scen£, The Ii&JioRA Oyf /lis? Or:-, L-fh, ami R ds, T— C--e t vfniling. I't oik* appears a tace will Spectacles. on which there is a perpetual nni a'ghaftly smile ; this countenance appears a ■cf- 7uv c iRJiIERS of this Gazette, ,a melaml. 'ly -attmv.W by a /. Atricth forbidden either to on winch lie Paint's Ai>e of ileafon, Vol have been sWVy Prmwef # A Leuew to EtoU sell or give away, any oft,. f P > an j the ccon)p |ifl,~J U-tter writer ; his n^i and should the Editor detect, or re- tab , e , I)is , m a «r»fp. ceilw information of any person at- • wiU) by which he was nominated tK p ">* urntrng #«*» he subiect, and they ivta confer an , thl ,, lt ,„- t v e my w,.i..wir«e. ibligation on The Editor. Aad WeToVde^s. gVj" It is requeued that Gentlemen « n' to's dark and dreary fliade» of death. fte oerkfted by Garners, wt not ptr AliS i my |, )vet my fwe-tcti Jew mit teveral day« to elaple without giviiv- n - u wor , : y „ u d , aw your breath, formation of fi-ch noaledt ; but iir.mechate.} Vja lwll; , w ro .„y :Mi »u ---rive notice. Thsy shall I* ferveu re- ,'ne. a»compU ui'i|<«f thy «u - , ' ' - I .It*, he journey. Uft tow'rt.Plu-^ ;ularly. i;) j t ; rc . ir y ui death, to'i di- !c, &c Gazetta of the United btates. m'tAT KV»sliaG« »C'OO»X THE GRAND QU IiST.ION ST AT F.D- At the piefent 101-irm and momentous epoch,! the only question y> be a feed y ev ery American, Lying his hand on his heart, is, " fhsll I continue in to GOD- \ND A RELIGIOUS PRESIDENT; Or iitipioufty declare for JEFFERSON— AND NO GOD .. . To Reavers and Correspondent's. The well written and serious Efoy, with the si*. at>l re of « A Baptist," has'been re ceived, and' Vead with fatisfaftion. Nothing, but the throng and press ot our communi cations, h« prevented its insert.on. Ihe author may fly on our attention to his favor. Duane promised, long since. to fay fame- , thin? about several ihoufand dollars, belong ine toth- United States, in the hands of P.°Edwar s, Attorney of the United for the Dilfri-k of Connefticut. Pray, i Duane, do you omit mentioning the lnbject, becaiife F.dwards has become an arrant Jaco bin ?-Do you consider plunder as law ul in such a wretch of a Democrat, ot theft monies as being to be accounted for to 1 homas Jefferfon Sc Aaron Burr ? For tbe Gazette of the United States. To TENCH COXF, Eso. One of th« intended revotutionhry S cretaries of the Tre-fury qf the United StEtes, &c. &c. &c. AS 1 am (till at much at variance with j my quoad ;m friend Tom the 1 inkei asever, ( T ,f.i> lad to fe= your aniwer in the Philadel- i phi i to Tom's attempt at an epi- j cram in the following 1"V»> which to the disgrace of the prels have r;un through molt ot the papers of the continent. Says Duinc to Coxe, Sir, y»u werethe 1 «x. Thit led us fcoth into thu trouble, Whoo»t the K ub by dcuying i»* "" lh ol " cm,,rrt * • n 1 d thf v " yc o**l] have the Doj comptruly under the fetch w»y>< l'irft I fct to V*afting-00, Then rroflinsr o'er to Howe Sir, I figu ed 10 w''* l Hamilton Ana with Hit honor now Sir. After this we. will obtain a I;,w t0 P revent the little rascally brats of Children from sing ing i< about the and th.n O how po«r Tom will br mortified. Yours as much ns ever, Tbe Chirping Cooler. For the Gazette of tie United States. MR " CAS I 1N T G my eyes over the paper ; few days fmcc, I difcnvered » Proclamauoi Friend. llr.-x xo the !, ••rr.itfliip. Having. pei>u .. t ,.. people think thee void of fenle like.been long in feirrK of an office,and not unfit Vor pu hlic confidence, having (\"K*n ce.t:fieates, nor been conwftec at theft. I had tender tf[ T „ worth and tale..,, fooTs are blind II" »y iijniM * , r mi no the opportunity which p«" c umn ' 0 ,j , rt ..) feats, my abolition-lc>-emes, fer.-d, , . f . .1 .vin, Mofonry, refute luch dreams. •i A-.'d though JII e . f , i , tro< l i'ie f j'u-ndid field-, of war, M , f .," i w... '">■ •*« s3^v ji..v. e fTo tell i -er Ta e m Rhyi-e Friend. relying on the known and acknowledged f , v hy didst thou drav . mercy, jufV.ce and humanity ot a great man B»*. » toove 1 >"k t!:e err us "t tnt ; poc. ; c,h fn.fion b , et , o f t he Wl.i&ey-howlc bv on:, den grea:r.eU ot the atte-ipt. do more than call their rulers s he f bjeft Have chc ten and the Hyle I have ad; pte :, hear some resemblance to the tht . e , r jfc the government t'oppofe foil-v.'ii g pathetic ditty, _ Bloomji ld. „ u' h ,, e ',-r with ' 1 v,eW . Twa < p0 o U l«r then to check fedition'sgrowtl •Th'« dun,;*•>«*" 1 m rol u fc-n, , 1 j t . ( violate ny wSftudird' the U- 'Twas flattering also, Jerky's lons. to, le«d If.u,.ht tiie honour, right, oi .vio k, niverfity of G u r.gen." V . ,„ r y Mw . his ExceHen- j c ) aw o U r'd loud Vamlt Gallatin and Co. fI,C r H W-niflratioti has formed to him- A „d c*H'd each Whiffeey-Boy a deadly foe. 7' l h ' i "'■ |...t J know ol',) hut has ;. , M Ealt-juiry, a. whirH a ! an oiininal yet he wiU trcus pr , C effion was made in honour or ..-is rA " that few minds are formed like his, po !i u , a l weathtr-cock. ' u' in the formation of original f A feat in Congress. i Thi«e ey-s are of an atom hue, They fparkla a« the morning dew . Thou'rt ch*ftr as Queen E izabeth, Thou'rt gentle a« *ld ivladam Ju nq— air a» (he vho reigrsin P!« to's d irk an 4 dreary (hales of deatn, to's 'iark and See. [Looks at tbe Wall.'] I'll bore a hole, like that one thro' VV'nic.l Pyranius felt Thifbe's breatb, Thro' thin, fwect Widow, I to you W .1 ligh an 1 Sng. " Ah! love me do, 'Ere iWp despair fcnd» me to Plu to's "ark snd dreary flladts of deatn, to's dark and &c. If yu will li!l«n to me thro* Tim Hole, I'll waste my Irift breath, Tn telling how 'hat I'll be true. How pleas* d thy Benny's tridc pWfue, Tiil time ftiall lend me down to Plu to's dark and dreary lharfe* ol deatn, to's dark, &c. Rif.-s, from the Table and beckons to the figure with Spe£Ucles, wt.o brings him a THE CABSAGING TAYLOR. For tbc Gazette of tbe United State'e Mn. Wayne, If y u thing thi following dialogue worthy of a place 111 your excellent paper, pleale to publilh it, a n d oblixe AC then of West-Jersey. JACOBINISM ILLUSTRATED ; A EtILQCVM Bet#reti Geucral B- 1 > *»d hil fiiend Friend. SAY, fay, why art thou folly's (1 \vc • Whv in the 'dens of fa&ton dost thou rave ? Rloomfield. The fiend ambition has my fowl poffefT d, And all the J .co labours in my breatt. ; On Howell's downful fcladly would I rife ) The means regard not, so I gain'd the prize. F' tend. But «hy recur 10 falfebood's dirty ways, And Ihun the road which leads to honell praifc ? Bloomjield. The p*th of " uth I,vr trml ts>olon & 111 va,n And hone ft fame have long defpairM to gain Friend. The popuhr favours hart thou fought with And F® v " d by ,hy c And- t'mg'd Anient* ■with ' Bloom field. If all theft ills from niv pursuits flionld flow, The State, not T, must aftfwer for the woe. In Cong re is seated, had I been their> For honour's caule I (liould hate raifa my voice. But four'd by grof? neglea, I've quit m frr"d», , , And t'rrk in faft'.nn to obtain my e.ids. Better lite E.roflratusJ i;*i» a °' ln,e However I afe, thai. Tint unknown to fame. Rrttir to iVir ti;c ob)rc\ ot (h^race, Than live ilrvoiJ of p''wer an pace, <5 The injury wV> h-r.-t rte ® ! piam at lphcC«f.rJ»at hw name might be hai down t?) \ ofler.ty. For'the Caxette of the United Slater. —No. I.— ». The ore of this preat nation i, upon my min i.irt «icatinn» »>e >« ucl ' *"* ist y ind jhrm AT a time wWi the melancholy tru.l has become indubitably cvideat. that Frencl politics an J philosophy arc gammy; g,ea afc.'ndancy over tl.e minds of I pori.on o our deceived f.llow citizens ; when the fp. tit of fafti is becoming more and mor, prevalent and .he feeds of d.fcWd are W Linging up amt-ng us; it behove, ever, man Iha has the welfare of h,. country a: heart, and who does not defi.e to behold tin overthrow and d.flruftion of our prefen virtuous government, to come forward anc exert his efforts (however feeble) to aver that blow, which will eie long bettruck a D ur constitution, our, and our na tional hapci'.ef*. ' The dif. ontents which have been fowl with such malignancy among ou deluded countrymen, render every exert,or necefTary, to disabuse all those, whufe en joyment of the unexampled bleffipgs America has long aff.rded them has bee. trail-formed into a f»ur fp.nt of d.fatiffafti on, by the mufi unblushing abatement, and the faffeft theories- To conjure ufi fidtous grounds of com plain, in the boioms of those who confef then happy and content ; to enerval, the principles and fp.nt upon which ou government was originally t Introduce into our couutry French fyttem. succeeded by a Ungthened tram of revolu lions, infurreftionsand n in fhor to affeftatotalfu verf.on of the Atretic . government, are the man.feft ...tent.o„. o fhat party, who have long annoyed on country with extravagant and theoriVs, which if 'educed to wonU be attended with the most fer.ou. and awfu consequence*. Unlefa V Little d»ubt however, is entertain ed tha a very refpeftable majority will range under the federal ttandard at the ensuing notwithflanding the infidiou: (tempt of J Ja co in Club in an adjacent dijir.a to create a dt vifwnof the forces »f the fr, ends of oruer and liberty• CHARLESTON September 24: Yesterday the brig Comm«ce, Bowo., anchored at Fort Johnton, from St. Mar un s; wher: (he had been earned in by a French Privateer. _ . . The D uphin captain Wallace, for th . port, failed from Gravefend on the 20th 01 JU cV Rogers, of the khoon.r Hiram., which arrived yesterday ; Ne^ Yor f' informs, that on the evening °fSunday, thj , 4 ,h being then between the Capes oi Virginia and H.ttera., a gale of wind cafcc on fU northward and ea ft ward, and after wards changed to the northwest. whtch - led until the T,efday tallowing, t« oMock, He represents it as one of the ™ j dous he ever experienced. Ibe whole o his 1 wer fails were fpht to, pieces, and he thought his only fafe y would be m endeav oring to reac'n t lie Bahamas. On the 17th being then wlat 34 £ lonp 72 he fell in with a Swertilh brig har ° P in tow the brig Eli.., Bunker, fuom Savannah bound to New-York, 20 day. out. In the above-mentioned gale, capt Bunke had been entirely difmalled, loft two me« f!! p plied W him «ith beef, bnad, and oihe. Ze , which he was depute of. Jbe !wed lb brig was bound to Norfolk. where Jintended'to take the El, Z a ,f the we. her would admit of his keepwg her ow. < for sale, OLD Long Primer, Snail Pica on Pica Body, «#. SO Apply tc the Printer. ' MANLjtJS. TO THE ELECTORS Of the City and County of Philadelphia. Gentlemen, , HAVING at a former ele&ion met with considerable encouragement, it induces me again to offer tnyfelf as County Commiffion cr at the next ele&ion, in the room of Jacob Souder, whose time then expires ; (hould l through yaur fuffrages obtain said office, it will be my endeavoilr to perform the duties thereto annexed for the public advantage. JOHN KEEN, | Green Street, Northern Liberties. I oaober 9. 3 l th - fr - fatr " TO THE ELECTORS Of the City and County of Philadelphia Gentlemen, . On a former occasion I experienced a tei timony of your confidence, and friendfhip by your votes for the Office of Sheriff—— Now in a more advanced stage of life, and encouraged by a numerous body of refpeft able ciiiztns and firm fr ends, I again apply for your votes and interest at the next elec tion—Retting my charader through \}fe, a i security for a faithful performance of the duties of Office—Should I be fuccetsful or not in my application to your friendfhip, ori the uccafion, 1 (hall remember with gratitude yonr peonage. Wm robiNSO N. Oflober 7. dtE ■ 1 ' f ■ ~~ ~ New-Theatre. FRIDAY EVENING, October 10. Will be prelented a Comedy, called The Road to Ruin, Mr. C">oper,—Sophia, Hp E Wrftriy -Goldfinch, Msfr. Bernard—Widow War ren, Mrs. Shaw. fu which -will be adde,d, a much admired I Grand Dramatic Romance,, CALLKD Blue Beard ; OR, F E M A L F, CUR lO'S IT Y. Abomelique, (Blue-Beard J Mr. Wu ren—Fatima, (bctro hid to Blie- Beard) Miss E. Wcltrey. g? B*x, ore dollar. Pit three quarters of a dollar. And Gallery, half a dollar The doors of th" Theatre will open at halt past five and the curtain lif« at half pad fix o'clock. ~ , , $y Gentlemen and Ladies are requeued to fend their servant* to keep places in the boxes at a quarter pad fi»e o'clock. , _ I Places in ihe Vies to l»e nltenat the iffice in | the frost of the Theatrf, from 10 till I o clock, and from 10 till 4 »n the days of performance ! Ticketi to be had at H and P. Ric shook store, I {Jo. 16, South StcondStr et, and at the office ad» joining the Theatre. On M nday, Ihe ORPHAN ; or t TheVnla' py 'Mariiage, in which a Young Gciitlrmaii wil 1 make his first appearance on tbis, and seco-J "J Stage ; with the SPANISH BARBER. Just Received, And for We at the Office as the thladel phia Gazette, and at A. Licims's Book- Store, opposite Christ Church, »n ifitereft ing iiPmjihlet, enticed, the . Voice of Warning - - TO CHRIST IA VS, ONTHEENSUING ELECTION OF A President of the United States. Blow the Trumpet in Zion—Who is ou the Lord's tide? [Price 12-i- Certs.] Oflobe' 8. * Landing At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam MokifFes, Of an ex..Ue«t quality, In hogfceads, tierce a»4 barrels, And about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, Fas Saie bt Wharton fc? Lewis, No. Us,(outh Front Oreet. tu tn la ti oflober 9 A HANDSOME EDITION , OF LINDL.ET MURRAY'S English Grammar, an appendix, [Has this Day beenP^j^' b b y Dickins, opposite Chnft-Churcb, Philadelphia. [Price One Dol!ar>~\ Oftober 7. £OR SALE, \ PRINTING PKESS complete, iV OKI Long Pr|r< ;r, Small Pi" on pica body (>¥'* inc I p ta a °' j Engl'ifb, (two fmill founts) one, F-ar c , &c* f Iro h work of apr nfmg press, & They will be fold cheap at The office of the PW ° f l * e Un,K States. V -• * r '■ -yj i \ . .i.