Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 11, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States.
nAri'KUAV Kvr:HiKc., •ctobkk it.
VHK tiitANL) (.KJivilTON Sl'Ai'r.:)
A 1: the pre lent sol mu and momentous
epoch, the only ijuertiun' to be aflcrd by ev
ery American, laying his hand 011 his heart,
i*, " llwit I continue in allegiance to
Or inviioufly declare for
The Important Hour 1
at linnd. IVfen must now watch, and work ;
be thoughtful, be sober. In a few days, the
Queftiort will be fenoufly and strenuously
made, whether the experiment ol a federa
tive republic, under religious, moral, and
ftedfaft politicians, tracing the high road to
order, dignity, gl >ry, and independence, is
ftiil to be rlTayed : or whether we be willing
to submit to the Gallic domination of an ac
knowledged Deilt, and barter aw iy ourbirtfe
right for wbrle than a mess of pottctge, tor
the delulive pUufibilities of French Jacobin
amity, ft raniiot be
itl two parties in America, fiercely oppoled,
perhaps nicely balanced. Ihe one, studious
of Quiet, covetinj; Honor, adhtfive to Ftde*
tali fin, and c-mfhint to principles. The o
tlier, a male content and Jacobin faction,
prsfticiopf rs of popular artifice, servile to
France, foes to order, greedy ot dilhonell
gain; fittfely calling themlilves republicans
but who are, in reality, a proud and ptofli
gate crew, anxious to live, not only without
government, but, In the Me ill n phrife ot the
Apostle, " Without GOD in the world."
It behoves, therefore, every prudent nun,
averse to Revolution, every loyal man, at
tached to government, every lagacious itian,
prescient of French clangers, and every good
man, principled and pious, to come torward,
on this dubious hour, and relolve to support
by every hoiieft art, and by every energetic
mean, the Ele&ion to the Highest Ollices
in our Government ol
Threatened, is we are, with the terrible visi
tation of FiencK revolutions, her warfare and
her Atheism, the ruffian Soldier, and ih*
Aportate Piiell, the name of Jeffkuson,
mi a federal ticket mult no longer be in
feribed. //c* lb..t is not for us is us•
Men know his contempt of Chnftiainty, lus
Parisian politics, his Visionary projects, his
Timidity, his Ineonliftencies. It is time
that in our State Cabinet, theie should be no
division. This important trutr, at length
Cully recognized, prompts the Federal and
Governmental Party to agree in driving to
c.ontei the Magistracy ot the Union upon
It) the Aurora of Monday, September 29, | 1
the Editor of that fligitious Journal, perse- 1
vering in his attack upon the Rev. Mr. A- :
bercroiribie, states., that " there are cei tain '
funds, appropriated to the Epifcop I Church, 1
a portion of which, added to his falary,would
h:ive been a vtry pretty spccu'.atn. Here
it is malignantly intii uated tnat Mr. A. en
tered into holy orders, for purposes merely
venal ; »nd that, therefore he expected to
make large draughts upon the funds of the
Church, l'his phrase "funds of the Church"
mull be downright droll ry in Duane, for so
far is the Church here opulent in thele fame
imaginary fields, that not even a nail can tje
- driven into a deciy-dpew door, without the
beggarly expedient of a subscription. The E
pilcopal Clergy derive their whole salaries
from the annual rent of pews, a sum when
distributed, notoriously deficient for the fup
poit of any deceut family, and which, it is
equally notorious, has been occalionally aug
mented by temporary expedient* among pa
rishioners, and net, by any secret treasure*,
or banks, or funds ot the Church.
The Aurora farther states " that the
Tre.-ifuryfhip «f the Mint became again va- .
cant under Mr. Adams, and Dr. Ru(h and !
Mr. AbercromVie were rival c. ndidates." It
is truly painful to give the gentlemanly and
moral Duane the lie, but the lie mud be
given. At the time of this vacancy, Mr.
A. was in orders. Since his entrance into
the priesthood. Mr. A. has made no appli
cation, either direttly or indireftly for any
civil appointment. It is notorious to the
friends of the parties that Dr. Ktirti and Mr.
A- were never rival candidates for any office,
The Aurora farther states, in the vile
phrase of Grub-llreet, that Mr. A. took up
the pulpit drum, bea* a tattoo to politics,
got Porcupine to publish the Sermon ; but
the IpecUlation did not answer, the tbing
did not fell, the people forfook the Churches,
many resigned their pews, &.c." Agree,
ably to the President's proclamation, Mrt
A. delivered a Fall Sermon on the May o.
1798. It was necelfarily a political dif
courle because delivered on a political occa.
fion. Porcupink did rot print the Ser
ra®n. It was printed and published by Mr-
Tohn OrMKOb, as may be ascertained by
any one wfto will take the trouble of inTped-
U!g the imprint. The iinpreflion vas large,
eonfifling of one thouiand copies, above eight
hundred of whifh were fold. Ac the time
of the delivery of the fermori, a few infuri
ated jacobins indecently went out of Church ;
but no t>cw, or seat in a pew, has been
known to be tbtn relinquilhvd, or at any
tub.fqUfcnt, I'.ericdy in confcqwhre ot tins
„n t-.ily hold a:ii uiui..u:urd liuuiier in
which Mr. A- ' ia3 d.i'cn.irjfd Tiis duty as ,t
ClutllUii Miu ik-r.
Tlir Aar.i:» I'.irlher ft.trsthit " he pin
jca<-il ix A«'.-iJ<-iny I'" inUniiti..n or
\'uiul'.'' T> the o|irimiJ us •<"
Mj". A. w.»* comp.-lli'd, hi Coiiii'quvncr o:
ihe nbfolut- inl'oil'.- <ncy of his Mary fr.nli
ihe Cuiroh tu l'upi>ur: a numernw* Umily.
This c;»nrfe vms the only one, tomp^iMc
w;ili liiit prot'eiTiai'ul chjr.idler, -ind it ro
m;u.H for the democracy of Duaiie .:nd his
aJherenu to degrade ihc rel'petWile fii(xriii
i<*:iuaht nj the nii>i'd* ana funca»i*>i* r>t
youtli, or to bnmd the office with the-tit.
at'a speculation.
Tiicr Aurora farther Hates that" by wa;
if recommending himlell in this fpecuUtiou
i J , in tonjunction vwth Dr. Andrews, til
J ice Piovoil ot the U.iiverlity of Penn
vlvan'u, .mother high monarch:!!
nd F.'iiic I lie gy ma n forbade a nutnbe
>1 American \ oir.hj on the .jth ot J -•''
800, from reading tne d duration of Ame
tern Independence." It is understood tha
hefe Gentle,lloll remonftrateel .ig::inft tin
nipropiiety of publicly reading that initi o
nent, at a time when we are at peace wit I
he nation against which it was made. Tc
he conimenioration of the event not an ob
e-\ioil w:s ottered, bill it is I'urelv wife t.
V.nd, tin '.cr the operation of a Treaty o
i;nit\\ every thing which has a tendenc;
o revive ancient animnl'ities. When th
.cclaration itfeifconclues wit:, the inemora
.1- words that " we are in peace—friends'
tis justice .is well as ivudom, to ohje.t t<
lie reading of a State paper, in its topic:
ingularlv harth agamlt Great Britain. I
s natural, and it may he very proper t<
ficw 1
t is unjuil illiberal, and impolitic, oltenta
onnected bv public ligaments, arid b tht
no re binding ties ot national attachment
.nd tnutu il i nte re (I. It is the habit o!
iime, broken in fortune, -and flagitious ii:
irinfipl', dead to honour, careleis ot engage
ne its, men averse to di crimination, and
jreeJy of plunder ; and it it tat buoit uj
nan v a in ycj jf ao! in of the c url j,
it he r to view France with partial, •.id
irit 111 vengeful eyes, or to hold the
10 d'lTettnce 111 ' ur external relations with
hefe powers, .nd that they are both ne
■elfoily and eternally hoflile to our glory
,-d fn ed in. Biu is not the habit ot
he and w:lb> and well principled
•all.-, by the v ,v» and oil the parchments
,I,l] papas f their pull c functional its, <tml
roni the judgment feat of the supreme tri
mnal of the nation declared we are at peace
aiih lviif'.land, we luve inw'. • a I'reaty of
rVrnitv and Commerce, will that power ; and
ve ire at ■■.■ car rcit:.< the French Repu lie.
is become; honelt men, to the spirit of our
jrofe flious nay, /-veil to iU-letter. we may
mt, without wrong, p ,i>'.;Jy viiity that
lation or " dwll with rancorous raptuie"
in the exaggerated cat of obsoietc
;-ieivances, It is right and decent tor Dr.
Vndrews, Mr. Abercrombie, or any good
>r prudent man to remanstrate against the
oolifli and ill timed display of national anti-
I .thy, ill ,lice .rid revenge. Brotheily kind
iefs, mutual forbearance and charity is th
not to of the wife Politicians of Englan
nd America. To flagrant Jacobins, to
I money getting vi I ..n:, I tos. If v:<" d i'a
rlots,as well as toTibeiius, '-theworo t , rat
>f aiitiqnitv," belong* *' >..r, ;ss of right and
II charafter the language and the sentiment
•f the Odium in lonium jiciens Onx recon
leret, auctac t ue prumeret.
For the Gazette of the United States.
'« Refle<3, ftite filicides, while Empires nod,
'» [S'oneferve their Country, who forfake their
Mil Wayne
THE Baptist Society having frequent
ly had political mention made of them in the
late papers—permit an obfeure individual of
that persuasion to present you with a few
oblervaticn on the fame or like Topics.
If there be a denomination of Christians
who more rigidly than others conform in
faith and practice to the verbal require
ments of the holy fciipture 'tis the Baptists,
1 hey have generally been thought by other j
lefts, to be too fcrupuloudy attached tc.the 1
literal exprefiion of the sacred text, be this
as it may, their zeal in the cause of religion
has never been called, in question ; during
the late war, their addrelfes to the throne
of grace in behalf of their diftrefled countiy
weie constant, and marked with all the ex
ternal evidences of patriotism piety, and
true Chriftiah spirit. But 1 have to lament
that a very different spirit is lately mani
t'elled among ft 11s ; the only member of this
focicty found on the ticket in the lateeleft
t ion for a Piefident, and Vice President of
the United States, inoft fliamefully betray
ed his Conftitucnts, and forfosk his God, by
voting for an unbeliever —not only an un
believer but an enemy to all revealsd re
ligion " for he who is not with us, is againfl
Moris this all—l learn with inexpreflible
grief that too many of such pretended pro
felTors amongst us (for charity itfelf will net
allow them sincerity) again openly avow
their attachmant to the cause of the fame
Candidate, to the great scandal of chn'lian
profell'ors. Whrre is the great trumtet
sounder of a neighbouring county who on S
recent occasion rode 'from one extreme of
the State to the other, as if his zeal was fct
011 fire, calumniating Mr. Rols with the
charge of Deism—now is there not a greatei
neceflitv, and now is he not as silent as the
Tomb of the Capulets ?
On fiic!io. C:ifi >!« .is ibrpr feiu who
is i-o evciy tpilfcyf whx.i
eivher a love of. religion or a love of country
Can impi'fe, does not feel huft&U' call-d
upon folrinttly to ccnfider wjwther the Go«l
of Oilr Fathers !h-U continue U be the ob
jedofour devotion, or whether we (hall
Imvc " twenty Go ls <r >"> God" and whether
the man who has declared thole things to
he indifferent, is a proper character to rule
over us. Let it never be forgotten hrethien
and fellow citizens, that uniels the rifbttoi t
rule, the people xuniiot, rejoice, Confidef my
friends whether a jult cotil'qioufnefs of your
duty will permit-you to fspporta man for
the office of Vrclident of the United States,
who is never, ieen at a place of worship, and
w!io holds in utter f contempt, all religious
ceremonies, duties, a.nd ololi aliens.
Philadelphia Countj ]
October I, li:0. y
For the Gazette of the United States.
One of Joseph BloomfcltTt CommiteC
At a meeting of Jacobins held at Slab
Town State of New Jersey, in the Mat.
oualty of JO9. Bloomticld, who wants an
Office under the general Government 5 but
would accept of Governor of the State, We
are informed by the Aurora of Saturday
hit that the aforefaii Joseph, Mayor of
Burlington, was called to the Chair ; and
de ivercd an Address* after which the nom
ination of a Committee of Perlous residing
in each County took place-
The firft on the lift for Burlington Coun
ty is a Fr< nchm x, who has been bnt a few
year* in the United States. DoSr. John
B ognard an avovjed Injiiel ; who lives
near the Black Horse in the Tuwofliipof
Mansfield. It would be impoflible for
France to have a more aftive-Agent than
this Man, he is decidedly ia favour of French
measures. openfy Jurtifies the conduct of
the terribl-' Republic, towards our Govern
ment ; and htrttofoie has been ve.y bnfy,
in his endeavours to corrupt the god peo
ple, by diff initiating his damnab.e princi
ples. He is now ve y adi in his own dif
irict, in promoti the election 'of Jetierfon,
and has made use of every mean for that
purpose. Fellow Citizens keep a good look
* A per'on withes to kn iw if the Mayor in
this addrcf» said any thing refpea'mg St. John,
as it is reportcd'ta not admire the St.
Marshal's Sales.
Unitru Statks )
Pennsylvania District, }
PURSU ANT to a d.::rce of the Di!lrlS Court
of the United Stitev for the Pcnsfylvania
Dil'.riil, will be fold at the merchants' coffee houL
.:n Friday the loth inilant, at 7 o'clock in the
evening, the following 1 articles, being the remain
ing part of the belonging to the
im ed French fchooncrJL'Aiglc, condemued in said
court as prize, Jcc viz.
1 anch r
8 cartridge boxes
1) powder horns
9 time glasses
47 cutlafles
41 piftc-ls
44 inuikcts
II cutteaus
JOHN HALL, Marjhal.
Mar/LaPs-Office, ?
ofto. 10, 1800. $
Pennsylvania District,
PURSUANT te the of the HonoraVk
Bnijamin Sfoddar-1, Secretary of the Navy,
will be txpofcd to public fa'e. at the merchants's
coffee honfe, in the city of Philadelphia, on Mon
day the 19th day of Oitober inflaut, at 7 o'clock
in the evening.
The two French schooners called
Nrw lying at Brown's wharf.
riM Si Together with all and Angular their
taikle, apparel and appurtenances.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Marshall's Office, ?
Philadelphia, 080. 10, 1800$ mwf tS
Loft or Stolen,
A white Spaniel DOG, roarVed with large liver
coloured l'pots, large ear 9 aud lhort tail, and
answers to the name ot Carlo. Two dullars re
ward will be given, if returned to No. 30, north
Front i rc«t, orifttolen.Ten Dollars for Thid and
October 10
At a County Court of Common
Held at Union T»wn, for the couuty of Fayette,
the fccoiid of September, iri the
CTyear ol our Lord one thouland eight
{St" l ) j.undied, before the Honorabia Alexan
der Addifon, Efqu re, Prcfid»nt, and
his affeciate Judge* »f the lame court,
ON the petuion ot John Bart «tt, an Ir.lolvent
Debtor, praying the oenelit ol the ail ol Ge
ncral lor the relief of Infolveut Debtor#,
the Court appoints the fccoiid Monday ot Dscern-
Icr next to hear the petitioner ana his creditors,
aud orders that notice thereof be publitaed three
fuccelfive weeks in the United States Gazette in
Philadelphia, in some daily paper ia Baltimore—
in a Lexington japer, KcmucKy, and in the tay
ette Gazette, tie lalt publication in each, Wbe at
lealb lour weeks belorc the day of hearing,
lly the Court,
oaober 10. d 3 w -
For Sale*
The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY
WHu has three years and five munths to
(erve ; he is luber, houeft, a good wai
er, and uudcrftauds taking care ot horl'cs, Jin
quire at Nu. 69, llre?%
July 29.
By this Day's Mail.
Frderalism TawstPHJitf.
BALTIMORE, October 9
Copy »f a letter to the Editors' of the Federal
Inclosed you have a corre£t statement o! the
Montgomery County Poll, in the Coun
ty at large.
Hezekiah Veatch 1155~1
Thomas Beall, of Geo. 1139 £
Thomas Davis 1 1 63 "J
Robert P. Megruder j 17 1 _
Jnhn T. Mason j6o
George Riley 534
Daniel Reintzel 565
Edward Burgess, jun. 518
At Pifcataway the Federal ticket was 330
votes a-head, at the close, and at Blackenf
burg 50.
The following is a corred statement of vntes
for Sheriff, according to the returns from
the several diftri&s'
Wilson - - 1999
Bailey - - 1463
Baker - 123 1
Philips - - 172
Mr. Jame3 Wilson is therefore duly elect
ed Sheriff of Baltimore County.
WASHINGTGN, (Po.) Oft. 7.
Yeftcrday the eleftion of members to
fcrve in the next General AfTembly for the
State of Maryland commenced.
Intelligence from those belt able to judge
of the result of this eleftion, induces a be
lief that th: federal republican candidates
will be returned generally.' Relying on
such information, we augur well to the fe
deral cause, and bnldly look forward to the
future prefperity and happiness of our coun
try We (hall enfleavour to obtain a llate
ment of the different returns, that the pub
lic may know ihe iflue of this all important
eleftion, as early as prflible.
State of the pell taken at George Town,
one the five diftrifts in Montgomery Coun
<y :
R P M'Gritder 178
Thomas (of George) 18a
Thomas Davis 17^
Hczekiah Veatch 179
George Riley 160
Daniel Rientze! 164
John T. Mafori 158
Edward Burgess jun 158
From Montgomery court, bouse we hear
;hat the foremoft anti was 8 yote3 behind
ihe lowest federal candidate. And ftom the
other three diftrids a great majority may be
relied on.
State of the Poll at Bladenfberg, Prince
Georges County.
Federal. Anti federal.
Addifon, 216 Water Bowie, 217
Cramphin, 270 Ducbett, 220
Sommerville, 258 V\ illiam Baker, 213
Marbury, 258 Wood, 204
Total 1002 8 54
At Pifcataway. (Prince George's Coun
ty) at three o'clock yesterday, 523 votes
were taken, out of which the anus got
only 70- .
From the three other diftntts of Prince
George's County, we have authority for
counting on a very large majority indeed.
NEW-YORK, Oftober 11. 2000 Dollars —*a,
FOR apprehending and bringing to
P.'t.-m C->* S: !•••!• 1 0 » ; the city of New A ®tk. Nathaniel Ol
to.ll.ik, frying, notiing ana baking, in a Ute 0 f t he said ciiy, Br ker, who is
very easy and expeditions manner, all kinds . on w ; f e | o nioufly, fraudu
of and vcgou&les, necelfary ior a t,:- j en( , an( j by falfe pretence*, taking from
mily in one day, with only three or tour th ,g ank of New-York, large sums of mo
«jiurt» of Coal fuel. A Hove po. idled ol j g s up posed that he has a large
d.a'c oropcities oull certainly be a» object of Kal|k „ otfg now in his pofl'effion,
i <\ ; y fawilv in ti* Untie 1 States, wneie per s on apprehending him is par
wood is -as dear a it is >» t! is < uv, and we • 'dclired to fecute. with all bis pa-
Cncerely hope may be brought into general
Natham i. Olcott, is about live feet
The Uir'ed Sta-es fritrate Adams, Capt. ten inches high, has dark hazel eyes, and
rl,,n.L. AW « -II ja... M, -&£Z£
fc T'he toe'V-w-York, capt. Morris, we he is from 25 to 30 year* old-had on a
• vr e in'wrnied, w..nts about ,-0 to complete dark great coat and a light coat und*. neat -
| . rtll lV it is expected ll.e will alio oe Any .1 formation g.vrn to the Cafhicr of
her crew. « p- k re la ve to the said Nathaniel Ol
re y '» * feW i*> S ' ) cott, will be thankfully received and reward-
Uft evening j CHARLES WILKES,
a beautitul Ihip ot Mi. .jatkion s »i«
:on(lrudled for an Indianlan, and is allowed | Calhr. . .
>y the bell judges, to be defined merchant- ;
ever built here—her model and work- • Printers throughout the United
nan (hip none have excelled. Mi. Ackford, States ar requested to reprint the above
he builder, had her afloat in one minute N ew .York, Oft. 9. «•
Yom the time named tor launching, with
he affillance of four carpenters driving lour p„" Qfgj-g
The folUwing MATERIALS will be fold
realoiiable if applied for immediately.
1 Prrfs,
Founts Long-'Pfitver (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pica oil Pica body,
i ditto Pica,
1 ditto Englilh,
2 ditto Bicvier,
Several'pair of Cbafes, feverat compolmfe
licks, frames and galleys,' feme brass rules,
Quotations, See. &c &c: all of the above
/ill be fold very reasonable lor Calh.
September 8. ' • \i
da l
Captain Story last evening handed us Ja
maica papr.k to the 13th ult. We find
That the brigs Barbara, Clay ; Elia.s,
Maxfield ; Tace, Buncr ; and Diadama,
Syms, have arrived at Janiaic; .
That the (hips Lord Duncan, M'G-yre ,
, and Favourite, Backhouse, fail-d for New-
York on the 9th ult.
That the brig Twins, Scott, failed on
the 23d of'Auguft tor NVw-York.
Paflengers in the Nonpariel, from Bnftol:
Mr, Fortifcue Whittle, Mr. Wm. Moor,
Mr. Samuel Dando ; Mr. I> Batehelor and
just Received,
And si r sale at the Office of the Philadel
phia Gazrtte, and at A. I .ictiiis's Book-
Store, ojipofitc Christ Church, »n intcreft
ing; nPiiij.hlet, entitled, the - «►
Voice of Warning
OF A . 1 \
President of the United States. 'jf.+
Blow the Trunapet in Ziori —Who isf.oii the'
Lord's fc: dc ? U »
[Prise 12-Jr Cents,J
October 8.
- ' T '
English Grammar,
Has this Day been published, by Asiusr
Dickins, opposite Christ-Church,
[ Price One Dollar•]
Ottober 7.
At Wain's wharf,
The Cargo of the brigEnterprize,
Surinam Molafles,
OF in cxscUeat quality, in hogftieads, tierces and
And about 40 quarter casks
Wharton Lewis,
No. lij.fouth Front street.
ru th la tf
o&eber 9
In tke ship Atlantic, captaia Waters, from
Calcutta and Madras,
And for sale by the subscriber,
A great variety of articles mostly suitable
for exportation,
among which ARE
Blue cloths
Soot Romals
Madras Long Cloths
Ditto Handkerchiefs.
2000 bags prime Sugar,
Hyson and Souchong Tea,
Ha* 80, Dock sircct.
•ti -
oilober io
Saw Manufactory-
No. 10. south Fifth street,
Manufactures npill, cross cut and pftt
saws, equal in qualify, appearance an J (hape
!to any ever imported; which fell« wholcfale
at the folfcwinpprice-—6 feet mill fawj 51-1 dol
lar eaoh ; crols-cut do 50 cents rer foot; pitt do.
60 cents per foot.
Wood-Cutters call fte -t saw, and every other
kind, made to any particular dire&ion.
otSober 10 mvrf In*
* v
. w'*j?
_ *
y N • . ; v
* -• •
,s •'*