati n awd a few milled dou
bloon# of full weight out of his mailers keeping,
and also took »vi.h him a silver table ipoon with
the cyper A. R. on it, and a defirt knife and fork
with white Ivory handles.
The abovs reward will be piid to any person
who will bring the laid Colen a id Willia 11 t» the
6ubfcrihcr, N.'. u Spruce or to Melrs. Sa
vage and Dugan, Third Street, or iodge them in
any goal.. r work hue in any of the States so t\at
hi* matter may have Colin, and it i» f equalled the
monev may be f; cured, it is fu(,pcfed V, illam i< iri
pofTjiijou of it, and reqnetted he miy be detained
with Colen, ftndirg inform jtiou to the said
Meifrs. Savage and Dugan, i-hiladciphia
* * All Captains of veffeb are forwarued nrtto
hai .our or employ or carry u lea the (aid negr. e,
as the law will be f.ut in trc* againfl th;m.
Q&olrer i|.
Gazette of the United States, & Advertiser.
H; M.
11 jt
O 46
* '*
» A
* J*
j J«
* 39
+ ,
6 19 S 3'
6 .to 5 3<5
6 3 1 —"J 48
- 6 33 5 17
- 6 .74 5 #6
6 3J 5 *5
6 37 .« a 3
nmf tm
At a County Court of Common
Htlil it Union Ta*B. fur (lie countj of Fayette,
the ftcpnd Morda" of September, in the
fT.'TJ, yew ol oyr Lord one thsufin.i eijjht
ikudrcj, tcfo;e ihe Horwfalj.e A lea an
dcr '"-ddifon, Ft'quif, And
birafluciau J align «l the fame ftalt,
OM pctltim of Jebn Qntliitt, to InfeWau
Qt l tolr, prtjring the benefit pi (be k3 t»l G«
unl AfflunMy twthe relief of lufUrtur Dobton,
IfcTfctoad A4»e«Uy ofVett&r
D*r litre a lititMic fciinooer and kii cniflton
*nd taAri that notice thereof b« publiibed three
fuccotiive- wtikt In the United B'«t'»f;i«cue iu
PhiloJdpMa, in loow Jt.iy p*fxr n SaKi nniu~
io a Vfpcr, K-'ncotky, in J in the Fay
ctte Oasettp. i«(l piMicatioo in each, to Ue at
lead four wwii Wlcit the dijr of heinr j.
By the Court,
Oftober to. djw.
to wit:
BE IT REMEM3EKED, That < n the lid day
of August, in the ijth year of the Indepiin
dence of the United Statel ot Amrrica, William
Young, (JWokfellcr,) of the said Uillri&, hath
deposited in this Office, the title of a Book, the
right whereof hi claims as pnpritttr t in the words
following, to wit.
-■ Essay on Political Society.'*
IN CONFORMITY to the ad of t!>« Con-
grefsof th« United States, intituled " 4n
A& for the en.ouragemcnt of learning
[sial] by securing the copies o: Maps, Charts
and Uo#ks to the Authors and Propri
etors of such copies during the times
therein mentioned "
Clerk of tbe District of Ptacsyhami.
lej-tember >8 iaw4*v
District of Pennsylvania to nit .•
BE it remembered that on the Tenth day of
JIIW in the twenty fif'h year of the In("ep n
•ienreof the United States of America, Alexan
der Addifon of the ftid Dift i<ft :*th depVfitt.l
in this otlc'e the tit e o) 5 book the ripjht where
of hr claims as Author in ths word* following
to wit, " Reports of cafe* in ifce Count,- r.otiris
tif tire Fifth Circuit and in the High Court ot
Errors and appetU of the Stite of I'ertnfylvania,
and charges to Grand Juries of thole County
Courts. 13" Alexander Addifon, President of
the Courts of Common Pleas of ''-.e Fifth Cir
cuit of the State ps Penn'yWanu"
In conformity to the afl of Congreft of the Uni
ted States i;»titl< d " An a&for the encouragement
of learning by fseurin? the copies of maps charti
and b ioki to t!-e Authonaud Proprietors of such
copies during the time# therein menrioned."
Clerk of the Diffriii of Pennfyh^nia.
The above hook is tn;w pubilflie i It will be de
livered to (übferibtrs by Mr. Dobl. n Botkfelier
J u| y
August 4to, ibec.
i~HE commanding Officers of torps, de
tachment*, pofis, garrif-n'. and recruiting
partiea, belongir.g<4 the military rlUhliOiment
of the United States, are to report to, and
rcceire orders from Brigadier-General Wil
ktnfon, in the City of Wifliingtun, and all
officers on furlough are to report themfelvei to
the rime officer with all pr-ffi - >!e dispatch.
Secretary of War.
■S3* Ali Printers within th* United States
U'hu have pualilhtr.l invit itions for contrails of
the l.jth or March lass are reqficfted to infer'
the above in their refpedlive papers, once a
week for twe months.
To be Sold
j<HAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY
* SKAT, called LaUku, Lodgs, the lite
rcfidence of Thomas Hutter, Esq. si liate n
Potts Giove, M ntgomcry County, thirty-l-x
miles from Philadelphia, contiiig about 106
acr-s, twenty as which are prime woo lla;> !,
fifteen excellent watered meadow, the rcL'due
divided in araMc lets- On the premiles are a
large handfomeßrkkHigfeanil adjtini p budd
ings, coiUaing two patlours, a Isrgc dining
room, and a Hall, twc:v<> feet wide, by forty
long, a large kitchen, waih with a pump
of excellent water in it, fix handsome chambers,
two flore-room>, four garret chambers plaiflered
and a room over the adj ining building,
a double spring hoafe, with a I'mnke house over
the fame, within fiitv yards of the kitchen—The
fprinp, in the driell season never known t > low
er in ill* leatl, and from which the mea iow is
watered ; a i;ard :r. rontjitung about or.e acre,
ftccked «•!' t the rncll de'icioos fru ! t», such as
peaches, p!um'-s, cherries, pears, ralberries, &c.
several alp<raga»bed# i'i great ptrfedtion. Also,
a young bejriug applctree orchard, (untuning
several bundled trees, t he fruit felciled Iromdif
frent parts cf' the United S'ates, 3 large conveni
ent. barn with 1 ihrefning floor, with coir.modi
ous flablifig fi*r horses and cows, carriage and
honfes, ijrain rovrm, &c. Alfo,fundry out build
ing*, cortfiflinjjf of • Urge frame poultry house
and corncrib, Ac. Aifo, a tenant's house, gar
den ind ffai)!e, and a pump of excellent water
t-elo'ging to the fame.
rhu fituati iii of Pittt* Grove is remarkably
heilthy, regularly llipplied wi h Sutchir's meat
and poultry in abundance. to frepurchafed at a
low rate, anrf t'ne Sci?uy : Will ass rds a plentiful
fitppiy of excellent filh Two grift mills in the
reai of the town. Perhaps few country towns
in Penrilylvania, are more rapidly improving,
nr have more Iota! advantages than Pctts
Grove. The fever il places us public worlhip,
the lilubrity of tb.e a':r, genttel loeiety, and
cheapnels of living, are among the few advan
tages it pofTeffts;
Any p rfon wishing to view the premifrs,
will pleas. to apply to Mr. Wrn. POTTS,
in Pottl'grnve, and for terms to the fubferi
ber, in Philadelphia.
Sept. 19 aawtf.
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet.
2000 Dollars Reward,
And a 7 charges .:nd expenc s paid
FOR apprehending nd brir>i>ini-r to
the city of New-, erk Nathaniel Ol-
COtt, late of the said ci y lir ker, wh > i$
charged on oath with fcionioufly, fraudu
lently and by faife prett re?, tuking from
th. Bank of New Fork, ' ■■ rge funis of mo-
Bey It is fuppufed tint he has a large
lum of Bank uotc* now in his poflcflian,
wlii it any perf„n apprehetKir g him is par
ticuiar'y dclired to fecuce with ail his pa
Natha- ikl Olfco tt , is about five feet
ten inches high, has dark hazel eyes, and
dark hair which he generally wears tirned
up behind, has rather a down look—is Hout
built and straight rather red about the
noll'ils, in c nlequencs of takißg fnuT—
he is from 25 to 30 years old—had on a
dark great coat and a light coat tind«-neath
Any information given t > the Cafhisr of
the Bank rela;ive to the said Nathaniel Ol
fcott, will be thankfully received and reward
Calhr. B. V.
|C7"The Printers throughout the United
States ar ret] cfted to reprint the above-
New-York, Otit. 9. tf.
'lbis /J.iy Published,
By J. On m rod, No. 41, Ciiefnut Street,
(Pries »5 Cenu)
Death of General Wajhinfton.
In imitation of th* manner of Offian.
By Rev. John B. Linn, A.M.
M-r.ifter of tlie First Prcfbyteriia Congregation
i.T Mr. Chaudroo's Oratien will be publilhed
on Monday morning.
Mkt h i f. d.
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention -id- cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Da. HAHN's
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH have been attended with a degree
nf success highly grateful to the iiiven
tor'f feelings, in several parts of the Weft In
di»s,3n " the feuthern parts of the United Sta'e:-
partirularly in Baltimore, Petersburg, Uich,
mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilminpt -njCharicf
toa, Savannah. 4tc. The tellimanv of a t.wiri
ber of prrfoas in each of the above places can he
adduced. who ha«f r;afon to believe that a
tiraely us* of th sl'alutary remedy, has, under
Providence, prclcrved their lives when in the
mofl alarming circvmllances.
Fails ofthi* conclusive nature fjirak more in
favour of a medicine, than column* of pompous
eulftey, founded on mere affrrti », could do
It's D"t indeed prtd'umptuoufly proposed as
an infallible cure, but the inventor lias every
possible reason. which can refuß from txteafive
experience for febevingthat a dose of these pills,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier ftaget i.f tlmfe diseases, their use will
very generally fiK-ceed in restoring health and
frequently in cases eftermed desperate awd bey
ond the power of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfeflly mild
tnd miy be uf'J with Ufety by persons in every
situation and of every age.
They are'excellcntly adapted <a cirry off fu
perflnons bile andpreven' it? rnoHiW P-.eretions ;
to rettoreand amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perforation and thereby prevent colds
which are often of fatal con:equrnce. A dose
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its fin!
appearance. Thev are celebrated for removing
habitual coflivenefs, ficknef", nf the fluraach and
severe head-ache, and ought to be tsken by ali
perfmis on a chingr of climate.
They have been found remarkably efficacious
in prev«:iting and curing molt disorders attend
ant on lung voyages, at.d fh >uld be procured
and carefully prelerved for use by every feamari.
Genuine Eve-water,
A'certain and fafe remedy for all difeafoe of the
eyes, whether th« effw& of natural weaknefr, or of
accident, fpecdily removing inflammations, de
fluxions of rheum, dulliiLfs, itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which
frequently succeed the fmall'pox, meafies and fe
vers, and wonder ully flrengthening a weak fight.
Hundreds have expertcnceu its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived of fight*
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im
mediate an i lalling relief in the moll feyere in-
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind of head-ache, and of
pains in th« face and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
1 his medicine has never fatfiii, in many thou
sand cases not one in a hundred has itarf occasion to
take more than one bottle, and numbers not hall
a bottle. Tfjic money will be returned if tke cure
it not performed.
No.. 17, South Second Street,
And no wbere else y in Philadelphia.
Where also may he bad, I)r. Hamilton's Worm
D*ftFoyjng Lozenge*, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, &c. Retloruive Dr*'s, Kflence and Kx
trad of Muftarris Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com
plaint, Gowland*B and Persian Lotion, Restorative
Tooth Powder t D»mafk Lip Salve, Churches
Cough Drops* Andcrfon's Pill»» & c »
j a.pril 19 m
Wrrwuiijim. j 1. ."'L'-'-
Marshal's Sales:
Pennsylvania District, J "* .
PURSUANT t« the directions of the Honorable
Uenjamtn .Stoddard, Secretary of the Navy,
'' be e*,)ofed to public lale, at the mcrchauts's
c- ffete heufe.i* the city of Philadelphia, on Won
day rhe 19th d<y of Odtober iriftant, at 7 o'clock
i'i the e»eninjr,
The two French scboiners called
Nqw lying at. Brown's wharf,
f'cjfethcr with all and fiogubr their
tackle, apparel and appurtenances.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Marfiiall's Office, £
Philadelphia, OZlo. 10, 18003 mwf'tS
For Sale,
£&&&* ST. TAMMANY,
at Say's Wharf, above
Market Sti ret, burthen 70 t ins, fuppofedtobe
a remarkable fall failing veflei, aid may bafit
tidforfeain a few days. Inventory to be fe#u
and terms of sale known by applying to the lub
No. 4, South IVd'er Street
a? Hhds- Mufcovad > Sugar.
White arid brown Hava • nah dit'fl in boxes.
East India do. in bags.
Weft-India and Conntry Kum
-100 Hhds. MoUITcs.
Holland Gin
French and Spanish Brat.dy.
Pepper, Offee, &c.
Autruft 9; fatu&
Tiiis morning oh the Wiffahickon Road—a
Ked Morocco
CONTAINING lur. dry papers and letters,
of *0 cor.fequ -net whatever to any one but
the owner. W!\. ever mav have found the
lame, and will return it to 'he Printer of this
paptr, fha'l be handforr.e'.y rewarded.
N.B.—The 1 wners' name is mentioned on
some lette s direfled to him.
o£lobcr 8 d.
Mary Beck,
RESPECTFULLY infornu her Friends and the
Public, that she intends opsning her Selcdl
SCHOOL on the £rft nf Ofiobcr, in Fifth n«ar
Walnut -Street, opposite the State lloul'e Yard,
where Pie will as usual, teach the branches »t po
lite and ifcf'-i) literature, including Geography,
Aftrooo'ny, Writiog, Arithmetic, and every ac
complilhment necefLry to form a complete liberal
Yo«tig Ladies may be accommodated with
BoaH, &c. in the House, which is very airy and
Mr. G. Beck's Drawing and Painting School
will commence at the fame time.
f.tptember 10 tu th& fa im
Dancing Academy.
MR. QHESNET, wi hrffpeft ioformi his pu
pil» and'he public in general, that he intend*
opening his Academy, on Monday the 6th of Oc
tober , at his new assembly room, No, 64, south
Fourth ftrtet.
Mr. Qnefnet is thankful to the Ladies and Gen.
tlemcn, tor the li'icral encouragement he has ex
perienced every season —he was defirout for fomc
time to meet wit!» a gentleman of whom the cha
rafter and talents, could, united together defer re
thj confidence of the public •• deprived of fueh ad
vantage, Mr Q_has always thought proper to
divjdr and fix the number of pufils; but this seas
on Is.c1 s .c school can be improved one third more
hsvi g to introduce Mr. Auriol, as an alfiftant to
him, and a pcrfon of ability. The scholar■ {hall
be attended three times a week as ul'ual—l>adie< in
the morning ; young Gentlemen in the afternoon ;
and grown Gentlemen in the evening.
N. B The firll praitifing ball in private for the
fuholars,will be a tew d?.ys alter the opcuing ol the
school ; and tilt firft ball will ~e on 1 feurfday, the
l6tb O&ober next.
Mr. AURIQL lately arrived frem Paris, re
rp«*<fliul!y informs the public in general, that hav
ingfome time to difpof« of, he will attend those
Ladies and Gentlemen, whe wish to he taught
private at their own he-uses.
His lodging* are at No. 31, south Third ft rest,
where directions can be left with his lady if he
O&oberi. th&ftf
just Received,
And will be Said Very Low, if applied for
immediately, by the Picloge only 1
5 Hales riroad-Cloths, rflorted, "] Q
I Bale Plains aDd Forest cloths, , -
l Do. fine Coatings, alTo:t<td, ' .c
10 Do. Kendall Cottons, -
SO Hogfh?ads Peine Tivine, I ® £
4 CaflU London Pewter, J
No. 48, Sou'h Front flrcet.
September 30. d»t £ eojtw.
WHO from frinrip'e is a F'.derM jiand (itsCflofed
to unde.tukc the arduous talk of ed.ting b»
;r paper and comba'ing the enemies cf America,
may hear of an eligible fi'ua ion in the interior of
Maryland. SCO fubi'crih-rs can be counted on he
fore he commerces —A Native jivtericiin will he
prrfered ; —But it is not to l>. underUood that well
principled persons though not natives, are to be
*/ Particulars may be learned on spplicatid
to ti-e Editor jf this Grzette.
OSob:r %.
- "V- -
Saddling Business
: . MM. - ■»
HAVING entered into partnerftip, and
ken tha[ lull* established Band at the cor."
nerof Chefuut arid Tlurd Streets, refpeilfully
solicit public j itrnnayc, snd particularly invito.
i. continuance of the favo|ir» of the former
friends tu ' cuftiunersof Hjiries *. and
jSbarpleis x Kii.fey, to waofc bufititis tkey have
ftrcc edrd
They offer f>.r file a large and general afijrt
merit of elegant Saddles and Bridles, all kinds
common do f a ted and Brass mounted Harness,
Saddle-bags, Vaiiec-es. Cart and WaggonGearsj
&l. Trunks of all ksi.ds, particularly hard lea
ther Portmanteaus.
i .'icy alio mar.iifafl.urc 2M kind* of Silver
monn ed and i'l.iin Whips, l.avi;,g several ex
cellent W "k nen in that branch.
1 he; flatter themselves from their united ex
perience and th? arrangements they have made,
to be able 10 fell any of the above articles on as
go' d terms as any otVers in the United States.
A liLenl all.Tianct will be made io.h (e who
flute ha by the quantity -
S3 ruth 4w-
Book- Store,
Njrtb Street, opposite Christ Church.
With Illu.irationsand Additions
Desultory Reflexions
111 tlie United States ot' America, Gnce the
tomrornccmertt of thr year 1799*
SO™ ii.. T. Hawlf., considering that in
this country rh<re is a fr-.e preis, is determi
ned his Bonk-Stohr-fir.ifl also hr free to pub
lications of every denomination, whether po
litical or religious. The works of Whigs
or Tories ; Re publicans, or Monarchies j
Aiiftocrats or Democrats ; Ftderalifls or
Anti-Federalifh ; ©iridium, Jews, Hea
thens or Turks, are equally free for lale }
and, whatever r. av be hisp:ivate opinions,
i> resolved, as a Bookfcllf-r, and in the true
fpnit of his proieilion, V To be open to all
parties, and influenced by none,
N ii. He li.kf. toi f .1., all thelated po
litic..l publications', and every article in the
O ; ber i.
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fuffici»W number of
thcmofl approved European Gla:sManu
fudlurers, and having on hand a large flock'of
thebeft Materials, en which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window glafsof a fupeiior qua
lity and of any size, from 7by9,to 18 by 24
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
100 feet ea h.ruay behad'at the Ihortef! notice.
Glass of larger fizei for other may
also be had, fixh is for pitflures, coach glaflcs,
clock faces, flic. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may alio be had, together with pocket
flalks, pi> khngjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, *
or other hallow ware—the whole at leaf! per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
l.rou|ht from any of the lea ports of the United
States. A iiberal allowance will be made on
faie of large quantities. Orders from merchants
and others will be punctually attended to on ap
plication t« JAMES O'iiARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or it the Storeof Mcflrs PRATHER
andSMiLIE, in Maiket-Street, P!ttlburgh,
March 4, tuthtf.
"THB ownert of airfmprored liniJi ,'if
* county, «f* Ktreby oofllUid, (thr ik,
become viyiMe thercoa fmt tkt j*»r» 1*99164
1803. TTjoft who K>«« *ot
tun, .re betel' 7 repaired to difcfprga die {mm-"
10 JOHN BRINK, Efqulr*, TraJuror •* .f*a it Milfoivt, within' rbrea VYcitttfn
iht» d«« ,ot)ierwifc pc<x fading 1 (o ftlf,
to the o( Aflieoihly in IWt cafrpioWdoA; wilt
e k»d bj iLe Cooia>i&ooer> far the f ''
Asit Sientiriy: O
J-tim Car/an, -
. Jobanprt Yen
E.Kiti.osc.'CH. - ,' 1 ' ;
Ml Persons,
INDEBTED to the Eflate of Jo r eph Engle,
late of the Northern Liberties, dcceafed,»re
requeued to make immediate payment, and
those having any demands against the lame, to
bring in their accounts to
BENJAMIN THAW, Ad TtiniOratorl
Prober .1. fojw.
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth
Merry-Andrew Playing; Cards, far sale cheep
for ca(h —Apply at this Office. T
feptenjber 13.
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette ot the Unite:! States.
Cards—Blanks of all kinds,
&c. Bcc.
Wil! be printed at ;Ve
Shortest Notice. W
august aj. Hr
•• v'• v ■ *y>x "y
i"; '• *.