Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 09, 1800, Image 4

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Landing fro a ihi sbiji America, Wr.Ht.
Sims, C immtiiiilrr, f r urn (.anion, roit A'.Jte nr
Souchong, ift fcind quality,
Caper fttuchon'gj
1-lyfon-lkin, WEAS,
T ..nkay,
Hylon, itt & id quality,
Yellow k white nankeens
Lutcftring9, back & color'd (In Bnxet
Sinlbawt do. ( auurted,
Satrifis do- J
Luteftriugs, m.iz. blue 4 dark green Jn
Sinfhaws d-i f Voxel.
Persian dark green J
Tbey have also on band for sale, rectkedov
the la:e arrivals from Europe, isfff.
1 Infmal! pick-
Striped and checked ginghams | agf« *ff .rted,
White ttgnred & color'd Muf- | calculated ior
lmettr' !><he Weft-In-
White corded dimities J dia market &
Color'd (ilk, ftripc-d Nankeens | entitled to
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed Calicoes,
* do. dy. , , ,
I Bales Teir.e t a !ne f Entitled to
10 eafas English China u*re, Cdnwback,
in tea i'ttts J
6 Calks mineral black,
I do. white,
jo do. colcothcr,
3 Calks purple kfß#(,
35 do. nails nT-ried,
9 do. Londca porter in bottles,
Englilh failcir.vas, No. I, » & I,
Ruflia duck,
n B >xes w!■it-: Ha< anna fug-ir,
I j Pipes old Madeira wioe,
Empty wine battles,
jo Guns, 6 pi-uuden,
la do. 9
l 8 do. 9 do. with carriages, kt,
ago,tco'.bs. Caribou crffie, ill )
(Entitled ti pepper f'lnwback
10 L-gs eboi.y J
No, 3g, North Front Street,
Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, Brass and \
Japaii'd Ware*, 5
6J 81! roJ 1 - 1 and sod flit point nails,
German Sieel,
afPirted in cases,
Pistols, g'lnn and flints, &C.&C.
t»epti 1 r tier 11
Saulnier 8c Wilson,
No. 63, North fide Market-flreet,
HAVE a general aff.rtment of heft London
fuperfine Broad Cloth, and Caffimeres, (of
the newest faftiion) filkttripeand fecood quality
Cloths, faftiioniblv waiOcoititig, tilk (tripe and
twiil'd NaukeeM, Jean. Fullian, Gingham, Dimi
ty. Thiekfet, fancy Cord, V.lveM, ftparlet. yellow
«d white Flannel., Flanders, lri!h and brown
Linens, Dowlas, men.' and women, lilk and
cotton H'>Cci y coat ar.d veil pearl, S" 1 ?n '
plated Buttons, different eel ur»Silk Velvets, tam
boured and Cambric MufliriS, CaKcoe., Calim.n
coe«, PhiWll, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves
Checks, &e &c. .
N B Taylors' best quality Trimmings all
-which they will fell very low.
Julv j'B dtf
George Davis,
N». 1 q High-Street,
Per Adriana from London,
A few Trunks and Cufes of 4 4, 7-8 Sc 3-4
Irifti Linens,
Gentlemen's, Youths, and Boys, Fine
Which be will Tell on tr.oderatt terms, at
a reafoiiiii'.le credit.
feptcinbi- r 21
No f to 8,
for sale by
Ebenezer Large,
200 boxes ftiort pipes
hk>U« Inr the sp«oifc Market.
oWm.tnh.tß Im«»ef»7w
HAVING opined a Store at No. 19, Dork
ft/eet, for the tranfafliig all mariner of bufi
»ef« in the Mercantile line, on rommifTion, f -
lici's the t of bis friends and others,
in this way, as'heir FaSor, alTuilcg thern that
their oniers fmll he carefully attended to and
executed in the heft manner in h_s p<*ver.
Bn. F. WE!* 1
fep- e ___
Stop i hicf!
THIRTY dollars reward.
Ran- WA'V frcm the Snbfcriber, on Sunday
»Bth intl. late in the evening, ar indented
MuUtto 3«y,aged t77«r S . the name
■A fofeph Brown, faying himfelf to be from Lan
caster or that nfefghbcifeood ; he is fliff set, has a
round face, ftort bair, Urge mcuth fait,n R eoun
ten ce, dull (pcech, b>g han-J> and fcet an<l he
has no beard. He may dress him:elf a gen
teel coat of lipbt drab colour, wt.te button, aad
bl«;!c cap? He wears a good round black hat.
HeTasftoUn :rom the fubferiber upwards of ico
dol'arß incalhand value of other Whoe
ver will sprrchend and secure him with as much
v , lye about rum will rcc ive the above reward,
an -I 10 dollars if tie young villain can only be
brought to cond:gni-« p , SCAU3|
m&w tf
Ma. ya SMtfe s»rrct.
_ __ "J'P
r*k fvtusuim, hr iu*scif l tT'rio#\
The Works
of THE
Hon. jaracs "Wilson, Efq- L. L. .1)
L one of the Associate Justices of the
Suf re me Court of tke United States and
Prcjrssor at L<n~v in the College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
Frocu the original marmfetipt, in the poffelli'on of
Bird Wilson, Esq,
conn rricxs.
Thrfe worki lliill be eleg-intly printed in two
volusib* ofUvo, lot) ruMcitlin It
fi*ed«llari .
Tl>cy ft>»" br r at '° F r ''* 11 '° en *' 1 loorcriff
tloDi will jutti'y the cipcnct of f»MieatiOn,
Sttisciij<tians will be receivedby
The puMifher, oppnfite Chrifl-Churcb, Ftila
de!phia; and bj the principal bookiclUrs thruogh
out the United States.
*„* A rr-jfpeilus of the werk may be fsen at
th; place of fubfeription.
fepttm' er ti §
I-'HF. undermentioned Certificate! of Stock
of the Ba-.k of the United States, viz.
No. 3&04, dated (li July 1796, for ten fliires
"in the naiae of Chirles Lovegrove of New-
No. »j3t« —No. »53«. (l*ted ill July,
1796, for five (hires each in the name of
Sarrjh vVedirewood of Etruria.
Nn. »oßcß—No. 19809, dated ift January
tßoo. tor ten (hares each, m tha name »f Henry
Wlddmgtori, Merchant, London.
Notice is hereby given,
Tha' application is intended to be made at
the fa id Hanlt by the l\,bfciib«rs, for aienewal
of the of which all perloni concerned
are ream-fled to take notice.
Philadelphia, July 10, 1800 mw< 11"
Twelve Shares
Of the Bank of the United States,
NO. 15951 to 159ft.'1 inelufive, in the nam.' ot
Thomas Mwllrtt of London, were forward
ad about the 111 or May 1797 • fror » New-York,
by the (hip Oneida for Loudon which was cap
tared by the French, and said Certificates led . r
dcltroyed ; therefore application is made at the
fail! Sank for the renewal oi the fame, of which
all persons concerned are desired to tike notice.
Clement Biddle.
Philad : September 3, 1800 d 3 m
A PERSON poflefling some capital, KOHfi
derible lhare of induilry, and dcfirous ol
engaging at a partner in a lucrative b"jfitieft,
m.'.y hear of a Stuati ■«. All pr->pofals -n this
fiilijeil to he in writing, sealed *nd direfted tu
W. K. J New York, and left with the printer
of the Gazette of the United 3tate«, will be at
tended to.
8" V A Printer would find it to tils arfv?ntige
Jrjie 5 • drf
OF abilities, inregrit" and experience in
mercantile bufinefi, woald willingly en
gage as CLERK to a merchant or publis of
* e, or ne concerned with ar:y person as patt
ner, at he has an !ntercftot about one thou land
poum'.s in real ellate in tl e city. Pleale to ap
ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the offiec
for B Y. will be attended to imr eJiately.
Mavto mftth tf
A CERTIFICATE, No. 15J»9- d « ,ft J an "
uary 1797, in favour of Robert Limlfay, of
Chartcflen South-Carolina, for one ihare of th;
Rock of the Bank of the United State, is loft—
a duplicate of which viH be applied lor at the fuid
A Young Man,
PERFECTLY «rfed in Mercantile aecoonU,
to* tnovght up in eo« of tke ftrft coveting
bo«fc» in tM« -l»y. wifcet empk>y*:« >1 Cfc/k.
He i» »« prtfent absent from Philaditpbil, b«< a
li»e !«(• at the offite of the (incite »f «be Unl
ted Scicci he will receive, ao<i it kail be Jmme
diitelf attended ?o. StUty 1 letutdirf «bj«4
Employment bit inolife.
»m«(l \i j||
For Sale, or to Let,
In Cbesnut Street,
N-ar the oorjier of Elevnth street, at parent in
the tenure of Mr. A. M'Call— Pfiffeflion may •>«
had the irst of November next, or sooner if re
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two h»ndf»me dwelling
houses, with excell rt (tabling for feve 1 horses,
double coach-houfc mod completely fitted up; a
beautiful large and valuabla garden richly filled
wich- choice fruit, surrounded with high board
fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully
fituatC'd near the middle of Oennantown, fur
rcunded with rich profp*&s of the adjacent
c.Mintry ; an orchard oi abo».it two acres, with a
handsome lawn at the back of the house.
Or.e house hat been recently built oa an appro
ved plan; the other has been completely repaired,
fainted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new hcufe is well calculated so/ a store in
akber the dry or good line.
The air and water ire unriv.dl«d, and there are
some Tr.m\ excellent fchooli in the neighborhood.
Fo- vatticniart enquire of f')e Prinfr, or ef
1 Mk. potter,
on-the premise«.
IVfay q
Clock Ej" Watch Maker.,
To No. Market Street,
Where he haS for Sa'e,
Spripg and other Clocks ; tfold and filve
Watches: Tools, Files and Materials ; flee
nd gilt Chains, Seal* and Keys ; Springs,
&c. Sec.
*t a fail.
line i
treasury department,
IVnJhington September ijii l8oo»
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In purfaifnce of an a 8 of Congress, puffed on
the 23d day of April, one thousand eight
hundred, en I hied "An aQ It ejlalli/h a
Genii al Stamp-Office,"
THAT a General Stamp Office is now
eftabliflied at the feat of government, in the
city of Washington, from whence there will
iflfiie, from and after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, tinder whose management the
colleftion of the (lamp duties is placed) any
quantities of p?per, parchment and vellum,
marked or flfamped, and duly counier-ftamp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
arc demandable by law :
For every (kin or piece of vellum or parchment,or
flieet or piece o! paper, upon which (hall Ik
written or primed any or cither of ihe inftru
nieuts er writing# following, to wit,
A Dolls. C. M.
NY certificate of naturalizati m j
Any licence to oradlice, or certificate
of the adu-.ifiion, enrollment or re- c
giftry of any councilor, Solicitor
Advocate attorn**, or prrftnr, in 1
any court of the Unite I Sta'ei 10 1
Provided, that a certificate in any 1
one of !'ie courts tof he Ui ited '"tates, 1
for any one of the said < ffices, fhj 11 I
fofar zs re'atea to the payment of the
duty aforefaid, be a fuliicient admis
sion 111 all the courts of the United
States, for each and every of the said
Any grant or letters patent.under the
leal or authority et the United
States (except tor lands granted
for militai y fe'vices) 4 I
Any tiemjiiification or certified copy
of any l'ijrh yrant or letters patent
(except for lands granted for mili
tary litrvices) 1
Any charter party, bottomry or re
fpondentia bond 1
\vy receipt ordifcharge fcr or on ac
count '-t any legacy left hy ?ny
will or other teliimeitttry instru
ment, or for any Ibare or patt of
a psrfonal estate, divided by force
of any ftitute of diftri'-utions other
than to the jyife, children or jratid
children of the perf n diseased, the
amount whereof (hall be above the
value f fifty dollars, and (hail not
exceed the valiw of one hundred
d. Hars aj
■■ >'!ien th j amount thereof shall ex
ceed the value of tr hundred dol
lars, and thill m>t exceed fi\ c hun
dred dollars JO
And for every' further sum of five
hundred dollars, the additional
sum of 1
Aiy polic;- of insurance or inftru
nient in nature there f, when the
ft-.n for which insurance is made
(hall not exceed five hundred dol
lars aj
When the sum insured (hill exceed
five hundred dollars I
Anv exemplification of what nature
focver, that (hill pnfs the seal of
any court, o'her than such as it
may be the duty of the clerk of
such coutt to furnilh for the nfe of
the United Stites, or fbrae parti
cular state jo
Any bond, bill single or penal, inhnd
bill of exchr'g , pr'iniilTory
note or other note (other than any
recogrvzance, bill, b«nd or other
with the United States, or any.
state, or for (Heir use rel'pedlively ;
and ar.y bonds required in any cafe
bv the laws of the United States,
or of any Hate, up n I -gal process,
or in anv judicial proceeding, or fl.
for the faithful performance of any ol
truftorduty) y;
If abr:ve twenty do'lars and not g
exceeding one hundred dollars 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars aj
If above siva hundred and not ex
cc-edin;; nne th >ufjnd dol'ars JO
And if above one thcufand dollars 7j
Provided that >f any bonds ur K
notes (hall be payable at or within
fixrv days, such bonds or notes flnll
be I'ubjcA to < nly two fi'th parts of '
the duty aforefaid, v:z.
If above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
If above one hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars 10 1
If above five hundred dollars and J
not exceeding one thou r a:id dolls. ao / f
I'ahnve one thousand dollars 30 I
Any foreign bill of exchange, draft a
or order for the paymrn: of money 1
in any r orei, r n country 1
The said dvty being charge
able upon eich and every bill of ex
change, without reTpe<a to the num
ber contained in each set. '
Any note or bill of lading or writing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
goods or merchandize to be ex- '
ported ;
It from one diflntf to a .other dif
tiifl of the United Stnes.not being
in the fame state 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign pert or place le
The said duty being chargeable
upon each and every bill of lading
without ri-fpeA to the number con
tained to each set.
Any notes iflurd by the banks now
eftafeliOied or that may be hereafter
eftablifbed within the United
States, <ther thin the notes of
such ot the said banks as (hall a
gree to an annual corapofition of
one per centum on the annual di
vidend? made by such banks, to
their ftockh. Id.-s'refpedtively, ac
cording to the following scale :
On all notes not txceeding fifty dol
lars. for each dollar 6
On all note* ab >ve fifty dollars and
not exceeding one hundred dollars jo
On ill notes above one hundred dol
lars andnotexcctding five hundred
dollars 1
On all not<s alove five hundred dol
DJls. C. M.
Any jirouft or other notarial aft ij
Any letter of attorney, except tor
an invalid pension, or to ob'ain or
fell warrants for land granted by
the United States as bounty lor
mil.tary services performed in cfce
late \»'ir
Any inventory or catalogue of any fur-
Di'iire. g«eds or cfFeds, made in any
cafe n quired Vy law (except in esses
of goods and chattels rliflraitveil for
rent ®r taxe«, and goods taken in vir-
tue of any legal prnef» !>y any officer
Any certificates of a (hire in any infu
rince company, of a fhars in the hank
ef the United States, or of any state
or other bank ;
above dollars and not exceed*
ing one hundred dollar#
aheve one hundred dollars
under twenty dollars, at the rate of
ten cents for one hundred dollars.
That the power of the fupervifirrs of the
Revenue to mark or stamp any vellum,
parchment or paper chargeable with duty,
will cease and determine from and after fix
months from the aate hereof, to wit, on the
uft day of February 1801.
That, if any persons iliall, after the Uft
day of l'Vbrnary iSci, have in their cuflody
or polLffion, any vellum, parchment or pa
per, marked or damped by the fupernfors oi
the Revenue, upon which any matter or
thing, charged with duty, fliall not have
been written or printed, they may at any
time -within the space of sixty days after
the said last day of February 1801, bring
or fend such vellum, parchment and paper,
unto si me office of inspection, and in lieu
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and paper, duly stamped
in pursuance of the aft herein before recited.
And in cafe any perfori fliall neglett or re
fufe, within the time aforefaid, to bring or
cause to be brought unto some officer of in
fpetlioh, any furh vrllum, parchment or pa
;>er, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
thereafter be of rio other efleft or use, thai,
if it hid never been marked or stamped, and
that all matters and things, which may af
ter that time be written ar printed upon any
vrllul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in manner aforefaid, will be of no
other effett, than if they had been written
or printrd on paper, parchment or vellum,
not marked or (lamped.
And for the convenience of those persons
who may be inclined to have their own vel
lum, parchment and paper ftanped or mark
"d, it is hsreby peclared, that when any per
son (hall deprfit any vellum, parchment ot
paptr at the office ps a supervisor, accompa
nied with a lift, fprcifying the number and
denomination of the (lamps or marks, which
arr defirrd to be thereto affixed, the fame
will be tranfinitted to the General Stpam-
Office, and there properly marked or damped,
and forthwith sent back to the fame super
visor, who will thereupon collect the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order ef the peifon from whom the
fame was received.
Given under my Hand, and the Seal
(L. S.) of the Treasury, at Washing
ton, the diy and year above men
Secretary of the Treasury.
d hi.
fcptember 29.
Houses to Let:
ONE large convergent three-story Brick
Dwelling-House, with four rooms on a
floor, and two Kitchens } there is a pump
of water, and a rain wattr cistern in the
yard ; situate on the raft fide of Fourth-
Street, one door above Race Street, lately
occupied by Solomon Moroche.
A L3O,
A convenieut Three Story
Next door, but one, north ot' the above,
No. 57.— It has a Pump and Cistern in
the yard, &c. For term 9 apply at No. 116
August 4. Sep. 16 m&wtf
Fifty Dollars Reward.
R.\ls-A\VAY from Gen, Uidgely of Balti
more, «n the 10th inft. a light coloured
Regro ran, who calls himfclf WILLIAM
Mc. DONALD ; He is about 14 years of age,
about 5 feet 8 inches high, neat is his dress, and
has a good fait of hair. Hid on, wKen he
went away, a good beaver hat, a Ihort light
green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel
low gilt buttons—a light buff caflimer, double
breasted waiflcoat, a pair of dark olive colour
ed thickfett pantaloons —a white linen Ihirt,
white ribhed cotton stockings, and a good pair
of ihces with firings. He took with him a
dark blue coat, a pair of olive caflimer panta
loons, and a cmrduroy piir of breeches ;
also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel
chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso
lent, has a stupid l<»ok, and chews tobacco. —
He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and
purchafedof col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and se
cures him in any jail To that the owner may
gst him again, (hall receive the above rew3rd,
with reasonable charges if brought, or de
livered to jofhui B. Bond, Philadelphia,
may 1 ' dtf
THH owners «f unimproved lands in Wayne
county, are hereby norifirf, that Taxes are
become yayable thereon for the years 1T99 and
l8o">. Those who 1 have not already paid (heir
taxes, re hereby required to difchargc the fame
to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Treasurer f laid
County at Milford, within three months trom
this date .otherwise proceedings to sale, according
to the afl of Aflembly in such cafe provided, will
e had by the Comniiflianers for the ftid county.
Asa Stenton, 1
J?l/n Carton, V Comniiluoi.ers
Johannes Van Ettcn, J
E. Kcl.l.ocg, Clk.
July 9, ißco
d ?0«
For Liverpool or Bristol,
HAS good sccn-mimdations for
is now discharging her cargo from
!'ril>ol,an<l will be, dispatched with all convenient
speed —For freight or paflige apply to the captain
on board, at the next wharf above Market fireet
or to
Nq. 2tj, Market Street.
September 20. dtf.
On Wednesday,
X her, at lo o'clock in the forenoon, at Rofi
and Simpfon'sftore*, on the wharf between WaU
nut ilrett and the Drawbridge, in the city of Phi
ladelphia, will be fold by public auflion—
One hundred andJixty-nine bales of
East India Goods,
Here imported m the (hip ATLANTIC,
Captain William Waters from Cal
cutta and Madras, to wit:
a8l? pieces of Bmbhoutn Gurrahs
1700 pieces of Goldhead Mamoodies
<470 pieces of Fhoolpheor Copas
400 pieces of Hurial Hummums
500 pieces of Dacca Biftas
1100 pieces of Bor.nahead Mamoodies
(>OO pieces ®f Jalapoer Sawns
70 pieces of Nuictia Coffas
136 pieces of Nemdercanna Nanfoofcs
aco pieces of Nympfawky Coffas
tjio pieces of Kernah red Cloths
500 pieces of Collapatty Baftas
469 pieces of Chiitabatty ditto
457 pieces of I.ukcypoors
v J3l pieces of Hinial Coffas
414 pieces of Rlut Coffas
IJ9 pi ccs of Blue Gurrahs
464 pieces of Cafhmira Coffas
100 pieces of Kierabad Guzzenahs
17 pieces of Mulmulls
2 pieces of Nanfnoki
4 pieces of Dauamuflins
75 pieces of Chanducoma Handkerchiefs
478 pieces of TafTitie*
140 pieces of Silk Fullicat Handkerchiefs
200 pieces of Baudano ditto
1059 pieces of Cuddalore Ginghams
ic6 pieces of Nicka&ees
40 pieces of Long C laths
480 pieces of Madras Handkerchiefs
OF which the particulars will be publilhed in
handbills and the faleit-e continued daily until tho
whole are fold. The said goc.d< will be fold for
approved notes, at two, thr e and four month*
CLEMENT BIDDLE, Agmts for tit E. W
THOMAS M'KUEN, )■ dia Company of N.
« * The goods may be viewed for fix days be-
Jerctfce sale, v -y applying to
O&ub'T 5. 'dtJ ,
Indian Queen.
THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the
Public that he has taken that well-known
I in, the INDIAN QUEEN, lately kept
bV Mr. James ThoFnplun, and
folicita their patronage as well as the pat
ronage of those Gentleman who were ac
cuflomed to give it their support, assuring
them that it (liall be concluded on the f«me
liberal plan which chara&erifed it when
under the fuperintendance ot his predeceflor.
The houC- has undergone a thorough repair,
and it would be needless to observe to those
who know them, that the ft,;bles are, in spa
ciousness and convenience, unequalled in
Philadelphia, and the bed prevonder and at
tendance are always provided for horses, by
the Public's obetlient frrvatit.
Odtober i.
THE public are hereby inform d, that the Bal
timore Coachee will m future flart from the In
dian Queen, No. i j, south Forth street, every day
except ->unday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at.
Peck's Tavern, Baltimore, the n<*c day at 8 o'clock
aad the Stages to New York, will (lart every day
at 8 and o'clock.
N. B—A book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan
dler's Fratiklin Head, where l'eats may alto be ta
ken in the above line of ftagej.
oiftober 2
: _____—-
German Redemptioners.
NINETEEN remains - f tbofc, who came in the
ihip Anna from Hamburgh, and are willing
to serve for their passage
] Apply to
Jacob Sperry fc? Co.
Who have on Hand,
Remaining of late importations, and which are of
fered 011 reafenable terms, and the usual credit,
33 cases Eftopillas,
Forming a compleat aflbrtnaent ol Uni, Rayc
Avouches pt in and coloured stripes.
33; csfes cafforillo«s
1 ciles quadruple, filefiaa
3 cases bed parchet
I cafe Flanders bed ticks,B-4
10 cafu9 coffee mills, Nos. 00, to No. 6, aft
a cases Scythes
5 cales of double flint cue Decanters quart and
I «afe gill tumblers, and 1 cafe of Travelling
I cafe of quills, t cafe of common Icaling-wa:
September 17-
THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan
caster line ef Stages DISPATCH, return their
zrateful thanks Co their frirnds and the public in
genera 1 , for the pad favors they h»ve received, and
inform them that in addition to the regHhr Line,
th»y are provided with Carriages,fober and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and
Borosgh in two days. Thof-j who prefer this mode
of travailing can be accommodated Jit tV.e Stage
office, sign of United States Eagk, Market ttrett,
Slough } Downing isf Co\
j No*. 30. f 2t —9
• *
nr/ ' >, .
t * •
' V
d6t. jawim.