Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 13, 1800, Image 2
-Jt TO THE ELECTORS \ Of the Cbutity of Philadelphia. Gentlemen, HAVING at a former cleft ion met with con filterable encouragement, it induces me again to offer vnyfelf as County Corimiffion-. er at the next deftion. in the room of Jacob Souder. whose time then expires ; should I thiough your full :igea obtain said office, it will be my endeavour to perform the dutic3 thereto annexed tor the public advantage. JOHN KEEN, Green ?Ireet, Northern Liberties- Odtober 9. 3t th. fr. & fatr. TO THE ELECTORS Of the City and County of Philctdrlphia Gentlemen, On a lormer occjfion I experienced a tif tirnuny of yau: confidence, and friendOiip Jby your votes for the Office of Sheriff— ""Now in a mere advanced tlage ef life, and encauraged by a iiuraernus body of refpedt able citizens and firm friends, I again aplply for your vsteS and ir.tereft at.the next elec tion—Reding iry chara&er through life, & security for a faithful performance of the duties of Office-r-Shpuld I be fuccef&ful or not in my application to your friendfhip, on the occalion, 1 (hall remember with gratitude your patronage. Oftober 7. New-Theatre. MONDAY EVENING, ♦ October 15. Will be prefvnted (nQt atled these 3 years) A TRAGEDY, called The Orphan ; OR, THE UNHAPPY MARRIAGE. Caftalio, (by a young gentjeman, who* pill make bis first alpcarance on this and se t eond on any stage. J Chainont, Mr. Cooper. Monimia, Mrs. Merry To '.vlicb will be added, a (Jomic Optra, (in j cftr) The Spanish Barber; OH. THE FRUITLESS PRECAUTION. if? B >x, oye doliir Pit three quarters of a dollar. And Gsllery, half a dollar. $y The doors of the Theatre will open at half p«(t five and the curtain rif» at half pad fix ■ % o'clock. •<r Gentlemen and Lalies are requtfled to fe«d their fervaut* to keep places in the boxes at a quarter pa!t fiy?fi'cloclc. Places m the boxes. to be taken at the office in rfit front of the Theatre, from 10 till I o'cloek, and from 10 till 4 on the days of performance Tickets to hehad at H. and P. kicc'sbook No. 16, Sonrh Second Street, and at the office ad- th; Theatre. , I MarfliaFs Sales. UNITED STATES > Pennsylvania District,} PIJS.SU ANT t» thedire&iontaf the Honorlkle Benj.wmo Stoddard, Secretary of the Navy, ■wil' be ex poled to public sale, at the merehants's coffee houfe.iti the city of Philadelphia, on Moo day the 19th djy of OSober instant, at 7 o'clock in the evening, The tioa French schooners called *lut®<i ST- J OHN ANU VICTOIRE, pg Now lying at Brown's wharf, rnW 1 \Y Together with all and Angular their taikle, apparel and appurtenances. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshall's Office, ? Philadelphia, GBe. 10, 1800) mwf ;S Loft or Stolen, A white Spaniel DOG, marked with large liver coloured spots, large ears and (bork tail, and aufWers to the name of Carlo. Two dollars re wa-d will be given, if returned to No. 30 north Front real, or if flolen, Ten Dollars for Thief and Dog. October 10 d,}t Houses to Let: ONE large conven ent three-story Btick Dwelling-House, with four rooms oa a floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, and a rain water cittern in the yard ; situate 011 the ealt fide of Fourths Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. ALSO, A convenieut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, N;xt door, but one, north of the above, No. 57. —It has a Pump and ,(*>;flern in the yard, &c. For terms apply at No. 1 116 Arch-Street. Sep. 16 Auguf* 4. Lost, This'mourning on the Wiffahickon Road—a Red Morocco POCKET-BOOK, CONTAINING sundry papers andletter*, cjfno coßiequsnce whatever to any one but the owner. Whoever may have found the iame, and will return it to the Printer of thij paper, lhall be handlomely rewarded. N.B.—The rwners' name is mentioned on some letters direded to him. Oiftober 8' , d FOR SALE, A Printing Press. ... ( Apply at the Office of tbt Gtttttc of the Unrted State*. . . Jtfyj* 1 a - •' V(h. ROBINSON. 4iE. m&wtf Mary Beck, RESPECTFULLY intormi her Friends and the I'ublic, that (lie intends opening her ,Selc<St SCHOOL on the firft ef October, in Filth near Walnut Street, opposite the State House Yard, where flic will a=r ufiial, teach the branches »f po lite and »fcful literature, including Geography, Astronomy, Writi»g, Arithmetic, and every ac complishment ncceffiiry to form a complete liberal education. Young Ladies may be . accommodated with Eoarrt, &c. in the House, which is very airy and healthy * Mt. G. Bicic's Drawing and Paintihg Sthool will commence at the fame time. faptember 20 tii th& fa tni 'Dancing Academy. MR. QUESNF.T, wrh r.'fpeO informs h'n pu pils andthe publii In general; that he intends opening his Academy, on Monday the 6th of Oc tober , at his new altehibly room, No, 64, foiith l uurth ftrcet. Mr. is thankful te the Ladiesahd Gen tlemen, tor the liberal encouragement he has ex perienced every season he wai desirous for Come time to meet witk a gentleman of whom the cha racter and talents, could, united together defetve th". confitlertce of the public •. deprived of fueh ad- Mr. Q_ hat always thought proper to divide and fix the number of puyils; but this seas on the school can be improved one third more hiving to iutruducd Mr. Auriol, as an aflillant to him, and a pcrfon of ability. Ihe scholars (hall he attended three times u week as usual—Ladies in themjrniag ; Gect.emen in the al'tcrtioon ; and grown Gentlemen in the evening. N. B. The lirft prafliGng ball in private for the C.iholars,will be a few days after the opening ot the school; and chefirft ball will be on Thurl'day, the Ibth Oitober next. Dancing. Mi. AURIOL lately arrived frem Paris, fe fpedlfully informs the public in general, that hav ingfometime to difpofu of, h« will attend thofs Laiiies and Gentlemeo, who wifti to be faught private at their own houses. His lodgings are at No. 3a, south (trees, where directions can be left his Jady if he is abfoht. O&oUcri. tk&ft? Just Received, And will be Sold Very Low, if applied for immediately, by the Package only' 5 Bales Broad-Cloths, alforted, "J I Bale Plains aDd Forest cloths, i ,t Dj. fine Coatings, aiToit«d, ■ U-2 »o Do.. Kendall Cottons, f-§ « »o Hojrlheads Se't* Twine, I q 4 Caflts London Vewter, J Apply to WILLIAM FRENCH, No. 48, South Front ilrcet. September jo. • diticeodiw. For Sale, r the new pii.ot built &choon£k St. Tammany, LYING at Say's Wharf, above Market Street, burthen 70 t >rt«, fuppofedt»be a remarkable fall failing vellil, ai.d may befit ted for f«ain a few dayi. Inventory to be fe«n anfl terms of sale known by applying to the fub ftribtr. CROOKE STEVENSON, ■No, 4, South Wa'tr Street. ALSO. FOR RALE, jf Hhds- Mufcovid > Sugar. White and brown Havasnah 4it'» in boxes Fail-India do. in bags. Weft-India and Conntry Uum. 100 Hhd». Molaflc*. Holland Gin 1 rench and Spanifli Brandy. Pepper, Coffee, &c. Aui'uft 9. fa tu&thtf. Charles Marftiall AND SON, No. 46, Chesnut Street, HAVE RECEIVED, Per brig Liberty, capt Henderfon, from Amtter , dam, aid other arrivals, A quantity of the following articles, which they fell for cash, or the usual credit— Antimon cruj OlAniG Arsenic alb Juniper Sac faturni Succini Vitriol alb Rhojii Borax Camphor Opium Ccccinnella Annetto N Gum Benzoin Merc l>ulc ■ Arabic Frmciprub —Myrrh Carrot fob —— Kino ALSO ON HAND, Sal G auber , n ("Manna Hak Rad jrentian | | Com FlaSulphnr !< j Liquorice ball SxVeet oil '' u ] Cort t'eru slav Sem anifi I 2 RuV Rheubarb J"" L And (i quantity of' Shop furniture, furgcom instruments, patent medicines, Ac.—Medicine chests, and orders from the con--,try, put up on moderate terms. - - />) fcptembtr Saddling Business. WILLfAM JONES & EDMUND KINSEY, HAVING entered into partnerlhip, ind ta ken that long eftaljlifhed Hand at the cor ner of Chefnut and Third Streets, refpedlfully I'ulicit public patronage, and particularly invite a continuance of the favour* of the former friends asd customers of Haines 4 Jones, and Sharpltfs 3c Kii.fey, to wh'ife bufintfs they hare furctcded. They offer for sale a large and general afTjrt mentof elegant Saddles and Bridles, all kinds cominpn do. Plated and Brass mounted Hjrnefs, Saddle-bag», Valieees, Cart and Waggon Gears, &t. Trunks of all kinds, particularly hard lea ther Portmanteaus. Tliey also manufacture all kinds of Silver mm n cd and Plain Whips, having several ex cel! Nt Workmen in that hranph. They flatter themselves from their united ex perience and the they have made, to be able 10 fell any of the above articles on as good terms as any ethers in the United States. A liberal allowance will be made to tho/e who ■urchafe by the quantity JONES er KINSEY. Philad. Sept. a?. 4w- REPUBLICAN Book- Store, North Sccoud Street, opposite Christ Church. JUST PU3LISHED, With niuatracionsani Additions Desultory Reflexions NEW POLITICAL ASPECTS OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS In the United States of America, since the commencement of.the year 1799. |Cr* Ri T. Rawle, considering that in this country there is a frrc pr'efs, ?s determi ned his'Book-Store lli.ifl also be free to pub lications of every denorfiination, whether po litical or religious. The works of Whigs or Tories ; Republicans, or Monarchies ; Ariflocrats or Democrats ; iWejalifls or AntV-Federalift* ; Chriftiatis, Jews,. Hen iheris or Tui-fci, are rqually free for sale and, whatever may be his private opinions, i» rtfcilved, as a Book&ller, and in the true spirit of his prcfteflion, " To be open to all parties, aiKl'infhiemed by none. N. B. He has for f.ilc, alt the l«teft po litical pdblibations, and every article in the Stationary Line. O&ober J. Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWA Y from Gen. Ridgely of Balti mere, oil the 10th inft. a light coloured negro, who calls hirnfclf WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He is about 14 years of age, about 5 feet ti ;hchet I'.'gh, in his dre*?, and has a good suit of hair. Hid on, when he went away, a good heaver hat, a (hort light green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel low gilt buttons— a buff caffimer, double hreafted waillcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons —a white linen (hirt, white ribhed cptton (lockings, and a good pair of (hoes with ((rings- (Jc took with him a dark blue coat, a pair of olive caffimer panfa- I loom, and a .light c«rduroy pair of breeches ; [ also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He is fond of tyrirkous liquors, is info ient, has a flupid look, acid chews tobacco.— He was bred in Charles couuty, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Kidge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and (e ---cures hitn in any jail i'o tkat the owner may •;«t him again, (hall receive the above reward, \ylth reasonable charges if brought home, or do livcre !to Joiliu iB. Bond, Philadelphia, may t dtf WAYNE COUNTTTAXES. THE owners of unimproved hmds in Wayne county, are turcby no'ified, that Taxes are become payable thcreoo fer the years 1 '99 an J 1800. Those who have not already paid their taxes, .re hereby required to discharge the fame •0 JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Treafiirer ef said bounty at Milford, witluu three months trom his date , otherv ilo proceedings to sale, according 0 the ail of Aflembly in such cafe-provided, will ■\had by the Commiflioners for the f. id county. .•Jrc Stsntot), _ 1 John Carton, > Commiflionevs "o/tnnnes Fan Ellen, J J" AtuA, E, Kellogg, Clk. July 9,1800 GLASS MANUFACTORY. • i THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficiunt number of the moil approved EuropcaH Glaf» Manu fufturers, and having on hand a large ft'ock of the belt Material!, en which their workmen are now employed, have -the pleasure of alluring the public, that window of a superior qua lity and of any size, from by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea. h, may be had at the (horceft notice. Glaf9 of larger size» for other purpofea, may also be had, such as for pidlures, coach gUflci, clock facet, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket Balks, picklingjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, or other hollow ware—the whole at least 15 per Cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made en l'ale of large quantities. Orders from merchants ind others will be puntflually atrended to on ap plicatinn ta JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of MeflVs. PRATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pitifbuigh. March 4, tuthtf.' AJI Persons, INDEBTED to the Estate of Joseph Engle, late of the Northern Liberties, deceafed,are requested to mike immediate payment, and thole having any demands against the fame, to bring w their accounts to BENJAMIN THAW, Adminiflrater. C'oher3. eoiw. WHO from principle is a Federalijl and defpofed Co undertake the arduous talc of editing ot a paper and combating the enemies of America, may hear of an eligible situation in the interior of Maryland, joo fublcribers can be counted on be fore he commences,—A Native jimpiitM will be w fa 3W prefered ; —But it is not to ba underttood that well principled persons though not natives, are to be excluded. Particulars may be learned on application to the Editar of this Gazette. O<3.ob<r3. . An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the VMlth and Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, far sale cheep for calh—Apply at this Office, september 13. PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—Pamphlets*—Hand-Bills, Cards—Blanks of all kinds, &c. &c. Will be printed at the Shortest Notice. augulf 25. ON THE A PRINTER, Gazette of the United States PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVKNING,OCTOBER 13. Prices of Public Stock, Philadelphia, October' 13. The par amt. . of a Jharc. Eigh>. per cent, stock—loß per cent. Si* per cent, and") „ Navy ditfo } 87 or 1 7 / 4 pr. »c/ Dcft-ri'ed 6 per cent. 85 17/ Three per cent. J3 io/"7 J 1-2 per cent. 85 17/ 4 l-a per cent. none at market. JjANK United States, 34 p cent advan. —— Pcnnfylvania, 33 ditto / N. America 50 ditto ( lafurance Co. Penns'a io ditto J North America is p. ct. below par Turnpike - . . 131 do. . do. Schuylkill Bridge - - par Water Loan, none at market Eall-India Co. N. A. do Land Warrants do St. Atifrujline Church Lottery Tickets 9 dollars .EXCHANGE. On London at 60 & $0 days, 71 a 724 Ob Amsterdam, do 39 a 4O centO [per Florin > Oil Hamburgh do 36*37 cyits\ [per Mark Bancs-' Rdtes of Foreign Coins in the United States. Dolls. Cts. English pound ftetling 4 44 > Irilh do do 4 10 / Dutch Florin or Guilder o 39 f Hamburgh Mark Banco. o 33J j |C7» T lie fvlbfcrihir having frequently he?trd complaints of the want of accuracy in tte price lurrent of public stock, has conclud ed to lurnifh the Gazette of the United States, occasionally Ms called for) with what may in his opinion be considered -the Market Prices of otock, and the Rates of Exchange. , M. MCONNELL, Cbesnut street, No. 14}. THE GRAND QUESTION STATED. At the preferit falemu a 'nd momentcjus epoch, the only queftroh to be asked by ery American, laying his hand on his heart, is f " (hall I continue in allegiance to GOD— 4NI) A RELIGIOUS PRESIDENT; Or impiously declare for JEFFERSON—AND NO GOD !!! i A CAHD To the Editor of the Aurora. You have impudently and falfely aceyfed fevtral gentlemen of bleiiding the honorable natianal chara&er of loyal IRISHMEN, with the savage ci-devant peep o'dajy Bo.s, or Right Boys, or White Boys, or United I ritbmen who were recently conquered by the gallant Irilll Ypomanry, when an attempt was m;<de to felt Ireland to the French. If you do not explain or contraditt this, you must exped -to incur if poflible, additional con tempt of all those who fee through such flim fy pitiful tricks. d 90t The followwg extra& from the Anti Jaco bin Review and Magazine (feeappendix to vol. 5) will Ihew, on a comparison, with the falfified paflage given in the Au rora, the malignant view» of that- facti on, which so undeviatingly pursues the ruin of this country. 41 We had frequently heard of men, of variotik descriptions, being hanged in effigy, but to bury a man in effigy was an aft of original ingenuity," &c. &c. In <he Aurora, it is aflertcd lhat this pa (luge is concluded in these, or nearly si milar teima. " We have often heard of a rebel's being hanged in effigy, but we never before heard of a rebel's being boried in effigy." Besides the wrong done to the Anti Ja cobin, by the fubllitution of t}ii« Gin Sbop style, in place of the resj text, the obvious design of the perversion, cannot escape the molt careless observer. AUSPICIOUS OMENS. From thi New England States, from New-Jersey. Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina and Georgia, we hear the mod flattering account of the approaehing tri umph of Federalism Let the Perinfylva nians da their duty and the Citadel of gov ernment is fafe. The Federalists of the City and County of Philadelphia and County of Delaware, are earnestly conjured to make their utmolt ex ertions in favour of NATHANIEL NEW LIN, Esq. a genuine and tonfiflaat Feder alist, who is eminently worthy of the high dignity of a Senator of the State, and who will infallibly fficceed, if the efforts of his friends and thfc friends of government be not wanting. Niw Maoaiini at Boitoi. Mr. John Weft, a young bookseller at Bolton of great merit and enterprise, who has himfelf by industry and zeal in the publication of various ufeful and elegant literature has projected a magazine, called " theJCabinet," the materials of which are to be furnilhed by many of the molt refpeftable of our literary characters. The profpeftas not being yet received 1 , we only announce this well planned miscellany to the public, and rtferve for a few days, a more minute, and copious account ol the authors and nature of this literary Jdurnal. Mr. WAyne, IT is an undoubted fa£t, that the Jaco bin Ticket was originally formed by a fo reign Cooper while in Goal, and h»s un dergone no alteration since it came from him. An American Republican. 10 300 10 j 00 10 T* 1. CITIZENS—>'.iiTzxD To tiii: following extra&s from the Election Law,. -; ~ Qualification of Voters. No person (hall be permitted to vote at any General or Special Elettion, or for In ipe&ors thereof, other than citizens of this (late of the age of twemy-ene years Or more, and who have redded therein two years nexc before the ele&iou, and within that term, paid a state or county tax, which (hall have bean aflefied at least fix months before tie election ; provided, that the sons of citizens, qualified as aforefaid, betweeiv the.ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, (hall be entitled to vote, although they (hall not have paid taxes ; and every citizell having .paid taxes and resided as aforefaid, and claim ing a right to vote, shall make due proof - thereof as follows, viz. First, That he is a natural born citizen of this state, or was fettled therein on the 28th of September, 1776 ; or having been a Foreigner, who since that time cam* tp fettle therein, he hath taken an oath, or af firmation of allegiance to the fame on or be fore the 26th day of March 1790, agreeably, to the then existing Go'&fiitution and Laws ; or, Stcondly, That he is a naturaljjorn citi zen of fome,other of the United States, had been lawfully<*jdmitted or recognized as a citizen of some one of the said Rates on or before the 261b of March 1790; or Thirdly, That having been a foreigner or alien he hath been naturalized conformably to the laws of the United States. Ncn-gu:i ! ifiedpersons interfering. If any person who is not qualified to vote in this flute, agreeably to the provisions of this a£t {except the sons of qualified citizens') (hall appear at any place ofele£tion,'for the' purpose of ifiuing tickets, or ot influencing the citizens qualified to vote, every terfering in the manner aforefaid, shall for feit and pay any Turn not exceeding thirty dollars for every such offence. For the Gazette of the United States. To the Citizens oj Philadelphia County, . AS it ii the duty of every good citizen to examine into tlrt charafter and conduct of every person \vfio may come forward to serve the public,' the following fafts and observa tions relating to a candidate for a feat in.the Houfc of Representatives of the State of Pennsylvania, may be very serviceable at the present period, as the mind of every friend to his country rnuft be considerably agitated refpedVing the event of the ensuing elec tion..—J, K—r t who now folkits your fuf frages, has filled the honorahle office of High Cunftable of the Northern Liberties ; with what degree of Satisfaction to the pub lic, I fiiall not prrtend to Rate, as in that ca» pacity no doubt he is well remembered by' many of you. He afterward* obtained the colleftion of taxes for tlie Eafl and Well Northern Liberties, and in his duty as col leftor of this tax, we shall take the liberty of reviewing his conduit. In the ftrfl place, can that person be considered wortTiy of the? public ' favor, who, regardless of all moral obligatiens by taking advantage of the dis tresses of tbofe who applied to hirn, retailed out to theis the public money at the enor mous discount of 20 per cent; they having; at the fjime time orders drawn by the proper officers upon him as colkftor, but obliged by neceility to comply, fomr of their families wantipg bread at the time. Secondly,, is he who can a£t thus to individuals a fit per son to hold the office ot Legislator, or can he, who so barefacedly imposed upon them, be supposed capable of doing Jaflice to the Public ; certainly not. Fellow citizens: these are fa£ls—be no lowger the dupes of such designing charac ters, whole only objedt is their oww private intereft, whose only claim to patronage, is the impudence -and aflurance with which they have too fuccelsfplly impo sed on that fame public. CIVIS. To the Mctbodift Ehßort in the City and County. I call on you, that you come forward on thedayofthe general Election, on the 14th : And as God in his klndnefs has strangely * made us free, let us fhflV our brethern of America, and the Delaware State in parti cular, that we are determined to support vhe Federal "ticket, as they are men that will support the government of our cpuuiry, the best now in the known world j and are at tached to a religious Pfefident. A Federal American Methodi/I. / _ For the 24 hours preceding Friday, morning, there were 17 deaths in Balymore. Total number in the hospital Cck with the prevailing disease, 3.3 Cenvalefcents, 18 Discharged cured, 3 KT BookfeDers, Prinfers, and private Gentlemen, holding' fubfeription papers f»r the publication of The Fakrago slid Lat Pkeachkh, will please, on, or before the mjddle of November next, to forward them to Philadelphia, in a cover, open at the ends, in the manner iti which newspapers are u&alty transmitted. It is requeHed that they be a&Wefied to Asiifiitr Dickins, Bookseller, Pbiktdelpivia. Gentlemen, in dif feit-nt parts of the Ignited States, and in Britifli America, who h.'.ve r.ot had a.ll im portunity to fubferibe to botij, or either of the above performances, may addrtfs as above their letters, P<j} paid; their willies be complied with) and their names-, il sent fesfonably, fliall be added to the lift of tub fcribers, to be prefixed to the, toluß'c?. c( '