Gazette of the United States PHILADELPHIA, tubsdat f.vkning, 'ctobfh 7 PRICES OF STOCKS , PbIUDIIHU , SItTIMBER 50 Old 8 per Cent Stock for cash S r per cent Sit per cent, (net amount) do. 86 / <' " Navy do. do.- Three per Cent. 'do. 11 )3. o. Deferred, . do. LjT BANK United States, do. ■' Pennsylvania, , but the boat would net row ; Gen. Wifhington refufed. " 8. The fame pl;ce became vac int a*rain under Mr. Adamf t and Dr. Rush and Mr. Abercrombie were the rival candidates," (4 years after Mr. A. was in orders.) "9* 'he place of Money Changer not be ing in the reach of this man devoted-to the service of Gnd, he took up the pulpit drum and beat a tattoo to politics, and got Por cupine to pubii'h ! is Sfr:v ■ ". N. B. Prrcupine did not publifb the Ser mon, but Mr. John Oi'rnroJ. Is not this, reaJef, a clear convi&ion of a lie ? Item. " He fays h? was charged in the Aurora with irrigating Porcupine to at tack Dr. Rulh. This was never directly said in the Aurora.*' In th n paper of Wednesday, ioth of Sep tember, it is said, «' Why was it that Dr. Rulli was perpetually annoy d, a I per fed and pei fectited by Porcupine ? Parson Abercrom bie the drfamer of Jeffcrfon was the confhnt afioei.ite of Porcupine ; the fime AHercmni bie was a competitor with Dr. Rulh for the Trenfurvfhip of the Mint." J pains fnrr obtained as. much happirvf. is . '£-*"< i 'titi & ' ' ' "" ' ' v ' ,« 'alls to the lot of hfltuaium b* purfuinp | A]S'Y ■ iM- It™ 1 «>'f Garland, f-nm N York for Nevri what wis ri hi wh », ~,r , .. ! , d ''!s PaflVngcs . MtflVs Gifoert '■' i, weak a-'ij •••Wet i w i: rc now in! ! £?"* ««, C-lqu ; hou«, John Tbomnfo*. line"l to 'lvl Mr A. iif '•ur ! *ii # d nh« i i\icna r d Scott, Wn. Gilmore Tames Em-* ,s > . I'-d he ailv r,tr.; Willi ; Ga7"*fv Vi ir'rr ! i'fl-' - and twenty fn.the steerage. .. '< >'ft '.f it.iWetio,.; labour-d Lift, Ihe fla.p Collins Cotrell, from L;». to overturn our civii conftitutlon, level!,,! a PftlJT HF pllTTa.i,-, brJi} r T i A " - uft *'• w " bi,arded »«*.• the A'p J„h n and i.enry who v.-! c«bs an/i .eipii;-- i. : ',,,! he c , . hD » -Day. Phe 26 days from Li.erpool fjr Boftou exercised h.spri, in villifvinr Gen. VValho.a. o' < i H "" 5? ~~ 2 f! b ' ,n * at 4« t Ion? 54 50 a brig frpm tn, Mr. Ad un : , ~ p. ... ~ H T"'f' c r L <"' do " 4* <*''• Porrlmmnh ; 3 eth iolat 40 i nnlto " ail(l " : '♦•rcoslp: •,„ i ; i , ilir ■; .... v U ' Al] S ""' 1 • St - J"" ri " C. b3; 35 )'» ff 71 12 th Alp 0.-ion, of N. York 'are the boa« of on,- 11 p-p. • " '"_T '> "'"ts fom London .~. |•' He mil.! t w it|, ,Vo w . 0 , "S 1 ,om ''s. Havan a!) i.aA .-vrntnq arrived he A-p Mary,' Fi'-ti have b.-en o,:e -f the le-.-l. cur g ,„ g . -'<*>P<-Omet Co'"" • . Uichm»..d 947 days Green , f !i, |i« J at 39 26 v ' 1»V ti eh< r ;;nd I rjs, wl, < h w.-, p, ~ *. ' Ki '' ) ht brig Oi;ona 33 day from Liver -" , d °" r ' f !•» i|, , u i 1 ' ava " M "'"{ Picker Nev.bern pool to Charlellon * 20th in lat so ,7 she rendered him. he much haj p'i'cis „ t ills o the lot of hum.:- r l U U'i' fcd to be the Ann, Capt. --orth ( aroiina ; ( ftr. lin lot jo 2® fp nity to r: jy in W( /. , society. fj 1 m'e con- ' r £ a \ 'P °" ' hc *jgc s Lank. 4° dayj from Amsterdam Sebastians fpoke the Aip -imp :~y '* " ''lo'tjied" by his ftridures : '"i'" , ' • . f . 'dami.-u, .33 league* from the H^ok har fr ni it ; Mr. A. conscious that his cba-' f■, ? P ;- ,\ e y '. ''P M°h aw k, f* l " London. , 'afte, i-. invul'u-iahle, receives such c .irinnv , e ,l!* 0m cuftl P'oy with the . : l'l>elhip America Watson, belonging to W!,h th. c •i-ieiv.j.t it deferv.-c, and defies the ,'P 1 W ilf j , (,winn, for Phil -del MeHVs and Giay, failed from Li, us ",01l fur-, wlvch the mal of " a P ' Xn "- Lee V New. York and v ' >7-ol the 29 U Aucuft. September 3. in f.irit. the frenzy, fj.cobihifm, of the C, .1-1 levc,al name "'known, On the 3d hi S 6 4 >, fj .ke '.he fchr. John, ,e dart lufive infolei ce of iufi lehty can display, to , pt , 4 i' 2 : ' S , ] °" S J 5 ' 14 W ' f P' )ke ' rom New.York fr. Dublin. 2z d', on t |, c l, e rc.t'- him ill t'. f!t.-ation of th- vir- p' e n Kofomand, V. ilia,, c f a „d f or Banks, th- Aij, Wi.'i-am and J. e, udi; iu if . and .In- - Fcd-rahlts, and » ri,n » ' openhagen, a|J well—and on fr ,;n Liven 0.,1 f, r Boflon-Pa5 : h of Sept in lat 43, 19, N long Messrs. Gottfchius,' Wood, Bayley, and ' ' • ' I 47- 43. W spoke the brig Aurora, Bart- M Kin fey. ()a. 1, took from th,-Aip eft. of and for Plymouth, 36 f:om Lil .oa. <-:-..rre. Hie ,47 d.vs from Hull for I hi'a a" •- ' • V ■ deiphia. Capt. Bunker, late of t' c (hip Orion, ohip • raen.-a. Swain, from hence, h.s w b'«,h 'dm!; 1, r-n f r (he fpi-iin r irrived 111 the Downs. j aleak from Sr. Ui)r« for N •w-Vork. Cap*'. Ship Experiment W'illowby, of and fori h-sd been ; rrvioufly taken fmni the I'chr. New York failed from Liverpool 4 days Beaver, from Portltnd for Be,bice, by he a fore the Amiahie Adelle ; (hip Missouri, ; R r •;• J, hn, Atkins, from Liflbon for Phila. of and for Philad lp'iia, faded todays deljihia. i . • jo!,n, on the of S~,'- rom Liverpool before the Amiable A- fmbrr >n It 40 ; 2 , I >mr 66, while lying -® c " e -. • too. "'a ; , d.l :i- d into th 'tifandiof oieces, by- Brig John, Atkins, of and for Philadel- a heaey fen, at y a tremendous sea, and ftparated in tw . I«fi".-n. r er, and 3-f his people were f.ved. )arts Capt Atkins, a• d, a boy btlongi g H "v-y S eveim 2 1 mate of the. John 7, ,1 j :o he brig, and captain Bunker, ada by drrwm-d; t0;.;,-th,T with a female p,{T : t;er >: the (hip Orion of and f r New-Yor< 1 children, and ten of the crew. The fur rom t. Übcs, whose vtffel had previously vlv "'" r- m-iii.rd 7dvs on a pieces of the ouiider, d, and taken off by Captain Atkin-, j wr * c k b-fore they wre taken off, without vcre the only survivors of this un.h?ppy an V nans of fuhfiftahc-'i rvent. Satsrdsy arrived, Aip F rtitude, CoiSa, •Ship Gadfden, Gardner, o? and for Char- t ' a y s from Liverpoo'. Sept. 4, lat 44, eftoi from rhe Spanidi, hes been '4 l ' 'one: 3' 00 spoke (hip ltof-. Jones 21! leartd, vtffel and cargo, at Kiaglion. Jam.. . a }' s <"« fr-'m Phil lelp'iia Sept. 6, lat S'lip Hole. Ir 1 • lience to Liverpool was 45 6 long 35 30 fp ke (hip P'k-n the 4th S pinn' cr in !„t 44,41, Ch (liana 30 days out fiom Norfolk to hi' 31 co N out ...i d.-ys I.ondon *t pt 2s, iat 42 25 long 63 00 Ship Prudence, Berry, from hence to fp°ke ship John an:! Phoebe, 42 days ouc Cork and Live,pool, has put into N. York "om Liverpoo! to B, flon- Ibe Pa ty :-•»! P' I! " .*!<• kon t"!- Ji) h u 11. wa " to fail fiom Liverpool for \ 7 irw.>ork Brip Peggy, Hoilet, from Norf lk to I,lda >' a trr ,!,e Fortitude, an«i ship Suffolk, Martin que, is taken and feut into Guada- W hipple for d> on the 6:h Sept. loupe. Same evening (h!p Prudence. Berry of a'd Yoin Philailelphia f.r Cork, having BOS! ON, oa her 3. sprung a leak an ibe 29th ult. the crew Arrived in the opter harbour ship Jane reiuling to prcceed, was obliged to out it and Phebe. Dyer, I.iverpool, and two brigs I,ire "«nr>e» Unknown, onefuppofed to be a new NO INFIOEL. ' duane, are ou nime l he villain who called It a/hingtan a j From a Kingston (J) p a p fr , per the Rose. KINGSTON, (Jamaica) Augyft 29, Late on Wednefilay evening arrived at Port Roy.ll, his majeftv's ship La Seine, with the French frigate La Ven »f the army were on b iard La Vengeanc:;, amo ig the number is G. n era! Bauvaig," \'lste v commandir under I commanded La Renomme, when taken by his majeny's (hip Alfred. In the Jamaica papers (here ij anoth;r account, which dees not. differ materially from the above. In stating the return of killed and woun ded on board the Vengeance, it fays that out of 4J3 hrr complement of men, (he only brought into Kingrton 291. It also adds that Captain Petot mentions, that " in the sdiort he had with the Con tellation, he struck three times ; that he fa,w her in the morning when his ship was entirly mifmalted, and miglit have made a prize of him, but that the Conftrliation did not appear anxious to renew the ftruir glc." From late London Papers. The Abbe De Lille the celebrated trans lator of the Georgtis of Virgil is at present in London—he is now quite blind. Foreigners ft em to knpw little of the so vereignty of the Britilh empire, that a wri ter in a Strafburg paper fays—" Englanjhtt just concluded, a treaty offenfive and defeu five with the IJle of Man." General Moreau who now difplayj so much (kill and bravery at the bead of the French army of the Danube, was original ly an attorney. Thomas Paine resides ifi an obscure lodg ing i» the fuh*>rbs He is ia the last stage of a decline .through intemperance. A German writer compare* England to a rich merchant vrjcls and the national debt to the lallajll The unfortunate Koucfeu?, in none of his tragedies conceived so dark a plot as that by which he is now consigned to wear away probably, the remainder of his days io the remote and hideous deserts >of Sibrrfa. An Irilh paper of the 12th July, fays, " the firtl export tntry from hence for VVafhington, the new capital of the United States of America, took place on Thurs day, and consisted of wro.ught iron, brass and hofieiy ; which we hope will be follow ed by numcous other*, especially as 111- creasing rapidly in populatiou, its demands for matiufaft red goads will certainly in crease in proportion." MURDERER ? Wc are fond ofafliing quedions Jasper. brig From Portland At ived, A >jt The follo rafter, from Kiogtton, Jamaica, bound to Demarara, all well. ' Ito Newburyport, found-red at fca on the Arrived at Mxrblehead, fchroner Hercu 2d September ; the Captain, paflengers and les Lovis, Barbadots September 12, crew, were taken up in their boat by the spoke brig John and Edward, Somhwick, ong Rt l eccaof Portsmouth, (N. H.) twenty-nine days from Boften for Barba Captai# M-Clintoc, off Cape Hatterai,- d ies, entirely difmalled ; had been three and brought into this, port on-the lOth 1 days without water, and fourteen without any provii o„s, compass or quadrant, ,all which Captain L. Supplied Arrived at Salem, ship Friendship, .Wil liams, thirty four days from London ; in her came pafTenger Mr. Seth Adams of Also arrived, ship Ciccinn tus, Endieott, Cadiz, thirty four days ; ship Essex, Stanwood, Amsterdam, . forty five days; ship Aurora Bic-Wd Copen hagen lixty-one days ; brig Suk;y and Bet sey, Cook, St. Petersburg. NEW-YOKK, Ofitob r 6. Ship Experiment, Wilbert, Liverpool Fortune's Frolic • Jofuh Colli s, Cctterel, do 44 n , „ ' America, Watson, do 34 ' V ' Ute o f R ' cb "- Ofiras, Hiller do Robin Roughhead, Mr; B Mifi Huron Hill, Greenock 34 Nancy,, Mrs. Snowdeni Mary, Fitta, do 4? Brig Motes Gill, Watts, Tublin 44 , Bri * ore coi's and from JO till 4 <*n thr day* of Performance Sloop Mau'a, Pratt Ni'vii I Tickets to be'haj at H anUP. RiceVhook Core The ship Columbia, Pirtam, from herrce Second Street, and at the ofßce'ai' to Leghorn, with Naval Stores, lias hen J' Jin ' n g th = Theatre. allowed to proceed, after being carried into'J A HANDSOME EDITION Algizeras, by a French pnva cer, Ihe Britilh b'ig m : a'van- ' ITND' r T MURR-'Y' nah to Jamaic.i, is lull on llie foush fide of , 1* < ■' s English Grammar, nock, (hip Huron, Hill. Sept i Pory If]. " TTH . and. S. . . E. (i mile-< fp.'kn |lie-1 ;raper, AN APPENDIX, 'from N. York, 9 th, in lat 45 59 lon* 4* Has this 1>« V J*;, 'pablifheJ, l, y v 1 Hciitor Johnlon, ,6 ays from Dictcixs, "iso ».ie ChrWl-C'nfrC!! Newbuiyport, for 1 amburgh 2 th in lat \r/iladrtai.i i 4038 long 6t the 74days from [fr/cr One D.L&I h" N. lork tor Iriverpoel—Ume day the Bri- if .£ CHARLESTON, September 20, New-Theatre. WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 8, WiJI be prefentej a favorite Tragedy, called The Fair Penitent. Lothario, Mr. Cmper—Califta, Mrs, Merry. To ivbicb w 'l bi . died the List n «- Farce c,tiled