NUMBPR JJIO.") Cj" The following Duties are such as arise on Importations in American Vefiels. An Additional Duty of Ten per Cent, is imposed op all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, ~ - - • —'—— ' ■■■ ' •-■-'■ l' ' ' ■ JI . —I ■ ' ll ■ ■ * *1 1 If ■ ' ' * *'■' *— ■ m II m ,i M— g ■ i v/j.k; U.c From T« DUTIKS Whole!*!* from lo Whole-idle From To „„ • WMclile ~ t.oin To current price 15 D. c. 1). C: ' cuhrknt prick; 1? D. C. D. C. * current price. "S D. C. D. C. DUr,ES - current price. *D. C. D. C. DUTI«S ALLUM C 9 Free I Martin Ik "jo "J Shingles, 3 ft. drefl M2B Spanifl- 1 2d p2 r Almonds lb 22 ijprctadv Grey Fox 47 2 feet R 8 Rum, Jamaic <33 '1 37 . 3d p2B Anchors 11 < [2-£ ditto. Red Fox t -• 18 inches 5 Antigua r v 12 114 g J>4th p-2 Ashes pot none _ Racoon • 33- 53 bll StCroi> 1 10 3 I stbu-8 , T) AGON lb 10 , 11 Fisher 50 . |Lard,hogs lb n Windwarc Iro ~ J 6thp46 (i Jj Beef, mess 13 'l4 v Bear 150 3 r "jfc /T ACE 6 650 New-Englaiu 75 prime 12 13 j, WildCat 40 50 IV_L Madder 26 2# 1 1 Gin, Holland 110 11526t0 jo c g " cargo 9 foothem 2; Mahogany, Biy F i- Free. Apple Brandy 50 57 .Beer ' 6 Deer in hair, fall lb. 16 17 St. Doftiingo 40 J Rye 56 60 Bread, (hip £ 4. j Ditto red 25 J Molafles, W. India G 50 60 5 cts per gal Staves, wt.Oak pipe .VI 69 33 f pilot 89 | Furtic T • Sugar house 73 78 Hhd. 40 Braziletto T6° I INGER, Race ClO market, ijp'fctadv Mud. Fl. in Bottles dz 120 15 pctad v Heading 40 f Bricks M 650 V_J" do. Jam. grd. lb 12 14 do TV"T* AILS, 3d lb Red Oak 3/) [ Stock 26 27 Ginfang J_\l ] i i Leogan 26 67 Brimstone, roll C 4 45° Glafs.Wiild.B by 10 bx 11 11 50 IJ pet ad v 6d 16 ") ? I « Barrel 26 Butter in kegs lb 1 S I 7ty 5 'l° 8d 15 / r" S-a A Steel, German b 16 ") CANDLESnipt 16 17 Glue lb 15 - iod 13 ( 3 I>t! 1 English blistered fa 14 13 l lo °e nts moult 1 20 Grain, Wheat bu ICo 18c i2d 13 J I J cL a, Growley's 1 17 5c 18 J l )er Spermaceti ' - 5° Rye 67 73 2pd 12 American 140 44 Cards, wool • , Indian corn 74 77 Cut do. 3d 13 Starch 'b 10 11 15 prct ad Cassia 75 80 Oats 43 46 4<l 13 14 Sugar, Ha van. whitt C 15 30 16 3 cts per lb Cheese, English 33 7 cents. Grain, Barley bu 67 1 6d 12 Browi 114 12 2i do American 10 11 best (helled lb 6 8d 11 . India, iflqualitybj 13 14 do Chocolate, Bolton 26 Gunpowder Eng. kg 10 12 ( | iod 154 Muscovado C 12 16 2 do Pliilid. 2 7 ' do Ainer. 8 | lad 10 Lump lb 26 do Cinnamon nont / • TTAMS, Pork lb 14 15 2od f 10 Loaf, single res. 28 9 do Cloves ' 130 160 ijprctad.v IJ. Hair-powder 15 pet ad v Nankeens, long p * i2|-pctad\ * * iAR, N. C. 3 250 3 Clover feed, red lb 20 d* Hemp, Ruflla T 280 300 too cts p -short I do , J_ Jersey j25 white *0 Hides, La Guira lb 10 "J Nutmegs lb 6- 650 '5 P ct |"\llow, Russia ib 14 12 percent. , 1 Timothy bu 4 St.Domingo 10 >■ Fr.'e ILFlor. 3ofla. 12 7 jj; tto Americai 14 Herd grass I 5° Green 34 J 12 bottles 8 J . Tea, Imperial 15 0 I 66 ]' Cocoa C 26 2Ctsprlb Hoops,Hhds. (havtd M .Oil, 9,0 m. Whale G 45 50 Yo\ing Hyfor 112 j (32 Coffee Ib 25 27 cents Hogr-lard lb 16 Spermacetti. 60 70 Hyson 12p J Cr T Coal, foreign bu 5 wilts bushel Honey, country none at market ' Tanners B 15 Hyson Skin - 80 83 20 do Virginia .3° 33 ■ Havannah dj .80 86 j Lintfeed G 86 90 Souchong 90 18 d» Cotton St. Domingo lb 33 47 ? . . s i b Hops , * Onions, bu Boliea 38 '2 do Surrinam ' 5° $ ' * Barrel poles leo ropes 6 7 Tin in plates jg Free Georgia sea id. 45 TNDIGO, Ib I EAS 40 40 lobacco C 1 upland 29 *3O \_ St.Domingo I i 25 1 XT Pepper black lb 37 42" Richmond old 6 Cordage, American C<4 IQe of France 125 |-25ctsplb Pimento, Jam. 13 6 cts per lb do , ne * 6 Russia, tarred 11 50 ißocentsprC. New-Orleans 17 112 J Pitch B ! 4Cents PeterlburgU 57^ Copper, pot, sheets, Ib Co 1 Carolina " 60 1 Plaifter, Paris TlO . 10 50 Frederick (burg 5 Bottoms 40 V Fre« Iran Callings T 74 67 80 Pork Burlington, B 18 19 > Marjland v ; V % Pat. ffieath. J Pig 34 Carolina Georgia 4 75 Copperas C 35° 4 do Country Bar 105 33 io< 67 Porter, Lond. Corks $s 33 43 Russia Bar 100 ]i2ipct boU 2 5° 3 on bot. ad v Twine, Seine 'b ) 400 cts Currants, Zant ! Sweden 110 120 f " " &( j va j Philadelphia bot. 110 120 do Sewing 46 ) per cwt. DUCK, Ravensp »' 75 12 1"1 ~1 nrr rt s,iect 126 67 140 J v Pearl, Pcnn. patent 8 9 Turpentine B2 jo RulHa fail 14 *7 50 I L | Hoops 133 33 138 67 T> AlSlNS.bellkg 9 io 15 pct aJ fpiri:s> 33 40 Holland scarce J ' Nail-rods 121 33 122 67 jLA. Bloom & mufltbx > j Variull. 33 15 FEATHERS lb 45 5° T EAD, Bar r ,6j 1 cent pit Redwood, ground 'b 20 30 jTTINEGAR, I* Fi(h, cod di"y qu 450 5 I 1 Sheet i ' Rice, C 5 V Wir 50 do. pickled Lead whitefgr. in oii (• 14 50 15 ispccadv R n f in) B 4 Cyd. 18 20 Salmon do. B 9 Leather, foal iS 20 Q ALT, Allum bu 8 C 85 |Vi.rni(h 23 25 do. fmoaked , Lemons, Lilbon bx 7 g O Cadiz 80 (. note *] Verdigreafe 80 Shad B '8 8 jo Malaga, 10 Lilbon 80 85 f j Vermillion' 2 Mackarel 6 850 | Cadiz 5 , Liverpool fine 52 -> ITT" AX, Bees il) 30 Herrings " , 4 425 ( U Lime (lone H j25 r St. Übfs lb 80 85 r, ' ce - V 7 Whalebone Flax lb 13 scarce jLignumvitx T®s free. Salt petre refined i2-|pctacv VViues, Madeira L> 160 200 10 to jo c g Flaxfeed H 850 BLogwood 50 Sail cloth En. No. 1 8 10 Bed Lond. partic. 1240 40(058 do Flour, fuperfinp 3 9 2 5 95° ' 3 Lun,ber Segars, Spam'fh 2 Sberry v < 112 125 40 cents common 9 , Boards, Cedar M 25 America P 17 75 per cent Lilbon 1 160 170 3° do Burr middlings 6j« 7 ' White Pine 19 33 Sheeting, Russia 750 S I cent per I!) Teneriffe 8j 93 do , ' Rye meal 450 5 , Ditto Pannel 27 28 Shot lb 33 Malaga 80 85 28 < J Indian meal 450 5 Inch & qr. d<>. jg 33 iSnuff, in Bladdars 6 1 Fayal 68 70 28 °° Ship fluff C 213 233 Heart Pine 28 Bottles 694 Port none at (market 3° L -° Surs, Otter <k 333 160 | Sap , 14 Rappee ib 20 22 cents P er lb Claret, sup. Bourd'x Beaver lb 1 2 ; Oak Scantling 18 Soap, Castile 9 10 caiks6ogals. 40 45 40 prct ad r Seal )»Free j Hemlock lo 12 Brown 13 ' Old fuperfinecargo 60 do Mink (k 35 Red Cedar Ft jo White G 133 139? P" S al ' on * Mulkrat, 33 J Spirits, 1 1 Jo ) ■" P 2 5 c / , Brandy, French ■ r , - * Netc. Salt weighing more thai\ 56 lb. per bufliel, pays jocents per 56 lbs. per buthel or left, 20 eents per bushel, ia American veffcls; if in foreign veffe]s2 2 cents.. — 411 From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond 20 per cent is added to the cod of all goods paying an advalorem duty." f The aforemeivtioned rate of duties upon Teat refpsft those imported direfl'y from India—lf from Europe, bohea tea pars 14, souchong 21, imperial and hyson 40 cents per lb. If from any other place, bohea pays 17, f souchong 27, imperial and hyson 50 cts per lb. in American bottoms. In Foreign bottoms from Europe, 17 1-5, 27, 50 cents per lb. From any other place, 18, 7-10, 29 7-10, 55 cents jjer lb. All dutied articles, imported into the United States, not having been landed mote than one year, are allowed a drawback of the duties fubjeft to a deduttion of one per cent except spirits, which is f>ne half ce*it per gallon, ■ |£_?» Of those articles that have no price affixed to them, their is either none at market, or such price cannot b« ascertained as to depend Jpon it. , Landing At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam Molasses, Of an eitsilent quality, in hogsheads, tiercis aid barrels, And about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, « For Sale Br sdleber 9 Just Received, And for (ale at the Office of the Philadel phia Gazette, and at. A. Eiclins's Book- Store, oppofitp Christ Church, an interett- A HANDSOME EDITION ing aPrnj-hlet, entitled, the or ' English Grammar, ONTHEENSUING ELECTION AN APPENDIX, Fresidm, ofluni,ed Smles, LB low the Trumpet in Zion Who is on I e Philadelphia. Lord's Sde? • \ Price One Dollar*"] [Price i?i Ceps.J o a o be^ : s\ . t.~, Q Gazette ft PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in Dollars and Cents. Wharton fc? Lewis, No. Front street. / tu th fa tf of the United States, PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13, ,Boc. Imported, la the .Clip Atlantic, captain Waters, from Calcutta and Madras, And for f*!e by the fubfcriher, A great variety of articles mostly suit»bi e for exportation, among which are Blue cloths Neckan«es I Soot Romals liiltmpeorci Vcntapolama Madras Long Cloth? Ditto Handkerchiefs. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Ilyfon and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLEK, Junr. No. 80, Dock strict. tnwf tf oilohcr 10 By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-fireet. MonnfaAnrv 2000 Dollars Reward, . oaw ivianuraciory. UNAWAY fromtheS u Kf:ribfron Werfn'cf- .. iv day night the s th inftaM. a Black M Jnd a>l charge: and rxfinc s paid. FRANCIS MASON, lervant named if "rived ft. m Jamaica Fo;l or , hiding :nd bringing to 7 in the brig Diligence with his mailer. He is a well . . E\ t . ? XT ' r\. No. 10, south Fifth ftfeet, made lad oi 16—17 years oi age, or thereabouts, c Clt ) r New-\ ork. NatHAN lel Ol- M* fawi, equal in quality, appearance and (tape his left cheek, which yet app ars white from a charged on oath with ftkmioufly, fraudtl to any ever'imported; which h« fells wholesale late fall or blow. Hi« about jr feet j or fix in- lently and by falie preterites, taking from at the following price*—6 feet mill saws 51 -» dol- ches high, and had on when lie; went away l. com- th: Bank of New-Tork, larpe funis of mo lar each ; cross-cut do 50ceat»per foot; pitt do. mon blue r«ur,d jacket ar.d trowferf, with a lor- . ... r o f e( j t j, at u e , Illr£re1 llr£ r e 60.cents per foot. . vant. black hat, and had him white " e Y Wond. Cutte. s caR flee! saws, and every other and striped check Ihirts and pantaloons. sum of Bauk notej DOW IB B|« poQeiUM, iind, made to any particular direction. He is known to he enticed or away by whi.'h any pel fen apprehendi 'g him is par oclober 10 mwf tan a negro man William, a j ative of Bollcn, ticularly desired to secure, with all his pa who was Cook of the said brig Deligeaccy and is a cers ft»ut thick man of 35 or 40 years ol age, and they ** are supposed to travel together; The 11 i•' Colin Nathaniel Olcott, is about live feet contrived to get a parcel containing 30 raw dol- ten i nc hca high, has dark hazel eyes, and lar.of.hepreuntye.rsco.-na.v-ol tic U, c r,s, k hair . wb ich he generally wears turned never before in circulation a*d a tew nailed dou- . . . b , » , • n bloonrof full weight ©utofhis mailers keeping} up behind, has rathdr a (Jown look —is "put and also took withhim a filvcr table f'poon with built and straight rather red about the the cypcr A. R. on it, and a desert knife and fork nofti ils, in ccnfequence of taking fnuff— with white Ivory handles. he ; 8 f rom 2 - to j 0 y ear! old—had on a The abov« reward will be paid to any person darlc „ rcat coat an d a light coat underneath, who will brine the f?.id Colen a»id William to the . ° . - . . fe i • Subfcnber, No, 31 S P ru& flrect or to Meffts,W Any information given to the Caflner of vagc and Dugan, Third Street, or •odg;e fhu-rn in the Bank relative to the laid Nathaniel Ol any goal Gt work h u'ein aiiy*olthe States so tfcat cott, will be thankfully received and reward money may bef cufcd, it i- supposed Willam is in pt fleflion of it, andrcqieUed he nny be detained with Colen, lending information to the said MeiTrs. and Dug.* n, Philadelphia All Captains oi'veffels arc n r warned nrtto larlouror employ or carry t» (?a tt.e f aid ts the law will be put in:orce agaioft them. At a County Court of Common Pleas, Htld at Union Tewn, for the county of Fayette, . the fecoud Monday of September, in the fn O year of our Lord one thousand eight ww ftuudre4, before the Honorable Aleian der Addifon, Efqurre, Prefidsnt, and his affsciata JuJjcsof the fame court, ON the petition of John partlett, an Insolvent De tor, praying the benefit of the a<S of Ge neral Affemhly for the relief of Infjlveut Debtorj, the Court appoints the fecund Monday of Decem ber next to hear the petitioner and his creditors, and orders that notice thereof be publifiied three fucccflive weeks in the United States Gazette in PhilaJelphia, in fowic daily paper ip Baltimore — in a Lexington paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay ette'Gazettu, the last publication in each, to be at lead four weeks before the day of hearing. By tke Court, EPHRAIVI DOUGI. \SS, Prethorotary. O&obe* k!jw. & Daily Advertiser. October n. ■ - ./uss? r?'. - ■October 13, 1800. g£j=»The Printers throughout the United States ar requeftcd to reprint the above- New-York, Oft. 9. tf. H ROSE. * \ -Ir-w • c A * > j fVolume XVIII. V A CHARLES WILKES, Cafnr. b. n. y. j *• > • • A. et 4 "f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers