Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 04, 1800, Image 4

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Landing fro n the ship America, Walte.
Sims, Commander, f r om Canton,
BO 'IE A, 1
Congo, j
Souchong, tft &and quality.
Caper souchong,
Hyf >n-flcin,
Young hyson,
Hyil n, ift & »d quality,
Yellow fc white nankeens ~y
Lutcftrings, black & color'd ( In Boxe.
Sinfhawa <'"• C asserted,
Sattins d". J
Lutcftrings, uiaz. blue & dark green
Sihlhaws dn f .
Persian taffetas, dark preen 3
Tbcy have ai>\< on for sale, received bv
tbe late arrivals from Europe, ife.
") Infmallpack-
Striped and clinked ginghams i ages iff rted,
White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated for
linetts Weft-In-
White corded diciities 1 dia market &
Color'd (ilk, ftiiptr ! Nankeens I entitled to
J drawback,
14 .Trunks printed CalicoM,
5 iU*. do.
j Bales seine twine (Entitled to
lo Caf«s Enplifh China were, Cdrawback,
in tfj letts J
6 Caiks mine-a'. Mack,
I do. white,
jo do. colcother,
3 Calks purple brown,
35 do. r,iiis aflVted,
p d" I.nndi.R porter in bottle*,
Englilh flulcinvta, No.i, t fc 3,
Kuflia duck,
»7 Boxes white Havsnna Oigar,
13 Pipes ohl Madeira wioe,
Empty wire bottles,
»o Guns, 6 plunders,
l« do. 9 do.
15 do 9 do. with carriages, fce.
aßo,'-cclt>3. Cerihon cuffie, ift")
(Entitled t'
so,ooolbs. black pepper
ao ebony J
Just Received,
By the I te .irrivaU here, and at New-Tori,
and by
Lorain & Son,
No. 51 North Third Street.
An elegant ass rimcwtof Chin *e« *nd Calicoes
Englilh iiatu,«, Preatongs, Modes Sarfnet* and
Lutefbii»g» ; Pimi'iei Bobbins Coatings, Flan
nel«, Becking Bfnzics. Broad-Cloths Swandowns
Daul»le-n>ill'fl l>rih« Worlltd Yarn and Cotton
Hosiery; PHn Fn'ef' Cloth*
Also on Hand,
Lpw-priced and fine India muslins, IrlOi and
quadruple lin»n«, Ocr«nrn Dowlas, ribbons India
fatim.liitflringt, and fon(h»n w«. mill'd yarn gloves
ivory and hirn combs fadlery, and a variety »f
Ironmongery, and fe'fonal le
To be Sold, or Bartered,
For DRY GOOD >, a Hand Tome Three
With Piazza and Kitchen adjoining, firuate in
Vir.e near "Fourth Scrcet, buii' in modern tfyle
with excellent material", an I well calculated to ac
eomrauJatc a large family.
Sept »«• dtf
AND t. O.
No. 39, North Front Strrrt,
Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, Bfaf3 and ?
Japan'd Wares, 5
6d 8d lod lid and »od flat point nails,
German Steel,
Hats aflorted in cases,
Piftnls, guns and flints, &c.&c>
Saulnier Wilson,
No. 6J, North fide Market-street,
HAVE a general afljrtment of best London
fuperfi'ie Broad Cloths and Caffimeres, (of
the newest falhion) silk stripe and second quality
Cloths, fafhionaMj wai r tcnatiog, silk stripe and
twill'j Nankeens, Jean, Fultian, Gingham, Dimi
ty, Thickset, fancy Cotd, Velvets, Scarlet, yellow
and white Flannel*, Flanders, Irith and brown
Linens, Dowlas, mens* and wnmens' tilk and
cotton Hosiery, coat and veil pearl, flcel, in It and
plated Buttoni, different c>l"ur«9ilk Velveta, tam
boured *nd Cambric Muslins, Calicoea, Caliman
cocs, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves ]
Checks, &c &c.
N. B. Taylors' bed quality Trimmings all
which they will ftll very low,
Julv 18
George Davis,
N*. 319. High-Street,
Per Adriana from London,
A few Trunks and Cafrs of 4 4, 7-8 & 3-4
Irifti Linens,
Gentlemen's, Youth?, and Boys, Fine
Which he will fell on moderate terms, a
a reasonable credit,
l'eptenibrr 2 4
No 1 to 8,
Ebcnezer Large,
200 boxes fliort pipes
. fafoble far lb* SptoUh Martlet.
9 mm.
Itl&w tf
v \ i
rbu publishing nr subscription,
The Works
Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D
L itc one of the Associate Justices of the
Sujreme Court of the United States and
Prr.Jessor at law in the College and
Academy qf Philadelphia.
Frotti the original mar.wfcript, in the prfTelTion of
Bird Wilson, Esq.
Th*fe works (hall be elegantly printed in two
volume* oAavo, and dclivcred/o fubi"crib«r& at
five dollar!.
Thty shall be put to preft as soon a* the fubferip
tions will juttify the CTpence of publication,
Subscriptions will be received by
The puMiflier, opp«fi;e Chriit-Churcb, Pbila
delphia ; and bj the principal bookfcllers thrutig
out the United States.
*,* A Profpeflus of the work may be fsen at
the place of fubfeription.
fcptem' er I J §
THE undermfnt oned Certificates of Stoc'.i
of the Baiik of the United States, viz.
No. 3804, dattd ill Julv 1796, Sr>r ten (hares
in the naine of Charles Lovegrcve of New
jNo. »j3*i —No. dated ift July
for five shires each in the name of
Sarah Wedpewood of Etruria.
No.ioßgß—No. 19809, dated iftjanuar).
tSo" 1 . for trn (hares each, in tha name of Henry
Widdingtou, Merchant, London.
Notice is hereby given.
That application id interxted to lie made at
the said Bunk by the fuKcriburs, for a renews'
of the fame, of which all perlont concerned
are reqnrfted to take notice.
Philadelphia, July io, tftoo i"w'
Twelve Shares
Of ihe Bank of the United States,
NO. 1595* to 15963 inclußve, in the name 01
Thomas Mali tt of London were forward
ed f.bout th« ift of May 1797, from New York,
by the ship Om'i'ia lor London, which was cap
tured by the French, and said Certificates loft or
destroyed ; therefore application is made at the
fai l Bank for the renewal of the sam«, ol which
all persons concerned are desire J to take notice.
Clement Biddle.
Phitad : September j, 1800 djm
A good seci.nd hand
Riding Chair,
and an excellent (am'ly
FOR SALE, Cheap —Enquire of tUe Printer.
September i mufjw
\ PERSON poffefling some capital, a coßfi
•i Jl dcnble share of industry, and desirous ol
enpaemg is a partner in a lucrative liufinrfs,
may hear of a fitui'ioH. All pr'>pn(al» on thit
ftdijeA to be in writing, sealed and dire<£led ti>
W. R. J New York, and left with the printer
of the Gazette of the United States, will be at
tended to.
A Printer would find it to bis advantage
June 5* dtf
OF abilities, inregrrit>* and experience in
mcrcjntile hufinef", woold willingly en
gage at CLERK to a merchant or public of
; e, or be <-*>nccrned with any perron as pait
nw, as be has an intercft of about one thou/and
poan'( r»al estate in the city. Please to Jp
ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office
fur B V. will be attended to immediately.
Mavro m&th tf
A CERTIFICATE, No. i<sl9. dated ift Jan.
uary 1797, in favour ol Robert Linofay, of
Charlcftsn South-Carolina, for one fharc of th
flock of the Bank of the United dtatei is loft—
a duplicate of which will be applied for ac the said
August 7. mSttjm
A Young Man,
PERFECTLY versed in Mercir.tile accounts,
auJ btought up in one of the firft coHtiting
haufe* in this <ity, wishes employment as Clerk.
He i« at present absent from Philadelphia, but a
line left at the Officu of the Gazette of the Uni
ted States he will receive, and it (hall he imme
diately attended to. Salary a fecundity objeit—
Employment hit metive.
august %i dtf
F'or Sale, or to Let,
In Cbcsnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in
the tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Poffeffion may bf
had the firs' ol November next, or f'joner if re
quired Apply W
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 $
■"i 'MK Proprietors oI the Philadelphia and Lan-
JL cider line as Stages DISPATCH, return their
grateful thanks to their friends and the public hi
general, fop the pad lavors they have received,and
inform them 'hat in adilition to the regular Line,
th«y aro provided with Carriages.sober and careful
drivers, to ga through between the City and
Borough is two days. Thole who prefer this mode
of traveling can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, sign of United Btat«« Ecgle, Market street,
Downing, Dunwoody Ist Co.
Nsd. 30. it—§
To Gentlemen Farmers.
DECLINING farming, will affer at public
sale on his Plantation, oppofitc Newbold's
Ifli d on the Delaware, within two miles of
Hordentown, state of Ne.v Jersey, on Saturday,
13th Septfember next at 1 o'clock, hit {lock of
Hnrfe«, Cattle (moftlv fat) an about eighty
Si eep, f mrteen of which are Rams. The prin
cipal psrt of both F-wes and Ram? are an excel
lent breed His plantation he will hold for tale
till next iprinp, when if not fold it will be
rented- Terms of fa'e made known at the
Atiguft jo.
Indian Queen.
THE 'vihCtriher leave to itifbrrh the
Public thit he has t;ikrn that well-known
11 n. the INDIAN QUEEN, lately kept
by Mr J a mt> Thompl'on, deceased, and
T>licif 8 their [fltt >nape as Well as "the pat
ronage of thoc Genthman who were ac
enftomed to f)*e it their I'upport, attu ring
tliem that it (hll he Ccridttfted oil the fame
liberal plan vhich tharafteriled it when
under the fupelintendance ol his predecelTor.
The. house h*s l.idergone a thorough repair,
and it would bftiieedlefs to observe to those
who know then, that the (tables are, in fpi
ciouf tfs and convenience, unequalled in
Philadelphia, aid the belt pfevonder and at
tendance are always provided for horses, by
the Publics obei'ient J", rvaiit.
jam£s coyles.
Ofttber 1.
THE pub ic are hereby informed, that the Bal
timore Coathee will n future ftarr from the In
dian Quern, No. 15, south Forth street, every day
except ■ unday, at 7 i.'cloek, and will arrive at
Peek'i Tavem, Baltimore the next day at 8 o'clock
i-«.j the to New York, will Hart every day
at 8 aud II o'clock.
N. S—A liouk i* kept open at Mr. B<y Chan,
dter't Franklin Held, where feata ISI7 alio b* ta
ken in the above line of fta^ea.
oflober »
Marflial's Sale.
United States, > .
Pennsylvania Disti i:t. ) ■>''
BY tirtue of a writ of venditiona exponas to
mt dire&ed, liltied out of the Circuit Court
o' the United Stat< s, iti and for the Pennfylva
nit Diftvi&, will he expnfcd to public file at
the Merchant's Coffee Mailt m the City of
Philadcldliia, on Friday the oth day Oflo
her next at 7 o'cl. ck 111 th? evening, all the
ri»ht, estate and interell of Oliver Pollock, in
and to two thousand acres of choice lands situate
o-i Pint Creek in the county of Lycoming.—
"eized and taken in execution and to be fold as
the property of Oliver Poll, ek by
JOHN HALL, Marshall.
Marshal's Office, 7
Philadelphia Sept 29, IR.'O-J ?aw tS.
Just Received,
And will be Sold Very Low, if applied for
immediately, by the Package only,
5 Balea Broad-Cloths, affjrted, "J 0
I Bale Plains aD'l Forest cloths, . " "3
t Da. fine Coatings, aflomd, ! ]S jc
10 Do Kendall Cottons, ?
ao Hogfii?ad« Sein« Twine, I o £
4 C: fks I ondon Pewter, J
No. 48, South Front flrcet-
S' , ptemb'T 30. Hit ft codlw.
A Viluable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two hanitfome dwelling
fcoufea, with excellent ftahling for fevcji horses,
doubl' coach-houfc mpft completely fitted up; a
beautiful large and valuabla garden richly filled
with choice fruir, surrounded with high hoard
fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully
fituatcd near the middle of Geramntown, sur
rounded vyth rich profp«stg of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
handsome lawn at th« back of the house.
One house has been rrcently built ox an appro
ved pVap ; the other haj been completely repaired,
painted and papered, and cor.taiti ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty-
The new house is well calculated for a store in
either the dry or wot good line.
The air and water are unrivalled, and there are
some moll excellent fchooli in the neighborhood.
For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of
or, .the premises.
May 9. dtf
THE owners of unimproved lands in Wayne
county, are h«reby notified, that Taxes arc
become y-ayable thereon for the years I ••99 and
1800. Those who have sot already paid their
taxes, re herehy r<quired to discharge the fame
to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Treasurer ..f fa id
County at Milford, within three months from
this date otherwise proceedings to sale, according
to the aft of Affcmbly in l'uch cafe provided, will
e had by the Commiflioners for the county.
Asa Stentorty 1
John Carton, > Commiflioners
Jebannes Van Etten, j
E. Kellogg, Clk.
Nly 9,1810 d 9 0t
Houses to Let:
ONE large conven ent (htee-ftory Brick
D welling-Houfe, with four rooms on a
floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump
of water, and a rain water cittern in the
yard ; situate on the east fide of Fourth-
Street, one door above Race-Street, lately
occupied by Solomon Moroche.
A convenieut Three Story
Next doorfbut one, north ot the above, On Monday morning
No. 57. — It has a Pump and Ciflern in The 49 th instant wiil be landed on
he yard, &c. For terms apply at No. 116
Vrch-Street. 75 Pipes, and ? .Lithm.M*'
August 4.
Apply to
September 17. > diw.
To Printers.
The following MATERIALS will be fold
reasonable if applied for inmtdiately.
1 Prrfs,
3 Founts Long-Primer (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
1 ditto English,
2 ditto Brevier,
i ditto Burgeon,
Several pair of Chafes, fcveral composing
{licks, frame* and galleys, fume brass rules,
Ouowtions, See. Etc. &c: all of the above
will be fold very rea' for Cash,
September 8.
On Wednesday,,
THK iith day of thi* prrfeot mnmK •< Qtoo
b< r, tt to o'clock in the forpn»TO, it Rcf*
and fimpfon') ftorti, on {he wharf betwien Wit
nut 11 reft and the At city of Phi
ladelphia, will tic f»l4 by public *a&imiv—
One hundred andJixty nine baits of
Eaffc India Goods,
Here imported in the (hip -ATLANTIC,
Captain William Waters from Cal
cutta and Madras, to wit :
•itxi pieces of B6iMio':ki Gurrahs
J 700 pieces of GolJh*ad Mamoodies
i 470 pieces of fchoolph»or Copas
400 pieces of Hurial Hummums
500 pieces of Dacca Bafras
1100 pieces of Bnnnahcad Mamooiies
600 pieces of Jalipoir S^wns
70 piices of Nuidia CrifTis
»36 pieces of Nemdercanna Nanfooks
*OO pieces of Vympfiwky Ooffas
4510 pieces of Kcrnah red Cloths
500 pieces of Coliapatty Baftas
469 pieces of Chi'tabttty ditto
4.57 pieces of I.okcvpoors
J3l pieces of Hinial CofTaS
114 pieces of Plut CofTas
159 pi ces of Bme Gurrahs
164 pieces of Cafhmira Coifis
ICO pieces of Kierabad GuZzenaßs
17 pieces of Mulmulls
3 pieces of Nanfooks
4 pieces of Dauamuflins
75 pieces of Chanducoma Handkerchiefs
478 pieces of Tnffities
140 pieces of Silk Pullicat Handkerchiefs
2co pieces of Bandine ditto
1059 pieces of Cuddalore Ginghams
ic6 pieces of Nickar.ees
40 pieces of Long Cl'ths
480 pieces of Madras Handkerchiefs
OF which the particulars will be publiflied in
handbills and the Tales he continued daily until the
who'* are fold* The said goods will be fold for
approved notes, at two, thr e and four months
CLEMENT BIDDLB, Agentsfor the E In"
THO 1" AS M'fcUEN, £ dia Company of N.
• t » The goods may be viewed for fix days be
fore the file, fey applying to
JOHN CONNF.LLY, Auctioneer.
OfloSer 3. dtS
For Sale or Charter,
will be ready in a few days
to receive a cargo.
%' For particul rs apply to the Captain on
board at Walnut Street wharf, er to
Nt. 51, Scutb Second Street.
Who has just received by the said ship and
for sale entitled to drawback,
8* Hhdj. as empty quart bottles.
86 Crates best Delltfisld Company Earthen Ware
ao Bales Bcottifli Oznahurgs
40 Boxes Cr«wn Glass, 8 by i-o
A quantity of excellent LARGE COAIj for
Odoher i
Mary Beck,
RF.SPEC TFUI.LY informs her Friends and the
Vublic, that (he intends op«uing h?r SclcA
SCHOOL on the firft »f October, in Fifth n«ar
Walnut Street, opposite the State House \ard,
where (he will as usual, teach the branches ef po
lite and vfeful literature, including Geography,
Agronomy, Writing, Arithmetic, and every ac
complishment to form a complete liberal
Young Ladies may be accommodated with
Boar 1, &c. in the House, which is very airy aud
Mr. G. Beck's Drawing and Painting School
will commence at the fame time.
fsptcmber 10
Dancing Academy.
Mr, QUESNE 1, wi hr.fpefl informs his pu
pils aud-he public in general, that he intend*
opening his Academy, on vlonday the 6th of Oc
tober , at his new alLmbly room, No, 64, south
Fourth flreet.
Mr. Quefnet is thankful te the Ladies and Gen.
tlemen, tor the liberal encouragement he has ex
perienced every season —he was desirous for some
time to meet wit!* a gentleman of whom the cha
rter and talents, could, united together d fetve
the confidence of the public •. deprived of futh ad
vantage, Mr. Q_has always thought proper to
divide and fix the number ol pus ils; hut this leaf
on tl-e school can be improved one third more
havirg to introduce Mr. Auriol, as an affiilant to
him, and a pcrfon of ability. The scholars lhall
be attended three times a week as usual—Ladies in
the morning ; young Gent'emen in the afternoon ;
and grown Gentlemen in the evening.
N. B The firft pra&ifing ball in private for the
fiiholars.will be a few days after the opening ol the
school ; and the firft ball will be on Thursday, the
l6thO&ober next.
Mr. AURIOL lately arrived frem Paris, rr
fpeaiullyintorms the fuMic in general, that hav.
ingfome time to difpof«ol, h« will attend thofi
l.a.lies and Gentlemen, wh« wish to be taught
private at their own houses.
His lodgings arc at N<v 31, fovth Third street,
' where directions can he leit with his Jady if he is
! able nr..
O&ober I
For Liverpool or Bristol,
Jllll Amity,
VJ/ HAS good accommodations for
pdiicux..r-, ii now discharging her cargo Irom
Hri(lol,and will tie difpatchcd with all c~n»enie"t
speed —For freight or pafligr apply to the cnr>t:in
on hoard, at the next wharf above Market ftrcct,
or to
Nj. 215, Market Street.
September 20. dif.
August 4tt>, ißcc.
THE commanding Cfficers of corps, de
tachments ports. garrisons, and recruiting
panies, belonging! > the military eflablifhrnent
or H.e Unite .1 Stafe>, arc to report to, and
receive orders from Brigadier-General Wil
kinl'on, in the City of Wafhingtw, and all
officers on furlough are to report themselves to
the fame officer with all poffibie dispatch.
Secretary of War.
•s3* All Printers wi'hm the United States
whu have publiflied invitltiana for contrailsef
tne 13th of March lad are requested to insert
the above i» their refpeiflive papers, once a
week f«r tws months.
District of Pennsylvania to nit :
BE it remembered that on the Tenth day of
July in the twenty fifth year of the Indepen
dence of the United States of America, Alexan
der Addifon of the laid Diftr iA hath deposited
in this office the title of a book the right where
of he claims as Author in th» words following
to wit, " Reports of cases in the County courts
of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of
Errors and appeals of the State of Pennfylvaniai,
and charges to Grand Juries of those County
Cohrts. By Alexander Addifon, President of
the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir
cuit of the State ef Penntylvania."
In conformity to the ail of Congrefa oC the Uni
ted States intitled " An a<fl for the encouragement
of learning tif feciiring the copies of maps cfcarts
and tvoks to the Authors and Proprietors of such
copies during the times therein mentioned."
d. Caldwell,
Clerk of the Diflriß of Pennsylvania.
The above book is now puUiihed. It will be de
livered to fubferibers by Mr. Dobfon Bookleller.
J"'y a 3
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Gen, Ridgely of Balti
more, on the 10th inlt. a light coloured
aegro rsah, who calls himfclf WILLIAM
Mc. DONALD ; He is about 24 years of age,;
about 5 feet 8 inches high, neat in his drela, and
has a good fait of hair. Had on, wlken he
went away, a good beaver hat, a flrort light
green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel
low gilt buttons—a light buff caffimer, double
breasted wailtcoat, a pair of dark, olive colour
ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen (frirt*
white ribhed cotton stockings, and a gooes pair
ot (hoes with firings He took with him a
dark blue coat, a pair of olive calhmtr pinta*
loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ;
also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a iteel
chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso
lent, has a stupid laak, and chews tobacco.—
He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and
purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, *nd It
cures him in any jail so that the owner may
got bim again, (hall receive the above reward,
with reasonable charges if brought home, or de
livered to jofhui B. Bond, Philadelphia,
may ' dtf
Referred Trafts,
ON Wednesday the ill day of O&ober next,
books wiil be open in the Office of theSub
fcriber, re tiding in Franklin, for the sale of the
RefervedTra&3 laid out by virtue? of an ad of
AlFembly faffed the Jirh r!ay of April, 1799. —•
One filth part of the purchase money to be p iid
at the time #>f sale, omj fifth part witrtin twelve
months from the clay ef fa!e.. on< fifth pare within
two years from said : ay, and t: e remaining two
sikh parts at or before the expiration o' three
years after l'uch sale N<» contract to be confirm
ed for f:!'-er day-after the fai.-j hooks shall he o
penrd, and the highefl j rice cff redwithm that
•ime w ill be accepted. All payments ma.ic will
'ie forfeited unlef- the purckaler within three ye rs
from the day of sale makes ::n a&ual f. rriement
.•n t h r trail jurchai'e.!, by c" f-nrug, a; d
?ult vatmjr at knit two acres f,r every fifty con
tained in the lurvey, thereon a mes
s .age for the habitation of man, ~nd reii je there
on ic?rthe space of five years next following the
firft fectlcment of the fame No patents to iflue,
uniefs fati-.' ->ry proof Ihr. i! !> e made of such
a&ual Settlement, r«.fidcnce, and improvement.
tß'bft tf
tu th& fa im
Franklin, July 28, 1800.
augult 8
HAVING opened a.Store at No. 19, Dock
street, for the tranfailisg all manner of busi
ness in the Mercantile line, on rommiflion, £>•
licits the employment of bis friends and others,
in this way, as their Fadlor, alluring them that
their orders lhall be carefully attended to anel
executed in the bell manner in his power.
Bn. F. WEST.
fep ereher tf «| 15 w
On Fifth Day the 9th ot Odlobrr, on the
premises, The
Mary-/Vnn Forge
And Plantation:
SITUATE part in 3randywine townlhip, and
part in Werckland, about 30 milts from Phi
ladelphia,and one and an hali mile from the Turn
pike road, and Downing's town ; containing,
about 330 acres, with allowance of 6 acres per
too ; two thirds of the land is good woodland,
some excellent meadow made, and much more
can be made of the firft quality ; the forge is.
turned by the main branch of Bran lywine Creek,
a forcible Stream, the forge has three fires an<V
two hammers all in good repair. The dam being
found and well backed, and apparantly able to
refill any frefh (not supernatural) Likewise there
is another lively stream and current of water, that
empties into the laid dam, that might be v-ry con
vergent for a Grift Mill, or other kind of water
works, might be with facility created; there is a
good twK-fiory stone dwelling-house for the ac
commodation of the proprietor of the works, with
an excellent spring and good houfc over it; con
tiguous to the door also convenient llone stabling,
with an entry through the mid-'le fufficient t*
accommodate three teams, betides haokney borfes;
contiguous to the forge stands a good stone olfice,
and a number of convenient houfo6 for the work
man is ereiled amply adequate for thj said works.
If not then fold it will he rented for a term of
years Terms and conditions made known by
applying to
WILLI \M EVANS, in Willistown,
er JOHN MARSHALL, in Thorn*
bury Township.
N. B. Th: Sale to commence at 1 o'clock o«
said day.
. tk&ftf
\utr. 5 fsaw6«r
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Office of the Gazette of
the United Suus
July 19.
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