Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 11, 1800, Image 1

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    NI'MUPH 2509.';
tCT" The price of th'is (>azette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadel[d>ia. All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enrwsn-g and cft.
r net in ; and unless*?ome person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
* # * No Subscription K'ilJ lit received for
a shorter term than six months.
December I 1799-
Fr'in Oftober 9k —to Oft btr 14.
Saddling Business.
HAVING entered into partnerthip, and ta
il n thit lonfr eftabliftlwl stand at the cor
ner of Chefnut and Third Streets, refpedlfti !Iy
folitit public patronagr, and particularly invite
a continuance of the favour*- of the former
friend* a«d cuftomert of •& Joaes, and
Shatptff* & Kiufey, to whose bufinsfs tKey have
Thfcy offer for sale a large ant! general aIT rt
mer.t of elegant» ami Bridles, all kinds
Common do Plated and Brass mounted Harness,
Saddle-baj.**, Valieces, Cart and Wacjpn Gears,
&c. Trunks of all kinds, particularly hard !ea
ther Portmanteaus.
They also manufa&ure ill kinds of Jilver
mounted and Plsi.n Whips, hiving f#veral ex
cellent Workmen in that branch.
They flatter them'elves from their united ex
perience and the arrangements they have nude,
to be able to fell avy <»' the above articles nq as
good terms aiary others 'n the United State*.
A liberal allowance will be mad; to who
Blirchafe by the quantity
Phikd. Sept. 17 4 w-
Book - Store,
North Second Street, nppotile Christ Chtircb.
With Ulu»trati jn»anii Addition!
Desultory Reflexions
In the Unfted States of America, since the
commencement of the ye*r 1799.
ICT- R. T. Rawle, cenfideriug that in
this country there is a tr«e prels, is determi
ned his Book-Store (lull also be fi'ee to pub
lications of every denomination, whether po
litical or religious. The works of Wings
or Tories ; Republicans, or Monarchies ;
Ariftoerats or Democrats ; Federalists or
Anti-Federaliib ; Gforiftiani, Jews, Hea
thens or Turks, are equally free for sale ;
mid, whatever may be his private opinions,
ii resolved, as a Bookleller, in the true
spirit of his profefiion, 41 To be open to all
parties, and influenced by none.
.N. B. He ha 6 for f»lr, all tlie late ft po
litical publications, and every Irticle in the
Ctnber r.
' - All Persons,
to (he EO.ite »r Jofrph
j| U»<rtf lie MMlHrrn L»^CT'j*i t ikcf»Ced.»r»
rtqotftfcd to mile > mated papraert. Mid
• brtft ftMTlft MfiWIUKlt iimf ~to
tmn>| i« thair «rcqv*>« to
BIMfAMUg! IHA W.Adninilrn«f.
,( nttr J. .
WHO ft+rtl/ted jttfpefal
tuJmdcffakA the (r<l«MratuJk,af ol
4 pificMhl cotmin us ,\rn«ici,
mtfhar an ctq|jhl< ftowirm in lH'c interior ol
jott fubicnh<T« rw br be
fore.he tont<ociKCS>-A Amtrit** oiU he
Hefrful I—'Put it {•■ of 'n>. that wHt
pitniplal poiooi though not niiiwt, are to sco
Puticokr* m; k e learned on api4ic»tn«
<o MrM of xMt Gntttt."
- Cl&ofrT r .
,An Invoice of
Playing, Cards.
SUPE&.FTNE Colttmhinn, Harry the Vlllth
ni.l Merry- Andrew Mayittjj Cards, ferfale cheep
for iii—Apply at this Office,
feptcmber i;.
Neatly executed at Ithe Office of the
Gazette of the United States.
C irds-—Blnnfcs of all kinds,
See. &c.
Wil! be printed at tiie
Shortest Notice.
Gazette j ,t r United States, & Daily Advertiser.
H. M.
6 t.i
7 6
7 J7
8 49
9 40
10 19
11 16
6 so~—; 40
6•» J 39
6 *3—J %7
• t • 4 14—5 jS
• * »< S 3i
< *> J 3}
6 >1 5 })
Marflial's Sale.
United States, ' }
Pennsylvania District, )•'"
'jP Y vir '. w nf '■ wr, t ft' venditinna exponas to
j AJ me direfled, 1 fined nut of the Circuit Court
° -T d S,4t "' in anri ,ort,le Pentifylva
"" Y' 11 H «P"fed to public file at
m W" uo " fc » 'he Citv of
rtu a'irhlhta, on Fri<hy the ipth day of Ojf*o
ber neat at 7 o'cl, ck in the evening, all the
right, eftare and inerelt of Oliver Pollock, in
>n two thousand acres of ch 'ice Unds fi-iutc
on fute Creek in tke county of Lycommn.—
eized and taker, in cxeention and to be fold as property of Oliver Pollock by
JOHN HALL, Marshall,
Marshal's Office, 1
Philadelphia Sept i<), 1800. J" tS.
Jult Received,
And will br Sold Wry Low, if applied f or
irpmrdiitfly. ky the Package only'
S B*le» Hroid-(,'loth«, IbflcJ, "i
I D«le Pljini to 1 ForeA'rlothf, . 2ji
I Do. fin« Co» ing», sflbic»d, | *
«o Do. Krndsll O«cto«i, k
10 Ho?{he*di Seini Twine, j »j jt
.4 C*lkt Pewter, J U|Q
Apply to WII.LtAM FWnsCH,
Do. 48, So«rK Front flrctt
•ft' * rndrw.
For Sale,
. lyv s-r. Tammany,
at Say'» Wharf, above
Market Street, burthen 70 supposed t« lie
a remarkable fad failing velTel, a, d may heft
ted fur !'ca in a few day.. Inventory to be seen
and terms of he known by applying to th • fub
No. 4, South Wj'er Sired
3? Hlids- Miifcorsd i Sugjr.
White and brown Hjva-nah (lit n in boxc?
I; sift InMii do. in bags-
Weft India and C nitry Rum.
100 Hhdt M«Un>t.
Holland Gin
French arid S;>anifti Brandy.
Pepper, C (F-r, Sc.
9. ...^
Charles Mariliall
No. 46, Chesnut Street,
Per brig Liberty, capt Henderf n, from .\mlier
dam. and other arrivals,
A quantity <-f the following article*, which they
f«U for ca(h, or the uiua! credit
Ar.tiinon Cru4 Ol Arifi
Arinic alb Juniper
Saefaturni Su ecni
Vitrei alb Rhoiii
1 Camphor
Opium OccinneMa
Annetto Gum Benzoin
Mere Dule Arabic
Prcscip rub Myrrh
Corroa sub Kino
Sal G auber ""| , 0 |~Mannaflak
Rad eriitian 1 £ 1 Com
Flo Sulphur 1 < , Liquorice ball
sweet oil r J . Cort t'eru slav
Sem anifl 2 Rub
Rheubarb J l_
And a quantity of
Shop furniture, furgeous inflrumenti, patent
medicines, Ac—Medicine chests, and orders from
the country, put up on csaderatc terms.
frptrnih'.-r 13 w fa -,w
For Sale,
THE following property belonging to the Truf
, tees of the Agg.cgate Fund, provided for the
payment of certain creditors of Edward Fox
and James Greenieaf.
On Mondxj the 6tb October inst.
PART ol the property of said fund, in the City
of WaHiisgton, that now is rendered clear oi
every incumbrance, will be expoftd at Public
Auflirn at Tannicliß Tavern, amongst which are
'he following valuable (jtuatiow, viz. 11 Lots in
square No. 973, x lots in squire 974. i< lots in
jqnarii N«>. 995, 1 lots in square lbuth of fquars
1013. 19 lots in square loio.i lot in square lo«e
1 lot in square iOij., 7 tots in square lot.; 4 lot
in square io»4, j lots in square 1C45, 3 lo « in
square 1C46, 9 lot-' in square 1C47, it lots in,
r qua r e 1048, with others, advantageously
I situated in v irious parts of the city. S.lfo the »
llory frame l oiile now occupied by Mr Debloi",
beautifully situated (with an ertenfive view ol fev
eral miles down the Potomac) on the fo»th eift
corner of square 973, fronting 4a feet on n street
«aft, and 41 fct< 011 south G street: a commodious
Kitchen with an oven, &c. adjoining the south
Iront. A large frame flable, carriage house and
hay lnf:so.fc« by 25, and a pump of excellent
water near rh« back door of the kitchen, the lot
f*trtiding9i feeton M street, and 139 feet 1 inch
in G Arret, comprizing lots Nos. 1, », 3, and part
of 2i, in the rrgiflercd of the 'qyare.
1 hefaleswill commence at the said tivernat ten
o clock in the forenoon.
i The tertrnone fourth cafli, one fourth in fix
months, when .1 deed will he given, the r«main
ing moiety in two year?, payment to be fecurcd
by bond and morrgjjre. But the creditors in the
above fund, may in lieu of mortgage fernre pay
ment of their bon<ls by depoGt of crmficatcs »'F
the trustees at the rate of five (hillings in the pound,
to the amount I'ecursd and (Hrald a dividend take
place ' efore the expiratiou of the tw . years, it
will t,e let off agjunli tha bond, and the certifi
cates returned in the fame proportion.
Henry Pratt ")
Thomas W. Francis j ,
John Miller, jun. f Trujlets.
John Alhley
Jacob Baker. J
Augull 4. 3 taw ts
By C. I . Wayne, No. 65, South Front-fircer.
fa tu&
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING piorured a fufficisnt number of
the noil, approved European G.'alsManu
fiitturerF, .ir.d having on hand a large (lock of
the beA Materials, *n which their workmenare
now eiripldyed, have the plealure of afiiring
the public, that window glass of a superior qua
lity and of any size, frots 7 hr 9, to 18 by 14
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
too feet e; h, may be had at the Ihorteft notice.
Glass of larger iizes for other pnrpofes, may
also be had, fucli is for pi&ures, coach glafTtj,
clock faces, fcc. Hetties of ill kindn and of any
quantity may also be had, together with porket
liaflcn, picklmgjars, apothecary'sfhop furniture,
or other hallow ware—the wliolejt least 15 per
cent, lower than articles of 1 tie lan* quality
brought from any of the !'ea ports or the United
States. A li!>era! allowance will he made en
sale of large quantities. Order? from merchants
»nd others will he punctually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Store of MefTrs PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P ttfburgh,
Mi£ch 4, , ttithtf.
WANTED 7mmrthiiely three or fo«r Journey
men PiIb.vHMKN; thole whq can bring
r<conm ntlaticn* of their heirg stood
workmen, ftcady and honest, may find con It in t
smployment at the Prfcwing office of
Isaiah Thomas, jr.
Worce(lrr,feptcmbcr 17,1800 (jjj
From the fliio Firmer,captain Gibfon, from Ham
'ur£» a rfTor'nirnt of linens aad other
e" 1' am ' n S ,v hic!» *r* an invoice of si halts
° fr J ea , i- rcr i c .' 1 ® r ' t4l ?i'ais 6 aud 74- which art icr sale on rral ons H!c terms for appro-Jed
papei, or ici barter f«r Weft-India province.
Sritamia., real French, Boccadillos
n ■ Biclpfeld Linens
Er.t-r.Rn, SeleGas Siamo.fe
P at" J,,. Royales Tapes ol fever,l kinds
Ef.cpillis of all dtferip- D canters
„ t ' o,> ' , , , . Quirt and pint tumblers
Crtas a la Morlaix I ravtltfv* Cases
Checks No 1 A Stripe. Glass Heads, violins and
Borrt ,f Bohemia
White Window Glass,
Of the Jirft quality, j by 9 , $ by 10, 9 by »i,
10 by 11 and upwards.
Ot late Importation :
EOopi.las, Boccadillos, QuadrupleSqliflas,Dow
la", Ccutils, Undoes, blbrrfeldt fine Checks,
BeJ parcbst, Flauders Bed 'l icks rapes of all
<' fcriptions, Mills, Scythes, Decanters,
G.lll umh|<.r ß , Travelling Cases, Sealing Wax
Quills and Demijohns,— Apply to
CAah " 6 diot watfa
This morning'on the W.flahickon Road—a
Red Morocco
AINING luadry papers and letters,
of ho whatever to any one but
the owner. Whoever may have found the
lame, and will return it to the Printer of this
paper, (hall be handsomely rewarded.
N. B—l he • wners' name is mentioned on
<ome lette s direded to him.
OftoSer 8 j
Mary BecK,
O E-" PF-01 FULLY informs Ker Friend s and the
**• l J uhlic, that (he intends opening her Stluift
SC HOOI. on the firft of O&ober, in Fifth near
Walnut Street, oppofitc the State House Yard,
where fte wi:l as usual, teach the branches *>f po
lite and nfcful literature, including Geography.
Aflronomy, Writing, arithmetic, and every ac
complifhmcnt necefHry to form a complete liberal
Young Ladi's may be accommodated with
Boar I. Ac. in the Hvub, which is very airy and
Ht, O. Bick'i Brewing and Painting School
will coaimcoc* it the fern* dini
feptioibcx *0
Dancing Academy.
MR. QT7ESNRT, wi h r?fpe£l informs his pu
pi t aud;he public in general, tjjat he intend
opening hi* Academy, on Monday thi 6th of Oc
tober , at his new assembly room, No, 64, ftuth
Fourth flreet.
Mr Qjefnet is thankful t» the Ladfssand Gen.
tlemen, lor the liberal encouragement he ha« ei
pcrienced every season—he was defi.-ous for tome
time to meet wit's * gentleman of whom the cha
rter and talents, could, united together drfeive
the coiifidence of the public •• deprived of ftieh ad
vantage, Mr always thought proper to
divide and fix the number ot pupils; but this seas
on the school can •he improved one third more
havi g to introduce Mr Auriol, as an iffii.'ant to
him, and a pcrfon of shility. l'he fchol ir, (ball
he attended three timss a week asufual—-Ladies in
the morning ; jounyTJent'emen in the afternoon ;
and grown Gentlemen in the evening.
N. B The firft prailifing hall in private for the
ftfhofars, will he a few days after the opening 01 tht
school ; and the firft ball will be on fhurfday, the
16th October next.
M«. t AURIOL lately arrived frcm Pari#, re
rpcdliully informs the \uMic in general, that hav
injrfome time to difpolw of, b« will atteiid thofr
Ladies and Gentlemcr, wh© wish to be taught
•private at their own hr.uses.
His lodgings arc at No. 31, fowth Third ftrect,
where directions can be left with his lady if he is
ft thlc £> im jj
fHAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY
SKAT, called L»UKt l Lodgf, the late
residence of Thomas Kuttcr, El'q. liruate in
Potts Grove, Montgomery County, thirtv-l'x
milns from Philadelphia, cmtaing about 106
I acres, twenty of which are ptime woodland,
fi:i -en excellent watered meadow, the residue
divided in arable lota. On the premises are a
large handfotaeßrickHoufe and adjoining build
ings, containg two parlours, a large dining
room, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by forty
King, a large kitchen, « ash house with a pump
ot excellent water in it, fix haodfome chambers,
two store-room», four garret chambcra plaiflered
and a ?raio room over the adjoining building,
a double tyring house, with a (moke rouse over
the lame, withinfi'ty yards of tlie kitchen—The
faring, in the dried season never known to low
er in (he least, and from which the meadow is
watered ; a garden containing about on« acre,
stocked with the mod delicious fruits, such as
peaches, plumbs, cherries, pears, rafberries, &c.
leveral afpjragus beds in grcjt prrfeition. A 11',,,
a young bearing appletree orchard, containing
leveralhundied trees, the fruit fele-lled fro n dif
frent parts of the United States, a ljrge conveni
ent barn with i threshing floor, with commodi
ous stabling for horfea and cow 9 carriage and
houses, grain room, &c. Also.sundry out build
ings, eonfiflidj; of a frame poultry houl'e
and corncrib, &c- Alio, a tenant's house, gar-'
den and liable, and a pump of excellent water
belosgine to the fame.
T he fitiiatiua of P»ntts Grove is remarkably
healthy, regu'arly supplied wih Hutolur's meat
:nd poultry in abundance, to l»e purchased at a
low rate, an«! the Schuylkill aff.rdi a plentiful
fwpply of excellent fifh Two m i t | B i„ t h e
rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns
in Pennlylvania, .ire more rapidly improving,
or have ipore local advantige' than Potts
Grove. The several places of pu'.dtc wor.hip, I
the fjjluhritf of the air, gentrcl I'uckty, and [
ch®jpnefj ol li\ijng, are atnoug the lew advan* I
tages it pofleles.
Any p;*rfon wishing to view the |Wmifcs,
w:H piraTe to apply to Mr. Win. POTTS,
in ,vr, »nd for terms .to the fubferi
ber, in Philadelphia.
and for SAL p. bv
9-8 wide
Russia Sheeting,
TyiOGHHDA LINENS, fine 4-4 Inft Lin■
■r^iV 13 ' Ch '"' n S r)ia P tr, Otton Velvet,
rhickfetft an 4 Fancy Cords, Printed Linen and
Cotton Handkerchief* Silk Handkerchiefs, Sat
t,n', Pelong,, Modes and p crflanJi Ca || imin .
COM W.Mbores and IMrobazeen,Fine and coarse
Bobbin, T:p-», Ribbodj, l errets, Scotch Oz
naburg,, Threa-.Uat 7 and 64, coloured Thread.
Bf ° 16 ' P J* 5 ' 3 **> 4. 4 i-a «nd 5 lb.
London Pewter aObrtbd in casks, Tin, and has
J " c f' v <; d b X the Uta arrivals a general afTjrt
raent of Woo lent,
10 ino. 8.
T)E IT REMEMBERED, That on the nd day
J of August, in the nth year of the
dence of the United States of America, William
Young, (B.okfellcr,) of the laid Diftria, hath
depouted in this Office, the title of a Book, the
rig it whereof h: claims as proprietor ; in the words
following, to wit.
" Essay on Political Society."
IN CONFORMITY to the adt of the Con
grcf* of the United States, inti'uled " An
Aift for the encouragement of learning
I SEAt -] b >" securing the copies ot Maps, Charts
ano Bo»ks to the Authors and Propri
efors of such copies during the times
therein mentioned "
Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania.
feptember i* »aw 4 w
District of Pennsylvania to wit:
BE it remembered that on the Tenth day of
July in the twenty fifth year of the Indepen
dence of"the United States of America, Alexan
der Addtfon of the fiid Diftria hath depnfitM
in this oiHce the title of a book the right where
of he claims as Author in th« words following
to wit, " Reports of cases in the County courts
of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of
Errors and appeals ofthe State of fennfylvania,
and charges to Gr.wd Juries of thnfe County
Courts. By Alexandur Addifon, President of
the Courts cf Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir
cuit of the State of Pcnnlylvar.u."
In conformity to the art of Congress of the Uni
ted States i-ritlM ' ? n aft for the encouragement
of learning by f,-curing the copies of maps cl arts
and b >ofcs to Authors and Proprietors of luch
copies during the times therein mentioned."
Clfrl zf tie Dijlr 'ifi of Pt'anfyl v ania.
Ihe above l ook is now pubtlfhed It will be de
livered to lubfcribert by Mr.Dobfon Bookseller.
July 2}
August 4tfi, 18co.
: HE commanding Officers of corps, de
tach ment«,pofts, garrifma. and recruiting
parties, belonging to the military rfiabli<hraent
«r the United States, are to report to, and
receive orders from Brieadier-Ceneral Wil
k'nlnß - "> thf City of Waihingtßn, and all
officers „,I furlough are to report themselves to
trie ume officer with all possible dispatch.
Secretary of War.
t? AH Printers within the United States
wh.» have publi&td invitations for contra&s of
the 13th of March last are requeued to insert
the above in their refpedtive papers, once a
week for tw® months.
To be Sold
Sept. 19 2awtf.
To Printers.
AorVo T' L 0 Pnmer> 6
It? c, "' e of mio ' :s ™d
M a l> s , mn < le V er s , ~ recommended, '
Di:. HAHN's
slnti-bihous Pill},
have been attended with a degree
tor', f cr ' 3 h:l ? h 'y gnteftj] to the inven
s flings, m leveril parrs of tbe Weft In
dies,anH the fm.thern parts of the United State;-
partiruhrly ~, Diltioiore, Petersburg, Rich,
mond Norfolk, Fdenton, VVilm,„ pt ,
on, Savannah 1 . & c The teliimony of a ftßm .
berof jjerfoMS .n each of the above places can be
adduced, who have reaf f)n to bdieve that a
timely us« of th s salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, prekrved their live., when in the
molt alarming circiimftances.
Fails ofthi. conclusive nature speak more in
favour ola medicine, than columns of pomp ou »
eulogy, founded on mere afT-rti n, C ouM do
I ,nd " l prrffmptuoufly proposed is
an infallible cure, but the inventor has everv
poflib.e reilnn, which can from exteafive
experience for bel.evingtbat a■dofe of th'efe pills,
-<aken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of o-xr annuaf hilicn, fevers, will prove 5a
infallible prevehtauve , and further, that in the
earlier ftagts of\thofe diseases, their use will
very generally succeed m reftorrmg health and
frequently in C a!« efteeraed dc-fpera,e aad bey
oriri the power of cottimon remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfeilly mild
ana maybe ufvT with fafety by persons in every
| situation aod of every age.
They are excellently adapted to carry offfu 1
perfluous bile andpreveni it» morbid fccretions •
to rel ore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perfp,ration and thereby prevent cold*
Which are often of fatal consequence. A dose
never tails to remove a cold If taken on its firli
appeiranee. They are celebrated f >r removing
habitual coftivenefs, ficknefsof the lUmich and
levere head-lc+ie; and ought to be ttken by all
perlous on a chinge of climate.
They have been found remarkably efficacious
in preventing and curing most difurders attend
ant on long voyage?, and should be pror Ure d
and carefully preserved for use by every feamat,.
Genuine Eye-waier.
A certain and fafc remedy for all difeafae of the
eyes, whether th(? of natural weakness orof
accident, f r eedily removing de
flexions of rheum, dullncfs, itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing to cure thofc maladies »<hich
frequently fuccced the small pox, meaflps and i>.
vers, and wonder ully flrengthening a weak feht.
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived of fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet ciifco»ered whichgivesim
mediate and lading relief in the mot! fsrere in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of erery kind ofhead-ache.and of
pains in the face and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicirre-has n fV -er laikd, in manv thoi
sand ca'es not one m a hundred has harf occasion t«
take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure
is not performed.
No. 17, South Secand Street,
And na where rise, in Pbiladtlphia.
Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
D-jfttoyißg Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir f or
coughs, &c. Restorative Dr»ps, Effcnce anil Ex-
of Muflard, -overeign Ointment for the Itch
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In'
dian Vegetable Specific for the Vener=:l com
plaint, Gotland's and Herfian Lotian, Reiloranve
Tooth Powder, Damask Lip Salve, Church's
Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills, &c. &c,
ap"' 10 m it
Ibis Day Published,
By J. Osmbod, No. 41, Cliefnut Street,
(Price 1$ Ctn-
Death of General WaJhinvtoß.
In imitation of th» manner of OSian.
My Rev. John B. Linn, A. M.
Minister of thc'firft l'rcibj terian Congregation
Philadelphia. i
Mr. Chsudroo's Oratien will be published
on Monday morning.
Mi>rch 15.
A Runaway.
ON 'aturday theijd Augu.a, rat) away from
the rubfcribjr, living in HirrifljUrgh, an
apprentice ro the printing business, named Benja
min (Vforrifon, a la,l ot about 16 veari of aie
small of stature and very ailire, DtoU hair anSW
a smiling countenance—Had on and took with
liim a calico coitee, a pair of trawfers »f nearly
the fame, a pair of common nankeen ditto, and a
homespun lye coloured rtriped ditto, and L fbrrt
jccketol the fame, with a new hat—<\ll perfji.s
are forbid harbouring apprentice at their
peril. Reasonable charg •» will tie p i | f, )r
ting the boy, so that Ins nlagtcr may get him
Harriffc-jrgh, Sept. I
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Offi ce of the Gazette of
the Uriited States-,
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