Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, witmiPAv Kvr.«t»c» •CTOB** 8. PRICES OF STOCKS. Philadelphia > September 33. Old 8 per Cent Stock for cash toS~j O j? per c«nt Su per cent, (net amount) do. 86 ( S. -! —— Navy do. ——— Three per Cent. do. sij 3i Deferred, - do. 84$ B\NK United States, do. 31»33 - , - PcnnfvWania, do. »8 > . 1 North A:ncf>ca, do. $o Imura'nie comp. N. A. iharea 10 per cent, be low par —— Pennsylvania, stares, »t per cent, adv, Turnpike Shares, 10 per cent, nnder par. Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. EafUndia Cojipany of N. A. none for sale. Land Warrants, »5 dol!». per 100 »cr»s. Wirtr Loan, 8r per cent. COURSE OF EXCHANGE Bills dn 1.0n., at 30 days for cash 170 P" ct * Do. do. 60 days do. « , do. Do. do. 90 days do. t66 ®*3 Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 3*> "37 cts per Mark Banco D». in Amfterdim, 60 days 39 " 40 ct». per Florin. c 3" 7he Carriers of this Gazette, have been strictly forbidden either to sell or give aWay, any of their papers; and should the Editor detect, or re ceive information Of any person at tempting to seduce them from the line of their duty, he will employ legal means for redivss. —It has become a serious inconvenience, and those viha are friendly to the interest of this paper, are requested to give such in formation as may be in their penver on the subject, and they will confer an obligation on The Editor• jf— y» It js requeued that Gentlemen who are neglcdted by the Carriers,' will riot per mit fevcral day? to elaple without givinp in formation of i'ugi neglect ; but immediately They SHALL he fervcd rc- give notice, gularly. Ma. Waynk, A. Number of your fellow-eituros wi'l be much pleased with your pubtifhing the sol- ■ Towing Spetufali 'fl, {wketifrom a New-YoiJc paper) oy way ot anl'wer to some thservatiom evidently tent into thp world by the agents of Buonaparte, on the fubjedtof the Nega tion between the French Government, and . the Commissioner! of the United States The observations •alluded to, h»ve been no ticed by oil our public prints—this only, as far at I have obfcrved. by * fincrreiy wifli it may have a place in t very public print in the union. A» \ From the New-York Gazette. \ _ FRANCE W AMERICA. } We have seen in the Gazette of Monday < last the refiilt, as given und«r the Pans head I of August the" sifr, of (he negofciStfon be twcen our Commidinners and the Fiench j jr-jyerHment. It teems, it has failed, and is for the present, fufpcnded, the reafoiu of which are afligned. This account of tl-,e matter, though without an official ilim p 5 has Orong marks of b«ing an enunciation by authority of the French Government. It is not improbable, that the le /ding points in the rtatement are true ; and con sidering the quarter from which iv comer, and the views to he answered, it : k:2 renewal of the treaty ot >7B, upon the con dition that the United States would wave tueir claim of cotuprnutio'i for Illag.ll cap tures ; a d lira by hc» I'olt" admitted to be jufl. This, it nm.fl be conlkflVdi was an oil I method of w.w%. ft was more proprrly an attempt to barter a bul debt tor a fteocl one, a nullity (m other words a treaty, wtiifh for these very c iptures in violation o! it, and'for other injuries, had been rii'Wul ly declare.! void) for a valid claim equal to 20-coo,ooo of dollars* i 1 The argument by which it is in ended to | colour this fubterfugc is this .- | j " That as the two nation 1 ' h d never j been in a llate of war with eaeh other, the j treaty of 1773 could not have been annul j led without the consent of both. But there' is not a writer on the law of rations who will not inform the French Government, that when one party to a treaty violates the compaft in any material article, the other party is free to -nojil the whole. Fiance, before (lie had the lead p; etc nee of complaint againll ihe United States, had I infringed the treaty in some of its elTctiual I points especially in the famous provision now again much vaunted that neutral bottoms ■ (hall conjlitue neutral properly; and (he went on, ii creafieg her violations down to the period of abrogating the treaty in this country ; than which no national meaiure was everjuftified bv more cogent reasons. But it is aflerted that this t-eaty is the oily ba r s of our claim 10 compenfatioti. Thii pofiition ia as unfounded as the ether. _ France in her revolutionary phrenzy, de nied the exitlence of a Law of Nations, i Returned (as is hoped) to reason, (lie it pre : sent recognizes that law, and promises to be I governed by it. i Tlien, as the greater part ofthe captures I of which we complain were unjust and ille- I gal ;' not by the preculiar llipulations of the j treaty of 1778, hut, by the General L w of Nations— ii is plain that as to them our I claim to compenf a'tion is independant of, I and pa amount to the treaty. 1 It follows, that the ground which has i been taken by France, in this particulxr, is j untenable. _ ( Further—as to the 25th article of thy | treaty between the United Statel and Gr f /at Britain, relative to the pretention grafted ' to the armed veffeli of tho na.ion. j Towards a clear underllaoding 0/ th's i pint, it may be neceflary to rera.nd the public of fuine faSs : Our treaty with France already mention . ed. in th I||h article cot tains llipulations equivalent to the 55th article our treaty with Great Britian. As this artie'e ha 9 an favhg of prior existing treaties, F-.ance was left by the treaty with Great £ it an in lull pol feffion of the privile g cS in this refpeft ' which our treaties w r ,th them hud granted. The cons quenc,, was th, > ought cer tainly to have been no obllacle to a treaty with the very power has given 1,9 proof that it was iv tfr than nothing, and taught us the necessity-os distrusting it. Hence wc perceive the unreafonab'enels and futility of the offef.fiye which, on the part of Ftao,cpj have ob(lru£ted a treaty wtVb the United States. Let tiV now. conje£hir» the true reasons of the (allure of th,e •negocintion. They wer? —l. The hope that an unfeuted liate of things between the two.countries might favour in the approaching ele&ion of Chief ; 1 Magistrate, the choice of a person more | ! comt'ilaifntrt to the view 3 of France, namely Mr.' Jeffcrfon.— 2. The expedition that with him a bargain ropre advantageous to France would be made than with our pre sent Executive. Will the people of tjit United States be the dupes of the scheme? Will they think it their interest to elevate to the head of the government a mari with wnom France ex perts to make such a bargain as will suit her purpose, after th? repeated proofs they have had of the with of France to entangle ihem in her interests, and embroil them with oth-r nations ? Why should they do this. Things are now uimn n good footing. A treaty it is t.rue has not been made ; but if we aie toccreditt t the Fiench ftatcment, their d*precUti«ns oil, our commerce are to cease, and oVr neutral rights are in future to be to have peace infect with France, though not by treaty ; and if (he keeps her word (t'.ie only security a treaty would give »s) zve lha!l be aa well off (except in the article of compensation for captures) as it a tre.ity In little more" than fix years ih- pirts ot our treaty with Great-Britain refpeAingex ternnal commerce and navigation will expire, i We can than Hand both with France and | Uer Mi new ground, and U is matter ot indifference whtthVr we ever again have a commercial treaty wtth either of them, un less upt>n better terms than heretotor:. ihe trade between us and them may as well be le : 't to re-ulate itfelf till bargains mote po liticly advantageous tor us can be made. The jetting fid, on fair groui'd, ot the Kuaru.tee of the French Weft-Indies lit our treaty of aHianer with France, is a point ot fifcftantial interest' gained to tke United States. ' , We obferv* thii'sn attempt was made to revive this gu*r»itee in a qualified Form ; whether this revival was urged as an ultima tum or not, does not appear. .It * proba ble that it has been a very serious. psmt with France. And the rtafons which in duced her to desire it, ought to induce the United States to avoid it. The guarantee ias it formerly stood, would have engaged ■ his country in every maritime warm which France was a defepfive party. Commutes for a pecuniary aid. it would cod them a large sum of money in every such cafe, and would be more or less hazardous to their Pe president Walkington wifely propofo the fubftirote with the treaties were yet 11 force. But Frarce would not then liltei to the moderate propositions of this grea man. Now, that the treaties are at an end in confcquence of the French agg r * ons we ought not voluntarily to refnmc lo ien ous an incumbrance. It would be far bet ter for the United State, to compenfat, their own citizen. forl»ffe» by French fpo On this head it is to he observed, tha nothing more than a promise of compcnfaii on could at present have been expeaed fron I, France witb tho bclk intentions on her part : The (late of her finances does not permi more. The enjoyment of the boon mill have been in future. • In all probabily, b] patience and perfeyerance, a more conveni ent oppurtunity will occur for a favorabh settlement of the matter, and early enoug! to meet the rtfourcca of France for pay nrcnt. . In the interim, let our goverment talc, pr paratory measures ; f«ch as will thor oughly fift and afcenain the claims whtel ought to be cumpenfated ; and by this ex pedient the affair will be refined for defini tive negociation, and if any time will be loft. - As to the reft, a simple and obviotti course of conduft yrefents itfelf. hostilities on the pattof the United State: cease, and let the two countries pah iflto i (late of peace in fad on the balls of thi Laws of Nations. In this paGtion it w;l be ften whether Fnnce is fiucere, and at thi fame time able to execute her sfiurance tha cur rights, as a neutral nation, will hereatte be rqfpefted. But in doing this, let ns take care tha we are not found hereafter u. prepared l et e(T ftual measures b» taken to increali nur means of future rrfiftance ; if again w> hall be compelled to protest our rights ant Jefend our commerce by fcrce* 11* joire ot Europe is still eventful beyonc ill fnimati calculation. Abford indeed nuift be that American „ho will reft the fafety of his country on ,ny other foundation than her own ability o repel violence. . By this Day's Mail. NEW-YORK, October 7. 3y a Gentlem iri from Hudson we are in formed) that in the courfs of the monili of Oftober, the Columbia turnpike# which ex tends from the city of tluijfon to the Mafia chufctts line, P» the rout to H trtford, will be completed in the molt excellent manlier, and the gates erectei}. ABSTRACT of QEATIiS. In this City, for the Uft seven duys, ending th's 'morning, with the ' difeale ot which they died. Flux 9 ; Fits 2 ; Conftimption 12 ; Hoofp- W.Gwh 4 ; Drowned I ;> Scarlet Fever I ; Remittent t ; Bilious Fiver 7 K women, and 19 children. f* Thomas Drake, Cathanne-flip ; Mi ci.H-l Powers, jj?Un GUrk, MHes Wnitty, S »fl ir. Times lliert ; F.dward B >lt, Gherry ftreet ; John Freeland do ; Benjainiu V\ sr ner, Fayet-llreet; Martha C'inkim, New flip, and Mrs. Janrtet Frafer, the annaole wife ot I). Frafer. „ . t Patrick Gunninu;ham, from James-ltreet died at the city Hospital.] TO THE ELECTORS Of the City and County of Philadelphia Gentlemen, . . ( On a former occasion I experienced * tel. timony of vau confidence, and fnemlffi.p bv your votes for the Office of nher.ff- Now iu a more advanced stage of life. and encouraged by a numerous body of relpert able cuize"S and firm fr ends, I again apply for your v.tes and interest at the nest elec j tion—Reding my charafter through life,,a security for a faithful performance of the duties of Office-should I be fuccef.ful or not in my application to your fr.en ifh.p, on the occ*e« ** P** l A '-'ft of tfte Lni * m»« «*« 01 ho * Ctw *" I qU i«.£No.6o. DackAMA.. J--I * a-1 '* Horles 6c Vhxton. A PAUL of will brokt, fo»i*4 *f4 • £*- ' L*ert-*»W«, io fcfc owr Artfc to** fcpw***i " Found, " A fi«i Morocco ► WHOBVEIW yWnrico u the «*d ?"lf **' -1' ' ' * ■'. i ,;. . ~ -v v •*■ [ 300 pQtL*V;R??. A !B" ' T AST Js*nir«» *,JJ l * « Glv« 6 ...Freixfci ' i • ' I ao. 4o- JoJiiiWU lM4—t ««*• ituMto. H«U»t».K*n* • < t fil»*r do. Jofcfi Keeber Shew < 40. - J- DtrHo|to«, I» ■ i Jilido! &?t2?V(ttcalf. i I do. Hifcwpil, !*•*•» *9« S ™ WU" VX ef ihi jewellery, or «« ""* ,h '" ] tbirrc* »re ill# .. t" ■ ■- _* »V« | Mr. BcaMbi* Mc*t»i tW , ;«w" er 1 iher», »r< rMjvefcd.* *>&* * e , **" ** ' | ryr timtt. Wednesday evening, October 8, Will be presented a favorite Tragedy, called The fair Penitent. Lothario, Mr. Cooper—Califta, Mrs, Merry; To which will be lidded the last Hew Farce; called Fortune's Frolic ; ' Or, the True tyc of Riches: , Robin Roughhead, Mr. Bernard,^--Mhs ,Nartcyj 'Mrs. Showden. £s* Bo*j ore doliir. Pit.thre? qaaYters of s dollar". And Gallery, half a dollar. . , £s* The door* of the Theatre will open at haL palt five and ike curtain rifa at half pall UK o'clock. . ■? £3" Gentlemen* and' Ladies are re~\ Oftober 7. Landing, From the (hip Farmer, captain Gibfon,froin Ham burg, a large affortnient of l>in«ns and o'her Gl»«5». among whi'cS iri an «f t » bales of real French Britanniaa, 6 and 4. which are offered for sale on reafouable terms for approved paper, or iti barter for Weft-India produce. Britannias, real French, Boccadillos 6 and 7-4 Bielefeld Linen. Britannia! Sele&as Siamoife i,aces. PlattiUia.Royales Tapes o! fevcral'Kinds Eo*piUa» of aii defcrip- D canter. • t j^ nJ Qn ,rt and pint tumblers Cr«as a la Morlaix travelling Cafe. • Checks No. » & Stripet Glass Beads, violias and 6*9 BfX'-s * * y New-Theatre; A handsome edition Of ' WITH -STREET: HLG The House, LATELY occupied by the Ch«valier D'Yruio, Spsnith Ambaflador, will be let out to an approved person or family* on ealV conditions. It is largei cotfttnodious and el'gant, with coach-house and lubxs conformable. Enquire at No', too, Spruce street. SAMUEL tyIAGA,W, Arcb Street, No. 94. Jnly 23. 7\> PrmtefSvi - .i-fidGfr v-v r -ur-*--.7* Viif r. ~V . t, Fo*m ~ - #c«ta.; j dmn. Hs»i. *• ' *. vet/;' ■sfsMl*' yJ «- i.v'it O . jrAfa' '"Biwi*r«. ■ ■ .<». v'■ •••<••*&:»nk •*'« - -: ; .ScwTtl ptir>*f Chile*, £««r2l Whpw^ .tewljfe r " " "l ' ' I .1 I -- ( Taunton &le, of in excellent quality, JUST RECEIVED, Per brig Amity, from SJnftol, AND FOR SALE, By John Allen, No. 12J) Spruce street, Who has also on hand, Bristol Patent Sail Cl«th, J No. i to 8. feptemh'r 22 eo^t ■» ..-—l* DH. RUSSELL'S HISTORY OF Modern Europe. ft'ftCTtrt W*""** •* * •* " KB'* .wvvcofD. febßriNoi y, 1 *" * wX. B»RCK*»Ng !Wki», *« **■%!• v jL.y of SJiSr Hvg Bufmrft. Thff Wi» SpU «■£ «■* ' ■ , : ; ' '' ' ' " ' ■ a