i Gazette of the United States. piiri.AbEi.PHtA, Trl»nAT uiiik, tcTtKp f. dT The Carriers of this Gazette \ have been strictly forbidden either to sell or give away, any of their papers; and should the Editor detect, or re ceive information of any person at tempting to seduce them from the line of their duty, he -will employ legal means for redress.—Jt fjQsdecome a serious inconvenience, anch those who are.friendly to the interest qf this -paper, lire requested to giv£ such in formation as may be in their power on the subject, and they will confer an obligation on The Editor. Icr it is requeued that Gentlemen who are negletted by the Carriers, will not per mit several toelapfe without giving in formation of fucli neglect j but immediately give notice. They shall be served re gularly. To Readers and CoxntsroNDßitT's. The elegant, well reafaned, and correft ElTay, from the pen of a scholar, and from the head of a politician, *ho stiles himfelfan " Amekican Fkder alist," will be in serted as f-oB as poifible. At this interefc. Mig and fervid season of the political year, our files are crowded with numerous and prolix Eir.y , on topics, pertinent to the public weal Hence from the number of luch ariclfi, from the occafisiial ntoss(s of news thut we are obliged to extrfeif, ai d from the very copious Marine LifUy-wWh a Commercial City requires us to compile, we are obliged fr. to postpone' the political and literary favours ot our friends. Cindid allowance must therefore be made for unavoidable dt 'ays. But, our correspondent from New-Jeiley, who I,at so JOgchiioufly defended the ebweb and the iUtefcgainft the rude battery of Bloomjiud and the £ibtle sap of Sayre,J may rely on our soon giving his produdlion to the public. '• Literary Intelligence" will soon appear, announcing The Cabinet, a new Magazine, projefted by Mr. John Weft, of ' Boston, and fupp- rced by the principal lite rati in that quarter. " Eumenks'' is from a learned and prac ticed pen. Both the iubjoct matter ot his Essay and the mode of treating it, entitle his elaborate performance to very high con- The author is, r fpeitfully, so licited to persevere, but we mud requell him to divide his fuiijeft into such portions of modtiatc *s may bi conveniently m 'fcrted in * daily paper: Not only the exi gencies of th* printer, but the inttreft of the author, and the attention of the readers, are best secured short tfl/iys to read, which " the busy may find time, and the idle pa tience." Perhaps, as the learned and acute writer proj-ofe* to expand his topics, it weie better for him to print it in the pamphlet form. With a very little trouble it ought be thus ananjetj. in * few days. This, is submitted to the writer. A great vari.ty of literary and critical articles are waiting for their turn of infer tien. " fliall appear with an Eng lish motto. ' ' Gratitude is due to our numerous corref. pondeius for the valuable and conflant com munications, which, we now, almofl hourly receive-. Our literary and political files are Cow fufficient to lurnifh volumes. We think thi« a decisive omen of the public ap-- probation, and that gentlemen reading and leifsre think the Gazette of the United .. States a £uu->ide for their lucubrations. Afttiiical Poem on the fubjedt of a Great Man arts his Wig, is weaving by a fkilful artist iit the poetical loom. Jt will banquet our Federal Patrons, but will pio?e " as htter as Coloftiiniida" to Jacobins and Pennsylvania Patriots. •' Ihe Chin pins Cobles" is again at work. He adroitly holds his hammer. His tnd appears to us strorg, though not twisted, and, «.hile he continues so well to measure i fi* Jacobins, we are not anxious to fee his last. " The Ode to Popularity" i»a homethruft fa the Patriot's fide. It is poetically descrip tive, and jull. S-we account of Mr. Dickins'very bean til'ul edition of Lindky Murray's Grammer will k appear as soon as pcffible. We are eager to notice ufeful proieffional enterprize, and elegant typographical execution. If the Rev Mr. Abercrombie was unTiic cet/ul in his application for the Treasurer. ftjp of the mint, he has not on that account b«come a reviler of the Government, under which he wilhed to hold an office.— It would be well if Citizen. Jose Bloomfield, the would-be.Governor of Jerfey, who ap plied for the fame office, but was refufed from afar different motive, had followed this Gentleman'* .example, inflrad of be coming a liaivkr at Jacobin town meetings btcaufe he -could not (h.»re the laavej k fiftes. Euanc fays we ar.e " fond of a{king ques tions." He is ven - carrfn), bcwc.ver, not to answer thtni. Stepbftt Say re, at Saftkutg memory, and I bcitler,Kn\j.wp jn London than in iny part of "the L'hiteH S Kites, figures- as ftcrttary to an I atiti-tedeial tkeeting in JeiT.y, of which the I truly fugacious J< fepli Blootitfield was Pre sident. HdW much -weight either a printed "r a written paper ou&ht trt receive from fucli nailirS, we pretend not to lay ; but we may be allowed to form general Conclufians from the Indignant Winner in which tbii'ty Ccfpe&ablt! citizens, nominated by these Ja c bins, to serve on tii-ir committees, have refufid to have any thing to'(id with them ■or their proce-di.ngs. , And we hefit e t> bis fiend in America, dated July xotb tSoo. I am much obliged to yon tor ysur infor mation", your papers, and your pamphlets. I fee the e!eitior.eering campaign has begun at a very early period indeed, and with equal inveteracy, and ability on the part of oppofitjori. That tie y pimping to the popu lar passions, upon wh.cli all the Jicbltt Cabals are founded. is but too wt U calculated to furceed in i country like ours. I ceshist its m tit bottom nf my soul, h»t I ha\e ton I' rite witnessed its effic cy not to b cyn ftl'Mis ot it. When I fee Governor M'Ke: n and Edward'Livitinftone, b iomethe pai.e gyrifts of Washington, I cannot h«lp think' i ing of Bo leiu's lines. Je croif voir le diaMe " qtic Oie« force a luuer lei Saints," " I thi: k I hohold the D' Til " Whom G»d corneals to ftraife tfceS»!i:ts'' You obftrve, that it is furprifinq; to P e how pliable the tempers of people are, a. « I how generally they follow the torrent of political fuccrfs. Bit fucli is the nature of the human heart. When Governor M'Kean turns out of office, old, meritorious]fufFers in J the cause of our Revolution, to nuke w;:y for his own and his creatures, his par ty ca»e not a fig for the Inconfiltencv of such conduct, with hispr sessions of Repub lican purity ; or rather t'ley feel there is no j inconfiflency in it. The objeft in both in (lances, is the fame. The profeffions are made to ftrenjtlien his party. The offices are taken from his opponents, and given to , his friends, to flren ;the'n his party. The profeffinns are like "Hodge's Rafors," mid-, not for yfe, but for sale, and when they have anfwertd their puipofe, 5t is ridiculous < to think of returning them upon the fellers ■ hands. He has got his money, nd may botdly laugh at the dupes who took Ins razors on ■ tlie preemption that they woul.l shave. Ihe fir *tafk of public spirit has so often, and lo long b.en worn to cover the foul vifri'e'of private interrft, ard m.lignant ; pa.'lions, that if it were susceptible of decay, it would long (Ince have been worn out. But as it has always been used fuccefsfully, so it will continue to succeed as long as there shall be on earth, men to che.it and be cheated. Nor is it of much confrquence how thin the difguifeis, since a Cooper can assume it with as bold a face, as a M'Kean. To a mail of the philosophical School of 1 imon, a pamphlet like that of Cooper's trial, mud be a valuable fraft. Jlere is an expatriated Englilh Patriot, who turns to a flaming American patriot, who begs for an offi e, to which he could not have the lead pretension, of a man whofr political op ponent. he owns he had been, as holding him unfit for his Ration from want of capacity ; who upon meeting the nfufal, which in every refptft he deserved, lays up his re sentment carefully for two years, untill the time approaches, which is to dclignate the ditpenfer of offices ; and then seizes the only moment when he thinks he can do harm to libel the man ot whom l.e had begged in vain, far office ; and now talks of his facrifices for the public, with as bold a face as. if he were a real Dtcius. Boafls of his manlintfs. I'ecaufe the tone in which he tor office, wa» surly and not servile ; the growling of a MddifT, and not the,fawn ing of a f, aniel for the lop ; and of hispu.ity from vindiftive motives, because he waited two years to exhale his venom ; knowing that the objeft againfl which he meant to dart it, would then be mod within his reach. Holds out his application to the President of the United States, for an office, and his friend Prieflley's application for him, as confidential communications from frivnd to friend, which -the President cotild not honourably divulge, and publishes ex- of real priv.ite letters, written by the President before he held that office, and entirely as from, ancJ to a_private person. What a comment all these' tranTattiom con tain too, up>,n Priefll-att Republicanifni and virtue'. Kir. Adams had* written letters to Dr. Prit-ftley, containing afTurances of re fpelilh. Nfiaifters after spend- I ing ti'ty millions fttrirg more ; will in a 1 moment cfd.ftSt and humiliation, be com pelled again to intreat for p-ace, and take the terms rreferibed by an insulted nd ex ulting enemy, instead f ihafe which they frigSt hare had by fair agreement and with out humiliation on either fide. Should the conleqiuTices of the miffim to Fr - net be ever so unpropitious to the personal influ ence of the pijrfon at lbs head of the Amer ■ ican Governmrni T bitfs my God, that he had t c firtnnefs and the wifdenn to prop.fe and to perfifl in that even against the opi.ion of his friends ar.d fupp^rtert..— I confidei our country., now as nut of the danyer oi a formal war with France.-Anti fur-ly in poini f dig-ity it vws i"ifini'ely mo e generous to feid tlie mission at a time when Frhnce app ared in adverfiy, than it won! have been to wait for the moment of the triumph. Such ii at present her Ctu tion in a v«ry ; eminent degree Yen will undoubtedly, before this teaches.you har of the battle of moftdecifive aflion, perhaps, that has been fought within a Century. 1 he Corfican Ruffian, is beyond all doubt a hero in the common acceptation, of the : word, and, I suppose, in other rtfpe&3, as good aT.n as the reft of his class. Buon aparte s military excellence may vie with that chan&er of an antient hero, dtferibed in the twrrty firtl bonk and fourth chapter of Livy—the remaiuder of his chara&er is psrhaps not so bad For the Gazette if the United States. At a special meelirig of the Trustees of th« Yoting Lsdies Academy of Philadelphia, convened for the purport of fupplving va. cancirs in the board, the following Gentle men wne ufiarimoufly elcfted Trultee» of that Stminary: R<-Td. John Blair Linn, Revd. Samuel Hefendine, Doftor Benjamin S. Barton, James Mil or. Pfqr. Lawrence C eckel. Efqr. and Jamei A. Neai, Principal. Who with the following Gentlemen com plete the board of Ttoftee« (sixteen) agree ably to the charter of the Incorporation viz Rev Dr. Samuel Magaw, Pr«fident Rrv. Dr. Henry Hel ruth, Vice-Prefidt. Dr. Benjamin Say, Secretary, Revd. Dr Aflibei Green, Re»d. Frederick Schmidr, Revd. Dr. Robert Blackwell, George Meade. Ffqr. Jared Ingerfoll, Efqr. Mr. John Ely, and Mr. Petet Thompson* For tbt Gazette of the UnitefSiatcs. Dorm, SEPfkNBER 19, i8;o. Mr. Waynk, AS your paper has a more exctn five ciiculation through this Slate, than any other, I wi(h to contradict a Jacobin Iyc which i 9 gaining ground. They fay, that, the MathoJilU who form a very large pro poitton for the Federal iVereft of Kent coun ty, intend to drop the Honourable James A, Kayard at the next elcttion. ] can > with holdnefs contradict the mifchicvious anc i.i founded untruth, and fay, that, there i not twenty voters, of that society, in thi county, who will not fnpport him with a! their influence. Th« following is the M( thodift Ticket. A ME 1 HODIST. Kent County. FEDERAL TICKET. Ft it ids to Washington's Policy. Representative to (. enfrrji. Jaraes A. Bayard Senator. James Sykes. Rtf' etentativts. Nicholas H nry Mollefton Manlove Emerloti. George Cummins. "Wiliiam Sorden Stephen Lewis William Warner. Levj Court Commissioners' Ebenezar Blackiflon, D. C. H. J..cob Stout, L. C. H. Jonathan Hunn, M. H. Coroners. Richard Harrington William Needles INTERESTING INFORMATION. jCT'Thofe who own Lands in the Hate of Kentucky, are notified that their Lands will be fold at audion, on the 3d Monday of November next, for averages of Taxes, un less the Taxes are paid before that day. A printed Lift of the Lands, and amount of Taxes may befell) at Michael Hilltgas's, E%. who is willing to oblige them. TO THE ELECTORS Of the CHy ar.d County of Philadelphia Gentlemen, ■ _ On a former occasion I experienced a tes timony of yi-ur confidence, and friendfhip bv your votrs for the Office of Sheriff— Now i:i a more advanced stage of life, and encouraged by a numerous body of refpeft able ciiizers and firm friends, I again apply for your vetesand interest at the next elec tion Keltir.g my chara&er through life, a fecunty for a faithful performance of the duties of Office Should Ibe fnccefsful or not in my application to your friendfhip, on the oceaftdn, 1 shall remember with grjtitudf yonr patronage. Oftoler 7. Wm. ROBINSON. dtE. * . »' NOTICE To the Pilots of the Bay and River Delaware. THAT agreeably to Directions of the I B =ard of Health that they " bring the to, which they m.>y have charge of, before the Lazaretto, after the fird of next month as heretofore, until otherwile dire&ed. NATHAN FALCONKR. Ma(W Warden of the Port'-of Philadelphia Warden's Office, Sepi. 22, 1800. Landing, Fforn the Alio Farmer, cjptain Gibfon, from Ham burg, a large aflorrment of Linens and ot'.er Goods, among whicV art an invoice of 53 bales of rcil French Britannias, 6 and 7 4, which are offered lor sale on rtafonable terms for approved paper, or iq bartar for Weft-India produce. |ri taenia*, real French, Boccadillos 6 and 7-4 Bielefeld Linens Itfit n«ias Jlclefijj Siamoife l«aces. *lat iiljai R< yales Tapes ol fevcral kinds iUs oi ail d'Tcrip- D.canters (jnirt an i pint tumblers I r .iVcilinjr Cases Giafs Beads, violins and C'r»as a la MorUij Checks No. % X Stripes 609 B©*cs of Bohemia White Window Glass, Of tie firft quality, 7 by 9, 8 by ie, 9 by 11/ ID by i» anil upwir^s. ON HAND, Of late Importation : Eftop:!la», Beccadillos, Quadruple 9eliflas vDow lis, Coutils, Liftado'es, fc-lberfeldt fine chcc!*, iied parchet, Flanderi Bed Ticks, Tapes of .11 di fcriptioni, Coflee Mills, Scythes, Decanters, Oil Tumblers, .Travelling Cafus, Sealing Wax, Quills and Demijohns,— Apply >0 JACOB iPERRY isr Co. Oftofeer 6 diot wStfa.im. HIGH-STREET. The House, LAI EL\ occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Sp-i 111 fh AmbafTador, will be lei B:it to ah approved person or family, on e?.ff conditions. It is iarge, Comnicdiou( and elegant, with ceach-houfe and stables conformable. Enquire at No. too, Spruce flreet. SAMUEL. MAC AW, k . Arch' Street, N». 94. g 3 ; . eoJ;f. Dk. RUBSELVX HISTORY OF Modern Europe. Ttie public are refpciftfjilly informed tli«t the Fi(m, lie deters mined to make no that this hardened miscreant, when nnder condemnation, will refled more seriously era his Gtuaticn, and open some that may lead to very important discoveries. We have heard it (lightly rumoured, that he has letters in his pofTeffion from white people, but do not pretend to set it forth as a report deserving of credit; we only wi(J* it may be true, provided there are white-meu in th? plot that they may be bro't to jus tice. , The captain e*f the iurger. who took Ga- from this to Norfolk, was arretted at the fame time, on suspicion of intentionally 1 aiding and aflifting in his escape, and confi ned in jail together with two negro men that were on board the veflVl. The disco very was fortunately made by a negro boy fo'-meriy ot this neighborhood, who being acquainted wj'th the General, in his proper department in life very friendly accosted him as he accidently met with him on the whraf. i , For' Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a ft LACK SOT WHO ha< thjvc yean and five months to firw; fee is obsr, honest, a good, wai ter, and uniferftamU taking arc of hcrlcs. En quire at No 6», Dock flrcet. Jul- 10 Horles & Phaeton. A°IIR of »ell broke, found Hvrfe*, tod* han'ift.me Phaeton, for file at Th'ma» AlUn'a Livery fta l le, in 6th near Arch streets. feptemher 13 dfa Found, A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, WHOEVER has loft it may receive it «n ap plication at the office of thit Gajcue, and paying the expence of this advertisement. fuly it. Robbery. 300 Dollars Reward. LAST Saturday night my shop in Water, street wis opened hv a'lalfe Key, and sun dry articles of JtwetLEßy, to the amount of ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off. Among them were, Two marrow Ipoont narked " Worrock i" Likenefiesof Mr Jimes Rubi-rtfon and wife, of Petersburg— one do. of a Mr. King-?-one do. v of Mr John Trimble, late of this town, the back set with t large blue glass and a smaller in the centre, under which was a plait of hair laid (trait, with J. T. in a cypher worked in pearl. Together with a number of fancy pit. ces, painted by Sully, which cannot now be recolleiUd ; 5 Boatfwam's Calls Damped ' Wariock.' AND The following Watches: i Gold watch, maker's name Provan, Paris do. Thomas Green) Liverpool, 7793 1 do do George Bifield, London, 13,500 1 gold do. French, no njme I do. do. John Ryland, London, 1331 1 silver d.i. French, 10 npmo 1 do. do John Bull, London, 744 1 gold do. Rodart, Paris I silver do. Joseph Kember Shaw 1 do. do. J. Darlington, London t do. do. No. 9861 t gilt do. G. M. Metcalf, London,*4l96 1 River do. George Hafwoodj London, 1906 1 do. do, J. Smith, London, zji 1 double cafe gilt watch, R, Ofburn, Rich mond, 87A4 ico Dollar? will be piven for the restoration of the jewellery, or sco dollars if the thief — thieves are jlfo secured. Mr. Benjamin Morris, the owner of the- Watehes which were taken at the fame time, filial (ogive 100 dollars fcr them, July 19 The Printers at Poterfburg, Richmond, Ale* indr ia—-Baltimore—-Q harlsfton —and o thers, are requefled to insert the abpve for a ew times. co x t J