Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 13, 1800, Image 3

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    For the Gazette of the United States.
Litter VI.
Philadelphia, October ir, ISOO.
Vice Prefid«nt of the United Slates.
the power of fancy oftentimes holds
Our reason in captivity, oftentimes paints an
aflemblage of Iplendid allurements whichen
•hant and bewilder the mind.
Dazzled by a luminous display of imagi
nary bliss, reason vainly endeavors to arrange
•our disordered ideas, for we sre enamoured
with the profpeft of one cont nued piilure
®t happiness, uiicheckered with even a mo
mentary misfortune.
Such fir lam fearful has been its effedt
•on your senses ; the fplendeur which sur
rounds the Prefidenual Cliair reg*ardlefs "of
its pains, and anxieties has attra&rd the whole
force of your thought, and hurried you into
(hameful intoxication. Experience bv
this time might have taught you how decep
tive are the most flattering appearances, that
sometimes the fecpnd dignity in the nation
can only add care to the brow, and trouble,
and vexation to the mind "; that a Governor
ot a Great State may difgracefully fly from his
dominion, and surrender it up to the pillage
of a foreign army—that the splendid tempta
tion of an embalfy nray be rejected when
there is danger in accepting It, and remem
ber fir there, is danger in every public
itation. You might hate known fir
a firft Minilter of State in the mod illufirious
of cab-nets may resign his Itation from too
much ewe trouble and vexation.
But these dear bought leffpns seem not
to have availed you wisdom'; with an in
defatigable ir.dwflry you are ilriving to im
pose on yourfelf a burden -.vhofe weight will
bow you to the earth, and obliterate the
wretched remnant of refpeft which some of
your Countrymen rtill entertain for the
sviposed firmnel's of your character. But
I J: now ; you yeurfelf know fir that your
nerves arc too weak to bear anxiety and
difficultias, and iliat at the fight of a danger
they have and will shrink. 11l fpsaking
then plainly to you I would do you a greater
ftTvice than any of your puj-ty Have done in
endesv«uring to fraife yon to a summit of
grandeur ill adapted to your abilities, and
jrorn which yob would inevitably fall with
I now bid yo\l a dien—with the pleafiig
hope that every day w 11 unfold to you some
new charm in a rural, quiet, and philoso
phic life.
For the Gazette cf the United Slates.
To ms Pterin th PuNjrsrLVANiA.
TO thofc who have anxiously viewed
and deplored the course of administration
pursued in thofs parts of the Union in
Vvhich our political opponents wield the rod
of power, it is needltfs to paint the dread
ful cenfequences to be apprehended (bould
the general government also fall into their
hands. Thai their hopes look confidently
to this event and that it will not be preven
ted but by the utmost exertion on the part
ef the friends of the government is indu
bitably true, At the ensuing cleftion of a
Prefideßt and Vice President, the great
effort will be made and its issue involve* all
that it dear to us.
The impertance of the vote of Pcnnfyl
irania in deciding this momentous question
in known and acknowledged by both
parties, and we may reft assured that our
enemies are not at this moment idle in pro
moting measures' and intrigues to procure
her weigl«t and influence in their favour.
Tbfir present silence and apparent inaction
Ihou'd not lead us to believe that they have
abandoned their piSpofe btit rather that they
cover lome desperate projeft, and that they
are preparing to fcize by surprise what they
cannot obtain by regular proceeding.
Among other things we have understood
that it ii intended by them to use every ef
fort to obtain favorable changes in the Sen
ators to be chosen at the next elcdtion, and
if a small majority fhoifld then remain at
tached to (he Federal interest, either artful
measures will b« attempted to keep them
out of the way, or the Legislature will be so
suddenly convened that the members not
Jsefore apptiied to hold themfclves in rea.
dinefs will not have time to arrive at Lan
ealler before the mifchief is done.
Against these two things then we beg
leave t» put you on your guard, and ear
nestly to exhort you to leave nothing un
done to fectire a favorable return of Sena
tors, and to advise thofc who are now in the
Senate or (hall be elected to hold themfclves
in readiness at moment's warning to pro
ceed to the feat of Government •
William Rawlc, * . r
r . T, , A committee of
Xwi Hoiltnvsiuorth, r i
jfchn Injheep,
Ro!ert Wharton,
*rL t?'a r /the Federal Ci-
J comas rttzfimoni) . crt . ..
7ofepb H.pLjon tizens of Phila-
John del P h,a "
JZxtraS of a Utter from en officer on board the
United States frig Ate Ccngreft, to his ft tend
in Virginia
Porio Rico, ill September 1800.
Dkab Silt,
" You will receive this letter by the
American brig Experiment, recaptured by
the United States (hip cf war Congress, on
the 29th of the last month, from a French
privateer of'fixtetn gu s The Experiment
hadb"en in the poffefli'.mof the privateer <-n
by thrte day*.; fhc is loaded wilh wine, su
gar, ?nd molasses, and supposed to be worth
30,000 dollars. When we re took the
brig, the privateer by which ihp had been
captured, was In fight, having in tow iwo
other prizes ; we made all fail poflible, but
were unfortunately prevented coming up
with tfiem, by the early approach of ;he
; fright. The prize matter o'n board the Ex-''
i pcrimeiit informed us, that thr privateer to
| which he belonged had lately been several
times in fight of Cape Henry, and that
there were at present three or four French
privateers cruizing off the American coast.
I'rom the fame source we also learnt, that
the privateer from which we re-took the
brig, had lately captured an American let
ter of marque, after an engagement of five
glades. You thus fee upon what termg of
civility we are with our dear and,good allies
the French. Not a day paffe3 in these seas,
in which they do not plunder our com
merce, capture our veflels, imprison, and
in many instances butcher our seamen ! Yet
all th?s is right an 1 just and proper, because
their villanies are cloaked under the sacred
garb of republicanism. It may be so 1 All
we desire is, to fraternize as often as pofli
ble with these Republicans of the Ocean,
and from the iTiouths of our Cannon to
make them a grateful return, for their
great and increasing attachment to the
commerce of our country. I indulge
the Pleasing expe&ation, that upon our re
turnto ttie United States, we shall find the
minds of our countrymen, left imbittered a
gainst an eflabijhment, which in fa, short a
period has rendered such essential ferviccs
to the American commerce. It is time
that ingratitude should no longer stain the
ch a rafter of ft people eialted above the
relt of nations,by their glorious pre-eminence
in the enjoyments of civil liberty—lt may
suit the intereiled views of some, to decry
the navy, and thereby to depreciate in the
eyes of oo'r countrymen, those who were
the authors of that eftablilhment; but sure
ly it little congenialiaes with the generous
princip'es of freemen to reb the poor weather
beaten mariner's lcaaty pittance of glory,
which he so dearly purchases in prote&ing
the violated rights of his conntry.
I remain yours, &c.
At s refpe&able meeting?of a number of
the members of the Church of Saint Mary's
held at their SchooUHoufe on Saturday
evening, it was unanimously relblved-, by
every fair and honorable means, to promote
the eleftion of the refpe&able Federal
pickets for Member of Cougrefs, Senator,
Afieinbly, &c. &c.
The American, who recolle&s the import
ant services, as well as (Ke eminent public
and private virtues of General Washington
—who has used to contemplate this illustri
ous hero as the glory and l'afe-guard of his
country, mud now be aftonidied at the im
pudence of the Jacobin writers', who endea
vour to attach to their party the name of
Washington, when it is remembered that
since he has retired from the presidential
chair, thcfe wretches with the cruelty of li
nked Irishmen, and the audacity of foreign
milcreants attempted to brand our /imeHean
hero with the epithets MONOCRA'I",
MURDERER and TRAITOR ; and from
the prels of the Aurora in 179,7, they de
claie that " Mr. Wafliington has at length
become tkbacherous even to his own
fune." After -much ether abuse, equally
falfe and virulent, levelled at General Wash
ington, the jac.ibins proceed to unfold the
views of the party.
And now all you, who loVe peace and
abhor anarchy and civil wgr, all you who
prefer the present fettled order of things to
Mr. Jeffcrlbn's " political convulsions" and
tempestuous sea of liberty", attikb to
th» following- extradt which ifTutd from.the
Aurora press, for this declares the defiftns of
the fidlion, and you may profit by it'on the
ele&ion ground.
! "To prcrant any other man from availing
himfelf ofa like danger us atfccnda cy, as
Mr. Washington, to do mifcbeii, it is ne
ctllary to revise the federal and several of
the slate conltitutions, r ittout del y. Un
til this is effe&ed, America mull remain a
prey of internal fa&ions, in cotifequeiice of
h-.r governments being feperated too much
from the people ; her foreign politic! also
njuft fludtuate with" the flu&uatiohs of her
adininiftrations. Theiame experience which
tells us, that America ought not to place
confidence in indivduals, tell; us neverthe
less that she is too prone to do it. To re
move therefore ~ the double defedt of a de
ceving individual, and a credulous or indo
lent people ; it is in difpenfably neceflary to
per e£t by legitimate means the federal go
vernment, as well as others- VirgiVa.
which firft foundedthc alarm bell with refpeft
to the (lamp adl, which never fails to exhi
bit rcfpeflable public men ; and whose chief
regret, fincc it has seen him become retro
grade, is the having given birth and coun
tenance to Mr. Wafhingion ; Virginia has
again signalized berfelf by four wife resolu
tions at the present crisis. These should im
mediately be carried into effeft. What re
gards the head of the federal executive, is,
hawever, mod prelfing, lince there is no
immeniate controul existing over it in the
Seaate: If evil once in fifty years results
from having an exclusive President in a
country, it is fuiHcient reason for changing
the present inflitution of a solitary President ;
and what reason is there per contra ; what
evil in a plural Dtredary, gradually renew
ed ? The person at present chosen as Vice-
Prcfident, would, in this cafe, no longer as
now, be an inert personage. Tlie execu
tive government would no lunger exhibit
the fhidluating charadler of an individual,
but approach nearer to the fixed abflrad of
the American nation. The French Di
rectory, confiding of five persons, of which
one is yeaily replaced, has exhibited vigor,
secrecy, and celerity, in a ftifficient propor
tion, to make it more than a match for any
motvarchj. or for any ariftocratical • republic
in Europe. It has succeeded as rapidly
in uniting the French Republic as the mono
cat Washington has succeeded iu dividing
lhiit of America.
Lilt,: , i/f the Press. \
■ Tins Editor this morning received an
anonymous, inlofent, and threatening latter ;
it has the Louitburg (N. C.) pod mark on
it, and it is dated Franklin County, (N. C.)
August 6.
Hefpedting the attack made on the Editor
■of this Gaaette, at his; office on Saturday
evening, he thinks it his duty to he filtnt,
having appealed to the Laws of his Country.
• SHERIFF, > . .
Jt i: of the utrnolt importance that a good
man (hould be placed in this responsible sta
tion, and it is hoped that eveiy mail who
views the fubjeil in its proper light will give
his vote to-morrow to- Joftph Coptrtbwaile ;
a good Federal Republican, and a whig of
7 <5- V ~
To-morrow .is an • important iay, hjg
with the fate of our country; much
pends on your exertions, you are now to de
cide whether you will support the liberty
and independence of your country—ortame
ly iubmit to be trampled under the feet of
an afpiritag and daring faftion, who despise
all law and juHice, and make their own will
their guide—lf you om<t this prefeni op.
portunify to save your country, and your
opponents should by your fupinefs, gain an
atcendancy, your liberties are gone for ever.
1 urn out to a man, then, and give -yoor
votes for Fcderel Republicans ; if you do
your duty the day is inevitably yours ; if yon
do not do your duty and the day should be
loft, remember the repeated warnings you
have had.
. We litiderftand that Messrs Wignell and
Reinagal have paid into the hands of John
Id/keep, E(q. one hundred dollar! to be ap
plied to tlie relief of the indigent fufferers
by the present calamity at Baltimore.
For the GazF.rrn of the United Stages.
Mr Wav(f.,
A reference havibg been made by Tench
Coxe to me in the Aurora of the 9th in.
ftant, upon the fubjed of Mr. Adams's poli
tical opinions, I conceive it my duty to
publish the following nccafion of it.
During an evening Mr. Coxe spent with
me a few weeks ago, in the cotirfe of con
versation, he spoke of the monarchical prin
ciples which were held by lome people in
this country. I replied by faying, «if I
were to mention all the epinions, ana wishes
I had heard upon that fubjefl, j should be
persecuted out of our Country." These
opinions, and willies came chiefly from pri
vate citizens k As they were uttered in pri
vate conversation, the authors of them wrre
not mentioned, and shall never be known.
None of them came from Mr. Adams. I
declare 2 never heard him exprefj any other
opinions on government than thofe-contain- I
ed in his defence of the American Cooltttu- i
tions, and that I never heard him exprels
a wifti for a monarchy in tte Ufrited"States,
On the contrary, I have uniformly hearti ,
him fay in conversation, as he has done in I
his works, that our present government was
bed calculated for our countiy.
Oftober 11, 1800.
For the Ga%ette of the United States.
Mil Watpk,
AS one instance of the difference be
tween the attention and industry of indivi
duals 011 the Jacobin ticket, for the eleftion
to-morrow, and that of the Federal Repub
licans, i: is a faft that Captain Jones gave
46 Dollars towards the release of Cooper, and
of course for his assistance on that day.—
Where is the Federalist that has done as
much ?
At a meeting of the Federal Citizens of the
couoty of Philadelphia held pursuant to
a public notice, at'Jofeph Hart's, on Fri
day the 10th of O&ober, 1800—Major
John Holme was appt«ipted Chairman,
and Joseph George. Secretary.
Rtftlvid Uuanimoujly, That this meeting
will fiipport John Lardner, Efq a; Mem
ber of Congrcfil at the enfiiing eleflion.
R'folved unanim v/ly, That this meeting
do approve of the nomination of Nathaniel
Newlin, for the office of St.ite Senator, for
the Diftrift composed of the City and Coun
ty of Philadelphia, and County of Dela
ware | and that wo will unite with our fel
low-citizens of the City of Philadelphia and
County of Deleware, in promoting hia elec
Rcf)'vtci a/so, That (his meeting will sup
port Richard Tittermary, Abraham Duf
field, James Jones, William Warner, Tho
mas Holme, and John Johtifon, jun. as
Members of Afiembly.
Rtfolvcd, That the laid meeting do re
commend the above ticket to their fellow
citizens, and that it is the opinion of this
meeting, that it will be the real intereti, as
well as the duty of all good men in the coun
try to come forward and give their firm fup
porf to the foregoing ticket, as being bell
calculated to preserve peace, order and good
government, and a continuance of our pre
sent excellent Federal Constitution.
Signed by order of the meeting,
JOHN HOLME, Chairman.
J. ssph Gsorsf., Secretary.
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT ot Long Primer, weighing 6
or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of
Brevier, weighing 400 lbs. or upwards.
September 2.
.1, f ','
Brig, Swallow, TaUm, St. Croix 18
Schr Virginia, Watson, Cha'lefton 12
Cotton, rice, &c. L. Huron.
Schr. Betsey, Aluiy, Havanna 18
[Tugar to Capt.
Farmer Richards, Halifax 13
[coflle — D. M;iffet
Sloop Aflrea, 3unton, Sconinvton -8
[Filh, Cheese, &c, to Capt.
Zaar, Crale,
£Hardwaie ta ,
Ship Kingflngton, Smith Liverpool
Mary, Odlin, < Jamaica
Brig Fair Hebe, Brewton, Rotterdam
Tryphenia, Arnold, Havanna
Dilligence, Johnson, Kinglton
Harriott, Shocklcy, P. Republican
Eliza Meyers. Lewis. C. Francois
Polly, Palmer, Alexandria
Schr Eagle, Hays, 'St Sebastians
Judith, Freeman, Liverpool
Jane. Toby, Havanna
Arrived fchr. Bctfey, Low, from H ivan
11a—failed from thence u-'idel- convoy of the
Constellation frigate, in company with the
fliip Galen, Smith, and a sloop name un
known, of and for Philadelphia—parted
company jßth "of September in lat. 26, 00
N. long 80 co W, all 'well.
Snow Ceres from hence to St Kitts, has
put into Charleston in dittrefs.
Schr Highland Lass, Brcwn from hence
has arrived at Kiigfton.
Elizd, Ifrikl, from hence, has rrri
ved at the Havanna.
Ship Amiable, Tillinghaft, from Liverpool,
is belovf. . >
Ship G<l?n, Smith, fn m Havanna is!e
A t a meeting of the ertiza« of Philadelphia,
held pursuant to a public notice at Mr;
ITunwoody'j Tavern,on Thursday evening
' the 18th September.
JO HN M! LjL,ER, jua. was appointed
Chairman, and
A lift of the members proposed for the Se
left and Common Councils was read, and a
number of alterations being proposed as sub
stituteS for persons who declined serving.
Whereupon, Rejoined unammoujly. That
thit meeting will support the following Tic
kets Et the enfiiing ehftion for members of
the Seleft and Common Councils.
Refiil-ved, That the names of the members
of both councils, agreed upon this evening
be published, together with the names of
those who have heretofore been agreed upon
aa candidates for the several offices of Mem
bers of AfTembly.
Francis Gurney,
Senator. '
Nathaniel Newlin.
William Hall
George Fox
Godfrey Haga
Samuel W. Fisher
Jobn Bleakley
H. K. Helmuth.
SeleS Council.
Heary Pratt
William Piyntell
Thomas Parkef
Andrew Bayar4
William Dawfon, in the room o
Thomas Cumpfton, resigned.
Common Council,
Robert Ralfton
John Morre'.l
George Krebs
Isaac Snowdeo, jun.
George Dougherty
Kearney Wharton
Jacob Crefsler
Malcom M'Donald ;
Pascal Hollingfworth
Timothy Paxfon
William Young
Jacob L.:twerfwyler
Jonathan W. Condy
Charles W. Hare
John Carrol
Daniel Smith
Lawrence Herbert
Alexander Henry
Thomas P. Cope
James Milnor. '
BOSTON, Oaober 9.
Yesterday Col. Teusard, Infpeftor of
Fortifications, visited in
this harbour, accompanied by several milita
ry gentleman.
Letters from London by the Galen, fay,
that Infurrante on American veffcls had
again fallen to five guineas.
The 13th of November is appointed as a
day ol i hankfgivii g, in New-Hamp.hiit.
Mr. Low, yeftcrday handed us the fol
lowing Arrived at Gloucester, schooner
Roebuck, capt. Allen, from Cape-Francois
in 28 days. L<rft there, fchr, Jcr. miih,
fprague, of Boston ; capt. Rogers, of do ;
orig Union, Adams, of NewLuryport ; fchrs.
Lucy, of Providence ; Emma, Guilder, Mar
blehead ; Sally, Smith, Beverly ; United
States (hip Cancellation, and brig Rich
mond, with several southern vcffcls. Sailed
under convoy of the United States (hip
Herald' RufFell, in co. with the brig
Union, Mill, of Boston, and many others.
Gazette Marine Lift,
S!up. reported below from Jamaica is un
der !sriti(k colours; piujie 1 tinlhioftti*
Snow Polly, Kenney from Gibraltar, has
put back leaky.
.Ship D;fpatch, Benntr?, From Batavia U
reported to have received a Pilot" on board,
off (he Gapes.
. SALEM, Oftober 8 1 .
Arrived since our last, barqup John\ capt,
otinefs, 24. days from the Havana ; fchri
Enterprize, Caps H.mmond, from Bilboa ;
and (loop Fox, Capt. Cook, 29 days from
the Havana. ' 1
The bark Galen, Capt.' Afhb'y, 0 F this
port, Tome tiro.- lincc captured by the Bri
tilh and sent into Tortola, has been fold
with her cargo (though not cor.dimned)
to a Mr. Stewart of Baltimore, for which
place Hie lias failed* Capt. Afhby is again
ihs master 0/ her.
Capt. Young,the (hip Susan, arrived
here on Thursday, from St Übes Oh
the 20th ult, in lat 42, 30, long 38, a hawk
alighted on the (hip's fore-top gallant mast
head, with a lab;! affixed 10 one of his leg';,
which Capt. Young to-:k off—on it was,
written, without date-, < Ship Ulvfles, Wni.
Mugford, master, frem Bengal', bound to
S ilem IV.e l< feathcr'd mercury'' was
hospitably refrefhed by the feamm, and then
difpiiifed. Ihe Ulysses has airived at'*Sa~
NEW YORK, caobct >o.
ocbr Sylvancea, Montgomery, Wilming-
D°n ip
Nereus, Wainrlght, Bermuda 8
Sloopi Victory, La K e, Boston 8
Brig Neptune, cjpt Francis, from th.a
port is fafe arrived at Li/bon.
The brigs Barbara, Clay ; Eiias, Man
e!d ; Tace, Bunce ; and Di<dema, Syms,
nave arrived at Jamaica.
Just Imported,
iVo. 67, South Fourth Street.
Checks and Stripes
Fine French Cambricks
White Holland Tape, No. «l, 13,»j.
Dutch Canva?, No. 1, a, 3, 4.
Oiloher i 3:
Virginia Tobacco.
At Jackson and Morris's Wharf, froW the
Sloop Liberty,
40 Hogsheads of prime
Richmond Tobacco,
Fsr sale by
Wbd on hand,
Six hogdieads of Old Tobacco, Suitable for
the ntanufifture rs, and
40 kegs of Twist Tobacco.
oa °'' er " m tu.fh v.
Charles Wall,
TM-ORMS hii friends and the public that he has
J- removed from Ns.s., South Wzt.r Street, to
No. 64, Market street, where he continues to car
ry on every brauch of the above bulinefs He
has on hand Gloves, Breaches and Balls (cq ,al to
any of thj imported patent Skins, &c.
which he »ill dispose of either wholcfale or retail.
Me cieanj breeches and makes them look 39 well as
new wlthont leaving any dufl. on them —He re
turns his thanks to thole gentlemen who have al
ready favoured him wi h their custom, and
for a continuance thereof, as he i» fully
they will find them equal in quality t*j any he ha 9
yetmade—N. B. Gentlemen can be waited upon
at their houses if ntcelTary, at the (herteft notice.
Several Journeymen wanfed to the aWc bufi
ncls, none need apply but experienced workmen.
Qilo!er 1 3■ 3 tdtf.
Bookftrller and Stationer, No. 5;, f ju th Se
cond flrccr, Phil u!el;thh,
(Price 1 dollar, in bea d-;—v Hum, 1 do,I
lar and 25 c nt^J
Essay on Political Society.
Copy right secured agreeably to act of
Odlober I 3
BOARDING isf DA Y-S C 110 O L,
For the winterXeaion, on Monday, Oaober
6th, Walnut, between Fourth and
Fifth-!! reets.
Mr?, groombridge rer pe ar U !iy ac .
knowledges the liberal encouragement
(he his exptritsnced, for more than seven years
inl I'hii. d-iphia, and, as the m:>ft ex; refßve proof
of gratitude, will be a continuance "f the unre«
mi tipg attention, al.e»dypidt< hr pupils ;
flatters herfelf, it will be the belt recommend*-
tion to future patri njg-e.
Ihe foliov i«g branches (or any <'f lhem fp
arately) may be engaged mc!i
thr Eng'ifb. French, and Italian
grammatically ; writing, arrlthautir, "e-yrr-
life ol tha }l. ed v iaMtry, I uCc, vocat
and infirumental, and dan. i g.
H*in. work, marking, tmbrokeiy it.fltam
htiur In gold, silver or ' oinnrt, fill .[jrer, artifi
cial fliwtrs fancy baskets, netting, liair, piiat,
cloth, and muslin ort of every kind
asvrtf> , 1 r
/1 7
tut) &fiiiri.