The Latest FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. NEW YORK, Oftofeer 4. Prom Glasgow papers to the Thirtieth of August, received by the Brandy mine, Miller, 31 days from Greenock. Important. The Court of Pet-rfliurg. letters from Hamburgh fay, is very much dlffatisfied with the conduit of the French in the l)ut chy of Wirtembc g, and attaches more im portance to it thin even to the poffeflion ol Malta ; while P-rufiia 12 alarmed at the con quests of the Frenph 111 Germany, and dis pleased at their treatment of the Elector of Bavaria. Therefore one of two things mult happen, either Buonaparte mutt make a mo derate peace, or if his ambition induce him to continue .the war, it will be more dread ful than ever next spring. ' The French mini Iter Baurg,*(ng, set out from Hamburgh to Copenhagen on the 17th, in order to be present during Lord Whu- Worth's Oegociauon. An article from Copenhagen, dated Au gult 11, faysy " Lord Whitworth is arrived from Elli neur. . " Before his arrival, our government sent off dispatches to Peterfburgh by a courier, who proceeded i* the greatest bade through Sweden, and duplicates of them were also sent off by a I'witt failing schooner. *' Orders were given on the 9th., to get ready for sea 6 more (hips of the line. THE DANES Suspend Intercourse wi'b Brttair., Count Bernftoff, the Dinilli Secretary of State, had a .long conference with the Bri ti(h and Ruffian charge d'affaires on the 9th, and immediately after a report prevailed, that our agent Mr. Murray was about to jeturn to Britain. Certain it is, that an order was issued to suspend all intercourse . *ith Great-Britain, and the several outward bouud yeffcij were directed to wait tor far ther inftrudtioni. London paper of August 25. We undcrftand that government received difoatches yeftirday from Vienna, dited the sth itift. containing the answer of the Chief Consul to the dii JAtches which the Aultrun Government alter the receipt of the d<-ter nifnation of the Court of London, transmit ted to Paris, In this answer, Buonaparte, 4ias expressed a willingness t<* treat with Great-Britain and Aullria jointly. Upon these d'fpatches a Cabinet Council was held, and it is probable that a negcciation bet wren the three powers may take place imme diately. Accord : ng to the advices received yeftcr, day, by Mr. Baffico, tlir Mi-flenger, who brought dispatches from Canft.intinopltf, as well as Vi-'nlia, there is reason to believe that Gen Kleber was dlurdered, as has been before reported. ibid. Piris papers to the *id instant, were re ceived in London on Monday. The only ad of importance which they contain, iv the return to. Varis of Duroc from Vienna.— Nothing has tranfpiffd of the nature of the answer he has brought, hut the French fußds having fallen eonfiderably af ter his arrival, it is conje&ured to te un favourable to peace. It is f.tid that cur '■Government is in possession of the arfwer f«nt to Buonaparte. Ciasgotu Courier. PARIS, August >9. Russians. TTie re*s from the North of Germany, *nd the brft informed Journals in ter, Hate that the Ri.ffuns are approaching more ai»d more towards the AnArian frorh tiers. The army which is now at Brezeck and on the banks of the Vistula, confiils ot four grand divilionj, each of men, of wh ch a third are cavalry. The ft is com manded by General Lal'cy ; the fi'cond by General Reminder ; the third by General Soltikow, and the fourth by Korfakoff. Prince Pancration is finally appointed Com mander in Chief of all thel'e forces. Betides this army, a second is forming in Lithua nia, and o»|the shores of tlie Baltic. At the fame time it is nowcertain that the bed in telligence prevails between the two JmperiaJ Courts, and that Ruflia t»kes the moll livelv intered in the com luCiong «f the war, ana in the future destiny of the Empire. Journal du Deb ts oj tbe 29 Thermid r. At the opening of the campaign the effec tive forces of Austria amounted to 380,000 men. They are not now 300,000, in spite of the recruits they have received. Deser tion is very prevalent ; more than u.ooode ferters have gone to Prussia to offer their services. j ■' The c*traordinary levy of horses has al ready produced above 42,000, though 40,000 v «s the number originally propefed. The Senate of Hamburgh has implored the mediation of the King of Prussia on the fubjett of the .arrest of authors of the Cen sor, as they did in the dafe of Napper Tan dy. The King snfwered, that the point did not concern the armed neutrality, and he -would not interfere. General Berthier left P..ris for Madiid this morning. His mission is said to be ot great importance to both countries. The greatest aftivity is employed in demo ljthing the entile of Milan, and the fortifica tions of Turin, Ceva, Coni, and Tortona. August 21. Though there is no rumour unfavourable to peace circulated in this city, yet the Tiers Confolide fell yeflerdav with a remar kable declention. We are not fiifficiently acquainted with the myfterie* of the flock jobbers to account for this fall. It is pro- bably owing only to thisy th it some finan- ] clefs htvitig fixed iu their own head the da; on which a peace was to be ligned, and having nrJ&e their bargains »tf consequence, the ntieliicy of fulfilling their engagements nude them fell and in this way redu ced the funds, by nuking the number of f-llers greater than that of t*he buyers. DUROC's return. Citiien Duroc arrived yelterday at half palt five"o'clock from Vienna ; not finding Buonaparte at the Consular palace, be in- i ilantly changed his horses and carriagi, and frt off for. Malmaifon. Nothing is known of the fnccefs of his million, but his courier being interrogated by some curious perfotis, replied as he went along, " Good news ! Good new? !" Citizen l3uroc, chief of brigade, aid de camp 10 the firft Co.iful, returned to Paris yelterday morning. £ Journal ties Defcnfeurs de la Felrie. Citiien Duroc, aid du camp to the firft Consul, charged some time since with a mission to the cburt of Vienna, arrived y«lterday morning at fix o clock. He could not pass the head quarters of General Kray, whertt lie was obliged to wait the an swer of the court of Berlin, which did not arrive till the end of ten days. Nothing yet transpires 'concerning the refttlt of his million. [Journal du Dcbalt. It was yesterday morning expefted that the funds would experience some deprefiion, because it was the day of transfer for the (bares fold at the exchequer on the 29th, but the fall of these funds was coniiderable, and every one was eager to inquire into the cause of if A variety of rumours were set afloat, which all appeared to be without foundation. Such as the arrival of l?uroc, who brought an account of the rupture of the negociation, the departure of the profTi an min ster, &c. . oard th« (h ps, t' e crews of which are in want ol tvety -thing, especially wine and bran dy.. Monficur and his Suite, with the Duke o: Eourbon, and a large party of the French > • NoblefTe, dined on aturday with the Earl j r ■ »f Liverpool, at his feat near Croydon. i Cronberg the place which Admiral Dick-. ( f ; foo is supposed to ; ttack, is a forirefs in , t Denmark in the island of Zealand, near El- 1 fineur, which guards the p;.flage to the c Sound. In this fortrefs is a Royal Palace, 1 t ill which the late unfortuna'e Queen Matil- j da, filler to his Britannic Majetly, was im- 1 prisoned till (he was permitted to return to j Zell. About half a milt from this is a j Garden, calle 1 Hamlet's Garden, said by j tradition to be the spot where the murder j of his father was perpetrated. Frederick , 11, King of Denmark conflru&ed Cron- , beig in 1577, and fortified it (Irongly. It is fifteen miUs from Copenhagen, near the , town of Eliineur, and is the betl defence of the country, whether against those who would attack it on the fide of the ocean, or within the Baltic Sea- It is here thu the duties of the Sound are levied for the King of Denmark. It has been taken by the Swedes more than once. , August 27. j This morning were received Paris papers till the 24th initant, which were obtained by a Gravefend paflage veflel that arrived at Dover on Monday night. A paper of the 23d mentions the intended jcurney of the &ing of Prussia into Silefra. On the sub- Lon. pap..4"S• 2 7* LONDON', August 2j. of peace, we Sni but one j&ragraph in the Clef du Cabinet, " It is fid (lays this Journal") that the preliminaries of peace are signed ; and among other articles, one is quoted, which dated that the Belligerent powers (hall remain mailers in Italy of their mutuil conqucfts." A young Frenchman, at Ma Irid, private secretary to the French AtribalTadtir, haß been fantenc d to ten years banilhment to the Philippine Islands, on the charge of iqfanity, he having lately elig iled a plan for a revolu ion, which he tra:iftnitted to Mr- Urquijo, wilh an appointment to meet him alone, a d at midnight, upon the Parade; but instead of the answer expe&ed, he was there feize;d by . the officers of the police We are happy to un'erftmd the heavy rains which have sal en during the last few days have nearly extingufihed the fire which has done so mnch dainage to Radnor forelt and it neighbourhood; Yefte day, the Mailer 4nd Wardens of Company of Bakers waited upon the Lord May< r at the Mansion Houle, to set the nffize of bread.* and it appearing* spon the examination of the Mealweigher's returns, that Wheat had fallen 17s. 4-d. per quarter fincelalt return, but flour having risen Bs. jd. per sack, his Lordihip after arguing with tbc Company some time, found he was u<>der the painful necessity, agreeably to the aft of Parliameut, ef railing the bread two affixes, or fofltpence in the peck loaf— to commence to morrow. The quartern loaf will then be fold for one (hilling and one penny halfpenny. August 23. The Hamburgh mail due on Wednesday arrived this morning. By it we learn the arrival of Lord Whitworth at the place of his destination. This intelligence is con tained in the following letter : Extradl of a letter from Elfineur, August •' On the 10th, in the evening, his ma jesty's (hip Andromeda, J. Bradby, Esq. commander, with Lord Whitworth, and Mr. Drummo;id, the future Charge d'Af fairs at Copenhagen, on board, arrived a little below the Castle, No doubt is enter tained here, that every misunderstanding. on account of the capture of the Danilh vefltls, will soon be adjulted id an amicable manner.'' Ihe mail brings us advices from Vienna of the 6th, the fame date as that of the dis patches which government received by the last mail. Count St. Julien and citizen Du roc have arrived there : but thi» event, from the manner in which the article speaks of it. does not appear to have happened m». Ny hours. On the fubjeit of negociations we are not iurnifhed with any new light whatever. . The report of the death of Klebcr, by the hands of an Arab, is icpeated, as a report from Conll niinople, but with ex prcfßons of doubt as to iti truth. Buonaparte, we learn from Rome, is negociaiing with -lie Pope for a restoration 'of the Cattiolic religion in France. It i' difficult to fay what could be the necessity for ncgociaung on such a iubj-ft. Ihe fame article adds, that it is the intention of Buonaparte to march a force through the EccleSatlical States against the kingdom of Naples. Thi would be the lame error by which the Directory lolt Italy in '99- War is not carried on with impunity at the fame moment, on the Lake of Gaida and at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. Thre morning a mail whs received in town from Lisbon, dated 3d August, brought to Falmouth in the King George Packet, capt. Yefcombe. The King George Packet, failed from Lif- j bon on the 4th instant, and arrived at Fal mouth on the loth. Paflenge which ar< laid to be a demand of ten millions of Crui'ades (about 2s. 6d.) each ; that the port ffcould be open to the French, and tliat they Ibould be here upon equal privileges with the mod favoured na tions. He gives sixty days for a definitive j answer. after which none will be excepted ; and threatens, in cafe of refufal, to march 60,000 men into Portugal. He concludes by faying, " You know me well enough to be fare that I never fay any thing I do not jocrform." If England agrees to these re- J| quifitionf, we may go 011 pretty well, but J 011 her determination depends everything. " The troops under the cammand of Sir Ralph Abercrombie left Minorca fonie time last month. It is said that the blockade of Genoa will be raised for the benefit of Commerce. Price Current at London, August 26. Coffee, fnir, cwt 71. 4s to 8. 25. Good, do 71. to *1 ) 3<. 'Middling, do. 61. 6s. to 61. 195. Ordinary, do. 51. 101. to 61. js. Wheat , qr. 51. to 51. 18s. Foreign, do. 4I 6s. to 5. Barley, do. il to 15s. to 21. Foreign, do. 14s. to il. 10:. Oats, do. tßs to il. 10s. Foreign, do Bs. to 11. Bs. Rye, do uncertain Cotton, Surrinam, lb. 2 1 id. to 3s. 21. St. Domingo, do 2s. 6d. to 2s. tod. Demerara,do 2S. 8.1. to2sloJ. Jamaica, do 2s id. to2sd. Georgia Sc S.C.trolinado is 2s tod Bourbon, do 2s udto ji. id. Flour, iuperfine, sack, 41. to 4L ss. Second, do 31. 12s to jt. 17s. Fuftie, ton, 151 15s. to 171. Tobage,do I7UO i§l. Indigo, Carolina Copperj lb 3s iod. to 4s 6d Cop. pur, blue, do 3s to 3s 6d. Iron, American, uncertain Rullia, assorted none, Oil, Linseed, ton, 52! to 531. Saffafias, cwt. il 5s to il 7s Staves, American, pipe, per 1200, 221 to 2 61. hhd. 151 to 201. bbl. 9I 9s to ill Us. Sugar, Antigua, cwt. 2I 19s to 41. Barbadoes, Mafcovado,-'do2l. 19s to 41. Dominion, do 2! 19s to 41. Jamaica, do 2l 19. to 41. Tar, American, bbl. il 6s. 61 to il 7s 6d. Timber, Americas, Oak, L jl 10s to to 7I 15. . Plank, do 7I 1 os to 81 Ics Pine, do 4I 5s to 4I 12s. Plank,doi)l xosto izl 12. Tobacco, Maryland yellow, Id, to Mid. Brong, do 8d to 9 I. Long Leaf, do 6d to 6-|d Virginia York R ver, 4}d to 8d James River, do 4s! to 7d Strip Leaf, (j-J'l to ild Rappahandot, to 6d Carolina, to S uih Potomac, to ssd Georgia, 31 to 5 _d. Price of Grain, Maritime, London, Aug. 1 Wheat from 90s to 118s per quarter ; Bir!'y 25s to 401 ; Mai; 50s to 70 { Pease 4">s to 54s ; Oats 163 to 33s ; Flour 85s to 90s per sick ; American Flour 61 s to 63s per fearrei of 196 lbs. There was hardly any supply of Eiiglilli wheat to-day, but several arrivals of foreign. The weather having been very wet and un favourable for the harvest for several days, wit)' the appearance of continued rain, has alarmed the buyers a good deal, and has caused an advance -of -from 5s to 10s per quarter on inferior qu 1 ties of Wheat, and of 10s to 15s on fine, Flour very fc iree and farther advance i. - Oats best farts ad vanced 3s per quarter, and is to zson infe rior. • - - August 27- His Excellency Vice Admiral Raini er arrived at Bombay the Bth February on board the Suffolk of 74 gun's, when Rear Admiral Blanket, who had his flag on board the Centurion of 50 guns, Quted with 17 guns, and on the Admi ral in Chief anchoring he was saluted by the garrison. On the ioththe Ad miral landed under military honors. Sir Alan Gardner is appointed com mander in chief on the Iriili station, in the room of Admiral Kingfmill. A circumstance novel in the service has taken place in the appointments to the (hips captured during the expediti on to Holland, where, though the offi cers are Britilh, and receive their com miilions through the accustomed chanels the usual phral'eology of " his majesty's {hip," gives place to the words " Dutch (hip taken at the Helder." Since the Channel fleet has been un der the command of Lord St. Vincent, the Road of Bred has never been focom pletely blockaded. We are informed by the last dilpatches, that from the month of May not a single vefiel laden with provisions has entered that port. Yet Brest, situated at the extremity of Brittany, a sterile province, and in the moll barren part of it, can only pro cure provisions by sea. We findincon fequence, that the greatest scarcity pre vails there, both in the town and on board the ships, the crews of which are in want of every thing, especially wine I and brandy. The Portuguefc government have, we understand, imposed a duty on wines th.e produce'of that kingdom, for the purpose of paying the interest of the paper currency of the State, and for gradually liquidating this debt, which at present greatly embarraffes'the mer cantile operations of the country. The amount of the duty is not mentioned. Monsieur and his suite, with the duke of Bourbon, and a large party of the French noblefle, dined on Saturday with the Earl of Liverpool, at his feat near Croydon. The following articles of the Treaty of commerce between Great Britain and Denmark, relate to the present iubject supposed to be in dispute : " Art. 3d. The undersigned Sovereigns engage mu- s tually for themselves, their heirs and successors, not to furni(h their refpee tive enemies, if they thould be agrefs ors, with any assistance in war, such as soldiers, arms, cannons, (hips, or other articles necessary to the carrying on of war. If the fubje£ts of either of the undersigned Sovereigns shall a caftodj. aftd &tart4.4i>4d«c«itot 4r(tflbe cb»rge«l!«ijtd agtfiiifcbiarlM «* Gocrnjcy ih^ Frcqch Uogo gc,, xpAj tfyaffr. .iolU .. HULL, August u. 1 The flened a penfioi of half a million of livrts. The Helvetic Republic is to a new Coi ftitufio , accord ing to die preliminaries, which are evidently the invention of a romantic faiicy. AUGSBURG, A'uguft %2. , Moreau, on receiving fonv* d f pStchcs-brought him lall Friday by a Cou rier, who proceeded on wards 'to Vienr.p, exprefled himfelt highly falisfied, »»d said " there is no doubt of peace ; the dispatch es which Buonaparte hns fcr.t to Vmr.a will enab'e tie House of Auiiiie to tjgn a peace without England." ■V- u\ ' r i. v