Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 09, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States.
TnoRSDAY K.vV*:!i»Jt 6i".tobß*
PRICES Ofe. stocks.
VuttAOif-puiA, September 30.
out 8 ptr C«nt Stock for cvfli to%~\ O a per c«nt
3ix ptr cant, (tut amount) do. 86 £ t, J •
S.vy do. <!»■ 8 H 5 =
Three per Cent. 'to.
Dei'*.rrci, - ( '°' * !
b\NK Uwted States, go. 31^13
_ PcnnfyWaaw. do. 18=
V &irci'|:> per coat.
i«w f«r.
+--J. fewe>.»» p«rcoiifc nW,
Tlimpikc Sh»r»>. lo cent. i«oJcr pit.
Brirfjrr lSdiuy!li.ll)-S»ck. fjr.
Company ql N. A. non« fur ule.
Vfvr.* nt *> *J P" "O «cr<«.
Witcr L<mb, net
Bittl>«n «t ja cSy« for eiA t?0 P r r **•
Po. do. do Hay* do- Jo-
Do. do. 9° <*»y» < ' o * *"*
Bill* 00 H*»burgh it 60 J»J» J& 37 ttl
v per Mirk Banco
D». is Amfterdtm, 60 d»y» J* » 40 «»• P tr
.... Florm
Cj- 7he Carriers of ■this Gazette,
have been strictly forbidden either to
sell or give away, any of their papers;
and should the Editor detect, or re
ceive information of any person at
tempting to seduce t>he m from the line
of their duty, be will employ legal
means for redress. —It has become a
serious inconvenience, and those who
are friendly, to the interest of this
paper, arc requested to give such in
formation as may be in their power on
the subject, and they will confer an
obligation on The Editoji.
. |C7* It is requested/that Gentlemen-who
are neglected by the Carriers* will not per
mit several Jav? to elapse without giving in
formation of fucli negleift ; but immediately
give noti-e, They SHALL be served re
Halifax Prize Cases.
Sch'oncr* Fanner, from Philadelphia, for
Havannah, was lately ier.t into Halifax.
The veflel was owned by an American, the
by a Frenchman, who resided at Phi
ladelphia. The attorney-general ui,«red the
condemnation of tf e becaufe a French
man could not alienate his country ; and
'plead fcr the condemnation of the veflel be
cause the captain was an Er-fflifhman, apd
although iiiitur ilized, married, and long a
refidetu in Philadelphia ; still he could not
divert himfclf of liis allegiance, nor claim for
» citizen of America. The JucUe said, that
the "cargo belonged to a Frenchman (altho'
living in tM United States) and going di
reclly to an rne—y's port, ouift be condemn
ed. As to the veflel, said the Judge, (lie i(
confefledly neutral, and therefore,
is the claimant, must be restored ; and the
captors must pay the owners full freight.
The ease of tbe Apollo, captain Leg.
The' tliim w.n hy the (pptair*. Acting that
tie with his bro'.her, who "was his mate, were
bwners of the bng, that they had chartered
said vefltl to a Mr. H?£loi Scott of New-
York ; that they were to take a cargo and
carry to Curracoa. and return with another,
and that t! ey had nearly completed the cen
tral when taken, (being just off the Hook.)
It appeared that Heftor Scott w*s a natural
born fubjeft of Great Britain ; but it did
not appear how hng he had resided in the
United States. The right of citizenlhip
■was in this refpeft as in the last cafe, argu
ed with great warmth by Mr. Uaiack, at
temey general, and Mr. Stewart, attorniy
for the claimants the attorney-general held
up the ides that He£tor Scott was a Britifli
fwl-jeft and could' not, by any a£l of his,
throw off his natural allegiance; that he
■w is in a neutral country, under cover, sup
plying the enemies of his country, and th;t
he ought to be treated as a " ihaitoe,"
iiid his property confifcated. Mr. Stewart
argued that Mr. Scott was an Amsrican,
and as such had come into this court (by his
attorney) and that neither Mr. UHiack, nor
the Judge of this court of vice admiralty of
Nova-Si otia had any concern in the right of
establishing the mode of citiienfhip ; that it
was a national mutter, concerning national
cbara&ers, and that it nuift be d.cided
by the two nations. The Judge tlio't
pmpsr to give 30 days re lpite for farther
proof, as it respected the claim of Mr. Srott
hat said as to the veM'el, there appeared to
him fufficient evidence -that the property was
a&ually the claimant"!, who were natural
born citiiens of the United States, and
therefore decreed the captors do restore the
velTel, and pay the captain the full of his
freight, or chartei ; but the cargo is to re
main till the expiration of 30 clays for judg
ment thereon."
Ship Rebecca, Folger, from Liverpool to
Baltimore;, was spoke Augud 33, in lat 47>
26, long 22, 26.
l'or the 48 horrs preceding Tuesday
"morning at fun-rife, there were 26 deaths in
Baltimore and its vicinity.
Total ntimb.r in the hospital sick
with the prevailing dilcaf'r, 54 ,
Convalescents, 19 <
Discharge .1 cured, 7 1
FreaiL'it of pbl' 7"ct:'/i CoU'icil in PtlfcfL
TH' : , ru'ifuribtfvs « •..> .I'itcJ tocorrefpond
with," and to Hid j» dierel&f of the iijhabi
wins iif B/dtimows Norloik ;>nj Providence,
no,, I'llf.sund.-r the „,.& relent di.f
eal'e ever n'.vlic\fd ourTtttfa Uke. ; the
liberty to and to '.nve you some
account of th?ir proceeding^
Fertile purple Of aifllHncr
occafiou of your pre Rut lickncfs, Wild |
Committers are appoinfed to colleft lub
icr:n:ioiis in the city and dirtriS of Pmla-
I delpbia, on whose ewrtiens 'we depend tor i
[ p coniary aid ; and this will not |
I tail to wTTie~ you ":is£<iirs as i as the <* - j
! rmuntof their fublcnptions is known, in
I ihe mean tin\*, we irque't yon will pleSTc
Ito udvifr us of your gei' iitnation, that
Iwe may proporti on our contributions to
I t+ie exigence of the poor in the cities of Bal
t more, 'Norfolk and Providence, according
to the hell of our iudpment.
Wrtii our best Wishes for the prosperity
of P ov'Jsnce, mid the speedy reftoratiou of
health to albits inhabitants, we remain your
( frie nJ s.
iarcs ID per cent, be-
(Si.cii?d by the Chairman.)
P. S. Ynu will please to mention whether
calh, prpvjfions, or will be moll
■\ ■ ;i To .vii Council bo! Jen in and for tie
town of I 1! on the 3 0t '' ( W
S ■{vem'-ei-, 18-0.
G&s'Tf. b Mt- v.
Your Irtcer of the gth inft. having been
laid before us, Wy Motes Brown, wecinnot
hut fe-1 very feulibjy aflfe&ed with its con
tents, and greatfuHy acknowledge on the
part of our dillreficd fellow-citizens, the
fav< ur contemplated for them therein.
We would inform that the malignant dil
order with which this place has been vlfited,
maae us til'if appearance «n the 15th ot
Augilft lall, in the south part "f the town,
a quarter which !s row nearlr drferted by
the inhibit*nit9 During the time the dis
order has th p 1 have oeen
i;i tit rpi.ftan c'oftoin of giving regiihr
ftateiuents to the public it. The
numbers t. ken fitk have been eighty f >ur,
ol whom fifty one have ■, including
three win died abroad, twenty seven, haw
recovered, snd fix-now remain Tick, all ot
whom are .it the HofgUol, about one mile
from the to;<n. Although 'he dileafe has
1 been confin-d within narrow lunits, andpar
j tially afFeftnu; only the south part of the
town, yet, the alirm excited thereby, has
; i.dnced ribrut one third of the inhabitants
;coiupr;»ing the -Jloft wealthy) to leave their
abodes ; this, will) the ftopp.gc of the coa
| (ling trade, and the fufpenfi nof the necef
, I'ary Supplies frotr; the countiy, and the ge
ner il ft giution of hulinefj, has opera'.ei
j greatly to the difaavantage of the labouring
poor, «ho are dellitute of enipl' yment.—
1 The police of this town, however, is fucli,
and tile p.-wers of thpfe to whin, it is in
trililed hy 1.,w ta nialjf j rovifion, so ample,
| as that their neceflities have b-en as yet pro- J
vided for, and unless the calamity fliould
1 be more difttefling than what we are en.
' couraged t,o hope, we trust that the meajis
ot "the town will fl *1 be adequate theirt)—
J this wo i)iay xpe& front the jTown 1 realu
rerbeing authorised to borrow monies of
'the B.nk ; the Dire&ors of which have
| hitherto furnillied him tor that purpole.
We Wave it with you to judge from this
flitement, whether the htuation of this
place, rr quires your alliance. If you should
conce v'« that it d e:-, your favours >.ould
be more acceptable in cafli than in any other
article, as it be readily aspbed to the
relief of the teccffiteus:
It i 5 more imn ed ..tely the province of
this Council to prnv <!e for the poor labour
ing under co: tsgic. s fuknefs, and relative
thereto, you will please to addvefs your com
munications, and such pecuniary favours as
you may deem expedient, to John Dorrance
F.fq. P' efident of this Courcil by -win m
they will be properly 4nd faithfully btftow
Please to accept otlr belt wishes for your
welfare, »nd continuance ot health to the
, inhabitants of yenr city, and of our ifTup
ance of the high sense we enteitaiw of then
benevolence and philanthropby.
Signed by order, anil i" behalf of fa id
' Town Council, Sept. ";p, ißoe.
C. Clerk.
To Samuel Crates Esq. Chairman
of the Committee of Correfpon
deiue, Philadelphia.
[S ame.tliing for JiWy Blifomjictd, his
man Sayre, and other Jacohi"*.]
From tbe Trenlun Federalist.
Fellow Citizens of tfie Coutily ><ef Burling
FINDING my name inserted \m pam
phlet, published by order of a meeting of re
publics® citizens of ihe county of Turling
ton, at the house of Jofhna Rainear, in
Springfield * the 20th September, lB®o,
Major General Bloomfied, chairman, as one
of their correfpondiHg committee for the
lownfhip of Hanover, which pamphlet is
addrefTtd to the people of the county of
Burlington. I feel it my duty, as well as
inclination to inform you, my fellow civi
zens, least you may be led to form unfa
vourable and falft sentiments of my politi
cal principles, that the placing my name as
one of the c.orrtfportdinir committee, was
without my ci nfent, and that I had nc
knowledge whatever of the meeting at the
house t>f Jo.shun Rainear. No better proo
* The republican, meetingas it it called, in
Springfield was umiDoacri at S-Lib-town / but
-she cbninvan And Secretary have omitied the
name of the village —Were they iijbamed.ot il ?
Or was it for fe." of reminding the county of
th: noted republicans wir inhabit there-
nefd be produced. >h< 3 f t^iaß P
cing me as a committee for Hanover, wbe
my relidencc is notoriously known to be r.
Northampton. Another proof also pfefeßl
itfelf, of the illegal and random manne
they named their committees, two name
being inserted with mine as their Hanove
committee, neither of which men reti.k u
the township o r Hanover, viz. Levy Jju <
and Jofcph Shinn -Levi Budd is a rel'idem
in Springfield, an J J dVph :'hinn in North
ampton. I call on the chairman, fee ela j
or any me hher g/ that meeting, to announce
if they can, that I gave any authority what
ever, to any of them, to place niy name <-
on • of t'leir committee.
I have examii ed the productions of this
re pub ican meeting, contained in their pam
phlet, and I am pointedly opposed to tht
principles they advance, bcr-g convincec
that tiiey lead to disorganization, confufioi
and w-.r—However plausible or fpecioui
their doflrines may app ar, I believe then
lo be erroneous, and will be productive o
mul' iolied evils to the community. Ia»
y u my fellow citizens, it the lame fyf
terns which were laid by ur great a-d mig
nanimons departed li'ajhington, have no
beenpurfue ! by his fucceff>r, our now Pre
dent .\dams ; you wdl agree with me
thai .hey are the tame, all America know
they arc, and all the good, wife and v irtu
jus neu in Europe have acknowledged an.
] pliuoed 'he Wild.mi < i lu.i ir.eafutes.
am proud to own the honor, tint I fervei
tiudt.• liis banneisin Lie time* that trici
nuns fouls, when the foidier ant
ill.* Isn Ihine pat riot, ihrunk trum tiieu clu
ty. Wheie were liele nien at this time
He it was that led us th ough lonely woods
over d;fert hills and fields of blood, ?ni
raised the banners of freedom : He it was
ihat u.rmed the picfe-nt political a d civi
Ivllems, which dams pursues ; dotheyno
ii. coincide with his larewell legacy ? I
,ve continue io pui iue them, be afTurec
h y - ill guide us lafely on, to rhat rank
•el'ped and emir, ce we are en 11 led :t
lold among the nations of the w>rld : 1.
Jtfe forfa e his'fage advice, f>r inconfid?raU
"ckemes of private pique or reve ge we tn
er into parties, will to p tees and . ki
he Roman Empire con eto nothing Read
his great man * tarcwdl addrels to the citi
zens < f America, and you will be convinced
-t the truth ot t'.ele remarks, i d you will,
is / do, dr/'pife anddifcttrd tk pid-i ing, criok
d and dforganizing policy, held so th by the
hairman and fcretary of this republican meet
Northampton Tcwnjbip, Sept 29, 1800.
I DO certify, that my name put down
oa A com mi tee, fur promoting the election of
Jefferfou in this county, at the Slab-town
meeting, on the zoth inft was done without
„y knovricdg- or consent, and that I have no
hand in tbei' pr t edings. \s witntls my
hand, this 30th of -epumber, :800
I DO certify, that Hugh Holtingihead of
Chester Towulhip, did yelterday in conver
fat on inform me, that his nam? as a com
mittee man. was pu down by the persons
afleaibled at Shbtmn, on the 20ih of Sep
tember, to support Thomas Jeflerfon ai
Prfcfidint, without his knowledge or consent •
he further said, that he conlidered the pro
reedings" as of the devil," that they had
| sent him their books, which he wouM bive
I nothing to do with nor receive, a d that he
! was fatisfied with government as it 19.
Witness, Samuel ippkncott-
Burlington, October 1, 1800.
I DO certify, that my name was put
down by the meeting at Stcblown, without
!my knovj'cJgc 0- consent ; I do not know
what the people aLtha; meeting detire, and
I have 00 itneern in their proceedings.
Wtinefs, RicharuC x.
M. unt-Holly, Odober 1, 1800.
IDO certify, that Jof ph Shinn, inform
ed me that hi* name waa put down aa ;
c mm.tie man, at the Sl.t tovic meeting, 01
the 20 h i eptember, for ike purpose of sup
porting Jefferfon in this county -without hi
i knowledge or coufent, and that he dilapprov
ied of it—Witness my hand this ift o
Oftober. 1800.
' IDO certify, that my name on th« SUi
lewn committees, was put down by the pec
pie there without my knowledge er co-'fnt
I had no knowledge of their proceeding:
and Ido not mean io fuppon ih m. I at
: f tiified wrth ihc adminijl ati, nof the goi
errmenr, with john /Jdams and Richar
! ■ Howell.
? I"
s Witness. Joseph Bukr.
f Evcfhain, Sept. 30, 1800.
After such a (pecimen of the deteftab
proceedings of the Jcftt'rfon party, wh
- candid ar,d refonable roan will hereafter gi'
s credit to any thing they fay on attach hir
s felf any longer to a cause fapported 1
0 ci try Ipecits of impqfition,
ev ——
OLD Loi4g Primer,
Small Pica on Pi" Body,
Eni'lilb, Chil'eSi Compolint Sticks, audrfcrea.
variety of articles liiceffjry to carry on the Frtn
in,: Uulinefi. They will be fold cheap tor ca-fe.
Appfy to the Printer.
The Latest
Via Nciv-York.
From the Times,—London August 27.
Yeflerduy daring the fitting 61' the Cabi
net C.owMt uifjjuches were. received from
his M .jffty's Minifttr Plenipotentiary at Vi
enna, Tliey are d ited upon the 15th inft.
So late as tlru date, no, itotice li id been giv
en by Genr. Moreau of the re-commencement
of holhlities ; but this is not the only
curaflaoce which confirms the belirt we have
lately entertained of Duroc's p«He(fif>g a l'e-
cret latitude of power, and of their being
room for another ultimatum upon the part
of Buonaparte.
0:i Sunday some private difpatefces were
reccieed from Paris, and another express ar
rived yeiteiday morning by the way of Do
ver, We (hall not permit ourlelves to rea
son loosely upon a fuojeil so important—
We know that rro overtures for a just, lohd,
and p ri.Dunent peace will be refuted by his
Majelty's Council. We think, under the
prel'ent circumstances, the French Govern
ment mull perceive the absurdity of offering
any other.
The menaces of the Chief Consul against
Portugal, and the million of Gen. Berthier
to the Court of Madrid ; the demand, it
it be true, ot a palTage through the papal
territories for the iuvafion cf.Naples, and
the new appointments ot' com rounder a in
chief to new a'units both severally and Coir
lettively indicaw the vast projects of Buon
aparte ; wliOj while he attempts to dictate a
conqueror's peacn trom the Meufe to the
Mincio, is diflurbing the slumber of Spain,
terrifying Portugal with arms or tribute,
And endeavouring 10 low discord at the bot
tom of the Baltic. region of the
earth is not full of his labours ? What llate
doel be negl'.ftto agitate and embroil ? The
continei t of Lurope appears .it latt <iwake to
its dangers, and the impolicy of declaring
the " vast projects," pending the negociati
ons, will be as profitable, we trull, to the
common caufc, as it is i to the common
: eft a- t prehension.
The removal of jen. MafTena from the
I command in Italy may be variously account
led for. A man who is as great in war, as
] infamous in charafter, may be difmilTcd or
I preferred, may be wanted or may be fuper
j tluous. His removal may be intended as
' m-icy to the CtfalpijKS whom le has rnb-
I hcJ »nd pillaged With the unrelenting tero
citr of Aran. Hisfcience in the art of
i plunder in y dpttfjle him to the Tagus ; of
finallv, he mav lead the feeond army of re
serve iuto the Ty°l» where, in the ev-nt ot
the renewal of liolHlities, the republicans
■ will doubtless attempt to force their way,
joining 0:1 either hand the armies of the
Rhine and of Italy, and advancing in a com
mon line against every part of the Heredi
tary states.
9-8 wide
Russia Sheeting,
DROGHBDA LINENS, fine 4-4 frifh Lin
ens, Cltfnting Diapor, Cotton Velvets,
Thickfetts an»! Fancy Cords, Printed Linen and
Cott9.ll 1 landkerchie.s, Silk Handkerchiefs, Sir
tins, Pelonc', Modes an l ! Persians, Calltman
cocs, '.Vil.'.borei and Uombazefn,Fine and coi<*ie
Bobbin, Tap-s, RibhoMS, Ferrets, Scotch O-;-
nabuig", Threads at 7 and 64, coloured Threads
Mo. Bto 16, Pius, 3ii) 4- 4 l "» »nd 5 ib.
London Pewter aflorted in calks, Tin, ami has
just by t e lata arrivals a general affort
mcnt ol Woo lent.
to mo. 8. K drm.
Just Received,
And for file at die Office of the Philadel
phia Gazette, and at v/. Diciins's Book-
Store- oppotite Chrifl Church) an interest
ing . Pin; hlet, entitled, the
Voice of Warning
Preside* of the United States.
Blow the Trumpet in Zion—Who is ou th<
Lord's fide?
[ Prite lii Cents.]
j; Oflober 8. d 3'-
j ■
Just arrived.
Per vhe
Brig Perfevtrance,
Mr. William Bell's Wharf.
80 hhds. Antigua and St. Kites tyum an
to ditto Coffee
No. 4, South Water St eel.
Oftober 8. dtf
; Thin morning on the WifTahickon Road-
Red Morocco
CONTAINING I'undry papers and lcttei
of no conlequtnce whatever to any o;,e b
the owner. Whoever may have found t
lame, and will return it to the printer ot t.
. nap- r, lhall be handfome'.y rewarde d.
N.B.—The owners' name is mentioned
some lette.s diredledto him,
Oclober 8.
Of the C.ity and County of Philadelphia,
HAVING at a former eleftion met with
conftderable encouragement, it induces me
again to offer myfelf as County Commilfion
cr at the next eleftion, in the room of Jacob
Souder. whose time then expires ; should I
through your fuffrages obtain Taid office*, it
will be my endeavour to perform the duties
thereto annexed for the public advantage.
Sired, Northern Liberties.
October 9.
Of the City and County of Philadelphia
On a former occsfion I experienced a tef*
timony of your, confidence, and friendfhip
by your votes for the Office of heriff—
Now in a more advalSfccd stage of life, and
encouraged by a numerous body of refpeft
able citizens and firm fr ends, I again apply
for your votes and interest at the next elec
tion— Resting my chara&er through life, a
security so- a faithful performance of the
duties of Office I be fuccetsful or
i not in my application to your friendfhip, on
the occasion, I shall remember with gratitude
' yonr patronage.
Oflober *j.
To the Pilots of the Bay an 4
River Delaware.
THAT apre ably to Directions of the
B lard of Health that they " bring the vefTels
to, which they miy have charge of, before
the Lazaretto, after the firft of next month
as heretofore, until otherwise dire&ed.
Matter Warden (if the Port of Philadelphia
Warden's OJficc, Sept. 22, 1800.
Old Lrmg Prir. er,
Small Pica on pica body (lie v and old
Pica, do.
Englilh, (two small founts)
16 Line Pica, &c
Sundry Frames, and a great variety of Office
Furniture, &c.
Iroi"i work of a pr nting-prcf9»
They will be fold che»p for cash—Apply
at the office as t-he GazSite of the United
Three Cents Reward.
RUN away from the Subfcriheron the evening
of the »Bth inft. a bound Servant GIRL,
Ranted Elizabeth llowckel, had on and took with
her three differimt changes of garment a-nd money,
proud, tioia and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p<-r
---fon apprehending her (hall be entitled to the above
reward—no costs or charges will be paid.
N: B, She had * yearn and foioe months to f«r*e
Gofheti ToWßlhip,Che(Ur County, July »9
anguft 6 ,?*wtf
300 Dollars Reward.
street was opened hv a talle key, and sun
dry articles of JfWFLLFRY, to the amount of
ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off.
Among tliem were, jj
Two marrow ipoons n»rkrd " Worrock ;
l.ikeneflejof Mr James Robcrifon a*d wife, of
Ptferfturg—one do."bf a Mr. King—one do.
of Mr. John Trimble, late of this town, the
bark set with a Isrge blue glass and a smaller
in the centre, under which was a plait of hair
aid strait, with J. T. in a cypher worked ir
jearl. Toge;her with a number of fancy pi*,
.ei, pa ; nted by Sully, whicb cannot now b(
ecolleflcd ; 5 Botfwam's Calls flampei
The following Watches:
Gold watch, maker's name Prova*, Paris
; silver da. Thomas Green, Liverpool, 7703
1 do do George Bifield, L«ndon> 13,500
1 gold do. French, no name
I do. do. John Ryland,
I silver d >. French, no name
I do. do John Bull, London, 744
I gold do. Rodart. Paris
1 silver do. Joseph Kember Shaw
1 do. do. J. Darlington, London
1 do do. No. 9861
1 giltdo. G. M. Metcalf," London, 4196
1 silver do. George Hafwood, London, 1906
j do. do. J. Smith, Lond 11, 211
j double cafe gilt watch, R- Oflmrn, Rith
mond, 8764
100 Dollars will be given for the restoration
thieves are also secured.
Mr. Benjamin Morri', .the owner ot the
Watches which were taken the fame time,
will also give too dollars for them.
• 'J l '
July 19
gv The Printers it Peterfowrp, Richmond,
Ale* andiia —Baltimore —-Charefton and o
thers, are requefled to insert the above for %
e'w times.
English Grammar,
an appendix,
Has this Day been publiflied, ty Asausr
DitXftU, opposite Chrfft-Churcl:,
[Price One Del! nr.}
laoh rr 7-
f*- *
For Sale,
The Unexpired, TIME of a BLACK DOT
W r HQ has three years and five months to
f< rve ; he is sober, honest, a good wai
er, a::d undcrftaßds tiling care of horics. En
quire at No. 60, Dock street,
July e°." 1
3t th. fr. & fatr.