Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 09, 1800, Image 3

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    §y this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, Oftober 8.
Mr. Lang,
Enclol'td is a Document, tahen from the
" 1 rue Briton," a London daily nc\vyfpaper,
of the gth of July, an.d fenV to you for pub
lication, in hopes that it may h*v£ some ten
dency to check the prevalence of
DUELLING.and promote the indispensable
neccliity ps Naval and Military subordina
tion in all countries.
I am your constant reader,
Major-General Coote.
The following- is a copy of a letter sddrelTed
to M.ijor-Getteral Goote, on tlte occafi n
of his bringing- the Challenge ef Major
Arniiirong' Urfore a Court of [,;uv :
Horst-Gvards, July 25, iSocv 1
" I Have received his Royal Highness the
Commander in Chiefs directions to fignify
to you his Majesty's mod gracious approba
tion of your conduit in refpett to Mr. Arm
flrong, late Major in the i ith regiment of
Foot. His M*jefty considers the conduft of
Mr. Armttrong, in having endeavoured to
groand a perfenal quarrel on the evidence
which you g;ive in conformity to your duty
Ou your oath, before a General Court-Mar
tia!, as militating not less against the priix
ciples ef public justice than againrt the difci
plinc of the army. And his Majesty hat been
pleafcd to diredi. that it should be fignified
to you i:i the jlrongeft terms, that by having
had tecourfe to the laws of the country, en
this occasion, you have displayed a spirit
t uly commendable in a soldier, and peculi
arly becoming the (lation you hold in his
Mijelly's service, to which you have render
ed a material benefit, by furnilhing an exam
ple which his Majesty has ordered to be point
ed out as worth the imitation of every of
ficer u .;der similar circumltanees.
" ]t> order that his Mxjefty's fentinients
on this head may be generally known, f have
received his royal commands to transmit a
copy of this letter circular, to commanding
oarers, with diiedlions to cause it to be in-
Jlrted in the Books of Orders in their ref
pedtive regiments.
" I have the honor to be, si,-,
With much regard,
Your very obedient faithful ferv't,
Adjuta< t-Gencral..
J' To Major-General Coote, stc._"
College ofNew-Jerfey.
The public e immencement for sonfer
ring degrees in this College was held on the
24th of September The exercises of the
day were in the following order:
1 ft. Prayer by the President.
id. Latin Salutatory by Philemon Hunt
of New-Jersey.
3d. Englifli Salutatory by James Carna
han of Petmfylvania.
4th. Pcilcs l.ettres oration by George
Mifflin ot Pennsylvania.
sth. Mathematical oration by William
Gregory of Virginia.
6th. A duebffion of the following quest
ion :
I* tie immortality of the foul discovera
ble by re son unaided by revelation ?
Richard D. Bayicy, Virginia,
who maintained the negative ; Jacob Lind
ly, of Pennsylvania opponent ; Aneas W.
Skelton of New Jersey, replicator.
7th Oration on tbe Policy of etlablifh
ing a permanent Navy by the United States,
by Charles Fenton Mercer of Virginia for
the degree of matter of arts.
Bth. Oration on the inhumanity of the
Slave trade, by James Crawford of Penn
9th. A difcuflion of the following qurft
ion :
Among the duties of a free (late to its
citizens, ought public inftrudtion to be in
eluded ; —Robert F. Smith, of Virginia,
Respondent who maintained the affirmative,
John Bayles of N. Jersey Opponent, Phile
mon Hunt, of ditto Replicator.
10th. Oration 00 the immigration of fo
reigners into the Uuited Sates of America,
by B nj.min Palmer of S. Carolina for the
degree of matter of arts,
11 th Oration on the Nec ffity of Re
ligion for the prcferva ion of CivilXDrder
hy Frederic Beafley of N. Carolina for the
degree of mailer of arts.
t?th. 'Phe conferring of degrees—when
the degree of Batchelor of arts was confer
red on John Bayles, Richard J3. Bayly,
James Cevnahan, Arth.ur v 'R. Fitzhugh,
William A. Gregory Philtmon 'Hunt. I
Lindly, Benjamin M, Palmer, iEfleas W.
Sketton, Robert F- smith ; ;nd certificates
of honourable improvement in the Science
were also conferred on James Crawford,
Joseph Granier, and George Mifflin, men>-
bera of the Pme class. The degree of
matter ot rts, was conferred on David
Barclay, Frederick. Beifl y, Richacd L.
Beatty, Aaron Coe, Thomas Edgar Hughes
Peter Le Conte, Charles l enton Mercer.
Edmund. Mor ford, Jao bS. Otto, Matthew
Ferine, Jchn Peyton, Lawrence lUven,
Dennis de Ferr Reed, Richard Rufli,
John Brown Siemens, Samuel A. Stuart,
John Stoops, John Vanclsve and John
Watson Alumrii of this Collej'e- Ths
Rev. Asa
inafttr of arts in the College of Yale where
admitted#;/ tandem in this College Phe
,d; 3 ee of DoSor in Divinity was conferred
on the Rev. Levi Hart and on the Rev.
J,hn Smally both of the ftote of ConnedU
13th Vaeldietory Oration was the pro
nqur v'fd by Arthur R.Fitzhugh of Virgin
JtICPI!£OND, ► (Virg.) o£lab"r z'.
Heirii Mu: :',er'!
A n?oft crii 'l and i nli uiTia t ci order was .011
Sittiruy evening- faft, coininittr.l or, Mr,
VV ilham A]r:ictcVj a v . :nv i of
c«>un:y, as lie wis returning't > his
Other's from the court'-houfc vylwr?,d
beep that d.y on foins bafitiel'i: Perhaps
the barbarity exercised in This (liocki'n< deed
has bet 11 feMcim equalled—— for the blootj
thnOy •tff.irtin, more Tiip.ti'-ius than the car
nivorous beast of prey, • could not leave the
victim of Ivs wrath and vengeance', until lie
ha-< cut the thi->it from ear to ear ! after
Jfradluring the scull in Inch a manner as to
Snfure death. Ihe rootniflg following, the
hor!- belonging to this rfntorhifia-te young
nun, with fiddle, bridf" and (addle-bags on
hi«H» was dil'covered (finding in the road bc
l:de the bloody corpse of (lis nuft-r. A large
loaded horse-whip was found near the bodv,
supposed to be the weapon mads use of in the
commencement of this adt, which probably
may lead to the difcove'-y of the perpetrator,
whole name will hereafter fh >clc the ear of
humanity. Mr. Aluxander, for many years
had a&ed as drpirty clerk under his father,
and from his extrrmy capability, all the du
ties attached to his father's office, as clei kof
the county, devoKed upon him.
ALEXANDRIA, Ofteber 4.
General Gabiiel, lias arrived fafe at Rich
mond, and it is thought he will be exalted
to a Ration Come what higher than the one he
has hitherto he'd ; bat this unambitious pa
triot Teems rather anxious to wave the mat
ter, if polfible. After an involuntary, ai,d
we rather suspect difagrerable interview with
the Governor, his Excellency was efenrted
to the Penitentiary, where he is to wait for
farther ord-n. Notwithflanding the great
anxiety exhibited for his safety, the General
is laid to have manifefled the utmoll Qompo
fiire ; and with the true spirit ofheroifni
seems willing to resign his bi»th office and
even his life, rather than gratify the officious
enquiries of the Governor, which may en
danger the neck of his dark fatsllities.
NORFOLK, October z.
The guard ahicli carried Gabriel to Rich
mond, returned yeftcrday. Hr was com
mitted to the Penitentiary House, and we
understand is to be tried to-morrow, on
which day ten of his aecomplces are to be
An American of 36 guns has been seen
off tke Capes of Delaware, difuiaflcd.
Accounts are in town from Suffolk, men
tioning that an infurreftion had beeu medi
tated at that plate. It is fnid the cjrcum
flance was difcovercd by two white women
that lived with iim« negrues. A patrole
on Manday appie nei.ded the women, and
they were undergoing an examination Men
the llage left there.
We are requeued by frvrral subscribers to
observe that the firing' of iky rockets is both
dangerous ai:d improper. To tho|'e who
havi resided in St. Domingo it is well known
that the negroes at the Cape kept up their
communications with the plantations by
me. ns of (ky rocke's—we th refrire hope 'he
practice will be discontinued. An alarm of
fire Was caused the other evening by the
(tick of a rocket filling up,>n the roof of a
house near Catlierine-ftreet.
Octobm io.
Will be presented a Comedy,called
The Road to Ruin,
Harry Dornton, Mr. C ioper,—Sophia,
Mil's E.WrJt y -Go dfinch,
Mr. Bernard—Widow War
ren, Mrs. Shaw.
To '.vbirb will be added, a mticb admired
ffirand Dram.Tr Romance,
•i . Blue Beard
'OR, FEW Ail C V R'IQS I l'X
ffi»> -
' EeUrd/Mil*
e i-ii, .Tit'threa qairteri of a
Aod Uilleryt-fcilf a doffir. " 1 '
sy" The door» of the Theatre will open at half
pa It five and the curtain rif« at half past fix
£5" Gentlemen and I.adies ere requeued to
few.l their fervant-s to keep places in the boxes at a
quarter past fiveo'clock.
Places in the boxes to he taken at the office in
the front of the Theatre, from to till I o'clock,
and from 10 till 4 ®n the days of performance
Tickets to behad at H. andP. Rice's book {lore,
No. 16, South Stcond Street, and at the oflice ad
joining the Theatre.
|(ZP" Oit M nday, The ORPHAN ; or,
The Uniatpy Marriage, in which a Young
Gentleman will make hisJirst appearance on
tbis, and second on any S:.i o 'e ; with the
At Wain's wharf,
The Cargo of the brigEnterprize,
Surinam MolaiTes,
Of an ex.sliest quality, in hogfreads, tierces and
And ab,.,ut 40 quarter casks
Fox S.itF. nr
Whartony Lewis,
No I Js,!oulhFront (Irect
of.sber 9 tu ih (a tf
Gazette of she United States
PHIL A D Rl. P 'A J/i
TT.vnr.p*y. ► oc"VO<».tH 9
At the present I'T.\tmi and momentous
epoch, '.'lie only ltpsgJuon to be afk-d by ev
ery American, lav «g bis h.ipd nn his heart,
is, 14 (hall I c.mtioue in aii.'i'i-mce t»,
Or i'.npi>ufiy declare for ,
To Rf.nnF.Rs ash Cotursftami.KifYs
Various P,raj;raplis,- from an intelligent
file lid, will soon be cheerfully admitted.
Th' conclusive aiidenergetic article, head
ed '• vV;ir between the i United jS'tatet and
France," will appea, soon.
" Plutahcu':" political Pari-ellel is not
unworthy of his name like. It appears this
" Jacsbikism Illu«thatbd," a poe
tical <ii;iiopfur between a «if N'rw Jer
l'<y Pol it :r al Sinners, iia addition
to our ilocU yf latirc agaiufl tlie miferabie
Litkrauy Notitf;
We hear that Tom Cooper is preparing
for the Prefi, a digest of lbs BjnxrujJ Law,
with precedents Set. &t. &c. The emins'n:
.qualifications which the learned scribbler
derives from former experfenca and preleht
situation, julHfy the public expectation that
the propolfd <ii£eft will come perfect from
his hanJs.
We would hint to this learned recluse,
the great advantages, which lie, as well as
his friend*, miijlit derive from a complete
divert (in a cheap packet volume) of the law
ot tieafonj {edition, libels &tc. fcc, and the
other branches of criminal law, in which
he and they are moll frequently interefled.
His present retirement, is happily adapted
ior fuel) uiujeitakings.
•' G ve honor to whom honor is due."
We hive olten hard complaints of the
ingratitude ot repub! cs. We are happy,
in oppoliuon to them, to ft„te the following'
fad ; and to expicf* our mcft hearty ;ip
pl'tufe i thr- manner 111 which such Valor
li'i ■ cv.d Virtue li.tve been rewarded.
Joseph Bo -: jieU, Va or 6f the city of
Bu "In: .ton, .(faniom for Pork and Hinis)
adually plaiin'il -nd ltijerinteided the erec
tion of fcui or five butCliTS fliainbjes, in the
•liai:: llreet ITud city, on one from where
of is .in iiifet'ipjion to this effeft.
'' BrcftH O.i ■ ■ inri-if the Mr.yanr
alty of j. SKFH Efq.
We lieui that his worlhip, b.fides having
Bop'ributed h irdfomeiy to the.expence of
the inl'trif•tinti, proposes preiei>«i«g the town
with'a ftira stu/t, out of which his own
inm e will be hewn by an eminent artist,
and IfucJc 11 ■ lyofVtpontally over the roof, as
a tucjtberc <ck. Is is i happy,
th jo ti'ttU deserved cental:merit to tiie
individual may be t! mad* to contribute
to tli. c an I grjt Jlcstion of the
citizens gtuic-ivily.
It Is due id truth and to ' the charafter
|of Britt(h to ilate, '.hit the unfor-
I u.nate Mrs. C ;!dwel!, vvhgfe <i^at*h lirts beeu
| aicribcd to B iii b cruelly,, ' c! 1&y the l-.nd
ot a Mur- /> Count; fySUjitiji Tv I. n ; who,
doing* a.lknmiJh or-tween two finail par-i
tir*s, in the ui tke houfc
i wHm'c (n- lefidrd, dTi.i; (i'y il.ot her to
I ..i t i« r y .in o.c] i. nil ag r t !irr huiband.
| The murderer is now u\ 0 1 , hut, the
| perfoti to whom br rontVlTi"-! his guilt, fhor:-
, y be fare his death, y--c lives.
j Is Stephen Say re, Bloom field's Se
cretary,) tbe fame en, that, exhibi
ted a demand against uve United States,
for a large Aim ot moneys as a compenfjU
tioii for monies aJvanc**d «i)d services re fl
at red, (or aliedged, so to be) by him in~Eu
rope, with no other voucher, than his vwn
word and honor?
We believe that demand was refuted ;
was i: not Stephen ?
A letter received this morning by tlt(
Editor, from ?i geiitlemaii of iftformation i>
efforts of J'CobimTin will be lruflritetl.—
Our accounts Irorn every part of tlic Stat
are encouraging. lam o) opinion tlut oui
will be more feJaal tban U(
year. — Dzo. <;£f
The attention of our rtadsrs
to the in last eveniv. paper, eatraft
ed from the New York Gaz«tte, ill which
the pointy of'the p„-nJiijg negpeiatian be
tween the United States and France, are
ably dii'culTed, and the deceptive arts of
French negociators expdlgd. It IhouVl have
appeared at a mucf) earlier d-y, but in ex-
having an original inveuicja
rion, I'm) id a gentle man, wkofe ability, and
p'urt'utts«.qualified him for tlie '"Riffc, we de
clined for a period. The solicitation of our
friend*., and the merit of the piece itfelf,' in
duced Us it la ft evening.
Continues his whining, canting and hy
pocritical letters. Jn one puMidird in the
Aurora ct this morning, he t ilksaf hisn hm-
NKSS [what a bore] and bt'KFKuiNS [_biirt
for an ligbcr 'Jftce ; o [,e fe I olds does
not compensate bim fir bis S'.'FFERiUGsy
and fays they f*e in the ifiait the fort? jj'edifc
of hii future e.ertion. [ln the pah Jnd
"j '«-£Seni we fee a sure pledge ol his 'mini; in
fm,»us condufl.] But the heft of all is, lie
denies having a fled «u # or conducted \
or ESCOIITED the Bntifij arm;. TtKci-.-,
tliij ii too large to lie Avail.>wed «-ven bvvoui
Irifffjfl?, rrnny of u h :m sattf and in —• >-ou
when you etc rtrd 011 ivrfrback, the J},- ••//>
/Srmv into fhiS city. Deny bavin;.', join
ed the British and you pivt; the lie to v ur
Father. As to y<iur being one of the L'u :rd
of stfi!gers; you fay it is a mofl danger, u>
and criminal falfelloo'l an<J is really (hocking
It affects your Oeliecfi nerves, does it
TENCHE. Do you suppose *-that yam
word will disprove it ; why S r, your oath
would fcarcVly remove the fufjjic.iou ot its
being true, hut why Sir, do you n<fe.bring
fids .to prove its Lllit) ; there WAS a
(nan by tb ■ nam? .of Coxe-one of that
Board, and who so likely as vourielf. Nay
Sir; the gentifcnian who fiunilbed us with the
infonnati'cu laid it was YOU ; and until
fnir.c thing bttter tJfrtiyour word is produ
ced the IVigroa will remain where it has been
placed. While you are denying f'-itts, you
had better deny, fending the, jx>»r 'Negroes to
Santa Cruz, and felling them for Slaves,
while you were" Secreta'y of tie Abo'.iti.m
Society. This fa ft alone ought to damn yiiu
with every virtuous man.
For the Gazette of the United States.
perhaps there are no two men living
•■"lis (liquid be more anxious to live entirely
forgotten arfd unknown than Joseph Bloom
field and Stephen Sayre. The fir It cannot
move without betraying the extreme defic:-
g ency of his undemanding ; nor the latter
i, without difcoyering the depravity of his
> principles and wickedness of his heart. But
r as they have thought proper to put thern
t (elves in conspicuous lituations ; to addict's
t the people'on their political concerns, and to
n guide the public mind by fallhood, folly and
fnifreprifenutions, to thafc who do not know
■, tliem, a (li.irt (ketch of their characters mav
s be amusing.
v was formally years an attorney of the lowed
e grade in the (tate ot Mew-Jersey ; a down
h right prove 11) for weaknejs and dullitefe of i
. intellect. ; a (finding fubjef* of rid cule and
j jell. Being at length ;)bf. lutely and literal
ly laughed from the bir, he set up for a po
litician, and has been trying in vain to be
something ev< r fmce. As ih; county in
e which he resides is a Federal County, he was
therefore a Federalifl; and when, lately, he
,■ was a Cand date for Cingrefs, suspicions be
. ing entertained of thefound.irfs of his prin
ciples, be published a certificate to prcne
hit federalism. Among the fcderalills, h w
f ever, it \y»s impofJiMe- for a man of his ea
j pacitv to find preferment. He has therefore
. in hopes of better success, now suddenly d. -
- clared himlelf the leader of the Jacobins in
. Burlington county. Ash: is extravagantly
fond of parade, it is believed he was'dilau
. pointed in receiving no command in the late
military eftablilhment.
j is an open, avowed, and profane blasphemer
of the Christian Res vioil 'and of all religion ;
a vulgar and devoted d:["cip!e of Tom Paine,
with corrr ponding moral principles. He
' not long fmce averred in a public Hage that
he had no more- foul than the hotfrs before
it, and endeavoured, with great ingenuity
and kindness, to persuade the other paffen
_ | gers they were no batter. H-- has been heard
to fay, he woirtd rattef be caught with a
(lolen (lieep on his back, than goin£ to a
■ chinch or place of worlhip, a lioufe of fraud
and defection. In fh>*rt, it is in vain to
' .repeat the instances of his exprelllng I'enti
j ! me:m of this kind, ; as they form his common
5 and 4> ly c >uverf.iuon, in >ll companies and
'! at all times. For the further account of
_ : this t How, and" die manner in which he was j
amusing himfelf during our revolution, the i
reader is referred to a Book, entitled "
j moirs of Mrs. Beddeiy," where they will
j find him in the honourable flation of a kept ■
[ gentleman, and then running off and de- j
I (Vauding Sis keeper, who was the {aid Mrs. .
Beudely. PLUTARCH.
Gazette Marine Lift,
Brig Fame, Nii'.holion, New-York io j
[Ballall ; C. F. Rouffet j
Brig Morning Star, Skelley, Port Re- i
Litrle Maria, Thompson, Martinique
< Hope, Anderfoo, da.
Venus, Reynold*, Cape Francois
Ruby, Wrigley, Port Republican
S<;h'oolieV Sally, RamLo, from hence to
Havinnah, is wrecked on'the Little B .Una
mas ; part of the cargo is faved-fcy a New-
Pro.'ider.te wrecker.
Ship Roebuojc, Frazier, 22 days from Phi
ladelphia to London, ws Ipokiii Aug. 26th
in lat 47, 59. long 27, 4.
The floip Little Sam, of PhiJadephia w„s
spoke Sept. 13 in lat 35, 51, long 66 dis
masted and del'erted ; on the intide of the
canipanion was wrat, the crew had been taken 1
olTby the (hip favourite, Taylqr t -of 'Nat-j
BOSTON, Oflober 2 j
Arr\v;d, days J
Ship John and Phehe, Dyer, Liverpool 37
On the fame day,
Schr. ryftr-a,' Bahfon, Copenhagen 50
Schr. Rosamond, G1 fier, do. 63
Arrived the 3d of Oil.
Schr. Conclusion, Sair.nt, Lifhon 43
- Schr. George, Burroughs, Bi;b«u 37
Left thae, brigs Favourite, Rttft tor
Salem; Nancy, Baikcr, do with fevcral
other Americans. Sa led in co. Captain
Sam son, for Plymouth. .Sr|>f* 5, latitude
39" 3°> longitude zi, 3 3 fp ."lie Ic'hooner
Hope, twenty live day» from Boflon
Captain T Brown ia e of the fchoaner
Aurora, of Portland, came pifVnj;er in the
Swedift brig William, Cjptai- Motley, ar-
nvedat qaarar.tiue from St. BarU. a
The following lift <f prizes sent hui Cfjir.. ..
frmn July 17, to Aun>ft {7, viz.
Sloop Lydra and Betsey, of t-
TMa.-y'- id
L "'t of Philadelphia
Ship Independence, of New York
chr, General Green, of Providence
' chr. Aurora, Brown, of Portland
Brij; Betsey, of Boston
Captain Rollins, in a brig of Portsmouth,
taken but not arrived, besides fevcral En-
vifTels. There are twelve privateers,
frcm 22 to 4 guns, continually cruising
from Cayeni:e, where the Americans -aiv
confidertd as prisoners, or entitled to an en
change ; and for the preservation of their
health and good order in town, are kept on
board a prison (hip, with a few loldiers over
th em. to aft in :hrl eble capacity of guards,
physicians and sextons !—Captain Motley
failed under convoy of the in eo.
with the Mercury, Tieadwell, for Portf
moutb, and ftveral other vcfTels... Septem
ber 17, latitude 29, 44,-longittrde 68, 39,
was Drought too by a French privateer, and
ten American prisoners put on board, par!;
of the crews of a New Haven brig and a
Baltimore ffhoouer., September 18, lati
tude 30 10, longitude 69, 13, discovered
a wrecked (loop of about 70 tons, supposed
to be the Franklin, of Rhode Island, from
that word being painted on one of the dead
PLYMOUTH, September 29.
A'rrived, brig- Aurora, Bartlett, forty
fix days from Bilboa ; (lie sustained fame
damage in the ga'es of the Bth and 18th
instant, had on beard 49,000 dollars. Al
so arrived, schooner Hero, Carver, St.
Übes, met with a f.vere gale on the Bth
instant, with the loss of her deck lead, main
and fore-top masts and bowsprit, and on
the 18th was upset by another gale, but
after Ihifting her cargo (lie righted. Cap
tain B. left at Biiboa, Capts. Barker, of
Salem; -R ufT*ll and Stacy, of Marblehead,
'to fail in fix days. August 30, spoke the
Polly, Myrick. from Baltimore, for St. Se
taftians, thirty-eight days out. On -the
31ft, spoke brig Friendship, sixteen days
from New York, for St. Sebastians.
Oftober 2..
Several of our fifhemeti have arrived,
much wrecked in the late gales ; one loft
two ttien waflied overbatid, and another
The following, among othe-tt failed under
coniioy of the Marylandfloop of war, from
St Themas Sept 10, viz
Schr. Success, Davis. bound to Gloilcefter
Ship Jrfferfon, Cutter, of Portsmouth
[bound to New York
Schr Hannah, Hooper, of Marblehead.
Schr. Foriund, Strong, of Portland K. Oftober 855
Ship Perseverance, Cotterel, Liverpool
F. terpriz.e, Tate, Hamburg
Schr. Fanr<y Briger, Dunn, Philadelphia
Fanny Treadwetf, Yellowiy, Ply
Jare, Kinns, Newbern
Fair Trader. Neil, N. Providence
George, Gorham, Jamaica
Sloop Elizabeth, Stevenson, N. Pravideuce
Schr. Betsey, Nichals, bound to N- O -
leans, t<Tken and carried inti> New. Provi*
Schr MafTacliufctts, to Havaana, taken
and carried into famepiace,
Schr Fair American, to N. Orleans, taken
and earned into fame plac.-, part of the car
go taken out, the remainder and the vessel
cleared, and proc eded to New Orleans.
Slxp Nonpariel, Rofßtte, from Brif
ta! to this port, was spoke 10 days ago in
long 65, all well.
Anived here yesterday—the ship Com
merce, Coffin 45 days Bristol. Left the
(hip Hope, Philips to (ail in i' 2 days fat
j New-Yo k. Sept 12 in 44 by 6by 33
j spoke si« Sifters, Mnrra, 25 days from Bal
timore for Bremen. 27th in lat 42 long 63
spoke (hip Venelia, 12 days from Newport
for Liverpool -next day, spoke the (hip
P-rfeveranoe, 50 days from Liverpool for
N. York parted from her the id Oft. in
: lat 40 30 long 67.
j PijfletiKers Mr.. Thomas Holmes of
! B itiol, Mr I'homA* Stevens and family, of
j Berkshire, Mr Wm. Jones and wife, of
i Bath Capt George G. Hufley.
The brig Ptfley. Capt Johnson, of New
fyern, N. C. failed from Monte o Bay the
9th u't The (hip Lord Duncan was to fail
in a day or two for this port. On.Friday
was boarded by the St Albans, (lie had ta
ken the fchr Unity, from this port for the
Hav.inna, and sent her for Halifax. On
Saturday spoke the (loop Viftory,. Fuller,
8 days from Savannah for this port—some
of htr people lick. Monday spoke the brig
Susannah, 45 days from London for Phila
de'phia, had loft the head of her foremaft.
Same day, the fchr. Jane* from Newbern,
N. C. Oft. ift fff the Capes of V rgiflia,,
saw a small fchr. m poffefiion of the St Al
j bane, aud was informed by a Virginia Pilot
' boat that lier narre was the Sparrow, from
i N. York to
Same day the Englilh brig Potty:
! 14 days New Providence, Sailed in co the
(loop Elizabeth Stevens, for this port. A
| brig belonging to this port, boa-id to Ha
vanna, was lent In there 011 the sth ?nd c ear.
edon the 10th ult. The Fair Ameri
can. of this port, was cleared, and failed the
day before the Polly,-for Havana. A
Boston brig wa- cleared on ihe i6rh ult.
The fchr Peggy, of i : hi.L e'pl iSr, was (lill
under tri.l. The E.aft India (hi;) A
of B jUi>"< r: was cleared, and tie cargo sj
llill under trial--The lirijC Do.e'ot' iti.a
port, i'ailecf for the Tflc of Thera 0:1 1 he.
from theme to fail for this port. Odlober
t, in la: 3J ling 73 spoke the (hips Nnrthtrn
Liberties S-..utU C»roliv», U>
Chailcfton from tfiis potti ,•/,!