* JSTUMIIFK. 2505."J jf jp The price of tbis (r/Jtcttc is Kighi Dollars per anri'tn to Subscriber* residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay on; Dollar a Uittenolt for enclosing and Hai .es 4c J mes, an'! Sharplef. fc Kiufcy, to whose bulincfs they h»ve furcfeded. They ofTrrfor fa!e a large and a » "" mer.t of elegant Sjd He a*d Bridles, a'l kinda corimondo. P'ated and Kraft mounted Uarnefs. Saidle bags, Val.ece*. C*n an- 1 . Wa gonGcais, &c. Truiik* of all kinds, particularly hard lei ther Portmanteaus. T.ry ilfo mWaiSture all kmdi of Silver mounted and Plain Whips baying fsveral ex celient Wotk en in that branch. _ _ They fl'tter themselves from their united ex peritnJe and thr arrangements they have matle, to be tb!e »o fell any of the above articles an as goid tfrwtony < tVers id the United States. \ liberal allowance will be made to thofc who p t rch,feb y «he q uj,n syKiNgEV> Philad. Sept. 17 Sa.tu.th. 4W- tyfTfUBLICAN Book-Store, Nurlb Secoud Street, cjporite Christ Ck rch. JUST PUBLISHED, Jflith lllu«trations»n. Ml Persons, Indebted to the Eiute or joftph Engie, ia eof he Northern Liberties, dcceafed.are req >e(ted to make immediate payment, and thole havmp any deman !s against the fame, to brini? in their accounts to BENJAMIN ' HAW. Administer. Pflr'er?. celW - A PRINTER, WHO from priniiptc is a ft Uralfl ard delpofe 1 to undertake the arduous tafc of editing of ■ paper and combating the enemies of America, may hear of cligjble fitua-ion in the interior ol Maryland 500 fubi'cribcrs can be counter! on re fore he commences,— A A'alive American will be prefcrcd Bu- it is not tob ; undcrftood that well principled pcrfons though not natives, are to be excluded. Particulars may be learned on application to the Editor of thijGazjtte. OAober 3 An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry 'he Vlllth and M*rry-AncrD " av Sem anifl jz I Rub Rheubarb J~~ L And a quantity of For Sale, By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street. . Mary Beck, t Public, that fbe ipwntf* ohp»d< h? ' V,H:WL <>u tV 6rft lit OSobrr, in PifiiH* WaLiat Street, oppnGce the Ho»f« "Vh*ri fte will t ufu») tuch tK« ! lite nd •fcfci .Ulrusorov, Wrytas, yithinjic. **"• ' CA3>(4iflmeDt cfl form a t lwr .■ rtanewr^ Yotir £ Ladies may he accommodated with | Doar J, 6c.c. in the which is vury airy a*jd healthy. 3£a. G Becr*3 Drawing and Paintings School will commence at the lame time frpteniber 20 Dancing Academy. MR. QjESNF. l,wi h r.fpetlinform, his pu p; > and he public in general .tlMt he intend? opening his Academy on . on !ay th 6th of Oc tober , at his newaiT mbly room, No, 64, si uth L : urthOrfef. I Mr Qnefnet is tha-ikfu' t» the Ladies and Gen. tlemtn, i r the liberal encouragement he lias ex perienced every season—he wa« defircus fnrfome time to n»e-1 witk « g ntieman 01 whom the cha ncer ar qua lity and of any file, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet'ea h, may be had at the fhortelt notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purpofet, tray alfe be ha«!, O.ch as for piflures, coach glades, clock faces, %c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flaflcs, pickbtigjars, apothecary's shop furniture, or other h«llow ware—the whole at least ig per centr lower than articles of the farne quality brought from any of the lea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made en sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants and others will be punfluaby attended to on ap plication ts JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CR/VIG, or at the Storeof Meflrs. PRATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-Strect, Pittsburgh, March 4, tuthtf. WANTED Immediately tlirce or four Journey men PRIIjSMEN; thole who can bring indifputabls recommendation* of their beiKg good workmen, flcadv and honefl, n'.ay find conilant employment at the Print,ng office of Isaiah Thomas, jr. Woreeder.feptember 1 7, ißro (»») HAVING opened a Store at No. 19, Dock street, for the trasfaitmg all manlier of busi ness in Ihe Mercantile line, 011 rommiflion, f,»- hcits the wnploytnent of his friends and others, in this way, as their Fadlor, afluiitig thetn that th<-ir orders lhall be carefully attended to and executed in the best manner in his power. Bn. F. WEST. fep'er*ber »5 13» W Stop I hies! THIRTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN- 4WAY from the Subscriber, on Sundav 18th inft, late in the evening, an in Jrnted Mulatto Boy.nged 17 years, tngaged by the rame »f Joseph Brown, faying himf.lt to be from Lan carter or that r.eighb rhood ; he is (lifF fetj has a round face, ftorfbair, hrg« m-iuth, smiling coun 'enaace, dull speech, big ban4s and feet and he has no beard. He may drrfs himfelf wish a gen teel coat of light drab colour, wtite buttons, and bl ck cape. He wears a good round black hat. He hasfU tn 'rom the fubferibvr upwards of ico dollars *n caih and valur of other o' j Wn e ver will appr hend and lecure him with as much v..We about ' im will rec iv: ;he above rewar.i, an! TO dollars if the young villain c»b only be brought to cond:en fcunifljswt. 6 FFI.IX PASCAI.I.S, No. ;o Scnth Street, Sept. 49. ®®3 [ P Trtiflecs. EY, Agent. 3t*w ti tu th& ft in Journeymen Preffinen, THE SUV-CRIBER, Vi - #* DISTRICT OF PEWNSTLYANIA— .RRrt*BME M «*EO. Tfcat d«r iXJ rtk». William (SwireUcrj of *« 24. ha»h i•' (t>u th« cMMii/>yiMr4 - . - v . «nf> a learbinf [•l4a.f tf f«u'flu| the eopict of 4 1 -.lad Sotjb to the Author* and Propri ttofi 01 such copict dating the tinea lltoeia neationed " DCALDWELL. Clerk tbt District of Pcunsjltaiii. ftftemher ig •««««. District of Pennsylvania to wit: BE it remembered thit on tie Tenth day of July in the twenty fif'.h year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan der Addtfon of the said Dill ifl hath dep. sited in this office 'tie title of a book, the right where of he claims as Author in th» words following to wit, " Reports of cases in tl»> County courts i f the Fifth Cjrcuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals ofthe State of I cnnfylvania, and charges to Grand Juries of tSofe Cou ty Courts. Bv Alexander tddifon, President of the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State «f Pennlylvann " In conformity to the aft of Congrefsof the Uni ted States i.-titird " An a (ft for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps chart* and b >ok» to the Author* *nd Proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned." D.C'IIDWELL, Clerk of tic Dijlrifl of Pennfytvania. The above book is now pufeh(hed It will be de live red to tubferihers by Mr. Dobf.n Bookseller. J»'y »3 Just Received, Attn FOR SALE BT ROBINETT & KI3SELMAN, 200 lbs. Mace, 1 r r 4 00 lb,. Nutmegs, { of s fu P erlor lush,J'-1 ush, J'- Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, Do. Sugar of the firft quality, Holland Gin in pipes, Port-au-Prince Molasses—and 30 Tierces Rice. R. isf K. bavr also on band, far sale, Hffon, "I Young Kyfon, & t TEAS, Souchong J Ogniac Brandy, ill St 4UI proof, Sherry Wine in quarter calks, very nice, jo,ooo Spsmifii Sfgars, Anil, a Variety of other GROCERIES. August 26 eo tf WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4to, 18co. rHE commandi"g Officers of corps, de tachments ports garrif n?< and recruiting parties, belonging,t' the military cftahlifhment of the United States, are to report to, and receire orders from Brigadier General Wil kinfon, in the City nf Wa(hingt»n, and all officers on f irlougb are to report themselves to tlie fame officer with all pcfiible difpatcli. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. •25" AH Printers within the United States who have publifhtd invitations for contraflsof the Ijth of March last are requested to insert the above in their relpe<£live papets, once a week for tws months. To be Sold -rHAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY * SKAT, called LaUkkl Lodge, the late reCde«ce of Thomas Rutter, Esq. fi:uate in Potts Grove, M ntgomery County, thirty-lix mil*s from Philadelphia, containg about 106 acr:s, twenty of which are ptime woodland, fift.-en excellent watered meadow, the residue divided in arable luts. On the - premil'es are a large handsome BrickHoufe and adjoini' g build ings, contaii.g two parlours, a large dining ro -m, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by f.rty' lopg, a large kitchen, wash house with apunp of excellent water in it, fix handsome chambers, two store-rooms, fou r garret chambers plaillered and a gram room over the adj inirtg budding, a double spring house, with a lini ke "ouf# over the fame, withinfiftv yards of the kitchen —The spring, in the driell season newer k .own to low er in the lead, and from which the meadow is watered ; a garden containing about or.e acre, itocked with the moil delicious fruits, such as peaches, plumbs, cherries, pe:rs, ralb.-rfies, i'everal asparagus beds i. great pcrFeilioii. Also, a young bearing appletree orchard, containing several hundred trees, the fruit feleiled frotf. dif frent parts of the United States, a large conveni ent barn with a threlhing ftjor, with commodi ous (labling for hnrfes aotf cows, carriage and houses, grain room, &c, Also, sundry out build ings, consisting of a Urge frame poultry houfr and oorncrib. &r. £Ui>, < tenant's house, gar den arid liable, and » pump of excellent water belokgin? to the fa'tie. The fituatirtn of Potts Grove is remarkably healthy, regu'arl'y flip; lied wMi fSutcher's meat and poMtry in abundanc*, to he purchased at a low rate, and the Schuylkill ass .rds a plentiful fuppty excellent fifh Two grill mills in the Tear of the rown. Perhaps few country towns in Pennfylva.nia, are more rapidly improving, or have more Io«al ad-autagi* than Potts Grove. The several pla es of public worship, the filubrity of tiie air, gentrel society, and cheipneG of living, are among the tew advan tages it poflVfles. Any person wishing t vi ;w the premises, will ple:.l'e to aj ply to .Vlr. Win. POTTS, in Pottfgrove, and for tei ms to the fubfcri» ber, in PlriLdelpbia. JOHN CLEMErrr STOCKER. Sept. 19 23Wtf. To Printers. W NTED—in Exchange^ A FOUNT ot Long i'rimer, writhing 6 or 70" lb or tipwar morbid ftcretions ; to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce a free perfpirstion and thereby prevent colds which are often of fatal con'equence. A dose never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft appearance. They are celebrated f r removing habitual coftivenefs, sickness as the ftnraach and severe head-ache, and ought to be taker, by all perfl -ns on a change of climate. They have been found remarkably efficacious in prevunting and curing most .lif irders attend ant on long voyages, ai;-d (h >uld be procured and carefully preserved for use by every feamat* Dr. HA-HN's Genuine Eye-water. A certain and fafc remedy for all difeafos of the eyes, whether the of natural weakneft, or of accident, speedily removing inflammations, de fluxions of rheum, dullnefa, itching, and films in the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which frequently succeed the small pox, meafl»« and fe» vers, and wonder ully (lengthening a weak fight* Hundreds have experienced its* elcellent virtue when nearly deprived of fight* Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im mediate and lading relief in the moll ftrere in* (lances. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kin-d of heaii-scae,and of pains in th« face and neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never taiJed, in many thou sand cai'es not one in a hundred has occasion to take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt a bottle. The money w® be returned if the cure \ not performed. SOLD BY Wm. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Se,c»nd Street, And no inhere else, in Philadelphia. Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm Dflftmying I,ozenge% his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, &c» Reftoracive Dr»ps, F.flet ce and Ex trad of Mustard, '■•overeign Ointment for the Itch, Dr. tfahn's infallible German Com Plaifter, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com plaint., Gowland'a and Persian Loti-»n, Reftoraiive Tooth Powder, Damalk l ip Salve, Church's Coujrrh Drops, .* ndcrfon's Pills. &c. &c. • ' . i 1 \ Ilts Day Published "By J. Ormhod/No. 41, Chefnut Street, (Price *s Cent») THI Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of th« manner of OfTiaa. By Rev, John B. Linn, A. M. Minister ol the First Presbyterian Congregation Philadelphia. gf Mr. Cbaudroo's Oratien will be published on Monday morning. Mi>rch 15. . OV Saturday the 13d Augaft, ran away from the fublcrilier, living in Harrifburgh, ail apprentice to the printing hufinefs, named Benja min Morr'fon, a lad of about 16 years of age, small of stature and very asive,fliort hair and cf a failing countenance —Mad on and took with him a calico coatee, a pair < f tr.=wfers #f nearly the fame, a pair of common tiaiketn ditto, and a hemelpuo lye csloun J llri ed ditto, and a Ihort jeeketof the fame, with a new ha:—All perf us are forbid harb'uring fai l apprentice ;-.t their peril. Reasonable charge will b« pai l for licu ring the boy, so that his i.iaat.r may >ct liira again. JO IN WVETH. Hayifbprgh. Sept. I FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette .i the United States, July 19. f VoLUKE XVIII. £ *r A Runaway. •A >WV *