Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 08, 1800, Image 1

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    Gazette ofUnited States, Daily
NUMRFK 1506- 1 ,
The price of this (jazet;* isJ- rGHT
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the -city of AH ethers fry
on; Dollar additio*<& for enclosing anddi
recting ; and unless'some person in (bis city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must+be paid Six Months in
*„* No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term thin six months.
December 1 J7>9-
Prut OMter B—»« On±r 141
T HefJay
Saddling Business.
William Jones w edmund
HAVING entered into partneifhip, and ta
li n that rftabl.fhed ftarni at ihe cor
nerof C'cfnut and Third St eeM, rc;pe<afii!ly
fcli-'it pwVic patronage, *•'«! parcpuUriy invite
a continuance of the favours of the former
Sharplefs & Kihfey, to whole bufiti«f» they ha'
They cffcr f r sale i l:rge and gen-rjl ass rt
of tlegam SiddJc and Bndlcs, all kiids
common do l'lated acd Brass mounted Harness.
Saddle bag», Valieces, Cart ani
See. Truiik« of all kinds, particularly hard lea
*Vr Portmanteaus.
Tiiey ilfo manufacture all kinifs of Silver
mounted and plain Whips, having foveral ex
cellent Wo.krv.en in ihat branch.
They flatter themselves from their united ex
perience apdthe they have nude,
to be able to fell any of the ahove articles on as
good term* as any ethers it) the United States.
A liberal allowance wi':l be made tothofe who
ptsrehafe by the quantity
Philad. Sept. 17 4W
Book- Store,
North Secoud StreetyOppisi.e i.irist Ch ircb.
. ]U.<t
W«th lllo»*.rt(in>in4 i:iuji
Desultory Reflections
». f .
In the Unittd S<ttea ot Am rica, fmce the
conmrncenient ol tin* yea' 1799-
JC7» R. T. Rawlk, Cuiilid ring that in
tliis cour/ry there is a t'r e pre IV, is determi
ned his Book-Store lh.>ll alio be free to pub
lications of every denomination, whftherpo
lmc il or religious, The worh of Whujs
or Tories ; Republicans, or Monarchies ;
Arilt' crati or Djitioci •ts ; Ftder Jills 01
Anv-Feleralifts ; Chrißians, Jewj, Hea
thens or Turks, are tqmlly fri*r for flrte ;
and, \»h itever may be his ji'ivaie opinions,
w resolved, as a Bookseller," and in the true
spirit of his profirflion, " To btf open t»i all
parti; s. and influ -need by nonei
N. B. He has for fata, all the htefl po
litical publications, and every article in the
Stationary Line.
All Persons,
INDEBTED to the Estate of Jolcph Eigle,
late of he Northern Liberties, dcceafed, are
requeued to m<ke immediate ply merit, and
thole havir.p any deman !s against the lame, to
hrinjt in their accounts to
BEN J .\MIN I HAW. Adminiflrator.
Cofrrj. enjw.
WH.O from principle is a Fedcraii/1 ard defpofe.f
to undertake the arduoua talk of editirg of
a paper and combating the enemies of America,
may hear of an eligible foliation in the interior of
Maryland. Sco fub/cribcrs can be counted on he
fore he commence*, — A Native American will be
prefcred;—But it is not to that well
principled pcrlons though not natives, are to be
Particulars majr be learned on application
to the Editor of this Gazette.
O&o! er 3.
An-Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian. Harry the Vlllth
auJ Merry-Andrew Haying Card«, far fa!e cheep
for calh—Apply at this Office,
september 13.
a •%<
. f
Neatly executed tit the Office of the
Gazette of the United States.
Cards'—Blanks of all kinds,
See. &c.
Wil! be printed at the
Shortest Notice.
august 23.
H M.
6 IS
7 6
7 57
8 49
p 40
10 ao
it 16
6 io 5 43
6 if s 39
6 13 s 37
- 6 24s 5 36
- 6 5 35
6 -*7 5 3?
o a 8 .< 3»
Sal G aulier n fMannafhk
Rad gentian uj i Cora
I'l Sulphur l<J j Liquorice ball
Sweet oil r - j C-jn Tcru slav
Setn jniti I 7; I Ku (,
Kheubarb ■ J l_
And a qucntitvv/
shop furniture, furgeou. inftfumcnt», paten
medicines, Ac.—Medicine chrfH, ar.c! or.'ertfron'
the'eou rry, put up on moderate terms.
f P" " r '3 wl. ; w
For Sale,
THE !oi;o#ing property belonging totheTruf
tees of the .Vulgate Fund,; provided for th
pay neat of terrain creditors of £dwird Fa:
and James Grceni^af.
(jfi fijjnd ly [be (ill) Oc\nbcr inst»
PAR r of the property of said fund, in the Cit;
of that now is renr.jred cl?ar c
every i: cumSrance, will ;.e cxpole.f" a' Putli
Au.iion aj raopicljfl Tavern, which ar
the following valuable tituarim., viz. n Lots ii
fqoarc N0.,973, 2 lots in future 9"». »{ l'iti ii
jquaro N«. 995. 1 lots in fqua-ef.M'h offqmr
1019, 19 lotn in square roio, 1 lo: in square 1011
1 lot in square ictt, 7 lots in square 101 I 4 lo
in square 10*4, 3 lots in Iq'iare 1C45, ;lo « ii
square 1046, 9 lot* in square 1047, >» lots it
square 1048, with other-, aJrantageouflj
I'ltuated in various partt of the city. Also the ;
Dory frame houle now occupied i y Mr Deblois
beautifully situated (with an extenlive view ol fev
corner of fquire973, frotitbg 42 fee; on ; i flreei
eafl, «nd 4» feetonfouth G flreet: acommadicui
Kitchtn with an oven, &c. adjoining the (outV
front. A large Irarne Oablc, carriage h.ufe irk
hay loft 50 feet by 25, and a jump of ixcelien'
water near the door of the kitchtn, the lo
eitending9t feet on tj street, and 139 feet 1 incl
in G flreet, comprizing lots Nos. 1, 3, and
of jj, in the regiitered division of the square.
! he fateswill commence at the said tivcrn at tei
o'clock in the forenoon.
The term«one (nurth cadi, one fourth in fix
months, when a e'eed will be given', the remain
ing; moiety in two ytarc, payment to be fecurcd
'•y bond and mortgage. But the creditors in the
above fun !, may in lieu of mortgage secure pay
"lent of their v ond« by depelit of certificates «,f
the truftef» at the rate of five ( in the pound,
to the amount fecur.d and ftculd a dividend take
place Ijefpre the expiratiou of .the tw
will be let off .igainft the bond, and the certifi
cates returned in the fame prop.rtiou.
Henry Pratt "|
Thomaa W. Francis |
John Miller, jun. Trujltts.
JohnAfhley |
Jacob Baker. )
August 4. 3law ts
• s-
Mar&al's Sale.
L'nited States, j> ' .*
Peni'jyivania I)istrict. ) f''
of a »1 c i-enditiopa exii'itjas to
I-' me dirjfled, ilFmed out of the Circuit Court
0; the United Stat™, in and for the Pennfrlva
mi DifliuSl. will |>p expofi-d to public f<lc at
M "'t»'*nt'« Coffee" 1 ioifein the of
I'l.uad-idhia, on Friday the oth day of O'flo
"<r "r*t at 7 n' c :>c'.{ in th<* evening, all the
right, rfta'e and intrreft of Oliver Pollock, in
an.i, tot*o thnufand acres of ch ice lands fitunte
<>' i r inc Cretk in 15*e county of Lycominp.—
eized and taken in execution and to be fold as
the property of Oliver Poll, ck by
JOHN MALL, Marshall.
Marshal's Office, 1
Philadelphia Sepl 2q, iß>iq. J ->aw tS.
full Received,
And will be Sold Very Low, if applied for
immediately, by the Package only'
S lilies I'.road-Cloths, affirtej, "j
I Bale Plains and Forest cloths, . ~ JJ
1 Do. fine Coati-)g«, aflo:t«d, ! "g j"
io Do Kendall Cottons, S
ao Hogfti.'ad' . c ein« Twine, I s J:
4 Casks London Pewter, J w 1-4
No. 48, ScutS Front flrcet
September 10. ,< jt & rodTw,
For Sale,
SCHOON E H* St. Tammany,
1 iIN'G at Say'a Wharf, abovr
Market Street, burthen 70 tun*, fuupofed to be
\ remjrksUe fr.JI Jailirg.reffc!, ai.d may haft
teS £-»■ irrhi a few day#, Inventory to be fe#n
and terms of sale known by applying to the fub
No. 4, Souti Wh'er Street.
also, for sue,
5 Hhd». MnfcoV;d > Sugar.
w;.ite jnd brown Hava.nah dit n in boxei.
I aft liid a r n, ?u bags.
Welt India and C«nntry Rum?
100 HM« MolaiTea.
Holland Gin
French and Spanish Brandy,
per, C (Tee, &c
Anpuft 9.
Ghaflcs Mariliali
No. 46, Cbesnut Street,
Per brig L.barry, capi from Amller-
dam, and other arrival),
A quantify <f the foil winp arri c 'e«, which they
fell for cafli, or the ufu&l credit—
A minion crud Ol Arid
Arsenic alb _ Juniper
Sacfaturni Su eini
Vitriol alb - Rho !ii
B>ra* Camphor
Opium Occirnclh
Annetto Gum Benzoin
MtrcOulc Arabic
Proscip rub Myrrh
Corros fob Kino
„ t
By C. P. Wayne, No. 6j; South Front-fl reef.
Maty Bctki
D MPBCFFUJ.I Y iuloMM her.fri«t4>indthe
Public,.that Ihe intemlt >pahiei{ brr
SCHOOL un the firfl at io Fifth n«r
ura|ui)t Street, oftpodie cli« Sut« Hivfe Vard,
wh»rr (lie will ai ufnal, teach th£ I tancKri #l |fo
lite aad »feri»l literituro, islu.*ng Geography
Alrrnoiii) , Wm<irir. Arltli(i«nk,.'4*d arery ac
towylilhunt wtrffiry(» farm 1 cample la liWtl
Yomn LaJif«..,inay be a£c«toniod#tcd with
Boar I. Ac. in the Hodfc, whicb i> Vary airir and
• G. Beck's Drawing: and Paiuting School
will commence at the lame
Dancing Academy.
MR- I, wi h r.fpeft informs hispu
piH au'l he public in general, that he intends
opening Acadcmv en .oociay th>; 6th of Oc
tober , at his new sff mbiy room, No, 64, south
Fourth Arret.
| Mr. Qorfnet is thankfu' to the Lanirsand Gen.
tlcmen, U>r the liberal encouragement he has ex
perienced every feafjn —he was dt lire us for some
time to tweet W iiSi a ger.tie.Tian of whom the cha
riSer aid talent«, could, unite ! together d-feiye
the confi lence of the public deprived of fur-h ad
vantage, Mr Qjhas always thought proper to
divide and fix the r.umbsr ol pupils; but this l'etf
cn the fchoi>l can be improved one third more
havi g to iatr'nhice Mr Auriol, as an aflillant to
him, and a perf-m of rbilitv. The fqholar-fhall
he atteudeil three time* a wtrNas usual—Ladies in
the mormrg ; young Gcv.t'emen in the afternoon ;
and grown Gentlemen in the evening.
N. B. The lirll pra&ifing ball in private for the"
fvholam.wili be a lew days after the opening ol the
!ch«ol ; and thefirft hall will je on X't.mrCduy, the
16th O&jbtr next,
Ma. AURIOL Utoijr arrived Item P»r«, rt
fp«& oily inform> the public in jfcaerat, chat bav
tuf fooie time 10 difpef* 01, h* will attend tboft
La tiet «n4 OcM!enw»» who with ts be
privite at 'h'ir own hu«fn,
Hu lodgingi are at No 32, south Third flreet,
where ciredions can be lelc with his lady if hei»
O&ober I.
Carpets & Carpeting
By the Subscribers,
In the Tillman, Caprain Hv.rker, from Li
vedo I,
A very extensive and b.-autiful assortment
LOR/iJ. y s jtf.
No, 5, JCorth Third S:t?et.
ofVober 4 J
tuicth tf.
Of tbe Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficiar.t number of
the moll approved European GlafsManu
hiilwers, ,in<! having on hand a large (lock of
tbt best Materials, ri) which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window glal.-of a fupeiior qua
lity and of any size, frou, 7 by 9, to 18 by a 4
inches, carefally packed in boxes containing
too feet ea Wmay be had at the ihorteft notice
G'afs of larger sizes for other ■ purpol'es, may
alf" He ha'J, such as for pitlures, coach.glafll-s,
clock laces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds ,ind. of any
qta/ititjr may also be had, together with pocket
tia/ks pic klingjars, apotkecary 's (hop furniture,
or other hollow ware—the whole at least aj pei
cent, lower than articles of the fame q ulity
brought Irom any of the lea po*ts of the United
States. A liberal allowance will he made on
ale of hrge quantities. Orders/, m merchants
<nd others will be punctually attenjed-to on ap
plication t® JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs. PRATHER
andSMIL/E, in Maiket-Street, Pittsburgh;
M ' r .ch 4, tuthtf.
Journeymen Preffineri!
WANTED Tmmediattly\}\ree or four Jiurney-
P>ri) HRE<SMIiN; thnle who tan fcrir.g
indifpucalm recivimrndaticn< of their b'c'ieg good
workmen flcady and honed, may find 'cunftaiu
employment at the Printing office of
Isaiah Thomas, jr.
Worte(ler,feptcmb«r 17,1800 (22;
HAVING opened a Store at No. 19, Dock
flreet, f<yr (he trai fjilisg .ill manlier of hufi
ness in the Mercantile line, on < ommiflion, fii
licits ihe t-ir.pli.yin<T.t of his fr:-r,d« a id others,
in this vay,. as 'heir Fadlor, iffurtng them that
thctr orders ThaJl be 1 catefnlly attended to and
executed belt manner in h<a power.
Bn. F. WEST.
Stop Thief!
RAN- from the Sahfcrihrr. on Sunday
aßrh inft, late in the evening, ar indented
Mulatto Boy, aged i? years, tngageil by therame
■f Joseph Brown, faying" to be Irom Lan
rafter or t! at iseiglib. . ,jr>od ; he is (lifif set, has a
round face, ihort bair.hrgemouth, frfiijiyg coun
! inaiice t dsll fpesch, big fcan-k and f, et and ho
has no beard He may drtft Kim(elf ui h a gen
teelciiat oi light drab colour, wfite button*, *ad
blick cap;, He wears a gnoj round black hat.
He has ftn'en 'lom the fubferiber upwards of xco
dollars ; nca(h and valu-J of other ohjeils. VPhce
ver will apprifcen.J ?nd fecur him with at much
vjiue about fciia :II rcc ire the above rewai
ani4 to dollars if the young villain can only be
brought to cond:gn j u ufliment.
No. jjo Scnth Street.
Stpl. %<}. oe^tp
tu th& fa rm
T>K I r RKMEMI'EUED, That on the ud day
Xf cf August, in the mil year of the Indepdii
dence of the Uni ed Statesot America, William
Young (B.okfcllcr,.) of the said Uiftri<ft, hath
deposited in rhts Office, the title of a Book, the
right wfiereof he claims as proprietor ,• iu the words
following, to wit.
" Essay on Political Society."
IN CONFORMITY to the a& of the Con
gress of United State*,intituled "An
. Ad encouragement of learning
[seal.] byf-curing the copies o( Maps, Charts
and Bo'-ks to the Authors and Propri
etor« cf such copies during the times
therein mentioned "
Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania,
fertem'Kr 18 oaw 4 w.
District of Pennsylvania to wit:
BE it remembered thit on the Tenth day of
July it. the tvrentyfif'h year of the Indepen
dence of thd Uni'ed States ot America, Alexan
der AdJil'on of the fiid Diftritt hath dep .sited
in tins office ihe title of a book the right where
ot he claimsas Author in the words following
to wit, " Reports of cases in t!?e County couris
of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of
Errors and appeals of the State of Pennfyivania,
and charges to Grand Juries of tbofe Cou tv
Courts, liv Alexander Addifon, President of
the Courts of Common Piea» of the Fifth Cir
cuit of the State of Pcnnlylvania."
Itiiconformity to the afl of Congress or the tJni
ted States ihtitled " An ail for the encouragement
oflearningby securing tjie copies of maps charts
and b oks to the Authors ind Proprietors of fucfr
copies during the times therein mentioned."
Clerk of the DiJlrifl tf Pcnnfyl v ania.
The above book is now pufelifhed It will be de
livered to lubfcribers by Mr. Dobfun Bookseller.
Jii!y a 3
Just Received,
2cO I>js. Mate, 1
400 tel*. Nutmegs, J°* R fu P erior quality,
Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof,
Do. of the Silt quality,
Holland G in in pipes,
Port-au-Pri "ice Molaffcs and
30 Tierces R ice.
R- & It. also on band, for sale,
H r fon, 7
Young Hyson, > TEAS,
Souchong y
Cogniac Brandy, ill & 4th pr<io£,
Sherry Wine in quart"" calks, very nice,
50,000 Spain (h Sugars,
And a Variety V other
August 26
August 4tb t ißco.
J HE commanding Officers of corpt'» de
t tacf, meni*, polls gar/if m 3. and recrm't-np
parties, belonpi g t • the military
of the United Stated, are to report to, ai.'d
recede orders from Brijradler General Wil- •
kinr.-.n, in the City of W afhingtwn, and all
olhcers on furlough a re t,, report themfelvei to
the fame officer with all poffinle difpatcli.
S3" All Printers within the United States
wile I.ave publiflied invitation; for conttadlssf
of March lalt are requelted to infrrr
the aot!\c Tm iLeir relpedlive papers, once a
week tws tuontlis.
To be Sold
-{•HAT Handsome ami healthy COUNTRY
SKAT, called Lauk r l Lodge, the late
refide-ce of Tliumis Kuticr, Esq. si ua ; e
Potts Grove, M ntgomery County, thirty f-ic
milat from Fhi»a ielphia, c>utaing about 106
acres, twenty »f which are prime
fift-en excoll, ut watered mea.low, the refiduc
divided idaraWe I ts. On the premises are a
large hand!mit BrickHnufe ami adj <ini g budd
ings, contaiig two parlours, a 'large dining
ro-m, and a ilall, twelve feet wide, by forty
i 1 "g» a large ki*chen, wash with *pu/np
O' rX( e !! r a at, r: 1; ir, fx hano.'omc chambers
two fture-rooms, four garret chambers pj uttered
and a grais) room over the adj inirrg l )u idir.g
a double spring with a smoke r.oufe ovtr
the fame, wJtl infi tv yards of the kitchen—The, in the dn< ft feafun nevei known (o low
er in the lead, and from which the meadow is
watered ; a garden containing about one acre,
docked v\ nh the mofi delicious fruits, such as
peaches, plumbs, cherries, T2fb , ;rries, &c
leveral alpjragu, beds i', great ptrfe&ion. Alf,>,
a young bearing appletree orchard, containing
several hundred trees, the fruit feleded from dif
frcnt parts of the Untied States, a large convtni
ent barn with a threihing floor, with conimodi
(jus tabling f< r horses and crus, carriage and
houses, griiin room, &c. Airo.fundry out fcuildt, confiding of a large frame poultry houfr
and corncrib, &c. AWo, a tenant's hnufe, gar
den and flab :', and a pump cf excellent water
feloigine to the fame.
she fuuation of Potts Grove is remarkahl)
healthy, regularly fnpplied with liutcfcci's meat'
.nd poultry in 'abundance, to fee purchased at 'a,
low rate, and the Schuylk.ll ass ,1s a plentiful
fiipply of rxcellent fifh Twii gr:ft mill*. in the
rear of the town. Perhaps few country to »ijj
in Pennlylvinia, ;,re more rapi-Hy tmpuoiiijf
or roon let ,; ad .lf.Ufe* tfan Potts
Grove. The fev.-i ai f, ;f jti'l.c w. r ,hip,
the fUuhrity of the air. gent'tei i cJrty. and
che»pnels ot living, are iJn.jhg ihe Jew advan
tages it poflrffci.
Any person withing to vrw the premises,
wilt plfute to n'r ply* t) M'f: Win. POTTS,
in Pottfgrove, mid for terms to the' fubferi
ber, in Phil .delphi*.
'9 2awtf.
Secretary ol YVar.
To Printers.
5 r^f TED ~'» Exchange,
A Fi.UNI of Pr finer,
iirt; e °r r 70 .°. !b or *P*w-lb «nd a Fount of
"'ever, weigh.,ng 400 ibs. or upward*.
September 2.
'reventioii better than Cure.
For the prevention ami epic of Bilio .s and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
13k. HAHN's
Anti-bilioUs Pills,
W H s? h VIK™ atlcndfd with a degree
tor' t, !r r ph!y , SrJtfful 10 the in v"l.,
tor s feelings, in feveril parrs of (he Weft-Ir
dies,and the southern parts of the United State--
particuiarl,- in Baltimore, Peterflmrg, Rich,
mond, Norfolk, fcdenton, Wilmim*
tan, Savannah. &c. Theteftimony of a num
ber or ptrfows in each of the above places can be
adduced, who ha»e reason to believe that a
timely ufc of th s salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, preserved their lives when in the
mMI dlarmin, ; circviuiflantf s,
Vails of tht- conclusive nature speak mo re in
favour of a medicine, than t-.| unins of porn pou ,
eulogy, ft(Oi*fi on mere afll-rti n, couul do.
It «| not indeed p.-ef-mptuonfly proposed a«
an infallible cure, but the inventor lias every
poflib!e reason. which can from extesifive
experience for behevingthat a dofeof tlieii pill,,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our annual Uiliotis fevers, will prove an
mra'hbie preventative ; and further, tint in the
earlier stages of tiiofe dijVafes, their use will
I very generally f„ CC eed in rearing health and
I frequently i • eftetmed defyerait asd Wey
ond the p>vv«er of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfeflly mild
and may be used with fafety by persons in every
Fituation and of every ag?.
They are excellently'adapted to carry off f,j
perfiuous bile and prevent its morbid fccretions ;
to restore and amend the appetite ; ro produce
a !ree perfpiratien and thereby prevent cdldj
which are often of fatal con'equence. A dofp
never fails to remove a cold if t jken on its firit
appe-irance. The-/ are celebrated f..r removing
habitual coflivenefs, fickuefs r.f the fiomach an 1
levere head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
perfnin on a change of climate.
They have been found rgmarkably efficacious
in prev«nting and curing molt disorders attend*
ant on long voyages, and fhoold be procured
ana Carefully preserved for use by every seaman.
-DH.'HAjm'V . ;T
Genuine EycwMtetii ■
A »nj f»ft rrowdy for*W oSdw -
ejrel, whetK«r th* cfftA of pstnri) wc*kttfv «r of /
■ccifirot, fjeejlly removing infltmaucioiM, d*.
flaxiona of rheum, Jultnrf., .itching, and film« i* '
the cjrtt, newer Wtttg to fart Vhkb
faceted th* (null p<k, nvciiUt ibd so
. d«pri*«A of ~ U T |""" T
eo tf
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im
medutc and lading rejicf in (Tie moil fcvcre in
The Anodyne £}ixtr. ..
Jfrr Um care «f e*crj kind
ckt foce ud n«k» ' '
* «*• l "> - . '•
Jjnf dtible Ague and Fever Drops, '
i 1 hit o>edicine lu» never fcafotife %ko%-
Q[R<}C4/«« tH>t one im t*.,
uV<* •* ¥ W T 'J 140 kottk, ««d .nambcii dm hfit. ~» prfrormei; —'vJ/j ,*■ , ;
■. ■* ' ■ ' *"
"" S7JT7&MU*, ' ' "
*- #
N>l. 17, South Second Street,
Whft'f alfn may be !.ad, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
Dvftrojt* l.o?.erge<, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, A c - Rellurarive Dr«p, F.flence and Ex
trait of iVia Sovtrcijr uintnu-nt (or the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's .''r.lallihlc German Corn Plaitter, In-
Jian VVgetaMi Specific for the Venereal com
plaint, Oowland »and PerGan Lotion, Restorative
Tooth Powder, .Damask Lip Salve, Church'i
Conph Drops, .4ndt. 'fan's Mil, &c. &c.
apriltn . m K
lets Day . 'ubhsbi'i, ®
By J. No. 4i_- ChanuC Street,
(Price 15 Cent. )
Death of General lVafii'igtor:.
liy He*. John B. Linn, A. M.
M;:ii/ter "f the First Prelbrterian Contresration
Philadelphia. 6
Mr. Chsudroc's Oratien will be publiflief
od Monday tnofninp
MKrch 15.
V <
A Runaway.
ON Saturday the 23d Au'gjft, ran away from
the subscriber. living in' Harrifourgh, an
apprentice to the printing bufine's, named Benja
min Mpr/ifon, a lad of about 16 year, of age,
small of fUture and very a&ire, ftort hair and of
a fouling countenance—Had on and took with
nn a calico raiter, a pair of trrawfera «f nearly
the fame, a pair of common cahk«cr. di'to and a
hemelpuo lys caloured drir.ed ditto, ar<J a fhert
jacket ps the fame, with a new hat—All perfjns
are_ foriid harbouring at the.r
peril. Beafonable charg s will v.- f cr J-c6-
, ring the boy, so that tits mast r '.siy t c; hi'i
Hamiburgh, Sept. I
A* Printing Press.
Apply « the Office of the Gazette of
the United States,
July I*9. i i '
i* <
* «/
\Vcn.(f M „ xviii.
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